CBR Bulletin

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Burner Control CBR

Burner Control CBR (Control Box Rekumat/ Regemat)

Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

Burner Control CBR

The CBR burner control box incorporates the following
Microprocessor controlled flame relay
Safety relevant temperature measurement of a NiCr-Ni
dual thermocouple for release of the appropriate operating
mode and for thermal supervision of FLOX operation
or safety relevant inputs for release of FLOX / flame
mode (XOR signal processing)
Air / exhaust and cooling valve control
Manual / Automatic operation
Display of information, operating and fault status
messages, in a compact metal housing
The CBR controls, ignites (externally) and supervises
WS gas burners REKUMAT / REGEMAT in intermittent
operation (pre-configured self test < 24 hours).
Signal exchange with the main process control can be achieved via
Profibus DP interface or via hard wired input/output.

Depending on the power supply voltage, 4 variations, which are project customized, pre-configured and tested.

Technical Specifications:
Power Supply 230V AC 15% ... +10% 50/60Hz or
115V AC 15% ... +10% 50/60Hz
Electrical connection Phase correct connection and ground connection
according to electrical diagram
Touch protection! Must be present for thermocouples
and the UV sensor / flame rod (powerless installation
and connection)
Fuse 6,3A slow or 10A fast, integrated, replaceable
Power consumption (self) < 14VA
Power consumption (total) Max. current: 6,3A
Power consumption (safety relevant Max. 5A (for all gas valves and ignition transformer for
users) approx. 2 sec during ignition)
Max. cable lengths to burner components 10m

Protection class IP54

Ambient temperature -20C ... +60C
Storage and transportation -20C ... +70C
Humidity DIN 60730-1, dew/condensation formation not allowed
Dimensions 264x310x123mm (Width x Height x Depth)
Installation orientation any
Mounting On site, 4 female threads M8x1,25 (12mm deep) each
17mm from outside edge
Weight 5 ... 15kg (depending on components and cable length)

Certification EG-Construction Pattern Test Certificate

EG-Gas Device guide line (CE Nummer: 0085BT0439
/ Testing basis: EU/90/396/EWG; DIN EN298)
FM approved Class: 7610 (Test number PDR 3035948)
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Burner Control CBR

The burner control box has many diagnosis features for ease of
commissioning or trouble shooting:
Program sequence, device parameters, fault code history, operating hours
counter, combustion chamber temperature (measured by dual thermocouple)
or the flame signal strength can be indicated on the 7-segment display.

Three LED's visualize the most important operating states:

green Flame signal strength (flashing when quality bad)
yellow FLOX- Status
red Fault (flashing)

The functions of the buttons, button combinations, information, operating and fault codes are described on two
labels. Labels are available in different languages and are changeable.

Code label 1

Code label 2

Each CBR is configured for its specific application and tested prior to delivery.
The most important parameters can be visualized on the display (Comfort Configuration) by applying the
appropriate key combinations (refer to label 1). A Password is required to change parameters (except Profibus
address) and to activate manual operation.
You will receive your password from our sales, service or electronics department after completing registration.
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Burner Control CBR

Comfort Configuration
Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however, remain principally the same.

NOTE: All configured parameters are documented in the burner control certificate. This certificate is archived according the serial number.
Please notify our electrical engineering department of any changes.

All configured parameters are documented in the burner control certificate. This certificate is archived according the
serial number. Please notify our electrical engineering department of any changes.
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Burner Control CBR

Electrical Connections
Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

screw driver
multi meter

Burner controls CBR (ready for connecting and pre-
configured to customers specifications)
M8x1,25 screws or threaded studs (with washers and
nuts) 4x

Attention! Components under tension and high voltage!

Mount the burner control unit CBR in close proximity to the
burner. For mounting purposes the CBR has 4 molded nuts
(female threads) incorporated into the rear of the unit -
M8x1,25 (12mm deep).
Select a mounting location at which the ambient temperature
will not exceed 60C .
From process control, connect the power supply 230V 50/60Hz
(optional 115V 50/60Hz) as well as the release signal Safety
chain, interlocked with the application safety chain, to the
control box. Make the connections according to the electrical
schematics supplied by WS. All connections must be fused
properly (depending on wire lengths, wire gauge, ambient
temperature, and power draw). The safety chain signal
carries the load from the ignition transformer and the gas
valves connected to the burner. Signal exchange for burner
control can be hard wired (refer to electrical schematics) or it
can be achieved via Profibus communications (optional).

