Operation Manual: OBJ - DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 1 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Operation Manual: OBJ - DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 1 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Operation Manual: OBJ - DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 1 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Operation Manual
TCD 2015
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 2 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Notes gine, the use of DEUTZ original parts is pre-
scribed. These are specially designed for your
z This engine is defined exclusively for purpose
engine and guarantee perfect operation.
according to the scope of delivery and built by
the equipment manufacturer (use for the intend- Non-compliance results in the expiry of the war-
ed purpose). Any other use above and beyond ranty!
this will be considered as misuse. The manufac- Maintenance/cleaning work on the engine may
turer will not accept any liability for damages re- only be carried out when the engine is not run-
sulting from this. The user bears the sole risk. ning and has cooled down.
z Use for the intended purpose also includes ob- When doing this, make sure that the electrical
servance of the operating, maintenance and re- system is switched off (remove ignition key).
pair conditions specified by the manufacturer. The specifications for accident prevention with
The engine should only be operated, serviced electrical systems (e.g. VDE-0100/-0101/-0104/-
and repaired by personnel trained in its use and 0105 Electrical protective measures against dan-
the hazards involved. gerous contact voltages) must be observed.
The pertinent rules for the prevention of acci- Cover all electrical components tightly when
dents and other generally recognised safety and cleaning with liquids.
industrial medicine rules must be observed. z Do not work on the fuel system while the engine
z When the engine is running there is a danger of is running - Danger to life!
injury caused by: Wait for the pressure to drop after the engine has
rotating and hot components come to a standstill (in engines with DEUTZ
on motors with external ignition (high electri- Common Rail about 5 minutes, otherwise
cal voltage). Contact must be avoided! 1 minute) because the system is under high
z Unauthorised engine modifications will invalidate pressure - Danger to life!
any liability claims against the manufacturer for During the first trial run do not stand in the dan-
resultant damage. ger area of the engine.
z Equally, manipulations to the injection and con- Danger due to high pressure in case of leaks -
trol system can affect the engine's performance Danger to life!
and the exhaust characteristics. Adherence to In case of leaks immediately contact work-
legislation on pollution can no longer be guaran- shop.
teed under such conditions. When working on the fuel system, make sure
z Do not change the cooling air feed area to the that the engine is not started inadvertently
blower of fan. An unobstructed cooling air supply during repairs - Danger to life!
must be guaranteed.
The manufacturer will accept no liability for dam-
age resulting from this.
z When carrying out maintenance work on the en-
2 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 3 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Dear customer, Engine serial number
Congratulations on the purchase of your DEUTZ en- Please enter the engine serial number here. This will
gine. simplify the handling of customer service, repair and
DEUTZ air/liquid-cooled engines are developed for a spare parts queries.
broad spectrum of applications. Consequently, a
wide range of variants is offered to meet the require-
ments of specific cases.
The engine is equipped accordingly for the particular Notes
installation situation, i.e. not all the components de- We reserve the right to make technical changes to
scribed in the operating manual are installed in your the descriptions and data in this operating manual in
engine. the interest of further development of the engines.
We have endeavoured to highlight any differences This document may only be reprinted and repro-
so that you will be able to locate the operating and duced, even in part, with our express permission.
maintenance instructions applicable to your engine
more quickly and easily.
Please make sure that this operating manual is avail-
able to everyone involved in the operation, mainte-
nance and repair of the engine and that they have
understood the contents.
If you have any queries, please contact us, we'll be
happy to advise you.
