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The Employees Appraisal System is designed for several Human Resources and Development functions such as talent management,
training and development, succession planning, employee movement, merit increases and recruitment. The System considered fifteen (15)
factors that are keys in the achievement of the mission, vision and values of the HOTEL.

The fifteen (15) factors are identified competencies contributing to successful job performance. These competencies are combination of
knowledge, attribute, skills, abilities and other characteristics. Each competency is elaborated by behavioural indicators to guide assessors in
rating the employees.

The competencies are also categorized into three (3). These are those pertaining to Associate, to Leaders (e.g., Supervisors, Department Heads
and Managers) and to both (Basic Competencies). For Basic Competencies, there may be certain differences in the competencies definition as a
result of the duties and responsibilities, particularly between Associates and Leaders (e.g., Analysis and Communication). Below is the Competency

Basic Competencies Associates Competencies
Job Knowledge Customer Service Orientation Initiative and Self-Reliance
Analysis* Product Knowledge Creativity and Innovativeness
Communication* Quality of Work Attitude Towards Work
Observation of Organizations Policies Work Prioritization Teamwork and Cooperation
Attendance and Health Accountability Appearance, Grooming
Leaders Competencies
Customer Service Implementation Team Leadership Training and Development
Project Management Employee Relations Negotiating
Process Management Talent Management Professional Development
Resources Management

Appraisal Standards 1

Rating Scale

Quarterly, Associates and Leaders shall be evaluated on their performance using the competencies. Associates and Leaders are also to conduct a
personal assessment based on the same competencies. Through a feedback session, the Associate and the Leaders shall agree on the final rating
of a particular quarter. Quarterly Appraisal Ratings shall be closely monitored for trends in the performance and an Average Annual Appraisal
Rating shall be obtained at the end of the year.

Ratings shall be based on the below scale.

Appraisal Classification Rating Qualitative Description Definition
Frequently exceed expectations; exceptional contributor to the
Exceptional Performance 4.60-5.00 Distinguished success of the department and achievement of HOTEL mission and
vision; role model
Consistently meet expectations and occasionally exceeded
4.00-4.59 Commendable
expectations; solid contributor to the success of the department
Successful Performance
Generally meet expectations; average contributor to the success
3.00-3.99 Adequate
of the department
Rarely meet expectations; need further development in one or
2.00- 2.99 Marginal
more areas of job expectations
Unsatisfactory Performance
Consistently fail to meet expectations; need significant
1.00-1.99 Unacceptable
improvement in critical areas of job expectations

Appraisal Standards 2


The succeeding pages shall provide examples of Behavioural Indicators of the competencies.

These Behavioural Indicators are categorized into three (3) levels of performance namely:

Unsatisfactory Performance
Successful Performance
Exceptional Performance

These examples are illustrative of how the competencies are applied in work. These are possible behavioural standards of each performance
level for each competency.

The tool was created to guide assessors in objectively rating the performances of the employees in each competency.

When using the tool, two things are to be considered:

1. This tool is a GUIDE. There may be certain behavioural indicators cited herein and must be clearly accounted for.

2. Behaviours cited here are only EXAMPLES and must NOT be used as a checklist of behavioural indicators of the competencies.

Use the tool to objectively identify strengths and weaknesses of the employees to guide in creating intervention programs to improve

Appraisal Standards 3

Customer Service Orientation
For Associates
Definition: Ability to sustainably live up to the standards of the HOTEL in terms of handling and interacting with customers to include helpfulness, courtesy, accessibility and
responsiveness to requests of service