Connections from the CBR to the electrical components of the burner are pre-wired and pre-assembled
according to customer specifications. Please refer to the electrical schematics.
Please note, that NiCr-Ni dual thermocouples and the UV sensor must not be attached (changed)
with power ON. Danger of electrocution if phases of power supply are not connected correctly!

Prior to commissioning, all electrical connections and signal exchange must be verified by trained
electricians in accordance to local codes and regulations.
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Burner Control CBR

A FLOX burner without the safety relevant temperature
acquisition via a NiCr-Ni dual thermocouple for release of
FLOX mode, must utilize the safety relevant inputs for
release of FLOX/Flame modes (XOR signal processing).
Input signals must are to be determined and activated by fail
safe temperature supervision. FLOX mode may only be
activated at the FLOX input terminal if the furnace temperature
is > 850C via an active signal (230V AC L1 or optional 115V
AC L1). The input of the Flame release terminal must be
deactivated. A drop in temperature below the FLOX release
threshold, the FLOX release signal must be deactivated and the
Flame release signal must be activated. Switch over must occur
within one second, otherwise a fault shut-off will occur (F 57)

Prior to activating FLOX mode, the FLOX/Flame switching logic, especially the electrical
connections, must be validated by trained personnel. Validation to be performed with the gas
supply turned off. Incorrect implementation can result in EXPLOSION!

Electrical connects are made directly inside the CBR terminal

section (remove power and lock out). As an option, the CBR
can be supplied with an industrial connector for power supply
and input/output signals.
Profibus is optional and the interface is provided in form of a
Profibus connector (9 pin sub-D)
The CBR is pre-wired and tested at our facility. A project
specific electrical schematic is included inside every CBR.

Prior to commissioning, wire termination and controls must be verified and tested diligently by
trained professionals, in accordance to local regulations.

NOTE: all parameter settings are documented on the burner test data certificate. This certificate is
archived according to WS serial numbers. Please notify our electrical engineering department of any
changes made.
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Burner Control CBR

Profibus DP with CBR

Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

Burner control CBR with Profibus (functional schematic)




Bus wire

Power supply, Safety chain, (FLOX/Flame)

1 2 3

A maximum of 126 devices my be connected to a Profibus DP system (master and slaves). Each device receives an
individually defined address. The address can be entered into the CBR via the push buttons on the front panel.
The address range is from 0 to 126 (CBR delivered with invalid address 127!). All devices are connected in a bus
fashion (in line). Each individual line segment can have as many as 32 participants (masters and slaves). A bus
terminator must be placed at the beginning and end of each segment. Termination can be achieved via the switch
within each Profibus connector. To maintain fault free bus operation, each terminated device must have power
Repeaters (boosters) must be used for more than 32 devices or to extend the range of the bus network.
It is recommended to utilize shielded 2 wire cable (for example Lapp Unitronic Best.-Nr. 2170-220T or Siemens
Best.-Nr.6XV1830-OEH10) to protect the network against electromagnetic interference. The shield must be
connected on both ends, good conductivity of the shield is paramount. Do not switch the data lines A and B.
Furthermore, keep Profibus cables as far away from other highly radiating cables (for example, high voltage cables,
frequency converters, VFD, etc.)
Ascertain that the power potential level is compensated between various masters and slaves (uniform potential)
(Refer to Aufbaurichtlinien/ EMV-Manahmen im Fachbuch: Profibus-DP/DPV1 Hthig-Verlag ISBN 3-
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Burner Control CBR

Profibus interface connection:

CBR burner control units have a bus connection (9 pin SUB-D) integrated into the flange plate.
To complete the connection, a Variosub-D connector (9-pin male) is available (included in orders with
Profibus interface). This connector includes two cable glands with gaskets for cable diameters from 5 to
9mm, terminals for connections, termination device. The termination device can be activated from out
side the plug via an integrated switch. Bus termination between the two conductors A and B is
approximately 220 Ohm. A multi meter should be used to test and confirm this resistance between pins 3
and 8. The bus terminals within the connector are labeled 1A,1B,2A,2B. Make sure the same conductor
colour is maintained throughout devices and that they are connected to the same label throughout.
There is no applicable code pertaining to wiring colours for Profibus. It has become semi standard to
use green for A and red for B. Incoming connections are terminated on 1A, 1B and the outgoing
connections are terminated on 2A, 2B. The shield is to be connected securely by the shield bracket.
(Refer to the installation instructions of the plug manufacturer).

