Review 2
Review 2
Review 2
DIRECTIONS: Write your NAME on the TOP-LEFT of your answer sheet just above the engineering logo. Write your ID no.
on the space provided (Examination Code). Utilize the first 8-BOXES ONLY (do not include dashes). Use PENCIL No.2
for SHADING and BLACK BALLPEN for filling in the required boxes. Select the letter of the BEST answer.
1. If the measured wavelength is 6 m, calculate the frequency in MHz. C. VHF D. SHF
A. 25 MHz B. 10 MHz 17. ________ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal
C. 50 MHz D. 100 MHz loses strength due to the resistance of the transmission medium.
2. ____ noise is noise that has an equal amount of energy per octave. A. Attenuation B. Distortion
A. Pink B. Yellow C. Noise D. Decibel
C. White D. Blue 18. In the United States, the electromagnetic spectrum is regulated and
3. How many AM stations can be accommodated in a 0.15 MHz BW if managed by
the allocated BW per station is 10 KHz? A. Business and industry B. ITU
A. 100 B. 50 C. FCC D. The United Nations
C. 150 D. 15 19. The original electrical information signal to be transmitted is called
4. A standard TV channel occupies 6 MHz of BW. If a standard the
commercial FM broadcast channels is 200 KHz wide, how many of A. Modulating signal B. Carrier
this channel can fit into the bandwidth occupied by a commercial TV C. Baseband signal D. Source signal
station? 20. A frequency of 27 MHz has a wavelength of approximately
A. 200 B. 30 A. 11 m B. 27 m
C. 20 D. 300 C. 30 m D. 81 m
5. The bandwidth required for a modulated carrier depends on: 21. You look at an AM signal with an oscilloscope and see that the
A. the carrier frequency maximum Vpp is 100 volts and the minimum Vpp is 25 volts. What is
B. the signal-to-noise ratio the modulation index?
C. the signal-plus-noise to noise ratio A. 0.25 B. 1.25
D. the baseband frequency range C. 0.6 D. 0.75
6. So called "1/f" noise is also called: 22. The most commonly used filter in SSB generation.
A. random noise B. pink noise A. Mechanical B. RC
C. white noise D. partition noise C. LC D. Low pass
7. A transmission technique where each communication channel is 23. An AM broadcast transmitter is tested by feeding the RF output into
allotted an epoch or time slot within a sampling frame, occupying a 50 (dummy) load. Tone modulation is applied. The carrier
essentially the entire wideband frequency spectrum for the allocated frequency is 850 kHz and the FCC licensed power output is 5 kW.
time. The sinusoidal tone is set for 90% modulation. What is the average
A. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) power that is being dissipated in the dummy load?
B. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) A. 7.25 kW B. 7025 W
C. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) C. 72.k5 W D. 725 W
D. Statistical Time Division Multiplexing (STDM) 24. The total bandwidth needed for an AM signal at 55.25 MHz with 0.5
8. Radio waves travel at what speed? MHz video modulation is ______.
A. Speed of the Earth's rotation A. 0.5 MHz B. 1 MHz
B. Speed of light C. 101.5 MHz D. 10 MHz
C. Speed of the Earth's orbit around the sun 25. Calculate the modulated current of a SSBSC transmitter if the
D. Speed of sound carrier current is 6.5 A at 75% modulation.
9. What wave propagation principle accounts for the apparent increase A. 2.44 A B. 6.94 A
in frequency as a train whistle approaches and the apparent C. 7.36 A D. 3.45 A
decrease in frequency as it moves away? 26. How many percent of the total transmitted power is present in the
A. Reflection B. Diffraction carrier in an J3E system?
C. Refraction D. Doppler effect A. 0% B. 66.67%
10. What are the three audible frequency ranges? C. 25% D. 16.67%
A. Infrasonic, sonic, and ultrasonic 27. A SSBFC broadcast radio transmitter radiates 10 kW when the
B. Infrasonic, subsonic, and ultrasonic modulation percentage is 65%. The carrier power is ______.
C. Infrasonic, subsonic, and supersonic A. 8.26 kW B. 12.11 kW
D. Subsonic, sonic, and supersonic C. 2.11 kW D. 9.04 kW
11. ______ is the distance between two points of similar cycles of a 28. Mathematical process that allows complex signals to be express as
periodic wave or the distance traveled by an electromagnetic wave a series of sinusoids.
