Banking Laws: Materials in Commercial Law, Jorge Miravite, 2002 Ed.)
Banking Laws: Materials in Commercial Law, Jorge Miravite, 2002 Ed.)
Banking Laws: Materials in Commercial Law, Jorge Miravite, 2002 Ed.)
35% of the
voting Non-Allied Enterprises
stock in Are all other enterprises not specified
that as allied ones.
Equity 40% 40%
investment in The total of the unimpaired paid-in
Quasi-Banks capital including paid-in surplus,
retained earnings and undivided profit,
net valuation reserves and other
adjustments as may be required by the
Allied Financial Allied Non- Bangko Sentral. (Sec. 24)
Enterprises financial
The minimum ratio prescribed by the
1. Leasing 1. Warehousing Monetary Board which the net worth of a
companies companies bank must bear to its total risk assets
2. Banks 2. Storage which may include contingent accounts.
3. Investment companies However, the Monetary Board may
houses 3. Safety require or suspend compliance with such
4. Financing deposit box
ratio whenever necessary for a maximum
companies companies
5. Credit card 4. Companies period of one year; that such ratio shall
companies primarily engaged in be applied uniformly to banks of the
6. Financial the management of same category (Sec. 34).
institutions mutual funds but Effect of non-compliance with the
catering to small not in mutual funds prescribed minimum ratio:
and medium scale themselves 1. Distribution of net profits may
industries, 5. Managemen be limited or prohibited and MB may
including venture t corporations require that part or all of the net
capital engaged in an
profits be used to increase the
corporations activity similar to
7. Companies the management of capital accounts of the bank until
engaged in stock mutual funds the minimum requirement has been
brokerage or 6. Companies met; or
securities engaged in providing 2. Acquisition of major assets and
brokerage computer services making of new investments may be
8. Companies 7. Insurance restricted. EXCEPT: purchases of
engaged in foreign companies or evidence of indebtedness guaranteed
exchange brokerages by the Government (Sec. 34).
dealership or 8. Companies
3. In case of a bank merger or
brokerage engaged in house
9. Insurance building and home consolidation, or when a bank is
companies (not development under rehabilitation under a program
allowed for 9. Companies approved by BSP, the MB may
commercial banks) providing drying or temporarily relieve the surviving
10. Holding milling facilities for bank, consolidated bank, or
companies agricultural crops constituent bank or corporations
investing in allied 10. Bank under rehabilitation from full
and non-allied service corporations compliance with the required capital
enterprises (not 11. Philippine
allowed for Clearing House
commercial banks) Corporation
12. Philippine
Central Depository,
Either one of the co- with its obligations under the contract of
depositors may deposit and simple loan, beyond those required of
withdraw from the account non-bank debtors, under a similar
without the knowledge, consent contract of simple loan. (CBTC vs. CA,
and signature of the other. And G.R. No. 138569, September 11, 2003)
upon the death of one, the This fiduciary relationship means
survivor may withdraw the entire that the banks obligation to observe
balance on deposit. high standards of integrity and
It may be deemed a performance is deemed written into
survivorship agreement every deposit agreement between a
depending on the intention of bank and its depositor. The fiduciary
the parties; aleatory contract nature of banking requires banks to
supported by a lawful assume a degree of diligence higher than
consideration which is valid that of a good father of a family. (CBTC
unless when made as a mere vs. CA, G.R. No. 138569, September 11,
cloak to hide an inofficious 2003)
donation, to transfer property in
fraud of creditors, or to defeat SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT ON ITS
the legitime of a forced heir. DEPOSIT LIABILITIES
(Rivera v. Peoples Bank) In case a bank or quasi-bank notifies
the Bangko Sentral or publicly announces
Deposit substitutes a bank holiday, or in any manner
An alternative form of obtaining funds suspends the payment of its deposit
from the public, other than deposits, liabilities continuously for more than 30
through the issuance, endorsement, or days, the Monetary Board may summarily
acceptance of debt instruments for the and without need for prior hearing close
borrowers own account, for the purpose such banking institution and place it
of re-lending or purchasing of under receivership of the Philippine
receivables and other obligations. (Sec. Deposit Insurance Corporation. (Sec. 53)
95, RA 7653)
DEPOSIT DEPOSIT 1. Receive in custody funds, documents
SUBSTITUTE and valuable objects (as bailee or
No security given to Guaranteed by trustee);
guarantee certificates and 2. Act as financial agent and buy and
repayment; the other instruments. sell, by order of and for the account
depositor relies on (Handbook on Bank
of their customer, shares, evidences
the stability and Deposits, A. Viray,
reputation of the 1998 ed.) of indebtedness and types of
bank. securities;
3. Make collection and payments for the
A bank has the right to set-off to the account of others and perform such
deposits in its hands for the payment of other services for their customer as
any outstanding indebtedness to it on are not incompatible with banking
the part of the depositor (Gullas v. PNB, business (as agent);
PNB v. CA) 4. Upon prior approval of the Monetary
Board, act as managing agent,
The fiduciary nature of a bank- adviser, consultant or administrator
depositor relationship does not convert of investment management/
the contract between the bank and its advisory/consultancy accounts; and
depositors from a simple loan to a trust 5. Rent out safety deposit boxes (as
agreement, whether express or implied. lessor).