CBR Profibus Data Cable Connections

CBR Control box

Sub-D 9-pin
5 1
8 3 9 6 6 5 1


Variosub Profibus-
9-pin connector
1A 1B 2A 2B WS T.--Nr. 970-00-440

green red

shield green shield


Incomming bus cable Outgoing bus cable to next CBR

Note: Bus connector can be removed from the CBR without interrupting the bus.
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Burner Control CBR

Declaration of the Profibus interface:

Manufacturers tag 0x3218 (UNIGATE IC-Profibus der Firma Deutschmann Automation
Sync- und Freeze- Mode - is supported
(Sync- command: all outputs of addressed slaves frozen
Freeze- command: freeze all inputs of addressed slaves)
Cycle time Maximum duration until response of a request telegram, depending on bus
transfer rate:
9,6kBit/s 500kBit/s 15 Bit times
1500kBit/s 20 Bit times
3000kBit/s 35 Bit times
6000kBit/s 50 Bit times
12000kBit/s 95 Bit times
Diagnostic The Profibus module creates an external diagnosis when a fault is detected.
The diagnostic information of the DP slave consists of standard data( 6
Bytes) and a user specific diagnostic number (2 Bytes):
Octet 1:
Bit 0 = Diag.station does not exist (set by master)
Bit 1 = Diag.station not_ready: slave is not ready for data transfer
Bit 2 = Diag.cfg_fault: configuration files do not correspond
Bit 3 = Diag.ext_diag: slave has external diagnostic data
Bit 4 = Diag.not supported: requested function not supported by slave
Bit 5 = Diag.invalid_slave_response (perm. sets slave to 0)
Bit 6 = Diag.prm_fault: incorrect set up (ID number etc.)
Bit 7 = Diag.master_lock (set by master): slave configured by other master
Octet 2:
Bit 0 = Diag.prm_req: slave must be reconfigured
Bit 1 = Diag.stat_diag: statistical diagnosis (Byte Diag-Bits)
Bit 2 = 1
Bit 3 = Diag.wd_on: polling supervision activated
Bit 4 = Diag.freeze_mode: freeze command received
Bit 5 = Diag.sync_mode: Sync command received
Bit 6 = reserved
Bit 7 = Diag.deactivated (set by master)
Octet 3:
Bit 0 Bit 6 = reserved
Bit 7 = Diag.ext_overflow
Octet 4:
Diag.master_add: master address after configuratin (FF without configuration)
Octet 5: ID number High byte
Octet 6: ID number Low byte
Octet 7: external diagnosis: header length
Octet 8: internal UNIGATE- fault code
Parameter - supports only cyclic communication
automatic Baud rate
recognition - supported

Cable length:
Following table valid for cable type A per EN 50170
Baud rate (kbit/s): 9,6 19,2 45,45 93,75 187,5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000
Distance (m): 1200 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100
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Burner Control CBR

Profibus configuration:
When engineering a Profibus DP system, parameters and addresses must be configured for each device.
A GSD file is provided to simplify and standardize this engineering process. The GSD file format is
standardized, so it can be read and recognized by devices of all manufacturers.
Please contact our sales, service or engineering department for the GSD file applicable for your project.
The steps required to access the file should be available from your automation system manual.
The Basic I/O version (minimum configuration) for data transfer, includes only the output byte (AB0)
and the 2 input bytes (EB0 + EB1).
The Standard I/O version can transfer and analyze the four input bytes (EB0,EB1,EB2,EB3) as well the
output byte (AB0).
More information regarding the Extended I/O version can be obtained upon request.
The address of individual bus devices can be set via the CBR function keys (refer to Profibus Address
Setting). Each CBR is delivered with the invalid address 127 preselected. However, it is still possible to
operate the burner control unit in manual mode, without a valid Profibus address.

Data transfer (Bytes/Bits) from master (host) to the CBR burner control unit:
Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures
however, remain principally the same. Please contact our sales or engineering department.

Following tables illustrate the data transfer between master (host) and slave (CBR).

