Quick Start Kit : One Seven Design
Quick Start Kit : One Seven Design
Quick Start Kit : One Seven Design
the situation
the situation
This page describes the situation for the Quick Start. Give the
players this overview before going on to character and crew
the lampblacks
The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their
ii the red sashes
Originally an Iruvian school of swordsmanship, expanded
creation. See page 25 for more details. services were replaced by electric lights. into criminal endeavors.
the crows ii
An old gang with new leadership. Known for running
illegal games of chance.
Turf: Claims all of Crow's foot as their turf. Everyone
in the district pays up the chain to them. HQ in an
abandoned city watch tower. Operates many gambling reestablish
rooms across the district. control
of the
NPCs: Lyssa (leader, cold, calculating, killer) district
factions, tier, & hold
Faction Ladder
The goal of the game is to advance your crew up the faction ladder,
Gaining Hold
Your crew generates hold primarily with development rolls
to tier 3 (or beyond!). Your crew begins at tier 0, with 0 hold. (see Heat & Development Rolls on page 28). You may also
Hold represents how strongly a faction can maintain their earn hold by striking a deal with a faction that involves them
position at their current tier. The more hold you have, the "paying" you 1 of their hold in exchange for some service or
harder it is for you to lose your position. asset. 1 hold is generally worth 1 coin.
NPC factions generate hold via downtime actions. They may
Advancement also gain hold by striking deals and trading with another
To advance up one tier, you must have at least 3 hold on faction.
your current tier, then do one of the following:
Achieve +3 faction status with a faction one or two tiers above Reducing a Faction's Hold
you, then successfully perform the next mission they request. You may perform an operation specifically to reduce the hold
Take advantage of a faction one or two tiers above you of another faction. A successful operation results in -2 hold.
when they're reduced to zero hold. Successfully perform a You may first have to gather information (see page 10) to
mission to seize their position in that tier (they drop down discover what you can do to reduce their hold.
one tier and reset to 1 hold). A faction at zero hold (or less) is vulnerable to lower-tier
Whenever you change tiers, your hold resets to 1. factions who want to move up a tier (See "advancement" at
left). A faction reduced to -3 hold instantly drops down 1 tier
Factions & Scale and resets to 1 hold.
Faction tier level determines the scale of that faction's gangs.
Tier 3 (top). Huge gangs. (40 people) Faction Status
Tier 2 (middle). Large gangs (20 people) +3: Allies. This faction will help you even if it's not in their
Tier 1 (bottom). Medium gangs (10 people). best interest to do so. They expect you to do the same for them.
Tier 0. Small gangs (5 people). +2: Friendly. This faction will help you if it doesn't create
serious problems for them. They expect you to do the same.
Status Changes +1: Helpful. This faction will help you if it causes no problems
When you execute a score, you gain -1 status with any factions or significant cost for them. They expect the same from you.
that are hurt by your operation. You may also gain +1 status 0: Neutral.
with a faction that your operation helps. If you keep your
operation completely quiet (no one knows it was you) then -1: Interfering. This faction will look for opportunities to
your status doesn't change. cause trouble for you (or profit from your misfortune) as long
as it causes no problems or significant cost for them. They
If you take on a mission given by a faction, you gain +1 expect the same from you.
status with them with you complete it, and -1 status with
-2: Unfriendly. This faction will look for opportunities to hurt
their enemies if the operation isn't quiet.
you as long as it doesn't create serious problems for them. They
NPC Faction Project Clocks expect you to do the same, and take precautions against you.
You may also add or remove a segment on a faction's project -3: Hostile. This faction will go out of its way to hurt you even
clock when you perform a mission or pull off a score. if it's not in their best interest to do so. They expect you to do
the same, and take precautions against you.
dice, actions,&& effects
Rolling the Dice
Blades in the Dark uses six-sided dice. You roll several at once
Action Roll
You make an action roll when your character tries to do
Effect Roll
You make an effect roll to find out the scope of your character's
and read the single highest result. something that's blocked by an obstacle or when they're action. Is this action enough to overcome the obstacle or
threatened by danger. defeat the threat? Or is there more left to do?
If the highest die is a 6, it's a full success. Things go well.
If you roll multiple 6s, it's a critical success. An Action Roll answers two questions: An Effect Roll answers this question:
If the highest is a 4 or 5 that's a partial success. It's a mixed Do you accomplish your action? -and- What's the scope of my action?
result some good, some bad.
How much trouble are you exposed to when you do this? In general, a full success on the effect roll means that your
If the highest is 1-3 it's a bad outcome. Things go badly.
The possible results of the roll depend on your character's action has overcome the problem. Lesser rolls mean that
If you ever need to roll but you have zero (or negative) dice,
position. There are three possible positions: Desperate, you make progress, but will have to attempt more actions to
roll 2d and take the lowest result.
Risky, and Controlled. If you're in a controlled position, finish the job.
Action Ratings most of the possible dice results are good. If you're in a
Resistance Roll
There are sixteen actions in the game system that the desperate position, most of the results are bad. If you're
somewhere in between, it's risky, and there's a mix of good When you resist a bad effect, your effect roll tells us how
player characters use to overcome obstacles Attune
and bad dice results. much stress it will cost you to avoid the bad outcome. The
and face dangers. Each action has a rating Cipher better your roll, the less stress it costs (or you can choose to
(from zero to four) which tells you how For the details on Action Rolls, see page 11.
Command suffer the effect and save your stress).
many dice to roll when you perform that
Consort For the details on Effect Rolls, see page 12.
action. Action ratings don't just represent Effect Ratings
skill or training you're free to describe how Deceive There are six effects in the game system
your character performs that action based Force
Discern which you use to determine how much
on the type of person they are. Maybe your Finesse
Feint impact an action has on the situation. Each
character is good at Command because they effect has a rating (from zero to four) which Influence
have a scary stillness to them, while another Mayhem
tells you how many dice to roll when you Insight
character barks orders and intimidates Murder
apply that effect. For example, when you Maneuver
people with their imposing size. Prowl Stalk a target, you use your Insight
You may use any action to overcome an Secure rating to find out how much you learn about
obstacle or danger. Actions that are very Stalk them.
poorly suited to the situation at will put the
character in a more challenging position, but
Effects Are Also Resistances
they can still be attempted. If it's something Your effect ratings also indicate how well your character can
you're really good at, maybe it's worth it. Sway resist those effects. If you get stabbed, you resist with your
It's up to you which action your character Tinker Force rating. If someone tricks you with a clever ploy, you
performs to overcome a problem. resist with your Insight. When you encounter a terrifying
(But here's a bit of advice: if you think a combination of obstacle spirit, you resist with your Will. And so on. The better your
and action is silly, don't choose it! Pick something else. You're roll, the more easily you can avoid a bad effect by taking
responsible for the tone of the game). stress (page 7).
stress trauma
stress & trauma
Player characters in Blades in the Dark have a special reserve of
Stress & The Supernatural
A close encounter with a spirit or demon is a harrowing
fortitude and luck called Stress. When they suffer an effect that experience. By default, the standard effect is to first freeze a
they don't want to accept, they can take stress instead, person in place with fear, then panic them into fleeing from
to avoid the effect entirely. The result of the Effect its presence. A PC can choose to take stress as normal to
Roll determines how much stress it costs to avoid. resist these effects. Exceptional NPCs, such as Rail Jacks and
Daniel's character, Cross, is losing a fight with an occult weirdos, are more resistant to the supernatural terror
assassin sent by The Unseen. The GM describes of spirits but it still takes its toll eventually.
how the assassin slips past Cross's defenses and Being possessed by a spirit inflicts a level of Trauma at the
puts a dagger through his eye. Daniel rolls his Force end of every week. Once the possessed body suffers its fourth
effect to resist, and gets a 1-3: a diminished result. He level of trauma, it can no longer sustain its life. The possessing
can take 4 stress or a knife to the eye, his choice. spirit must either bond with the corpse (becoming a vampire)
or abandon it and seek out a new host.
When a PC marks their 8th and final stress box, they suffer a Ghost Qualities
level of Trauma. When you mark a level of trauma, clear all Roll 1d. Add +1 to roll for each year of ghostly existence.
of your stress, resetting to zero. You also improve your Vice
rating by 1 (this is the only way Vice rating advances). You may 1. Jealous, desperate, violent, hysterical, skittish, or fleeting.
choose to be "left for dead" or otherwise dropped out of the 2. Curious, deceptive, clever, probing, or knowledgeable.
current conflict, only to show back up later, shaken and drained. 3. Prophetic, insightful, true, revelatory, guiding, or
Trauma levels are permanent. Trauma represents how worn instructive.
down your character is. When you mark your fourth trauma 4. Reactive, territorial, dominant, insistent, bold, or
box, your character cannot continue as a daring scoundrel. You demanding.
must retire them to a different life at your first opportunity. 5. Angry, unpredictable, aggressive, wild, savage, or vengeful.
Retirement 6. Mad, chaotic, vengeful, bizarre, destructive, or insane.
When you fill your last Trauma box and retire, the amount
of coin you've managed to stash away determines the fate
of your character.
Stash 0-10: Poor soul. You end up in a reeking flophouse,
awash in vice and misery.
Stash 11-20: Meager. You end up with a tiny (but warm)
hovel that you can call your own.
Stash 21-39: Modest. You end up with a simple home or
apartment, with some small comforts. You might operate
a tavern or other small business.
Stash 40: Fine. You end up with a well-appointed home
or apartment, claiming a few luxuries. You might operate
a medium business or several small ones.
When the team of PCs engages in an operation
This is how you do the "everyone sneaks into
the manor" situation. Everyone rolls their
Moves as Backup
The only thing tougher than scrounging on
these haunted streets is trying to do it alone.
Arlyn Grel
info & planning
information & planning
Gather Information Scouting the Detail
"No plan extends with certainty beyond the
first encounter with the enemy."
Moltke the Elder
the action roll
action roll
1d for each Action dot. Desperate Risky Controlled
You take a huge risk on a slim chance. You face a dangerous opponent on equal You take time to carefully execute a plan.
Youre stuck in a bad position. You face footing. You act under fire. You take a You hedge your bets and play it safe. You
+1d if the target matches your a threat thats out of your league. calculated risk. exploit a dominant position.
+ Background.
Crit: You do it and avoid the danger. Crit: You do it with increased effect (+1 Crit: You do it with increased effect (+1
effect result level). level) and you may create an additional
+ +1d for the Devils Bargain 6: You do it but face the effect of the
opportunity that follows on from this
danger. 6: You do it and avoid the danger. or you
may choose to overreach and get +1 effect
+ +1d for Backup (they take stress). 4/5: Things go badly. You face the effect of
level but also face effect from the danger. 6: You do it!
the danger at hand. You must abandon this
-1d if youre hindered by any approach or try again by taking a bigger 4/5: You do it but face the effect of the 4/5: You do it with reduced effect (-1
- risk and rolling a desperate move. danger. level), or try for full effect by taking a
relevant lasting effects.
bigger risk and rolling a risky move.
