Good Governance Corruption PDF
Good Governance Corruption PDF
Good Governance Corruption PDF
C is o n e o f t h e
most serious
consequences of
poor governance.
A country with
widespread corruption invariably
then, her ranking has kept falling. A
survey conducted by Transparency
International cites India as far
worse than China and refers to her
as a country where bribery and
corruption are among the worst
has low investment rates, poor in the world. In a developing
economic growth and limited country, resources are always scares
human development. There are and demand greater than supply.
few countries in the world, like The recipients of public services
as Indonesia, Kenya, Angola, are mostly the poor, illiterate,
Madagascar, Paraguay, Nigeria, ignorant and weak. Thus it is the
Bangladesh, and India where it ordinary men who suffer most from
pervades every corner of public misgovernment and corruption. In
It is very necessary life. The public will find the cost of
India, even the highly educated
delivering this service inordinately
lack the power to protest. There is
to introduce social high. Corruption has no positive
no accountability or transparency
effects. It hits the poor hardest,
auditing in all among public servants. It is difficult
it makes a mockery of financial
to define corruption. There is
systems and it actively works
public related against the legitimacy of the state. no consensus on the definition
of corruption, because what is
works, which is one Poverty, development, growth
and investment all suffers at the perceived to be a corrupt activity
is based on a societys acceptance
important measure hands of corruption. Its effects are
and level of tolerance. Corruption
extremely damaging, far reaching
of combating and all pervasive. For India, the is generally defined as a kind of
worlds largest democracy, it illegitimate favor for immediate or
corruption is a painful irony that despite a future personal gain for doing an
good foundation of democratic official work which one is supposed
institutions, she has a score of only to do free of charge and objectivity.
2.7 out of 10 in 2002,was ranked 71st In most of the developing countries,
out of 102 countries for corruption. corruption is like a virus. It has
As per Transparency Internationals infected almost every social and
Corruption Perception Index (2005), economic activity.
The author is Assistant Professor in Political Science, Acharya B. N. Seal College, Cooch Behar, West Bengal.