Table 1: Output byte (Master CBR):

Bit Output byte AB0
0 Remote reset (impuls 0,5s)
1 Heat demand
2 Cooling
3 Purge
4 unused
5 Flame mode
6 unused
7 reserved

Table 2: Input bytes (CBR Master):

Bit EB0 EB1 EB2 EB3

0 Burner operation Manual mode State/Error byte *) Main gas valve ON

Delta-p switch air 1
1 Burner fault Flame gas valve ON
2 Air valve ON Safety chain OK Gas valve FLOX 1 ON
Excess temperature,
3 Air purge ON Gas valve FLOX 2 ON
Excess temperature Delta-p switch 2 (max)/
4 Cooling ON
burner head/exhaust exhaust gas thermost.
Cooling valve or air/ Delta-p switch 3
5 Flame sensed
exhaust valve 1 ON
Eductor valve or air/ Gas pressure switch
6 FLOX -mode ON
exhaust valve 2 ON (optional)
Common exhaust flap State/Error byte *) POC switch for main
7 Heating stand-by
ON gas valve (optional)
*) see table 3
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Tab.3: Status byte EB2 signal reference (CBR Master):

(In dependence of Bit 1 (EB0) burner fault, either the operating status (State) may be analyzed at
0 or the fault code may be analyzed at 1
Byte Byte Display State Text
(decimal) (HEX) CBR
0 Fxx 0 Fault Fault Code
1 01 00 1 Pre-purge
2 02 d3 2 Safety chain interrupted self resetting
3 03 01 3 Test R1 (Relay SHK is tested for 5 seconds)
4 04 1 4 Watchdog loading phase
5 05 A0 5 Flame: waiting for heat demand
6 06 A1 6 Flame: false flame signal
7 07 A1 7 Flame: idle check air delta-p switch 1
8 08 H1 8 Manual mode pause 1
9 09 A1 9 Flame : air pre-purge
10 0A A1 10 Flame: Ignition on
11 0B A1 11 Flame: Ignition off
12 0C A1 12 Flame: Flame supervision
13 0D A2 13 Flame: minimum time start mode
14 0E A2 14 Flame: Start mode (max 24 h)
15 0F H2 15 Manual mode pause 2
16 10 A3 16 Flame: minimum time flame mode
17 11 A3/H3 17 Flame: Flame operation / manual mode pause
18 12 H4 18 Manual mode pause 3
19 13 A4 19 Flame: Post purge
20 14 A4 20 Flame: Post combustion duration
21 15 A4 21 Flame: Minimum pause flame mode
22 16 b0 22 FLOX: waiting for heat demand
23 17 b1 23 FLOX: idle check air delta-p switch 1
24 18 b2 24 FLOX: air pre-purge
25 19 b2 25 FLOX: Start FLOX mode
26 1A b2 26 FLOX: Minimum time FLOX mode
27 1B H6 27 Manual mode: Pause 4
28 1C b2 28 FLOX: Operation (max. 24h)
29 1D b4 29 FLOX: Post purge
30 1E b4 30 FLOX: Minimum pause FLOX mode
31 1F Pd 31 Air purge: Idle check air delta-p switch 1
32 20 P0 32 Air purge
33 21 d1 33 Excess temperature burner head
34 22 C0 34 Cooling (cooling air)
35 23 d2 35 Start and flame mode not released
36 24 H5 36 Manual mode: Pause 5
37 25 d4 37 False flame during restart attempt
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Table 3: Error byte EB2 signal mask (CBR Master):

(In dependence of Bit 1 (EB0) burner fault, either the operating status (State) may be analyzed at
0 or the fault code may be analyzed at 1)
Byte Byte Display Error Text
(decimal) (HEX) CBR
3 03 F 03 0x03 Hardware error (high Voltage, ambient temperature)
Remote reset error (more than 5 reset attempts in last
4 04 F 04 0x04
15 minutes)
12 0C F 0C 0x0C Configuration error
17 11 F 11 0x11 Hardware error (low Voltage)
18 12 F 12 0x12 Power loss
29 1D F 1d 0x1D Processor crash (EMV interference)
87 57 F 57 0x57 Fault external FLOX/Flame selection (XOR)
88 58 F 58 0x58 Manual mode: Timeout
91 5B F 5b 0x5B Thermocouple error burner housing
92 5C F 5C 0x5C Thermocouple error combustion chamber
93 5D F 5d 0x5D Temperature logging ambient
94 5E F 5E 0x5E Temperature ambient too high
95 5F F 5F 0x5F Temperature combustion chamber too high
98 62 F 62 0x62 Fault external FLOX/Flame selection (too many cycles)
162 A2 F A2 0xA2 Safety chain input without signal
False flame signal at start-up or ground fault at
166 A6 F A6 0xA6
ionisation electrode
167 A7 F A7 0xA7 no flame formation at start-up
168 A8 F A8 0xA8 Flame loss in flame mode
170 AA F AA 0xAA Idle check error air delta-p switch 1
173 AD F Ad 0xAD Gas deficiency gas delta-p switch
180 B4 F b4 0xB4 Air deficiency air delta-p switch 1
181 B5 F b5 0xB5 High pressure air delta-p switch 2
182 B6 F b6 0xB6 POC Main gas valve (over travel test)
183 B7 F b7 0xB7 Excess temperature burner housing
184 B8 F b8 0xB8 Low pressure air delta-p switch 3
False flame signal at start-up or ground fault at
186 BA F bA 0xBA
ionisation electrode
187 BB F bb 0xBB Safety chain interrupted
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Enter Profibus Address (initial commissioning) WS Delivery: 127 (invalid)

