Experiment2 - Heat Transfer Lab
Experiment2 - Heat Transfer Lab
Experiment2 - Heat Transfer Lab
Daniel Amankwah
Student ID: 900884110
GSA: Jose Avendano Arbelaez
In this experiment the temperatures of three (3) rods made of Copper, Brass, and Steel were
measured at three (3) different points during transient one- dimensional heat transfer in order to
estimate thermal diffusivity of the materials listed. The experimental values obtained were
compared to two theoretical heat conduction solutions, valid for both small and large values of
time. It was concluded that Copper had the largest thermal diffusivity () followed by Brass and
then Steel.
Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Theory ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Assumptions.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Small-time solution ................................................................................................................................... 6
Large-time solution ................................................................................................................................... 7
Experimental Facility and Apparatus ............................................................................................................ 8
Experimental Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 10
Experimental Results .................................................................................................................................. 10
Statement of Uncertainty ............................................................................................................................ 12
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 13
References ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Table of Tables
Table 1: Experimental & Ambient Conditions ............................................................................................. 5
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Experimental Apparatus ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2: Computer (Data collection bank) .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3: Controller....................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Small-time Solution at T1 ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Small-time Solution at T2 ........................................................................................................... 11
Transient conduction refers to the mode of thermal energy flow where a temperature change
occurs at any period in time at any point within the object under investigation. One- dimensional
eat transfer was attained by insulation. The main objective of this experiment was to determine
the thermal diffusivities of Copper, Brass and Steel rods of length of 29.9cm and diameter
1.3cm. In order to achieve this, the rods at room temperature (24) were heated at the base;
temperatures were read at positions 3, 2 & 3 with three (3) copper constantan thermocouples.
1. Constant room temperature
2. All heat was contained in the rods
3. Rods were perfectly insulated (One- dimensional heat transfer)
4. Heat source was maintained at 100
5. Negligible Radiation and Convection
Room Temperature 24
Atmospheric Pressure 1atm
Table 1: Experimental & Ambient Conditions
Considering one- dimensional heat flow (insulated rods) in the rods subjected to a change in
temperature at x = 0m at time t = 0s, the following equation is satisfied by transient temperature
in the rods:
= 2 , 0 < < , > 0 (1)
: thermal diffusivity of the material
x: length from base of rod to the temperature reading point
T: the temperature at the point
t: duration of heat transfer
Two types of thermal diffusion analysis were carried out in this experiment the Small time
solution and the Large time solution.
Small-time solution
Small values of time of heat flow in the rod will be identical to heat flow in a semi-infinite solid,
and is governed by;
= 2 , 0 < < , > 0 (2)
This effect will holds constant until the effect of the gradual change in temperature begins to
substantially influence the temperature at x = L. Where t < , the dimensionless temperature in
the rod is given by:
(0 )
(1 0 )
: the dimensionless temperature
T: the temperature at length x, time t
0 : room temperature
1 : T (0, t), temperature of heater at the bottom 100
Sample Calculation
At time t = 6s, and x = 3; Temperature reading = 26.05726
(0 ) (26.0572624)
Dimensionless temperature: (1 0 )
= 0.02707
2 1
Using equation 6: =
1 (1 )
26 1
Substituting variables into Equation: =
0.299/3 1 (1 0.02707)
1 0.299/3
Therefore: = 1 (1 0.02707)
= 0.01302
= 1.694 104 2 /s
Large-time solution
Dimensionless time for the large time solution is represented by:
4 1 (2+1)2 (2+1)
( , ) = 1
4 2
For sufficiently large time a one-term approximation of the series in equation (7) is sufficient.
For < the approximate equation can be written as below:
2 23 (2+1)2
(3 , ) = 1
4 , > 1/40 (8)
It implies:
2 2 23 2
= () ln [
(1 (3 , )) ] , > 1/40 (10)
Sample Calculation
At time t = 6s, and x = ; Temperature reading = 26.05726
(0 ) (24.3728424)
Dimensionless temperature: (1 0 )
= 0.0049057
2 2 2 3
Using equation 10: 2
= ( ) ln [
(1 0.0049057)1 ]
Substituting variables into Equation: 0.2992
= 0.04159892
Stainless Steel
Aluminum Copper
heating block constantan
Brass Rod
Copper Rod
The experimental apparatus consists of three rods made of copper (red electrical tape), brass
(blue electrical tape) and stainless steel (green electrical tape), the heating controller (to regulate
temperature), the aluminum base heating system (to heat and hold rods in place), a
thermocouple, and a computer as shown in Figure 3 below to collect necessary data via the
Labview software program.
