Modern Management of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema: Amal Mattu, MD, Joseph P. Martinez, MD, Brian S. Kelly, MD
Modern Management of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema: Amal Mattu, MD, Joseph P. Martinez, MD, Brian S. Kelly, MD
Modern Management of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema: Amal Mattu, MD, Joseph P. Martinez, MD, Brian S. Kelly, MD
23 (2005) 11051125
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Mattu).
0733-8627/05/$ - see front matter ! 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1106 MATTU et al
CPE results from leakage of fluid from the pulmonary capillaries and
venules into the alveolar space as a result of increased hydrostatic pressure.
When the pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure exceeds pulmonary
interstitial pressure, fluid transudates into the pulmonary alveoli and
interstitium [2]. Hydrostatic pressure rises when the left ventricle (LV) is
unable to effectively handle its pulmonary venous return [4]. Once fluid begins
to build up in the pulmonary interstitium, a vicious self-perpetuating cycle of
events follows: alveolar edema leads to impaired gas exchange and hypoxia,
leading to increased catecholamine production, leading to increased systemic
vascular resistance and blood pressure, leading to increased myocardial
wall tension and oxygen demand, leading to myocardial ischemia, leading to
LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction, leading to decreased cardiac output
and increased end-diastolic pressure, leading to increased pulmonary fluid
buildup. During this cycle, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system occurs as a result of elevations of end-diastolic pressure and results in
increased sympathetic tone. Hypoxia and increased work of breathing result
in patient anxiety, which also causes increased catecholamine production and
sympathetic tone; therefore, at its most basic level, the end result of this cycle
is to have an LV trying in vain to pump against a markedly elevated systemic
vascular resistance (increased afterload), resulting in poor cardiac output.
Meanwhile, the right-sided filling continues unabated (elevated preload)
resulting in even greater pulmonary interstitial fluid. This cycle eventually
results in florid pulmonary edema, hypoxia, and respiratory failure unless the
cycle is terminated [2].
The goals of management of CPE should focus on breaking this cycle of
events by (1) decreasing preload and (2) decreasing afterload. In most cases,
accomplishment of these two goals alone results in marked improvement of
LV function and significantly increases cardiac output, resolving the
pulmonary edema. In some cases, however, further strategies may be needed
to (3) improve LV function (inotropic support). In the Management section
of this article, we discuss optimal strategies to accomplish all three goals.
There are five major causes of CPE in clinical practice (Box 1). The most
common cause is an acute exacerbation of chronic LV failure. Chronic LV
failure usually is the result of congestive heart failure (CHF) or a
cardiomyopathy. An acute exacerbation of chronic LV failure can occur
because of medication or dietary noncompliance (eg, discontinuation of
diuretic medications, excessive salt intake, and so forth) or from acute
cardiac ischemia.
Patients without a prior history of chronic LV failure can develop acute
LV dysfunction also. AMI can induce significant deterioration of
Most patients who experience CPE, however, do not have ECG evidence
of an acute dysrhythmia or AMI. Treatment should therefore be aimed at
redistributing the excessive pulmonary interstitial fluid into the systemic
circulation, which improves alveolar oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange and
hypoxia; therefore, pharmacologic agents that provide preload reduction
and afterload reduction should be administered. In some cases, inotropic
support is required also.
Pharmacologic therapy
Preload reduction
The first goal in pharmacologic treatment of CPE is preload reduction.
Preload reduction reduces right heart and pulmonary venous return and,
therefore, right-heart filling pressures and pulmonary capillary hydrostatic
pressures, resulting in early symptomatic improvements in dyspnea. The
typical medications used for preload reduction are nitroglycerin, morphine
sulfate, and loop diuretics. More recently, a recombinant form of beta-
natriuretic peptide known as nesiritide has been used for preload reduction
The most effective and rapidly-acting preload-reducing medication is
nitroglycerin (NTG) [2125]. Multiple studies have demonstrated the
superiority of NTG over furosemide [21,24,2628] and morphine sulfate
[2830] for preload reduction, symptomatic improvement, and safety. NTG
can be administered in sublingual, IV, or transdermal form, although the
transdermal absorption can be erratic in the patient in extremis. NTG also
has the benefit of a short half-life; therefore, if the patient develops a
precipitous fall in blood pressure (generally uncommon in CPE patients),
the blood pressure should return to previous values within 5 to 10 minutes
of discontinuation of administration. Preload reduction and noticeable
symptomatic improvements can be accomplished within 5 minutes of
sublingual administration of NTG [31,32], and the dose can be repeated
every 5 minutes during the first 10 to 15 minutes of presentation. If IV NTG
is preferred, an initial dose of 10 to 20 mg/min should be titrated upwards
rapidly until a dose of at least 100 mg/min is achieved. This type of
aggressive administration of NTG also confers the benefit of afterload
reduction [33,34], and therefore, NTG can function as an effective single
agent therapy for patients who develop CPE. Unfortunately, many
physicians are uncomfortable with administering these higher dosages of
NTG for CPE and tend to use suboptimal dosages of the IV NTG infusion.