during the time of one cycle typically expressed in meters. A. Bessel Function B. Taylor Series
A. Peak-to-peak value B. Crest C. Fourier analysis D. Heaviside Expansion
C. Wavelength D. Period 29. A 500 W carrier is simultaneously modulated by two audio waves
12. Another name for signals in the HF range is with modulation percentage of 55% and 65% respectively. Calculate
A. Shortwaves B. Microwaves the total sideband power if an additional audio wave modulates the
C. Millimeter waves D. RF waves carrier at 25%.
13. Recovering information from a carrier is known as A. 196.875 Watts B. 15.625 Watts
A. Modulation B. Detection C. 696.875 Watts D. 98.43 Watts
C. Demultiplexing D. Carrier recovery
14. _______ is multi-channel capacity which is 45 Mbps according to 30. What is the carrier power in one sideband of an AM signal whose
U.S. standards and 34 Mbps according to European/international carrier power is 300 W, with 80% modulation?
standards. A. 300 W B. 96 W
A. Wideband B. Baseband C. 150 W D. 48 W
C. Narrowband D. Broadband 31. For a standard AM transmission, the maximum peak-to-peak
voltage is 150 V and the minimum peak-to-peak voltage is 50 V.
15. If the bandwidth of a signal is 5 kHz and the lowest frequency is 52 Calculate the modulation index.
kHz, what is the highest frequency? A. 75% B. 50%
A. 57 KHz B. 47 KHz C. 25% D. 100%
C. 10 KHz D. 5 KHz 32. An AM transmission of 3 kW is 100% modulated. If it is transmitter
16. Television broadcasting occurs in which ranges? as an SSB signal, what would be the power transmitted? NOV 2004
A. HF B. EHF A. 2000 W B. 500 W
C. 1500 W D. 250 W 53. In FM the carrier deviation is determined by ______.
33. If Va sin(at) amplitude modulates the carrier Vc sin(ct), it will A. modulating frequency B. modulating phase
produce the frequencies: C. modulating voltage D. all of these
A. c + a and c a B. (c + a)/2 and (c a)/2 54. A FM wave has bandwidth of 160 kHz and modulation index of 7.5,
C. c + a and 2c + 2a D. (c x a)/2 and (c x a)/2 the frequency deviation will be ______.
34. What will be the total sideband power of an AM transmitting station A. 115 kHz B. 75 MHz
whose carrier power is 1200 W and a modulation of 95%? C. 70.5 kHz D. 115 MHz
A. 1200 W B. 541.5 W 55. ______ is the range of frequencies over which the VCO can lock
C. 270.75 W D. 483.5 W onto a new signal.
35. The new signals produced by modulation are called A. Track range B. Hold-in range
A. Spurious emissions B. Harmonics C. Capture range D. Lock range
C. Sidebands D. Intermodulation products 56. In FM system, the maximum frequency deviation occurs during the
36. A SSB signal is generated around a 200-kHz carrier. Before filtering, A. maximum positive of the modulating signal
the upper and lower SB are separated by 200 Hz. Calculate the filter B. maximum negative peaks of the modulating signal
Q required to obtain 40-dB suppression. C. maximum positive and negative peaks of the modulating signal
A. Q=2.5 B. Q=25 D. zero crossing of the modulating signal
C. Q=250 D. Q=2500 57. The frequency signal in phase modulated signal is proportional to
37. The principal circuit in the popular 1496/1596 IC balanced A. only amplitude of the modulating signal
modulator is a B. only frequency of modulating signal
A. Differential amplifier B. Rectifier C. amplitude as well as frequency of the modulating signal
C. Bridge D. Constant current source D. none of the above
38. The component used to produce AM at very high frequencies is a 58. The frequency of the stereo subcarrier signal in FM broadcasting
