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Seminar Presentation

Father of Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence: John McCarthy coined the term "artificial
intelligence" in 1955.

An Presented by
Rohit Jangra
Introduction Regn. No. 170316006
School of Library &
Information Science

Contents Contribution of Other Disciplines to AI


Philosophy of AI

Branches of AI

Applications of AI

Future of AI



Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making

computers behave like humans.

Artificial: Not natural

Intelligence: Ability to think/learn
Branches of AI


Natural Language Processing (NLP) Machine Learning

NLP is a field of study focused on the

interactions between human language Machine learning is an application of
and computers. artificial intelligence (AI) that provides
systems the ability to automatically
1. Translation learn and improve from experience
without being explicitly programmed.
2. Information Extraction

Machine Translation Deep Learning

Machine translation (MT) is automated Deep Learning is a subfield of

translation. It is the process by which machine learning concerned
computer software is used to translate a with algorithms inspired by
text from one natural language (such as the structure and function of
French) to another (such as English).
the brain called artificial
neural networks.

Information Extraction Predictive Analytics

The second sign of the Zodiac It means

Information extraction (IE) is the task of
is Taurus.
What likely to be happen?
automatically extracting structured
information from unstructured and/or Using pattern
semi-structured machine-readable recognition
documents. Sign of the Zodiac: Decisions are
1. Aries
2. Taurus automated using
3. Gemini


Speech Recognition Expert System

The process of enabling a

computer to identify and
respond to the sounds An expert system is a
produced in human speech. computer program that
contains some of the
1. Text to speech
2.Speech to text knowledge of one or more
human experts.

Text to Speech Computer Vision

Computer vision is a field

of computer science that
works on enabling computers
to see, identify and process
images in the same way that
human vision does, and then
provide appropriate output.

Speech to Text Machine Vision

Machine Vision is the

technology and methods
used to provide imaging-
based automatic inspection
and analysis for such
applications as automatic
inspection, process control


Image Recognition References

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? - Definition from Techopedia. (2017). Techopedia.com. Retrieved 23
September 2017, from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/190/artificial-intelligence-ai
Image What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? - Definition from WhatIs.com. (2017). SearchCIO. Retrieved 23
recognition is the September 2017, from http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/AI
'Artificial Intelligence' on SlideShare. (2017). Slideshare.net. Retrieved 23 September 2017, from
process of https://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?searchfrom=header&q=Artificial+Intelligence&ud=any&
identifying and ft=all&lang=en&sort=
detecting an object Artificial Intelligence - Google Search. (2017). Google.com. Retrieved 23 September 2017, from
or a feature in a gence&oq=Artificial+Intelligence&gs_l=psy-
digital image or ab.12..0i67k1l2j0j0i67k1.24109.29177.0.32781.
video. Artificial Intelligence - YouTube. (2017). Youtube.com. Retrieved 23 September 2017, from


The collective attributes of a computer,

robot, or other device capable of
performing functions such as learning,
decision making, or Thank you
other intelligent human behaviors.
For example
ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative
Mobility) is a humanoid robot created
by Honda in 2000.

Future of AI
Cognitive analytics, where machines learn from experience and build associations, help develop
technology systems that evolve hypothesis, draw conclusions and codify instincts and experience.
Parallel information processing, aided through chips custom designed for AI applications, help
parallel processing of vast amounts of data.
Smarter gets redefined with the advances in sensor, cloud and machine learning technology, and
pushes the boundary of smarter homes, cars, infrastructure and just about everything.
Intelligent automation combines automation with artificial intelligence that allows knowledge
workers, from physicians to investment analysts to plant supervisors, to process, understand and use
ballooning volumes of information.

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