Some investigators, therefore, recommend using bolus administration of IV
NTG to insure adequate dosing [26,33]. In one study [26], 3 mg IV boluses
of NTG were administered every 5 minutes to patients who had developed
CPE, a dose equivalent to a 600 mg/min infusion. This protocol was found to
be safe, well-tolerated, and effective for these patients and associated with
reduced need for mechanical ventilation and more rapid resolution of
symptoms. Standard anti-anginal dosages of sublingual NTG with which
most physicians are comfortable (ie, 400 mg every 5 minutes), has the
bioequivalence of an IV NTG infusion of 60 to 80 mg/min. Physicians
should, therefore, be comfortable with the safety of even higher dosages of
NTG for patients who experience CPE and usually present in a hyper-
adrenergic state with moderately-to-severely elevated blood pressures.
Tolerance may develop to IV infusions of NTG but rarely within the first
12 hours. Nitrates should be avoided if the patient is already hypotensive or
becomes hypotensive. Nitrates should be avoided also in patients taking
sildenafil or other related medications for erectile dysfunction because of
reports of precipitous drops in blood pressure. Also, nitrates should be used
with extreme caution, if at all, in patients who have developed aortic stenosis
and pulmonary hypertension because of their dependence on preload to
maintain adequate blood pressure.
Morphine sulfate
Morphine sulfate (MS) has been used as a standard preload-reducing
medication for many years; however, despite decades of use in patients who
have developed CPE, MS has not been studied in a randomized fashion to
confirm hemodynamic benefits. MS probably exerts mild indirect hemody-
namic benefits through anxiolysis, which results in a decrease in
catecholamine production, indirectly resulting in vasodilation. Early studies
demonstrated some evidence of vasodilation and venous pooling in the
peripheral circulation (ie, in forearm and hand veins) after the administra-
tion of MS [35,36]; however, a consistent central preload-reducing effect (ie,
reduction in pulmonary capillary wedge pressures [PCWP]) has not been
found. In contrast, MS may be associated with adverse hemodynamic
effects, including increases in left and right heart filling pressures [37] and
reductions in cardiac index [29,37] caused by a direct myocardial depressant
effect on the already-reduced contractile state of the ischemic heart [38]. The
adverse hemodynamic effects are also apparent clinically. In one prehospital
study [28] evaluating the use of various medications in patients who develop
presumed CPE, 38% of patients who received MS had subjective
deterioration (eg, increased dyspnea) in clinical status and 46% had objec-
tive deterioration (eg, increased respiratory rate). In another study of ED
treatment of CPE [39], the use of MS was associated with a 5:1 odds ratio
for need for intubation or ICU admission.
MS is sometimes administered to patients who present with CPE for its
anxiolytic effect; however, MS has an undesirable side-effect profile,
including nausea and vomiting, pruritis, rash, and urticaria. Any of these
side effects can produce an increase in catecholamine output, which can
exacerbate afterload. The authors prefer the use of low-dose benzodiazepines
1112 MATTU et al
Loop diuretics
IV loop diuretics, especially furosemide, have been used for many years
as the cornerstone of treatment in patients who present with CPE. These
medications produce a decrease in preload by inhibiting sodium chloride
reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle, which promotes increases in
urine volume and excretion [2,40]; however, because patients who develop
CPE have elevated systemic vascular resistance (afterload), renal perfusion
is markedly diminished [41]. As a result, diuretics have a significantly
delayed effect, often taking 45 to 120 minutes to produce effective diuresis
[25,4245]. Further complicating the use of diuretics in these patients is
evidence that as many as 40% of patients who present with CPE have
intravascular euvolemia or hypovolemia [41,46,47]. The use of diuretics in
these patients may be associated with adverse effects, including electrolyte
abnormalities and hypotension [28] caused by overdiuresis.
