Elc - Assignment PDF
Elc - Assignment PDF
Elc - Assignment PDF
1. ELC is designed to enable the participants to learn by doing. This will also form part of the
Evaluation Components for the course and carries a weight of 15%.
2. This will be a group exercise with group size of maximum 8 participants. The exercise is divided
into modules. The work that you need to do for each module has two sections-
2.1. Activity ( may require survey, field work or primary research) &
2.2. Task (will require to prepare a written document/ note/books of account)
3. The activity & task for each module will be clearly articulated and provided to you in intervals
as we progress through the course.
4. The steps are as follows:
Module Activity Task For what? * Timelines
Groups Formation of groups Determine & Assign firms Completed on
prepare list of /companies to 30/09/2017
participants in the groups.
each group.
1&2 Choose one existing firm/ company Explain the Company type
(a small setup to enhance the entire business allotted to the
learning) based on the type of the process of the group and Complete on
company assigned. Understand the company (in not posted on taxila or before
entire business activity of the more than 600 (30/09/2017) 09/09/2017
company by researching on the words).
type of company assigned.
For the chosen company determine List the assets Submission
what the assets and liabilities, this and liabilities window on
company will typically have. for the company taxila portal
that you have will be
chosen. For the available
For the chosen company determine List the sources company chosen from
what the main sources of revenue of revenue. 07/09/2017 to
are. 09/09/2017
For the chosen company determine List the
what the key expenses are. expenses
The next step is to form a new company based on the type of the company chosen by 09/09/2017
you in the previous study and decide a name for your company. The name should To be
include the company characteristic as well. For eg.Wellness Pharmacist. The form submitted on
of the business can be decided by you: whether Proprietorship or Private Limited taxila
Company. A two line submission Name & Form of the company.
3 Analyze the transactions Journalize the Based on the list 11/09/2017-
transactions. of transactions 16/09/2017
provided to you
4 Classify the transactions Post the For the above 17/09/2017-
transactions in Journalised 22/09/2017
ledger. transactions
5 Summarize the transactions Prepare Trail For the ledger 25/09/2017-
balance accounts opened 02/10/2017
6 Prepare Final accounts Prepare P& L 03/10/2017 -
and Balance 12/10/2017
Sheet for the
Final Collate all the responses for Submit the On taxila On or before
submi Module 1 to 6. The final report with all 15/10/2017
ssion submission will include all above responses
the parts of task submission in ONE
from Module 1 to 6. document
*Information in this column will be provided by Course Instructor
The list of companies allotted to each group is as follows. You are required to start with the activity and tasks
for Module 1 & 2. Please complete this exercise before 9th September 2017.
The Companies allotted to the groups are as under: