Atlas Copco Document GA90
Atlas Copco Document GA90
Atlas Copco Document GA90
Instruction book
Atlas Copco
Oil-injected rotary screw compressors
Instruction book
Original instructions
Copyright notice
Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.
This instruction book is valid for CE as well as non-CE labelled machines. It meets the
requirements for instructions specified by the applicable European directives as identified
in the Declaration of Conformity.
2014 - 02
No. 2920 7105 13
Instruction book
Table of contents
1 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................6
2 General description......................................................................................................12
2.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................12
3.8 COUNTERS......................................................................................................................................43
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5 OSCi (optional)..............................................................................................................81
5.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................81
5.2 OPERATION.....................................................................................................................................82
5.4 PICTOGRAPHS.................................................................................................................................88
5.7 WARNINGS......................................................................................................................................90
5.8 MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................92
6.3 OPERATION...................................................................................................................................101
6.4 MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................................................104
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7 Installation...................................................................................................................107
7.5 PICTOGRAPHS...............................................................................................................................119
8 Operating instructions...............................................................................................121
9 Maintenance................................................................................................................131
9.6 COOLERS.....................................................................................................................................137
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10 Problem solving..........................................................................................................142
11 Technical data.............................................................................................................153
15 Declaration of conformity..........................................................................................171
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1 Safety precautions
Important note
General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related work safety requirements and
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with the applicable legislation, the stricter of the two
shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorized, trained,
specialized personnel. The personnel should apply safe working practices by use of personal protection
equipment, appropriate tools and defined procedures.
4. The compressor is not considered capable of producing air of breathing quality. For air of breathing quality,
the compressed air must be adequately purified according to the applicable legislation and standards.
5. Before any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor,
press the emergency stop button, switch off the voltage and depressurize the compressor. In addition, the
power isolating switch must be opened and locked.
On units powered by a frequency converter, wait 10 minutes before starting any electrical repair.
If the machine is equipped with an automatic restart after voltage failure function and if this
function is active, be aware that the machine will restart automatically when the power is
restored if it was running when the power was interrupted!
6. Never play with compressed air. Do not apply the air to your skin or direct an air stream at people. Never
use the air to clean dirt from your clothes. When using the air to clean equipment, do so with extreme
caution and wear eye protection.
7. The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in safe operating condition. Parts and accessories shall
be replaced if unsuitable for safe operation.
8. It is prohibited to walk or stand on the unit or on its components.
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16. Piping or other parts with a temperature in excess of 70C (158F) and which may be accidentally touched
by personnel in normal operation must be guarded or insulated. Other high temperature piping must be
clearly marked.
17. For water-cooled machines, the cooling water system installed outside the machine has to be protected by
a safety device with set pressure according to the maximum cooling water inlet pressure.
18. If the ground is not level or can be subject to variable inclination, consult the manufacturer.
19. If the device is a dryer and no free extinguishing system is present in the air net close to the dryer, safety
valves must be installed in the vessels of the dryer.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application
which are not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
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Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application
which are not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
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12. Whenever there is an indication or any suspicion that an internal part of a machine is overheated, the
machine shall be stopped but no inspection covers shall be opened before sufficient cooling time has
elapsed; this to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition of the oil vapour when air is admitted.
13. Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of a machine, pressure vessel, etc.
14. Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the machine.
15. All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly.
They may not be put out of action.
16. Before clearing the machine for use after maintenance or overhaul, check that operating pressures,
temperatures and time settings are correct. Check that all control and shut-down devices are fitted and that
they function correctly. If removed, check that the coupling guard of the compressor drive shaft has been
17. Every time the separator element is renewed, examine the discharge pipe and the inside of the oil separator
vessel for carbon deposits; if excessive, the deposits should be removed.
18. Protect the motor, air filter, electrical and regulating components, etc. to prevent moisture from entering
them, e.g. when steam cleaning.
19. Make sure that all sound-damping material and vibration dampers, e.g. damping material on the bodywork
and in the air inlet and outlet systems of the compressor, is in good condition. If damaged, replace it by
genuine material from the manufacturer to prevent the sound pressure level from increasing.
20. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the air net, e.g. polycarbonate bowls.
21. The following safety precautions are stressed when handling refrigerant:
Never inhale refrigerant vapours. Check that the working area is adequately ventilated; if required, use
breathing protection.
Always wear special gloves. In case of refrigerant contact with the skin, rinse the skin with water. If
liquid refrigerant contacts the skin through clothing, never tear off or remove the latter; flush
abundantly with fresh water over the clothing until all refrigerant is flushed away; then seek medical
first aid.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during operation.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application
which are not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
It is important to follow all regulations regarding the use of radio equipment, in particular to the possibility
of radio frequency (RF) interference. Please follow the safety advice given below carefully.
Respect the restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots, chemical plants or other explosive
Avoid SMARTBOX operation close to personal medical devices (e.g. hearing aids and pacemakers).
Consult the manufacturers of the medical device to determine if it is adequately protected.
Avoid SMARTBOX operation close to other electronic equipment. It may cause interference if the
equipment is inadequately protected. Observe any warning signs and manufacturers recommendations.
Respect a distance from the human body of at least 20 cm (0.66 ft) during operation.
Do not operate the SMARTBOX in areas where cellular modems are not advised without proper device
certifications. These areas include environments where cellular radio can interfere such as explosive
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atmospheres, medical equipment, or any other equipment which may be susceptible to any form of radio
interference. The modem can transmit signals that could interfere with this equipment.
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2 General description
2.1 Introduction
GA 55 VSD up to GA 90 VSD are single-stage, oil-injected screw compressors driven by an electric motor.
The compressors are enclosed in a sound-insulated bodywork and are available in air-cooled and water cooled
The compressors are controlled by the Atlas Copco Elektronikon Graphic regulator.
The machine is SMARTLINK-ready. SMARTLINK is Atlas Copco's web-based platform to monitor
compressed air installations.
The electronic control module is fitted to the door at the right side. An electric cabinet comprising fuses,
transformers, relays, etc. is located behind this panel.
Atlas Copco's integrated VSD (Variable Speed Drive) technology mirrors air usage, automatically adjusting
the motor speed depending on the compressed air demand.
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GA Workplace
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Reference Name
AR Air receiver
AV Air outlet valve
Ca Air cooler
Co Oil cooler
CV/Vs Check valve/oil stop valve
Da Automatic condensate outlet
E Compressor element
ER Elektronikon Graphic controller
FN Cooling fan
MT Condensate trap
M1 Drive motor
OF Oil filter
S3 Emergency stop button
VP Vent plug
1 Electric cabinet
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GA Workplace Full-Feature
The Workplace Full Feature compressors are provided with an air dryer which is integrated in the sound-
insulated bodywork. The dryer removes condensate from the compressed air by cooling the air to near freezing
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Reference Name
AF Air filter
AR Air receiver
AV Air outlet valve
Ca Air cooler
Co Oil cooler
CV/Vs Check valve/oil stop valve
Da Automatic condensate outlet
Da1 Automatic condensate outlet, dryer
DR Dryer
E Compressor element
ER Elektronikon Graphic controller
FN Cooling fan
MT Condensate trap
M1 Drive motor
OF Oil filter
S3 Emergency stop button
VP Vent plug
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Reference Name
1 Electric cubicle
Flow diagrams
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Reference Description
A Air inlet
B Air/oil mixture
C Oil
D Wet compressed air
E Condensate
F Dry compressed air (Full-Feature)
Air drawn in through filter (AF) and check valve (CV) is compressed in compressor element (E).
A mixture of compressed air and oil flows into the air receiver/oil separator (AR). The air is discharged through
the outlet valve via minimum pressure valve (Vp), air cooler (Ca) and condensate trap (MT).
Minimum pressure valve (Vp) prevents the receiver pressure from dropping below a minimum pressure and
includes a check valve which prevents blow-back of compressed air from the net.
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Flow diagram
Reference Description
A Air inlet
B Air/oil mixture
C Oil
D Wet compressed air
1 To the air outlet valve in case of a Workplace version.
To the dryer in case of a Workplace Full-Feature version.
In air receiver (AR) most of the oil is removed from the air/oil mixture by centrifugal action. The remaining
oil is removed by oil separator (OS). The oil collects in the lower part of air receiver/oil separator (AR) which
serves as oil tank.
The oil system is provided with a thermostatic bypass valve (BV). When the oil temperature is below 40 C
(104 F), the bypass valve shuts off the oil supply from oil cooler (Co). Air pressure forces the oil from air
receiver (AR) through oil filter (OF) and oil stop valve (Vs) to compressor element (E). Oil cooler (Co) is
bypassed. When the oil temperature has increased to 40 C (104 F), bypass valve (BV) starts opening the
supply from oil cooler (Co). At approx. 55 C (131 F), all the oil flows through the oil cooler.
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Air-cooled compressors
References Description
A Intake air
B Air/oil mixture
C Oil
D Wet compressed air
E Condensate
The cooling system on air-cooled compressors comprises air cooler (Ca) and oil cooler (Co).
The cooling air flow is generated by fan (FN). This cooling fan is switched on and off depending on the
operating conditions according a specific algorithm.
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Water-cooled compressors
References Description
A Intake air
B Air/oil mixture
C Oil
D Wet compressed air
F Water flow
The cooling system on water-cooled compressors comprises air cooler (Cwa) and oil cooler (Cwo).
They are connected to a cooling water circuit. The water flows through the inlet pipe, the coolers and the
outlet pipe.
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Drain connections
The compressors have an electronic water drain (EWD). The condensate formed in the air cooler accumulates
in the collector. When the condensate reaches a certain level, it is discharged through the automatic drain
outlet (Da).
On Full-Feature compressors, an additional electronic water drain (EWD1) is provided. The condensate trap
of the heat exchanger is drained by EWD1 and discharged through automatic drain outlet (Da1).
See also section Air flow.
Testing the electronic water drain can be done by briefly pressing the test button (1) on top of the device.
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Reference Designation
Da Automatic drain connection
Dm Manual drain connection
Da1 Automatic drain connection of the dryer (only on Full-Feature units)
Dm1 Manual drain connection of the dryer (only on Full-Feature units)
Beside each automatic drain outlet is a manual (Dm) condensate drain connection for manually draining of
the condensate.
If the consumption is less than the air output of the compressor, the net pressure increases. When the net
pressure is higher than the set-point (desired net pressure), the regulator will decrease the motor speed. If the
net pressure keeps on rising when the motor runs at minimum speed, the regulator stops the motor. If the
motor is stopped automatically and the net pressure approaches the set-point, the regulator will restart the
Electric components
The electrical system comprises the frequency converter Neos (or ABB optional) with the following
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Reference Designation
T1 Transformer
Q15 Circuit breaker
Q1 Circuit breaker
K15 Contactor
F15 Overload relay
Z1+L1 EMC filter and choke
U1 Frequency converter
PE Earthing terminal
S10 Main switch (optional)
Electrical diagrams
The complete electrical diagram can be found in the electric cubicle.