-1d if you face veteran, elite, or 1-3: It gets worse! You face a more potent 1-3: Things go badly. You face the effect
- effect from the danger (-1 to your resist of the danger at hand. You must abandon 1-3: You reveal a flaw in this approach
well-prepared opposition.
effect level). You must abandon this goal this particular approach (youll have to that will expose you to danger. You may
(you cant achieve it for now) or try try another way) or try again by taking a back out now (abandon this method of
again by taking a bigger risk and rolling bigger risk and rolling a desperate move. action) or go ahead with it by rolling a
a desperate move. risky move.
When your PC pursues a goal that's blocked by an obstacle Also consider the desired effect of the PC and the possible some advantage which helps you now, but works against your
or exposes them to danger you make an action roll. effect of the threat they're facing. In general, the bigger the overall well being, security, or future plans. Common devil's
desired effect, the bigger the risk. bargains include:
Choose Your Action
Tell the group which action your character is using to deal with By revising their approach and desired effect, a player can Revealing a valuable secret for a momentary edge.
the obstacle or danger. It's usually obvious, but make it explicit modify their position. Discuss alternate goals, approaches and Sacrificing coin, an item or a crew asset.
anyway. There's some overlap among actions, meaning several effects and how the PC's position might change as a result. Suffering stress or a lasting effect.
of them might apply, depending on the specific approach you Be explicit about what they'll accomplish and what they're
risking! (Even if the risk is "You don't know what will happen Betraying a teammate, friend or loved one.
take. The choice is yours, as long as your character actually
does the action in question. You can't roll Murder unless you if you do that.") The players need information to make good Angering a powerful enemy.
proceed with serious violence. decisions about their actions. Once you're happy with the Making a dangerous promise.
assessment, assemble the dice pool for the roll. Adding heat to the crew with evidence or witnesses.
Position & Desired Effect
Assess the strength of the character's position to perform The Devil's Bargain There isn't a devil's bargain in every situation. If one doesn't
this action. There are three positions (from worst to best): PCs in Blades are reckless scoundrels addicted to destructive occur to anyone right away, that's fine.
Desperate, Risky, or Controlled. Look at the profiles for vicesthey don't always act in their own best interests. To
The devil's bargain occurs regardless of the outcome of the
each position. Which of the various phrases best matches the reflect this, the GM or any other player can offer you a bonus
roll. You make the deal, get the bonus die, and pay the price.
character's current situation? die if you accept a devil's bargain. Take some action or exploit
the effect roll
There are two cases when a player makes an effect roll:
1. To determine the scope of their character's action.
remarkable or when the
players do something "the
effect roll
1d for each Effect diamond .
example of play
example of play
Breaking Into the Manor House
Rivka and her crew of scoundrels are on a job. They heard
On Point
The GM asks the question that starts the action on a team
desperate if you had to do this in the middle of a fight, or if they
knew we were coming. So risky seems right." Everyone agrees.
from their smuggler friend, Hoxley, that the Dimmer Sisters operation: "Okay, who's on point?" "Cool," Allison says. "Cylene's Attune rating is 2."
had recently acquired a valuable arcane relic from the time "Well," says Allison. "When we cased the place last time, the "Okay, take 2 dice. You're on point, so you get to decide: are
before the cataclysm, The Eye of Kotar. Dimmer's had some arcane wards set up, plus some goons you leading everyone to attune together, or are you handling
Rivka's crew has a -2 status rating with the Dimmer Sisters, patrolling around. We'll have to assume that's still true." this yourself to overcome the obstacle on behalf of the team?"
which means they're enemies. Stealing the Eye will hurt the The GM shrugs. "Yeah, they haven't had a reason to change "And what's the difference, again?"
sisters, loosen their hold in the underworld, and put a valuable things. It's been quiet with them. Your last recon still counts."
treasure in the crew's vault, to boot. Everyone agrees that this "If you lead, everyone will roll to attune, and the team will keep
The GM checks her notes, but doesn't find the Dimmer Sisters'
is the job they want to pursue. the best result. But, you'll take stress for everyone who fails
details from the last time. Oh well. Rachel quickly makes a
their roll, since you're leading and covering their mistakes."
new set of progress clocks for their security, based on what
The Plan she knows about the Sisters' operation. She puts them out on "Okay. So we have a better overall chance, but I risk some stress.
Rachel, the GM, asks the question that kicks off every job the table for everyone to see. Wards: 6, Patrols: 4, Locks: 6. Especially because these yahoos aren't any good at attuning."
in Blades in the Dark: "Okay, you want to rob the Dimmer
"I'll take point," Allison says. "The Sisters are all "Right. Or, if you handle it yourself to overcome the obstacle
Sisters. Excellent. What's the plan?"
whispery like me, after all. Wards are my thing." for the whole team, then you're the only one who rolls, but
The players look at the list of plans on their character sheets whatever you roll counts for everyone."
"Great," says Rachel. "Your gondola bumps against
and quickly choose one. "I vote for infiltration," says Dylan.
the ancient dock below the Dimmer's manor. An wards "That sounds good," Dylan says."
"Yeah," says James, "Let's keep this nice and quiet. We already
open stone doorway lies beyond, shrouded in pitch "Yes," Rachel says. "But, if Allison doesn't roll a full success,
have enough heat as it is." The other players agree.
blackness. When you shine your lantern toward it, the rest of you take stress. It's tough to stand by and watch
The GM asks the group for the detail that completes the plan: the darkness is not dispelled. A coldness creeps over someone do something and not do it just right!"
"What's your point of entry?" everyone. You can see your breath mist in the air."
patrols "Ha! Yeah," Sarah says. "That is so true."
"Well," says Rivka. "We've cased the Dimmer Sisters' manor "'Hold up, everyone,'" Allison says, in character. "'I'll
before. I think using the underground canal entrance is good. take care of this.' Cylene's eyes glow softly and she "Okay," Allison says. "So if I lead, I risk stress. And if I overcome,
We have cistern keys to deal with any gates down there, and approaches the doorway, sending out arcane power they risk stress. Got it. Since I'm pretty good at this, I think
that approach will keep us out of sight from witnesses on the against the protective wards that must be there." 'overcome' makes sense. They're just gonna hold me back."
street." Everyone agrees. locks "You're on point, it's your call." James says.
"Okay," Rachel says. "Your first obstacle. It sounds
"Cool," Rachel says. "That's the plan your characters made, like you're using the Attune action to get past it." "Okay," Rachel says. "So you have 2 dice so far. You also get
probably huddled around their sketch of the Dimmer's manor a bonus die if your background matches the target in this
"Yep. Attune it is. How strong is my position here?"
house and the canal map. Now, on to the operation! So... case, The Dimmer Sisters, since they set up the wards."
you're making your way through the underground canal, "You're dealing with arcane wards set by the Dimmer sisters
poling your gondola silently through the disused tunnels." specifically to catch someone breaking in to their home. You're "My background is Noble," Allison says.
going after them where they're strong and prepared. But this "Yep, same as the Dimmers. Take a bonus die."
"I have a lantern held out," Allison says. "But it's shuttered
is something you're prepared for, as well. You're a professional
down to a faint glow. Is it all moldy and slimy down here?" "Sweet. Any more dice?"
Whisper who does this for a living, and you're not under any
"Oh, yeah," Rachel says. "The walls are covered in glistening other pressures. Sounds like the definition of a risky position, "Two more, if you want them. A teammate can give you a
wet ooze, completely obscuring the stone. The water is black to me: You face a dangerous opponent on equal footing." bonus die if they assist you and take a point of stress. And
and oily. There's a stench of waste and rot." you can accept a devil's bargain for a bonus die."
"Yeah, that sounds about right," Sarah says. "It would be
"Ugh," says James.
"Okay... let's talk teamwork first. Who wants to back me up?" says. "That's part of the risky move. You should know what the
"I'll do it," Dylan says. "You know I never leave your side, danger is so you can decide if you're taking the risk or not."
Cylene. No matter how weird things get. That's 1 stress for "Eh, it's fine," Allison says. "It's not like we were gonna turn
me." Dylan passes the bonus die over. around and leave. We're here to do a job. But I'd like to know.
"Aw, you're the best, Frost," Allison says. What's the danger?"
"Nice," says Rachel. "What does Frost do to assist?" "Well, the Dimmer's don't mess around," Rachel says. "So
it's the obvious thing. The darkness in the doorway isn't just
Dylan thinks for a moment. "Frost walks up beside Cylene as barrier, it's a trap. It swirls out and wraps you in choking,
and silently places his hand on her shoulder. He closes his cold vapors. You feel your heart stop."
eyes and opens his mind, letting her take whatever strength
from him she needs." "Holy crap."
"Whoa," Sarah says. "That's cool." "Yeah. Uh, sorry. They do have a certain reputation about
how they deal with interlopers."
"Yeah, awesome!" Allison says. "Okay, Rachel... let's hear your
devil's bargain." "Yeah. No, I get it. It makes sense. We know they have a pile of
bodies in their basement, after all. But, yeesh. Maybe I don't
"Hey," Rachel says, "It's not just my job! Anyone can propose a want to show them who's boss."
devil's bargain. Think of a cost or complication or nasty little
twist and if Allison accepts it, she gets a bonus die." "No, you're good," Dylan says. "I'm your backup, right? I can
face danger in your place. I got this. Go ahead and smash
"Oh, I have one," James says. "It's the obvious thing. When you them. I'll deal with the death vapors."
meddle with the Dimmer's wards, you leave a trace of yourself
behind. They'll be able to figure out who did it. Eventually." "Ooookay," Allison says. "If you say so! I overreach."
"Oh, that's good. So mean, and so good," Allison says. "I love it. "Okay, you're gonna roll your effect to see if you can bypass
Yes. Devil's bargain for me. We're good? I have 5 dice. Let's roll." this whole ward problem with this one action, or if there's still
more stuff to do. More you know death vapor stuff to do."
"Okay," Rachel says, "Let's do it."
"Wonderful. And I choose which effect to roll, based on what
Allison rolls all her dice and keeps the highest. It's a 6! Cylene did, same as picking my action. So this is definitely
"Suck it," says Allison. "Full success." Will. I'm attuning and channeling my willpower, and Frost's,
too, to bypass the barrier ward."
"What's it say for a full success on a risky move?" Rachel asks.
"Yep. Take dice equal to your Will. Do you have a fine quality
Allison reads from the reference sheet:
item that applies to this?"
6: You do it and avoid the danger. or you may choose to
"Yep, I have my fine spirit mask. It helps me see arcane energy.
overreach and get +1 effect level but also face an effect
So, 2 Will + fine item, that's 3 dice. No devil's bargain, thanks.
from the danger.