Test Profibus communication Test Profibus address

Enter Profibus Address (correction): Example: change from 4 to 3

Test Profibus communication

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Burner Control CBR

Manual Operation CBR

Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

For service adjustments, emissions testing und failure diagnosis the burner can be operated in manual
The power supply must be connected phase correct and all contacts of the process line permissives /safety
limits are closed, so that power (same potential) is present at the safety chain terminal of the CBR.

The following adjustments can be made via Comfort Configuration Step 0 or Parameter 10:
0 Automatic operation
1 Manual mode: Air purge
2 Manual mode: Heating
3 lock out control box (locked)
These selections require a password (operator password)

Entering Password (Operator):

Manual Mode Air Purge:

Air purge ON

Air purge OFF

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Manual Mode Heating: Burner in Start Mode:

functions are dependant on the current operating mode
(temperature range)

Manual Mode Heating: Burner in Flame Mode:

functions are dependant on the current operating mode
(temperature range)
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Burner Control CBR

Manual Mode Heating Burner in FLOX -Mode:

functions are dependant on the current operating mode
(temperature range)

Manual Mode Timeout:

Operation in manual mode is time limited. Once this time is
exceeded, the CBR is automatically locked out.

Exiting Manual Mode:

(Return to automatic operation)
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Burner Control CBR

Testing the Safety Features

Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

Screw driver

Digital thermometer

Salient notes:

Safety features of the thermal processing line must not circumvented or disabled.
Functionality of the safety features of every burner must be validated prior to each application
start-up, such as may occur after commissioning, maintenance work or extended down times.

How to:

1. Test ground connection

Attention! Every burner must be connected with ground. This can be achieved via the burner
control unit or directly through the system ground. It is not permissible to daisy chain ground
connections from burner to burner!

2. Safety shut-down in flame mode

The following manipulations must lead to a fault shut-down of the firing burner:
interruption of the gas supply (via manual shut-off valve)
interruption of the combustion air supply (via manual shut-off valve)
removing the UV sensor head from the burner

3. Safety shut-down in FLOX- mode

The following manipulations must lead to a fault shut-down of the firing burner:
interruption of the combustion air supply (via manual shut-off valve)
removing the connector from the pressure switch (Delta-p air min.)

4. Safety relevant FLOX- release temperature

Regular validation of the temperature measurements and the associated fault shut-off and alarms is

Comparative measurement of the dual thermocouple for FLOX- release.

(reference measuring point, for example inline testing port) with CBR information display:
select information display vie + and
0 = temperature in hundreds 1 = temperature in single digits (e.g. 0 08 + 1 70 = 870C)
= continue to next information display; = exit or, timeout after 20 seconds
Interrupt the temperature measurement circuit.
dual thermocouple for FLOX- release fault shut-off F 5CP
b) burner head thermocouple fault shut-off 1
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Burner Faults
Please follow all applicable safety regulations. Depicted configurations may differ from the actual scope of delivery, procedures however,
remain principally the same.

Attention: Danger of electrocution!

Remove power (lockout and tag out) prior to working on electrical components.

Fault trouble shooting by authorized trained professionals! Repair attempts on the CBR will void
the warranty!
Improper attempts at repairs and incorrect electrical connections, for example providing power to
output terminals can cause gas valves to pen and destroy the CBR fail safe operation can no
longer be guaranteed!

Attention: Danger to life and limb by electrical shock!