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance
Helpful: Fails to follow consistently through on customer Helpful: Pursues on customer commitments in spite of Helpful: Takes extraordinary action to meet customer
commitments; leaves the customers unsatisfied. time pressures or obstructions; Does not leave the guest needs
Helpful: Does not learn from Customer Service training Helpful: Applies what has been learned from Customer Helpful: Recognizes that work processes and/or
or past experiences in dealing with guests problems; Service training; Gives consistent information to guests; outcomes are negatively influencing the customer; owns
Gives inaccurate service to guests Applies past experiences in serving customers the issue and takes action to address deficiencies by
identifying resolutions and notifying the appropriate
department head or supervisor.
Courteous: Develops shallow relationships that lack Courteous: Develops relationships with customers that Courteous: Maintains positive, long-term working
personal attention and focus; prioritizes personal are marked by attention and customer satisfaction relationships with customers; is adept at focusing
matter(s) over attending to guests concerns; lacks individualized attention resulting in consistent, high-
empathy level satisfaction; Provides quests needs without
Courteous: Handles customers complaints
Courteous: Addresses disgruntled customer problems by Courteous: Addresses disgruntled customers
inappropriately; does not listen to guests complaints;
remaining calm and professional; personally follows appropriately and takes action to resolve problems; can
easily gets anxious upon encountering difficult guests;
through to resolve issue(s) ; listens and allows guests to defuse the most upset customer situations with ease.
disrespectful in responding to customers needs finish expressing concerns; Stays calm and in control
with difficult clients
Accessible: Delays responding to guests requests, needs Accessible: Responds promptly to customer requests; is Accessible: Makes self fully available to the customer by
or complaints; takes unreasonably long time in easy to reach and work with during work hours; works being flexible with time and schedule in order to
responding to customer requests and issues willingly with customers to meet their needs provide services and information; identifies ways to
make services more accessible to customers; Goes out
of his way to help a guest in need just to render service
Responsive: Does not seek new ways to enhance the Responsive: Seeks out customer input to better Responsive: Regularly updates understanding of
customer relationship with new service offerings; is understand their needs; develops ideas on how to meet customers needs and quickly adopts solutions, as
restricted on given ways of customer service those needs; suggests many options needed, in changing customer demands; Complies
immediately to guests request
Responsive: Ignores customer requests; passes the Responsive: Listens for and responds to customer Responsive: Anticipates customer needs and responds
buck to others; requests or problems in a timely manner before the situation requires action

Knowledgeable: Does not demonstrate a fundamental Knowledgeable: Meets customer needs by acting Knowledgeable: Consistently exceeds customer
understanding of customer needs in his/her work; professionally, applying a good working knowledge of expectations by applying a solid understanding of what
occasionally does not meet customer expectations; Does the services and information provided by the HOTEL; customers need and value; Considers the impact on the
not follow SOP in customer service identifies the type of customer needs, and acts external or internal customer when taking action, or
professionally applying knowledge of guests needs and carrying out ones job responsibilities
HOTELs SOP on customer service.

Appraisal Standards 4

Product Knowledge
For Associates
Definition: Mastery of and application of knowledge of the products and services offered by the HOTEL

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Needs training or retraining; Does not have any idea Has sufficient information on HOTEL offerings Has excellent knowledge on HOTEL's products and
about the HOTEL products and services services with regard to his/her job role, an
information expert about the offerings of the HOTEL

Highly dependent on the product knowledge kit; has Does not refer to the product knowledge kit for Knows the product knowledge kit by heart; Provides
to browse through the product knowledge kit to look information; confident in answering guests queries additional information that are not discussed in the
for certain info; not familiar with information in the pertaining to HOTEL products and services Product Knowledge Kit; researches on other
product knowledge kit (e.g. names of the outlet/s , important information not specified in the Product
rooms and sites in the HOTEL ); has to be constantly Knowledge Kit.
reminded of information about the HOTEL

Gives incorrect information to guests Gives consistent and correct information Gives options when HOTEL service(s) are not
available; goes beyond giving accurate information

Below Average Product Knowledge test results; Fails Average to Above Average Product Knowledge test Superior scores in Product Knowledge test;
in HR Audit on Product Knowledge results; Passes HR Audit on Product Knowledge consistently applies Product Knowledge even without
HR audit

Fails to explain the HOTELs products and services to Coaches new colleagues of the products and services Provides information on HOTEL products and services
new colleagues; Ignores wrong information about the offered in the HOTEL; corrects colleagues mistakes on updates; shares ideas on how to improve HOTEL
products and services made by colleagues products and services information of the HOTEL products and services

Appraisal Standards 5

Job Knowledge

For Associates
Definition: Awareness of ones duties and responsibilities; ability to apply job knowledge in the performance of ones job and in handling concerns

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Does not have an idea on the terminologies in the Follows Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the Very knowledgeable of HOTEL SOPs
department he/she in; does not follow SOP in his/her HOTEL
department; needs training

Inadequate understanding of tasks he/she is required Adequate knowledge and understanding of tasks Maximizes job knowledge in the performance of
to do. he/she is required to do. ones work

Produces vague and ambiguous output; commits Understands and performs most phases of ones job Expert in ones job, has thorough grasp of all phases of
repeated work errors as a result of having no well; Keeps on working at work guidelines in job; very well informed, seldom requires assistance
knowledge about his/her job accomplishing tasks and instruction