Let's roll it." Allison rolls and gets a 6 again! A complete effect.
"Hmm," Allison says.
"Bam," Allison says. "That's a complete effect, so that's 4 ticks
"Oh jeez," James says. "You're going to overreach, aren't you?" on the Wards clock."
"I sure am," Allison says. "I'm gonna show these Dimmer's "Yep," Rachel says. "But... it's actually a critical result! Since
who's boss. Spoiler alert: it's me." you decided to overreach, you get to bump up your result by
"Here we go," Sarah says. a whole tier. From a success to a crit."
"Okay, wait. First, what's the danger?" Dylan asks. "Oh right! Bad ass. So that's 6 ticks on the clock, right? I beat
the whole thing."
"Oh, damn! I should have said that to begin with," Rachel
"You sure do," Rachel says. "We'll get to that, but "Nice," Rachel says. "So, Allison, you totally wrecked the
first we have to find out what happens with the wards. Want to tell us what happens? Remember, you leave
heart-stopping death vapors." some trace of yourself behind, from the devil's bargain."
"Oh yeah." wards "Right. So, from behind my spirit mask, my eyes glow even
"How are you resisting the vapors, Frost?" Rachel asks. brighter, and twin beams of pale blue light spill out, burning
through the death vapors and ripping the arcane energy of the
"Uh... Force is my best effect rating... but, no. I can't use ward apart. This causes a chain reaction through all the wards
force against death vapors, "Dylan says. "I guess Frost has to across the building, and they each fade out silently, one by
summon his Will against this stuff." one. In their place, a single scorched rune remains, a symbol
"Well, it depends," Sarah says. "Are the vapors actually that encodes my name in an ancient language."
attacking his lungs and heart, physically? Because resisting And that's the first part of the operation in the bag. Allison
physical attack is totally a Force thing." used her teamwork move on point to overcome the wards for
"Yeah, that's true," Rachel says. "I guess the vapors are both the whole team, so now she hands off the point position to
arcane and physical, really. It's up to you, Dylan." someone else. Maybe James steps up so Dor can be on point
and use his Lurk talents to lead the team past the Dimmer's
"Okay, yeah, that does make sense. Frost is really tough and
patrols and find where they keep their artifact collection.
can push through pain and damage, so sure. I'll roll Force."
"Okay," Rachel says. "So... Frost, you step between Cylene and Questions to Consider
the death vapors. You feel them envelop you, filling your What if the team had no Whisper? How would things have
lungs, withering your organs. You collapse on the gone differently? Can anyone deal with arcane stuff, or does
dock, face down in the muck. Not moving. it require a specialist? Would they need to hire an NPC
Not breathing." whisper for the operation?
"I struggle with every ounce of strength What if they didn't know about the wards ahead of time
within me!" Dylan says. He rolls and the and just blundered into them? How would you handle that?
dice betray him. He gets a 3. A weak
What if Allison had rolled lower for her effect, leaving more
to do with the wards? She's handing off point to someone
"Oh no," Allison says. else, so how might they deal with it? Maybe they just do
"Ouch! Okay then. So I'm gonna a setup action and hand point back to Allison again, or
die, huh? Yeah, no thanks," Dylan maybe they think of something else. Are the PCs daring
says. "I'll take stress to avoid that and proud, or ultra-cautious and pragmatic?
effect. Obviously. Thanks to my What if the Dimmer Sisters had been tipped off to this
awful roll, that's gonna cost me 4 infiltration? Maybe there was an opportunity for that,
stress! Which is almost all I have left, or maybe the PCs planned their operation secretly and
but hey, that's what stress is for, right?" attacked before the Dimmer's were wise to it. Could that
question be resolved by an action roll? How would you
"Right! Tell us how Frost resists the vapor
handle that?
and doesn't die."
Setting the effect of the ward to "you die" was pretty harsh!
"Oh, yeah, I think it's just like you said, but, Do you think that's a fair move, given the Dimmer's lethal
after a beat, he suddenly twitches and stands reputation? When would you inflict a lethal effect like that?
up, alive after all. He pulls his pipe from his
belt, lights it, and takes a long, thoughtful drag.
'Well, shit.' he says."
how toto usesystem
use the the system
The game is a conversation between the people at the table. You're
talking, narrating actions, speaking in character, making jokes,
Why We Do This
part i
What's the point of this shift into a mechanic, anyway? Why not
Failing Gracefully
The system of Blades in the Dark is designed to fail
sketching maps, speculating about what might happen, all that just talk it out? The main reason is this: when we just talk things gracefully. That is, if you just use the core action roll
good stuff. But it's just talking, right? There's a thing that happens out, we tend to build consensus. This is usually a good thing. It and forget extra details or special cases, it will be
in a roleplaying game where the conversation shifts. Where you go helps the group bond, get on the same page, set expectations, all okay. The game will sail along just fine. The game
from just talking to using a mechanic. What's that like? that stuff. But when it comes to action-adventure stories like Blades is better when you use all the details, but the whole
thing doesn't come crashing down if you don't.
in the Dark, we don't want consensus when the characters go into
Triggering the Action Roll danger. We want to be surprised, or thwarted, or driven to bigger If you want to ease in to the system in play, just
This shift in the conversation is the GM's responsibility (they should risks, or inspired to create a twist or complication. We want to raise start with the action roll. Then, when something
our hands over our heads and ride the roller coaster over the drop. bad happens to a PC and they want to resist it,
always be on the lookout), but anyone can call for it. So, when do
add effect rolls. When the group starts asking
you call for it? You call for an action roll when any of these happen: When the mechanic is triggered, the group first dips into being about teamwork and helping each other, bring in
A player character faces an obstacle that blocks or complicates authors for a moment as they suss out the position, the danger, the teamwork moves. When they wonder about
the achievement of their goal. and the details of the action. Then, author mode switches off and how much loot they get and how their crew rises
A player character faces danger from a threat an NPC; a everyone becomes the audience. What will happen next? We hold in the underworld, bring in the development and
dangerous situation or environment. our breath, lean forward in our seats, and let the dice fall. faction stuff. Don't feel like you have to explain
everything up front.
A player character leads or gives orders to an NPC or NPC
group, which faces an obstacle or danger. The Purpose of Effects & Stress The same goes for the fiction. Don't feel like you
Some GMs get frustrated when they feel like the enemy NPCs or have to get everything perfectly right every time. If
Someone grabs the dice and gets all excited about making a roll.
threats "aren't doing anything." They almost inflict effects on the you say something about an NPC and then realize
So, then, what do you actually say? I like to first ask the player how PCs, but then the PCs take stress (or even trauma) and avoid the later that it was wrong, just revise it. No big deal.
they're accomplishing their action. Which of their action ratings effect. This is by design! "Hey, I told you that Trayga was seen at the docks
will they use? Then, I suggest the position the character is in, to that night, but that was all wrong. I was thinking
The PCs in the game start out as huge underdogs. The stress system
start a brief conversation about that. To use the action mechanic we of someone else. It was supposed to be Arlo."
gives them a special ability to survive when they otherwise wouldn't,
need to know the strength of the character's position Desperate,
so they have some hope of achieving their long-term goals. "Oh! Well that changes things. Okay, got it."
Risky, or Controlled. It's like:
The purpose of threatening effects is not always to inflict them, And also:
Player: "So he has the amulet? Okay, no, I'm forcing him to hand
it's to describe them. The threats become manifest in the minds of
it over, right now." "Oh, dammit, I would have totally brought my
everyone playing, even if they're avoided. wrecker tools on this job. I forgot to mark it. Can
GM: "Okay then. How are you gonna do that?" I have them anyway?"
"The ghost is entangled with your soul."
Player: "I look him square in the eye and I Command him to "You hear the bone snap as you hit the cobblestones." "Oh, sure. But that means you would have been
hand it over." heavy loaded when you bluffed the butler, right?
"You can tell that she'll never trust you again."
GM: "Cool. Sounds pretty risky to me. He's no push-over and Kinda hard to hide that."
The bad outcomes are spoken aloud. They hang there in the room
his goons are standing right there." "Oh, yeah, right. Damn. Can I just take 1 stress
as horrible potential. They're scary. Then the player gets to roll
And then the other players chime in and suggest an alternative and we call it good?"
their effect, look you in the eye and say, "No. That doesn't happen.
position, or the player revises their statement to something more I take the stress." It's empowering. They look danger in the face "Works for me. It's not a big deal."
or less daring, or everyone just nods and we've shifted into using and laugh. That's the nature of a scoundrel. Fly casual. If you're not sure what to do, keep
the mechanic. it simple. Go with what's obvious to you. Add
Describing the harmful effects with gusto is your job, not inflicting
them. The purpose of the effect and stress mechanics is to add mechanics when you're comfortable. Forgive each
other's mistakes. Have fun.
how toto usesystem
use the the system
interesting fictional details to the game when it comes to harm and
trouble. Instead of simply saying, "You take 3 damage," you describe
No Whiffing
part ii
Every time you roll the dice in Blades, the situation changes. There's
Setting Precedents
What's true for the PCs is true for the NPCs,
how the blade catches under their armor and digs a bloody furrow no such thing as a "nothing happens" result from a roll. How does and vice versa. If you establish that the Whisper
across their ribs. It becomes real in the ongoing fiction of the game. this work? PC is the only one who can talk to the ghost
Then the player can negate it with a simple statement of mechanics, they summoned (due to a special "summoning
"No, I take the 2 stress instead." But the only way they can know The "failure" results for action rolls (1-3) are not simply "misses."
language" that binds them together), then that
whether it's worth it to pay the cost is if you describe the potential The character's action has a tangible outcome. Something happens
fact becomes true for NPC-summoned ghosts,
effect. Each cycle of threat and stress requires this input of new which changes the character's circumstances. On a controlled as well.
fiction. And that, after all, is what we're here to do. failure, the character spots a flaw in their approach, and can decide
to withdraw or push their luck with a risky move. On a risky failure, If you establish that a skilled NPC can instantly
the character's action fails, but the threat hits them. Things get kill an unsuspecting victim, then the PCs can
NPC Threat Levels worse. On a desperate failure, the threat dominates and makes the try it, too.
The severity of effect that you describe (and the position for the
situation much worse. Each time you make a judgment call or establish
action roll that you choose) determines the threat level of the
new details about the game world, they become
opposition. If they're facing an NPC that you've described as a In each case, the player gets a choice to push their luck and try again.
available to everyone as a new tool in play.
standard thug, then her effects will be things like wrestling them It's more dangerous, but if the player cares enough to keep trying
to the ground, or punching them in the face, or maybe cracking a (and facing threat effects) they can overcome a string of unlucky
rib with her blackjack if she's got the upper hand. rolls and achieve success at a cost.
