ACCA Education Recognition
ACCA Education Recognition
ACCA Education Recognition
What is education recognition?
What are the benefits of education recognition?
How to use this document
About education recognition information
ACCA governance
ACCA administrative details
ACCA Qualification
Foundation-level qualifications
ACCA qualifications structure
Appendix 1 UK qualification equivalence
Appendix 2 Foundation-level qualifications recognition on the RQF
Appendix 3 Foundation-level qualifications recognition on the SCQF
About ACCA
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management
is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to Accounting this certificate is suitable for those aspiring
offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of to work or already working in a junior accounts clerk/
application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a junior bookkeeper role in an SME or in a range of junior
rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. accounting administration roles within an accounting
department of a larger organisation or financial shared
Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique core
service centre.
values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity and
accountability. We believe that accountants bring value to Additionally Oxford Brookes University (OBU) in partnership
economies in all stages of development. We aim to develop with ACCA offers a BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting
capacity in the profession and encourage the adoption of centred on the needs of employers for practical, professional
consistent global standards. Our values are aligned to the accounting, and an MBA which is designed to broaden business
needs of employers in all sectors and we ensure that, through understanding and enhance strategic decision making.
our qualifications, we prepare accountants for business. We
The University of London in partnership with ACCA offers
work to open up the profession to people of all backgrounds
an MSc in Professional Accountancy. This is an integrated
and remove artificial barriers to entry, ensuring that our
programme which allows study towards an academic and
qualifications and their delivery meet the diverse needs of
professional qualification. There are customised pathways for
trainee professionals and their employers.
ACCA students, affiliates and members.
We support our 188,000 members and 480,000 students
In keeping with ACCAs commitment to lifelong learning, it has
in 181 countries, helping them to develop successful
launched a range of further qualifications and a leading edge
careers in accounting and business, with the skills required
continuing professional development (CPD) scheme. These
by employers. We work through a network of 95 offices
programmes are designed to suit the needs of accountants,
and centres and more than 7,110 Approved Employers
finance-professionals and non-finance professionals with
worldwide, who provide high standards of employee learning
financial responsibility, at all stages of their careers.
and development. Through our public interest remit, we
promote appropriate regulation of accounting and conduct
relevant research to ensure accountancy continues to grow in
ACCA Council is the elected governing body of ACCA and is
reputation and influence.
responsible for determining ACCAs strategic policy objectives
ACCAs core qualifications are: and monitoring organisational performance in relation to
the organisational budget. The Council is elected by its
ACCA Qualification a professional qualification enabling
members on a one member, one vote basis. The Council
members to reach the highest level in accountancy
acts as a trustee for the membership; as such, it is ultimately
Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business If responsible for ACCA affairs and is accountable to the
you decide to complete the ACCA Qualification, you members. Its responsibilities to the UK Privy Council, under
will be awarded the Advanced Diploma in Accounting the Royal Charter granted by Her Majesty the Queen, and
and Business on your way to completing the ACCA under statute, require it to act in the public interest. Council
Qualification. has the key role in ACCAs affairs and Council members have a
responsibility to act in the best interests of ACCA as a whole.
Diploma in Accounting and Business the Diploma is
The Council devises strategy for ACCAs Executive Team, and
suitable for those aspiring to work or already working in the
identifies the key performance measures which will be used
following types of roles:
both to monitor the work to implement that policy and to
basic bookkeeping, trainee accountant in a commercial develop future policy. ACCAs Executive Team is responsible
organisation or accounting practice, accounts clerk in for the delivery of the strategy, and Council provide
public sector. governance of the process and performance management.
Our qualifications
To qualify for membership of ACCA, students must complete professionalism and ethics in accounting. They are examined
the ACCA Qualification, consisting of 14 professional at the highest level in the ACCA Qualification, and are a core
examinations, an ethics module and three years practical element of students practical experience requirements.
experience gained before, during or after the examinations.
