Coa C2014-002 PDF
Coa C2014-002 PDF
Coa C2014-002 PDF
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
I. Rationale
Republic Act (RA) No. 10121 more popularly known as the "Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 201 0" aims to strengthen the governance framework for
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (NDRRM) and institutionalize the
NDRRM Plan. The enactment of the law demonstrates the importance given by the
Government to mainstream DRRM in the development processes to better prepare for and
lessen the impact of deadly and costly natural and man-made hazards/disasters with the goal
of promoting sustainable socio-economic growth.
In the use of disaster funds, emergency procedures are usually introduced and become
operational but procedural controls are frequently bypassed to save lives and mitigate losses.
II. Coverage
This Circular shall cover the accounting and reporting on the receipt and utilization of
NDRRMF; cash and in-kind aids/donations from local and foreign sources; and funds
allocated from the agency regular budget for DRRM program.
The NDRRMF is appropriated in the annual GAA which shall be used for disaster
risk reduction or mitigation, prevention and preparedness activities such as, but
not limited to, training of personnel, procurement of equipment and capital
expenditures. It can also be utilized for relief, recovery, reconstruction and other
work services in connection with natural or human-induced calamities which may
occur during the budget year or those that occurred in the past two (2) years from
the budget year. (
The QRF is the thirty percent (30%) of the NDRRMF allocated to the agencies
identified by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(NDRRMC) for relief and recovery programs in order that situation and living
conditions of people in communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities,
epidemics, or complex emergencies, may be normalized as quickly as possible?
All departments, bureaus, offices and agencies of the government are hereby
authorized to use a portion of their appropriations to implement projects designed
to address DRRM activities in accordance with the guidelines to be issued by the
NDRRMC in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM). 3
Cash donations are assistance or contribution from the local or foreign donor
entity/individual to the National Government for DRRM projects/program.
Section 22.a, RA No. 10121
Section 22.c, RA No. 10121 and Sec. 3, Rule 19, IRR 10121
Section 22.e, RA No. 10121
IV. Accounting Guidelines
2. The agencies (a) that received Special Allotment Release Orders (SAROs) from
NDRRMF; (b) with QRF; and (c) those with DRRMF allocation included in their
respective budgets shall maintain a separate Registry of Allotments and
Obligations (RAOs) to be labeled as RAO-DRRM for Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOE) and Capital Outlay (CO) using the formats
prescribed in Appendices 15 and 16, Volume II, MNGAS
3. The charges to NDRRMF, funds allocated for DRRM rojects/program and QRF
shall be recorded in the respective RAOs based on the Obligation Request (ObR).
5. Supplies, materials, equipment and relief goods procured out of the fund shall be
taken up in the books under the appropriate Inventory and/or Property, Plant and
Equipment (PPE) account. Except for PPE, issuances for distribution to end-
users/beneficiaries shall be supported with Requisition Issue Slip (RIS) and taken
up under the appropriate expense account.
6. The Accounting Unit shall prepare and maintain PPE Ledger Cards and Supplies
Ledger Cards for all PPE and relief goods, respectively, procured out of
appropriations. For check and balance, the Property and Supply Unit shall
maintain Property Cards and Stock Cards. The formats prescribed in Appendices
8, 9, 38 and 39, Volume II, MNGAS shall be used.
7. Small items purchased for disaster response and rescue activities, which do not
qualify under the equipment classification, shall also be recorded under the
appropriate Inventory account and the issuances to be charged to appropriate
expense account. Issuances shall be supported with RIS.
8. The monthly Report of Supplies and Materials Issued (RSMI) shall be prepared by
the Property and Supply Unit based on the RIS, using the formats in Appendices
59 and 50, respectively, Volume II, MNGAS. The Report shall be submitted to
the Accounting Unit for recording in the books of accounts.
1. The cash donations shall be (a) acknowledged through the issuance of Official
Receipt; (b) deposited with an authorized government depository bank (AGDB)
under a separate bank account for DRRM Funds (DRRMF); and (c) entered in
the Cash Receipts Record by the designated Collecting Officer.
3. Separate Report of Collections and Deposits (RCD) for DRRM shall be prepared
daily by the designated Collecting Officer and submitted to the Accounting Unit
for recording in the Cash Receipts Journal (CRJ) as "Trust Liabilities -
4. The amount directly deposited by the donor to the agency bank account shall be
taken up in the books by the Accounting Unit based on the ba~c dit memo.