A. Varactor B. Thermistor is______.
C. Cavity resonator D. PIN diode A. 19 kHz B. 50 kHz
39. The ac rms antenna current of an AM transmitter is 6.2 A when C. 38 kHz D. 67 kHz
unmodulated and rises to 6.7 A when modulated. Calculate %m. 59. What approximate frequency deviation will produce a 150 kHz of
A. m=11.9% B. m=33.9% available bandwidth for a 10 kHz modulating signal?
C. m=57.9% D. m=78.9% A. 75 kHz B. 55 kHz
40. That circuit that recovers the original modulating information from an C. 65 kHz D. 85 kHz
AM signal is known as a 60. An FM receiver switching suddenly between two stations on nearby
A. Modulator B. Demodulator frequencies is called:
C. Mixer D. Crystal set A. the capture effect B. the threshold effect
41. A SSB transmission drives 121 Vp into a 50- antenna. Calculate C. the "two-station" effect D. none of the above
the PEP. 61. Pre-emphasis is used to:
A. PEP=642 W B. PEP=31.7 W A. increase the signal to noise ratio for higher audio frequencies
C. PEP=146 W D. PEP=35.6 W B. increase the signal to noise ratio for lower audio frequencies
42. The equivalent circuit of a quartz crystal is a C. increase the signal to noise ratio for all audio frequencies
A. Series resonant circuit B. Parallel resonant circuit D. allow stereo audio to be carried by FM stations
C. Neither A nor B D. Both A and B 62. ______ is the difference between the maximum positive and
43. Calculate the power advantage gained by suppressing the carrier at negative deviation of the carrier in Hz.
100% modulation. A. Carrier Range B. Carrier swing
A. 7.78 dB B. 6 dB C. Frequency deviation D. Dynamic range
C. 4.78 dB D. 3 dB 63. The local FM stereo rock station is at 96.5 MHz. Calculate the local
44. NBFM stands for: oscillator frequency and the image frequency for a 10.7 MHz IF
A. National Broadcast FM B. Non-Broadcast FM receiver.
C. Near Band FM D. Narrowband FM A. LO= 105.7 MHz, IMAGE=127.9 MHz
45. If an FM transmitter employs one doubler, one tripler, and one B. LO= 107.2 MHz, IMAGE=117.9 MHz
quadrupler, what is the carrier frequency swing when the oscillator C. LO= 105.2 MHz, IMAGE=117.9 MHz
frequency is 5 kHz. D. LO= 107.2 MHz, IMAGE=127.9 MHz
A. 60 kHz B. 120 kHz 64. The band of frequencies over which a PLL will acquire or recognize
C. 180 kHz D. 240 kHz an input signal is called the
46. Lock range is also known as A. Capture range B. Circuit bandwidth
A. Acquire range B. Track range C. Band of acceptance D. Lock range
C. Capture range D. Hold-in range 65. Calculate the amount of frequency deviation caused by a limited
47. If a 2-kHz audio tone causes a frequency deviation of 4 kHz, what is noise spike that still causes undesired phase shift of 35 when the
the modulation index? intelligence frequency (fi) is 5 kHz.
