International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Y.L. He, H. Han, W.Q. Tao, Y.W. Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Y.L. He, H. Han, W.Q. Tao, Y.W. Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Y.L. He, H. Han, W.Q. Tao, Y.W. Zhang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The potential of punched winglet type vortex generator (VG) arrays used to enhance air-side heat-trans-
Received 25 November 2011 fer performance of nned tube heat exchanger is numerically investigated. The arrays are composed of
Received in revised form 26 April 2012 two delta-winglet pairs with two layout modes of continuous and discontinuous winglets. The heat
Accepted 29 April 2012
transfer performance of two array arrangements are compared to a conventional large winglet congu-
Available online 18 June 2012
ration for the Reynolds number ranging from 600 to 2600 based on the tube collar diameter, with the
corresponding frontal air velocity ranging from 0.54 to 2.3 m/s. The effects of different geometry param-
eters that include attack angle of delta winglets (b = 10 deg, b = 20 deg, b = 30 deg) and the layout loca-
Fin-and-tube heat exchanger
Vortex generator array
tions are examined. The numerical results show that for the punched VG cases, the effectiveness of the
Heat transfer enhancement main vortex to the heat transfer enhancement is not fully dominant while the corner vortex also shows
signicant effect on the heat transfer performance. Both heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop
increase with the increase of attack angle b for the side arrangements; the arrays with discontinuous
winglets show the best heat transfer enhancement, and a signicant augmentation of up to
33.870.6% in heat transfer coefcient is achieved accompanied by a pressure drop penalty of 43.4
97.2% for the 30 deg case compared to the plain n. For the front arrangements of VGs higher heat trans-
fer enhancement and pressure drop penalty can be obtained compared to that of the side arrangement
cases; the case with front continuous winglet arrays has the maximum value of j/f, a corresponding heat
transfer improvement of 36.781.2% and a pressure drop penalty of 60.7135.6%.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5450 Y.L. He et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 54495458
discussed the theoretical basis for the method. Biswas et al. [9] The foregoing literature reviews show that most works in vor-
found that the ow behind a winglet type vortex generator is con- tex generators have employed ideal geometries, and generally
sists of a main vortex, a corner vortex and induced vortices. Lee the number of winglet-type VGs in each row tube dose not exceeds
et al. [10] carried out a numerical study of heat transfer character- one pair. One general thought is that more VGs pairs can be added
istics and turbulent structure in a three-dimensional boundary in each row tube to explore the true potential of the vortex-
layer with longitudinal vortices. enhancement strategy, because the associated pressure drop pen-
Chen et al. [11] numerically investigated heat transfer and ow alty of using winglet type VGs is relatively lower than that of the
in a oval-tube heat transfer element in both in-line and staggered louvered n or slit n. Chen et al. [21] compared the thermo-
arrangements with punched winglets type vortex generators. hydraulic performance of nned oval tube heat exchanger element
Wang et al. [12] utilized a dye-injection technique to visualize with one to three rows of winglets. If more winglet-type VGs were
the ow structure for enlarged plain n-and-tube heat exchanger employed, another question that needs to be answered is that how
with annular and delta winglet vortex generators. Torri et al. [13] we can organize the winglets to achieve the best performance.
proposed a common-ow-up arrangement strategy which can aug- More recently, He et al. [22] proposed a VG array deployed in a
ment heat transfer while reducing pressure penalty in a n-and- V-like conguration by imitating the formations of animals group
tube heat exchanger at relatively low Reynolds number. Leu et al. movement and their experiments showed that this conguration
[14] numerically and experimentally studied the heat transfer only caused very low pressure drop penalty in the case of nearly
and ow in the plate-n and tube heat exchangers with inclined heat transfer performance. However VGs were mounted on the
block shape vortex generators mounted behind the tubes. Wu n surface in their experiment, not punched. In the practical heat
and Tao [15] conducted a numerical simulation to investigate the exchanger design, punched winglets may be easier to be adopted.
heat transfer performance of a rectangular channel with a pair of Hirokazu [23] indicated that continuous punched hole can lead
rectangular winglets VGs punched out from the wall of the chan- to reduction of n efciency, thus the impact of the punching
nel. They analyzed the results from the view of eld synergy prin- should be assessed. Moreover, if the back-row small winglet adja-
ciple [1618]. Joardar and Jacobi [19] experimentally assessed the cent to the preceding one in a VG array, the vortices generated by
potential of winglet-type vortex generator arrays for multi-row different winglets may affect each other and the interactions of the
inline-tube heat exchangers. They found that the air-side heat vortices should be considered.