If they're facing an NPC that you've described as a master assassin, Also, remember that an effect roll always makes progress. Even on
then her effects might be a lightning-fast move that puts a dagger a 1-3 result, you have some effect, and tick 1-segment if a clock
in the PC's heart. is involved. There aren't any "zero segment" outcomes. When
describing a character's effect, something concrete always happens.
Since NPCs don't have stats and action ratings, it's by the severity
They don't just swing and miss, or try to persuade but get ignored,
of their effects (and the position you set for the PC's action roll)
or any other kind of null result. The action has an effect.
that their capabilities are manifest in the game.
Your punch connects with a meaty thud to the side of their head.
This is something that will grow and evolve over time as you play
They stagger for a moment but don't go down. They snarl and
the game. Talk to the group about it as you go. Do you want a more
grapple you!
deadly, high-stakes, kind of game? Then PCs and NPCs should
threaten lethal effects all the time. Injuries are bloody and leave She looks at you sideways, "You want me to tell you that? I don't
permanent scars. Do you want a more cinematic, adventurous know, love... you're asking quite a lot. What's in it for me?"
kind of game? Then describe effects with less dire consequences. You slip past the sentry near the stairs, but before you can get
People are "left for dead." Explosions make you look cool when further into the house, another patrol rounds the corner ahead,
you dive out of the way. lanterns held high. You barely squeeze into a dark alcove before
You don't have to decide on one approach and stick to it. Be flexible the light hits you.
and let it change over time according to what the group is most A bad effect roll can't "undo" a successful action roll. If you try to
excited about. sneak past a guard and roll a 6+, but then roll a 1-3 on effect, the
guard doesn't spot you. You already did it without danger as a result
of the action roll. The low effect roll just means that this problem
isn't solved yet. You're not free and clear; there's more left to do.
But so far you've done it without trouble.
putting ittogether
putting it all all together
I like to think of the Blades system as a guitar. I've built this
thing with strings that make particular sounds, but you're
The GM sets the scene, describing the twisty little street
where the building with Tress's flat is. Laborers shuffle to
about what Arlyn does, and then see how effectively she
does it. Each successful roll accomplishes a concrete goal
the one who plays it. You decide which chords to strum and and from work, weak light from cheap lanterns flickers on determined by the player (and affirmed by the group), leading
what kind of music comes out. Is it fast and rocking? Slow the cobblestones, a few vendors call out their wares of eel up to the goal of murder.
and moody? Jangly and weird? Up to you. The system itself pies and boot-black. Tress's window, four stories up, is dark.
gives you an instrument to play the music on, and it's distinct "What do you do?" Version III
from other instruments. A guitar is not a piano. Let's say Tress is an important NPC and the whole group is
And they play it out as a series of actions. First Arlyn prowls invested in getting rid of her. When Arlyn's player says, "I'm
Let's look at some examples of playing chords on this guitar. around to a rear entrance and creeps stealthily up the stairs, sick of Tress's shit. I'm gonna sneak in there tonight and kill
avoiding any prying eyes. Then she secures entry to the flat, her," the other players say, "Yes. We're going with you." The
Murder in the Night past Tress's modest lock. Then she murders Tress there in her GM asks what the plan is, and who's on point, and the murder
Arlyn (a PC) has found out where her enemy, Tress, sleeps. sleep, quiet as death. becomes a team operation. This is just like Version II, but with
Maybe this discovery was a long-term project that Arlyn has Or maybe Arlyn just walks boldly up the stairs, kicks down the team at her back, Arlyn's chance of success rises and the
been doing during her downtime. Arlyn's player says, "I'm sick the door and kills Tress in the ensuing struggle. It's up to her stress from resisting effects and such gets spread around the
of Tress's shit. I'm gonna sneak in there tonight and kill her." player. But since this is an important moment, the GM puts team instead of concentrated on her alone.
it all in context in a little scene, with specific details, and it's
Version I played out action by action.
Version IV
Let's say this is a minor side issue. Tress isn't that important; Just for fun, let's flip it around. Let's say that Tress is the PC
just an annoying enemy NPC that needs killing. The GM says Here's an aspect of the game that may be interesting if you've in this scenario. An enemy NPC has discovered where Tress
"Yeah, well, you know where she sleeps now. It's not like she played other RPGs. In Blades, the GM doesn't decide the steps sleeps and decides to sneak in at night and murder her. You
has a fortress and guards or anything. You're using Murder, needed to kill Tress. The GM doesn't say, "Okay, first you need can totally do this! The GM says, "You know Arlyn? That killer
yeah? Okay, sounds risky to me. There might be a witness to roll Prowl to sneak in. Okay, now you need to roll Secure who hates your guts? I guess she figured out where you sleep
or you could leave some evidence behind or something like to pick the lock," etc. The player decides what the steps are, by because she shows up in the middle of the night to murder
that. Let's roll and see." And Arlyn's player makes an action saying what their character wants to accomplish and how they you. Let's see how that goes."
roll to accomplish the murder, just like that. do it, which determines the action and effect rolls. The player
This triggers an action roll for Tress, since she's facing danger
says, "I don't want any witnesses, so I'll Prowl around back
Maybe Arlyn makes an effect roll to resist if the danger of a and sneak in." They set the goals and go after them. from a threat. Maybe the GM says, "You're sleeping and Arlyn
witness or evidence manifests. But they probably skip Arlyn's is picking the modest lock on your door. What do you do?"
effect roll on the actual murder, because no one is really that Arlyn's effect rolls for her actions determine how involved The player says, "Uh... well, I'm sleeping. So... I don't know?"
curious about how thoroughly the murder is done. It's just it all is. Like, maybe the GM imagines that Tress's modest Another player says, "You could discern the attack. Discern
done. Simple and quick, doesn't derail the session, but gives security is only a 2-segment clock (this is just in her mind, covers 'anticipate and foresee' actions, right?" "Oh, right. Cool.
Arlyn's player some satisfaction. And if the roll goes badly, she doesn't even bother to write it down). But if Arlyn rolls It's like a little flashback, almost. Maybe I heard a rumor or
with desperate follow-ups, etc. then you've just spun out some diminished Finesse effect (1 segment) when she secures entry got a weird vibe when I went to bed. I'll start with that."
interesting problems to deal with, and maybe Tress is a more then maybe the GM steps in and says, "Heh, okay. The lock And you follow the actions and effects to see where it goes.
important enemy NPC now, too. on her door is modest, but not that modest. Let's say there's Maybe that Discern roll is desperate, and it doesn't go well,
1 segment left to go. Want to keep picking the lock or do and Arlyn is suddenly on Tress, stabbing away, and Tress rolls
Version II
something else?" And that complicates things slightly, since Murder or Mayhem to fight back, and rolls Force to resist the
Let's say this murder is a fairly important thing in the
Arlyn rolls again, with another chance for trouble to creep in. stabbing, etc.
campaign. Tress isn't a big, powerful NPC, but she's an
important character and everyone is like, "Oh shit, you're No one has to decide ahead of time how difficult or As GM, you can push as hard as necessary, because everything
gonna kill Tress? Dang." You want to spend a little time with complicated it is to kill Tress. You just play in the moment, comes down to action rolls, resistance, stress, flashbacks and all.
it, and the other players are interested. using the fictional details as imagined to prompt the questions You can't just dictate outcomes, so everyone is on equal footing.
advancement & coin & coin
It would be a terrible shame if Madame Tesslyn's
lotus supply went up in flames, wouldn't it? Such
One way you advance the level of your crew is by executing criminal
You may spend any ticks you have for desperate moves to supplement
other advancement ticks. For example, if you have 1 tick in Blade and 3
a waste of quality product. Of course, if such ticks in desperate moves, you can combine those ticks (4 total) to add a
jobs that suit your crew type. These activities are called scores. A
a tragedy were to happen, I would be only too new Blade action dot. You can't spend desperate move ticks on their own.
score is one operation one smuggling run, one rogue spirit hunt, one
happy to accommodate her clientele while she got assassination, one jewel heist, etc. If the operation was profitable (you got
back on her feet. And the arsonist would warrant the reward you were going for), you count it as advancement for the crew. Crew Advancement
some measure of my gratitude as well. At the start of each session:
Rolan Volaris Development Review the crew advancement items, and mark 1 advancement tick
Your scoundrels and crew didn't just spring into existence tonight. You for each item that you did during the previous session. If you've done
have a complex history of favors, commitments, debts, and promises that the same item multiple times, you can take multiple ticks.
got you where you are today. To reflect this, after each score, you roll dice When you mark 6 crew advancement ticks, clear the ticks and choose
to find out how much hold they gain, how much of their hard-won riches two (a given item may be chosen only once):
they manage to hold on to, and what past entanglements come calling.
ffA new crew upgrade.
See Heat & Development Rolls on page 28. ffIncrease one of your crew effects by 1 (except Renown).
The game will naturally flow from executing a score, to downtime, to ffAdd a new special ability.
development, to dealing with old debts, and then moving on to a new score.
In addition, each PC gets 1 coin (+1 per crew tier) as their share
of the profits, which they may keep as spendable currency on hand or
PC Advancement permanently stash away for retirement. A character can hold up to 2
At the start of each session, recap the previous session. Then each player personal coin. Any excess must be stashed or spent immediately.
does all of the following:
Ask the other players which action category your character best Coin
embodied during the previous session (Blade, Book, Cloak, or Mask). When the crew completes a profitable score, they're rewarded with coin.
Mark 1 advancement tick in that category. Coin is an abstract measure of significant wealth. The few silver pieces
Choose one advancement category (actions, effect, or playbook) to the scoundrels use in their daily lives are not tracked. If a scoundrel wants
which your character devotes their personal training time. Mark to toss a few silver around to achieve something, roll the Supply action.
1 advancement tick in that category. If your crew has the Training
You can spend coin 1-for-1 to increase the result level of any Acquire
upgrade for that category, mark +1 advancement tick.
Asset, Reduce Heat, Recovery, Project, or Gather Information roll. (So a
Mark 1 advancement tick for effects. 1-3 becomes a 4/5, a 4/5 becomes a 6, etc.). You can do this after the roll.
Review your playbook advancement items, and mark 1 playbook 1 coin: A coffer of silver pieces. A fine artwork. A handful of
advancement tick for each item that you did during the previous session. common jewels. The monthly take of a small business.
If you've done the same item multiple times, you can take multiple ticks.
2 coin: A fine piece of art. An exquisite jewel.
When you mark 4 action category ticks, clear the ticks and add a 3 coin: The monthly take of a thriving business.
dot to one of the actions in that category. (Level 3 and level 4 skills are
4 coin: Liquidating a significant asseta boat, a property deed.
locked until you get the Expertise and Mastery crew training upgrades.)
More than 4 coin is an impractical amount to keep lying around. If
When you mark 4 Effect ticks, clear the ticks and add a diamond to
the crew has a vault, they can store up to 8 coin, otherwise any coin
one of your effects.
beyond 4 must be spent during the session in which it's acquired.