Figure 2: Computer (Data collection bank)
Figure 3: Controller
The rods are each instrumented with three (3) copper-constantan thermocouples at positions
x=L/3, L/2, and 2L/3. In addition to simulate stepped temperature at x = 0, the rods are placed in
the cylindrical aluminum vessel containing a heating element. The heater is however maintained
at 100 by the controller.
Experimental Procedure
1. Plug controller into power supply port, and plug the heater into the controller
2. Attach the thermocouple leaving the heater into the female end attached to the controller
3. Change the limit on the Controller
4. Change the range at which the temperature should alter
5. Place the 3 thermocouple leads, into appropriate connectors for the Copper rod
6. Let the heater heat up and begin to stabilize at 212
7. Set the timer to zero(0)
8. Start timer when the rod is fully seated.
9. Record temperature of the three thermocouples, T1(x = 3), T2(x = 2), T3(x = 3 ) for 500,
1500, 3000seconds.
10. Repeat steps 5- 9 for Brass and Steel rods
11. Record Data using Labview
Experimental Results
Below are the plots for the various results obtained:
Figure 5: Small-time Solution at T2
For large-time solution plot, the thermal diffusivity represented is copper>brass>stainless steel.
The lines of copper and brass seem like perfect curves but the line for stainless steel doesnt look
unusual and can be as a result of errors stated in the uncertainty section. In small-time solution
plot stainless steel heats up the slowest in comparison, to brass and copper as slope of their lines
seems much steeper than steels.
Statement of Uncertainty
Various assumptions made in this experiment lead to discrepancies in results. First of all,
the rod was assumed perfectly insulated; in reality, this was not achieved hence convective and
radiation effects had an impact on the quality of result in this experiment. Again, although the
aluminum heating base was assumed to have a constant temperature of 100, the effect of
radiation and convection could have proved this assumption null and could have altered obtained
From studying Heat Transfer, I could infer that 1-Dimension thermal transfer was not
necessary achieved as our assumptions may state. In order to truly obtain 1-D heat transfer in an
object, the object under investigation must have a relatively small thickness. However in the rods
in this experiment had a substantial radial thickness and although it could be viewed as one
dimensional heat transfer from one side, the heat transfer, in reality occurred radially throughout
the rod.
Moreover, Random Intrinsic Errors may have occurred from the instruments used. Lack
of accuracy and precision of the thermocouples may have offset the results obtained a tad bit.
Quantitatively, uncertainty in this experiment may be accounted for using the following
Standard Deviation ( ) = 1
Performing this experiment was not mentally challenging as Labview collected necessary
data; however, assumptions made in offset our result by a significant percentage as there were
not taken into consideration. Also results proved the Small- time Analysis was more effective
than the Large-time Analysis.
Although this experiment was not successful in terms of results obtained I can
confidently say I have a re-enforced understanding of 1-Dimensional transient thermal flow.
In retrospect to the uncertainties stated above, a recommendation will be to use relatively
thin strips of Steel, Brass and Copper sheets. Also, I believe performing the experiment in a well
contained environment (preferably a simulated vacuum tank) will block out convective and
radiation effects, hence obtaining relatively close experimental data to theory.
Also the Lab Manual should be reviewed and updated such that specific formulae for
specific circumstances will be given to ensure so kind of accuracy and better understanding to
well appreciate the overall objectives of the experiment.
Matlab Sample Code
% Daniel Amankwah
% Experiment 2 Small - time Plot at T1
XBrass = xlsread('brass_03.xlsx', 'brass_03', 'B2:B1001');
YBrass = xlsread('brass_03.xlsx', 'brass_03', 'C2:C1001');
hold on
plot(XBrass,YBrass, 'g')
XCopper = xlsread('copper_03.xlsx', 'copper_03', 'B2:B504');
YCopper = xlsread('copper_03.xlsx', 'copper_03', 'C2:C504');
hold on
plot(XCopper,YCopper, 'b')
XSteel = xlsread('steel_03.xlsx', 'steel_03', 'B2:B1001');
YSteel = xlsread('steel_03.xlsx', 'steel_03', 'C2:C1001');
hold on
plot(XSteel,YSteel, 'r')
title('Small-time Solution Plot at T1')
Heat Transfer Lab Manual
Incropera, F.P., Dewitt, D.P., Bergman t., and Lavine A., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th
Edition, Wiley (2006).
Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_diffusivity