2009 3
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 4 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Aspiration system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Belt drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Setting work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2 Engine description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 Faults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Engine illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fault table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Lubricating oil diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Engine management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Fuel diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8 Transport and storage . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Coolant diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Exhaust return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Engine corrosion protection . . . . . . . . . 59
Electrics/Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Engine and setting data . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Ambient conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Initial start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Start procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Operation monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Stop procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4 Operating media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Lubricating oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6 Servicing and maintenance works . . . . . 34
Lubricating oil system. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Fuel system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Engine cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 5 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
DEUTZ diesel engines
DEUTZ diesel engines are the product of years of re-
velopments for improving the engines are also intro-
duced in the original DEUTZ parts of course. Only
ity with notes on product responsibilities and servic-
es. Or you can use another fast, convenient way via 1
the use of original DEUTZ parts manufactured ac- the Internet under www.deutzshop.de. The DEUTZ
search and development. Profound know-how com-
cording to the state-of-the-art can guarantee perfect P@rts Online parts catalogue gives you a direct con-
bined with high quality requirements are the
functioning and high reliability. tact to your nearest local service partner.
guarantee for the production of engines with a long
life, high reliability levels and low fuel consumption. DEUTZ Xchange components California
Obviously the high requirements for the protection of Proposition 65 Warning
the environment are also met. DEUTZ replacement parts are a low-cost alternative.
Of course, the quality standards here are just as high Diesel engines and some of its constituents are
Safety precautions when the engine is running as for new parts. DEUTZ replacement parts are known to the State of California to cause cancer,
equal to the original DEUTZ parts in function and re- birth defects and other reproductive harm.
Maintenance work or repairs may only be performed liability.
on the shut-down engine. Make sure that the engine Masthead
cannot be started inadvertently - Danger of acci- Asbestos DEUTZ AG
The gaskets used in this engine contain no asbestos. Ottostrae 1
After repair work: Check that all guards have been Please use the appropriate original DEUTZ parts for
replaced and that all tools have been removed from 51149 Kln
maintenance and repair work.
the engine. Germany
Observe industrial safety regulations when running Service Phone: +49 (0) 221-822-0
the engine in an enclosed space or underground. We want to preserve the high performance of our en- Fax: +49 (0) 221-822-3525
When working on the running engine, work clothing gines, and with it the confidence and satisfaction of
E-Mail: [email protected]
must be close fitting. our customers. We are therefore represented world-
wide by a network of service branches. www.deutz.com
Never fill the fuel tank while the engine is running.
The DEUTZ name does not merely stand for engines
Service and Maintenance that are the products of extensive development
Service and maintenance are also decisive for work, DEUTZ also stands for complete service pack-
whether the engine satisfactorily meets the set de- ages that ensure optimum operation of our engines,
mands. Recommended service intervals must there- and for customer services operations that you can
fore be observed and service and maintenance work count on.
must be carried out conscientiously. Please contact your DEUTZ-partner in case of mal-
Special care should be taken under abnormally de- functions and sare parts inquiries. Our specially
manding operating conditions. trained personnel will ensure fast, professional re-
pairs using original DEUTZ spare parts in case of
Original DEUTZ parts damage.
Original DEUTZ parts are subject to the same strict The DEUTZ home page gives you a continuously up-
quality demands as the DEUTZ engines. Further de- to-date overview of the service partners in your vicin-
2009 5
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 6 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
1 Danger
6 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 7 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
2015 Series
Rating plate Location of the rating plate
The type (A), engine number (B) and performance The rating plate (C) is fixed to the cylinder head cov-
V Cylinder arrangement data are stamped on the rating plate. er or the crankcase.
06 No. of cylinders The engine type and number must be stated when
08 No. of cylinders purchasing spare parts.
2009 7
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 8 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
2 D XX
8 2009
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12 11 10 9
2009 9
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10 2009
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11 10 9 8
2009 11
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12 2009
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13 11 1 5 3 2
2009 13
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1 2 5 6
14 2009
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1 2 3 4 12
Cab heater connection
5 4 3 2 1 13
2009 15
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16 2009
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2 3
2009 17
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 18 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
2 1 2 3 4
Electronic engine control
10 Engine side
1 Lubricating oil pressure transmitter
11 2 Fuel temperature transmitter
3 Charge air pressure transmitter, charge air tem-
perature transmitter
12 4 Engine control unit
5 Coolant temperature transmitter
9 6 Lubricating oil level transmitter (optional)
13 7 Central plug (for engine control)
8 Speed transmitter via crankshaft
9 Speed transmitter via camshaft
Equipment side
10 Power supply (battery)
15 11 Multifunction displays
12 Signal outputs, e.g. for lamps, torque (PWM),
speed, engine operation, etc.
