Format For Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) Under Notice No - 1 - PD - WBFBCP - 2012-13

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Office of the Project Director

West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project

Aranya Bhawan, Block LA- 10A, Sector- III
Salt Lake City,
Kolkata - 700098,
West Bengal

Format for Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI)

Against Notice No: 1/PD/WBFBCP/2012-13

(The Project Director West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation (WBFBC) Project
reserves the right to cancel the Notice No: 1/PD/WBFBCP/2012-13 for EOI and / or invite afresh
with or without amendments to this Notice for EOI, without liability or any obligation for such
request for EOI and without assigning any reason. Information provided at at this stage is
indicative and the Project Director WBFBCP reserves the right to amend / add further details in
the RFP document. )
Table of Contents
1. SNAPSHOT OF EOI ............................................................................................................................ 1
2. ANNEXURE 1: EXHIBITS OF FORMATS FOR SUBMISSION ................................................................... 2
2.1 Exhibit 1: Format for Covering Letter ........................................................................................ 2
2.2 Exhibit 2: Description of the Applicant ...................................................................................... 3
2.3 Exhibit 3: Financial Capability of the Applicant .......................................................................... 4
2.4 Exhibit 4: Technical Capability of the Applicant ......................................................................... 5
Name of the Project West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project
Implementing West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society
Last date and time 17th September, 2012 upto 1500 hrs.
for submission
Eligible Entities Consultants from eligible source countries to provide desired
services either as a single entity or as a consortium who meet the
qualification criteria.
Selection Process Two stage process in accordance with the procedures set out in the
(Overall) Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans dated March
2009 and the Guidelines for Employment of Consultants under
Japanese ODA Loans dated March 2009.

Stage 1 : Expression of Interest (EOI)

Stage 2 : Request for Proposal (RFP)
Contents of EOI 1. Covering letter as per format at Exhibit 1 of Annexure 1.
Application 2. Details of the Applicant as per format at Exhibit 2 of Annexure 1
3. Details of financial capability of the Applicant as per format at
Exhibit 3 of Annexure 1.
4. Details of technical capability of the Applicant as per format at
Exhibit 4 of Annexure 1.
Qualification Criteria Financial Capability:
(Stage 1) a) A minimum net-worth of Rs. 3.0 Crores as on

Technical Capability :
a) Experience of a minimum of 3 years as Consultant in
the field of Forestry and Biodiversity Conservation
b) Experience of Management of similar Project(s)
having a contract value of Rs. 2.0 crores and above, in
at least one of the last three financial years.
Evaluation Criteria Financial Capability

Technical Capability

2.1 Exhibit 1: Format for Covering Letter

[On the Letter head of the Applicant or Lead Member (in case of a Consortium)]


The Project Director,

West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project,
Aranya Bhawan, Block-LA-10A, Sector-III,
Salt Lake City,
Kolkata 700098

Ref: Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) against Notice No: 1/PD/WBFBCP/2012-13


Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of.

(hereinafter referred to as the Applicant), and having reviewed and fully understood the
evaluation criteria and information provided, the undersigned hereby applies in response to the
EOI document against Notice No: 1/PD/WBFBCP/2012-13.

I am enclosing the Expression of Interest with the details as per the requirements of the
EOI document, for your evaluation.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of Authorised Signatory)





2.2 Exhibit 2: Description of the Applicant

1. Name :

2. Country of incorporation :

3. Address of the registered office :

4. Corporate headquarters, and its branch office(s), if any, in India and date of incorporation
and/or commencement of business :

5. Brief description of the Applicant including details of its main lines of business and proposed
role and responsibilities in this Project :

6. Details of individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication :

Name :
Designation :
Company :
Address :
Telephone No: E-Mail Address:

Fax Number: Mobile Number:

7. Information with regard to Consortium:

The information above (1-6) should be provided for all the Members of the Consortium.
Information regarding role of each Member should be provided as per table below:

Sl No Name of Member

2.3 Exhibit 3: Financial Capability of the Applicant

The Applicants would be evaluated on the basis of the Evaluation Criteria as mentioned in
snapshot of the EOI document. Applicants should provide their Net-worth details as indicated

Financial Information

(Please attach copies of Audited Financial Statements)

Cumulative Contract value (in INR) of similar Project(s)

managed in the last three financial years.
FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12

Net Worth of the Organization as on 31st

March, 2012 ( in INR)


Signature of the Authorised person with designation

2.4 Exhibit 4: Technical Capability of the Applicant

The Applicants would be evaluated for meeting the Evaluation Criteria as mentioned in snapshot
of the EOI document. Such Applicants should provide their technical qualification details as
indicated below.

Summary of Consultancy completed on similar Projects implemented during last 3 years

Sl. Name of the Project Name Start End Contract Value

No. Customer Date Date (INR)


(Signature of the Authorised person with designation)

Date :

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