Minnesota Wing - Mar 2006

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The official publication of Minnesota Wing Civil Air Patrol March 2006

St. Paul Squadron sponsors first aid course for wing members
by Capt. Paul Pieper, The afternoon continued
St. Paul Squadron with a written test, a
St. Paul Squadron spon- practical demonstration and
sored a first aid class on exam for managing burns,
Feb. 25 at Fleming Field fractures, breathing and
airport in South St. Paul, bleeding.
Minn. Students who participated
Members from squadrons from St. Paul Squadron
throughout the wing came included: Senior Members
together to learn about Mark Chaudhary and Mike
Bloodborne pathogens, DeLeion, 1st Lt. Mike
fractures, bleeding and Jansen, 2nd Lt. Gary
other injuries and controls. Schaedler, Capt. Cliff
The class began at 8:30 am Tamplin and cadets Mariah
with PowerPoint presenta- Jacobs, Mike McMahon,
tions and discussions. Kathy Rasmussen and Peter
Ryden. Members from
At the end of the lunch Duluth Squadron included:
break, students and staff Flight Officers Justin
took a quick tour of the Binion and John Hjelli.
new Minnesota Wing C/Airmen Cheyanne Richardson (right) practices
North Hennepin Squadron bandaging her mother, Senior Member Vicki
Hanger/maintenance facili- attendants included: Senior
ty. Students were able to Richardson, both from North Hennepin Squadron.
Member Vicki Richardson Photo by Capt. Paul Pieper, St. Paul Squadron
view the C-180 with glass and cadets Mitch Arnett,
cockpit and the Gipslan David Blessman, William Jake Fliehr, Jake Davis and Chambers, 2nd Lt. Paul
Caravan. A brief explana- Donkers, Ben Hartley, Andrew Johnson. Also in Markegard and Capt Paul
tion of the Gipslan was Justin Korus, Jake Mason, attendance was Cadet Pieper. Kristi McKraken,
given by first aid student Cheyenne Richardson and David Kendall, Ft. Snelling wing administrator; Maj.
Capt. Cliff Tamplin, who Blake Zafft. Those attend- Squadron. Sherrie Herzfeld, wing
was also the primary pilot ing from the 130th medical officer; and Lt.
in transporting the Caravan Instructors included St. Paul
Squadron included: 2nd Lt. Squadron’s Capt. Tyra Col. John Quilling, wing
from Montgomery, Ala. Bill Hettling and cadets staff, assisted in facilitating
Cerny, Lt. Col. Marilyn
the event.

All Civil Air Patrol members and their guests are welcome to attend the
Minnesota Minnesota Wing Conference to be held at Breezy Point Resort in Breezy
Wing Conference Point, Minnesota, April 7-9. At the conference, the wing will recognize many
members for the outstanding contributions they made to Minnesota Wing and
April 7-9 CAP. For more information see: http://www.mncap.org/xp/conf.htm.
Page 2 WingTips March 2006