When you mark 6 playbook advancement ticks, clear the ticks and
1 parcel of silver coins or other bulk currency takes up 1 item slot
choose a new playbook special ability -or- add two items from another
when carried.
playbook to your list of item options.
The bone must be reset, Im afraid. Here,
breathe this black lotus vapor while I consult
Crew Downtime
When you're not pursuing a score, your crew can spend some time
NPC Downtime
The NPC crews and factions also do things when you take downtime.
Edvards treatise on anatomy. recovering and dealing with other issues. During a downtime phase, The GM advances their project clocks and chooses a downtime
Melvir Kepp each crew member may do all of the following: action for each faction that they're interested in at the moment:
Recover from lasting effects. Plan an operation to: generate +1 hold, to make an enemy
summary vulnerable, or to inflict -1 hold on a vulnerable enemy.
Indulge your vice to clear stress.
When you have downtime between operations, Execute an operation (above).
the crew recovers from lasting effects (like Restore all of your armor.
injuries), restores their armor, and indulges in In addition, choose one special downtime action: Gather information on the PCs (may be opposed by a PC roll).
vice to clear stress. fWork
f on a long-term project. Achieve a short-term objective they're in position to accomplish.
Each PC also gets the option to take a special fReduce
f heat on the crew. Acquire a new asset.
downtime action, like working on a long-term GM: Take downtime actions and advance clocks for the factions
f use of an asset (including hiring +1 scale worth of people
project, reducing heat on the crew, or acquiring you're interested in right now. Don't worry about the rest. Later,
for one of your gangs).
an asset for the next score. when you turn your attention to a faction you've ignored for a while,
The crew can take several downtime phases in a row, but each go ahead and give them several downtime actions and clock ticks
additional downtime costs 1 coin or 1 hold. When you complete to "catch up" to current events.
a score, you reset and get a "free" downtime phase again.
See page 27 for the rules for all the downtime rolls.
GM: If a player can't decide which special downtime move to pick,
offer them a project idea. You know what the player is interested
in and what they like. Suggest a project that will head in a fun
direction for them.
You got that weird vision when you were messing around with
the altar to the Forgotten Gods, remember? You want to get to
the bottom of that, probably. Okay, start a project8 segments
called... "Weird God Vibes." What do you do to work on that?
gm: goals, principles, & actions
GM Goals
This is what you're trying to accomplish when you run the game.
hollows, weird sounds, arcane energies, and strange cults
everywhere. How does the haunted city manifest here?
they can react in time, they can make an action roll. If they're
hit with trouble, they can roll to resist it. Go ahead and say,
Surround them with industrial sprawl. Duskwall is crowded "The Unseen told you what would happen if you interfered.
Play to find out what happens. Don't steer the game toward
with factories and their choking soot clouds, buzzing electric They firebomb your lair while you're sleeping." The players
certain outcomes or events. Be curious!
lights, ironworks, clanking machines. will interrupt, flashback, scramble and deal with it! It'll be fun.
Bring Duskwall to life. Give each location a specific aspect
Consider the risk. Think about the risks and dangers inherent Tell them the consequences and ask. "Yeah, you can totally
(crowded, cold, wet, dim, etc.). Give each NPC a name,
in most things the scoundrels do. A risky move is the default smash him. But he'll remember this. And he's friends with
detail and a preferred method of problem solving (threats,
action almost all the time. When they've taken great care and Inspector Krop, remember? Still want to do it?"
bargaining, violence, etc.). Give each action context the
knife fight is on rickety wooden stairs; the informant huddles are building on successes, they might make controlled moves. Offer a devil's bargain. Think of a fun complication or reckless
among the wreckage of the statue of the Weeping Lady; the When they have to improvise off the cuff or when they're in decision. Offer them the bonus die in exchange. If you don't
Lampblacks' lair stinks of black lotus smoke. over their heads, they're probably making desperate moves. have a good idea, you can offer the devil's die in exchange for
Go with your gut. Call the positions as you see them, but be heat or stress.
Convey the fictional world honestly. Spirits are terrifying. open to revision.
Friends are really friends they'll help when they can but it Show the downside of their vice. Take a look at the purveyors
cuts both ways. If someone is reasonable, they'll listen to reason. GM Actions of vice (p. 35). How do their connections factor in to the
Don't keep pointless secrets so you can "reveal" them later. Let The player characters have sixteen actions they use. You have current situation in a problematic way?
it come out when it comes out. Find reasons to reveal the cool actions, too. When it's your turn to contribute to the game, and Make a progress clock or tick one down. Keep a stack of
things in your head. you're not sure what to do, look at your list of actions and pick one. index cards handy. Make clocks like crazy! Keep them out
where everyone can see.
GM Principles First and foremost, ask questions.
Ask the players. Ask them if this seems desperate. Ask
Be a fan of the PCs. Present the world honestly things really When things are getting started: them where their character eats their meals. Ask them who
are stacked against them but don't make yourself the enemy What plan did you make? their character slept with last. Ask them questions they can
of the PCs. They have enemies enough. Be interested in the answer from within their character's POV things they know,
Who scouted it out? (fill in the plan detail)
characters and excited about their victories. suspect, experienced, or hope for.
Who's on point? (cut to the action)
Let everything flow from the fiction. The game's starting Actions ripple through the network. Every event has
situations and your opening scene will put things in motion. And when things are underway:
consequences, good and bad. What one faction loves, another
Ask how the characters react and see what happens next. NPCs How do you do that? (which action do you use?) hates. How is a certain faction connected to this? How might
react according to their goals and methods. Events snowball. What's your goal? (which effect do you want?) they know about it?
You don't need to "manage" the game. Action, reaction, and
Think off-screen. What's happening elsewhere? Put it on
consequences will drive everything. Cut to the moment of crisis. When they say, "We should break screen. Show something only the audience sees.
Hold on lightly. Rewind, revise, and reconsider events as in to the Dimmer Sisters' house," say "Okay, sounds like a plan.
needed to accommodate the action of the game. Infiltration? Okay, what's the point of entry?" Then, when they After every GM move, ask "What do you do?"
Address the characters. "Silver, where do you go to look for answer, "All right, so you're on the rooftop of the fabric store
the Red Sashes?" not "Sara, where does Silver go?" This puts across the alley from their house. It's quiet and dark in there.
Silver front and centerhis preferences, desires, and style. Who's on point?"
Silver comes to life as a character. Telegraph trouble before it strikes. Show them a threat that's
Address the players. "Sara, how do you want to handle this?" about to hit, then ask them what they do. Then it's easy to know
not "How does Silver do that?" This puts Sara front and center what's at stake when they roll.
her preferences, desires, and style. Sara can consider what Follow through and hit them hard. You've telegraphed the
she wants, then filter it through Silver. threat, so go ahead and follow through when it hits. Players
Paint the world with a haunted brush. There are ghosts and have several tools at their disposal to deal with adversity. If
gm: best practices
Convey the ongoing fictional space as accurately as is
desirable for this group. Be concise. Use small details
Keep the meta channel open. When you portray an
NPC, tell the players things that are going unsaid. Invite
when they help to convey a bigger picture. them to ask their Gather Information questions
Lead an interesting conversation. The game is nothing but to dig deeper. The characters have a broad spectrum of
a conversation between you and the players. The goal of the senses and intuitions to bring to bear in the fiction; the
conversation is to answer the question "What happens now?" players have only the narrow channel of your few words.
in the most engaging way possible. The most interesting Help them out by sharing what they might suspect, intuit,
conversations are those that are curiousasking questions feel, and predict.
and prompting ideasrather than dogmatic or one-sided. Be a curious explorer of the game in play. Ask the
Be curious about what the other players have to say. players questions to feed your own interest in the ongoing
Create an atmosphere of inquiry at the table. This fiction in which the PCs are the protagonists. Your game
means you play to find out what happens, not to make series is a cool TV show and you're its biggest fan. When
sure something specific happens. Will they go to war you're curious about something that a PC says or does,
with the Fog Hounds? Is Nyla badass enough to take out ask them about it! "I'm curious, though, when you tell
the thugs by herself? Can they avoid or predict Casta's him you'd do anything to help, do you really mean that?
betrayal? Play to find out. Don't contrive events ahead Anything? Are you that kind of person? Or are you just
of time or manipulate play to bring them about. manipulating him?" These questions will often lead to
goals, approaches, and rolls.
Ask questions to lead the assessment of the fictional
space when engaging the mechanics. "Which of the Advocate for the interests and capabilities of the NPCs.
position profiles matches your situation here? Taking a Your job is to convey the fictional world accurately,
calculated risk, or is it a reckless move?" remember? Believable NPCs with interests and capabilities
make for a more compelling fictional world. Don't be a
Help the players use the game system to pursue the
push over. When the PCs take action against an NPC,
goals of the characters. Don't let them flounder. When
remind the players of their interests and capabilities. "But
they have a goal, ask them about any opportunities they
Quellyn won't just go along with all this, right? They're a
have to pursue it. Present two possible approaches from
witch, wanted by the spirit wardens. How are you going to
that opportunity and ask if they want to choose one or
contend with that?" When the PCs act in alignment with
invent a third way.
the interests of NPCs, remind the players of their support
Don't block. It's not your job to say "you can't do that." and friendship.
You're not the sole authority on what the characters can
Bring the elements of the game system to life on screen
and cannot do. Instead, ask them: "You need to create an
(especially effects). When an NPC is influenced,
opportunity to attempt that, right?" Ask them how they
what does that look like? When a PC is hunted by the
might create an opportunity they need. Don't block. Show
guards, what fictional details convey that change in their
them that there's a path to their goal, even if it might be
situation? Ask the other players for ideas if you want to.
a long or dangerous one.
"Do they come rushing over with lantern lights trained
Earn the trust of the group by being a supportive and on you?" "Oh, no, maybe they have electric lights here,
fair advocate of the integrity of the fiction. It's your job and they all come on with a massive crackle of energy."
to portray a fictional world with integrity, not one that's
contrived and "set up" for particular outcomes. When
you advocate for something, the players know that you
do so on behalf of this integrity, not to get your way or
to arrange situations to your liking.
gm: techniques & bad habits
Play Goal-Forward.