16 13 Inputs (e.g. override button)
14 Accelerator
17 15 Hand throttle
16 Optional function selector switch, e.g. for P de-
gree, type of controls, maximum curve, fixed
18 speeds, etc.
17 Detachable key switch Start/Stop
18 Diagnosis button
19 19 Error lamp
7 6 5 20 Diagnostic interface/CAN bus
18 2009
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20 2009
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22 2009
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24 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 25 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Lubricating oil pressure dis- Lubricating oil pressure in the red area Switch off engine
Lubricating oil temperature Lubricating oil temperature too high Switch off engine
Lubricating oil pressure If the pilot lamp lights up after starting the engine or while the Switch off engine
pilot lamp engine is running, the lubricating oil pressure is too low
Lube oil level If the pilot lamp lights up after starting the engine or while the Fill up lube oil
engine is running, the lubricating oil level is too low
Coolant level If the control lamp lights up after the engine starts or while the Shut down the engine, allow to cool and top up cool-
engine is running, the coolant level is too low ant
Operating hours counter Indicates the previous operating time of the engine Observe the maintenance intervals
2009 25
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 26 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Shutting off
26 2009
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2009 27
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 28 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
SAE 20W-50
SAE 10W-30
SAE 10W-40
SAE 15W-40
enclosed, heated spaces at temperatures >5 C.
SAE 0W-30
SAE 0W-40
SAE 5W-30
SAE 5W-40
de \SERVICE \Betriebsstoffe und Diag- 15
nose\Deutz Quality Class\DQC-Freiga-
The prescribed lubricating oil quality must
beliste 10
be observed when selecting the viscosity
en \SERVICE \Operating Media and Diagno- class!
sis\Deutz Quality Class\DQC Release List 5
Depending on the ambient temperature we recom-
Lubricating oil change intervals mend the following common viscosity classes: 0
z The intervals depend on: -5
lubricating oil quality
sulphur content in the fuel -10
type of application of engine
z The lubricating oil change interval must be
halved if at least one of the following conditions -20
Constant ambient temperature below -10 C -25
(14 F) or lube oil temperature below 60 C
(84 F). -30
Sulphur content in diesel fuel of >0.5 weight
%. -35
operation with bio-diesel fuel -40
z If the lubricating oil change intervals are not
reached within a year, the oil should be changed
at least once a year.
28 2009
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2009 29
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30 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 31 Mittwoch, 3. Mrz 2010 11:57 11
The lubricating oil load may be high depending on the application. The lubricating oil change interval must be halved here (27).
The display of the operating hours should be ensured by the device manufacturer. The engine operating hours are recorded by the control unit. Enquiry via the CAN
bus and display in a display or creation/display via electromechanical counter.
EPA-certified engines
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is a US Government organisation for the protection of the environment and human health.
2010 31
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 32 Mittwoch, 3. Mrz 2010 11:57 11
5 Maintenance measures
32 2010
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2010 33
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34 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 35 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Change lubricating oil filter z Oil the gasket of the new DEUTZ original filter
cartridge lightly.
The filter cartridge should never be pre- z Screw on new filter by hand until the gasket is
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- touching and tighten with a torque of:
tion! 15-17 Nm
z Remove clamps when twist protection mounted z Fasten clamps of the twist protection (optional).
z Loosen and unscrew filter cartridge with tool (or-
der number: 170050).
z Collect draining lubricating oil
z Clean the sealing surface of the filter support
with a lint-free, clean cloth.
2009 35
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 36 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
6 Specifications when working on the fuel system Additional venting of the fuel system by a 5
minute trial run at idle speed or on low load
Engine must be switched off! is absolutely essential.
Keep naked flames away when working on Pay attention to utmost cleanliness due to
the fuel system! Do not smoke! the high production accuracy of the system!