Remove power from any electrical components prior to commencing work!
Only trained, authorized professionals are permitted to perform electrical work. Repairs of the CBR are not
permitted warranty voided if attempted. Incorrect repairs or electrical connections e.g. powering
outputs can open gas valves and destroy the CBR fail safe functionality of the unit is no longer
Most faults can be reset, thus restarting the burner, by pressing the local reset button for a minimum of
second, or by activating the remote reset signal.
In case of reoccurring fault, avoid multiple or continuous reset attempts and determine the root, cause of
the fault by trouble shooting the burner.
Reset attempts are limited to five (5) per 15 minute interval. (refer to fault F 04 )

Each reset will initiate a restart, indicated by a flashing: 8 88

This is always followed by several seconds of air purge and burner a relight attempt (look at parameter).
For some faults the CBR can be configured so that they do not cause a shut-off of the burner. The fault is
then indicated on the CBR display.

Please contact the WS service department if a fault persists and can not be reset.
Power down the burner control box and close the manual gas shut-off valve. Isolate the burner from the
exhaust system (i.e. Shut-off valve or blind flange). The faulting burner should be locked out and tagged
out to prevent unintended activation.
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a) Status Display

Fault Code Fault / Cause Check / Solution

Temp. Supervision (optional) An optional, measured temperature has

P e.g. Burner head temperature or exhaust exceeded the set limit
1 temperature exceeded

Flame operation locked out The CBR is only configured for a

and FLOX temperature not yet reached FLOX only burner
2 Incorrect configuration of the CBR?

Safety chain limits / permissives Upstream combustion safety devices are

interrupted not on line; Burners are not permitted to
3 operate

Check the limits and permissives

False flame signal detected by the UV (see fault F A6)

sensor or ionization electrode during a
4 restart attempt

These faults do not cause a burner shut-off and will auto reset once conditions are within normal
operating limits.
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b) Burner faults
Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:

Fault Code Fault / Cause Check / Resolution

Safety chain limits / permissives Upstream combustion safety devices are

interrupted not on line; Burners are not permitted to

Check the limits and permissives

F A2

False flame signal detected by Unusually long residual flare after burner
ionization electrode or the UV-probe has turned off e.g. gas valve leakage;
UV-probe defective or aged;
Ground connection of ionization

F A6 Air purge orifices in the gas head plugged


Incorrect configuration of the CBR?

Flame loss during STS Check the gas and air flow volumes;
(no flame established during start-up) Check spark plug connection;
Is a spark generated, transformer OK?
Is the spark visible through the sight

F A7 Moisture present in the brass ignition

Remove the gas nozzle, ceramic tube,
High Voltage! ignition rod, disc for gas lance and check;
Use caution when removing the spark UV-probe defective?
plug cap! Automatic restart attempts Residual air in the gas piping?
will power the ignition transformer! Power connection (N and L1) reversed
Flame loss in start / flame operation Check the gas and air flow volumes;
(flame lifts off during operation) Compare differential pressures with those
stated on burner name plate;
UV-probe defective?
Check flame signal; Burner internals

F A8 defective
With start/flame burners, switching
temperature for next mode in order?
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Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:

Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution

Safety check delta-p air min. Delta-p switch defective;
Flexible hose from pressure switch
(negative side) to the measuring orifice
lose or leaking;
Continuous air flow while burner is off
check air switching valves

Delta-p gas Delta-p switch defective; Gas flow

(optional delta-p switch for gas signals volume adjusted too low;
gas deficiency) Threshold of delta-p switch selected too
low lower setting;
FA Incorrect configuration of CBR

Delta-p air min. Delta-p switch defective; Air volume flow

(pre-adjusted to approx. half of delta-p too low; Exhaust suction not present;
of nominal air flow volume) Flexible hose from pressure switch
(positive side) to the measuring orifice
Minimum required air volume not lose or leaking;
achieved Threshold of delta-p switch selected too
F 4 low lower setting;
Flexible hoses switched;
High pressure air missing

Delta-p air 2 (optional) or . E.g. Delta-p air max.:

Delta-p switch defective; Flexible hose
from pressure switch box (negative side)
to the measuring orifice lose or leaking;
Exhaust gas suction too high; Air flow

F 5 volume too high; Threshold of delta-p

switch selected too low lower setting;

Exhaust gas thermostat (optional) Exhaust gas temperature too high?

Thermostat defective or connection
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Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:

Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution

Faulty optional Main gas valve is not closing;
Proof of Closure Switch Main gas valve defective; Proof of closure
(POC) switch defective;
Check electrical connections.