Poll the group about what goal they're pursuing, either in the
Bad Habits. Avoid These! Good Habits
Calling for a specific action roll. This bad habit usually happens
"How do you do that?" (Which action
bigger picture of the game (best used at the beginning of a session) if you've GM'd other games where this is kinda your job. You
or in this microcosm of the present moment (best used when things might say, "Give me a Murder roll," or "That's a Consort check" or do you use?)
are underway and the situation is snowballing). Once you know whatever. Don't do that! Get used to saying this, instead: "How
the goal, have a conversation about opportunities, actions, and
What effect do you want?
do you do that?" Ask them which action they use.
effects. The pursuit of opportunities and positions to enable certain
Which plan did you make? Use the
Letting planning get out of hand. Some players will plan an
approaches, the acquisition of information and resources, and the planning system! Ask them to choose one,
operation forever if no one stops themeven if they hate doing it!
nested conflicts and that result will drive the action of the game. supply the detail, and say who's on point. Then
They think it's worth the trouble if they can cover every potential
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you have an opportunity describe the opening moment of the operation,
issue or avoid some bad outcome. This is not how Blades in the
to do that? How do you want to go about it? Follow this chain of already underway.
Dark works. Everything is resolved by action and effect rolls,
events as actions and consequences play out. Let the players lead
so get to them! If someone has a cool maneuver or idea, that's
Give them what they earn.
where the game goes next.
great, but, at best, it's still a controlled action roll. They can't
plan and discuss their way out of making the rolls. An idea is
Say yes, and show them a path to
Cut to the Action not execution.
Solicit a goal and plan, then cut to the action and use dice rolls to what they want, filled with danger
move the situation forward. Don't be afraid to resolve something! Not giving them what the earn. If they get into position, make and opportunity.
They want to eliminate Ulf Ironborn and then they plan it and do the roll, and have their effect, they get what they earned. Don't
it, despite the odds and dangers? It's done. Don't string things out. weasel out of it! Things are hard enough on them already. Don't
be a skinflint about victories; defeats will come without your
Put it in Context thumb on the scales. The scoundrels are at the bottom of the
The game is a conversation between the real people at the table, but faction ladder, but that doesn't mean they're ineffective. It means
the action happens in the fictional space. Always place actions and they needs lots and lots of victories to make it. They're good at
effects in the fictional context. Where is it happening? Who's there? the game, they just started out with a negative score on the board.
What's the vibe? What interesting details distinguish this context Saying no. There's always a better answer than "no" or "you can't
as the haunted industrial-fantasy world of Duskwall? do that." Offer a devil's bargain! "So... you want to seduce the
most experienced madame in the city. Uh huh. Okay then. That's
Put it on Screen desperate, with a -1d penalty. And here's my bargain: regardless of
The game is a conversation, but roleplaying can still be a visual how this goes, you fall in love with her." Or tell them to start the
medium in the imagination. Take every opportunity you can to first phase of a long-term project clock. That's what they're there
bring the game to life in the minds of the players. Describe the for. "You want to trace every contraband route into Duskwall?
action as if it's on screen in a TV show. What does that look like Okay, start a long-term clock. The first phase is... 'Assemble the
on screen? list of all the contraband dealers.'" Saying no is boring.
Put it on a card.
Use index cards for NPCs, locations, job offers, leads, etc. It's easy
to lose track of things if you don't have a record of it. By putting
important things on index cards, everyone can see them spread out
on the table and incorporate them into the game.
city wards
gm reference duskwall notables (richest to poorest)
The Eye, anonymous leader of The Unseen. The Hand, chief
gm goals Names Adric, Aldo, Amison, Andrel, Arcy, Arden, Arilyn, Arquo, lieutenant. Groll, a mid-level thug with ambitions.
Play to find out what happens. Arvus, Ashlyn, Birch, Bird, Branon, Brace, Brance, Brena, Bricks, Candra, Lyssa, a crime boss. Cold and calculating. Killed her former Brightstone
Bring Duskwall to Life. Canter, Carissa, Carro, Casslyn, Cavelle, Chime, Clave, Coil, Corille, Cross, boss, Roric.
Six Towers
Crowl, Cyrene, Daphnia, Drav, Edlun, Emeline, Flint, Frog, Frost, Grine, The Dimmer Sisters. People say theyre witches who drink
Convey the world honestly. Charterhall
Helles, Hix, Holtz, Hook, Kamelin, Keel, Kelyr, Kobb, Kristov, Laudius, blood. Never seen outside their home.
Lauria, Lenia, Lizete, Lorette, Lucella, Lynthia, Mara, Milos, Mist, Moon,
gm principles Morlan, Myre, Nail, Narcus, Naria, Needle, Noggs, Odrienne, Orlan, Phin, Ulf Ironborn, a brutal Skovlander, looking to seize a ward. Nightmarket
Be a fan of the PCs. Polonia, Pool, Potch, Quess, Remira, Ring, Roethe, Sesereth, Sethla, Silver, Mylera Klev, leader of the Red Sash gang. Prizes fine art. Silkshore
Let everything flow from the fiction. Skannon, Skeever, Skinner, Song, Stavrul, Stev, Syra, Talitha, Tesslyn, Baszo Baz, leader of the Lampblacks. A connoisseur of whisky. Coalridge
Hold on lightly. Thena, Thistle, Thorn, Timoth, Tocker, Una, Vauri, Veleris, Veretta,
Vestine, Vey, Volette, Vond, Weaver, Wester. Merrul Brime, a secrets broker, proprietor of the Hooded Fox. The Docks
Address the characters.
Lady Devira, a city magistrate on the payroll of criminals. Crows Foot
Address the players. Family Names: Brogan, Tyrconnell, Dunvil, Comber, Millar, Slane,
Paint the world with a haunted brush. Strangford, Dalmore, Edrad, Lomond, Clelland, Arran, Scapa, Kinclaith, Mordis, a merchant of the night market. A fence. Hides his Dunslough
Coleburn, Penalten, Strathmill, Haig, Morriston, Penderyn, Danfield, true appearance under a heavy robe and hood.
Surround them with industrial sprawl. Barrowcleft
Consider the risk. Hellyers, Walund, Templeton, Michter, Bowman, Prichard, Keel, Wathen, Taffer, a merchant of the night market. A cultist.
Clermont, Rowan, Booker. Grel Oro, a merchant of the night market. A smuggler.
gm actions Elstera Avrathi, resident diplomat of Iruvia. locations
Ask questions! Looks Man, Woman, Ambiguous, Concealed. Kurt Skyhold, resident diplomat of Skovlan.
When things are getting started: Affable Worn Athletic Lovely Plump Stern Tyrsin Nol, resident diplomat of Severos.
Echo Gardens
What plan did you make? (and what's Brooding Lean Stout Handsome Squat Open Andris, a spy and informant with flexible loyalties.
the detail?) Bright Wiry Scarred Slim Weathered Languid The Night Market
Krop, a constable of the watch. Refuses bribes.
Who's on point? Dark Huge Rough Delicate Cold Calm The Canals
Fair Chiseled Striking Bony Sad Fierce Lewit, Jol, Cinda, Reyf, bluecoats of the watch.
And when things are underway: Rolan Wot, a judge-inspector. Rooting out corruption. Chalk Street Bridge
How do you do that? (which action Casslyn Mora, a judge with family ties to criminals. Candle Street
do you use?)
What's your goal? (which effect do
vice Belindra, a jailor of Ironhook Prison.
When they overindulge or spend coin, their purveyor may Ereth Skane, an advocate with unseemly vices. Gaddoc Rail Station
you want?)
offer them a lead on a new score. Denkirk Sol, an advocate with surprising scruples. Heartbreak Square
Cut to the moment of crisis.
Polix, attache to the Lord Governor of Duskwall. A secret The Anvilworks
Telegraph trouble before it strikes.
Tell them the consequences and ask.
flashback stress costs spiritualist and rune-binder. Black Circle
Offer a devil's bargain. 0 Stress for a normal action for which you had easy Nyryx and Hoxan, rogue spirits possessing the bodies of
Cathedral Hill
opportunity. streetwalkers, looking for a whisper to serve.
Show the downside of their vice. Bellweather
Make a progress clock or tick one down. Levyra, a spirit medium.
1 Stress for a complex action or unlikely opportunity. Crematorium
Ask the players. Kember, a distiller of essences and potions, proprietor of the
2 Stress for an elaborate action which involved Devils Tooth. Ironhook Prison
Actions ripple through the network.
several special opportunities or contingencies. Raffello, a master painter obsessed with the unnatural.
Think off-screen.
Lannic, an expert art forger.
What do you do?
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
starting the game
starting the game
Explain the Situation
Read or summarize the info on page 6.
The Next Scenes
Play the NPCs. Mylera, Bazso, and Lyssa all have thiefy things that Score I
need doing, so they'll offer the PCs jobs (until the PCs make an One of the gang leaders (Bazso Baz or
Make Characters and the Crew enemy of them, of course). Use the scores tables on page 40 for Mylera) offers you a score: Go rob the
Follow the procedures on page 31 and page 38. Ask some of these ideas. Also, each faction is vulnerable to thievery in some way. treasury of their rival.
questions while they do it: How can the players use their crew's strengths to profit from this
situation? Ask them how they want to gather information, which Where is it? Maybe it's a secret.
Have you ever been locked up? For what crime? What's the plan? Provide the detail.
leads to a plan (or vice versa).
Why did you become a scoundrel? Who's on point?
Don't waste time waffling around. Give them straightforward
How did you join this crew? Did another member vouch for you? avenues to pursue at first. "Do you want to rob the Crow's card
Were you a founding member? game on Bell street? It's probably not defended much right now."
What's your vice? What is it, specifically? (what kind of drug,
etc.) Why does that thing consume you?
There are three sample starting scores, at right. Offer those, ask them Score II
which they want to pursue. Ask them to pick a plan and provide
Who do you trust the most on the crew? Who do you trust the the detail, then ask who's on point, and get to it. One of the gang leaders (Bazso Baz or
least? What's that about? Or will we find out in play? Mylera) offers you a score: Plant this strange
artifact somewhere in their rival's HQ.
Has [faction] ever tried to recruit you ? What happened? You, The Campaign
uh, don't secretly work for them, do you? This quick start isn't really meant for a campaign, but, you can easily What does it do? It's covered in weird
play out the consequences of the starting situation over several runes and makes your head go swimmy
The First Scene sessions. Who ends up running the ward? Do the PCs use the when you hold it in your hand. Want to
situation to rise up in the faction ranks? Do they manage to play for bother to find out what it is, or not?
After they make characters and the crew, tell them this:
all three sides, or do they have to take a stand? Plenty of material What's the plan? Provide the detail.
You're in the office of the Lampblack's leader, Bazso Baz. He to work with there. Who's on point?
wants your answer. Are you with them, or against them? What
do you say? Will you side with the Lampblacks? Will you just
pretend to? (Good luck, Bazso is very sharp). Will you tell him
to fuck off?
Are you actually here to kill him for the Red Sashes? (If so, do a
Score III
flashback and pick a plan for the assassination.) Lyssa is vulnerable. She needs assistance if
she's gonna seize control of the ward.