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Flow diagram
Air dryer
Reference Name
AI Air inlet
AO Air outlet
1 Air/air heat exchanger
2 Air/refrigerant heat exchanger/evaporator
3 Condensate separator
4 Automatic drain / condensate outlet
5 Refrigerant compressor
6 Refrigerant condenser
7 Liquid refrigerant dryer/filter
8 Capillary
9 Bypass valve
10 Condenser cooling fan
11 Pressure switch, fan control
12 Liquid separator
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The cold, dried air flows through heat exchanger (1) where it is warmed up by the incoming air.
Refrigerant circuit
Refrigeration dryers of ID type contain high efficient refrigerant R410A of the HFC group.
Compressor (5) delivers hot, high-pressure refrigerant gas which flows through condenser (6) where most of
the refrigerant condenses.
The liquid refrigerant flows through liquid refrigerant dryer/filter (7) to capillary tube (8). The refrigerant
leaves the capillary tube at about evaporating pressure.
The refrigerant enters evaporator (2) where it withdraws heat from the compressed air by further evaporation
at about constant pressure. The heated refrigerant leaves the evaporator and is sucked in by the compressor
(5) through a liquid separator (12).
By-pass valve (9) regulates the refrigerant flow. Fan (10) is switched on or off by switch (11) depending on
the pressure degree of the condensate.
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Control panel
The Elektronikon controller has following functions:
Controlling the compressor
Protecting the compressor
Monitoring components subject to service
Automatic restart after voltage failure (made inactive)
A number of time based automatic start/stop commands may be programmed. Take into
account that a start command will be executed (if programmed and activated), even after
manually stopping the compressor.
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Shut-down warning
A shut-down warning level is a programmable level below the shut-down level.
If one of the measured signals exceeds the programmed shut-down warning level, a message will appear on
display (1) and general alarm LED (2) will light up to warn the operator that the shut-down warning level is
The message disappears as soon as the warning condition disappears.
A warning message will appear if, on Full-Feature compressors, the dew point temperature is too high in
relation to the ambient temperature.
Service warning
A number of service operations are grouped (called Service Plans). Each Service Plan has a programmed time
interval. If a time interval is exceeded, a message will appear on display (1) to warn the operator to carry out
the service actions belonging to that Service Plan.
If the function is activated and provided the regulator was in the automatic operation mode,
the compressor will automatically restart if the supply voltage to the module is restored.
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Elektronikon regulator
Control panel
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Status icons
Running unloaded
Running loaded
Network control
Automatic restart after voltage Automatic restart after voltage failure is active
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Not valid
Input icons
Icon Description
Digital input
Special protection
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System icons
Icon Description
Compressor element (LP, HP, ...)
Frequency converter
Network problem
General alarm
Menu icons
Icon Description
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Icon Description
Navigation arrows
Icon Description
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Control panel
The Main screen is the screen that is shown automatically when the voltage is switched on and one of the
keys is pushed. It is switched off automatically after a few minutes when no keys are pushed.
Typically, 5 different main screen views can be chosen:
1. Two value lines
2. Four value lines
3. Chart (High resolution)
4. Chart (Medium resolution)
5. Chart (Low resolution)
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Text on figures
Text on figures
Section A shows information regarding the compressor operation (e.g. the outlet pressure or the
temperature at the compressor outlet). On compressors with a frequency converter, the load degree (flow)
is given in % of the maximum flow.
Section B shows Status icons. Following icon types are shown in this field:
Fixed icons
These icons are always shown in the main screen and cannot be selected by the cursor (e.g. Compressor
stopped or running, Compressor status (running, running unloaded or motor stopped).
Optional icons
These icons are only shown if their corresponding function is activated (e.g. week timer, automatic
restart after voltage failure , etc.)
Pop up icons
These icons pop up if an abnormal condition occurs (warnings, shutdowns, service,...)
To call up more information about the icons shown, select the icon concerned using the scroll keys and
press the enter key.
Section C is called the Status bar
This bar shows the text that corresponds to the selected icon.
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Designation Function
Menu To go to the menu
Modify To modify programmable settings
Reset To reset a timer or message
To activate an action button, highlight the button by using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key.
To go back to the previous menu, press the Escape key.
Chart views
Instead of viewing values, it is also possible to view a graph of one of the input signals (see section Inputs
menu) in function of the time.
When Chart (High Resolution) is selected, the chart shows the variation of the selected input (in this case the
pressure) per minute. Also the instantaneous value is displayed. The screen shows the last 4 minutes.
The switch button (icon) for selecting other screens is changed into a small Chart and is highlighted (active).
When the Chart (Medium Resolution) is selected, the chart shows the variation of the selected input per
hour. The screen shows the last 4 hours.
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When the Chart (Low Resolution) is selected, the chart shows the variation of the selected input per day. The
screen shows the evolution over the last 10 days.
Select the layout required and press the Enter key. See also section Inputs menu.
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Control panel
Control panel
When the voltage is switched on, the main screen is shown automatically (see section Main screen):
To go to the Menu screen, select <Menu> (3), using the Scroll keys.
Press the Enter key to select the menu. Following screen appears:
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The screen shows a number of icons. Each icon indicates a menu item. By default, the Pressure Settings
(Regulation) icon is selected. The status bar shows the name of the menu that corresponds with the selected
Use the Scroll keys to select an icon.
Press the Escape key to return to the Main screen.
Control panel
To display the actual value of the measured data (analog inputs) and the status of the digital inputs (e.g.
emergency stop contact, motor overload relay, etc.).
To select the digital input to be shown on the chart in the main screen.
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Starting from the main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Text on image
(1) Menu
(2) Regulation
Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Inputs icon (see above, section Menu icon).
Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:
Text on image
(1) Inputs
(2) Compressor outlet
(3) Element outlet
(4) Ambient air
(5) Emergency stop
The screen shows a list of all inputs with their corresponding icons and readings.
If an input is in warning or shutdown, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown icon
respectively (i.c. the Stop icon and the Warning icon in the screen shown above).
A small chart icon, shown below an item in the list means this input signal is shown on the chart at the main
screen. Any analog input can be selected.
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The first item in the list is highlighted. In this example, the Net Pressure is selected (chart icon).
To change, press the Enter button again: a pop-up window opens:
Press Enter again to remove this input from the chart. Another confirmation pop-up opens:
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Control panel
To call up information regarding the actual status of some outputs such as the condition of the Fan overload
contact (on air cooled compressors), the Emergency stop contact, etc.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Text on figure
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(1) Menu
(2) Regulation
Move the cursor to the Outputs icon (see above, section Menu icon, using the Scroll keys.
Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:
Text on image
(1) Outputs
(2) Fan motor contact
(3) Blow-off contact
(4) General shutdown
(5) Automatic operation
The screen shows a list of all outputs with their corresponding icons and readings.
If an output is in warning or shutdown, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown icon
3.8 Counters
Control panel
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To call up:
The running hours
The loaded hours
The number of motor starts
The number of hours that the regulator has been powered
The number of load cycles
The number of recirculation cycles
The number of recirculation cycle failures
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Text on figure
(1) Menu
(2) Regulation
Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Counters icon (see above, section Menu icon)
Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Text on figure
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(1) Counters
(2) Running Hours
(3) Motor Starts
(4) Load Relay
(5) VSD 1-20 % rpm in % (the percentage of the time during which the motor speed
was between 1 and 20 %)
(6) Recirculation Cycles
(7) Recirculation Failures
The screen shows a list of all counters with their actual readings.
Control panel
To select the control mode, i.e. whether the compressor is in local control, remote control or controlled via a
local area network (LAN).
Starting from the main screen, make sure the button Menu (1) is selected:
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Next, use the scroll buttons to go to the regulation icon (2) and press the enter button:
After selecting the required regulation mode, press the enter button on the controller to confirm your selection.
The new setting is now visible on the main screen. See section Icons used for the meaning of the icons.
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Control panel
To reset the service plans which are carried out.
To check when the next service plans are to be carried out.
To find out which service plans were carried out in the past.
To modify the programmed service intervals.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Service icon (see above, section Menu icon).
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Text on image
(1) Service
(2) Overview
(3) Service plan
(4) Next service
(5) History
Scroll through the items to select the desired item and press the Enter key to see the details as explained
Text on image
(1) Overview
(2) Running Hours
(3) Real Time hours
(4) Reset
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The figures within the bars are the number of hours to go till the next service intervention. In the example
above, the compressor was just started up, which means it still has 4000 running hours or 8280 hours to go
before the next Service intervention.
Service plans
A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, Level B, etc...). Each level stands for a number
of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon controller.
When a service plan interval is reached, a message will appear on the screen.
After carrying out the service actions related to the indicated levels, the timers must be reset.
From the Service menu above, select Service plan (3) and press Enter. Following screen appears:
Text on image
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Modify the value as required using the or scroll key and press the Enter key to confirm.
Note: Running hours can be modified in steps of 100 hours, real time hours can be modified in steps of 1
Next Service
Text on image
In the example above, the A Service level is programmed at 4000 running hours, of which 0 hours have passed.
The History screen shows a list of all service actions done in the past, sorted by date. The date at the top is
the most recent service action. To see the details of a completed service action (e.g. Service level, Running
hours or Real time hours), use the Scroll keys to select the desired action and press the Enter key.
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Control panel
On compressors with a frequency converter driven main motor, it is possible to program two different
setpoints. This menu is also used to select the active setpoint.
Starting from the Main screen,
Highlight the action key Menu using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Text on image
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(1) Menu
(2) Regulation
Activate the menu by pressing the enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:
Text on image
(1) Regulation
(2) Setpoint 1
(3) Indirect stop level 1
(4) Direct stop level 1
(5) Setpoint 2
(6) Modify
The first line of the screen is highlighted. Use the Scroll keys (1) to highlight the setting to be modified
and press the Enter key (2). Following screen appears:
The upper and lower limit of the setting is shown in grey, the actual setting is shown in black. Use the
or key of the Scroll keys to modify the settings as required and press the Enter key to accept.
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If necessary, change the other settings as required in the same way as described above.
Indirect stop: occurs when the pressure rises to the pre-set Indirect stop setpoint (= setpoint plus Indirect stop
level). The motor will decelerate to minimum speed and the compressor will switch to unloaded condition.
Direct stop: occurs when the compressor runs at a speed between minimum and maximum and the net pressure
rises above the direct stop setpoint (= setpoint plus Direct stop level).
Both settings (Indirect stop level and Direct stop level) are programmable, see section Programmable settings.
Control panel
To call up the last shut-down and last emergency stop data.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
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Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Event History icon (see above, section Menu icon)
The list of last shut-down and emergency stop cases is shown.
Scroll through the items to select the desired shut-down or emergency stop event.