Failure by the bank to pay the depositor
is failure to pay a simple loan and not a Note: The bank shall act as depositary or
breach of trust. The law simply imposes as an agent shall keep the funds,
on the bank a higher standard of securities and other effects which it
integrity and performance in complying
CHAIRPERSON: Garny Luisa Alegre ASST. CHAIRPERSON:Jayson OS Ramos EDP: Beatrix I. Ramos SUBJECT
Marichelle De Vera (Negotiable Instruments Law); Jose Fernando Llave (Insurance); Aldrich Del Rosario
(Transportation Laws);
Shirley Mae Tabangcura, Bon Vincent Agustin (Corporation Law); Karl Steven Co (Special Laws); John Lemuel
Gatdula (Banking Laws); Robespierre CU (Law on Intellectual Property)
receives duly separated from its own in any way the actions of the bank or
assets and liabilities. (Sec. 53) any bank; or
5. Outsource inherent banking functions
(i.e. new accounts, tellers).
Rationale: So as not to violate the
Secrecy of Bank Deposits Law.
V. PROHIBITIONS (Handbook on Bank Deposits, A. Viray,
A. On banks: 1998 ed.)
1. To directly act as insurer (Sec. 54) However, a bank may outsource, upon
2. For banks or quasi-banks to declare prior approval of the monetary board the
dividends, if at the time of declaration: following functions:
a. Its clearing account with the a. All information technology
Bangko Sentral is overdrawn; systems and processes, except
b. It is deficient in the required for certain functions affecting
liquidity floor for government the ability of the bank to ensure
deposits for 5 or more the fit of technology services
consecutive days; deployed to meet its strategic
c. It does not comply with the and business objectives and
liquidity standards/ratios comply with pertinent laws and
prescribed by the Bangko regulations;
Sentral for purposes of b. Data imaging, storage, and other
determining funds available for related systems;
dividend declaration; c. Clearing and processing of
d. It has committed a major checks not included in the
violation as may be determined Philippine Clearing House
by the Bangko Sentral. (Sec. 57) System;
3. To conduct business in an unsafe or d. Printing of bank statements;
unsound manner (Sec. 56) e. Credit card services;
4. Publication of capital stock (Sec. 62) f. Printing of bank loan statements
5. Unauthorized advertisement or and other non-deposit records,
business representation (Sec. 64) bank forms and promotional
6. To employ casual or non-regular materials;
personnel or too lengthy probationary g. Credit investigation and
personnel in the conduct of its business collection;
involving bank deposits. (Sec. 55) h. Processing of export, import and
Rationale: To prevent violation of other trading transactions;.
Bank Secrecy Law. i. Transfer agent services for debt
and equity services;
B. On directors, officers, employees, j. Property appraisal;
or agents of banks: k. Property management services;
1. Make false entries in any bank report l. messenger, courier and postal
or statement or participate in any services;
fraudulent transaction; m. Security guard services;
2. Without order of a court of n. Vehicle service contracts
component jurisdiction, disclose to o. Janitorial services;
any unauthorized person any p. Other services determined by
information relative to the funds or the monetary board.