Does tasks which are not part of his/her duties and Knows his/her duties and responsibilities; reports Has mastery of his/her duties and responsibilities
responsibilities resulting to redundancy, additional based on what is expected from him/her
procedures; operational delays, non-maximization of
work time and resources

Does not have knowledge of the boundaries of ones Aware of the boundaries of ones job and carefully Deeply understands the limitations of ones job and
work; leaves colleagues with no knowledge about follows standard procedures so as not to overlap continuously seeks to learn about other possible
their work responsibility and authority; Informs colleagues of job- duties and responsibilities that may be under ones
related information and corrects colleagues job scope;
knowledge misconceptions and refers to Head for any
ambiguity in ones role.

Appraisal Standards 6

Quality of Work

For Associates
Definition: Ability to produce results; neatness and thoroughness, accuracy or precision of work; maximization of resources

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Completes tasks with poor quality due to lack of Usually produces error-free work; Seldom commits Manages own time exceptionally well and frequently
planning or balancing of commitments; Produces error; knows how to use the HOTELs formal and completes tasks early and with excellent quality.
output with error informal systems to get things done

His/her output needs constant checking and Works are accurate and based on agreed instructions. Anticipates problems; Has excellent workmanship;
reminding Occasionally misses out on a few details of task(s) to Keen to details
be done

Settles on bad output; Makes mediocre work; delivers Shows concern for quality, accuracy, and Demonstrates concern for achieving or surpassing
low-quality output completeness of work activities results outputs or results against internal or external
standards of excellence

Tends to secure and/or use more resources that are Uses resource(s) as expected, resulting in quality work Frequently uses less than expected resources while
needed to complete a task, which sometimes results that stays within established budgets still delivering high quality work on time, resulting to
in costs that exceed budget. cost savings or improved efficiencies.

Looses energy or interest before difficult problems Takes responsibility and stays focused on problems Takes responsibility and maintains enthusiasm for
can be solved until an effective solution can be found complex problems and goes beyond providing
solutions instead, takes note of insights for future use.

Appraisal Standards 7

Work Prioritization

For Associates
Definition: Setting and achieving real, yet aggressive goal; promptness in meeting deadlines and commitments, and the degree to which employee uses time effectively

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Sets unrealistic goals goals that are either too easy Establishes clear, specific performance goals, Identifies view few goals and allocates time and
or too difficult to achieve expectations, and priorities resources accordingly to achieve those goals when
faced with compelling priorities

Focuses time, energy, and other resources on Aligns the efforts of him/herself and the team to the Recognizes when others have set goals that are
activities that are not aligned with the teams teams objectives; Determines what needs to be misaligned with the HOTELs objectives and provides
objectives; Able to do unnecessary matter(s) even if prioritized guidance/ coaching to team members to better meet
he/she leaves a task unfinished the needs of the team and its customers; has excellent
focus on job role or tasks

Does NOT value time well in order to accomplish a Manages own time well in order to complete Navigates quickly and effectively to resolve problems
task; No sense of time; Procrastinates ; No sense of allocated tasks on time and with high quality; and obstacles, even when complex and unique
urgency; Does not value/care about deadlines Accomplishes work ahead or on time, uses time circumstances occur; makes an extra effort in
effectively to finish ones work; Plans own work producing good-quality output ahead of time
activities in advance to ensure that all assignments
are completed in a timely and quality manner

Starts but does not finish work; waits for attention to Keeps to-do list and delivers things indicated in to-do Prepares To-Do List with accomplishment and
be called before accomplishing a task left undone. list variances report; acts on observed variances to
improve accomplishment of goals in the future

Appraisal Standards 8


For Associates
Definition: Accepting full responsibility of ones work; commitment to organizational success and presentation of ones self as a credible representative of the HOTEL

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Inconsistently meets commitments to others or Follows through and meets personal commitments to Exceeds his/her commitment to others by frequently
delivers commitments late; Sluggish in accomplishing others on time; delivering work early; Inspires others to be committed
task(s). to agreed tasks and goals

Acceptance of Responsibility: does not accept Acceptance of Responsibility: accepts responsibility Acceptance of Responsibility: stays firmly committed
mistake(s); passes lapses to other people and reasons and mistakes; faces consequences of ones action to responsibilities and duties beyond complexities;
out for obvious mistakes handles mistakes professionally and learns from them.

