Treatment: Short Film: Click Release Date: 11 Genre: Romantic Comedy Duration: 5 Minutes Budget: 30.00 Product

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Mehdadul Kazi


Short Film: Click

Release Date: 11th December

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Duration: 5 minutes

Budget: 30.00


My production team and I gave ourselves the task to create a five-minute short film of the
Romantic Comedy genre. We decided to name our final product Click, this was due to the
story line entailing a young teenager named Tyler Kingston who is aspiring to be a future
music artist, who comes across a pen which takes him back in time with just one click. He
realises that he can use this to his advantage to catch the attention of a beautiful girl named
Rebecca Johnson. Our film uses different codes and conventions to convey the romantic
comedy genre and explore it in depth in order to connect with the audience and keep them
intrigued. We decided that it would be best to market our film virally through the Internet
and specifically social media as it allows us to connect with a mass audience. This is due to
the fact that the social media platform is becoming increasingly popular while being mostly
free of cost. Additionally, due to our target audience being 15 to 35, we realised that social
medias would be the best possible means of marketing due to it being popular amongst our
targeted audience. In order to keep our audience involved, we decided to update our social
networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and Instagram with teasers of our film. This will
allow the build up of excitement and will therefore help generate more support for the

Target Audience:

We have decided to choose the target audience of 15 to 35, targeted at socio economic
groups from C1 to E including all genders. Due to the maturity of the film and the sexual
references, we decided that it would be in our films best interest to set the lowest age at 15,
this is due to the fact that we think that a younger audience will find it harder to understand
and possibly relate to the characters as well as the story line. Additionally, we decided that it
would also benefit as due to our main characters being teenagers, this suggests that our
target audience will most likely understand the storyline and will relate to our characters.
We decided that it would be best to target the film at all genders as the film itself entails
both male and female characters which will allow both genders to relate to the characters.
In addition, due to our marketing strategy involving viral marketing, it was best to have a
target audience of 15 to 35 as they are the people who mostly use social medias and the
internet which will therefore make it easier for us to each our desired audience and market
the film. Finally we knew targeting 18 year olds and above wouldnt be right as we realised
that teenagers younger than 18 could also relate which is why we went with giving our film
the certification of 15.

Mehdadul Kazi

The use of viral marketing will be the most beneficial way of marketing the film as it will
allows full exposure of the film to our targeted audience when released as social Medias are
used very frequently amongst them. Moreover, we will be releasing the film in the YouTube
platform and will update our audience through means such as twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram all for free, meaning that we will save a lot of money whilst still attracting our
audience and marketing the film to its best capability with the given budget. Furthermore,
our audience will be able to spread publicity of our film through other methods such as a
simple word of mouth which will hopefully increase the size of our overall audience.

Media Concepts:

Mise-en-scene: Our film is set in modern times and it continuously depicts the
modern teenagers and how they act. According to this, we decided that our
protagonists will wear modern clothing which will best represent their personas. For
instance, Tyler Kingston will wear a matching tracksuit which is an attire many
teenagers go by these days. On the other hand, we have Rebecca Johnson who
wears a nice black dress to show her confident personality and to point out her
attractiveness. This will therefore help the audience relate to our characters and
therefore be more intrigued by the film.
Cinematography: Due to our film having a non-linear structure, the film involves
several plot twists to keep the audience engaged, as well as this we have
incorporated various shots in order to achieve so. For instance, we will have various
shots such as two shots to involve both protagonists in the shots to convey to the
audience the importance of both characters. Another example can be the use of
jump cuts or montages in order to disorientate the audience and question
themselves which will keep them intrigued.
Lighting: Throughout the film we will be using different shades of lighting, the main
on being high key lighting in order for them to think that there is a constant level of
equilibrium and will help the audience not expect the disruption of the equilibrium.
This relates back to Todorovs narrative theory [1] involving the five stages.
Additionally we will have some low key lightings in order to disorientate the
audience and therefore keep the intrigued.
Sound: We will have a lot of diegetic dialogue as well as Tyler questioning his own
behaviour in order to keep the audience involved in the film. We will also have non-
diegetic romantic as well as comedic music in order to hint the genre to the
audience and help them understand the narrative better.


Due to our production group (Chronus Productions) having a lower budget than similar
media products, it will be harder for us to compete with them, due to the simple limitation
of budget further aiding similar media products who have higher budgets. As a result, we
will be distributing our film through and independent institution who may have a smaller
audience than a bigger institution used by a similar media product.


Both the protagonists can be seen to convey the stereotypes associated with the as well as
going against some other stereotypes. For instance, Tyler Kingston can be said to be the
perfect stereotypical representation of young modern teenagers. This is due to the fact that
he is wearing a full matching tracksuit with a chain and a watch on. This is a stereotype that
Mehdadul Kazi

is often associated with teenagers of his age (19). Additionally, hes dialogue further aids this
stereotype as he begins by speaking a language commonly spoken on the streets by young
teenagers. Nevertheless, there is something unusual about him, being his aspiration. He is
aspiring to be a future music artist, this is a countertype, as young male teenagers are often
portrayed as being drug users who also sell it. However, Tyler has an aspiration out of the
norm according to the stereotypes that are linked to teenagers like him. On the other hand,
we have the character of Rebecca Johnson who goes against many stereotypes linked to
young female teenagers of her age. She is represented as being a confident yet closed
female instead of her being loud and careless which could be said to be a stereotype linked
to teenagers her age.


In order to correctly exemplify our genre, we used different codes and conventions that link
to our genre which is a Romantic Comedy, some of these include the usual boy meets girl
and made sure that their dialogue included some jokes made [2]. This would furthermore
help our audience to understand the films narrative but not expect anything to go wrong
due to the film beginning with a light-hearted mood. This helps us keep the audience
interested and connect with the film as they will clearly understand the narrative.
Nevertheless, our film goes against the typical codes and conventions of the romantic
comedy genre due to it having a non-linear narrative and due to the story line leading the
audience to think that the two protagonists are getting somewhere in terms of romance.
Our film is unusual in this aspect as there is a plot twist at the end which will leave the
audience in disguise as they will not expect it. This will therefore make the film more
interesting and appealing to the audience.


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