The ACCA Qualification has been designed to provide all
In line with ACCAs statutory requirements, entry to the ACCA
the competences required of professional accountants and
Qualification requires a UK university matriculation level
auditors. In accordance with modern practice, ACCA takes the
qualification. ACCA also provides entry level qualifications.
view that employers demand that professional accountants
The foundation-level qualifications consist of awards,
and auditors apply a wide business and global perspective to
including certificates, diplomas and a Certified Accounting
their work.
Technician (CAT) Qualification. The Diploma in Accounting
and Business is equivalent in level to year one of a UK
bachelor degree, and is suitable for entry and exemption to
The foundation-level qualifications include certificates,
the ACCA Qualification.
diplomas and a Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Qualification. These flexible awards focus on the core skills of
financial accounting and management accounting; and the
In addition to responding to the needs of its stakeholders,
wider role of the accountant in business at higher levels.
ACCA has designed a qualification which also embeds the
global accounting education standards set by the International The range of awards means employers can pick the level of
Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The ACCA Qualification is qualification which most appropriately meets their business
fully IFAC compliant. There is a strong focus on professional needs. In addition, it provides students with flexible entry
values, ethics and governance. These skills are essential points with certification awarded at each level, allowing
as the profession moves towards strengthened codes of students to tailor the awards, making them an attractive and
conduct, regulation and legislation with an increasing focus on relevant choice for employers.
All of the above plus two of the following: ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING
FTX Foundations in Taxation
FFM Foundations in Financial Management
FAU Foundations in Audit FOUNDATIONS IN PROFESSIONALISM is an online ethics
Research and Analysis Project and Key Skills
module which can be completed before or after the exams
+ 12 months relevant work experience Statement
but must be completed if you wish to receive certification
for the award you have achieved
F O U N D AT I O N S I N module which must be completed before, at the same time,
PROFESSIONALISM MODULE PROFESSIONAL ETHICS MODULE or soon after you become eligible to sit Paper P1
As a global accountancy body, the learning profiles of ACCA students vary greatly. ACCA promotes flexibility in its range
of qualifications and learning methods, and therefore ACCA does not prescribe learning hours to its students. However,
we have provided notional learning hours for each of the ACCA examinations in the tables below for guidance.
Notional learning hours are typically understood to represent the average time it would take a learner to complete a unit of
learning, in this case each of the ACCA Qualification examinations. They include guided learning hours, directed study, practical
and work-based learning, examination preparation time and examination time. Guided learning hours are the hours in which
study is directed by a tutor, usually with the tutor present. This can include tutorials, face-to-face delivery or directed open/
distance learning and assessment. There may be variations in definitions of learning hours and credit systems between
national education systems.
ACCA is a self-regulating professional membership ACCA is also a competent authority for the EU Recognition
body for chartered certified accountants globally. Our of Professional Qualifications Directive for Chartered
professional qualification is a membership requirement, Certified Accountant.The Directive provides for a General
which meets employer specifications for working System for recognition of professional qualifications. The
in accountancy related roles, both regulated and General System has been established with the purpose of
unregulated. Further to a submission made to the UK enabling individuals to transfer their qualifications and skills
Government department (at that time to the Department between Member States. Please refer to Admission to
of Trade and Industry, now the Department of Business, ACCA membership under the European Communities
Innovation and Skills), ACCAs professional examinations (Recognition of Professional Qualifications) Regulations
are recognised in law to qualify company auditors, (Directive 2013/55/EU) for further details on admission
making ACCA a Recognised Qualifying Body (RQB). to ACCA membership under the terms of the European
Communities (Recognition of Professional Qualifications)
ACCA is also officially recognised by the UK Government as a Regulations 2015.
Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB), responsible for regulating
statutory auditors. According to the UKs Companies Act 2006, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Insolvency Act 1986 and Financial Services and Markets Act (BEIS): BIS officially granted ACCA RQB and RSB status.