Occasionally bends the rules when faced with Holds self and others accountable for making Lives by the HOTELs values and maintains his/her
pressure from customers or other HOTELs principled decisions; addresses unethical behaviours ethical principles even in the most challenging
stakeholders; easily driven by situations head-on; circumstances; maintains self-control under difficult

Dismisses the importance of his/her responsibilities as Takes his/her responsibilities seriously and Holds a strong commitment in exceeding the publics
the connection between his/her job and public consistently meets the publics expectations for expectations of how the HOTEL should provide service
perceptions; washes hands when the HOTEL is faced quality, service and professionalism to its customers; shows great concern to the HOTEL
with sensitive issues. and its people when faced with difficult situations

Self-Presentation: Occasionally presents oneself in a Self-Presentation: Consistently presents a calm, Self-Presentation: Presents oneself as a polished
way that is inconsistent with the image the HOTEL; competent, and professional image to the public and professional who exemplifies success and credibility;
easily irritated other HOTEL employees inspires others to be more professional

Fails to take ownership of personal or team Commits to the HOTELs goals and finds ways to get Generates enthusiasm among colleagues for
performance; refrains from coaching colleagues to colleagues more involved toward accomplishing accomplishing shared goals that elevates the team
improve performance; HOTEL objectives and ensures the HOTELs success

Appraisal Standards 9


For Associates
Definition: Quickness to grasp information, process and decide on confronting matters soundly

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Spends a long time reviewing information which Analyzes problem effectively and makes appropriate Demonstrates an ability to make effective decisions
results in delays decisions without missing deadline(s) or causing within limited time; can make decisions clearly
delays in service

Tends to jump to conclusions without fully analyzing Uses established standards/ methods to solve Focuses on continuous improvement by exploring
and understanding problems; Makes hasty decisions common problems; responds to recurring problems opportunities for enhancing, revising or modifying
without getting the facts first by investigating the underlying causes and takes steps existing standards or methods and developing
to eliminate them; seeks the correct answer and proposals for implementing changes; able to connect
understands the impact that the decision could have information together in order to diagnose a problem
an effect on other organizational issues.

Typically follows the judgments of others without Independently analyzes issues and problems and Is persistent in his/her analysis of issues and
independent thought and analysis ; Avoids making expresses his/her opinion to others. problems to find solutions that best serve the HOTEL
decisions and often waits for others to make

Inconsistently predicts consequences; implications, Consistently predicts the outcomes of a variety of Accurately predicts the outcomes of most alternatives
and feasibility of alternative solutions to problems. alternatives to problems to solve problems; appropriately addresses concerns

Shows inflexibility when facing obstacles; gets stuck Tries different approaches when initial efforts to solve Teaches others anticipating possible problems and
in frustrations and is not open to new ideas or ways to problems fail; anticipates possible problems and developing contingency plans to avoid or go around
solve problems develops alternative. them

Makes decisions without consulting persons involved. Considers ideas or opinions of others before making Sensitive to the needs of others when dealing with
decisions divisive issue; equally weighs points made by
concerned persons and comes up with decisions that
are win-win for all involved.

Appraisal Standards 10

Initiative and Self-Reliance

For Associates
Definition: Ability to take action without being told in attainment of goals and objectives; the degree to which an employee withstands pressure and adjusts to changes in
operations, procedures and/or policies

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Easily affected with pressure brought by his/her job; Works through situations or issues involving Encourages others to work through situations or
Easily gives-up when faced with difficult task(s); Opts ambiguity or setbacks by systematically evaluating issues involving ambiguity or setbacks by
to quit job when he/she can no longer handle all options and establishing appropriate action plans systematically evaluating options and establishing
difficulties appropriate action plans

Routine Worker: Responds slowly to changing Routine Worker: Adjusts to unfamiliar situations by Routine Worker: Anticipates events and easily
priorities; cannot easily adjust to stressful or drawing out possible options to take appropriate develops strategies in response to unfamiliar
unfamiliar events; does not adapt approach to action(s) situations
delivering results when circumstances change;

Occasionally needs reminders to complete work Completes assignments without the need for Takes the initiative to complete assignments early;
assignments; Has to be told what has to be done in prompting from his/her supervisor or others consistently exceeds expectations regarding the
every task , even on familiar task(s); relies too much timing of deliverables
on Heads or Supervisors

Accomplishing a Task: Waits until his/her manager Accomplishing a Task: Seeks out information on his or Accomplishing a Task: Displays unusual drive in
provides a complete set of information before her own; proceeds on his/her own with little or no accomplishing a task; anticipates needed action
proceeding with assigned tasks direction to immediate head.

