MCQ 2014 Ortho

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1) 30 year female with increased alkaline phosphatase, urinary phosphate,COD
fish appearance

2) 45 yr male , biochemistry normal , cod fish appearance
a) DEXA b) BUN c) renal test d) parathyroid e) vitamin D essay

3) 60 year old ill looking male , pain back not relieved by NSAID 10days , pain
with fever , 60 ESR leukocyte mild increased SLR 20
a) PIVD b) TB spine c) pyogenic d) malignancy

4) anterior approach humerus prevent nerve injury by
a) axillary nerve following b) retracting brachialis medially c) subperiosteal
brachialis dissection d) dissection between biceps brachialis

5) anterior proximal radius approach nerve PIN identify B/W
a) PT and brachio b) PT and FCR c) PT and P longus

6) missed injury in sophisticated trauma center
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d)

7) AVN talus in type 3 injury Hawkins
a) AVN of the body b) hawkin sign positive AVN c) closed manipulation

increasesd AVN chances
d) 20 30% chances of AVN

8) MOA of allopurinol

9) most common mets to bone in less than 3 year age
a) wilms b) neuroblastoma c) ewings d) retinoblastoma

10) 30 year female with osteolytic lesion , pathological fracture distal femur,
histopathology round cells , with clear nuclei, mitotic figures, PAS negative
male had renal surgery ,osteolytic lesion peritrochanteric region femur,
a) mets b) GCT c) abc d) ewings e) osteopetrosis f) parathyroid

11) osteopetrosis is
a) collagen matix issues b) autosomal dominant c) osteoblast not working
osteoclasts working

12) treatment for divergent tarsometatarsal dislocation within 2 hours
a) percutaneous k wire fixation b) percutaneous 1,2 c) ORIF d)

13 missing stem
Answers options
a) compression fracture b) shear head fracture c) part GT d) part LT

14) AVN most common in
a) NOF b) scaphoid

15) 21 year DDH coxa magna sublux best treatment

16) 25 year old coxa magna uncovered best treatment

17) LCPD prognosis long term
a) age b) involvement at disease c)deformity head d) head at risk e) female

18) gustilo type 1 tibia next management
a) POP b) external fixator c) nail d)plate

19) closed shaft of femur segmental fracture
a) static ILN b) I/M nail c) DCP d) Ex Fix

20) Gustilo type 2 shaft of femur
a) POP b) ex-fix c) nail

21) knee dislocation , lachmann positive ,subluxation
a) dressing +ACL b) ACL + MCL c) MCL + ACL reconstruction d) PCL + MCL
reconstruction POP

22) non cousin marriages autosomal recessive
a) achondroplasia b) dwarf c) osteopetrosis

23) hand position after crush injury
a) MCP flexion + IP extensioin b) MCP 70 degrees + IP extension
c) MCP extension + IP extension d) MCP 30 degrees + IP extension

24) frature tibia primary healing mode of treatment
a) ILN b) ex-fix c) DCP d) POP e) cast brace

25) tillaux fracture mechanism
a) supination b) pronation c) external rotation d) dorsiflexion

26)AP II distal pubis symphysis
a) 4.5-6 hole b) 3-5 6 hole c) 3.5 recon 6 hole

27) Duptryn contracture 3rd 4th and 5th finger
a) partial fasciectomy b) total fasciectomy c) steroid injection d) nodule excision
and skin grafting

EMQ 28)
1) knife injection to PIP joint , DIP flexion lost repair
2) butcher before proximal crease, PIP + DIP FLEXION LOST

a) primary repair profundus b ) profundus and sublimus
c) kesseler d) modified kesseler e) bunnel f) delayed repair

29) HALLUS valgus 40 degree HV asymptomatic 10 IM
a) kellers b) mcbride c) modified mcbride d) ???????

