Horizontal Acceleration Is Zero Vertical Acceleratio: Mass Velocity

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: how much stuff is moving and how fast uam

the stuff is moving. Momentum depends upon Under special circumstances, we can
examples, a mass unit is multiplied byuse
a a series of
the variables mass and velocity. In terms of an three equations to describe or predict movement Vf = Vi
velocity unit to provide a momentum unit. This
equation, the momentum of an object is equal + at d = Vi t +with
is consistent theVf 2 = Vi 2for
equation + 2ad Most often,
to the mass of the object times the velocity these equations are used to describe either horizontal or
of the object. vertical motio
In physics, the symbol for the quantity Projectile Motion: a special case of
momentum is the lower case p. Thus, the above uniformly accelerated motion
equation can be rewritten as Horizontal acceleration is zero No
p = m v horizontal forces (neglecting air resistance) Therefore,
where m is the mass and v is the velocity. The horizontal velocity does not change Vertical
equation illustrates that momentum is directly
proportional to an object's mass and directly acceleration is equal to the acceleration due to
proportional to the object's velocity. gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2) Constant attractive force
(Newtons Law of Gravitation) Therefore, vertical
The units for momentum would be mass units velocity changes (specifically, it decreases) at a constant
times velocity units. The standard metric unit rate (9.8 m/s every sec)
of momentum is the kgm/s. While the kgm/s
is the standard metric unit of momentum, Momentum is a commonly used term in sports. A team
there are a variety of other units that are that has the momentum is on the move and is going to
acceptable (though not conventional) units of take some effort to stop. A team that has a lot of
momentum. Examples include kgmi/hr, momentum is really on the move and is going to be hard
kgkm/hr, and gcm/s. In each of these to stop. Momentum is a physics term; it refers to the
quantity of motion that an object has. A sports team
that is on the move has the momentum. If an object is in
motion (on the move) then it has momentum. Momentum
can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so
If you've ever kicked a ball, hit a punching In this formula, Momentum (p) equals Mass
bag, or played sports that involved any kind of (m) times Velocity (v). Momentum is a vector
ball, you have been using the concept of which is equal to the product of mass and
impulse without even knowing it. So what velocity (which is also a vector).
exactly is impulse, and what does it have to do
with any of those situations?

Before we can define impulse, we need to talk

about the concept of momentum. Momentum is But how is momentum related to impulse?
a measure of strength and a measure of how When a force acts on an object for a short
difficult it is to stop an object. An object that amount of time, impulse is the measure of how
is not moving has zero momentum. A slow- much the force changes the momentum of an
moving, large object has a large momentum. A object.
fast-moving, small object also has a large
The formula for impulse looks like this:
momentum. For example, if a ping-pong ball
and a bowling ball have the same velocity, then
the bowling ball has a greater momentum
because it is more massive than the ping-pong

This is the formula for momentum:

Because impulse is a measure of how much the
momentum changes as a result of force acting
on it for a period of time, an alternative
formula for impulse looks like this:
"collision" implies nothing about the magnitude of the