Press the Enter key to find the date, time and other data reflecting the status of the compressor when that
shut-down or emergency stop occurred.
Control panel
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To display and modify a number of settings.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Next, move the cursor to the Settings icon (see above, section menu icon).using the Scroll keys.
Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
This screen shows again a number of icons. By default, the User Password icon is selected. The status bar
shows the description that corresponds with the selected icon. Each icon covers one or more items , such
Access level
Automatic restart after voltage failure (ARAF)
For adapting certain parameters, a password may be necessary.
Example: Selecting the General Settings icon gives the possibility to change e.g. the language, the date,
the date format, etc.:
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Text on image
(1) General
(2) Language used
(3) Time
(4) Date
(5) Date format
(6) Modify
To modify, select the Modify button using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key.
A screen similar to the one above is shown, the first item (Language) is highlighted. Use the key of the
Scroll keys to select the setting to be modified and press the Enter key.
A pop-up screen appears. Use the or key to select the required value and press the Enter key to confirm.
Control panel
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To show the Atlas Copco internet address.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Info icon (see above, section Menu icon).
Press the Enter key. The Atlas Copco internet address appears on the screen.
Control panel
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Instruction book
To program time-based start/stop commands for the compressor
To program time-based change-over commands for the net pressure band
Four different week schemes can be programmed.
A week cycle can be programmed, a week cycle is a sequence of 10 weeks. For each week in the cycle,
one of the four programmed week schemes can be chosen.
Important remark:
In the Elektronikon you can select different timers on one day.(up to 8 actions). It is
however not possible to program 2 actions at the same time. The solution: leave at least
1 minute in between 2 actions.
Example: Start Compressor: 5.00 AM, Pressure Setpoint 2: 5.01 AM (or later).
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Use the Scroll buttons to select the
Timer icon.
Text on figure
(1) Menu
(2) Week Timer
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The first item in this list is highlighted in red. Select the item requested and press the Enter key on the
controller to modify.
A weekly list is shown. Monday is automatically selected and highlighted in red. Press the Enter key on
the controller to set an action for this day.
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(6) Friday
(7) Saturday
(8) Sunday
A new window opens. The Modify action button is selected. Press the enter button on the controller to
create an action.
(1) Monday
(2) Modify
A new pop-up window opens. Select an action from this list by using the Scroll keys on the controller.
When ready press the Enter key to confirm.
(1) Monday
(2) Actions
(3) Remove
(4) Start
(5) Stop
(6) Pressure Setpoint 1
(7) Modify
A new window opens. The action is now visible in the first day of the week.
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(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify
To adjust the time, use the Scroll keys on the controller and press the Enter key to confirm.
(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify
A pop-up window opens. Use the or key of Scroll keys to modify the values of the hours. Use the
or Scroll keys to go to the minutes.
(1) Monday
(2) Time
(3) Save
(4) Modify
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Press the Escape key on the controller. The action button Modify is selected. Use the Scroll keys to select
the action Save.
(1) Monday
(2) Start
(3) Save
(4) Modify
A new pop-up window opens. Use the Scroll keys on the controller to select the correct actions. Press the
Enter key to confirm.
(1) Monday
(3) Are you sure?
(4) No
(5) Yes
(6) Save
(7) Modify
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(3) Week 2
(4) Week 3
(5) Week 4
(6) Modify
Press twice the Enter key on the controller to modify the first week.
A new window opens. Select the action, example: Week Action Scheme 1
A new window opens. Select Week 1 to set the Week Timer active.
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Press the Escape key on the controller to leave this window. The status shows that week 1 is active.
Press the Escape key on the controller to go to the main Week Timer menu. Select Remaining Running
Time from the list and press the Enter key on the controller to Modify.
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This timer is used when the week timer is set and for certain reasons the compressor must continue working,
for example, 1 hour, it can be set in this screen. This timer is prior to the Week Timer action.
Control panel
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To carry out a display test, i.e. to check whether the display and LEDs are still intact.
Starting from the Main screen,
Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the enter key (2), following screen appears:
Using the scroll keys (1), move the cursor to the test icon (see above, section Menu icon)
Press the enter key (2), following screen appears:
The safety valve test can only be performed by authorized personnel and is protected by a security code.
Select the item display test and press the enter key. A screen is shown to inspect the display, at the same
time all LED's are lit.
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Control panel
If the password option is activated, it is impossible for not authorized persons to modify any setting.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen),
Move the cursor to <Menu> and press the Enter key (2). Following screen appears:
Using the Scroll keys, select the <Settings> icon (see section Modifying general settings)
Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:
68 2920 7105 13
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Move the cursor to the Password icon (see above, section Menu icon)
Select <Modify> using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. Next, modify the password as required.
Getting started
Use a UTP cable (CAT 5e) to connect to the controller (see picture below).
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Select the Local Area connection (1), which is connected to the controller.
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Use the check box Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (1) (see picture). To avoid conflicts, uncheck other properties
if they are checked. After selecting TCP/IP, click on the Properties button (2) to change the settings.
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Click on the Connections tab (1) and then click on the LAN settings button (2).
In the Proxy server Group box, click on the Advanced button (1).
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In the Exceptions Group box, enter the IP address of your controller. Multiple IP addresses can be given
but they must be separated with semicolons (;).
Example: Suppose that you already added two IP addresses ( and Now you
add and separate the 3 IP addresses by putting semicolons between them (1) (see picture).
Click OK (2) to close the window.
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All screen shots are indicative. The number of displayed fields depends on the selected
Open your browser and type the IP address of the controller you want to view in your browser (in this
example The interface opens:
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Compressor settings
All compressor settings can be displayed or hidden. Put a check mark in front of each point of interest and it
will be displayed. Only the machine status is fixed and can not be removed from the main screen.
Analog inputs
Lists all current analog input values. The measurement units can be changed in the preference button from
the navigation menu.
Lists all current counter values from controller and compressor.
Info status
Machine status is always shown on the web interface.
Digital inputs
Lists all Digital inputs and their status.
Digital outputs
Lists all Digital outputs and their status.
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Special protections
Lists all special protections of the compressor.
Service plan
Displays all levels of the service plan and their status. This screen shot underneath only shows the running
hours. It is also possible to show the current status of the service interval.
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Specific protections
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Instruction book
Service plan
The built-in service timers will give a Service warning message after their respective preprogrammed time
interval has elapsed.
For specific data, see section Preventive Maintenance.
Consult Atlas Copco if a timer setting needs to be changed. The intervals must not exceed the nominal intervals
and must coincide logically. See section Modifying general settings.
Term Explanation
ARAVF Automatic Restart After Voltage Failure. See section Elektronikon regulator.
Power recovery Is the period within which the voltage must be restored to have an automatic restart. Is
time accessible if the automatic restart is activated. To activate the automatic restart function,
consult Atlas Copco.
Restart delay This parameter allows to programme that not all compressors are restarted at the same
time after a power failure (ARAVF active).
Compressor The recommended minimum setting is 70 C (158 F). For testing the temperature sensor
element outlet the setting can be decreased to 50 C (122 F). Reset the value after testing.
The regulator does not accept inconsistent settings, e.g. if the warning level is programmed
at 95 C (203 F), the minimum limit for the shut-down level changes to 96 C (204 F). The
recommended difference between the warning level and shut-down level is 10 C (18 F).
Delay at signal Is the time period during which the warning signal must exist before the warning message
Delay at start Is the time period after starting which must expire before generating a warning. The setting
should be less than the setting for the delay at signal.
Minimum stop Once the compressor has automatically stopped, it will remain stopped for the minimum
time stop time, whatever happens with the net air pressure.
Proportional band The settings for the Proportional band and integration time are determined by experiment.
and integration Altering these settings may damage the compressor. Consult Atlas Copco.
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The machine is equipped with a SMARTBOX mounted in the electrical cabinet.
The SMARTBOX allows read-out of a number of parameters of the machine on a user login-protected web
site called SMARTLINK. The connected antenna is mounted on the outside of the machine.
In case SMARTLINK access is desired, at least one machine SMARTLINK-ready machine is required.
Follow the next steps:
Take the information about the SMARTLINK-ready machine(s) (e.g. picture of the data plate; invoice,
Go to the SMARTLINK web site
Click on the left button in the screen below.
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5 OSCi (optional)
5.1 Introduction
Compressed air produced by oil-injected compressors contains a small quantity of oil. During the cooling of
the air in the aftercooler and in the refrigeration dryer (on compressors with built-in refrigeration dryer), oil-
containing condensate is formed.
The OSCi is a condensate treatment device, designed to separate most of this oil from the water and to sorb
it in its replaceable filters, thus preventing contamination of the environment. It is capable to break and sorb
most stable emulsions. The OSCi is insensitive to shocks and vibrations because of the use of filters and can
be used with all types of drains. The condensate meets the requirements of the environmental codes.
The OSCi is installed inside the canopy of the compressor.
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5.2 Operation
1 Condensate inlet
2 Foam cover
3 Oleophilic filter
4 Service drains with valve
5 Air injection connection
6 OGC filter
7 Activated carbon filter
8 Condensate test outlet
9 Condensate outlet
The OSCi 3790 housing consists of 3 interconnected vessels. The oil-containing condensate is injected (1) in
discontinuous bursts at a downward angle into the first vessel which acts as expansion chamber. The specially
designed cover has a combination of pressure-relieving holes and a foam (2). Since the pressure is relieved
here, the entire OSCi device is pressureless. In the first vessel, a floating filter (3) made of special synthetic
fibres takes up most of the directly separable hydrocarbons from the condensate. The filter sinks as it saturates
with hydrocarbons and hence the lifetime progress of the filter can be measured by an indicator that rests on
the bag. A conventional sight glass is installed for visual inspection of the filter position and the condensate
level. On top of that, an electronic position sensor (8 - View of OSCi, 1 - View of OSCi inlet) is connected
to the Elektronikon Graphic regulator of the compressor to keep track of the filter lifetime without the need
to open the compressor canopy.
The outlet of the first vessel is situated at the bottom and is connected to the upper half of the second vessel.
In the second vessel, the pre-filtered condensate is brought in contact with a filter bag (6), filled with oleophilic
granular clay (OGC). Through a connection (5) at the bottom of the second vessel, air is injected into the
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condensate. This airflow breaks stable emulsions by enhancing the sorption process of oil onto the OGC. The
air supply also prevents the formation of certain anaerobic bacteria. Also the cover of the second vessel is
equipped with ventilation holes to prevent pressure buildup. The airflow is taken from the aftercooler (on air
cooled units) or from the water separator (WSD) (on water cooled units). An integrated nozzle with strainer
limits the airflow (approximately 450 l/h at reference conditions), while a solenoid valve makes sure no
compressed air is used when the compressor is not delivering air.