properties in the custody of the bank
belonging to private individuals, C. On borrowers:
corporations, or any other entity; 1. Fraudulently overvalue property
3. Accept gifts or any other form of offered as security for a loan from the
remuneration in connection with the bank;
approval of a loan or other credit 2. Make misrepresentations for the
accommodation from said bank; purpose of obtaining, renewing, or
4. Overvalue or aid in overvaluing any increasing a loan or extending the
security for the purpose of influencing period thereof;
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda
Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC- Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-
EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law),
Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial
Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law
1. Within seven years from effectivity of acquired under such circumstance shall
the GBL, foreign banks may be allowed be disposed of by the bank within a
to own up to 100% equity of only one period of 5 years, provided that the bank
domestic bank as a mode of entry. (Sec. may after said period continue to hold
73, GBL) the property for its own use, subject to
2. Other foreign individuals and non- (1). (Sec. 52)
bank corporation may own up to 40% of
the voting stock of a domestic bank; the RULES ON FORECLOSURE BY A
nationality of the controlling MORTGAGEE-BANK OF A REAL ESTATE
shareholders of the non-bank MORTGAGE
corporations will be traced to determine Application: Judicial or extrajudicial
the foreign ownership of the domestic foreclosure
bank (Sec. 11, GBL)
FOREIGN BANKS (Secs. 7278) Right of redemption
1. Entry: Governed by the provisions of Within 1 year from 1. Mortgagor is a
the Foreign Bank Liberalization Act and registration of the natural person
the Offshore Banking System Decree. foreclosure sale Within one year
(Sec. 72) (exception to Rule 68) after the
2. Revocation of license to do business registration of sale
with Register of
in the Philippines: The Monetary Board
Deeds (Sec. 1(3) SC
may revoke such license on the grounds Cir. AM No. 99-10-
that the foreign bank is insolvent or in 05)
imminent danger thereof or that its 2. Mortgagor is a
continuance in business will involve juridical person At
probable loss to those transacting any time before the
business with it. (Sec. 78) registration of the
certificate of
which in no case
GENERAL RULE: A bank cannot acquire
shall be more than
and own real property. Rationale: Banks 3 months after
are not engaged in the business of foreclosure,
acquiring and possessing real property. whichever is
Also, banks must maintain liquidity at all earlier.
times to enable it to perform its Redemption price:
functions. Thus, Banks must as much as Amount due under the mortgage deed +
possible retain only assets that are easily interest + all the cost and expenses
marketable. incurred by the bank or institution from
EXCEPTIONS: the sale and custody of the property less
1. As shall be necessary for its own use the derived income.
in the conduct of its business, provided: Right of purchaser to possess property:
a. The total investment in such real Immediately after the date of the
estate and improvements shall confirmation of the auction sale.
not exceed 50% of combined
capital amounts; and To enjoin or restrain the conduct of
b. the equity investment of a bank foreclosure proceedings, the petitioner
in another corporation engaged must file a bond conditioned that he will
primarily in real estate shall be pay all the damages which the bank may
considered as part of the bank's suffer by the injunction. (Sec. 47)
total investment in real estate,
unless otherwise provided by the VIII. DIRECTORS & OFFICERS
Monetary Board. (Sec. 51) Fit and Proper Rule
2. As mortgaged to it, conveyed to it in To maintain the quality of bank
satisfaction of a debt, or as it shall management and afford better
purchase at forced sales or to secure protection to depositors and the public
debts, provided, however, that property
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda
Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC- Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-
EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law),
Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial
Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law
CORPORATE POWERS OF THE BSP rescissible. (First Phil. Intl Bank v. CA,
1. To adopt, alter and use a corporate 252 SCRA 259)
seal which shall be judicially noticed Termination:
2. To enter into contracts 1. When the MB is satisfied that the
3. To lease, own, sell property institution can continue to operate on its
4. To sue and be sued own and the conservatorship is no longer
5. To acquire and hold such assets and necessary;
incur such liabilities in connection with 2. But if the continuance in business of
its operations or as are essential to the the bank would involve probable loss to
proper conduct of operation its depositors or creditors, proceedings
6. To compromise condone or release for receivership and liquidation shall be
any claim of or settled liability to the pursued (Sec. 29).
7. To do and perform such other RECEIVERSHIP OF A BANK OR QUASI-
necessary powers BANK/CLOSURE
Receivership is equivalent to an
CONSERVATORSHIP OF A BANK OR injunction to restrain the bank in any
QUASI-BANK way. Thus, the appointment of a
Ground: State of continuing inability receiver operates to suspend the
or unwillingness to maintain a condition authority of the bank and of its directors
of liquidity deemed adequate to protect and officers over its property and
the interest of depositors and creditors. effects. (Villanueva v. CA)
A conservator appointed by the BSP
may take over without the need of first Grounds:
declaring the bank insolvent. A. Under NCBA
Duration: Not to exceed 1 year 1. Inability to pay liabilities as they
Effects: become due in the ordinary course
1. Bank/quasi-bank retains juridical of business, but not including
personality inability to pay caused by
2. Not a precondition to the extraordinary demands induced by
designation of a receiver financial panic in the banking
Powers of conservator: 2. Insufficiency of realizable assets
1. To take charge of the assets, to meet its liabilities;
liabilities, and the management 3. Inability to continue business
thereof; without involving probable losses to
2. Reorganize the management; its depositors or creditors; or
3. Collect all monies and debts due said 4. Willful violation of a cease and
bank; and desist order that has become final,
4. Exercise all powers necessary to involving acts or transactions which
restore its viability, with the power amount to fraud or a dissipation of
to overrule or rebuke the actions of the assets of the institution. (Sec.
