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Make A Commercial Objective

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Make a commercial

The students will be able to stimulate their speaking skill by creating a short commercial
about an specific object accurately.
For this speaking activity, the teacher needs to bring one object to the class, the object
could be a bear, a balloon, or a toy (it could be any object that the teacher wants to use).
Having the object that it is going to be included in the activity, the teacher will have to
explain to the students that they will have to make a commercial about that particular
object, so the students will have 5 minutes for thinking about a good commercial to
promote the object, but at the same time, they will have to consider two important
questions for promoting it. Why do you have to buy this product? , and why is this best
product? Once they have clear the aspects to promote the object, the students will have
to show their commercial to the class, and at the end, they will decide who presented the
best commercial.
1. The Teacher has to Choose and bring an object to the class, it could be a toy, a bear or
a balloon.
2. The teacher needs to explain to the students, that they have to create a commercial
about the object, the students will have 5 minutes to create the commercial, also they will
have to focus on two questions: Why do you have to buy this product? , and why is this
best product?
3. Once they have the commercial ready, each student will have to pass in front of the
class and explain their commercial, at the end, they will decide which was the best

Individual activity
Do you know me?
The students will be able to develop their fluency in the English language by narrating
facts that are true or false about their lives appropriately.

For this speaking activity, the teacher will provide two pieces of color paper for each
student, a piece of green paper and a piece of red paper. Then the teacher will say to the
students to think about three facts about their lives, but considering that two facts have
to be false and just one of them true, after that, each student is going to pass in front of
the class and tell one by one the three facts, and the rest of the students will have to
listen and guess if the fact that the student is telling is true or false, if the fact that the
student tells is true the students will have to take the green paper and say true, but if
the fact is false they will have to take the red paper and say False.
1. The teacher needs to provide to the students two pieces of paper of different colors
(red and green)
2. The students will have to think about three facts about their lives, two of them have
to be false, and just one true. When they have the three facts ready, they will have to pass
in front of the class to tell one by one the three different statements.
3. The rest of the class have to pay attention and listen to each student and guess if the
facts are true or false. if the fact that the student tells is true the students will have to take
the green paper and say true, but if the fact is false they will have to take the red paper
and say False.
Pieces of paper
Color red
Color green

Who famous person am I?
The students will be able to improve their speaking skills by making conversations and
describing characteristics about famous people accurately.

For this speaking activity, the teacher will have to bring some pictures of famous singers,
actors, or soccer players. the activity consists that the students will have to paste the
picture of the famous person in their foreheads without watch it, and they will have to
look for someone who can help them to describe the famous person, to help the students
to find a pair that can help them to guess their famous person, the teacher will have to
make two circles of students one circle will walk to the left and the other circle to the
right, the teacher will play a song, and when the song stops, the students will stop walking
and they will talk with the person who is going to be in front them.
1- The teacher needs to create two groups of students, the students will form two circles
one circle inside, and the other out.
2- The teacher will give to each student a picture of a famous artist, actor, or soccer
player. (The students dont have to see the picture). Then the students will have to paste
their pictures in their foreheads.
3- The teacher will play a song, one circle will walk to left, and the other to the right,
when the song stops, the students will have to talk with the person who is going to be in
front of them.
4- The students are going to give descriptions to their pairs about the famous person
that they have in order help them to guess who the famous person that they have is.
Pictures of famous people
Activity: Find Your Partner

Objective: The students will be able to use in sentences the vocabulary formed regarding
of the topic of the day through a set of rip of papers with efficiency.

The teacher is going to prepare a small slip of paper for each student in the class. Each
paper should have one word on it that goes with a word on another slip of paper in order
to form a word. The teacher has to fold the papers and put them into a box. Then,
students have to pick up one slip of paper, circulate and talk to another trying to find their
partner while a background music is playing. Once two students think they are a match,
they have to ask the teacher if they are right. If they are, they have to sit down. After, the
students have to share with the class what they have, using the word in a sentence.
(Repeat the game with the students using other slip of papers)


The teacher has to make separate slip of papers in order to form phrases or words.
After, the teacher has to put the paper in a container for the students to take
The students has to look around the classroom with other classmates in order to
form a word, phrases or vocabulary.
Once the students think they have formed a word, they must ask the teacher if it is
Then, they have to take seat and wait for the rest of their classmates.
At the end the students have to share the word and use them in a sentence.
Materials: a box, slip of papers, music, speakers.

Groupal activity
Activity: Hide and Speak
Objective: The students will be able to answer some hidden questions that are placed
around the classroom about the topic seen in class with effectiveness.


The teacher has to create questions and hidden before the class starts. When the class has
already started, the teacher has to explain to the students the hidden questions they have
to find. Before the students seek the questions, the teacher has to form two teams (A and
B), once these teams are formed they have to seek the questions around the classroom. If
the team A found a questions they have to answer it, if not they will lose a point. Then,
the two teams have to find the other questions till there are not more questions. At the
end a group will be the winner.