A level switch (7 - View of OSCi), connected to the Elektronikon Graphic controller of the compressor
monitors the condensate level in the second vessel. During normal operation this switch is in the closed
position, so that any abnormality (a too high condensate level) opens the electric circuit and triggers the alarm,
which is made visible on the Elektronikon display (see section Warnings).
The condensate further flows to the third vessel, through a pipe connecting both lower halves of the vessels.
An activated carbon filter (7) cleans the condensate further, and the clean condensate flows out of connection
(9). A test outlet (8) is positioned below the normal outlet. Both outlets are connected to the compressor drain
plate by their corresponding tubes.
At the bottom of the vessels, drain tubes with valves (4) are provided for easy servicing.
In this setup, the cleaning process can be understood by splitting it up per vessel:
First vessel: pre-separation and sorption of most of the free, directly separable oil
Second vessel: emulsion separation and oil sorption
Third vessel: sorption of the remaining oil
2920 7105 13 83
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View of OSCi
1 Clamping ring
2 Foam cover
3 Location of sample bottles and connection material (during shipping only)
4 Service drains with valve
5 Fixation bolts
6 Wire and tube clamp
7 Overflow switch
8 Filter position sensor and visual indication of the filter position
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Detail views
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1 Condensate outlet
2 Condensate test outlet
Drain plate
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Drain plate
5. Connect an outlet tube leading to the sewage system (19 mm inner diameter). Since the OSCi functions
at atmospheric pressure, the outlet piping must always be positioned below the outlet connection on the
OSCi vessel 3, unless a pump (able to run dry) is installed (not provided).
6. Check that the filter in the first tower is of circular shape and that it can move freely up and down. Pour
clean water along the inner edge of the first tower until water flows out of the outlet connection or until
the water reaches the bottom of the sensor chamber (visible through the sight-glass). The oleophilic filter
(vessel 1) will start to float. Verify that the sensor arm (8) is in the upward position and rests on the edge
of the filter bag.
7. Check that there are no leaks at the connections between vessel 1, 2 and 3. If there is a leak, proceed to
Problem solving, fault 3.
8. Put the cover back on the first tower, tighten the clamping ring and close the compressor bodywork.
All outlet tubes outside the compressor must be positioned below the outlet drain
connection (drain plate) of the compressor, at least up to where a pump is installed.
Outlet piping must be installed with a slight downward slope to the sewer, unless a pump
is installed.
5.4 Pictographs
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Following important parameters of the OSCi can be consulted from the Elektronikon display:
The remaining filter lifetime, expressed as a percentage compared to new filters (100%)
The status of the overflow switch
To consult these data, please follow the steps given in the following sections.
The OSCi is referenced by the Elektronikon Graphic with the following symbol:
Press the right arrow and press enter to go into the Inputs submenu. The remaining lifetime of the OSCi filters,
expressed as a percentage compared to the lifetime of new filters is displayed:
Reference Description
(1) OSCi filters remaining lifetime
To take a look at the status of the OSCi overflow sensor, press the down arrow a few times. No indicates
that there is no overflow danger.
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Reference Description
(1) OSCi overflow
5.7 Warnings
Service required
This warning indicates that the remaining filter lifetime has dropped below 10%. In this case a service kit
with new filters needs to be ordered. The service LED at the right side of the Elektronikon Graphic controller
will light up. To consult the warning, navigate the cursor to the warning icon as on the following image.
Service required icon highlighted (example shown on a typical main screen of a fixed speed compressor)
Reference Description
(1) Compressor outlet
(2) Service
After pressing enter, the following screen with the remaining lifetime and the service minimum (10%) will
be displayed. The text service 10 will be blinking.
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Once the filter has reached a lifetime below 10%, this warning will remain active until new filters are inserted
correctly (sensor arm in tower 1 should rest on the filter edge!). When the new filters are installed correctly
and the percentage is above 10% (normally between 90% and 100%), press enter to reset the status.
The following display will be shown, and the service warning will disappear.
Overflow warning
This is a protection alarm, indicating that the water level in the OSCi is too high. The warning LED will light
up at the right side of the Elektronikon Graphic. In this case consult section Problem solving. If the problem
is not solved in time, water can escape from the OSCi and leak onto the compressor frame and outside of the
compressor. To consult the warning, navigate the cursor to the warning symbol as shown here:
Reference Description
(1) Compressor outlet
(2) Warning
Press the enter button to go into the submenus. Press the down arrow a few times until you reach the following
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In this display you can see that an overflow warning is issued (blinking Yes), indicating that the water level
in the OSCi is too high. By fixing the problem (see section Problem solving, this warning will disappear
5.8 Maintenance
Check the filters regularly as explained below in order to prevent untreated condensate from
entering the sewer.
Sample the condensate weekly.
If the filters are not installed properly, oil-containing condensate can leave the OSCi.
When new activated carbon filters are placed, the outgoing water may initially look black
(caused by carbon dust). This is not harmful.
Each new filter is provided with a label. The correct position is marked on the label.
Used filters can be heavy.
See to it that no condensate comes into contact with eyes, mouth,
If the compressor has not been in operation during a long period, bacteria formation could
occur inside the OSCi. Depending on the amount of bacteria it is advised to clean the
OSCi before putting the compressor back into operation.
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1. Open the condensate sample valve at the side of the compressor (drain plate) for 5 seconds and dispose
of the collected condensate according to local regulations for oil containing water. (This is to remove the
water that remains in the test outlet tube between the OSCi and the compressor back panel).
2. Re-open the test valve and collect the condensate in the test bottle.
3. Compare the turbidity of the sample with the 15 ppm turbidity reference bottle.
4. If the turbidity of the test sample is more intense than the reference turbidity, a request for servicing should
be initiated, to be carried out within 2 weeks time. The vertical position of the test outlet ensures that there
is enough clean activated carbon left above this position to keep the condensate under 15 ppm for at least
2 weeks (valid for a GA 90 with dryer which runs 24 h/day at reference conditions).
Oleophilic filter
Initially, the oleophilic filter (3 - Condensate flow scheme) will float almost completely on the condensate
and only the bottom part will act as filtration medium. By sorbing more and more oil, the filter will sink and
new filter material will be exposed to the condensate. When the top of the filter reaches the surface of the
condensate in the first vessel, the filter is saturated and needs to be replaced. This is automatically transmitted
to the Elektronikon regulator via the level sensor (1 - View of OSCi inlet), but the customer can also check
this visually through the sight-glass.
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6. Clean out the OSCi with water and tissue. Do not use any form of soap or detergents as they could
contain dispersants which deteriorate the ability to break oil-water emulsions.
7. Close the service drain valves.
8. Take the new filters from the service kit. Verify that the white filter for vessel 1 is of circular shape. If it
is elliptical due to transport, squeeze it into circular shape so that it can move freely up and down in vessel
1. Insert the new filters in the vessels corresponding to their label. Verify that the sensor arm (8-View
of OSCi) is in the upward position and rests on the edge of the filter bag in the first vessel.
9. Put covers 2 and 3 back on the vessels and tighten the clamping rings.
10. Reposition the OSCi inside the compressor and fix the OSCi to the floor plate with the bolts (M 8). Be
careful not to obstruct tubes and wires, and see to it that they cant come into contact with other components
of the compressor. Use the cable holder on vessel 2 to fix the redundant parts of the tubes and wires. See
to it that the outlet tube and the test tube are nowhere higher than the respective outlet connections on
vessel 3 (View of OSCi outlet).
11. Pour clean water along the inner edge of vessel 1 until water flows out of the outlet tube (1-View of OSCi
outlet), or until the water reaches the bottom of the sensor chamber (visible through the sight-glass). The
oleophilic filter will start to float. Do not push the filter down.
12. Put the cover back on the vessel and tighten the clamping ring.
13. Close/reposition the compressor bodywork.
14. Reset the service counter of the Elektronikon. See section Elektronikon Warnings.
Atlas Copco has a complete range of service kits available. Service kits comprise all parts needed for servicing
components and offer the benefits of using genuine Atlas Copco parts while keeping the maintenance budget
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1 Oleophilic filter
2 Buckets (can be used to receive the used filters after maintenance)
3 OGC filter
4 Gloves
5 Activated carbon filter
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Automatic as well as manual safety devices to prevent overflow are present. Besides the automatic overflow
switch (7-View of OSCi), which is mounted in a side-chamber on the second vessel and gives an alarm when
condensate level is too high, the customer can check for high condensate level through the sight glass. On a
case-by-case basis, it can be decided to automatically shut down the compressor in case of an overflow alarm.
When overflow occurs, the resulting waste water must be treated as oil-containing water and must be disposed
of according to local regulations.
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A large part of the energy required for any compression process is transformed into heat. For GA oil-injected
screw compressors, the major part of the compression heat is dissipated through the oil system. The Atlas
Copco energy recovery (ER) systems are designed to recover most of the above-mentioned heat by
transforming it into warm or hot water without any adverse influence on the compressor performance. The
water can be used for diverse applications.
The energy recovery system is completely integrated and mainly comprises:
Stainless steel oil/water heat exchanger
Selector wheel (V1) to enable/disable Energy Recovery
Thermostatic by-pass valve for energy recovery heat exchanger(s) (BV2)
Two temperature sensors for water inlet and outlet control (3 and 4)
The necessary bolts, flexibles, etc.
98 2920 7105 13
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Reference Designation
1 Water inlet pipe
2 Water outlet pipe
3 Temperature sensor, water inlet pipe
4 Temperature sensor, water outlet pipe
6 Oil line from compressor oil separator vessel to ER unit
7 Oil line from ER unit to oil filter housing
BV2 Location of heat exchanger by-pass valve (BV2)
HE Heat exchanger
V1 Selector valve
AR Oil separator vessel
OF Oil filter housing
2920 7105 13 99
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Reference Designation
BV1 Location of oil cooler bypass valve (BV1)
Field installation
The main components are assembled ex-factory as a compact unit which fits inside the bodywork of the
compressor. Consult Atlas Copco for installing and connecting the energy recovery unit.
The energy recovery systems can be applied as low temperature rise/high water flow systems or as high
temperature rise/low water flow systems.
6.3 Operation
The compressor oil flow is controlled by two thermostatic valves (BV1 and BV2), ensuring reliable
compressor operation and optimum energy recovery.
Bypass valve (BV1) is integrated in the oil filter housing of the compressor and controls the oil flow through
the main oil cooler (Co) of the compressor. Bypass valve (BV2) controls the oil flow through the oil/water
heat exchanger (HE) of the ER unit. Both valves consist of an insert (thermostat) mounted in a housing.
BV2 starts closing the bypass line over the heat exchanger (HE) at the lower limit of its temperature range.
At the upper limit of its temperature range, the bypass line is completely closed and all the oil flows through
the ER heat exchanger.
Variable speed driven (VSD) air-cooled compressors are equipped with a bypass valve BV2 that starts opening
at 40 C (104 F) and which is completely open at 55 C (131 F).
