Practical Thermometric Titrimetry PDF
Practical Thermometric Titrimetry PDF
Practical Thermometric Titrimetry PDF
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1. Foreword............................................................................................................... 5
2. Introduction.......................................................................................................... 6
3. Theory and background to thermometric titrimetry......................................... 6
3.1. Comparison between potentiometric and thermometric titrations..................... 6
3.2. Thermometric titrations..................................................................................... 7
4. Apparatus and setup for automated thermometric titrimetry......................... 12
5. Optimization of thermometric titration parameters....................................... 14
5.1. Physical titration conditions.... 14
5.1.1. Mixing.. 14
5.1.2. Probe orientation...... 14
5.1.3. Data density...... 14
5.1.4. Optimizing titration results with software...... 15
6. Titrant calibration and determination of the method blank............................ 17
6.1. Determination of method blank.... 17
6.2. Determination of titrant concentration..... 17
7. Types of thermometric titration........................................................................ 20
7.1. Acid-base titrations.......................................................................................... 20
7.1.1. Determination of fully dissociated acids and bases..................................... 20
7.1.2. Titration of weak acids.............................................................................. 21
7.1.3. Titration of acid mixtures........................................................................... 21
7.1.4. Titration of complex alkaline solutions....................................................... 22
7.1.5. Non-aqueous acid-base titrations............................................................... 23
7.1.6. Catalyzed endpoint thermometric acid-base titrations................................ 24
7.2. Redox titrations............................................................................................... 24
7.2.1. Titrations with permanganate and dichromate........................................... 24
7.2.2. Titrations with thiosulfate.......................................................................... 25
7.2.3. Hypochlorite as a titrant............................................................................ 25
7.3. Complexometric (EDTA) titrations..................................................................... 25
7.4. Precipitation titrations...................................................................................... 28
7.4.1. Titration of sulfate..................................................................................... 28
7.4.2. Titration of aluminum with fluoride........................................................... 28
7.4.3. Titration of total orthophosphate............................................................... 28
7.4.4. Titration of nickel....................................................................................... 29
7.4.5. Titration of anionic and cationic surfactants............................................... 29
7.4.6. Titration of non-ionic surfactants............................................................... 30
7.5. Miscellaneous aqueous titrations..................................................................... 30
7.5.1. Titration of fluoride with boric acid............................................................ 30
7.5.2. Determination of formaldehyde................................................................. 31
7.6. Thermometric titration of water.......................................................................... 31
7.6.1. Advantages of the DMP thermometric method.......................................... 32
7.6.2. Limitations of the DMP thermometric method........................................... 33
7.6.3. Moisture determinations with triethyl orthoformate.................................. 33
References............................................................................................................... 34
Bibliography............................................................................................................ 34
Practical thermometric titrimetry
1. Foreword
2. Introduction
Titration is a technique in analytical chemistry with a history dating to the mid-18th cen-
tury. It may be defined as the reaction of a known volume of a reactant with a known
concentration (the titrant) with another reactant contained in a sample (the analyte or
titrand) to determine the amount of the analyte in the sample. The point at which stoi-
chiometric amounts of titrant have been added to the sample is known as the equiva-
lence point. The volume of titrant measured at this point is used to compute the amount
of analyte present in the sample. The classical titration methods employ color change
due to chemical indicators to determine the endpoint. The practical problems in the
correct, unequivocal determination of endpoints based on the subjective interpretation
of color change by the analyst have been recognized for many years, and analysts have
sought alternative methods of precisely determining endpoints.
This monograph commences with a brief discussion of some theoretical aspects of ther-
mometric titrimetry followed by some practical considerations and finally by an introduc-
tion to some of the many applications.
Potentiometric (and conductometric) titrations rely on a free energy change in the reac-
tion system. Measurement of a free energy dependent term is necessary.