The teacher has to place some questions around the classroom in a hidden way.
The teacher must give instructions what the activity is about.
Next, the teacher has to form two groups and ask them to seek the questions.
Once they find the questions they must answer them in order to accumulate
points to their teams.
Slip of papers with questions, markers, tape and whiteboard.

Groupal Activity
Activity: Dice Games

Objective: The students will be to practice the ability of speaking by answering a set of
questions from the topic studied in class through a dice game.

The teacher has to make up dice games with squares from 1 to 20. In the squares the
teacher can put some questions into some envelopments and also, the squares can
contain ladders, or some phrases in order to make the game interesting such as, Sorry
you lost your turn, congratulations try again or move two squares. The teacher has to
form groups of four students and provide the dice games with the dices respectively. The
game will finish until someone is found the winner.


The teacher has to make a dice game up with a set of questions with creativity.
The teacher has to ask students to join in groups of four.
The, the teacher has to provide a dice game to each group with a dice respectively.
The teacher has to monitor the activity at the moment.


Dices, dice games

Groupal Activity
Name: Travel Agency Role Play

Students will able to practice their speaking skills by the role playing game of a travel
agency and keeping the conversations lively during the performance for making the more
conversations accurately.

This activity called the travel agency role play consists on role-playing exercises in
which two students will do it voluntarily or victim because sometimes they do not want to
pass, so one student will act as an agent in a travel agency and the other student will act
as consumer. The customer wants to take a trip to Australia for two weeks and asks for
help from the agent about the travel route, airplane tickets, hotel rooms, places of
interest, etc. the students will use some useful vocabulary includes: peak season, airlines,
double room, single room, economy, first class, one way ticket, and roundtrip.
Individual Activity
Material: markers,
1. First, the teacher will give an introduction to the activity and then, the teacher will
as for a volunteer, if anyone wants the teacher will choose a victim in order to
have two students to perform the agent in the travel agency and a consumer.
2. When the teacher will have chosen the victims or the volunteer, the teacher will
ask to come in front of their classmates.
3. Then, the performance will star with a customer that wants to go to Australia for
two, but he or she wants help about the travel route, airplane tickets, etc. in order
to keep the conversation between students, for helping then with ideas the
teacher will write some words related with travel for a better conversation.
Descriptive Drawing Activity

Students will be able to describe the pictures for their partner by describing details of
their pictures and drawing the pictures in their notebooks based on the details in an
effectively way.
This activity consists on making pairs to work together and then, the teacher will give each
a picture face down, in order that their partner could see what the picture has. When
everyone has the picture, they must describe the picture for their partner to draw. The
teacher can use pictures related with the topic of the lesson such as the animals, parts of
the body, colors, etc. The students will describe with specific details to their partners and
they will draw what they have listened.
1. The students will be ask to make pairs and sit in front of their partners, so when
they have made this arrangement with their partner the teacher will provide a
picture to each one, but in face down and the students will not take until the said
to see them.
2. The teacher will ask to the students to take the picture and see the picture without
showing to their partner and then, the students will describe the picture and the
other has to pay close attention because they have to draw what they listen.
3. When one students has finished and the other has drawn, the have to do the
same, but with the other classmate in order the two students can speak and share
Activity: Guess the country
Group Activity

Objective: Students will be able to enhance their communicative skill and learn new
vocabulary related to countries of the world through the activity Guess the country.

Pieces of papers (country flags)

1) Introduce the activity and its purpose.
2) Administer all the pieces of paper (flags/countries) to students A and B.
3) Students B have to guess the countries that student A has.
4) Student A has to guess the countries that student B has.
5) Students have to give back the pieces of paper to the teacher as soon as the activity

Pieces of paper are going to be printed with the flags and names of some nations;
Student A has to look for things that describe the set of countries without naming it
whilst student B has to guess each country. When student A finishes it is Student B
turn to describe the countries and student A has to guess. Students have to take turns
defining who will describe the flags and who will guess the countries first or second. There
is no time bound for this activity and rules are set by the teacher according to the age
level of the students.
Activity: Heads Up!
Group Activity

Objective: Students will be able to learn new vocabulary by using their speaking skill
through the guessing game called Heads Up!

Set of images of house vocabulary.

1) The teacher is to introduce the activity.
2) Students have to guess the set of images that are to be handed to them.
3) Students B have to describe the images that students A place on their forehead.
Students A have to guess.
4) Students A have to describe the images that students B place on their forehead.
Students B have to guess.
5) When both students have guessed what their images are about, they have to shout
Heads Up!

In this activity the teacher has to make pairs in the classroom and administer the
materials. Each pair is going to be composed by one student A and one student B.
Each pair is going to have a set of images related to house vocabulary; the main rule is
that they do not have to see their images. When the teacher starts the activity, students
A will place one by one an image in their forehead, students B will have to describe
the images that students A have; students A have to guess the set of images that was
given to them. When the students B finish describing the images of students A, it is
students A turn to describe the sets of images that was given to student B. The activity
is finally completed when both, students A and B guess their set of images and say
together Heads Up! Time is set by the teacher according to the number of images used
in the activity.

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