Variable speed driven (VSD) water-cooled compressors are equipped with a bypass valve BV2 that starts
opening at 60 C (140 F) and which is completely open at 75 C (167 F).
The housing of BV2 is provided with a special wheel (V1), allowing to control the energy recovery system.
As can be seen on the ER label, the ER unit is integrated in the oil circuit and will recover energy when the
wheel is completely turned in clockwise.
When the wheel is turned out anticlockwise, the heat exchanger (HE) is bypassed and no energy will be
ER label
Attention: It is only allowed to turn the wheel completely in or out. No in-between position is
The oil cooler bypass valve (BV1) starts closing the bypass over the oil cooler (Co) at the lower limit of its
temperature range. At the upper limit of its temperature range, the bypass is completely closed and all the oil
flows through the oil cooler (Co).
BV1 must have a higher opening temperature (set point) than BV2 in order to prevent the heat from being
dissipated in the compressor oil cooler (Co) rather than in the oil/water heat exchanger (HE) when using the
compression heat as source for energy recovery.
Thermostat BV1 starts to open at 60 C (140 F) and is completely open at 75 C (167 F).
6.4 Maintenance
Compressor oil
For references used consult section Energy recovery unit.
Oil change:
1. Check if the wheel (V1) is totally turned in clockwise (energy recovery in use).
2. Run the unit until warm. Stop the unit, switch off the isolating switch and close the air outlet valve of the
3. Depressurize the compressor and drain the oil by opening the drain valve. Also drain the oil from the heat
exchanger by removing the drain plug on the oil piping of the ER-unit. Reinstall the drain plug after
4. Resume oil change as described in section Oil and Filter Change in this book.
Reference conditions
See section Reference conditions and limitations.
Reading settings
In addition to other data, the following temperatures can be read on the Elektronikon display:
Modifying settings
If the programmed warning settings for the water temperatures are exceeded, a warning indication is shown
on the compressor control module:
To modify a setting, consult the relevant section in the description of the Elektronikon controller.
Recoverable energy
The recoverable energy can be calculated from:
RECOVERED ENERGY (kW) = 4.2 x water flow (l/s) x water temperature rise (C)
In the tables below, typical examples are given.
7 Installation
Reference Designation
1 Electric cable passage
2 Cooling water outlet
3 Cooling water inlet
4 Compressor cooling air outlet
5 Dryer cooling air outlet
6 Compressed air outlet
7 Compressor cooling air inlet
8 Water outlet (Energy recovery - option)
9 Water inlet (Energy recovery - option)
10 Compressed air outlet (option)
11 Automatic drain, dryer
12 Automatic drain, aftercooler
13 Compressed air connection for OSCi
14 Manual drain, dryer
15 Manual drain, aftercooler
16 Electrical connection for OSCi
17 Dryer cooling air inlet
18 Cubicle cooling air outlet
19 Cubicle cooling air inlet
20 Ambient sensor
Centre of gravity
Type Unit Weight, unit with dryer Weight, unit without dryer
GA 55 VSD kg 1480 1380
GA 55 VSD lb 3265 3040
GA 75 VSD kg 1650 1530
GA 75 VSD lb 3640 3370
GA 90 VSD kg 1650 1530
Type Unit Weight, unit with dryer Weight, unit without dryer
GA 90 VSD lb 3640 3375
1 Compressor
Install the compressor unit on a solid, level floor, suitable for taking its weight.
2 Position of the compressed air outlet valve.
3 The pressure drop over the air delivery pipe can be calculated from:
p = (L x 450 x Qc1.85) / (d5 x P), with
d = inner diameter of the pipe in mm
p = pressure drop in bar (recommended maximum: 0.1 bar (1.5 psi))
L = length of the pipe in m
P = absolute pressure at the compressor outlet in bar(a)
Qc = free air delivery of the compressor in l/s
It is recommended that the connection of the compressor air outlet pipe is made on top of the main
air net pipe in order to minimize carry-over of possible condensate residue.
4 Ventilation: the inlet grids and ventilation fan should be installed in such a way that any recirculation
of cooling air to the compressor or dryer is avoided. The maximum air velocity through the grids is
5 m/s (16.5 ft/s).
The maximum allowed pressure drop in ventilation ducts before or after the compressor is 30 Pa.
The maximum air temperature at the compressor intake is 46 C (115 F), the minimum temperature
is 0 C (32 F).
For air-cooled compressors and ventilation alternatives 1 and 3, the ventilation capacity
required to limit the compressor room temperature can be calculated as follows:
For compressors without dryer:
Qv = 1.06 N/T
For compressors with dryer:
Qv = (1.06 N + 1.2 D)/T
Qv = required ventilation capacity in m3/s
N = nominal power of the compressor motor in kW
D = electric power of the dryer in kW
T = temperature increase in the compressor room in C
For ventilation alternatives 2 and 4: the fan capacity should match the compressor fan
capacity at a pressure head equal to the pressure drop over the air ducts.
For water-cooled compressors, the ventilation capacity required to limit the compressor
room temperature can be calculated from:
For compressors without dryer:
Qv = 0.13 N/T
For compressors with dryer:
Qv = (0.13 N + 1.2 D)/T
Qv = required ventilation capacity in m3/s
N = nominal power of the compressor motor in kW
D = electric power of the dryer in kW
T = temperature increase in the compressor room in C
The cooling air of the dryer can be ducted outside.
5 The drain pipes to the drain collector must not dip into the water of the drain collector. Atlas Copco
has oil/water separators (type OSD or OSCi) to separate the oil from the condensate to ensure that
the condensate meets the requirements of the environmental codes.
Drain pipes of different compressors may not be interconnected before the (atmospheric) collector
as this can damage the electronic drains.
6 Control module with monitoring panel.
7 Power supply cable to be sized and installed by a qualified electrician.
To preserve the protection degree of the electric cubicle and to protect its components from dust
from the environment, it is mandatory to use a proper cable gland when connecting the supply cable
to the compressor.
8 Provision for energy recovery system.
9 Filter DD for general purpose filtration (particle removal down to 1 micron with a maximum oil carry
over of 0.5 mg/m3. A high-efficiency filter, type PD, may be installed downstream of a DD filter. This
filter traps solid particles down to 0.01 micron with a maximum oil carry-over of 0.01 mg/m3. If oil
vapors and odors are undesirable, a QD type filter can be installed downstream of the PD filter.
It is recommended to install bypass pipes with ball valves over each filter in order to isolate the filters
during service operations without disturbing the compressed air delivery.
10 Install the air receiver (to be purchased separately) in a frost free room, on a solid, level floor, suitable
for taking its weight.
For normal air consumption, the volume of the air net (receiver and piping) can be calculated from:
V = (0.25 x Qc x P1 x T0)/(fmax x P x T1), with
V = volume of the air net in l
Qc = free air delivery of the compressor in l/s
P1 = compressor air inlet pressure in bar(a)
fmax = maximum cycle frequency (recommended: 1 cycle/30s)
P = difference between unloading pressure and loading pressure in bar
T1 = compressor air inlet temperature in K
T0 = air receiver temperature in K
11 Bypass system to bypass the dryer during service operations (available as an option, consult Atlas
12a Air-cooled compressors:
To prevent feedback of exhaust air into the cooling inlet, sufficient space should be foreseen above
the unit to evacuate the exhaust air. Otherwise a duct for the exhaust air should be installed. See
alternatives 1 up to 4.
12b Water-cooled compressors:
Water flow and pressure to be adjusted depending upon local conditions.
For cooling water quality, see section Cooling water requirements.
A water shut-off valve and a water drain valve should be installed by the customer in the compressor
water inlet pipe and outlet pipe. If water shut-off valves at the compressor water inlet and outlet pipe
are installed, a safety device with set pressure according to the maximum cooling water inlet
pressure (see section Reference conditions and limitations) has to be installed between the
compressor water outlet pipe and shut-off valve. When operating the unit, the operator must ensure
that the cooling water system cannot be blocked. The above mentioned applies also to the energy
recovery cooling water system. Remove the plastic plugs (if provided) from the compressor water
pipes and connect the pipes to the cooling water circuit.
13 Cooling air grating, dryer
14 When a duct is foreseen on the air inlet, the ambient temperature sensor need to be repositioned
in such a way that the inlet temperature is monitored.
15 Safety valve
The operator must apply all relevant safety precautions, including those mentioned in this book.
Outdoor/altitude operation
Fix speed compressors can be sold with option rain protection. With this option, this compressor can be
installed outside under a shelter, in frost free conditions. If frost might occur, the appropriate measures should
be taken to avoid damage to the machine and its ancillary equipment. In this case, and also if operating above
1000 m (3300 ft), consult Atlas Copco.
The compressor can be moved by a lift truck using the slots in the frame. Take care not to damage the bodywork
during lifting or transport. Before lifting, reinstall the transport securing bolts. Make sure that the forks
protrude from the other side of the frame. The compressor can also be lifted after inserting beams in the slots.
Make sure that the beams cannot slide and that they protrude from the frame equally. The chains must be held
parallel to the bodywork by chain spreaders in order not to damage the compressor. The lifting equipment
must be placed in such a way that the compressor is lifted perpendicularly. Lift gently and avoid twisting.
In case of units equipped with the Lifting Device Option, it is not allowed to lift the
compressor if the canopy parts or lifting supports are not completely installed. When the
compressor is being lifted, it is also forbidden to come under the load or to perform
maintenance activities to it.
Important remark
Most compressors are designed for use in TT/TN networks and are intended for industrial
environments where the electrical supply is separated from the residential/commercial
supply network.
To use the machine in light industrial, commercial or residential environments with a
shared supply network or in an IT network, extra measures can be required. Contact Atlas
Set the switch (S) on (I) for use in a TT/TN network, and set the switch off (O) for use in
an IT network.
Reference Designation
(1) Customers installation
(2) (Available as) option
(3) Compressor motor
The complete electrical diagram can be found in the electrical cubicle.
1. Provide an isolating switch.
2. Check that the motor cables and wires inside the electric cabinet are clamped tight to their terminals.
3. Check the fuses. See section Electric cable size and fuses
4. Connect the power supply cables to terminals (1, 3 and 5) on contactor (K21) of the ABB converter.
Connect the power supply cables to terminals (1, 3 and 5) on contactor (Z1+L1) of the Neos converter.
5. Connect the earth conductor to the earth bolt (PE).
To preserve the protection degree of the electric cubicle and to protect its components
from dust from the environment, it is mandatory to use a proper cable gland when
connecting the supply cable to the compressor.
LAN control: The compressor is controlled via a local network. Consult Atlas Copco.
Cooling water needs to fulfill certain requirements in order to avoid problems of scaling,
fouling, corrosion or bacterial growth.
In open circuit cooling towers, protective measures must be taken to avoid the growth of
harmful bacteria such as legionella pneumophila when there is a risk of inhalation of the
water droplets.