Proceeds on initiative even when he/she is told they Recognizes and takes appropriate action to effectively Provides advice and direction to others on how to
are ineffective, or when directed not to by address problems and opportunities. recognize and take appropriate action on problems
management and opportunities.

Appraisal Standards 11

Creativity and Innovativeness

For Associates
Definition: Ability to develop and suggest new ideas and work approaches and degree to which employee explores non-conventional methods to address concerns.

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Shows rigidity in approach to work and avoids taking Takes smart risks including trying new and different Encourages others to take smart risks; maintains
smart risks; Fears to experiment or take risk; Has ways to get the job done; Looks for creative open and innovative spirit that breaks down barriers
difficulty in accepting change approaches in providing or improving services that to promote new and creative ways to meet goals
may increase efficiency and decrease cost.

Accepts the status quo; adheres to conventional Challenges the status quo by continuously reviewing Relentlessly challenges the status quo to ensure areas
methods of working; sticks with ones comfort zone personal work processes and questioning traditional for improvement are identified and addressed.
or established processes to make improvements

Fails to generate and implement new and creative Tries new things to reach challenging goals and Inspires others to develop and implement new ideas
approaches; can only solve problems if there are fixed persists until personal and team goals are achieved and ways to approach work that benefits the HOTEL
solutions and commitments are met; effectively applies existing and its customers
practices or processes to new work situations to
benefit the HOTEL and its customers.

Resists change and often openly discusses his/her Takes appropriate action to address inefficiencies in Champions innovative approaches within the
unwillingness to adopt new practices, even in the face work processes and establishes improved ways of department or across departments by acting as a
of compelling evidence for a new course of action ; getting the job done; tries on new technology to get Change Mover whom others imitate; keeps abreast of
Resists new technology and clings to current tools at the work done new technology that may be beneficial to ones job.
his/her disposal

Blocks new ideas from others by not being receptive, Integrates input and ideas from different sources to Encourages new ideas, and motivates others to be
sharing information, and/or exploring opportunities share information and/or explore opportunities proactive and resourceful

Verbalizes support for a change initiative but does Shows enthusiasm and confidence in new ideas, Energizes others to generate support within the work
not show enthusiasm, confidence and belief in the showing support for change initiatives force for changes that enhance efficiency or the
change through actions quality of work.

Appraisal Standards 12


For Associates
Definition: Clarity of communication, fluency and spontaneity, adapting to need and nature of audience; Full attention, listening and respect of points of colleagues

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Sometimes makes statements that are offensive Refrains from immediate judgement and criticism of Sees and absorbs the strengths of points made by
or insensitive ; Criticizes or disregards different others ideas in a way that demonstrates sensitivity to colleagues and applies appropriately
opinions, styles, or ways of working the feelings of others and waits for others to finish their
intended message before responding

Talks over others; demonstrates an unwillingness Actively listens to co-workers and customers to put Presents an open and accepting persona that allows
to listen to others and is stubborn in holding on him/herself in other peoples shoes to gain a better even the most reluctant person to express his/her
to his/her own perspective without considering understanding of what they are saying views
other peoples views and insights

Takes inappropriate action because he/she Comprehends written and oral information and direction Sees alternative actions from written and oral
misinterprets written and/or oral information and and takes appropriate action instructions and anticipates consequences; Assists
directions others in comprehending written and oral information
and directions so they can take appropriate action

Tends to conceal information or hold ideas close Communicates intentions, ideas and feelings openly and Encourages an open exchange of ideas and different
to the chest directly points of view; tells the truth even when it is
unwelcome; fosters open communication

Develops written and/or oral communications that Consistently delivers accurate, clear and thorough Delivers accurate, clear, and concise messages that
are confusing, void of critical messages, and messages orally and/or in writing to effectively inform an inform and frequently persuade audiences to take
contain a number of errors audience action

Assumes that others understand what he/she is Listens attentively to the speaker and actively asks Demonstrates a keen ability to recognize when others
trying to communicate and moves forward in questions to confirm understanding and avoid are having difficulty understanding his/her messages
his/her communications without confirming miscommunications and adapts style appropriately (e.g. provides
whether others understand him or not examples)

Tends to use similar communication style Adapts to the needs of most audiences to insure that Adapts to the needs of diverse audiences and/or
regardless of audience and/or situation (e.g., his/her message is understood complex situations; ensures clarity and understanding
senior leader, peer co-worker, internal/external of message across difference audiences.