G0 = R T lnK
G0 = R T lnK (1)
Where: G0 = change in free energy
R = universal gas constant
T = temperature in K
K = equilibrium constant at temperature T
H0 = G0 + TS0 (2)
Practical thermometric titrimetry
However, free energy is just one of three related parameters in describing any chemical
H0 = G0 + TS0 (2)
0 0 0
H =0 G + TS (2)
Where: H = change in enthalpy
G0 = change in free energy
S0 = change in entropy
T = temperature in K
At completion, the reaction produces a molar heat of reaction Hr, which is shown as a
measurable temperature change T. In an ideal system, where no losses or gains of heat
due to environmental influences* are involved, the progress of the reaction is observed
as a constant increase or decrease of temperature depending respectively on whether
Hr is negative (indicating an exothermic reaction) or positive (indicating an endother-
mic reaction).
If the equilibrium for the reaction lies far to the right (i.e. a stoichiometric equilibrium has
been achieved), then when all analyte has been reacted by the titrant continuing addi-
tion of titrant will be revealed by a sharp break in the temperature/volume curve. Figures
1a and 1b illustrate idealized examples.
The shape of experimentally obtained thermometric titration plots will vary from such
idealized examples, and some of the environmental influences listed above may have
impacts. Curvature at the endpoint might be observed. This can be due to insensitivity
of the sensor or slow adjustment of the thermal equilibrium at the endpoint. There are
also cases where the reaction between titrant and analyte does not proceed to stoichio-
metric completion. The determinant of the degree to which a reaction will proceed to
completion is the free energy change. If this is favorable, then the reaction will proceed
to completion and be essentially stoichiometric. In this case, the sharpness of the curve
at the endpoint is dependent on the magnitude of the enthalpy change. If the free en-
ergy change is unfavorable, the curve at the endpoint will be rounded regardless of the
magnitude of the enthalpy change.
Reactions where non-stoichiometric equilibria are evident can be used to obtain satis-
factory results using a thermometric titration approach. If the portions of the titration
curve both prior to and after the endpoint are reasonably linear, then the intersection of
tangents to these lines will accurately locate the endpoint. This is illustrated in Figure 2.
An actual thermometric titration plot for the determination of a strong base with a
strong acid is illustrated in Figure 3.
The most practical sensor for measuring temperature changes in titration solutions has
been found to be the thermistor. Thermistors are small solid-state devices manufactured
from sintered mixed-metal oxides that exhibit relatively large changes in electrical resis-
tance for small changes in temperature. The thermistor is encapsulated in a suitable elec-
trically insulating medium with satisfactory heat transfer characteristics and acceptable
chemical resistance. Typically for thermistors used for chemical analysis the encapsulat-
ing medium is glass, although thermistors encapsulated in epoxy resin may be used in
circumstances where either chemical attack (e.g. by acidic fluoride-containing solutions)
or severe mechanical stress is anticipated (see Figure 4). The thermistor is supported by
a suitable electronic circuit to maximize the sensitivity to minute changes in the solution
temperature. The circuitry in the 859 Titrotherm is capable of resolving temperature
changes as low as 105 K.
A critical element in modern automated thermometric titrimetry is the ability to locate the
endpoint with a high degree of reproducibility. The endpoint is determined by derivatiza-
tion of the temperature curve. The second derivative essentially locates the intersection
of tangents to the temperature curve immediately before and after the breakpoint.
The degree of digital smoothing is optimized for each determination and is stored as a
method parameter for application every time a titration for that particular analysis is run.
Thermometric titrations generally demand rapid reaction kinetics in order to obtain sharp
reproducible endpoints. Where reaction kinetics are slow, and direct titrations between
titrant and analyte are not possible, indirect or back-titrations often can be used to solve
the problem.
Catalytically enhanced endpoints can be helpful in some instances where the tempera-
ture change at the endpoint is very small and endpoints would not be detected satisfac-
torily by the titration software.
The applications described in this monograph may serve as a guide to the analyst in
determining whether automated thermometric titrations may be profitably employed in
his or her laboratory.
12 Practical thermometric titrimetry
Precision fluid dispensing devices burets for adding titrants and dosing of other
Thermistor-based thermometric sensor
Titration vessel
Stirring device, capable of highly efficient stirring of vessel contents without splashing
Computer with thermometric titration operating system
Thermometric titration interface module this regulates the data flow between the
burets, sensors and the computer
Figure 6 illustrates an automated thermometric titration system based on the 859 Titro-
therm interface module with Thermoprobe sensor, 800 Dosino dispensing devices and a
computer running the operational software.