A. 1 B. 6 A. 1.05 kHz B. 2.05 kHz
C. 2 D. 8 C. 3.05 kHz D. 4.05 kHz
48. In PM, a frequency shift occurs while what characteristic of the 66. Calculate the input S/N for an amplifier with an equivalent noise
modulating signal is changing? resistance of 300O, equivalent shot noise current of 5 A if the
A. Shape B. Phase amplifier is fed from a 150O, 10 V rms sinusoidal source over a
C. Amplitude D. Frequency bandwidth of 10 MHz.
49. FM bandwidth can be approximated by: A. 5.71 dB B. 3.568 dB
A. Armstrong's Rule B. Bessel's Rule C. 9.68 dB D. 1.4 dB
C. Carson's Rule D. none of these
50. If the deviation sensitivity of an FM modulator is 2 kHz/V, what will 67. The resistor R1 and R2 are connected in series at 300oK and
be the modulation index caused by a 1-volt, 1-kHz audio signal? 400oK temperatures respectively. If R1 is 200O and R2 is 300O,
A. 0.2 B. 1 find the power produced at the load (RL = 500O) over a bandwidth
C. 0.5 D. 2 of 100 kHz.
51. At a modulation index of 2, how much power is in the fifth pair of A. 0.496 fW B. 5.78 pW
sidebands ofa 1000-watt FM transmitter? C. 0.15 fW D. 52.48 pW
A. 100 mW B. 400 mW 68. Determine the noise figure for a non-ideal amplifier with the
C. 200 mW D. 800 mW following parameters: Input S/N=80 dB; Power gain=60 dB;
52. Determine the voltage at the output of a phase comparator with a Input Noise=2x10-18 W Internal Noise=6x10-12 W
transfer function of 0.5 V/rad and a phase error of 0.75 rad. A. 1.85 dB B. 6 dB
A. 0.75V B. 3.73V C. 4.65 dB D. 2.5 dB
C. 0.373V D. 0.73V
69. Noise that consists of electrical signals that originate from outside A. a nonlinear circuit
Earths atmosphere. B. a linear amplifier
A. static B. Extraterrestrial noise C. a signal containing harmonics
C. Pink noise D. Shot noise D. an input signal that is an integer multiple of the desired frequency
70. Calculate the overall noise temperature of the receiving system for a 87. The Colpitts VFO uses:
receiver that has a noise figure of 12 dB, and it is fed by an LNA that A. a tapped inductor B. a two-capacitor divider
has a gain of 50 dB and a noise temperature of 90 K. C. an RC time constant D. a piezoelectric crystal
A. 90 K B. 76.12 K 88. A tuned circuit tunes the AM radio broadcast band or from 540 to
C. 122 K D. 43.89 K 1700 kHz. If its bandwidth is 10 kHz at 535, what is it at 1605 kHz?
71. An amplifier with an overall gain of 20 dB is impressed with a signal A. 17.32 kHz B. 51.46 kHz
whose power level is 1 watt. Calculate the power output in dBm. C. 31.56 kHz D. 917.32 kHz
A. 50 dBm B. 62.61 dBm 89. In a diode modulator, the negative half of the AM wave is supplied
C. 31.45 dBm D. 45.67 dBm by a(n)
72. Two resistors rated 5 ohms and 10 ohms are connected in series A. Capacitor B. Inductor
and are at 27 degrees Celsius. Calculate their combined thermal C. Transformer D. Tuned circuit
noise voltage for a 10 kHz bandwidth. 90. If a varactor has a capacitance of 90 pF at zero volts, what will be
A. 50 V B. 5 V the capacitance at 4 volts?
C. 0.005 V D. 0.05 V A. 53.12 pF B. 30 pF
73. A random fluctuation that accompanies any direct current crossing a C. 12.6 pF D. 581 pF
potential barrier caused by the random arrival of carrier at the output 91. If two signals, Va = sin(at) and Vb = sin(bt), are fed to a mixer,
element of electronic devices. the output:
A. Shot noise B. Impulse noise A. will contain 1 = a + b and 2 = a b
C. Transit-time noise D. Popcorn noise B. will contain 1 = a / b and 2 = b / a
74. A transmission unit used in Northern European countries originally C. will contain = (a + b ) / 2
used to express the attenuation of current along a transmission line, D. will contain 1 = a x b and 2 = b x a
using natural logarithm. 92. When measuring the selectivity of a receiver, you discover that a
A. SPL B. dB signal level of 500 V on an adjacent channel is required to give the
C. Log D. Neper same output as a 1 V signal on the adjacent channel to which the
75. Determine the shot noise for a diode with a forward bias of 1.40 mA receiver is tuned. What is the adjacent channel selectivity in dB?