Play Bazso. React to their answer how he'd react. If they're with
him, he has the perfect assignment for thiefy types like them: go Steal some loot and bring it to her to help
steal the Red Sashes treasury from their vault. If they're against her pay for bribes and thugs to seize the
him, he says he's very sorry to hear that. They better get off his turf ward. Profit and status both, for you.
and stay out of the war, or they're all dead. He threatens them with What's the plan? Provide the detail.
easy confidence. What are they gonna do? Who's on point?
action & effect rolls
action roll
1d for each Action dot. Desperate Risky Controlled
You take a huge risk on a slim chance. You face a dangerous opponent on equal You take time to carefully execute a plan.
Youre stuck in a bad position. You face footing. You act under fire. You take a You hedge your bets and play it safe. You
+1d if the target matches your a threat thats out of your league. calculated risk. exploit a dominant position.
+ Background.
Crit: You do it and avoid the danger. Crit: You do it with increased effect (+1 Crit: You do it with increased effect (+1
effect result level). level) and you may create an additional
+ +1d for the Devils Bargain 6: You do it but face the effect of the
opportunity that follows on from this
danger. 6: You do it and avoid the danger. or you
may choose to overreach and get +1 effect
+ +1d for Backup (they take stress). 4/5: Things go badly. You face the effect of
level but also face effect from the danger. 6: You do it!
the danger at hand. You must abandon this
-1d if youre hindered by any approach or try again by taking a bigger 4/5: You do it but face the effect of the 4/5: You do it with reduced effect (-1
- risk and rolling a desperate move. danger. level), or try for full effect by taking a
relevant lasting effects.
bigger risk and rolling a risky move.
-1d if you face veteran, elite, or 1-3: It gets worse! You face a more potent 1-3: Things go badly. You face the effect
- effect from the danger (-1 to your resist of the danger at hand. You must abandon 1-3: You reveal a flaw in this approach
well-prepared opposition.
effect level). You must abandon this goal this particular approach (youll have to that will expose you to danger. You may
(you cant achieve it for now) or try try another way) or try again by taking a back out now (abandon this method of
again by taking a bigger risk and rolling bigger risk and rolling a desperate move. action) or go ahead with it by rolling a
a desperate move. risky move.
Increase the rolled result level by +1 6: You acquire a fine asset. Increase the rolled result level by +1 6: Tick 4 segments of recovery.
for each parcel of coin you spend. 4/5: You acquire a standard asset. for each parcel of coin you spend. 4/5: Tick 2 segments of recovery.
1-3: The asset isn't available right now. 1-3: Tick 1 segment of recovery.
Temporary Use
When you acquire an asset this way, its for one use only. This may be a single instance (like Heal Thyself You may distribute segments among any effects
pouring a vial of poison into a goblet, or luring a rogue ghost into a spirit bottle) or a single period You may attend to yourself if you have appropriate to the expert attending to you a
of use (like hiring a boat for a couple hours). the skill, but its far from ideal. You suffer physicker for injuries, an advocate for legal
1 stress. woes, an occultist for supernatural effects, etc.
heat roll When you complete a score development roll When you complete a successful score
Roll dice based on the events of last Critical: The crew takes 3 heat. 1d for each crew Resources Critical: Your crew gains 2 hold and
session: 6: The crew takes 2 heat. effect diamond. 3 coin and roll an entanglement, below.
1d Smooth & quiet. Low exposure. 4/5: The crew takes 1 heat. 6: Your crew gains 2 hold and 2 coin
2d Under control. Medium exposure. +1d for each level 3 faction status and roll an entanglement, below.
1-3: The crew takes 0 heat. +
you hold (positive or negative). 4/5: Your crew gains 1 hold and
3d Loud & chaotic. High exposure.
2 coin and roll an entanglement, below.
4d Wild. Devastating exposure. Wanted Level
If you need to take heat, but don't have any 1-3: Your crew gains 1 hold and
boxes left, you must mark a box of wanted 1 coin and roll an entanglement, below.
+ +1d for high profile target. level instead. The bad news is: wanted level
marks are permanent. The good news is: when Entanglements (Heat levels 1-4)
+ +1d if killing was involved. you mark a wanted level, reset your heat to zero 1: Unquiet Dead. The rogue spirit of a past 4: The Little Guy. An equal- or lower-tier
and advance your Renown by 1 (this is the only victim finds its way to you. Pay 1 coin to a crew asks you for a hand. You may give them
-2d if the action happened on turf way to advance Renown). Whisper or Rail Jack to exorcise it, or deal 1 coin or 1 hold in exchange for a favor of
- with it yourself. your choosing.
you or a friendly (+3) faction control. Your wanted level represents the threat level of
Bluecoats and Inspectors sent after you when you 2: Rivals. A faction with whom you have a 5: The Law. The Bluecoats aren't messing
attract the attention of the law. neutral status throws their weight around. Pay around right now. Pay them off with 1 coin or
them 1 hold or 1 coin, or lose 1 status take +1 heat.
with them.
6: Cooperation. A +3 status faction asks you
3: Old Debts. A friend calls in their marker. for a favor. Agree to do it or give them 1 hold.
Pay them 1 coin or agree to perform the favor If you don't have a +3 faction status, you avoid
they ask. entanglements right now.
vice affiliationdrinkdrugsfaithgamblingloversluxuriesweird Wolfpack: Take 1 stress to give your team +1d Force in battle.
Not to be Trifled With: In combat, you ignore 1 level of
stress trauma armor +heavy scale differential.
lasting effects battleborn Battleborn: You get special armor against physical attacks in
combat. When you roll a critical in combat, clear 1 stress.
Daring: When you roll 1-3 and choose to try again with more
stash risk, you get +1d.
Experienced: Choose an additional background with which
you get a bonus.
Veteran: Choose a special ability from another playbook.
items (3,4)Light. (5)Normal. (6,7)Heavy. Items in italics don't count. dangerous friends
A Blade or Two Fine hand weapon Marlane, a pugilist
Throwing Knives Fine large weapon Thena, a veteran warrior
A Pistol & Shot Manacles & chain
Chael, a vicious thug
A Large Weapon Rage essence vial desperate rolls
An Unusual Weapon Mercy, a cold killer
Wrecker tools
Armor +Heavy Concealed blade Grace, an extortionist
Burglary Tools Spiritbane charm Stras, a clever blade
Climbing Gear
Books / Maps
playbook advancement
Spectrology Gear Defeat a superior opponent.
Subterfuge Supplies Solve a problem with violence.
Tinkering Tools Destroy an enemys asset, influence, or resource.
A small personal item Express your relationship to the crew. Why are you here?
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
special abilities
name look Detached: Take -1d to an action roll to clear 1 stress.
Unorthodox: Take 1 stress to substitute one effect rating for
heritage:akorosdagger isles background:academicbluecoatlabor another.
iruviaseverosskovlantycheros merchantnobleunderworld
Predator: Take +1d to rolls against injured, weakened, or
vice affiliationdrinkdrugsfaithgamblingloversluxuriesweird vulnerable targets.
Marked Target: When you gather information about a
trauma armor +heavy person, you and your team get +1d effect against them.
lasting effects cold Cold: You get special armor vs. mental effects (fear, confusion,
etc.). When you roll a critical while hunting a target, clear 1 stress.
Daring: When you roll 1-3 and choose to try again with more
stash risk, you get +1d.
Experienced: Choose an additional background with which
you get a bonus.
Veteran: Choose a special ability from another playbook.
items (3)Light. (4,5)Normal. (6)Heavy. Items in italics don't count. deadly friends
A Blade or Two Fine pair of pistols Bell, a duelist
Throwing Knives Fine long rifle Oman, an assassin
A Pistol & Shot Electroplasmic ammunition
Celene, a sentinel
A Large Weapon A fine trained hunting pet desperate rolls
An Unusual Weapon Melvir Kepp, a physicker
Far-sight spyglass
Armor +Heavy Concealed blade Veleris, a spy
Burglary Tools Spiritbane charm Casta, a bounty hunter
Climbing Gear
Books / Maps
playbook advancement
Spectrology Gear Hunt or ambush a challenging target.
Subterfuge Supplies Establish your dominance over a person or situation.
Tinkering Tools Seize control of an enemy's asset, influence, or resource.
A small personal item Express your relationship to the crew. Why are you here?
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
special abilities
name look Ambush: When you attack from hiding or spring a prepared
trap, add +1d to your roll.
heritage:akorosdagger isles background:academicbluecoatlabor Composure: Add an additional stress box.
iruviaseverosskovlantycheros merchantnobleunderworld
Intensity: You may spend 2 stress on any roll, for +1d.
vice affiliationdrinkdrugsfaithgamblingloversluxuriesweird
Scout: When you fill segments of a progress clock for any
kind of reconnaissance or infiltration, fill +1 segment.
trauma armor +heavy
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
special abilities
name look Ace: When you lead a group action using your highest-rated
action, you suffer 1 less total stress from the failed rolls. book
heritage:akorosdagger isles background:academicbluecoatlabor Im Outta Here: When your cover is blown or you need to
iruviaseverosskovlantycheros merchantnobleunderworld flee, take +1d to rolls to escape.
Adaptation: Take 1 stress to substitute one action rating for
vice affiliationdrinkdrugsfaithgamblingloversluxuriesweird
stress Trust in Me: You get +1d when you roll vs. a target you have
trauma armor +heavy
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
special abilities
name look Channel: Use electroplasmic energy to produce supernatural
effects. Costs stress equal to the magnitude of the effect (0-4).
heritage:akorosdagger isles background:academicbluecoatlabor Control: You can attune to the ghost field to compel a spirit
iruviaseverosskovlantycheros merchantnobleunderworld or demon to follow a direct instruction you give it.
Strange Methods: When you tinker with a device, tool, or
vice affiliationdrinkdrugsfaithgamblingloversluxuriesweird
weapon, you may include electroplasmic or arcane features.
stress Summon: Perform a ritual to force a supernatural being to appear
trauma armor +heavy
teamwork: on point teamwork: backup gather information planning downtime bonus dice
What do they intend to do? Choose the plan the characters have Choose your carried Items.
Lead a group action. Face an effect for the made, establish a detail, cut to the action. Restore your Armor. + Assist (They take 1 stress)
What might I suspect based
character on point. on this? Assault plan: Point of attack. Recover & indulge your Vice.
Overcome a group problem. What's the danger here? Deception plan: Method. and choose 1: + Devil's Bargain.
Assist another character. Reduce heat on the crew.
Where could I go to find X? Infiltration plan: Entry point.