the previous management and board 30)
of directors of the bank or quasi- B. Under GBL
bank. 1. Notification to the BSP or public
The powers must be related to announcement of a bank holiday
preservation of assets, reorganization of (Sec. 53, GBL)
management and the restoration of 2. Suspension of payment of
viability. Such power to revoke cannot deposit liabilities continuously for
extend to post-facto repudiation of more than 30 days (Sec. 53, GBL)
perfected transactions, otherwise they 3. Persistence in conducting
would infringe against the non- business in an unsafe or unsound
impairment clause of the Constitution. manner. (Sec. 56, GBL)
The power to revoke contracts only
covers those that are deemed defective
i.e., void, voidable, unenforceable or Receiver:
1. Immediate gathering and taking Grounds:
charge of all the assets and liabilities of 1. The condition of the bank is one of
the institution and administering them insolvency or that its continuance would
for the benefit of creditors involve probable loss to its depositors
2. General powers of a receiver and creditors.
3. Determination ASAP but not later 2. A determination by the MB that the
than 90 days whether the institution bank cannot be rehabilitated.
should undergo rehabilitation or Procedure:
liquidation. 1. Receiver shall file ex parte, with the
proper RTC, a petition for assistance in
Note the distinctions between the liquidation of the institution
rehabilitation and liquidation. pursuant to a liquidation plan adopted
by the PDIC for general application to all
CLOSE NOW, HEAR LATER SCHEME closed banks. In case of quasi-banks, the
Sec. 29 of the Central Bank Act does liquidation plan shall be adopted by the
not contemplate prior notice and hearing Monetary Board.
before a bank is placed under 2. He shall convert the assets of the
receivership. It is enough that such institution to money for the purpose of
action is made the subject of a paying the debts of the institution. (Sec.
subsequent judicial review. The purpose 30)
of the scheme is to protect the 3. Payment shall be in accordance with
depositors, creditors, stockholders and the rules on concurrence and preference
general public. (Central Bank v. CA, 220 of credits
SCRA 536).
Only stockholders representing the EFFECTS OF APPOINTMENT OF
majority of the capital stock of a bank RECEIVER/ LIQUIDATION
have the personality to file a petition for 1. Suspension of operation
certiorari to be filed within 10 days from 2. The assets under receivership or
receipt by the board of directors of the liquidation shall be deemed in custodia
institution of the order directing legis in the hands of the receiver and
receivership, liquidation or shall be exempt from garnishment, levy,
conservatorship. Reason: Stockholders attachment or execution (Sec. 30).
owning a majority of the shares are 3. Bank is not liable to pay interest on
expected to be more objective in deposits during the period of suspension
determining whether the resolution is of operation (Overseas Bank v. CA)
plainly arbitrary and issued in bad faith. 4. The corporation retains its legal
(Sec. 30, NCBA; Central Bank vs. CA) personality (Teal Motor Co. v CFI)
5. Deposits do not become preferred
1. Examination by the appropriate BSP LEGAL TENDER
department as to the condition of the All notes and coins issued by the
bank Bangko Sentral are fully guaranteed by
2. Examination shows that the the Republic and shall be legal tender in
condition of the bank is one of the Philippines for all debts, both public
insolvency and private. (Sec. 52)
3. Director shall inform the MB in
writing of such fact Legal tender power of coins
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda
Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC- Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-
EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law),
Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial
Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law
The unclaimed balances may be In a sui generis case, the SC allowed
subject of escheat proceedings, after garnishment of such deposits of a
proper publication and the depositors transient American tourist arising out of
still do not lay claim to them. a heinous crime committed against a
Filipino minor since to hold otherwise
FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSIT ACT (R.A. would result to injustice to a citizen
No. 6426) perpetrated by a foreigner. (Salvacion,
et al. v. Central Bank et al., 278 SCRA
DEPOSIT Note: This case does not constitute
Governed by R.A. Governed by R.A. another exception, the SC only ruled as
No. 1405 No. 6426 such due to the special circumstances of
4 exceptions + 1 exception + 1 the said case.
exceptions found in provided under AMLA
special laws (R.A. No. 9160) REPEALING LAW TO UNIFORM
May be garnished or GENERAL RULE:
Exempt from CURRENCY ACT (R.A. No. 8183)
attached (not a
violation of R.A. No. attachment,
1405) garnishment, and other All monetary obligations shall be
court order and settled in the Philippine currency which
EXCEPTION: Salvacion is legal tender in the Philippines.
vs. CB However, the parties may agree that the
obligation or transaction shall be settled
in any other currency at the time of
OTHER FEATURES: payment. (Sec. 1)
1. Authorized banks may adopt a
numbered account system for recording
and servicing deposits in non-checking
2. Foreign currency deposits are exempt
from taxes except the interests
3. In the event a new enactment or
regulation is issued decreasing the rights
granted under the law, it shall not apply
to FCDs already made or existing at the
time of the issuance of such new
regulation or enactment.