No injection/high pressure pipes may be The fuel system must be tight and closed.
disconnected while the engine is running. Make a visual inspection for leaks/damage
Caution when handling hot fuel! in the system.
Pay attention to utmost cleanliness when Clean and dry the engine and engine com-
refuelling and working on the fuel system. partment thoroughly before beginning
Clean the respective affected parts careful- work.
ly. Blow damp areas dry with compressed Areas of the engine compartment from
air. which dirt could be loosened must be cov-
Observe the safety regulations and nation- ered with a fresh, clean foil.
al specifications for handling fuels. Work on the fuel system may only be car-
Dispose of leaking fuel and filter elements ried out in an absolutely clean environment.
properly. Do not allow fuel to seep away Contamination of the air such as dirt, dust,
into the ground. moisture etc. must be avoided.
After all work on the fuel system, the sys-
tem should be vented, a trial run performed
and the tightness checked.
It will be necessary to vent the fuel system
when commissioning for the first time, after
maintenance work or if the tank has been
run dry.
36 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 37 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Change the fuel filter cartridge z Oil the gasket of the new DEUTZ original filter
cartridge lightly.
The filter cartridge should never be pre- z Screw on new filter by hand until the gasket is
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- touching and tighten with a torque of:
tion! 10-12 Nm
z Remove clamps when twist protection mounted z Fasten clamps of the twist protection (optional).
(optional). z Vent the fuel system.
z Loosen and unscrew filter cartridge with tool (or-
der number: 170050).
z Catch any escaping fuel.
z Clean the sealing surface of the filter support
with a lint-free, clean cloth.
2009 37
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 38 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
6 with fuel.
z Assembly in clockwise direction.
z Catch any escaping fuel.
7 z Open the fuel shutoff tap and vent the system, z Tighten vent screw.
see venting the fuel system.
Vent the fuel system
5 1 z Start engine.
z Check for leaks after starting the engine. z Bring engine control to stop position.
z Position fuel collecting vessel below the con-
6 2 Change the fuel pre-filter insert stant-pressure valve in the crankcase/filter hous-
z Shut off the fuel supply to the engine (with high- ing.
4 3
level tank). z Open constant-pressure valve in the crankcase/
fuel stopcock in the filter housing.
z Place suitable collecting containers underneath.
z Open the drain cock and drain liquid. z Turn over the engine with starter (max. 20 Sec.)
z Unscrew the filter insert (2) together with the wa- until bubble-free fuel emerges at the constant-
ter collection vessel (3). pressure valve in the crankcase/filter housing.
z Unscrew the water collection vessel (3) from the z Screw in ventilation screws (tightening torque
Clean/change/vent the fuel pre-filter filter insert (2). 25-5 Nm) and constant-pressure valve.
The special tool can be ordered under part z Bring engine control to the start position and
1 Fuel pre-filter holder
number 8192 (63). start.
2 Filter insert
z Check for leaks after starting the engine.
3 Water collection vessel z Clean the water collection vessel (3) and all the
4 Water drain tap existing sealing surfaces (6) with a brush and
5 Fuel pump diesel fuel.
6 Sealing surface z Oil the gaskets and sealing surfaces (6) of the
7 Venting screw new DEUTZ original filter insert (2) lightly or wet
with diesel fuel.
z Shut off the fuel supply to the engine (with high- z Screw the water collection vessel (3) to the filter
level tank). insert (2).
z Place suitable collecting containers underneath. z Screw a new filter insert (2) with water collection
z Open the drain cock and drain liquid. vessel (3) onto the filter carrier 1) (tightening
z Unscrew the filter insert (2) together with the wa- torque 17-18 Nm)
ter collection vessel (3). z Open the fuel supply to the engine.
z Empty emulsion in the water collection vessel (3) z Vent the fuel system.
and clean the vessel.
z Mount the filter insert (2) and water collection Vent the fuel pre-filter.
vessel (3). Wet the sealing surfaces (6) of the fil- z Loosen vent screws slightly.
ter insert (2) and the water collection vessel (3) z Operate the pump until fuel emerges without
38 2009
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2009 39
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40 2009
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2009 41
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 42 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Only carry out cleaning work on the engine z Clean the engine with a steam jet (maximum
when it is not running! spray pressure 60 bar, maximum steam temper-
Remove the engine cover and cooling air ature 90 C, distance at least 1m).
cover if available and remount after clean- z Warm up the engine so that the water residues
ing. evaporate.
z Always clean the cooler and cooling fins from the
General exhaust air side to the fresh air side.