30) idiopathic scoliosis 30 degree thoracic 12 age
a) observe b) anterior fusion c) brace d) posterior fusion

31) knee pain 40 year old female , vaurs + OA
a) UKA b) covert osteotomy c) femoral osteotomy d) debridement + washing

32) cervical syringomyelia joint most
a) shoulder b) hip c) knee d) ankle e) metastasis

33) cervical T12-L2 best approach
a) costotransverse b) anterior c) posterior approach d) abdomen /thoracic

34) C5-6 dislocation traction treatment
a) anterior fusion b) posterior fusion c) halo d) philedelphia collar

35) stem missing ( ?????????)
a) 1,2 cartilage b) 1 cartilage c) 4th d) 1,2,3

36) closed fracture humerus wrist drop
holestein lewis fracture humerus 4 months wrist drop
a) u slab and nerve recovery b) nerve explore neuroraphy c) proximal repair
d) fixation and nerve repair

37) joint young male , aspirate 80,000 TLC turbid color , low glucose , protein

black male previous history of knee swelling , trivial massive swelling
young male inguinal swelling + pain previous history , knee swelling after sports
diabetic dislocated joints

a) hemophilic b) septic arthritis c) RA d) JRA e) neuropathic f) psoriatic

38) pipkin classification proximal head fracture
a) b) c)

39) 6 weeks old 30 year male , hip dislocation
a) close b) open c) replacement

40) bunnel test for
a) intrinsic plus b) intrinsic minus c) lumbrical plus

41) fracture ribs + lateral border scapula + glenoid fracture , pain deltoid
a) tendon transfer b) osteotomy c) I/A injection d) MUA e) arthrodesis

42) stem missing (???????????)
a) LLD b) malunion c) non union d)

43) most common pathogen in neonate septic arthritis
a) staph aureus b) strep c) H , influenza d) staph epidermidis

44) farmer having wound in foot blackish granules diagnosis
a) c/s b) c/s granules c) direct microscopy of granules

45) DVT clinical , helpful diagnostic treatment
a) Doppler b) duplex c) d-dimer d) phlebography

46) stage 4 kienbock treatment for pain relief
a) leveling b) osteotomy c) replacement d) proximal row carpectomy

47) A-C dislocation type 4 clavicle is
a) posterior b) inferior c) 100% displaced d)

48) hyperparathyroidism ca 714mg/dl next treatment
a) parathyroidectomy b) calcitonin c) I/V fluids + calcitonin d) dialysis

49) 14 year male , 10 year back had polio, now having wide calcaneous , peronei
strong , weak tricep surae, weak tibialis posterior calcaneovalgus treatment
a) transfer b) triple arthrodesis and osteotomy + bone block c) hoke triple
d) hoke triple + tendon transfer

50) 7 year old male with radial head fracture 80 degree angulation
a) closed + POP b) closed + k-wire c) open+ kwire d) excision

51) critical Bowler , medial instability elbow treatment
a) anterior ulnar collateral repair b) posterior ulnar collateral repair
c) capsule repair d) lateral side repair

52) 5 year old osteogenesis imperfect,severe dorsiflexion and shaft of femur
a) osteotomy and IM fixation b) POP c) traction d) skeletal traction

53) L5 root involvement disturbance
a)sensory root distribution b) perineal weakness c) perineal sensation d)
dorsum of foot

54) grade 3 GCT treatment
a) extended curreatage b) curreatage and cautry c) resection arthrodesis

55) vitamin D resistant vs fanconi
a) 24 hour ammria (??????) b) urine pH c) 24 hour Ca d) 24 hour phosphate

56) young male with multiple opacities on knee xray and decreased ROM flexion
a) chondromatosis b) villonodular synovitis

57)injection to the knee , defect in femur loose body in knee
a) osteochondritis dissicans b) osteochondral fracture c) meniscial injury
d) ligament injury

58) fat embolism
a) hypoxia b) petechial haemorrage c) patient alert/conscious d) tachycardia

59) fracture tibia open life threatning condition
a) bleeding b) aerobic c) anaerobic d) skin e) muscle loss

60) 13 year obese , pain on walking external rotated limb , internal rotation
a) SCFE b) LCPD c) transient synovitis

61) myelomeningocele, ambulatory patient
a) level of lesion b) muscle weakness c) neurological defecit

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