6. The Budget Unit shall be furnished copies of the RCD, Journal Entry Voucher
(JEV) and credit memo as bases in the preparation of the Registry of Cash
Donations and Utilization (RCDU) (Annex B). The RCDU shall be maintained
per donor per purpose and updated regularly by the Budget Unit.
7. The Accounting Unit shall prepare and maintain separate subsidiary ledger (SL)
for "Trust Liabilities-DRRMF" (Annex C) for cash donations received
amounting to PlOO,OOO.OO and above per donor per purpose while those below
PlOO,OOO.OO shall be grouped and posted in one SL labeled as "Various Donors"
per purpose.
9. Supplies, materials, equipment and relief goods procured out of cash donations
shall be taken up in the books under the appropriate Inventory and/or PPE
account. Issuances to the end-users/beneficiaries, except for PPE, shall be taken
up under the appropriate expense account.
10. Small items purchased for disaster response and rescue activities, which do not
qualify under the equipment classification, shall also be recorded under the
appropriate Inventory account and the issuances to be charged to appropriate
expense account.
11. The Accounting Unit shall prepare and maintain PPE Ledger Cards and Supplies
Ledger Cards for all PPE and relief goods procured out of cash donations. For
check and balance, the Property and Supply Unit shall maintain Property Cards
and Stock Cards. The formats prescribed in Appendices 8, 9, 38 and 39, Volume
II, MNGAS, shall be used.
12. The monthly RSMI shall be prepared by the Property and Supply Unit based on
the RIS, using the formats in Appendices 59 and 50, respectively, Volume II,
MNGAS. The Report shall be submitted to the Accounting Unit for recording in
the books of accounts.
13. All unutilized cash donations after the purpose had been served, shall be:
The amount remitted to the BTr and returned to the donor shall be debited to
Trust Liabilities-DRRMF.
14. Expenses mentioned in para. IV.B.9 and IV.B.lO shall be closed to the account
Trust Liabilities-DRRMF at the end of the year or upon completion of the
purpose, whichever comes first.
Acknowledgment Receipt for In-Kind Donations for DRRM (Annex D) shall be
issued by the Head of the Agency or his/her authorized representative for the
receipt of in-kind donations.
3. Donated PPE which are used in the agency operation shall be taken up by the
Accounting Unit in the agency books based on the declared value in the deed of
donation or the bill of lading/airway bill/parcel notice and other related
documents. The fair market value/appraised value shall be used in the absence
of declared value.
4. Donated PPE shall be recorded in the appropriate Asset account and credited to
the Government Equity account. The corresponding depreciation shall be
recognized using the accounting policy prescribed by COA.
6. The Accounting Unit shall prepare and maintain PPE Ledger Cards for all
donated PPE. For check and balance, the Property and Supply Unit shall
maintain Property Cards. The formats prescribed in Appendices 8, 9, 38 and 39,
Volume II, MNGAS shall be used.
7. In-kind donations other than PPE shall not be recognized in the books of
accounts but shall be recorded in the Registry of Donated Relief Goods for
DRRM to be prepared and maintained by the Property and Supply Unit for each
kind of relief goods using the prescribed format shown in Annex G.
V. Reporting Guidelines
1. The national and local government agencies with DRRMF allocation from the
GAA and/or cash donations received from local and/or foreign sources shall
prepare and submit to NDRRMC through the Office of the Civil Defense (OCD),
on the 5th day following the end of each month, the Report on the Receipt and
Utilization of the DRRMF sourced from GAA (Annex H) and Report on the
Receipt and Utilization of Cash Donations (Annex I). The reports shall be
furnished the respective COA Auditor.
2. The OCD shall prepare monthly reports (Annexes J and K) consolidating the
reports mentioned in V.A.l and annual reports (Annexes Land M) based on the
consolidated monthly reports. The monthly and annual reports shall be submitted
to the NDRRMC on the lOth day of the succeeding month and on or before the
15th day of January of the succeeding year, respectively, copy furnished the COA
Auditor of the OCD.
3. The DBM shall prepare and submit to the OCD, for monitoring purposes, a
monthly status report on the releases ofNDRRMF.
B. In-Kind Donations
The required reports on the receipt and utilization of DRRMF sourced from GAA
and donations in cash and in-kind shall be posted in the official websites of the
implementing/donee-agency, OCD and NDRRMC.
VI. Inventory and Monitoring of all Procured and Donated Supplies, Materials,
Equipment and Relief Goods
1. The head of the agency shall be primarily responsible for the safeguarding of all
procured and donated supplies, materials, equipment and relief goods against loss
and wastage through illegal or improper disposition, in accordance with Section 2,
Presidential Decree No. 1445.