transfer coefcient increased from 16.5% to 44% for the single- In this work, numerical study of n-and-tube heat exchanger
row winglet arrangement with an increase in pressure drop of less with two kinds of VG arrays and a conventional VG conguration
than 12%; for the three-row vortex generator array the heat trans- in common-ow-up arrangement are performed. For two different
fer coefcient increases from 29.9% to 68.8% with a pressure drop VG arrays, the effect of VG spacing is investigated. Detailed study
penalty from 26% to 87.5%. Joardar and Jacobi [20] also numerically was focused on the complex ow and heat transfer interactions
investigated the ow and heat transfer enhancement using an ar- resulting from employing delta winglet VGs. Meanwhile, effects
ray of VGs in a n-and-tube exchanger with common-ow-up of punching, attack angle and placement locations of delta winglet
arrangement. They observed that the impingement of winglet redi- on the uid ow and heat transfer characteristics were examined.
rected ow on the downstream tube is an important heat transfer Two different performance evaluation criteria (PEC) of area-good-
augmentation mechanism for the inline-tube geometry. ness factor and volume-goodness factor are employed to assess
Y.L. He et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 54495458 5451
6 mm
6 mm
6 mm
2 mm
air flow 10.2 5.115 mm 5.11
3m 5mm
heat exchanger.
3.2 mm
2. Model descriptions y
Fig. 1(a) shows the schematic diagram of core region of a plain (a) Side view
n-and-tube heat exchanger with two-rows tubes along the ow
direction. The tube outside diameter Dc is 10.23 mm, the trans- 22 mm
verse tube pitch Pt is 25.4 mm, the longitudinal tube pitch Pl is
22 mm, the n pitch Fp is 3.2 mm, and the n thickness df is
0.13 mm. The delta winglet pairs are punched out from the n sur-
face and placed symmetrically on both sides of each round tube in
an inline arrangement. The base chord length l and height h of large outflow
winglet are 10.23 mm and 2.56 mm, respectively. The attack angle inlet
b of VG, in this investigation has three different values (b = 10 deg,
25.4 mm
the heat conduction in the ns are taken into account. The temper- Table 1
ature distribution in the ns will be determined by solving the con- Results of different grid numbers.
jugated heat transfer problem between uid and solid in the Grid no. 600,000 840,000 1170,000
computational domain. The governing equations and boundary Nu 24.00 23.81 23.74
conditions for numerical simulation in this paper can be found in f 0.0452 0.0456 0.0456
Ref. [24] and will not be restated here for brevity.
2.3. Numerical methods and grid independence validation performance. The area goodness factor is dened as j/f, while
the volume goodness factor is described as follow:
The computational uid code FLUENT is used to solve the
NavierStokes and energy equations with the corresponding 4r _ a 4r
Z g0 h ; E Dp 8
boundary conditions. The multi-block hybrid method is adopted Dh A0 q D h
to generate the computational grid, and structured grids are pref-
erential where it is feasible. To improve the accuracy of the simu- where Z represents the heat transfer per unit temperature differ-
lation results, the grids around the tubes and vortex generators are ence and per unit core volume and E represents the fan power per
rened with unstructured grids as shown in Fig. 3. Grid indepen- unit core volume.
dence is examined to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the
numerical methods. Three different grid systems, which include 3. Validation of model and numerical method
about 600,000, 840,000 and 1170,000 hybrid cells, are adopted
for the case of array-B at attack angle b = 30 deg and Re = 2600. In order to validate the reliability of the numerical method,
The difference in averaged Nusselt number for the three grid sys- numerical simulation is conducted on a n-and-tube heat transfer
tems is less than 3%, as shown in Table 1. The nal adopted grid exchanger with the same tube diameter as presented in Ref. [26].
number is 840,000. Similar validations are also performed for the The inlet air velocity ranges from 0.54 to 2.33 m/s and the corre-
large winglet and array-A cases. sponding Reynolds number ranges from 600 to 2600. The Colburn
j-factor and friction factor are shown in Fig. 4. The maximum dis-
2.4. Parameter denitions crepancy between the predicted Colburn j-factor and the experi-
mental results is less than 9.5% and the maximum discrepancy
Some parameters are dened as follows: between the predicted friction factor and experimental values is
less than 10%. Almost all the simulation results located within
qum Dc
Re 1 the permitted error range of experiments. The excellent agreement
between the numerical results and experimental data indicates the
Q present numerical results are reliable to predict the heat exchanger
h 2
A0 DT g0 performance.