No general recommendation can encompass the effects of all combinations of the various compounds, solids
and gases typically found in cooling water in interaction with different materials. Therefore the
recommendations formulated in our Cooling Water Specifications are a general guide line for acceptable
coolant quality. However, where strict limits apply, a statement is made in the specification.
The water requirements refer to untreated water. When water is treated, some parameters will change. Water
treatments should be carried out by a specialized water treatment company, taking the responsibility for the
performance of the treated cooling water and the compatibility with the materials in the cooling circuit. This
includes not only the selection of the appropriate additives, but also the correct application, monitoring of
concentrations and properties, prevention of sludge formation and maintenance of the system. This applies
also to treatment with antifreeze products. They must be provided with suitable stabilizers and inhibitors.
Specifications are also depending on the type of cooling circuit (open, once through / recirculating with tower /
closed) and on the application (Standard max 65 C cooling water temperature at the outlet) or Energy
Recovery (water temperature up to 95 C).
In case water is not in line with recommended values or if any doubt, consult the manufacturer.
Type of cooling system Materials Standard Energy recovery
Single pass Containing copper 6.8 - 9.3 6.8 - 9.3
Stainless steel with carbon 6.8 - 9.3 6.8 - 9.3
steel and / or cast iron
Stainless steel only 6 - 9.3 6 - 9.3
Recirculating (with tower) Containing copper 6.8 - 9.3 not applicable
Stainless steel with carbon 6.8 - 9.3
steel and / or cast iron
Stainless steel only 6 - 9.3
Closed loop Containing copper 7.5 - 9.3 7.5 - 9.3
Stainless steel with carbon 7.5 - 9.3 7.5 - 9.3
steel and / or cast iron
Stainless steel only 6 - 9.3 6 - 9.3
Ca (ppm Ca CO3)
Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery
Single pass < 500 <2
Recirculating (with tower) < 500 not applicable
Closed loop < 1000 < 50
As a general rule, the RSI index should be between 5.6 and 7.5. If that is not the case, contact
a specialist.
RSI < 5.5 5.6 < RSI < 6.2 6.3 < RSI < 6.8 6.9 < RSI < 7.5 7.6 < RSI
Cl- (ppm) 200 350 500 350 200
Sulphate (ppm)
Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery
Single pass < 1000 < 200
Recirculating (with tower) < 1000 not applicable
Closed loop < 400 < 200
Copper (ppm)
Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery
Single pass <1 < 0.2
Recirculating (with tower) <1 not applicable
Closed loop <1 < 0.2
10. Ammonium
The limit of 0.5 ppm is a rejection limit.
The limitation only applies for copper containing systems.
11. Suspended solids
Large particles (size > 10 m) should not be present as they can be filtered out.
Small particles (< 0.5 m) are not taken into account.
For particles between 0.5 m and 10 m, the following limits apply:
Biology (CFU/ml)
Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery
Single pass < 105 / < 107 < 103 / < 105
Recirculating (with tower) < 105 / < 107 not applicable
Closed loop < 103 / < 105 < 103 / < 105
The table shows the recommended values. The values in bold are rejection limits.
If additives are used in the cooling water, take into account that the cooling capacity will
m = ((Cpw - Cpa) * X) / (Cpw *(1-X) + X*Cpa) * 100 %
m: change of mass flow of the coolant
Cpw: specific heat capacity of water
Cpa: specific heat capacity of the additives
X: the percentage of additives
7.5 Pictographs
Reference Designation
1 Switch off the voltage and depressurize the compressor before starting maintenance or
2 Keep the doors closed during operation
3 Switch off the voltage before removing protecting cover inside electric cubicle
4 Warning, voltage
5 Automatic condensate drain
6 Stop the compressor before cleaning the coolers
7 Lightly oil the gasket of the oil filter, screw it on and tighten by hand (approx. half a turn)
8 Before connecting the compressor electrically, consult the Instruction book for the motor
rotation direction
9 Compressor remains pressurized for 180 seconds after switching off the voltage
10 Torques for steel (Fe) or brass (CuZn) bolts
11 Switch off the voltage and wait at least 6 minutes before removing the screen
12 Oil outlet (option DD/PD filters)
Reference Designation
15 Cooling water inlet
16 Cooling water outlet
8 Operating instructions
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions. Also consult section Problem
For the location of the air outlet valve and the drain connections, see sections Introduction
and Condensate system.
1. Consult the sections Electrical cable size, Installation proposal and Dimension drawings.
2. The following transport fixtures, painted red, must be removed:
Bolts and bushes under the oil separator vessel (1)
Bolts and bushes under the gear casing (2)
Supports under motor (3)
3. Check that the electrical connections correspond to the local codes and that all wires are clamped tight to
their terminals.
The installation must be earthed and protected against short circuits by fuses of the inert type in all phases.
An isolating switch must be installed near the compressor.
4. On air-cooled compressors, check the setting of circuit breaker (Q15). Also check that the switch on the
circuit breaker is in position I.
5. Check the voltage selecting wires at the primary side of transformer T1.
6. Fit air outlet valve (AV); see section Introduction for the position of the valve.
Close the valve.
If the compressor has not run for the past 6 months, it is strongly recommended to improve
the lubrication of the compressor element before starting.
To do so:
1. Loosen the hose clip (2) and disconnect the inlet hose (3).
2. Remove the unloader (1)
3. On GA 55 VSD and GA 90 VSD, lift inlet hose (2), open check valve (CV) and pour
0.75 l (0.20 US gal, 0.17 Imp gal) of compressor oil into the compressor element.
For oil specifications, see section Oil specifications.
4. Reinstall the inlet hose.
Make sure that all connections are tight.
The oil level should be between the oil filler neck (FC) and the top in the sight glass (Gl).
2. On water-cooled compressors, close the cooling water drain valves. Open the cooling water inlet valve
and the regulation valve.
3. Switch on the voltage.
On Full-Feature compressors: switch on the voltage and actuate contactor K12 (dryer fan) on the dryer
rail for a few seconds (e.g. by means of a screw driver) to check for the rotation direction. The rotation
direction of the fan is indicative for the rotation direction of the dryer compressor. If the direction is wrong,
interchange two phases of the mains supply.
The dryer will become damaged when operating in the wrong direction!
4. On air-cooled compressors, check the rotation direction of the fan motor. Rotation arrows, visible through
the grating in the roof, are provided on the plate below the fan to indicate the correct rotation direction of
the fan motor.
5. Check the programmed settings. Consult section Programmable settings.
6. Start and run the compressor for a few minutes. Check that the compressor operates normally.
1. If the compressor has not run for the past 6 months, it is strongly recommended to improve the lubrication
of the compressor element before starting. See section Initial start.
2. Check the oil level. Top up if necessary. See section Initial start.
3. If necessary, empty the dust trap of the filter; see section Air filter.
If the red part of the air filter service indicator shows full out, replace the air filter element. Reset the
service indicator (VI) by pushing the knob in the extremity of the indicator.
8.3 Starting
For the position of the air outlet valve and the drain connections, see sections
Introduction and Condensate system.
1. Open the air outlet valve.
2. Switch on the voltage. Check that voltage on LED (6) lights up.
3. Press start button (1) on the control panel. The compressor starts running and the automatic operation LED
(8) lights up. Ten seconds after starting, the drive motor switches over from star to delta and the compressor
starts running loaded.
4. On water-cooled compressors, the cooling water is used to cool the compressor oil and compressed air.
Regulate the cooling water flow during loaded operation to obtain the most suitable temperature at the
outlet of the compressor element. This temperature is determined by the condensation point of water at
operating conditions (lower temperature limit) and the maximum desirable oil temperature (100 C / 212
F) as upper limit. For good practice, regulate the cooling flow to obtain an element outlet temperature
approximately 5 C above the relevant (lower limit) temperature obtained from the figure below. If the
calculated temperature is higher than 100 C, this will lead to more rapid oil deterioration, which will have
an impact on oil service intervals. Consult Atlas Copco for best practices in this case. Also consult Atlas
Copco in case condensate should form in the oil.
For optimal operation, the cooling water outlet temperature must never exceed the value specified in
section Reference conditions and limitations.
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions. Also consult section Problem
Keep the doors closed during operation. They may be opened for short periods only to
carry out checks.
When the motors are stopped and LED (8) (automatic operation) is alight, the motors may
start automatically.
3. If the oil level is too low, push the emergency stop button (10) to avoid the compressor to start
4. Next, close the air outlet valve and open the manual drain valve (Dm) until the air system between oil
separator/air receiver vessel and outlet valve is fully depressurized. See section Condensate system for
location of the outlet valve and water drain.
5. Unscrew oil filler plug (FC) one turn to permit any pressure left in the system to escape. Wait a few
6. Remove the plug and add oil until the level reaches the filler opening.
7. Fit and tighten the plug (FC).
On compressors with an Elektronikon Graphic controller, unlock the emergency stop button (10), select the
STOP icon on the display and press reset (5) before restarting.
Air filter
Regularly check the service indicator. If the colored part of service indicator (VI) shows full out, replace the
air filter element. Reset the service indicator by pushing the knob in the extremity of the indicator body.
Regularly check that condensate is discharged during operation. See section Condensate system. The amount
of condensate depends on environmental and working conditions.
If an OSCi is installed, also check the level in the oil collector. See section Maintenance OSCi.
Check the display (2) regularly for readings and messages. The display normally shows the compressor outlet
pressure, while the status of the compressor is indicated by means of a number of icons. Remedy the trouble
if alarm LED (7) is lit or flashes, see section Icons used. The display (2) will show a service message if a
service plan interval has been exceeded or if a service level for a monitored component has been exceeded.
Carry out the service actions of the indicated plans or replace the component and reset the relevant timer, see
section Service menu.
8.6 Stopping
Step Action
- Press stop button (9). Automatic operation LED (8) goes out and the compressor stops after 30
seconds of unloaded operation.
- To stop the compressor in the event of an emergency, press emergency stop button (10).
Alarm LED flashes (7).
On compressors with an Elektronikon Graphic controller:
Remedy the problem cause and unlock the button by pulling it out.
Navigate to the Stop icon on the display by means of the navigation keys (3/4) and press the
Select key.
Press Reset.
Do not use emergency stop button (10) for normal stopping!
- Close the air outlet valve.
- Press the test button on top of the electronic water drain(s) (if supplied) to the depressurize the
piping between air receiver and outlet valve, next open the manual drain valve (Dm). See section
Condensate system.
Switch off the voltage.
- On water-cooled compressors:
Close the cooling water inlet valve.
If freezing temperatures can be expected, drain the cooling system completely.
Step Action
- Stop the compressor and close the air outlet valve.
- Press the test button on top of the electronic water drain(s) until the air system between air
receiver and outlet valve is fully depressurized. Consult section Condensate system to locate the
drain valve.