The following causes of soiling make it necessary to
clean the engine:
z High dust content in the air.
z Chaff and chopped straw in the area of the en-
z Coolant leaks
z Lubricating oil leakage
z Fuel leaks
Because of the different application conditions,
cleaning depends on the degree of dirt contamina-
Cleaning with compressed air
z Blow dirt off or out. Always blow out the cooler
and cooling fins from the exhaust air side to the
fresh air side.
42 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 43 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
Regulations for working on the intake system Emptying the cyclone precleaner
Do not work when the engine is running! Never fill the dust container (3) with lubri-
cating oil!
z Loosen wing nut (1) and lift off housing cover (2).
Pay attention to utmost cleanliness when
z Remove the dust container (3) from the base (4)
working on the intake system, close intake
and empty it. Clean the container using a brush
openings if necessary.
and clean diesel fuel. Then dry.
Dispose of old filter elements properly.
z Place the dust container (3) on the base (4) and
Maintenance indicators for dry air filter tighten the housing cover (2) with wing nut (1).
z The dry air filter is maintained according to a
maintenance switch or maintenance indicator.
z Maintenance is necessary when:
the yellow warning light of the maintenance
switch lights up when the engine is running.
the red field (1) of the maintenance indica-
tor is fully visible.
z After carrying out maintenance work, reset the
signal by pressing the button on the mainte-
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44 2009
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 45 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
1 2
Checking the belt drive Checking the belt tension Tighten the generator V-belts
z Lower indicator arm (1) into the measuring de- z Loosen lock nut (3).
Only carry out work on the belt drive with
vice. z Loosen screws (1) and (2) and (3).
the engine at a standstill!
Always change both belts in sets in case of z Place guide (3) between two belt pulleys on the z Push the generator (4) outwards in the direction
wear on the double belts or damage to one V-belt (2). The stop have to be at the side. of the arrow until you get the correct V-belt ten-
V-belt. z Press the button (4) at right angles to the V-belt sion.
After repair work: Check that all guards (2) evenly until you hear or feel the spring snap This is done with a screw (1).
have been replaced and that all tools have in. z Retighten the screws (1) and (2).
been removed from the engine. z Lift the measuring device carefully without alter- z Tighten the lock nut (3) again.
ing the position of the indicator arm (1).
z Check the whole belt drive visually for damage. z Read the measured value at the point of inter- Renew the V-belts
z Renew damaged parts. section (arrow), scale (5) and indicator arm (1). z Loosen screws (1) and (2) and (3).
z Remount protective devices if necessary. z If necessary, re-tension belt and measure again. z Swing the generator (4) in in the opposite direc-
z Pay attention to correct fit of new belts, check the tion to the arrow.
tension after running for 15 minutes. Tools
z Remove the V-belt (5) and fit a new V-belt.
Belt tension measuring device (order number: z Push the generator (4) outwards in the direction
8115) can be obtained from your DEUTZ partner. of the arrow until you get the correct V-belt ten-
z Tighten the generator V-belts.
2009 45
OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 46 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
4 2 1 2 1
3 1
5 3
6 6
Check valve clearance, adjust if necessary Set valve clearance z Secure the rotation angle disc against twisting.
1 Screw 1 Lock nut z Turn rotation angle disc clockwise to the stop
2 Cylinder head cover 2 Valve clearance setting screw (rocker arm without clearance) and set scale to
3 Gasket 3 Insert
z Tighten locking nut.
