Society Behavior Towards Household Waste Management in Tulungagung
Society Behavior Towards Household Waste Management in Tulungagung
Society Behavior Towards Household Waste Management in Tulungagung
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijas.20140403.01
Environment Science and Technology Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Regional Development Planning Agency of Tulungagung, East Java
Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the behavior of society towards the household waste management in
Tulungagung, thus it can be used as basic consideration for improving the efforts of Tulungagung Government to solve the
problem of waste management in a more effective, efficient and environmental-friendly policy. This study used a descriptive
quantitative analysis. The results showed that the behavior of society towards household waste management in Tulungagung
indicates a good category, where most components that affect the behavior of society are the rule/law regarding the
management of household waste. Knowledge and attitudes of society in the household waste management is at a moderate
level, while the actions of society are at a high level.
Keywords Behavior, Knowledge, Attitude, Action, Waste Management, Waste Household, Quantitative Descriptive
use their environment as a garbage dumping site. This is to Solimun [18], the amount of sample equals to 5 to 10 times
understandable because accumulated garbage is disturbing the number of manifest variables (indicators) of the overall
the comfort and health, especially due to the smell and flies latent variables. This study uses 18 indicators so that the
[4]. Nevertheless, waste management is defined as a control sample size is 5 x 18 = 90 respondents. Because the study is
of landfill waste, containers, collection, removal, conducted at three sites, so this study is using 270
transportation, dumping, and waste disposal process which respondents (housewives in the city of Tulungagung) as
related to the health, economics, engineering, conservation, research subjects.
aesthetics, environment and attitudes. Waste management
system is essentially seen as subsystem components that 2.3. Data Analysis
support and interacted each other to achieve the goal of a This study used a quantitative descriptive approach to
clean, health and in order city [5-8]. assess and describe the characteristics of each assessed
Waste problem should absolutely be jointly handled variables. The numerical data used the value of mean
between the government, non-governmental organizations (average), median, standard deviation, etc. Otherwise,
and the community itself. Therefore, it needs awareness and categorical data explain the number or value and percentage
commitment to change the attitudes, behaviors and ethics of each group.
towards environment. The behavior includes all activities The answer instruments are scored, graded on a Likert
that can be directly observed, as a response or reaction to scale from very positive to very negative scoring. The Likert
outside stimuli or stimulus. The behavior is accordance to the Scale indicates: strongly agree is scored 5, agree is scored 4,
Theory of Skinner which is called as SOR theory: Stimulus, fair is scored 3, disagree is scored 2, and strongly disagree is
Organism, and Response [9-14]. Baum [14], an educational scored 1 [19]. The frequency distribution of scores obtained
psychologist, divided human behavior into three groups, i.e. from the tabulation of respondents' answers. Riduan and
cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The cognitive Kuncoro [20] classify the interpretation of scores into five
component consists of all cognition of a person on a criterias (Table 1).
particular object such as knowledge and beliefs about the
object. Affective component consists of assessment and Table 1. The Score of Interpretation Criteria
psychomotor component which consists of a person's No. Average of score value Criteria
readiness to react or inclined to act against the object [15, 16, 1 1.00-1.80 very low
17]. 2 1.81-2.60 Low
Based on the above description, it is necessary to discuss
3 2.61-3.40 Medium
household waste management issues. This is due to the
4 3.41-4.20 High
production of daily household waste increases along with the
increasing number of products and patterns of consumption. 5 4.21-5.00 very high
It is necessary to reduce the volume of the waste through
community empowerment and improve people's behavior to
manage the household waste. The purpose of this study is to 3. Result and Discussion
assess the behavior of society on household waste
3.1. Knowledge (K)
management in Tulungagung. This study were expected to
be considered as basis for decision making of Tulungagung Knowledge (K) variable consists of six indicators which
Government in more effective, efficient and environmental are knowing (K), understanding (K2), application (K3),
friendly waste management. analysis (K4), synthesis (K5), and evaluation (K6). The
results of the analysis on the description of knowledge
variable (K) are summarized in Table 2.
2. Research Method The average value of knowledge variable is 3.12 (medium
category). This indicates that the respondents' knowledge
This study used a quantitative approach with data about the household waste management is at a medium level.
collection method of field observation and questionnaires. Knowledge is the result of knowing and it occurs after
The method of analysis is quantitative descriptive analysis. sensing a particular object. Sensing occurs in a person
2.1. Study Site through their human senses, i.e. sight, smell, taste and touch.
Most human knowledge acquired through the eyes and ears.
This study conducted in three villages, Ketanon, Tamanan Before a person adopts a new behavior, the person must
and Beji (Figure 1). All three study sites are a densely know the importance or benefit of attitude for themselves or
populated area and have the characteristics to be achieved in their family [12, 15, 21].
this study, which represents the area of the city. The knowledge of society towards household waste
management in Tulungagung is at a moderate level, meaning
2.2. Data Collection
that knowledge has a positive effect on the behavior of a
Data collection is conducted using a questionnaire for person in the household waste management although the
respondents who are housewives at the study site. According effect is not significant. This is consistent with Tobin and
International Journal of Applied Sociology 2014, 4(3): 67-73 69
Roth [22] that explained knowledge of the person's behavior waste, waste management phase, and use of waste. Generally,
influence their attitude; the higher level of public knowledge the assessment showed good knowledge of housewife on
enable them to absorb and understand the messages waste management. However, the observation showed that
conveyed by others and government. Assessment on the not all respondents have a good level of knowledge would be
level of knowledge is based on the understanding of the followed by good attitude and behavior in waste
housewife in the waste dumping site, litter sources, waste management. Knowledge or cognitive is a domain that is
characteristics, the factors that affect the amount of produced very important to build one's behavior.
Knowledge as a cognitive component in behavior, reasoning and to organize experience. The existence of the
accordance with the functional theory proposed by Katz; to original experience elements is not consistent with the
understand good or bad behavior must depart from the knowledge known by the individual, which will be arranged,
behavior of basic motivation itself. Katz implied the rearranged, or changed in such way to reach a consistency
motivational basis as the individual behavior. The function [17, 23, 24, 25].
for human behavior is formulated into four types, which one
3.2. Attitude (A)
of it is a function of knowledge. According to the function of
knowledge, humans have motivation to know, to look for Attitude (A) variable consisted of four indicators, namely
International Journal of Applied Sociology 2014, 4(3): 67-73 71
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