g0 1 f 1 gf 3
4. Results and discussion
Nu 4
k 4.1. Flow pattern and heat transfer
Dp pin pout 5
h The delta winglets are punched out from the heat transfer ns
j Pr2=3 6
qum cp surface. When the air ows through the winglets, the longitudinal
Dp Ac vortices were generated due to the pressure difference between
f 1 7 the front surface and the back surface of the winglets. To investi-
qu2m A0
gate the effect of punched vortex generators on the uid ow
where um is the uid velocity at the minimum cross-section of the structure of the uid in n channel, taking the array-B case with
tube row, Dc is the hydraulic diameter based on the n collar out- the attack angle b = 30 deg as an example, the path line is numer-
side diameter, A0 is the total heat transfer area, Ac is the minimum ically generated for Re = 2600 in Fig. 5. When one uid parallel to
free ow area, and gf is obtained using Schmidts method [25]; and the n channel (xz plane) encounters the punched delta winglet,
DT is the log-mean temperature difference. part of the uid ows over the winglet (from y-direction) and
The PECs of area goodness factor and volume goodness forms the main vortex, another part of uid ows through the
factor are used to evaluate the heat transfer and pressure drop punching hole, mixes with the uid bypassing the winglet (from
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
(a) Couburn j factor
(b) Array-A
Numerical Induced vortex Corner vortex Main vortex
Region behind tube
(c) Array-B
0.00 Fig. 6. Local velocity vectors of secondary ow on the cross section (x = 20 mm).
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
(b) Friction factor f the same rotation axis with the mainstream (x-direction). In gen-
eral, the strength of corner vortex is weaker than the main vortex,
Fig. 4. Comparison of numerical and experimental results. but the opposite conclusion can be observed from the partially en-
larged view in Fig. 5, which looks different but reasonable. The
main reason can be attributed to that the present winglets are
z-direction) from the trailing edge and forms the corner vortex. punched, not mounted or attached in the n surface. A consider-
The main vortex, located directly downstream of the delta winglet, able portion of uid does not turn over the winglet, but streams
is formed by ow separation at the leading edge of the winglet, through the punching hole, which reduces the pressure difference
while the corner vortex is usually formed by the deformation of caused by winglet and also reduces the quantity of uid to form
the near wall vortex lines at the pressure side of the winglet. How- the main vortex.
ever, the corner vortex here is different from the conventional Then a detailed study of the ow structure is carried out to get a
corner vortex described by Biswas et al. [9], and shows more char- better understanding of the role of VGs. Fig. 6 presents the local
acteristics of main vortex and stronger disturbance to uid due to velocity vectors of secondary ow on the cross section
Main vortex
Corner vortex
plain fin
70 large winglet
array A
array B
h Wm K
(a) Large winglet 50
(x = 20 mm) at Re = 2600. The vortices behind the large winglet are
typical with a main vortex, a corner vortex and an induced vortex.
Compared to the large winglet case, the swirling motion associated 0
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
with the VG arrays is obviously more complicated. Two pairs of Re
main vortices and corner vortices can be observed. The main vorti-
(b) Pressure drop versus Re
ces are located in the upper side of the n channel and the corner
vortices are located in the lower side. The generated vortices Fig. 9. Heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop versus Re.