Ask about a detail for a Occult plan: Arcane power. Work on a project clock. Background (Action)
Set up another character. Follow through on a setup. + Fine Item (Effect)
plan. Social plan: Social connection. Acquire an asset.
standard items cutter items slide items
A Blade or Two: Perhaps you carry a pair of large fighting
Fine hand weapon: A finely crafted one-handed weapon
Fine clothes and jewelry: An outfit of such fine make as
knives. Or a sword and dagger. Or A heavy cleaver and long of your choice. to pass as a wealthy noble.
stiletto. Up to you. Fine large weapon: A finely crafted two-handed weapon
Fine disguise kit: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with
Throwing Knives: A brace of six light blades, suitable for
of your choice. an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye.
throwing. Manacles and chain: A set of heavy manacles and chain,
Fine loaded dice, trick cards: Gambling accoutrements
A Pistol & Shot: A matchlock pistol, devastating at 20
suitable for restraining a prisoner. subtly altered to favor particular outcomes.
paces, slow to reload. A small pouch of powder and shot. Rage Essence Vial: A single dose of Rage Essence, which
Trance powder: A dose of the popular drug, which induces
A Large Weapon: A weapon meant for two-hands. A
greatly enhances the user's strength, resistance to pain, and a dreamlike state.
weapon of war, like a battle-axe, greatsword, warhammer, irrational aggression for the span of several minutes. A cane-sword: A slim sword and its sheath, disguised as
or pole-arm. Wrecker tools: A heavy sledgehammer and crowbar.
a noble's cane.
An Unusual Weapon: A curiosity of the blacksmith's art
Iron spikes. Heavy gloves.
or a tool turned into a weapon. A whip, a flail, a hatchet, a
shovel, a length of chain, a razor-edged fan, steel-toed boots.
Armor: A heavy leather tunic with a high collar, heavy hound items whisper items
Fine spirit anchor: An arcane item which can hold a ghost
+Heavy: The addition of chain mail or metal plates, Fine pair of pistols: A pair of finely crafted pistols.
in place near it.
a metal helm.
Fine long rifle: A finely crafted hunting rifle, deadly
Fine lightning-hook: A long, two-handed pole with a
Burglary Tools: A set of lockpicks. A small pry-bar. Vials
at long range. loop of heavy wire at the end, connected to an electroplasmic
of oil to silence squeaky hinges. A coil of wire and fishing capacitor. Suitable for grappling a spirit and dragging it into
Electroplasmic ammunition: A bandolier of
hooks. A small pouch of sand. a spirit bottle.
electroplasmicly charged shot, suitable for harming spirits
Climbing Gear: A large coil of rope. A small coil of rope.
and demons. Fine spirit mask: An arcane item which allows the trained
Grappling hooks. A small pouch of chalk dust. A climbing user to see arcane energies in great detail. Also affords some
A fine trained hunting pet: An animal companion that
harness with loops and metal rings. A set of iron pitons and measure of protection against ghostly possession.
obeys your commands and anticipates your actions, of a
a small mallet.
species of your choice. Demon blood vials: A small set of tough crystalline vials,
Books / Maps: A small collection of slim volumes on a
containing blood from demons.
Far-sight spyglass: A device which allows you to see
variety of topics. Blank pages, a vial of ink, a pen. A number
clearly over extreme distances. Ghost key: An arcane device which can open ghost doors.
of interesting maps.
Demonbane charm: An arcane trinket which demons
Spectrology Gear: A vial of quicksilver. A pouch of black
The Unseen
iii 7
The Silver Nails iii 6
tier special abilities
Lord Scurlock
iii 5
name lair Everyone Steals: Each PC chooses to take level 1 in Prowl,
The Hive
iii 4
Feint, Secure, or Finesse (choose one which is currently zero).
absentbolddrivencarelessfiendish hold
The Circle of Flame
ii 4
ward boss meticulouspatientruthlesssavvyweird Pack Rats: Your lair is a jumble of stolen items. When you
roll to acquire an asset, take +1 result level (as if you'd spent
The Crows
ii 3
coin on the roll).
The Lampblacks ii 3
heat Slippery: When you roll entanglements during development,
The Red Sashes
ii 3
renown ambitiousbrutaldaringprofessionalsubtlestrange roll two dice and keep the one you want. Also, when you reduce
The Dimmer Sisters ii 5
heat on the crew, take +1d to the roll.
Overwatch: When you're backup and you face an effect for the
Ulf Ironborn i 3
adepts killers thugs others character on point, you can share the stress cost between 2 PCs.
The Fog Hounds i 2
Vincen Crane Zana Alpha: When you lead a group action, you do +1d effect.
The Eels
i 3
Kyra Dro Chalk Experienced: Choose an additional reputation with which
The Lost
i 3
Tor Tevis Whistler you may employ your Renown.
Duskwall Council iv 8
Vetta Aslyn Grip Veteran: Choose a special ability from another crew.
Skovlander Refugees
iv 2
rooks shadows rovers crew advancement
Ironhook Prison iii 9
Lyzelle Avery Kam Execute a profitable heist, robbery, or shakedown.
Spirit Wardens iii 6
Corlane Merrick Ruby Gain access to a new avenue of thievery or type of victim.
iii 7
Grevor Adra Hester Complete a profitable side job (of your own or for a client).
i 9
Quinn Sloane Drake Contend with challenges above your current station.
Leviathan Hunters iii 8
crew effects crew upgrades contacts
ii 5
gangs Adepts
Hidden Lair
Blade Training
Fine Building Plans
Dowler, an explorer
ii 4
Secure Lair
Book Training
Fine Rooftop Routes
Laroze, a bluecoat
ii 4
Cloak Training
Elite Shadows
Amancio, a fence
i 3
Rail Jacks
i 3
Mask Training
Prison Escape Methods
Fitz, a collector
resources Shadows
Secondary Lair
Adelaide Phroaig, a noble
Church of the
Ecstasy of the Flesh 5
transport Rovers
Thief Rigging (-1 load)
Rigney, a tavern owner
The Weeping Lady ii 5
The Path of Echoes
ii 4
The Forgotten Gods i 3
i 3
scores To generate a score, roll or choose on the following tables. Still a work in progress.
1 Ghost of (roll again) 1 Curse or Sanctify 1 Whitecrown or Brightstone 1 3 Job requires sea travel
2 Occult Collector 2 Banish or Summon 2 Six Towers or Charterhall 2
3 Vampire or Other Undead 3 Extract Essence 3 Mightmarket or Silkshore 3
4 Demon (disguised) 4 Place or Remove Runes 4 Coalridge or The Docks 4 The job furthers a revolutionarys
secret agenda.
5 Possessed or Hollow 5 Perform / Stop Ritual 5 Crows Foot or Dunslough 5
The job furthers a city officials secret
6 6 6 Barrowcleft or Charhollow 6 agenda
purveyors of vice
affiliation lovers
The Silver Nails, a mercenary company. Jewel, Bird, and Shine, Catcrawl alley, the
The Unseen. Docks.
The Hive. Madame Tesslyn, The Red Lamp, Silkshore.
The Circle of Flame. Rolan Volaris, The Veil, Nightmarket.
Eldrin Prichard, The Silver Swan pleasure barge,
drink Brightstone canals.
Mardin Gull, The Leaky Bucket, Crow's Foot.
Pux Bolin, the Harping Monkey, Nightmarket.
Singer, bath house, Crows Foot.
Helene, Silver Stag casino, Silkshore.
Harvale Brogan, The Centuralia, Six Towers.
Travens smoke shop, Coalridge.
Freyla, The Emperors Cask, Whitecrown.
Dunridge & Sons fine fabrics and tailoring,
drugs Chef Roselle, The Golden Plum, Six Towers.
Avrick, powder dealer, Barrowcleft. Maestro Helleren, Spiregarden theater,
Rolan Volaris, The Veil, Nightmarket.
Madame Tesslyn, The Red Lamp, Silkshore. weird
Travens smoke shop, Coalridge. The hooded proprietor of a half-flooded grotto
Eldrin Prichard, The Silver Swan pleasure barge, tavern near the docks. Strange passageways
Brightstone canals. lead to stranger chambers beyond.
Sister Narya of the Weeping Lady.
The ruins of the Temple to Forgotten Gods, [... MORE TO COME HERE ...]
Nelisanne, Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh,
Lord Penderyn, The Palace of Echoes, Brightstone.
Spoggs dice game, Dunslough.
Grist, boxing, the Docks.
Helene, Silver Stag casino, Silkshore.
Master Vreen, hound racing, Nightmarket.
Lady Devera, The Dusk Manor Club, Whitecrown.
the unquiet
the unquiet dead dead
They say anything can be sold on the streets
of Duskwall. But have you ever tried to unload
Its said that the cataclysm which shattered the earth, banished the
a cursed spirit bottle? Yeah, all of sudden the sun, and turned the seas to black ink was caused by a sorcerer who
market dries up. dabbled in forbidden magic and tore down the Gates of Death.
Flint But who believes such ancient tales? Whatever the truth of it, one
thing is certain: once a body dies, its spirit does not disperse as they
details once did long ago. It becomes a ghost: a spectral entity composed
A spirit rises from its corpse three days of electroplasmic vapors.
after death, unless the body is dissolved in It takes roughly three days for a ghost to become free of the corpse.
electroplasm before then. It is then free to wander the world, consumed by darker and darker
Bellweather Crematorium (operated by the urges until it goes entirely mad and monstrous. If the corpse is
bronze-masked Spirit Wardens) handles most dissolved in electroplasm before then, the spirit, too, is destroyed.
of the corpse disposal in Duskwall. But rogue
But there are other ways for body and spirit to relate...
spirits still haunt the city.
Soul. A living body with its own spirit. The normal state of affairs.
Ghosts are not the only undead. A variety of
strange beings stalk the darkest shadows. Possessed. A living body containing two (or more) spirits.
Hollow. A living body without a spirit. Usually dim-witted and
easily controlled.
Undead. A dead body animated and sustained by a spirit.
Sometimes called a vampirethough only some crave hot
Ghost, Spirit, Shadow. A spirit without a body. Craves life
essence and vengeance on its earthly enemies. Can coalesce into
semi-solid electroplasmic vapor or diffuse into a fine haze.
Spirit-Well: A rift in reality where ghosts and other
supernatural beings congregate to draw energy. In ancient myth,
a spawning ground for demons.
Electroplasm: The energetic residue distilled from spirits
and leviathan blood.
Whisper: A person sensitive to spirits. May be able to summon
and communicate with ghosts.
Map is a work in progress...
the wide world
Akoros lockport
[Dark forests, rocky hills. Rich coastal cities and some mining colonies deep inland.]
Skovlan duskwall
[Windswept grass plains. Outside the Imperial cities, some native Serverosi still live
in tribes, scavenging the deathlands on their ghost-hunting horses.]
Iruvia whitehollow
[Golden deserts. People say that some positions of power are openly held by demons
in Iruvia.] wintercliff
Skovlan ilysia
[Cold, mountainous, wild. The last holdout from Imperial control. The war of Skovlan
Unity ended only a few years ago.] imperial
[A far off land, disconnected from the Empire. People say the Tycherosi (rudely Severos
called "Strangers") have demon blood. If you play one, tell the group what your
telltale demonic feature is.] cullfield
Dagger u'duasha