Fig. 6: Basic thermometric titration system featuring 859 Titrotherm interface module and 800 Dosino dispensing
Practical thermometric titrimetry 13
Fig. 7: Schematic of the relationship between the components in an automated thermometric titration system.
A = dosing device
B = thermometric sensor
C = stirring device
D = thermometric titration interface module
E = computer
14 Practical thermometric titrimetry
5.1.1. Mixing
The thermistors used in the Thermoprobe thermometric probes employed with Titro-
therm have a response time of approximately 0.3 seconds. Most of the instrumental
noise evident in thermometric titrations is thus due to the detection of temperature gra-
dients in the stirred titration solution. Minimization of instrumental noise can therefore
be obtained by using stirring speeds as high as possible consistent with the avoidance of
splashing. Some compromise to stirring speed might be necessary when working with
determinations where very little heat is evolved or absorbed, and where environmental
influences such as solvent evaporation might have a deleterious impact.
Table 1: Relationship between anticipated titrant consumption and sensor data sampling rate.
Figure 8 and Table 2 illustrate the effect of the filter factor on the endpoint peak shape
and the endpoint shift. The titration illustrated was the determination of nickel using
sodium dimethylglyoximate as titrant.
Fig. 8 a: Filter factor = 20 Fig. 8 b: Filter factor = 50
For a rigorous optimization, an examination of the effect of filter factor on the titrant
consumption of the determination should be undertaken. Table 2 and Figure 9 illustrate
this process.
Table 2: Titrant consumption determined at the endpoint as a function of the filter factor.
By plotting the filter factor (x-axis) against the titrant consumption determined (y-axis),
it can be seen in the example illustrated in Figure 9 that stable endpoint values are ob-
tained over a filter factor range of 3060. An optimal filter factor could thus be found
in the range 4050.
As has been discussed previously, thermometric titrations are conducted under conditions
of a constant titrant addition rate. In this respect they differ from potentiometric titrations,
where the titrant addition rate may be varied during the titration according to the elec-
trode response. In thermometric titrations, a constant addition rate of titrant equates to a
constant amount of heat being given out or consumed, and hence a more or less constant
temperature change up to the endpoint. Ideally, the temperature of the solution should
be transmitted to the computer and processed instantaneously throughout the titration.
Practically this is not the case and it takes a finite time before a change in temperature of
the solution is received, computed and recorded. Since titrant is added at a constant rate,
this time delay in the passage and processing of temperature information is expressed as
a volume of titrant. Delays from various sources including the ones cited below affect the
exact volume of titrant needed and hence the exact location of the endpoint:
Inefficiencies in the mixing of the titration solution
Reaction kinetics (in the case of non-ionic titrations)
Heat transfer delays across the thermistor cladding and in the thermistor bead itself
Electronic and software processing delays.
Furthermore, the shape of the inflection or breakpoint at the endpoint of the titration
and the slopes of the temperature curve prior to and post the endpoint all have an im-
pact on the optimum location of the endpoint as determined by the second derivative
curve, and this has to be considered along with time delays in determining the actual
amount of titrant consumed to the endpoint.
For given sets of titration conditions, these errors are constant and can be quantified as
a single parameter the titration method blank. This parameter is stored along with the
other method parameters and is subtracted from all determinations of the volume of
titrant needed in these particular titrations.
Write the chemical equation describing the reaction of the standard analyte with the
Determine the number of moles of analyte reacting with one mole of titrant.
Starting from an appropriate solution of a primary standard, prepare a range of
amounts of analyte either by direct weighing or by serial dilution. The amounts of
analyte present in this series of secondary standard solutions should encompass at
least the normal range anticipated to be found in actual samples. Moreover, reason-
able amounts of titrant have to be needed for titration.