Also, diuretics are presumed to decrease preload through direct vascular
effects. Early studies indicated that the use of furosemide produces rapid
reductions in left and right heart filling pressures [25,4852] in patients who
are experiencing end-stage renal failure [50,53,54]. The evidence supporting
this concept is far from convincing, however. Many other investigators have
found that the acute use of furosemide in patients who have developed CPE is
associated with initial adverse hemodynamic effectsdincluding elevations of
mean arterial pressure, heart rate, PCWPs, and left and right heart filling
pressures (preload), and systemic vascular resistance (afterload)dand
reductions in stroke volume and cardiac output [27,42,43,5559]. The adverse
effects seem to be related to an initial activation of the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system and increased sympathetic activation [27,43,57] that
occurs immediately after administration of furosemide. These adverse effects
generally resolve once diuresis occurs, but often diuresis is significantly
delayed because of depressed renal perfusion. The adverse hemodynamic
changes may be blunted by administration of preload-reducing (eg, NTG)
and afterload-reducing (eg, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
medications before furosemide [27].
In recent years, a recombinant form of BNP has been suggested as an
alternative to NTG for patients who develop acute left heart failure and
CPE. Natriuretic peptides are hormonelike substances produced by the
myocardium that modulate diuresis, natriuresis, venodilation, and vasodi-
lation; however, when patients who develop chronic CHF develop acutely
decompensated CHF and CPE, the ventricles production of this substance
is often inadequate; therefore, a recombinant form of BNP, nesiritide,
was manufactured for IV administration in patients who experience acutely
decompensated CHF. Early manufacturer-supported human studies [60,61]
demonstrated IV infusions of nesiritide-produced dose-related reductions in
PCWP and increases in stroke volume and cardiac index. Symptomatic
improvements were noted also, without an increase in heart rate or
dysrhythmias. Beneficial effects were maintained throughout a 24-hour
infusion (no evidence of tolerance). Occasional patients developed hypo-
tension lasting up to 3 hours, but it was otherwise well-tolerated.
A more recent trial (the VMAC Study) compared the use of IV nesiritide
with IV NTG [62]. In this manufacturer-supported study, patients receiving
standard treatment were randomized to receive nesiritide (dose by
protocol) or NTG (dose at the discretion of the treating physician). The
patients receiving nesiritide were reported to have a greater decrease in
PCWP compared with patients receiving NTG at 3 hours (decrease in
PCWP by 5.8 mm Hg for nesiritide versus 3.8 mm Hg for NTG) and also at
24 hours (8.2 mm Hg for nesiritide versus 6.3 mm Hg for NTG). Patients
receiving nesiritide were also reported to have greater improvement in
global clinical status at 24 hours.
Many limitations in the VMAC study prevent simple extrapolation of the
results to everyday ED practice [63]. Patients in the study received standard
treatment before receiving the study drug. Standard treatment generally
consists of MS and furosemide, neither one of which would be considered
optimal treatment in the modern management of CPE. Some of the
patients also received dopamine or dobutamine at the discretion of the
treating physicians. Neither of these medications has been demonstrated to
improve patient survival. Patients did not receive aggressive dosing of NTG
(average doses of NTG were 3040 mg/min), and investigators admitted
knowledge that physicians generally tend to be reluctant to use high-dose
NTG or to up-titrate NTG doses [64].