- Switch off the voltage and disconnect the compressor from the mains.
- Unscrew the oil filler plug only one turn to permit any pressure in the system to escape.
Consult section Oil and oil filter change to locate the filler plug.
- Shut off and depressurise the part of the air net which is connected to the outlet valve. Disconnect
the compressor air outlet pipe from the air net.
- On water-cooled compressors:
Isolate and disconnect the water system from the cooling water net.
Drain the water circuit.
- Drain the oil.
- Drain the condensate circuit and disconnect the condensate piping from the condensate net.
9 Maintenance
Control panel
Wait for at least 10 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as dangerous high
voltage remains on the capacitors of the start and speed regulation unit during some
minutes after switching off the voltage.
Always switch off the voltage. Only pressing the emergency stop button is not sufficient
to make the compressor voltage free.
If the machine is equipped with an automatic restart after voltage failure function and
if this function is active, be aware that the machine will restart automatically when the
power is restored if it was running when the power was interrupted.
Service kits
For overhauling or carrying out preventive maintenance, service kits are available (see section Service kits).
Service contracts
Atlas Copco offers several types of service contracts, relieving you of all preventive maintenance work.
Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre.
When servicing, replace all removed O-rings and washers.
The local Atlas Copco Customer Centre may overrule the maintenance schedule, especially the service
intervals, depending on the environmental and working conditions of the compressor.
The longer interval checks must also include the shorter interval checks.
Service interventions
Following actions have to be done on a regular basis:
Maintenance checklist
Period Operation
Daily Check oil level.
Check readings on display.
Check air filter service indicator.
Check that condensate is discharged during operation.
Drain condensate.
On water-cooled units: check for cooling water flow.
Monthly Check that condensate is discharged when pressing the test button on top of the electronic
water drain.
On compressors with integrated dryer:
Stop the compressor, close the air outlet valve and switch off the voltage.
Remove any dirt from the condenser inlet with a vacuum cleaner.
Next, clean with an air jet in the reverse direction of the normal flow. Use low pressure
air. Keep the compressed air nozzle more than 30 cm away from the condenser to
avoid damaging the of condenser fins.
Remove dust from inside the dryer, e.g. with a vacuum cleaner.
Do not use water or solvents to clean the condenser.
3-monthly (1) Check coolers, clean if necessary.
Remove the air filter element and inspect. If necessary, clean using an air jet. Replace
damaged or heavily contaminated elements.
Check the filter element of the electric cabinet. Replace if necessary
Yearly or every Replace the wearing parts of the electronic water drain(s). A service kit is available.
8000 hours (2) Have the safety valve tested.
(1): or when the real time counter indicates the service plan, whichever comes first
(2): or when the real time counter indicates the service plan, whichever comes first
The indicated oil exchange intervals are valid for standard operating conditions (see section Reference
conditions and limitations) and nominal operating pressure (see section Compressor data). Exposure of the
compressor to external pollutants, operation at high humidity combined with low duty cycles or operation at
higher temperatures may require a shorter oil exchange interval. Contact Atlas Copco if in doubt.
Avoid mixing lubricants of different brands or types as they may not be compatible and the
oil mix may have inferior properties. A label, indicating the type of oil filled ex factory, is
stuck on the air receiver/oil tank.
Roto-Inject Fluid
Atlas Copco's Roto-Inject Fluid is a specially developed lubricant for use in single stage oil-injected screw
compressors. Its specific composition keeps the compressor in excellent condition. Roto-Inject Fluid can be
used for compressors operating at ambient temperatures between 0 C (32 F) and 40 C (104 F). If the
compressor is regularly operating in ambient temperatures above 35 C (95 F), oil lifetime is reduced
significantly. In such case it is recommended to use Roto-Xtend Duty Fluid.
Roto-Foodgrade Fluid
Special oil, delivered as an option.
Atlas Copco's Roto-Foodgrade Fluid is a unique high quality synthetic lubricant, specially created for oil-
injected screw compressors that provide air for the food industry. This lubricant keeps the compressor in
excellent condition. Roto-Foodgrade Fluid can be used for compressors operating at ambient temperatures
between 0 C (32 F) and 40 C (104 F).
Keep the outside of the electric motor clean for efficient cooling. If necessary, remove dust with a brush and/
or compressed air jet.
Bearing maintenance
The bearing at the non-drive end side is greased for life.
The bearing at the drive end side is lubricated by the oil system.
1. Never remove the element while the compressor is running.
2. For minimum downtime, replace the dirty element by a new one.
3. Discard the element when damaged.
1. Stop the compressor. Switch off the voltage.
2. Release the snap clips of air filter (AF) and remove the cover and the air filter element. Discard the filter
3. Fit the new element and the cover.
4. Reset service indicator (VI) by pushing the knob in the extremity of the body.
5. Reset the air filter service warning.
For compressors equipped with an Elektronikon Graphic regulator, see section Service menu.
Step Description
- Run the compressor until warm. Stop the compressor after 3 minutes of unloaded operation. Close
the air outlet valve and switch off the voltage. Wait a few minutes and depressurise by unscrewing
oil filler plug (FC) just one turn to permit any pressure in the system to escape.
- Air cooled units: loosen the vent plug (VP) of the oil cooler and wait for 5 minutes.
- Remove drain plug (DP1) and open drain valve (Dm).
Also drain the oil by removing the drain plug:
on the check valve (DP2)
on the gear casing (DP3)
- Collect the oil in a collector and deliver it to the local collection service. Refit and tighten the drain
and vent plugs after draining.
Close the drain valve (Dm).
- Remove the oil filter (OF). Be aware that this filter has a left thread connection. Clean the seat
on the manifold. Oil the gasket of the new filter and screw it into place. Tighten firmly by hand.
- Remove filler plug (FC).
Fill the air receiver (AR) with oil until the level reaches the filler neck.
Take care that no dirt drops into the system. Refit and tighten filler plug (FC).
- Run the compressor loaded for a few minutes. Stop the compressor and wait a few minutes to allow
the oil to settle.
- Depressurise the system by unscrewing filler plug (FC) just one turn to permit any pressure in the
system to escape. Remove the plug.
Fill the air receiver with oil until the level reaches the filler neck.
Tighten the filler plug.
- Reset the service warning after carrying out all service actions in the relevant Service Plan:
For compressors with Elektronikon Graphic controller, see section Service menu.
9.6 Coolers
Keep the coolers clean to maintain their efficiency.
Remove any dirt from the coolers with a fibre brush. Brush in the direction of the cooling fins.
Also remove any dirt from the fan with a fibre brush.
Next, clean with an air jet in the reverse direction to normal flow. Use low pressure air. If necessary, the
pressure may be increased up to 6 bar(e) (87 psig).
If it is necessary to wash the coolers with a cleaning agent, consult Atlas Copco.
Remove the cover used during cleaning.
Mount the service plates (1) at the fan compartment.
Operate the safety valve by unscrewing the cap one or two turns and retighten it.
Before removing the valve, depressurise the compressor.
See section Problem solving.
Valve (SV) can be tested on a separate air line. If the valve does not open at the set pressure stamped on the
valve, it needs to be replaced.
No adjustments are allowed. Never run the compressor without safety valve.
Safety precautions
Refrigeration dryers of ID type contain refrigerant HFC.
When handling refrigerant, all applicable safety precautions must be observed. Please be specifically
aware of the following points:
Contact of refrigerant with the skin will cause freezing. Special gloves must be worn. If contacted with
the skin, the skin should be rinsed with water. On no account may clothing be removed.
Fluid refrigerant will also cause freezing of the eyes; always wear safety glasses.
Refrigerant is harmful. Do not inhale refrigerant vapours. Check that the working area is adequately
Be aware that certain components such as the refrigerant compressor and the discharge pipe can become quite
hot (up to 110 C - 230 F). Therefore, wait until the dryer has cooled down before removing the panels.
Before starting any maintenance or repair work, switch off the voltage and close the air inlet and outlet valves.
Local legislation
Local legislation may stipulate that:
Work on the refrigerant circuit of the cooling dryer or on any equipment which influences its function
must be undertaken by an authorised control body.
The installation should be checked once a year by an authorised control body.
For all references see section Introduction.
The following remarks should be kept in mind:
Keep the dryer clean.
Brush or blow off the finned surface of condenser monthly.
Inspect and clean the electronic condensate drain monthly.
Service kits
For overhauling and for preventive maintenance, a wide range of service kits is available. Service kits comprise
all parts required for servicing the component and offer the benefits of genuine Atlas Copco parts while
keeping the maintenance budget low.
Also a full range of extensively tested lubricants, suitable for your specific needs is available to keep the
compressor in excellent condition.
Consult the Spare Parts List for part numbers.
Run the compressor regularly, e.g. twice a week, until warm. Load and unload the compressor a few times.
If the compressor is going to be stored without running from time to time, protective
measures must be taken. Consult your supplier.
Used filters or any other used material (e.g. desiccant, lubricants, cleaning rags, machine parts, etc.) must be
disposed of in an environmentally friendly and safe manner, and in line with the local recommendations and
environmental legislation.
Electronic components are subject to the EU Directive 2002/96/EC for Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). As such, these parts must not be disposed of at a municipal waste collection point. Refer
to local regulations for directions on how to dispose of this product in an environmental friendly manner.
10 Problem solving
Before carrying out any maintenance, repair work or adjustment, press the stop button,
wait until the compressor has stopped and close the air outlet valve.
Open the manual drain valve(s).
Press the emergency stop button and switch off the voltage. Open and lock the isolating
Depressurise the compressor by opening the oil filler plug one turn.
For location of components: see sectionsIntroduction, Condensate system and Initial
The air outlet valve can be locked during maintenance or repair as follows:
Close the valve.
Remove the screw fixing the handle with the wrench delivered with the compressor.
Lift the handle and turn it until the slot of the handle fits over the blocking edge on the
valve body.
Fit the screw.
Wait for at least 10 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as dangerous high
voltage remains on the capacitors of the start and speed regulation unit during some
minutes after switching off the voltage.
Always switch off the voltage. Only pressing the emergency stop button is not sufficient
to make the compressor voltage free.
If the machine is equipped with an automatic restart after voltage failure function and
if this function is active, be aware that the machine will restart automatically when the
power is restored if it was running when the power was interrupted.