2000, only the accountancy bodies ACCA, ICAEW, ICAI, RQB status means that the ACCA Qualification officially
ICAS and AAPA are able to authorise members to conduct qualifies statutory auditors in the UK. The relevant text
the legally restricted works including audit, insolvency in relation to the level of the ACCA Qualification being
and investment business work in the United Kingdom and at least bachelor degree level is within Schedule 11 of
Republic of Ireland. the Companies Act 2006. Number 8 1(b) states and
requiring a standard of attainment at least equivalent to
In summary, part of ACCAs official accreditation from that required to obtain a degree from a university or similar
regulatory bodies in the UK and globally, is as follows: establishment in the United Kingdom. The full Companies
Act 2006 can be located at this address: www.legislation.
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC): ACCA The Professional
is a founding member body of IFAC. ACCA follows the
Oversight Team, part of the UK Financial Reporting Council
IFAC Compliance Program to meet the membership
(FRC), reporting to the UK Government, and providing
requirements. More information on the IFAC Compliance
independent oversight of the auditing and accounting
Program is available at:
profession, audits ACCAs quality assurance procedures and
qualification syllabus and assessments annually. For further
information on the Financial Reporting Council (FRC),
Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies
please visit the following webpage:
(CCAB): ACCA is a founding member of the CCAB in the
UK. CCAB provides a forum in which matters affecting the
Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority
profession as a whole can be discussed and co-ordinated
(IAASA): IAASA granted ACCA Recognised Accountancy
and enables the profession to speak with a unified voice to
Body status. A Recognised Accountancy Body is an
government. Further details can be found at:
accountancy body that has been granted recognition under
section 930 of the Companies Act 2014. A recognised
accountancy body is permitted to authorise its members
UK Government Privy Council Incorporated through
and/or member firms to perform statutory audits and to
Royal Charter requirement for at least 75% of members
register firms from other EU Member States to perform
to have first degree level standard qualification, thus
audits under the Companies Act, provided that they satisfy
the ACCA Qualification is recognised as being at least
certain additional conditions. The full Companies Act 2014
equivalent to UK bachelor degree. Please see the official
can be accessed here.
Privy Council website for further information click here.
IAASA audits ACCAs quality assurance procedures
European Union (EU): Article 6 of the EU 8th Company and qualification syllabus and assessments. For further
Law Directive, which has been implemented in UK domestic information on IAASA, please visit the following webpage:
law, states that statutory auditors must have passed an
examination of professional competence of university final
or equivalent examination level, which therefore applies to
the level of the ACCA Qualification.
ACCA education status refers to the endorsement of England The Office of Qualifications and Examinations
ACCA and our qualifications by bodies concerned with Regulation (Ofqual)
the educational value of our qualifications and the quality Ofqual regulates qualifications, examinations and
assurance mechanisms around their provision. assessments in England. Ofqual was set up in April 2010
under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning
ACCA has secured recognition by a number of key educational
Act 2009 and is also covered by the Education Act 2011.
regulators. Official endorsement by education regulators is
Ofqual are independent of government and report directly
widely understood by employers, adding value to employer
to Parliament.
recognition of our qualifications. Education recognition also
provides third party quality assurance giving our stakeholders ACCA is recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual
the benefit of impartial scrutiny of our qualifications and and our Foundation-Level qualifications are listed on the
ensuring that ACCA is conforming to current best practise in Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) (replacing the
qualification development and delivery. Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)).
To support education recognition further, ACCA seeks For further details of our qualifications on the RQF please
framework recognition of our qualifications at specific and refer to Appendix 2 and for more information on the ACCA
consistent levels of recognition. Please refer to Appendix 1, qualifications regulated by Ofqual, visit the Register for
specifying these levels. Regulated Qualifications.
A qualification framework is an appropriately authorised tool The ACCA qualifications are also listed on the UK Learning
that clearly defines each and every qualification brought under Aims Hub. The Learning Aims Reference number is the
it. It provides a hierarchy of qualifications where learning from reference number for accredited qualifications and funding
a qualification is benchmarked to defined criteria. Frameworks in England. Please also refer to Appendix 2 for more
can enable learners to make comparisons between different information on Foundations in Accountancy qualifications
types of qualification, allowing them to plan their learning and on the RQF.