No indication existed that patients routinely received angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors or other vasodilators, and no indication that
patients routinely received noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
(NPPV), all of which have been shown to hasten resolution of CPE (see
later discussion). The comparative improvements in PCWPs noted in the
study between nesiritide and NTG were minimal (2.0 mm Hg difference at
3 hours; 1.9 mm Hg difference at 24 hours) and were not associated with any
subjective improvement in dyspnea [62]. The global clinical status scale
used in the study was undescribed and admitted to be a nonvalidated
scoring system. No improvement in mortality occurred with nesiritide, and
a trend occurred toward higher mortality at 90 days (19% for nesiritide,
13% for NTG, P .08) [63]. A more recent pooled analysis of three
randomized trials involving 485 patients receiving nesiritide versus 377
1114 MATTU et al
Afterload reduction
Most patients who present with CPE have elevated catecholamine levels,
which produce a marked increase in systemic vascular resistanced
afterload. The already- compromised heart has difficulty producing an
effective cardiac output against this increased resistance. Afterload re-
duction with vasodilator medications produces an increase in cardiac output
and reduction in pulmonary interstitial edema. Another benefit is improved
renal perfusion, which can lead to substantial improvements in diuresis even
before administration of diuretics [67]. Afterload reduction can be
accomplished using any one of several available medications. High-dose
IV NTG effectively reduces afterload, but prolonged infusion can induce
tolerance and limit its efficacy. Nitroprusside is a potent afterload-reducing
medication, but it can induce labile fluctuations in blood pressure and
requires intra-arterial hemodynamic monitoring. Reflex tachycardia can
also occur when nitroprusside is used. Hydralazine is also an effective
afterload-reducing agent; however, reflex tachycardia often occurs with
hydralazine also.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) are effective after-
load-reducing agents have other acute hemodynamic benefits in patients
who develop CPE. The administration of sublingual (captopril) or IV
Inotropic support
Although inotropic agents should improve outcomes in patients who
present with CPE and depressed MI, routine use of inotropes is not
recommended. Inotropic agents can cause tachycardia, dysrhythmias,
increased myocardial oxygen demand, myocardial ischemia, and some-
times increased mortality [77,78]. Consequently, these medications should
be reserved for patients who have hypotension and, therefore, are unable
to tolerate the use of preload- and afterload-reducing medications noted
earlier. When inotropic agents are used and have produced sufficient
improvements in blood pressure, IV NTG or nitroprusside can then be
added to provide the desired preload and afterload reduction to relieve
pulmonary congestion [79,80]. These patients are best managed with
pulmonary artery catheterization and invasive monitoring to closely
track their hemodynamic status and allow precise titration of the
medications [2,4,81]. Traditional agents used for inotropic support fall
into two main classifications, catecholamines and phosphodiesterase
1116 MATTU et al
cardiac output and PCWP. Patients who received levosimendan also had
a lower 180-day mortality rate (26% versus 38%) compared with patients
who received dobutamine. Although the study demonstrated in-hospital and
long-term benefits, further trials are needed to clarify whether levosimendan
has a role in the acute ED management of patients who have developed
Ventilatory support
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
NPPV has been used successfully in patients who present with CPE and
has gained popularity amongst acute care physicians. There are two types of
NPPV, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel positive
airway pressure (BiPAP). In CPAP, the patient breaths against a continuous
flow of positive airway pressure. In BiPAP, the patient receives additional
positive pressure during inspiration. As a result, higher pressures can be
applied during inspiration and lower pressures during expiration, allowing
for greater patient comfort. Either form of NPPV assists patients who
develop CPE by maintaining the patency of stiff fluid-filled alveoli and
preventing them from becoming atelectatic during expiration. The work of
breathing decreases becauseless energy is spent trying to reopen collapsed
alveoli. The improved alveolar patency also results in improved oxygen and
carbon dioxide exchange in the lung [2,97]. NPPV produces an increase in
intrathoracic pressure, which leads to improvements in preload, afterload,
and cardiac output [97100].
CPAP and BiPAP use in patients who present with CPE are associated with
a reduced need for endotracheal intubation (ETI) [97,101106] and reduced
ICU length of stay [76,107] and resulting reductions in hospital costs. Only
one study has directly compared CPAP with BiPAP in patients who present
with CPE [108]. The study was terminated prematurely because of safety
concerns when it became apparent that more patients in the BiPAP group had
MIs; however, the results of the study have been questioned because more
patients in the BiPAP group had chest pain from the start. Subsequent studies
comparing BiPAP with mask ventilation in patients who present with CPE
[109] and BiPAP versus CPAP in acute respiratory failure of heterogeneous
causes [110] failed to demonstrate an increase in MI or mortality in patients
receiving BiPAP. In the latter study, a subgroup analysis focusing on the
patients who presented with CPE also failed to demonstrate an increase in MI
or mortality. Regardless of which form of NPPV is chosen, it must be
administered early in the patients course (ie, on arrival to the ED).
Mechanical ventilation
ETI and mechanical ventilation provides definitive airway support and
allows for maximal oxygenation and ventilation. The decision to perform
1118 MATTU et al
ETI should be made on clinical grounds and should not wait for arterial
blood gas testing. General indications for ETI in the patient who has
developed CPE includes hypoxia despite maximal supplemental oxygena-
tion, failed attempts at NPPV, decreased level of consciousness, worsening
subjective or objective clinical appearance (eg, increasing fatigue,
diaphoresis, anxiety, and so forth), and cardiogenic shock (CS) [2]. Once
ETI is accomplished, positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) should be
added to the ventilator settings. The addition of PEEP produces the same
hemodynamic benefits as NPPV, including improvements in preload,
afterload, and cardiac output, and decreases the duration of mechanical
ventilation [111].