2. The Property Officer shall prepare and maintain an inventory list of all procured
and donated items (Annexes P, P-1 and P-2) based on the updated Stock Cards
and Property Cards prescribed under Sections 41 and 42, Volume II ofMNGAS.
4. Periodic reconciliation of accounting and property records shall be made and
discrepancy(ies), if any, shall be immediately verified and adjusted.
1. The accounts prescribed under COA Circular No. 2013-002 dated January 30,
2013 shall be used in the recording of DRRM transactions. The illustrative
accounting entries are presented in Annex Q.
Beginning balance p XX
Add: Donations during the year XXX
Total Pxxxx
Less: Expenses XXX
Ending balance p XX
VIII. Repealing Clause
All Circulars, memoranda, or other issuances inconsistent with this Circular are hereby
rescinded, repealed and/or modified accordingly.
IX. Effectivity
This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in newspapers of
general circulation.
.,_ \"
Name of Agency
Payee No.
Center Particulars Account Code Amount
~ Certified
~ Certified
Signature Signature
Printed Name Printed Name
Position Position
Head, Budget Unit/ Authorized Representative
Head, Requesting Office/Authorized Representative
Date Date
The certifying officer shall affix his/her signature, indicate his/her printed name, position
and date of his/her signing in the spaces provided.
Box B- certification by the head of the Budget Unit or his/her authorized representative
on the availability of fund for the purpose as indicated therein.
The certifying officer shall affix his/her signature, indicate his/her printed name, position
and date of his/her signing in the spaces provided.
B. This form shall be prepared by the office in-charge of the DRRM projects or personnel authorized by
the agency head and distributed as follows:
Original- to be attached to the DV
Duplicate - Budget Unit
Triplicate- Accounting Unit
C. The Budget Unit shall stamp the date of receipt on the face ofthis form.
D. Any correction/adjustment by the Accounting Unit which will require the corresponding adjustment
of fund utilization shall be coordinated with the Budget Unit.
Annex B
Registry of Cash Donations and Utilization
Name of Agency
cv ___
D. Every sheet shall be footed and the totals shall be carried forward to
the next sheet. The succeeding sheets start with the total brought
Annex C
Name of Agency
Receipt .
Date Foreign Currency
Reference Particulars Local Utilization Balance
Conversion Peso Total
Amount Currency
Rate Equivalent
Annex C
Agency Name
Donor'sName: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Authorized Representative:-----------------------------------
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Purpose of Donation:
Con forme:
~~:th --,-1
Series _ _ _ _ __,
4. Donor's Name- name of donor
5. Authorized Representative name of authorized
representative of donor
6. Address- address of donor
7. Quantity - quantity of items received
8. Unit- unit of measure such as pieces, box of 24, kg, liter/ml
9. Article- type of item such as generator sets, rescue equipment,
rubber boats, bottled water, medicines, blankets and
folding beds.
10. Description - article specification such as brand, weight or
11. Value - for relief goods, the value declared by the donor, if
available. For PPE, the declared value in the deed of
donation or the bill of lading/airway bill/parcel notice
and other related documents. If not available, the fair
market value/appraised value shall be used.
12. Total- total value of the donated items
13. Purpose of Donation- purpose of donation as stated/specified
by the donor
14. Acknowledgment Portion - signature over printed name of the
Head of Agency/authorized representative
15. Conjorme- signature over printed name of the donor or
authorized representative
Agency Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Controii\Jo:: _ _ _ __
Recipient: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Purpose of Donation:
Approved by:
~~:th --,-1
Series - - - - - - - '
4. Recipient - name of recipient identified by the head of the
issuing agency
5. Address- address ofrecipient
6. Quantity- quantity of items issued
7. Unit- unit of measure such as pieces, box of 24, kg, liter/ml
8. Article - type of item such as bottled water, medicines,
blankets and folding beds.
9. Description - article specification such as brand, weight or
10. Value- value of issued items, if available
11. Total- total value of the issued items
12. Purpose of Donation - purpose of donation
13. Approved by - signature over printed name of the Head of
AgencyI authorized representative
14. Issued by - signature over printed name of the
Property/Supply Officer or designated officer of the
issuing agency
15. Received by- signature over printed name of the recipient
Transferor: Transferee:
Designation Designation
Date: Date:
Annex F
Transferring Agency:
Recipient Agency:
4. Auditor thru the Accounting Unit
5. Accounting Unit
6. Property Officer
Annex G
Agency _ _ _ _ __
B. This registry shall be maintained for each kind of relief goods by the
designated Property/Supply Officer.
