DSH 772-148 1 PDF
DSH 772-148 1 PDF
DSH 772-148 1 PDF
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Pin Definition ........................................................................................................................... 4
3. Sample Hardware Installation and Sample Source Code ........................................................ 5
4. Communication between Arduino UNO and PC via Bluetooth ............................................... 8
5. Warranty ................................................................................................................................ 16
1. Introduction
HC-05 Bluetooth Module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module,
designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup. Its communication is via serial
communication which makes an easy way to interface with controller or PC. HC-05 Bluetooth
module provides switching mode between master and slave mode which means it able to use
neither receiving nor transmitting data.
Model: HC-05
Input Voltage: DC 5V
Communication Method: Serial Communication
Master and slave mode can be switched
2. Pin Definition
KEY Mode switch If it is input low level or connect to the air, the module
input is at paired or communication mode. If its input high
level, the module will enter to AT mode.
3. Sample Hardware Installation and Sample Source Code
Below is the example of interfacing between Arduino UNO and PC via HC-05 Bluetooth
Module. In this example, the communication mode is used.
*Note: For AT mode (use to change the default setting or etc), please refer to this link Modify
The HC-05 Bluetooth Module Defaults Using AT Commands.
Diagram below shows the hardware connection between HC-05 Bluetooth Module and Arduino
UNO. Besides Arduino, it may interface with any microcontroller such as PIC and etc.
VCC Arduino 5V
GND Arduino GND
TXD Arduino Pin RX
RXD Arduino Pin TX
KEY Connect to the air for communication mode
Next, please get the sample source code and burn it into Arduino UNO.
After completing hardware and source code installation on Arduino UNO, the next step is setting
up PC site. In order to communicate with Arduino UNO, a Bluetooth device is needed as well on
PC site. We recommend using USB plug in Bluetooth device in PC site. See below diagram for
data transfer between Arduino UNO and PC via Bluetooth devices.
In order to use Bluetooth device in PC site, Bluetooth Device Driver is needed to install in PC. If
your USB Plug in Bluetooth device does not provides driver installation, you may download this
PC Site Bluetooth Software and install it. Plug in your Bluetooth device to PC during
installation and restart PC after installation.
After setting up the Arduino UNO and PC site, now we proceed to next session which will show
communication between Arduino UNO and PC through Bluetooth devices via communication
4. Communication between Arduino UNO and PC via Bluetooth
To communicate between Arduino UNO and PC through Bluetooth, please follow below steps.
Step 1
Turn on Arduino UNO which with completed installation of sample hardware and source code.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Double Click [Center Ball of Bluetooth software] to search surrounding available Bluetooth
The HC-05 Bluetooth Module will be found and shown on the display.
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Step 6
Select the HC-05 Bluetooth Module on the display and double click the Serial Port Icon to
Step 7
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After key in correct passkey, the window will show which serial COM is connected to HC-05
Bluetooth Module. In this example, COM8 was connected.
Step 8
To write data to Arduino UNO via HC-05 Bluetooth Module, open software Mybotic Serial
Com Tool. This software can be getting at here.
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Step 9
1. Select the correct Serial Com (in this example, COM8 is the correct Serial Com).
2. Select Baud Rate as 9600 (default in communication mode).
3. Click Open.
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Step 10
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Besides sending data from PC to Arduino UNO, data can be sent from Arduino UNO to PC as
well by pressing the button. The Button is pressed will be sent to PC and displayed on the
Mybotic Serial Com Tool when the button is pressed.
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5. Warranty
Prepared by Mybotic
4, Jalan Universiti 3,
Taman Universiti,
86400, Parit Raja, Johor
URL : www.mybotic.com.my
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
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