Appraisal Standards 13

Attitude towards Work

For Associates
Definition: Focus on work, commitment, determination and importance of ones work; proactively seeking professional growth and acquiring new competencies.

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Exhibits sluggish, tired, bored persona when reporting Shows interest and enthusiasm when at work Infects colleagues with ones positive disposition and
to work, negatively influencing colleagues great enthusiasm for work

Attention is not at work; constantly distracted; thinks Ensures physical and mental presence at work; Calls attention of colleagues whose full attention is
about things not related to work resulting to constant understands the importance of focus to minimize not at work and helps them to focus their attention
work errors; work errors; occasionally commits work errors as a back to work; rarely commits work errors because of
result of lack of focus lack of focus.

Talks about commitment to work but does not Understands the importance of work and acts thinking Does not mind certain sacrifices when work is placed
demonstrate it in his/her actions of such priority at a critical situation; shows concern to ones work
and to overall welfare of the HOTEL

Takes advantage of learning opportunities only when Seeks out continuous learning opportunities that Engages in continuous learning opportunities to
they are presented to him/her; needs encouragement develop self and expands organizational intellectual further develop skills and capabilities in technical and
to take action capital functional areas

Ignores feedback from co-workers and customers or Uses feedback from co-workers and customers to find Proactively requests feedback from co-workers and
becomes defensive; does not use feedback to improve ways of enhancing his/her performance; Is open- customers and uses it to enhance personal and team
performance minded performance
Fails to recognize his/her own strengths and Accurately identifies his/her own strengths and Provides coaching to others to help them leverage
development needs or does not seek ways to address development needs, leverages strengths, and takes their strengths and effectively develop in areas where
those needs action to develop areas that can be improved improvement is needed
Allows professional knowledge to become antiquated; Updates professional knowledge and skills on a Shares new knowledge regarding professional
does not keep up with trends in his/her field of regular basis to stay current and apply new trends or standards with others to ensure they are able to
expertise best practices to his/her work at the HOTEL contribute new ideas to the HOTEL

Recognizes industry trends and development but does Incorporates industry trends and development in Stays abreast of changes in the external environment
not apply to improve efficiency of work ones duties and responsibilities and anticipates how these will impact his/her work;
creates plans on anticipated changes

Follows the steps in the HOTELs performance Actively participates in the HOTELs performance Helps others enhance their experience with the
management program but is not committed to making management program, including focusing on HOTELs performance management program by
the proofs for himself/ herself (e.g., linking improving performance through learning and mentoring and coaching them through the process
performance to learning and development) development opportunities

Appraisal Standards 14

Teamwork and Cooperation

For Associates
Definition: Quality relationship with colleagues, team working and developing others, effectiveness in resolving conflict/problem situations with others

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Occasionally treats people differently depending on Treats all people with dignity and respect regardless Actively seeks to eliminate out groups so that all
culture, gender, race, socioeconomic status, or other of cultural or socioeconomics background people feel included and are free to be themselves.
factors; Discriminates co-workers; Shows special
treatment on certain colleagues

Sometimes treats other team members with hostility Treats all team members in a respectful, courteous, Actively seeks to eliminate cliques and assists in
or indifference; Has cold attitude towards others and professional manner; supports team despite problem solving so that all team members can be
different points of views or setbacks included in work processes; Able to come to an
amicable settlement with a colleague in conflict

Works well with some people but not others; is not Works well with a variety of people; rarely encounters Consistently a great team player; Initiate ways to
generally regarded as a team player; picky with someone he/she cannot work effectively with on a maximize team-effort; masters the dynamics of
people to work with; Does not know how to adjust task/job. working with groups or in teams.
with co-workers; Tends to isolate oneself from others
while working toward team goals and objectives;
Prefers to work alone; social loafer

Waits for others to solve interpersonal/team conflicts Regularly initiates communication to help solve Facilitates communication between people
and problems interpersonal/team conflicts and problems experiencing conflict who have previously been
unable to solve problems