Condensate is not discharged from Discharge tube clogged Check and correct as necessary
condensate separator during
Compressor air output or pressure Air consumption exceeds air Check the connected equipment.
below normal delivery of compressor
Choked air filter element Replace filter element
Solenoid valve malfunctioning Replace valve
Oil separator element clogged Have element replaced
Air leakage Have leaks repaired. Replace
leaking tubes
Safety valve leaking Replace valve
Compressor element out of order Consult Atlas Copco
Safety valve blows Minimum pressure valve Check and have defective parts
malfunctioning replaced
Oil separator element clogged Have element replaced
Safety valve out of order Have valve checked. Replace if
On Full-Feature compressors, Have system checked by Atlas
dryer piping clogged due to Copco Customer Centre
formation of ice
Compressor element outlet Oil level too low Check and correct
temperature or delivery air
temperature above normal
On air-cooled compressors, Check for cooling air restriction or
insufficient cooling air or cooling air improve ventilation of the
temperature too high compressor room. Avoid
recirculating of cooling air. If
installed, check capacity of
compressor room fan
On water-cooled compressors, Increase flow
cooling water flow too low
On water-cooled compressors, Consult Atlas Copco Customer
restriction in cooling water system Centre
Oil cooler clogged Clean cooler
(1) Shutdown
Navigate to the Stop icon or to the Protections icon and press Enter.
(1) Protections
(1) General
The display shows the problem (Main Motor Converter Alarm) and a fault code (31 in this case).
Below table lists the most important error codes. If another code appears, please contact Atlas Copco.
If a problem is detected by the Neos converter, a specific code (Main motor converter alarm) will appear on
the Elektronikon display, together with a fault code and a fault description.
Typical display, Main Motor Converter Alarm (1) , Fault (2) Code (0x7130) and description (Motor overtemperature (3)) in this
Below table lists the most important error codes. If another code appears, please contact Atlas Copco.
ABB (Optional)
11 Technical data
The readings mentioned below are valid under the reference conditions (see section
Reference conditions and limitations).
Reference Reading
Air outlet pressure Depends on the setpoint (desired net pressure).
Compressor element Approx. 60 C (108 F) above ambient temperature.
outlet temperature
Dewpoint temperature Approx. 4 C (39 F).
(on Full-Feature
Cooling water outlet Approx. 50 C (122 F).
The voltage on the compressor terminals must not deviate more than 10% of the
nominal voltage.
It is however highly recommended to keep the voltage drop over the supply cables at
nominal current below 5% of the nominal voltage (IEC 60204-1).
If cables are grouped together with other power cables, it may be necessary to use
cables of a larger size than those calculated for the standard operating conditions.
Use the original cable entry. See section Dimension drawings.
To preserve the protection degree of the electric cubicle and to protect its
components from dust from the environment, it is mandatory to use a proper
cable gland when connecting the supply cable to the compressor.
Local regulations remain applicable if they are stricter than the values proposed below.
Currents are calculated with the full service factor but we suggest to add 10% due to
over- and under-voltage.
Fuses are maximum allowed values calculated for full service factor and 10% over-
and under-voltage.
Always double-check the fuse size versus the calculated cable size. If required,
reduce fuse size or enlarge cable size.
Cable length should not exceed the maximum length according to IEC60204 table
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
aR gL/gG aR gL/gG
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 55 VSD 200 50 221 - 250 232 - 315
GA 55 VSD 230 50 192 - 250 202 - 250
GA 55 VSD 400 50 108 125 - 113 160 -
GA 55 VSD 500 50 86 - 100 91 - 125
GA 55 VSD 200 60 222 - 250 240 - 315
GA 55 VSD 230 60 192 - 250 208 - 250
GA 55 VSD 380 60 113 160 - 122 160 -
GA 55 VSD 460 60 94 125 - 101 125 -
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
HRC form II HRC form II
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 55 VSD 200 60 222 - 250 240 - 300
GA 55 VSD 230 60 192 - 225 208 - 250
GA 55 VSD 460 60 94 125 - 101 125 -
GA 55 VSD 575 60 83 - 100 89 - 100
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
aR gL/gG aR gL/gG
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 75 VSD 200 50 298 - 355 314 - 355
GA 75 VSD 230 50 259 - 315 273 - 315
GA 75 VSD 400 50 146 200 - 153 200 -
GA 75 VSD 500 50 116 - 160 123 - 160
GA 75 VSD 200 60 299 - 355 317 - 355
GA 75 VSD 230 60 259 - 315 275 - 315
GA 75 VSD 380 60 153 200 - 161 200 -
GA 75 VSD 460 60 127 160 - 134 160 -
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
HRC form II HRC form II
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 75 VSD 200 60 299 - 350 317 - 350
GA 75 VSD 230 60 259 - 300 275 - 350
GA 75 VSD 460 60 127 150 - 134 150 -
GA 75 VSD 575 60 102 - 125 108 - 125
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
aR gL/gG aR gL/gG
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 90 VSD 400 50 176 200 - 184 250 -
GA 90 VSD 500 50 141 - 160 148 - 200
GA 90 VSD 380 60 186 250 - 194 250 -
GA 90 VSD 460 60 154 200 - 161 200 -
Compressor type I (1) Max fuse (1) I (2) Max fuse (2)
HRC form II HRC form II
V Hz A A A A A A
GA 90 VSD 460 60 154 200 - 161 200 -
GA 90 VSD 575 60 123 - 150 129 - 150
Maximum allowed current in function of the ambient temperature for installation method B2
Ambient temperature
Cable section 30 C 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
4 mm < 27 A < 23 A < 21 A < 19 A < 16 A
6 mm < 34 A < 30 A < 27 A < 24 A < 21 A
10 mm < 46 A < 40 A < 36 A < 33 A < 28 A
16 mm < 62 A < 54 A < 49 A < 44 A < 38 A
25 mm < 80 A < 70 A < 63 A < 57 A < 49 A
35 mm < 99 A < 86 A < 78 A < 70 A < 60 A
50 mm < 118 A < 103 A < 93 A < 84 A < 72 A
70 mm < 149 A < 130 A < 118 A < 106 A < 91 A
95 mm < 179 A < 156 A < 141 A < 127 A < 109 A
120 mm < 206 A < 179 A < 163 A < 146 A < 126 A
Maximum allowed current in function of the ambient temperature for installation method C
Ambient temperature
Cable section 30 C 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
4 mm < 32 A < 28 A < 25 A < 23 A < 20 A
6 mm < 41 A < 36 A < 32 A < 29 A < 25 A
10 mm < 57 A < 50 A < 45 A < 40 A < 35 A
16 mm < 76 A < 66 A < 60 A < 54 A < 46 A
Ambient temperature
Cable section 30 C 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
25 mm < 96 A < 84 A < 76 A < 68 A < 59 A
35 mm < 119 A < 104 A < 94 A < 84 A < 73 A
50 mm < 144 A < 125 A < 114 A < 102 A < 88 A
70 mm < 184 A < 160 A < 145 A < 131 A < 112 A
95 mm < 223 A < 194 A < 176 A < 158 A < 136 A
120 mm < 259 A < 225 A < 205 A < 184 A < 158 A
150 mm < 299 A < 260 A < 236 A < 212 A < 182 A
185 mm < 341 A < 297 A < 269 A < 242 A < 208 A
240 mm < 403 A < 351 A < 318 A < 296 A < 246 A
300 mm < 464 A < 404 A < 367 A < 329 A < 283 A
Maximum allowed current in function of the ambient temperature for installation method F
Ambient temperature
Cable section 30 C 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
25 mm < 110 A < 96 A < 87 A < 78 A < 67 A
35 mm < 137 A < 119 A < 108 A < 97 A < 84 A
50 mm < 167 A < 145 A < 132 A < 119 A < 102 A
70 mm < 216 A < 188 A < 171 A < 153 A < 132 A
95 mm < 264 A < 230 A < 209 A < 187 A < 161 A
120 mm < 308 A < 268 A < 243 A < 219 A < 188 A
150 mm < 356 A < 310 A < 281 A < 253 A < 217 A
185 mm < 409 A < 356 A < 323 A < 290 A < 249 A
240 mm < 485 A < 422 A < 383 A < 344 A < 296 A
Always check the voltage drop over the cable (less than 5 % of the nominal voltage is recommended).
Example of supply cable calculation: Itot = 128 A, maximum ambient temperature is 45 C, recommended
fuse = 150 A
Single supply cables (3 phases + 1 PE - configuration (1)):
I = 128 A + 25 % = 128 x 1.25 = 160 A
For AWG2/0, the maximum current is 175 A, which is sufficient => use AWG2/0
Install the prescribed maximum fuse (150 A) on each cable
Parallel supply cable (2 x 3 phases + 2 PE - configuration (2)):
I = (128 A + 25%)/2 = (128 x 1.25)/2 = 80 A
For a AWG4, the maximum current is 85 A x 0.8 = 68 A, which is insufficient. For an AWG3, the
maximum current is 100 x 0.8 = 80 A. So 2 parallel cables of 3 x AWG3 + 2 x AWG8 are sufficient.
Install 80 A fuses on each cable.
Settings for fan motor overload protection (Q15) (F15 for IT)
The regulating and safety devices are factory-adjusted to give optimum performance of the dryer.
Do not alter the setting of any of the devices.
Reference conditions
Reference conditions
All data specified below apply under reference conditions, see section Reference
conditions and limitations.
Digital outputs
Number of outputs 9 (Elektronikon Graphic controller - p.n. 1900 5200 10 . 1900 5200 19)
Type Relay (voltage free contacts)
Rated voltage AC 250 V AC / 10 A max.
Rated voltage DC 30 V DC / 10 A max.
Digital inputs
Number of inputs 10 (Elektronikon Graphic controller - p.n. 1900 5200 10 . 1900 5200 19)
Supply by controller 24 V DC
Supply protection Short circuit protected to ground
Input protection Not isolated
Analog inputs
Number of pressure inputs 2 (Elektronikon Graphic controller - p.n. 1900 5200 10 . 1900 5200 19)
Number of temperature inputs 5 (Elektronikon Graphic controller - p.n. 1900 5200 10 . 1900 5200 19)
This vessel can contain pressurised air. This can be potentially dangerous if the equipment is misused.
This vessel must only be used as a compressed air/oil separator tank and must be operated within the limits
specified on the data plate.
No alterations must be made to this vessel by welding, drilling or other mechanical methods without the written
permission of the manufacturer.
The pressure and temperature of this vessel must be clearly indicated.
The safety valve must correspond with pressure surges of 1.1 times the maximum allowable operating
pressure. It should guarantee that the pressure will not permanently exceed the maximum allowable operating
pressure of the vessel.
Use only oil as specified by the manufacturer.
Original bolts have to be used after opening for inspection. The maximum torque has to be taken into
consideration: for M12 bolts 73 Nm (53.8 lbf.ft)), for M16 bolts 185 Nm (136.4 lbf.ft).
On the Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer, the harmonised and/or other standards
that have been used for the design are shown and/or referred to.
The Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer is part of the documentation that is supplied
with this compressor.
Local legal requirements and/or use outside the limits and/or conditions as specified by the manufacturer may
require other inspection periods as mentioned below.
15 Declaration of conformity
On the Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer, the harmonised and/or other standards
that have been used for the design are shown and/or referred to.
The Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer is part of the documentation that is supplied
with this device.