Assisted circulation
Placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) can be a life-saving
intervention in patients who experience CS. Shock in these patients is
usually the result of a large AMI or acute valvular disorder. The IABP
serves as a temporizing measure while preparations for more definitive
therapies are made. IABP counterpulsation provides blood pressure support
while also providing improvements in coronary diastolic perfusion, after-
load, and cardiac output. Definitive therapy for the patient who experiences
CS caused MI involves angioplasty or cardiac bypass surgery. Definitive
therapy for the patient with CS caused by acute valvular disorders involves
emergent valvuloplasty or valve replacement. Placement of an IABP is
usually performed by a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon.
Although patients who experience mild CHF decompensations that are
attributable to dietary indiscretions (excessive salt intake) or medication
noncompliance can receive diuretics in the ED for symptomatic improve-
ment and be discharged, patients who present with pulmonary edema
should be admitted to a cardiac-monitored bed. Patients who require
mechanical ventilation, experience acute valvular dysfunction, require
inotropic support, and present with evidence of acute cardiac ischemia/
infarction (based on ECG changes or elevated cardiac biomarkers) should
be admitted to an ICU setting [112,113]. Other correlates of in-hospital
mortality include advanced age, renal dysfunction, hypotension, digoxin
use, chest pain, and anemia (Box 2) [114118]. A recent analysis of a large
registry (the Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry,
ADHERE) of patients hospitalized with decompensated heart failure
identified (1) high admission levels of blood urea nitrogen (R43 mg/dL)
followed by (2) low admission systolic blood pressure (!115 mm Hg)
followed by (3) high levels of serum creatinine (R2.75 mg/dL) as the best
predictors for in-hospital mortality [117].
Emergent consultation of a cardiologist should be obtained if the cause of
the acute CHF exacerbation is AMI or acute valvular dysfunction; or if the
patient requires inotropic support. Consultation of a cardiac surgeon should
also be considered if severe valvular dysfunction is present. The goal of
admission should include symptomatic treatment of hypoxia and pulmo-
nary edema and should also focus on discovering and treating the
underlying cause.
CPE is a life-threatening condition associated with an in-hospital
mortality rate of 15% to 20%. To minimize morbidity and mortality,
physicians must be able to promptly diagnose and treat these patients. The
use of BNP testing is associated with improvements in diagnostic ability
beyond physical assessment and chest radiography. Treatment should focus
on fluid redistribution through preload and afterload reduction rather than
simply diuresis. The most effective and safest preload-reducing medication is
NTG. Nesiritide shows promise as an effective preload-reducing medication
for patients who present with CPE also, though recommendations for its
routine use in the ED should await further studies.
Effective afterload reduction can be accomplished with high-dose NTG
or ACEIs, either of which provides preload and afterload reduction, though
the combination of medications is more effective than either one alone.
ACEIs exert beneficial symptomatic and hemodynamic effects within
1120 MATTU et al
minutes, and they have been demonstrated to reduce ICU use, intubation
rates, and hospital costs.
Inotropes should not be used routinely in patients who present with CPE;
however, in patients who develop CS or in patients who cannot tolerate
preload- and afterload-reducing medications because of borderline blood
pressure, the use of inotropes is often necessary. Milrinone provides greater
hemodynamic benefits than traditional catecholamine inotropes, but
a mortality difference is not apparent. Levosimendan is a new inotrope,
still in investigation, which seems to provide greater hemodynamic benefits
and mortality benefits compared with dobutamine. Ongoing studies should
clarify its role in patients who have developed CPE.
Ventilatory support is critical in patients who present with CPE. NPPV
should be used routinely in these patients. NPPV has been shown to produce
improvements in oxygenation, preload, afterload, and cardiac output, and
decreased ICU use, intubation rates, and hospital costs. Patients who fail
NPPV or demonstrate evidence of respiratory fatigue and decreased level of
consciousness require ETI and mechanical ventilation.
Patients who present with CPE should be admitted to a cardiac-
monitored bed. Several factors have been found to be associated with
increased in-hospital mortality. Emergency physicians should become
familiar with these factors and admit these patients to an ICU.
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