Commander’s Column: National Board mandates changes

by Col. Steve Miller, National Board meeting year, we changed the for-
wing commander involved uniforms. First, mat of the conference.
This month, I attended the there is a new corporate Instead of having the spe-
winter National Board uniform. It includes Air cialty fair on Saturday
meeting. Prior to the winter Force blue pants and belt, afternoon, we will offer
board meeting, wing com- the white aviator shirt, a various breakout rooms.
manders also meet with the black name tag and Air This model of conference is
Senators and Congress peo- Force epaulets. There is a done at the national level.
ple from their respective black leather jacket that When we attended the
states. may be worn with corpo- South Dakota and Iowa
rate uniforms. Wing conferences, we
Col. Kevin Sliwinski, wing
staff, and I met with all 10 There were several patches found they, too, use this
of Minnesota's legislative and badges approved for format. Encourage your
Col. Steve Miller wear on the uniform. members to attend the con-
offices. We met with the
elected official in all but items on which the Patches that were displaced ference. The conference is
three. In these meetings, we National Board voted. from the battle dress uni- an excellent opportunity to
present them with the annu- Several items were dis- form, or BDU, right shoul- meet your fellow CAP
al Report to Congress. We cussed and then sent back der (when the flag replaced members, meet the wing
discuss issues important to to committee. This action them) may now be worn on staff, pick up some uniform
CAP n ationally and at the ensures that all sides of an the left breast pocket. These accessories and other goods
state level. These meetings issue are evaluated. At the and other minor changes from the Hawk Shop, learn
are time well spent. We 2006 summer National will be included in an some stuff and have a great
need our elected officials to Board meeting, those items upcoming revised uniform time. I look forward to see-
understand what CAP is all sent to committee will be manual. ing you there.
about and what we can do re-evaluated and voted Our wing conference is just -Semper Vigilans
for the country and our upon. around the corner. This
A couple of major changes
There were many agenda that came up at the Senior member & cadet
WingTips is a publication of
officer promotions ...
Minnesota Wing Civil Air Patrol, Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Lieutenant
Shannon Bauer, Viking Mark Chaudhary, Saint Paul
U.S. Air Force Auxiliary
Dennis Yeager, Jolene Flemming,
6275 Crossman Lane Minnesota Wing Grand Rapids
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Rodger Nordlund, Anoka
www.mncap.org Major
Curtis Serbus, Anoka
Scott Frankard, Viking
[email protected] Julie Wiens, Grand Rapids
The views expressed, either written or implied, are not neces- C/Captain
William Menkevich, Anoka
sarily those of the U.S. Air Force, the Civil Air Patrol or Stephen Cross, Valley
Minnesota Wing. Submissions should be sent to the above 1st Lieutenant Francesca Fogarty, 130th
email address. Todd Christopherson,
C/2nd Lieutenant
Wing Commander: Col. Steve Miller St. Cloud
Travis Nelson, Valley
Wing Public Affairs Officer: Capt. Al Pabon Matthew Stepaniak, Viking
Wingtips Editor: Lt. Col. Shannon Bauer
Page 3 WingTips March 2006

Retired NASA
engineer visits
by C/Capt. Ryan Stanley
Worthington Squadron
Retired NASA engineer
Alvin John spoke to
Worthington Squadron sen-
iors, cadets and guests
about various aspects of the
NASA’s Apollo Space
Program and lunar missions
March 20. The presentation
consisted of a slide show
with intriguing pictures and
other literature, posters and
Retired NASA engineer Alvin John received a certificate of appreciation and coffee
items on display.
mug for visiting Worthington Squadron. Left to right are: C/Lt. Col. Micah
John’s presentation includ- Stanley, Alvin John, Capt. Mark McCormick, C/2nd Lt. Brandon Vis. Photo by
ed slides of Saturn rockets Maj. Carl Hallum. All members are Worthington Squadron.
in different stages of con-
struction and the buildings use in the space program. rocket and what they were Skylab space station and
in which the rockets were John brought a display of designed to do. He shared a concluded with the joint
constructed. His explana- posters and a few internal few stories of the extensive American and Soviet space
tions of the slides came pieces of a rocket. The problem solving done by programs rendezvous of
from his first-hand knowl- posters featured pictures of engineering staff who were Apollo-Soyuz in 1975.
edge of their content, and various rockets, sections of able to use slide rules to Worthington Squadron
he was able to help the space and blueprints of ensure the safe return of the cadet and senior leadership
audience comprehend the rocket hardware. The parts Apollo XIII mission after presented John with a
gigantic sizes of the rockets on display were tubes and the in flight explosion. Certificate of Appreciation
and buildings. He also other pieces of hardware NASA had 12 manned and a Minnesota Wing cof-
explained to the audience ruled unusable by NASA. Apollo missions that put fee mug in gratitude for his
just how extensive the test- astronauts on the moon six service and his support of
ing was of every screw, John told the group what
the parts were, where they times, conducted numerous the squadron’s aerospace
tube and piece of hardware experiments aboard the education program.
in order to be certified for were supposed to be on the