Some examples of physical interactions that

This formula relates impulse to the change in
scientists would consider collisions:
the momentum of the object. Impulse has two
different units, either kilogram times meters An insect touches its antenna to the leaf of
per second (kg m/s) or Newton times seconds a plant. The antenna is said to collide with
(Ns). leaf.
A cat walks delicately through the grass.
Each contact that its paws make with the
ground is a collision. Each brush of its fur
Example against a blade of grass is a collision.
In this first example, we'll look at the impulse for an When a boxer throws a punch, his fist is
object that collides with a wall and stops after the said to collide with the opponent's face.
collision. If the 2.0 kg object travels with a velocity
of 10 m/s before it hits the wall, then the impulse can
be calculated using the formula.
Collision is short-duration interaction between
A collision or crash is an event in which two or more two bodies or more than two bodies
bodies exert forces on each other for a relatively simultaneously causing change in motion of
bodies involved due to internal forces acted
short time. Although the most common colloquial use
between them during this. Collisions involve
of the word "collision" refers to incidents in which two
forces (there is a change in velocity). The
or more objects collide, the scientific use of the word magnitude of the velocity difference just
before impact is called the closing speed. All between zero and one. A perfectly elastic
collisions conserve momentum. What collision has a coefficient of restitution of
distinguishes different types of collisions is one; a perfectly inelastic collision has a
whether they also conserve kinetic energy. coefficient of restitution of zero.
The Line of impact is the line which is collinear There are two types of collisions between two
to the common normal of the surfaces that bodies - 1) Head-on collisions or one-
are closest or in contact during impact. This is dimensional collisions - where the velocity of
the line along which internal force of collision each body just before impact is along the line
of impact, and 2) Non-head-on collisions,
acts during impact, and Newton's coefficient
oblique collisions or two-dimensional collisions
of restitution is defined only along this line. - where the velocity of each body just before
Specifically, collisions can either impact is not along the line of impact.
be elastic, meaning they conserve both According to the coefficient of restitution, there
momentum and kinetic energy, are two special cases of any collision as written
or inelastic, meaning they conserve momentum below:
but not kinetic energy. An inelastic collision is
1. A perfectly elastic collision is defined as
sometimes also called a plastic collision.
one in which there is no loss of kinetic
A perfectly inelastic collision (also called a energy in the collision. In reality, any
"perfectly plastic" collision) is a limiting macroscopic collision between objects
case of inelastic collision in which the two will convert some kinetic energy
bodies stick together after impact. to internal energy and other forms of
The degree to which a collision is elastic or energy, so no large-scale impacts are
inelastic is quantified by the coefficient of perfectly elastic. However, some
restitution, a value that generally ranges problems are sufficiently close to
perfectly elastic that they can be Collisions in ideal gases approach perfectly
approximated as such. In this case, the elastic collisions, as do scattering interactions
coefficient of restitution equals one. of sub-atomic particles which are deflected
2. An inelastic collision is one in which part by the electromagnetic force. Some large-
of the kinetic energy is changed to some scale interactions like the slingshot type
other form of energy in the gravitational interactions between satellites
collision. Momentum is conserved in and planets are perfectly elastic.
inelastic collisions (as it is for elastic Collisions between hard spheres may be nearly
collisions), but one cannot track the elastic, so it is useful to calculate the limiting
kinetic energy through the collision case of an elastic collision. The assumption of
since some of it is converted to other conservation of momentum as well as the
forms of energy. In this case, conservation of kinetic energy makes possible
coefficient of restitution does not equal the calculation of the final velocities in two-
one. body collisions.
In any type of collision there is a phase when
for a moment colliding bodies have the same
velocity along the line of impact.Then the
kinetic energy of bodies reduces to its Enelastic colliosion
minimum during this phase and may be called a Elastic collisions only occur when there is no
maximum deformation phase for which form of energy conversion. Kinetic energy
momentarily the coefficient of restitution exchanged between the colliding bodies or
becomes one. imparted by the moving body to the stationary
one, without any other forms, are produced.
Colliding billiard balls lose energy to friction definition
with the surface on approach and to sound, Collision is a free event which takes place
heat and compression at impact. The between the two or more than molecules. This
magnitudes of energy relative to the total is completed within a short time period. The
kinetic energy are extremely small and can be concept of collision is based on the
ignored in principle, allowing the approximation conservation of momentum and change in the
of the collision between the balls to tend to kinetic energy. These laws imply that there is
the perfectly elastic case for simplicity. no change in the total momentum and kinetic
energy of the system when the collision takes
For extremely small colliding particles, these places. It is classified in two types,
exchange energies cannot be ignored. On
approach, the kinetic energy of two colliding
gas molecules is converted into repulsive, Elastic collision
potential energy resulting from their Inelastic collision.
dispersional and columbic interactions. This
The elastic collision involves conservation of
repulsion is then converted back into kinetic
momentum and kinetic energy without
energy, with some loss of linear momentum in
dissipative force. The collision between hard
the form of angular momentum. Collisions
steel balls or swinging balls, ideal gases
between atoms or subatomic particles are
collision and also the collision of atomic or
perfectly elastic, because the linear and
nuclear scattering is elastic in nature.
angular energies are conserved in each
The inelastic collision is the collision which
involves only change in kinetic energy. All
ordinary collisions are inelastic in nature
because in this collision, the kinetic energy is Examples:
changed into internal energy; for examples, A particle of mass 4.0 kg, initially moving with
collision between car, trucks or airlines etc. a velocity of 2.0 m/s collides elastically with a
particle of mass 6.0 kg. initially moving with a
A type of collision in which 2 Laws are velocity of -4.0 m/s. What are the velocities
followed viz. of the two particles after the collision?
1. The Law of Conservation of Momentum m1 = 4.0 kg
and m2 = 6.0 kg
2. The Law of Conservation of Kinetic v1_before = 2.0 m/s
Energy v2_before = -4.0 m/s
v1_after = ?
A type of collision in which there is no net
v2_after = ?
conversion of kinetic energy in any other form
before or after the collision is called Elastic
Collision. momentum
in classical mechanics, linear momentum,
If we consider the collision between two small
translational momentum, or simply momentum
objects then during the collision the kinetic
(pl. momenta; SI unit kg. m/s) is the product
energy first gets converted into potential
of the mass and velocity of an object,
energy and finally this potential energy again
quantified in kilogram-meters per second. It is
gets converted into kinetic energy. In this way
dimensionally equivalent to impulse, the
the kinetic energy is conserved.
product of force and time, quantified
in newton-seconds.

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