Inconsistently participates in meeting, activities and Consistently attends and actively participates in Volunteers on committees that are outside typical job
events department meetings, activities, and events when responsibilities; exceeds the expectations of his/her
asked or required. job in participating in HOTEL initiatives and program

Provides inconsistent feedback with different Provides balanced feedback to improve team Regularly and actively provide feedback about team
members of the team or department collaboration and functioning on continuous basis and colleagues performance including areas of
improvements and suggested ways with high regard
for colleagues and the teams growth

Appraisal Standards 15

Observation of Organizations Policies

For Associates
Definition: Mastery of and observance of rules and regulations, record or violations

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Not fully aware of HOTEL rules and regulations; Aware of HOTEL rules and regulations; takes effort not Has mastery of the company's rules and regulations;
intermittently follows rules and regulations; to commit any offense observes rules and regulations at all times, avoids
frequently commits offenses situations where he/she is prone to committing

Sanctions for an offense; Keeps on committing an Rarely commits offenses No record of violations; Does not commit errors that
offense; Often commits violations would be detrimental to his/her position

Is not aware of the implication of the bad behaviour Aware of the implication(s) of the bad behaviour he or Takes effort to be a good example to others; Makes
he or she is showing she is showing; Is watchful over his/her actions suggestions to improve HOTEL policies; diligently
follows organization policies and procedure

Repeatedly commits the same mistakes despite all the Accepts consequences from actions, corrects mistakes Learns from mistakes, makes an extra effort not to
warnings commit the same mistake again and guides colleagues
not to commit the same offenses

Has a poor score in Employee Relations Discipline Has a passing score in Employee Relations Discipline Has excellent score on Employee Relations Discipline
Policy exam; fails HR Audit Policy exam; passes HR Audit Policy exam; Superb knowledge of ER Policy;
religiously observes policies even without HR Audit

Appraisal Standards 16

Appearance, Grooming

For Associates
Definition: Presentability, confidence, neatness, and decorum; adherence to HOTEL Uniform, grooming and Behaviour Standards

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Does not follow HOTEL policies on Dress Code and Follows SOP for Dress Code and Grooming Always follows SOP on Dress Code and Grooming; a
Grooming role model

Does not maintain personal hygiene; wears wrinkled Wears uniform properly; maintains proper and Makes effort to look good in reporting to work;
clothes upon going to work acceptable attire and grooming appropriate to job Overall, really neat and tidy; Looks fresh and enticing;
Practices good hygiene and presents an appropriate
professional appearance; constantly wears

Not presentable ;frowning; looks bored and tired Makes her or himself presentable; takes actions Works to make a friendly impression on others by
calculated to have a positive effect on others using good eye contact and using names whenever
possible; has an approachable appearance; always
gives a smile

Lacks decorum; does not care of the professional and Shows appropriateness of behaviour or conduct; Maintains poise and remains calm even in difficult
image implication of his/her behaviour at the work understands the importance of professional behaviour situations, appears presentable and neat at all times;
place. as an extension of the image of the HOTEL displays confidence; Take actions calculated to have a
positive effect on others; Understands how one is
perceived by others

Appraisal Standards 17

Attendance and Health

For Associates
Definition: Punctuality, adherence and conformity to work schedule, and fitness

Unsatisfactory Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance

Frequently changes schedule without any valid Asks permission for changes made in schedule; Flexibility of ones schedule depending on HOTEL
reason; Does not care about scheduled time of work maintains regular attendance demands; exemplary in committing to work schedule;
;commits Habitual Unauthorized Undertime/Absences Communicates schedule changes promptly to
or Absence without Official Leave (AWOL) Plans changes ahead of time supervisor

Frequently tardy Occasionally tardy Always reports to work on time; Follows promptly
schedule of work

Makes absences anytime he/she wants Very particular on attendance Avoids absenteeism

Strictly sticks to ones work schedule; not readily Readily makes himself or herself available for any Anticipates possible changes in ones work schedule
available for any changes and extension of working changes in the work schedule and extension of work and extension of working hours and willingly adheres
hours due to HOTEL operations and task hours as a result of the demand of the HOTEL and to these changes; Extends work hours based on the
accomplishment; does not understand the flexibility accomplishment of task; understands the flexibility of demand of the HOTEL operations; accomplishes tasks
of work schedule because of the nature of the the work schedule in relation to the nature of the without corresponding additional pays; Shows deep
business of the HOTEL. business of the HOTEL. understanding on the flexibility of work schedules.

Appraisal Standards 18

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