Send your photos and stories to: [email protected]

March 2006 WingTips Page 4

Staff selections announced for Hutchinson Squadron answers

8th Cadet Training Group: the call during meeting
Capt. Al Pabon, Minnesota Wing
Executive Staff: Hutchinson Squadron conducted a search for an
C/Lt. Col. Ryan Kenny, commander Emergency Locator Transmitter, or ELT, Dec. 7 during its
C/Lt. Col. Brain Anderson, deputy commander weekly meeting at Hutchinson Airport.
C/1st Lt. Amanda LeTourneau, executive officer
C/Chief Master Sgt.Andrew Haus, command chief The Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, or AFRCC,
alerted incident commander Maj. Wayne Sherman,
15th Cadet Training Squadron: Minnesota Wing, and he contacted the Hutchinson
C/Lt. Col. Mathew Dunlevy, commander Squadron Commander Maj. Chet Wilberg who organized
C/Master Sgt. Jullie Crevier, first sergeant a ground team to search for the ELT.
C/2d Lt. Emily Vinge, Alpha flight commander
C/Master Sgt. Jeff Mellgren, Alpha flight sergeant Eight members of the squadron went out in search for the
C/Chief Master Sgt. Haylee Fosterling, Bravo ELT, while two members stayed back to support commu-
flight commander nications at the mission base.
C/Tech. Sgt. Jacob Otterson, Bravo flight sergeant The ground team heard the ELT about 20 minutes later in
C/2d Lt. Andrew Puckett, Charlie flight commander a Piper PA-28, and it was silenced by the owner of the air-
C/Tech. Sgt. Scott Lewis, Charlie flight sergeant craft minutes later. The team returned to base and the mis-
16th Cadet Training Squadron: sion was closed.
C/1st Lt. Patrick Vinge, commander Sherman was very impressed with the squadron’s response
C/Senior Airman Jacob Anderson, first sergeant time. He said in his mission report “Great Job!!! Kudos to
C/2d Lt. Charles Cox, Delta flight commander Hutch.”
C/Staff Sgt. Andrew Smalley, Delta flight sergeant
C/2d Lt. Kristin Ruech, Echo flight commander
C/Tech. Sgt. Kelsey Brennan, Echo flight sergeant Momentous Occasion ...
C/Chief Master Sgt. Grace Burgio, Foxtrot Lt. Col. Mike Moen, Group III deputy commander,
flight commander assumed command of Group III, March 14. He replaced
C/Senior Master Sgt. Mitchel McGillick, Foxtrot Lt. Col. Joe Volding.
flight sergeant
Staff Development Squadron: Taps ...
C/Lt. Col. Brad Byington, commander by 1st Lt. Scott D. Johnson, St. Paul Squadron
C/1st Lt. Cory Titus, deputy commander
Senior Member William “Bill” Cammack, Jr., Saint
Support Staff: Paul Squadron, died in a plane crash March 16. He was
C/Master Sgt. Veronica Olson, administration returning home from a business trip in his personal air-
C/2d Lt. Sarah Pfingsten, commander of the guard craft, when for reasons yet unknown, he strayed off course
C/1st Lt. Danielle Seitz, duty officer and crashed.
C/Master Sgt. Amy Brennan, duty NCO
C/Seniro Master Sgt. Alex McGilleck, Cammack was a valued member of CAP and was always
information technology willing to donate his time, money and wisdom to mem-
S/Senior Master Sgt. Bethany Stepanek, kitchen patrol bers. His best donation was his friendship and ever pres-
C/2d Lt. Ryan McKeen, leadership officer ent smile and sense of humor when it was needed most.
C/1st Lt. Francesca Fogarty, public affairs He could always see a solution to a problem and get the
C/Capt. Laura Broker, stan/eval officer job done.
C/Capt. Jeremiah Johnson, stan/eval assistant

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