4 Rotary angle disc
z Let the engine cool down for at least 30 minutes
before setting the valve clearance: Lubricating oil 5 Magnet Tightening torque 20 Nm
temperature below 80 C. 6 Valve clearance
z Then set the second valve on the rocker arm as
z Release screws. z Mount rotation angle disc on valve clearance set- described above.
z Remove the cylinder head hood. ting screw with pin wrench insert. z Perform the setting procedure on every cylinder.
z Remove gasket. z Fix magnet of the rotation angle disc. z Remount the cylinder head cover with a new
z Place turning gear over fastening screws of the z Turn rotation angle disc clockwise to the stop gasket in the reverse order of disassembly.
belt pulleys. (rocker arm without clearance) and set scale to z Tighten screws.
z Turn the crankcase until reaching valve overlap. zero.
Outlet valve is not yet closed, inlet valve be- z Turn rotation angle disc anticlockwise until Tightening torque 22 Nm
gins to open. reaching the specified rotation angle: The valve clearance can also be set with a feeler
The cylinders to be set can be seen in the gauge. Gauges with 0.25 or 0.09 in must be used for
setting schematic. Valve IN Inlet valve 90+10 the inlet valve. Gauges with 0.30 or 0.12 in must be
clearance EX Outlet valve 108+10 used for the outlet valve.
46 2009
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2009 47
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6 Regulations for working on the electrical system Danger of explosion! The gases emitted by
the battery are explosive!
Do not touch the voltage conducting parts, Fire, sparks, smoking and naked lights are
faulty warning lamps should be immediate- prohibited!
ly replaced. Danger of acid burns! Wear protective
gloves and glasses! Avoid contact with skin
Pay attention to correct polarity of the con- and clothing!
nections. Danger of short circuit! Do not rest tools on
Cover electrical/electronic parts and con- the battery!
nections to clean the engine (e.g. control
units, generator, solenoid valves etc.). Do Checking the voltage
not aim the water/steam jet directly at them. z Check the battery voltage with a standard volt-
Allow engine to warm up. meter. The voltage gives information about the
Touching a lead against the frame to check charge status.
whether it is live must not, under any cir-
cumstances, be carried out.
Battery Charge status (Volt) Check acid density
For electrical welding work, the ground ter-
minal of the welding gear must be clamped 24 Volt 24-28,4 z Unscrew caps.
directly to the part being welded. z Measure the electrolyte density of individual cells
Check acid level
Three-phase current generator: Never dis- with a commercial hydrometer. Hydrometer
connect the cables between battery, gener- z Unscrew caps. reading indicates batterys state of charge. The
ator and regulator while the engine is z Note the manufacturers specifications concern- acid temperature when measuring should be 20
running. ing the liquid level. C if possible.
The liquid should normally be 10-15 mm above z Check the acid level before recharging.
the top edge of the plate or reach up to any avail- z Screw in caps.
able control device.
Electronically stored data could be lost if Acid density [kg/ l] Charge Measure
z Only use distilled water to top up the battery.
the battery is disconnected. status
Keep battery clean and dry. z Screw in caps. Normal Tropical
Make sure the battery is fitted correctly and 1,28 1,23 good none
securely. 1,20 1,12 half charge
Dispose of old batteries in an environmen-
tally friendly way. 1,12 1,08 empty charge
48 2009
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7 Faults
Engine becomes excessively hot.
Vent line blocked
Temperature warning system acti- Wrong SAE viscosity class of the engine lubricating oil Change the lubricating oil
Lube oil cooler defective Check/replace
Lube oil filter contaminated on the air or lube oil side Change
Lube oil level too high Check lube oil level, if necessary drain off.
