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I Iksan I am
You iks You are
He/She/it issa He/she is
We Iksi We are
You all
They Issi They are

He/She/it Nages He/she is sweating
You all
They Nagesi They sweat

He/She/it lris He/she is smiling
You all
They lrisi They are smiling

You all
They rijis They are praising


Singula Plural Uni Uni Acusativ Acusativ Significad

r n n o o o
plural Sing Plur
kepa kepi kep kep Father

bra bri br br Woman

Vala Vali Man
Taoba Taobi Boy
Hontes Hontesse Bird
Brzi Name
Azantys Azantyssy Azant

Sz / sri Good / plural

uha My
Kirine / Kirini Happy

Rytsas Hello

Drj Very, really, truly

Arl Again

Jirna Welcome

Valar morghlis All men must die.

All men must serve.
Valar dohaeris
Drvose Actually

Kirimvose Gracias

Se and

Geros ilas Good bye

Daor No

Kostilus Please


They are praising the knights

Azant rijis

Tips and notes


You may recognize the word for "yes" from the previous lesson. In fact, it's identical to
the word for "is". In High Valyrian, what we translate as "yes" is more accurately
translated as "it is".

Negation is a bit more complex in High Valyrian than other languages, so you'll be
learning about it later.

Hello, Jon!
Rytsas, Inos!

I am very happy again

Drj kirine arl iksan

My father is actually a bird

Drvose uha kepa hontes issa

All men must die. All men must serve!

Valar morghlis. Valar dohaeris!


Thank you and welcome!

Kirimvose se jirna!
My name is Jon
uha brzi Inos issa

truly My name is Daenerys

Drj uha brzi Daenerys issa

Greetings and welcome!

Rytsas se jirna

Actually my mother is sleeping

Drvose uha mua drus

Thank you again!

Kirimvose arl!

Hello and goodbye!

Rytsas se geros ilas!

Actually the boy is sleeping!

Drvose taoba drus!

Good bye, all men must serve.

Geros ilas, valar dohaeris.


Tips and notes


Welcome to High Valyrian for English speakers! High Valyrian is the language of the
old Valyrian Freehold, a thriving civilization destroyed by a mysterious cataclysm
centuries before the action of Game of Thrones begins. It was a language of dragon
tamers and warriors, but is now a language of refinement and educationa memory of
a bygone era. It's the language of the Mad King Aerys, of Aegon the Conqueror, and of
Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons.

High Valyrian is an inflectional language, where the form of a noun changes to indicate
the role it plays in a sentence, or verbs inflect for their tense, aspect, and voice.
Generally, adjectives come before the nouns they modify, and verbs come at the end of
the sentence.

As you begin your study of Valyrian, you may want to know how the Roman letters
used to spell the language are pronounced. In Old Valyria, the language was written
with a glyphic writing system, but in our world, we use a variant of the Roman alphabet
for simplicity's sake. Here's a description of the system:


B, D, H, L, M, N, Z are pronounced roughly the same as they are in

o IPA: [b], [d], [h], [l], [m], [n], [z].
G is always pronounced hard, as in "get"; never as in "genre" or "gel".
o IPA: []
K, P, T are pronounced similar to English, but without aspiration
(compare "pie" to "spy". The Valyrian P is pronounced as in "spy").
o IPA: [p], [t], [k]
S is always pronounced voiceless, as in "dose"; never as in "rose".
o IPA: [s]
R is always trilled, as in Spanish "perro".
o IPA: [r]
V is now pronounced as in "vet", but used to be pronounced as the "w" in
o IPA: [v] (Modern); [w] (Ancient)
J is now pronounced as in "jam", but used to have a slightly more palatal
o IPA: [d] (Modern); [] and [j] (Antiquated)
Q is pronounced like a "k", but much further back in the mouth, with the
back of the tongue touching the uvula. There is no English equivalent.
o IPA: [q]
GH is a voiced guttural sound like a noisier version of the "g" in Spanish
"lago". There is no English equivalent.
o IPA: [] or []
LJ is pronounced like the "lli" in "million".
o IPA: []
is pronounced as in Spanish "" or the "ni" in "minion".
o IPA: []
RH is pronounced like Valyrian R, but with no voicing.
o IPA: [r]


A is pronounced as in "father".
o IPA: [a]
E is pronounced as in "get", and is never silent.
o IPA: [] or [e] (no distinction)
I is pronounced as in "machine".
o IPA: [i]
O is pronounced as in "note".
o IPA: [] or [o] (no distinction)
U is pronounced as in "rude".
o IPA: [u]
Y is pronounced like the "i" in "machine", but with the lips fully rounded
as if one is pronouncing U.
o IPA: [y]
, , , , , are pronounced exactly as their macron-less counterparts
but are held for a longer duration.
o IPA: [a], []~[e], [i], []~[o], [u], [y]

Note: As a shortcut, you can type a double version of the vowel to stand in for a vowel
with a macron. Thus, if you type yy it will be understood as by Duolingo.


In this lesson you'll be learning the singular and plural pairs for some common words.
In High Valyrian there are a number of pluralization strategies, so pay close attention to
the ending of each word you learn.

High Valyrian is a language whose nouns inflect for gender, number, and case.
Adjectives will agree with all three of these elements. In this lesson, you'll only be
focusing on plural agreement; other types of agreement will come later.


Adjectives most commonly precede the nouns they modify, but they may follow the
nouns they modify either for stylistic reasons, or to prevent overcrowding. Thus, if you
have sz which means "good", then "good man" can be translated as sz vala or vala


High Valyrian doesn't use a word like "and" when coordinating two nouns or two
adjectives. Instead, the last word in a pair trio of nouns, adjectives, or even verbs is
modified in some way to indicate that it is participating in a coordinative structure. One
common strategy is to lengthen the final vowel of the last word in a list and shift the
word's stress to the end. Watch out for word-final long vowels in sentences with

You'll be learning some High Valyrian pronouns later. For now, if you see a verb, the
subject will either be listed first, or will be a pronoun not present. Take, for example,
the sentence Vala issa. Translated simply, it could mean "The man is", but that's not a
very useful sentence. A better translation would be "He is a man", where "he" is simply
not necessary.

The men and the women are sweating

Vali br nagesi.

We are women
br iksi.

The boys are sweating

Taobi nagesi

You are a good boy

Sz taoba iks.

The woman is smiling

br lris.
The girl and the boy are smiling
Ria taob lrisi
We are happy men
Kirini vali iksi
My good father is smiling
uha sz kepa lris
We are women
bri iksi
You are a boy
Taoba iks

The girl and the woman are good

Ria br sz issi

The birds and the fathers are happy

Hontesse kep kirini issi
The girl and the woman are sleeping
Ria br drusi

The men and the women are sweating

Vali br nagesi

The men are sweating

Vali nagesi

They are men

Vali issi
The happy knight smiles
Kirine azantys lris

The knights and women sing

Azantyssy br vedis

He is sweating

My fathers are sweating

uhi kepi nagesi

The man and the boy are sweating

Vala taob nagesi
The birds and the fathers are happy
Hontesse kep kirini issi

The knight is sweating

Azantys nages

The good knights are sweating

Sri azantyssy nagesi

The girl and the boy are sweating

Ria taob vedis

The girl and the woman are sleeping

Ria br drusi

You are a good boy

Sz taoba iks

The man and the boy are sweating

Vala taob nagesi

The girl and the women are sleeping

Ria br drusi

They are men

Vali issi

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