For example, during initial experimentation and optimization it may be found that ali-
quots of sample solution give titrant volumes needed in the range 24 mL. The range
of standards chosen should therefore span at least say 15 mL. Generally for ther-
mometric titrations, a maximum titrant consumption of 56 mL is suitable, but with
some chemistries whose reaction enthalpies are modest, a maximum titrant consump-
tion of only 2.55 mL may be advisable. Conversely, redox titrations exhibiting very
high reaction enthalpies can tolerate higher maximum volumes of titrant consumed,
say 1012 mL. Overall, there is little to be gained in terms of analytical precision by
employing large volumes of titrant required. Usually any gains made in using a high
titrant volume to be added, are offset by decreases in the replication of the results. At
least four standards should be used in the calibration process.
If the primary standard is a liquid, use a series of high quality bulb pipets to deliver the
aliquots. A suitable series may be 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 mL or 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mL.
The pipets should be freshly cleaned with a suitable laboratory glass cleaning agent
and rinsed with deionized water prior to use. The choice of a set of pipets and the
corresponding concentration of the standard analyte solution will be influenced by
the volume of any reagent solutions that need to be added.
For example, if you have to prepare buffered standard solutions of 25 mL each, then
choose a pipet set of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 mL for transferring the required aliquots of
primary standard to the flasks, add the necessary buffer solution volume (e.g. 10 mL)
and make up to the mark with ultrapure water.
If a solid primary standard is used, weigh it in on an analytical balance to 0.1 mg.
Set up the regression plot with the millimoles of analyte (contained in each prepared
standard solution) plotted on the x-axis and milliliters of titrant consumed plotted on
the y-axis.
The plot will be a linear curve of the form y = ax + b, where the method blank is
represented by the intercept b, and the molarity of the titrant is calculated from the
gradient a. Table 3 gives some examples of how the molarity of the analyte may be
Practical thermometric titrimetry 19
Table 3: Examples of the calculation of the molarity of the titrant from the determination of titrant concentration
by regression analysis.
An example of this approach to the determination of both method blank and titrant
molarity is the thermometric titration of aluminum with fluoride ions. A primary standard
solution of aluminum is made by dissolution of high-purity aluminum metal. Aliquots of
this solution have been taken to prepare the diluted standard solutions. By plotting the
aluminum ion concentration of these standards against the required volume of fluoride
ion titrant, Figure 10 is obtained. The regression was carried out using the linear regres-
sion function in Microsoft Excel.
An advantage of this approach is that not only two critical parameters can be deter-
mined at the same time, but also the analyst has the opportunity to check the linearity
of response over the measurement range in question.
20 Practical thermometric titrimetry
H+ + OH H2O
H0f (kJ/mol) 0 230.0 285.8 H0r = 55.8 kJ/mol
The reaction is strongly exothermic and thus provides an excellent basis for a wide range
of analyses in industry. An advantage for the industrial analyst is that the use of stronger
titrants (12 mol/L) permits a reduction of the sample preparation effort. Samples can
often be directly and accurately dispensed into the titration vessel prior to titration.
Practical thermometric titrimetry 21
The key to determine the amount of each acid present in the mixture is the ability to
obtain an accurate value for the amount of phosphoric acid present, as revealed by titra-
tion of the third proton of H3PO4.
Practical thermometric titrimetry 23
Part 1: Titration of the total hydroxyl and Part 2: Titration of the hydroxyl ions equivalent
carbonate content. to the aluminum content.
Fig. 15: Titration plots for the determination of total caustic, total soda and alumina in alumina refinery liquors.
This reaction is catalyzed by the presence of Mn2+. To avoid a sudden surge of tempera-
ture shortly after commencement of the titration, it is necessary to add a minute amount
of Mn2+ prior to the start.
Other common titrants used in redox titrimetry can be employed. Due to its purity and
stability, potassium dichromate has been used successfully as a titrant in the determina-
tion of Fe(II) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
tions of 1 mol/L. This necessitates the use of the tetrasodium salt of EDTA rather than
the more common disodium salt, which is saturated at a concentration of only approxi-
mately 0.25 mol/L.