Annex H
Date Reference Particulars Balance, Beginning Receipt Utilization Balance, End Disbursement Obligation
Annex H
Date Reference Particulars Balance, Beginning Receipt Utilization Balance, End Disbursement Unpaid Obligation
- -~
~- ..
Monthly Consolidated Report on the Receipt and Utilization of DRRMF Sourced from GAA
Office of the Civil Defense (OCD)
For the Month Ending _ _ __
Agency Particulars Balance, Beginning Receipt Utilization Balance, End Disbursement Unpaid Obligation
Annex K
Annual Consolidated Report on the Receipt and Utilization of DRRMF Sourced from GAA
Office of the Civil Defense
ForCY _ _ __
Agency Balance, Beginning Receipt Utilization Balance, End Disbursement Unpaid Obligation
(a) (b) (c) (d= a+ b- c) (e) (f= c- e)
Prepared by:
Property Officer
Prepared by:
Property Officer
Volume Value
Items Remarks
Relief Goods:
Noted by:
Agency H e a f Representative
Annex P
Relief Goods:
Prepared by: Certified Correct by:
Designated Staff, Property Unit Property Officer
Noted by:
11. Value
Unit Cost
Total Cost
5. Total Balance- sum items (a) and (b) above
6. Remarks- condition of inventory items or PPE (e.g., spoiled;
expired, unserviceable)
Relief Goods:
Noted by:
Particulars Account
1. Recording of DRRM fund sourced from: Post the allotment in the Registry of Allotments and
a. allotment for QRF per GAA 500,000.00 300,000.00
b. allocation from agencies' regular budget 50,000.00 RAOMO-DRRM p 800,000.00
c. SARO from DBM 250,000.00 100,000.00 RAOCO-DRRM 400,000.00
800,000.00 400,000.00
2. Receipt of Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) of P 500,000.00 Cash- Modified Disb. System (MDS), Regular 1-01-04-040 500,000.00
Subsidy from National Government 4-03-01-010 500,000.00
P300,000.00 respectively
4. Issuance of welfare goods to the intended beneficiaries Welfare Goods Expenses 5-02-03-060 100,000.00
Welfare Goods for Distribution 1-04-02-020 100,000.00
5. Provision for depreciation on rescue equipment Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 2,250.00
Accumulated Depreciation-DRRE 1-06-05-091 2,250.00
Page 1
Particulars Account
Account Title
I Code I Debit
I Credit
d. Income and expense summary Income and Expense Summary 3-03-01-01 0 297,750.00
Government Equity 3-01-01-01 0 297,750.00
Ending balances:
The above balances form part of the Financial Statements as reporting date
Page 2
Particulars Account
Account Title Debit Credit
I Code I I
II. Cash Donations
1. Receipt of donation
a. Collecting Officer (CO) - P500,000 Cash-Collecting Officer 1-01-01-010 500,000.00
Trust Liabilities-Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Fund (DRRMF) 2-04-01-020 500,000.00
5. Provision for depreciation on DRRE Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 2,250.00
(The generator was purchased in November) Accumulated Depreciation-DRRE 1-06-05-091 2,250.00
Page 3
Particulars Account
Account Title
I Code I Debit
I Credit
Cash in Bank-Local Currency-CA 150,000.00
Welfare Goods for Distribution 50,000.00
Balance, Trust Liabilities-DRRMF 200,000.00
Page 4
Account Title Account Title
2. Transfer of 2 units rubber boats to another gov't Governmert Equity 3-01-01-010 Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment 1-06-05-090
100,000.00 100,000 00
agency in November (DRRE)
Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment 1-06-05-090 Government Equity 3-01-01-010
100,000.00 100,000 00
3. Provision for depreciation in November Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 18,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation-DRRE 1-06-05-091 18,000.00
4. Receipt of various relief goods worth P250,000 No accounting entry but shall be recorded in the
Registry of Donated Relief Goods for DRRM
(Annex F) and any balance at the end of the
year shall be disclosed in the Notes to Financial
Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050
5. Provision for depreciation in December 18,000.00 750.00
Accumulated Depreciation-DRRE 1-06-05-091 18,000.00 Accumulated Depreciation-DRRE 1-06-05-091 750.00
6. Year-end closing entries Income and Expense Summary 3-03-01-01 0 36,000.00 Income and Expense Summary 3-03-01-010 750.00
Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 36,000.00 Depreciation- Machinery and Equipment 5-05-01-050 750.00
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