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1. Name of Student Ms/Mr.
2. Name of College
3. Name of Course (Full Form)
4. Name of Branch/Stream of Course( if any)
5. Total Duration of Course (In years)
6. College/Institute Joined on (Academic Year) Month ___________ Year _______________
7. Course will complete on Month ___________ Year _______________
8. He/She is Continuing the Course in 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th year. (Tick out)
9. Student is getting Scholarship / Stipend / any other
(a) Rs.____________ per month/ year/ semester*
financial assistance from this College/ Institute/State
(* Please strike out which is not applicable, if you
Govt or from any other sources/agencies except
will not strike out the option, it will be assumed as
RS 24000/- (BOYS) OF PMSS (KSB) (b) If not getting, write NIL : ________________
10 Student has cleared all subjects in first attempt in Yes / No (Tick out)
each semester of previous year for award of
scholarship for subsequent year.
11 Student has successfully completed his/her 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th year ((Tick out) and scored the
following marks in each semesters/year without fails:-
Year Exam Held Result Mark sheet Maximum Marks Percentage
on (Month Declared on issued by Marks Obtained
& Year) (Month & university on
Year (Month & Year)
1 st Year (1st & 2nd sem)
2nd Year (3rd & 4th sem)
3rd Year (5th & 6th sem)
4th Year (7th & 8th sem)
5th Year (9th & 10th sem)
Round Stamp of College
Date ______________ Signature of Vice Chancellor/Principal/ Vice Principal/Dean/
Associate Dean/ Registrar/Dy Registrar/Director/Dy Director
Place ______________ (Rubber Stamp of signing official must be affixed)
* Signature of VC/Principal/Vice Principal/Dean/Associate Dean/Registrar/Dy Registrar/Director/Dy Director only will be considered.
1. Please upload Mark sheets issued by University in original (Both Semesters/Academic year). Cases of computer
generated/ photocopy mark sheets will be rejected. Student can apply for renewal for subsequent payment of PMSS within
one year of declaration of result.
2. Signature of Vice Chancellor/Principal/Vice Principal/Dean/Asst Dean/Registrar/Dy Registrar/Director/Dy Director only
will be considered on bonafide certificate otherwise application will be rejected.
3. Please do not overwrite or use of correction pen / whitener otherwise application will be rejected.
4. As per existing policy on Prime Ministers Scholarship Scheme (PMSS) the student must clear his/her all subjects in
first attempt in each semester of previous year to get the benefit of PMSS in subsequent years. Those failed and re-
appeared will not be entertained even if they have cleared their exams in subsequent attempt.
5, I have read and understood the Check List, FAQ and instructions available on website I also certify
that information provided by me is correct and true to best of my knowledge. I have not forged or given wrong
information, if found, my application is liable to be rejected and I will be solely responsible for that.
(Signature of student)
Date : Name of Student____________________

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