squeeze each other, and the geometry dimension and the inu-
enced range of the vortices are smaller than that of large winglet
case. More vortices with smaller dimension make the local uid distribution on the cross section (x = 20 mm). All VGs arrange-
mixing stronger and more uniform. In addition, for array-A ments obviously change the temperature distribution in the n
arrangement, an induced vortex appears in the center of two pairs channel, and signicant distortion occurred in the thermal bound-
of counter-rotating vortices; the existence of induced vortex may ary layer due to the strong swirling ow effect of mainstream vor-
not enhance the local heat transfer of the n channel but will tex. In the up-wash region of the mainstream vortex the thermal
weaken mainstream vortex and causes extra pressure drop. boundary becomes thicker while in the down-wash region the
To further investigate the inuence of uid ow on the heat thermal boundary shows the opposite tendency. Moreover, the
transfer performance, Fig. 7 shows the local temperature mainstream vortex also enhanced the mixing of the uid, espe-
cially in the wake region of the tube. For the large winglet case
shown in Fig. 7(a), the disturbance of corner vortex to the uid
50 downstream is obviously stronger than that caused by the main
45 large winglet vortex. For the two kinds of VG arrays shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c),
array A the main vortex produced by the back-row small winglet shows
40 array B little impact on isotherm distribution, and the corner vortex in-
35 duced by the front-row small winglet of array-B has a greater effect
on the isotherm distribution than that of array-A. Compared to the
30 large winglet case, the array arrangement can effectively change
0 38. 80
plain fin
plain fin large winglet - 10
large winglet 70 array A - 10
array B - 10
array A
0.34 large winglet - 20
array B array A - 20
h Wm K
array B - 20
0.32 large winglet - 30
array A - 30
0.30 50 array B - 30
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Re Re
(a) Area goodness factor (a) Heat transfer coefficient
4.5x10 20 plain fin
plain fin
large winglet - 10
large winglet
4 array A - 10
4.0x10 array A array B - 10
array B 15 large winglet - 20
3.5x10 array A - 20
Z Wm K
P (Pa)
array B - 20
large winglet - 30
3.0x10 10 array A - 30
array B - 30
m m
1 mm
m 5. 1
air flow 5.115 mm
80 plain fin plain fin
0.34 large winglets
large winglet
arrya A
70 array A
0.32 array B
array B
60 0.30
h Wm K
40 0.24
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Re Re
(a) Heat transfer coefficient (a) Area goodness factor
30 50000
plain fin
45000 plain fin
large winglet
25 large winglet
array A
array A
array B 40000
array B
Z Wm K
P (Pa)
5 20000
0 10
2 3
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Re E Wm
(b) Pressure drop (b) Volume goodness factor
Fig. 13. Heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop for front VG congurations. Fig. 14. Area goodness and volume goodness factors for front VG congurations.
shows better heat transfer performance than the large winglet case
n-and-tube heat exchanger. For the ns with three different
when the attack is less than 20 deg, while the large winglet case
VGs mentioned above, a similar geometry is adopted, reference
shows better for 30 deg attack angle. It should also be noted that
to the design of He et al. [22]. The distance between the leading
the large winglet case always has the lowest pressure drop penalty
edge of the n and the tip of the winglets is 1 mm; the transverse
for different VG arrangements and the two kinds of VGs array
spacing between the tips of two adjacent winglets is also 1 mm;
arrangements have relatively higher pressure loss.
the attack angle of VGs is selected as 30 deg.
Fig. 13 shows the variations in heat transfer coefcient h and the
4.3. Inuence of placement positions pressure drop Dp against Reynolds number. Compared to the plain-
n, the heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop increase by 38.9
In order to explore a more effective placement of VGs for the 86.3% and 70.3149.2%, for the case of front large winglet case;
aforementioned three different VG n patterns, a more upstream 36.781.2% and 60.7135.6% for the case of front array-A; and
placement is employed since the longitudinal vortices generated 30.684.1% and 62.4146.7%, for the case of front array-B, respec-
by VGs can affect a larger downstream heat transfer domain. tively. By comparing Figs. 9 and 13, it is clear that using the front
Fig. 12 shows the schematic of the front arrangements of VGs for VG arrangements can get greater heat transfer argumentation and
Y.L. He et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 54495458 5457
also higher pressure drop penalty. The results of front VG arrange- (5) The front arrangements of VGs can achieve larger heat transfer
ments are obviously different from that of side VG arrangements, enhancement and pressure penalty. Among all front VG cases,
and the large winglet has the best heat transfer performance and the array-A arrangement shows best ratio value of j/f and large
also highest pressure drop. The array-A case shows higher value winglet case shows best performance in volume compactness.
of heat transfer coefcient at a lower range of Reynolds number Furthermore, it is reasonable to believe that front arrange-
than array-B, while the array-B performs better when the Reynolds ments can be more effective in low Reynolds number regions.
number is above 1500 as shown in Fig. 13(a). It can be explained
that the array-A case places closer to upstream which is benet to
enhance the air-side heat transfer, but the continuous winglets Acknowledgements
arrangement will degrade the heat transfer performance. In the
lower Reynolds number range, the effect of former is stronger while The present work is supported by the Joint Funds of NSFC-
with the increase of Reynolds number the effect of latter becomes Guangdong of China under Grant (No. U0934005) and National Ba-
larger and larger. Thus it can be thought that a placement of VGs sic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2011CB710702).
closer to the upstream can get higher heat transfer augment in
low Reynolds number regions, which can also be understood from References
the view of boundary layer. The thickness of boundary at one loca-
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