Incorrect configuration of CBR

F 6

Pressure switch air 3 (optional) E.g. radiant tube pressure switch.:

Exhaust valve not closing;
Exhaust pressure (negative) deviates from
pressure curve;
Pressure switch defective; Threshold of

F 8 delta-p switch selected too low lower

setting; Moisture in pressure switch?

False flame signal detected by the UV- Unusually long residual flare after burner
probe during start-up has turned off e.g. gas valve leakage; UV-
(similar to F A6) probe defective or aged
Burner internals defective?
Ground connection of Ionization

F a electrode?
Air purge orifices in the gas head plugged

Safety interlock open Upstream combustion safety devices are

(similar to F A2) not on line; Burners are not permitted to

Check the limits and permissives

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c) Control and Operating Faults

Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution

Bus fault The TWI bus cable (service interface) is
blocked by a defective bus client (e.g.
F1 defective Vision Box)

Display fault (internal) The connected display is invalid

Password fault Incorrect password entered or password
not confirmed by pressing reset button.
Note: Access to device configuration
levels protected by dedicated passwords
Reset fault Prolonged reset signal present (> 10
seconds) or signal is already present when
F4 connecting power

Input fault An attempt was made to overwrite a non

F5 changeable parameter.
Button combination locked

Burner (CBR) locked out The CBR is locked out
Comfort Configuration 0 or parameter
(A burner may be turned off in this 10 (manual mode) is set to 3
F7 fashion) For example after long operation in
manual mode.
Comfort Configuration 0 or parameter
flashing 10 must be set to 0 (automatic mode) or
to manual mode (1 or 2)
Configuration error Parameters 65 and 90 have colliding

F8 settings.

Profibus fault The connection with the Profibus master
interrupted; Profibus IC defective or
F9 missing

P. 23 / 25
Burner Control CBR

Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:
Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution
Hardware fault Ambient temperature too high;
Excess power supply level in main power
F 03
Reset fault Wait until new reset is permitted
(Too many reset attempts. Maximum 5
resets per 15 minute interval permitted)
F 04
Configuration error Switching intervals are smaller than the
test intervals of the pressure switch or the
thermocouple configuration or
F 0C post air purge / post combustion < 0.5s

Communication fault On TWI Bus: Only add or remove client

TWI Bus with power off
(Service- interface)
F 16
CBR powered down externally The CBR was powered down remotely via
the PC software of the Vision Box.

F 18
Processor fault Strong EMV interference

P. 24 / 25
Burner Control CBR

Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:
Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution
External FLOX/Flame switching fault XOR signals not present at FLOX and
flame terminals with external
FLOX/flame release (without
F 57 thermocouple

Timeout manual operation CBR turns to status F 58 (manual state 1

or 2) after 15 minutes of continuous
operation in manual mode, After reset the
F 58 box is in state F 7 (state 3). The state
must then be changed back to automatic
mode (state 0). See fault display F 7.
Profibus fault The connection with the Profibus master
interrupted; Profibus IC defective or
F 59
Temperature supervision (optional) Thermocouple not connected properly,
Thermocouple fault / Positive and negative leads switched;
Burner head / exhaust gas temperature Thermocouple defective
Combustion chamber thermocouple The dual thermocouple for the CBR is
fault defective;
(Dual thermocouple fault) The temperature deviation between both
elements is too large;
Faulty thermocouple connection;

F 5C Positive and negative leads switched;

Thermocouples fail the cyclical test
{Phase correct connection of the ground fault or both elements are
CBR is essential. Otherwise power my touching; influence of signal converter
be connected to the compensating wire
danger of electrocution!

Ambient temperature fault The ambient temperature surrounding the

CBR is too high
P. 25 / 25
Burner Control CBR

Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault Code:
Fault Display Fault / Cause Check / Resolution
Ambient temperature fault The ambient temperature surrounding the
CBR is too high

F 5E
Combustion chamber temperature Shut down to protect the burner against
fault excessive ambient temperatures;
(Over temperature burner) Fault does not auto reset after temperature
F 5F has dropped

Thermocouple fault

Too frequent signal change Check switching and signals

Flame to FLOX (>3 in 30s) at the signal
inputs of burners with external FLOX /
F 62 flame switching

d) Internal faults

Other error codes indicate CBR internal faults.

If reset attempts are unsuccessful, please contact the WS Service Department.

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