Direct EDTA titrations with metal ions are possible when reaction kinetics is fast as is the
case with zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. However, with slower reaction kinetics
such as those exhibited by cobalt and nickel, back-titrations are used. Titrations for co-
balt and nickel are carried out in an ammoniacal environment; buffered with ammonia/
ammonium chloride solution. An excess of EDTA is added and back-titrated with Cu(II)
solution (see Figure 19). It is postulated that the breakpoint is revealed by the difference
in reaction enthalpies between the formation of the Cu-EDTA complex, and that for the
formation of the Cu-ammine complex.
Practical thermometric titrimetry 27
The reaction enthalpy for the formation of barium sulfate is a modest 18.8 kJ/mol. This
can place a restriction on the lower limit of sulfate in a sample that can be analyzed.
Because 6 mol of fluoride react with one mol of aluminum, the titration is particularly pre-
cise, and a coefficient of variance (CV) of 0.03 has been achieved in the analysis of alum.
When aluminum ions (say as aluminum nitrate) are employed as the titrant, fluoride can
be determined using the same chemistry. This titration is useful in the determination of
fluoride in complex acid mixtures used as etchants in the semiconductor industry.
The reaction:
Mg2+ + NH4+ + PO43 MgNH4PO4
is exothermic. CVs of under 0.1 have been achieved in test applications. The procedure
is suitable for the determination of orthophosphate in fertilizers and other products.
Practical thermometric titrimetry 29
The titration plot illustrated in Figure 23 shows that the endpoint is quite rounded, sug-
gesting that the reaction might not proceed to stoichiometric equilibrium. However,
since the regions of the temperature curve immediately before and after the endpoint
are quite linear, the second derivative of this curve (representing the intersection of tan-
gents) will accurately locate the endpoint. Indeed, excellent precision can be obtained
with this titration, with a CV of less than 0.1.
Practical thermometric titrimetry 31
The reagent had seen prior use in the dehydration of histological specimens, and in in-
frared and gas chromatographic methods for the determination of water. DMP is of low
toxicity, quite stable, not hygroscopic and only reacts with water in the presence of an
acid. The reaction products (acetone and methanol) are relatively benign. Many applica-
tions have been demonstrated, including the determination of water in concentrated
acids (where the acid itself provides the catalyst for the reaction) (see Figures 24 a and
24 b). Methane sulfonic acid may be used as a catalyst in many applications.
32 Practical thermometric titrimetry
Rounding of the endpoint suggests that the reaction might not proceed to stoichiomet-
ric equilibrium. Inspection of titration curves shows that, as expected, the reaction is
driven closer to stoichiometric equilibrium when water is determined in strong acids.
TEOF has been tested as a possible alternative to DMP in a number of applications, notably
the determination of moisture in automotive engine oils. A typical thermometric titration
plot of this application is shown in Figure 25. While the endpoint is subjectively sharper
than that obtained with a DMP titration, the level of signal noise is clearly higher. This is
undoubtedly due to the very modest changes in solution temperature experienced during
the titration and the magnification of temperature variations in the stirred vessel.
34 Practical thermometric titrimetry
1. M. W. Brown, K. Issa, G. Sinclair. Precise manual enthalpimetric titrations. Analyst,
94, 234235 (1969)
2. J. Chen and J. S. Fritz. Gas chromatographic determination of water after reaction
with triethyl orthoformate. Anal. Chem. 63 (18), 20162020 (1991)
3. W. Richter and U. Tinner. Practical aspects of modern titration Metrohm Monograph
8.016.5003 (2001)
4. E. VanDalen and L. G. Ward. Thermometric titration determination of hydroxide and
alumina in Bayer process solutions. Anal. Chem. 45 (13), 22482251 (1973)
5. M. J. D. Carneiro, M. A. Feres Jnior, and O. E. S. Godinho. Determination of the
acidity of oils using paraformaldehyde as a thermometric endpoint indicator. J. Braz.
Chem. Soc. 13 (5), 692694 (2002)
6. T. K. Smith. Analysis of FFA in edible oils by catalyzed endpoint thermometric titrim-
etry. JAOCS 80, 2124 (2003)
7. G. A. Vaughan and J. J. Swithenbank. Exothermic condensation of acetone to
diacetone alcohol. Analyst 90, 594599 (1965)
(All of the following books are out of print, but might be available from academic librar-
ies or through second-hand book sellers such as