progression. A qualification framework can be specific to one
country or region with established framework recognition in Scotland Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
one location having potential to support recognition in other Accreditation
countries or regions. SQA Accreditation quality assures qualifications offered
in Scotland by approving awarding bodies and accrediting
UK EDUCATION RECOGNITION their qualifications. SQA Accreditation regulates awarding
UK Visas and Immigration bodies and their qualifications against published
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) replaced the UK Border regulatory requirements. SQA Accreditation has approved
Agency in 2013. UKVI are responsible for running the UKs ACCA as an awarding body and has accredited ACCAs
visa service, managing applications from overseas nationals qualifications.
who wish to come to the UK to visit, study or work. SCQF (Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework)
VisasAndNationality service has replaced the Home Office promotes lifelong learning in Scotland. ACCAs full
UKVI Points-Based Calculator web pages. This service is run suite of qualifications, through their recognition by SQA
by UK NARIC and provides applicants with documentation Accreditation, have been credited and levelled and placed
that confirms the academic qualification level and/or on the SCQF.
English language proficiency as appropriate for an Modern Apprenticeships are available across a wide range
applicants personal circumstances and immigration route. of sectors and the format of training is decided by the
UK National Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) appropriate Sector Skills Council (SSC). ACCA worked
NARIC equates the ACCA Qualification to a UK taught with the SSC responsible for the UKs financial, finance
Masters degree. NARIC is the National Agency, managed and accountancy sectors, the Financial Skills Partnership
on behalf of the UK Government, responsible for providing (FSP), to have ACCA qualifications incorporated in
information, advice and expert opinion on vocational, the Accounting Modern Apprenticeship frameworks
academic and professional skills and qualifications from in Scotland. For further information on Modern
over 180 countries worldwide. NARIC will verify ACCA Apprenticeships please visit here.
Qualification equivalence on individual application to their
Statement of Comparability service.
To find out more about entry and exemptions from a Pakistan regulator Higher Education Commission (HEC)
particular programme of study on the basis of qualifications HEC equated the ACCA Qualification to a Pakistan Masters
awarded by ACCA, please refer to the qualification in Commerce (MComm). Further information on HEC
provider directly. equivalence can be found here.
ACCA has partnerships with a number of leading Pakistan regulator Inter Board Committee of
universities to provide further qualifications. For more Chairmen (IBCC)
information, please refer to the following page: IBCC has confirmed that the ACCA Foundation Diploma in Accountancy is equivalent to a Higher Secondary School
academic-partnerships.html Certificate. Graduates of the Diploma from 2014 onwards
are required to pass three subjects at higher secondary
level and then they will become eligible to claim the
intermediate equivalence certificate from IBCC.
Appendix 1
This table specifies the educational standard that each level of the ACCA Qualification and foundation-level qualifications
equate to in the UK education system.
Appendix 2
* Students only need to successfully complete Foundations in Professionalism once, if they complete one or more
qualifications from the foundation-level qualifications suite.
** Students are required to complete a practical experience requirement to qualify for CAT.
*** The RQF Qualification Number also refers to the Learning Aims Reference for the LARA database.
Certificates in Auditing, Taxation and FTX Foundations in Taxation ACCA Level 4 Certificate in Certificate of
Financial Management Foundations in Professionalism Module* Taxation Higher Education
Appendix 3
P6 Advanced Taxation
P5 Advanced Performance Management
ACCA Professional at SCQF
ACCA Professional P4 Advanced Financial Management R374 04 Masters Degree
Level 11
P3 Business Analysis
P2 Corporate Reporting
P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics
F9 Financial Management
F5 Performance Management
Appendix 3
If you have a query on any aspect
of the information contained here,
please contact our global customer
contact centre, ACCA Connect
+44 (0)141 582 2000
[email protected]
The Adelphi Building
1/11 John Adams Street
London WC2N 6AU
The information contained in this
United Kingdom publication is provided for general
purposes only. While every effort has
+44 (0)20 7059 5000 been made to ensure that the information
+44 (0)20 7059 5151 is accurate and up to date at the time
of going to press, ACCA accepts no responsibility for any loss which may
arise from information contained in this
publication. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, in any format,
without prior written permission of ACCA.
ACCA June 2017.