Lubricating oil level too low Fill up lube oil
Incorrect valve clearance Check valve clearance and set if necessary
Coolant heat exchanger soiled Clean
Coolant pump broken Check
Low coolant Fill up
Resistance in cooling system is too high / flow volume too low Check the cooling system
Heat short-circuit in the cooling air guidance Check the cooling system
Charge air line leaking Check charge air line
Charge air cooler soiled Check/clean
Air filter clogged / turbocharger defective Check/replace
Air filter maintenance switch / maintenance indicator defective Check/replace
Fan defective/V-rib belt torn or loose Check fan/V-belt, change if necessary
52 2009
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7 Faults
Engine producing white smoke
Below starting limit temperature
Incorrect valve clearance Check valve clearance and set if necessary
Fuel quality does not comply with operating manual Change the fuel
Injection valve defective Check fuel injector / change if necessary
Engine producing black smoke Air filter clogged / turbocharger defective Check/replace
Air filter maintenance switch / maintenance indicator defective Check/replace
Incorrect valve clearance Check valve clearance and set if necessary
Charge air line leaking Check charge air line
Injection valve defective Check fuel injector / change if necessary
54 2009
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OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 56 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
7 Diagnosis button
The diagnosis button allows the errors currently
saved in the error memory of the electronic engine
control to be visualised in the form of a flash code.
The flash codes permit:
z Errors that may occur can be classified.
z Clear display of the error as visual signal.
The blink codes can only be interpreted by a
DEUTZ partner.
2s 2s
0,8 s
0,4 s
0,4 s
0,4 s
0,8 s
0,4 s
Use of the diagnostic key
The flash code displays all errors in the error memo-
ry, this means active as well as passive ones.
The control unit must be switched off to start the en- 1 2 8
quiry (ignition off). Then the diagnosis button should Display system error by flash code
be pressed for approx. 1s during the start (ignition
on). Example:
Then the next error (i.e. the following one in the error Flash code 1-2-8
memory) can be displayed by pressing the diagnos- 1 x short flash
tic key again. If the last error was displayed, the first
2 x long flash
error is displayed again on pressing the diagnostic
key again. 8 x short flash
After the display of the error flash code, the error This flash code indicates a break or short circuit in
lamp goes out for five seconds. the wiring of the charge air temperature sensor. The
temporal sequence of the flash signals is shown in
the illustration.
z The blink codes can only be interpreted by a
DEUTZ partner.
56 2009
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8 1
! 2
Suspension equipment
Danger to life!
The engine may tip over or fall down if sus-
The transport devices mounted on this en-
pended incorrectly!
gine are adapted to the engine weight. If
the engine is transported with add-on com- z The fastening attachment cannot be fixed se-
ponents, the transport devices must be de- curely above the centre of gravity (1).
signed accordingly. z The fastening attachment can slip, the engine
z Always use proper suspension equipment when swings backwards and forwards (1).
transporting the engine. z Too short a fastening attachment causes bend-
ing torques in the transport device (2) and can
z The suspension device (1) must be adjustable
damage it.
for the engine's centre of gravity.
z After transportation and before commissioning of
engine: remove attachment eyes (2).
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9 Engine type
Charge air temperature outlet at rated power
TCD 2015 V06
TCD 2015 V08
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Special tools for removing the water collection Special wrench for loosening exchangeable fil- Rotaqtion angle disc
vessel. ters
Order number:
Order number: Order number:
8192 170050
Rotation angle disc for setting the valve and control
On Racor filters, only loosen the water collection For loosening changeable filters. piston clearance
vessel with a special tool.
64 2009
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OBJ_DOKU-18580-001.fm Seite 67 Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 11:46 11
DEUTZ Oil DQC II-05 DEUTZ Oil DQC III-05 DEUTZ Oil DQC IV-05 (Synthetic)
ACEA E5-02 / E3-96 / B3-04 ACEA E7-04 / E5-02 / E3-96 / B4-04 / A3-04 ACEA E7-04 / E5-02 / E4-99
Information Systems Sales & Service
Ottostrae 1
51149 Kln
Phone: +49 (0) 221-822-0
Fax: +49 (0) 221-822-3525
E-Mail: [email protected]
Printed in Germany
All rights reserved
Order number:
0312 3562 en
The engine company. Original operating instructions