over an 80 kHz bandwidth. (q=1.6x10 raised to minus 19 C). A. 43 dB B. 54 dB
A. 0.06 A B. 0.006 A C. 38 dB D. 23 dB
C. 0.6 A D. 6 A 93. The conditions for sinusoidal oscillation from an amplifier are called:
76. Results when unwanted harmonics of a signal are produced through A. the loop-gain criteria B. the Hartley criteria
non-linear amplification (mixing). C. the Bode criteria D. the Barkhausen criteria
A. Amplitude distortion B. Pink Noise 94. The Clapp oscillator is:
C. White noise D. Intermodulation distortion A. a modified Hartley oscillator
77. A naturally occurring electrical disturbance that originate within the B. a modified Colpitts oscillator
Earths atmosphere. C. a type of crystal-controlled oscillator
A. Static B. Gaussian Noise D. only built with FETs
C. Transit-time noise D. Amplitude distortion 95. Basically, sensitivity measures:
78. Is another type of low-frequency noise observed in bipolar transistor A. the weakest signal that can be usefully received
that appears as a series of burst at two or more levels. When B. the highest-frequency signal that can be usefully received
present in an audio system, the noise produces popping sounds, C. the dynamic range of the audio amplifier
and for this reason is also known as popcorn noise. D. the ability of the receiver to attenuate noise signals
A. Impulse noise B. Pink noise 96. Frequency translation is done with a circuit called a
C. Burst noise D. Mixer noise A. Mixer B. Multiplier
79. The signal power of the input to an amplifier is 100 microW and the C. Filter D. Summer
noise power is 1 microW. At the output, the signal power is 1W and 97. Determine the phase error necessary to produce a VCO frequency
the noise power is 40 mW. What is the amplifier noise figure? shift of 10 kHz for an open loop gain of 40 kHz/rad.
A. 87.5 dB B. 31.67 dB A. 25 rad B. 0.125 rad
C. 6.02 dB D. 16.13 dB C. 0.25 rad D. 0.5 rad
80. An amplifier with 20 dB gain is connected to another with 10 dB gain 98. Mixing for frequency conversion is the same as
by means of a transmission line with a loss of 4 dB; if a signal with a A. Linear summing B. Filtering
power level of -14 dBm were applied to the system, calculate the C. AM D. Rectification
power output. 99. If the final RF amplifier of an AM transmitter is powered by 100 volts
A. 15 dBm B. 14 dBm DC, what is the maximum collector voltage at 100% modulation?
C. 10 dBm D. 12 dBm A. 400 volts B. 50 volts
81. A three-stage amplifier has an input stage with noise ratio NR=5 and C. 200 volts D. 100 volts
power gain equal to 50. Stages 2 and 3 have NR=10, and Ap=1000. 100. When a super heterodyne receive with an IF of 450 kHz is tuned to
Calculate the NF a signal at 1200 kHz, the image frequency will be ______.
for the overall system. A. 1650 kHz B. 900 kHz
A. 4.71 dB B. 8.33 dB C. 2100 kHz D. 750 kHz
C. 14.79 dB D. 32.84 dB
82. Generally referred to as the primary cause of atmospheric noise
A. Lightning B. Thunderstorm
C. El Nio phenomenon D. Rain effect
83. Referred to as the stage in the radio contributes most of the noise
A. IF amplifier B. Mixer
C. Supply stage D. Speaker
84. The random and unpredictable electric signals from natural causes,
both internal and external to the system is known as
A. attenuation B. noise
C. distortion D. interference
85. A figure of merit to measure the performance of a radiation detector
A. Safety factor B. Quality factor
C. Ripple factor D. Noise equivalent power
86. For a "frequency multiplier" to work, it requires: