Minnesota Wing - Mar 2006
Minnesota Wing - Mar 2006
Minnesota Wing - Mar 2006
St. Paul Squadron sponsors first aid course for wing members
by Capt. Paul Pieper, The afternoon continued
St. Paul Squadron with a written test, a
St. Paul Squadron spon- practical demonstration and
sored a first aid class on exam for managing burns,
Feb. 25 at Fleming Field fractures, breathing and
airport in South St. Paul, bleeding.
Minn. Students who participated
Members from squadrons from St. Paul Squadron
throughout the wing came included: Senior Members
together to learn about Mark Chaudhary and Mike
Bloodborne pathogens, DeLeion, 1st Lt. Mike
fractures, bleeding and Jansen, 2nd Lt. Gary
other injuries and controls. Schaedler, Capt. Cliff
The class began at 8:30 am Tamplin and cadets Mariah
with PowerPoint presenta- Jacobs, Mike McMahon,
tions and discussions. Kathy Rasmussen and Peter
Ryden. Members from
At the end of the lunch Duluth Squadron included:
break, students and staff Flight Officers Justin
took a quick tour of the Binion and John Hjelli.
new Minnesota Wing C/Airmen Cheyanne Richardson (right) practices
North Hennepin Squadron bandaging her mother, Senior Member Vicki
Hanger/maintenance facili- attendants included: Senior
ty. Students were able to Richardson, both from North Hennepin Squadron.
Member Vicki Richardson Photo by Capt. Paul Pieper, St. Paul Squadron
view the C-180 with glass and cadets Mitch Arnett,
cockpit and the Gipslan David Blessman, William Jake Fliehr, Jake Davis and Chambers, 2nd Lt. Paul
Caravan. A brief explana- Donkers, Ben Hartley, Andrew Johnson. Also in Markegard and Capt Paul
tion of the Gipslan was Justin Korus, Jake Mason, attendance was Cadet Pieper. Kristi McKraken,
given by first aid student Cheyenne Richardson and David Kendall, Ft. Snelling wing administrator; Maj.
Capt. Cliff Tamplin, who Blake Zafft. Those attend- Squadron. Sherrie Herzfeld, wing
was also the primary pilot ing from the 130th medical officer; and Lt.
in transporting the Caravan Instructors included St. Paul
Squadron included: 2nd Lt. Squadron’s Capt. Tyra Col. John Quilling, wing
from Montgomery, Ala. Bill Hettling and cadets staff, assisted in facilitating
Cerny, Lt. Col. Marilyn
the event.
All Civil Air Patrol members and their guests are welcome to attend the
Minnesota Minnesota Wing Conference to be held at Breezy Point Resort in Breezy
Wing Conference Point, Minnesota, April 7-9. At the conference, the wing will recognize many
members for the outstanding contributions they made to Minnesota Wing and
April 7-9 CAP. For more information see: http://www.mncap.org/xp/conf.htm.
Page 2 WingTips March 2006
Retired NASA
engineer visits
by C/Capt. Ryan Stanley
Worthington Squadron
Retired NASA engineer
Alvin John spoke to
Worthington Squadron sen-
iors, cadets and guests
about various aspects of the
NASA’s Apollo Space
Program and lunar missions
March 20. The presentation
consisted of a slide show
with intriguing pictures and
other literature, posters and
Retired NASA engineer Alvin John received a certificate of appreciation and coffee
items on display.
mug for visiting Worthington Squadron. Left to right are: C/Lt. Col. Micah
John’s presentation includ- Stanley, Alvin John, Capt. Mark McCormick, C/2nd Lt. Brandon Vis. Photo by
ed slides of Saturn rockets Maj. Carl Hallum. All members are Worthington Squadron.
in different stages of con-
struction and the buildings use in the space program. rocket and what they were Skylab space station and
in which the rockets were John brought a display of designed to do. He shared a concluded with the joint
constructed. His explana- posters and a few internal few stories of the extensive American and Soviet space
tions of the slides came pieces of a rocket. The problem solving done by programs rendezvous of
from his first-hand knowl- posters featured pictures of engineering staff who were Apollo-Soyuz in 1975.
edge of their content, and various rockets, sections of able to use slide rules to Worthington Squadron
he was able to help the space and blueprints of ensure the safe return of the cadet and senior leadership
audience comprehend the rocket hardware. The parts Apollo XIII mission after presented John with a
gigantic sizes of the rockets on display were tubes and the in flight explosion. Certificate of Appreciation
and buildings. He also other pieces of hardware NASA had 12 manned and a Minnesota Wing cof-
explained to the audience ruled unusable by NASA. Apollo missions that put fee mug in gratitude for his
just how extensive the test- astronauts on the moon six service and his support of
ing was of every screw, John told the group what
the parts were, where they times, conducted numerous the squadron’s aerospace
tube and piece of hardware experiments aboard the education program.
in order to be certified for were supposed to be on the