Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 12 Statics - 2.8
Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 12 Statics - 2.8
Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 12 Statics - 2.8
Prof. Sivakumar
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture 12
Statics - 2.8
In one dimensional structural system, we looked at axial members. We also looked at
structural system that is made out of axial members.
It just a recap, if I have a one dimensional member, it is just possible to draw it as a line
diagram. Actually the member could be something like this and I like just need to draw
as a line diagram, because it is treated as a one dimensional member.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:47)
This may be subjected to different forces and moments something like this. Now, we also
looked at what type of forces will be revealed when we section this particular manner.
Again as a recap, if I have to section in the particular point let say it is s away from one
of the ends, then there will be a force that is along the axis of the member. So, we will
call it as A along the axis, one that is perpendicular to the axis we call it as shear or V and
it will also resist bending, which is essentially a resistance offered through a moment
So, if these are acting at a particular point will denote with that particular assignment s, s
could probably vary from s equal to 0 to s equal to 1 as an example. So, which means I
can cut at any particular section s away and then, reveal these. Find out, depending on
the forces that are there I can find out these particular internal forces. M s, A s and V s
are internal force resultants in the one dimensional member. In one of the cases that we
studied, we looked at what is an axial member, where only axial forces present and the
other two were absent and we use that particular member in a truss system. Let us
progress a little bit further and look at another system built out of a specialization of this
particular one dimensional member.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:24)
We going to start with straight members, unlike the axial members this particular
member could be subjected to moments and forces in between, apart from forces at the
ends. Now, in this particular case if I cut any particular section, it will reveal all the three
of them as you can see here, if I cut here that is a horizontal force which will result in a
actual force. There will be a moment, because of the moments of these forces and there
will also be a shear, because there are forces on the vertical.
In order to specialize this, let us look at a particular case of straight members, where
there are forces only whether transfers to the axis of the member. What is the axis of the
member? This is the axis of the member and the forces are either transfers to the
members or there could be a moment acting on it. So, these are the only possibilities that
could be there for example, F 2. We have to avoid applying forces that are not
perpendicular to the axis.
In such a perpendicular member, we can easily find that there is no axial force acting on
it. So, if I cut any particular section and find out the axial force, axial force is equal to 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:26)
Such a member is called a beam member, so we will look at this particular specialization
and find out. Similar to what we did earlier, find out the internal forces in these members.
Like in the previous case, we can use a line diagram to draw this member which is the
straight member A, B. How many supports are necessary for this? There are no
horizontal forces, so I do not have to bother about it, there are vertical forces and
moments. Let us assume that this body A B is a rigid body that is a good approximation
to start with, in general it can have one hints and the roller support.
So, that I have one unknown here, another unknown here and there are two force
resultant equilibriums that I will have in order to solve for the problem. One is sigma F y
equal to 0, if this direction is y and sigma M is equal to 0, M could be at a particular
point that I choose. Remember, any particular point I take sigma M naught is equal to 0.
So, it is possible to get two equations and therefore, if there are supports that have two
unknowns, it is possible to completely solve for internal forces in this kind of members.
Proceeding further, let us just remove these force supports, since we already know that
the reactions from these supports will be vertical. We will just draw something like this,
this reaction is A y and this reaction is B y. Let say there is a moment acting here M, for
an example let us take a B member of length L supported like this. If we have a support
which is hints and roller usually call that as a simply supported beam.
Let say I have 1 3rd away from A, there is a moment acting and let say at the center,
there is a force acting. Just to make sure, you do not get confuse, let me just use a
notation P. What do I want to find out? I want to find out internal forces, where I have to
choose a particular point from which I consider. So, in this particular case let me
consider A as the point from which I can look at the internal forces.
So, I am going to take the coordinate system from left. So, what do I have here? We have
a beam which is from x equal to 0 to x equal to L and if I have to find out the internal
force resultants, there are two types of force resultants that we can find, one is a shear
and the other is the moment. Let us look at an example, let us say I am going to take a
section x away, let say at this particular zone and I want to find out the shear and moment
at this particular point. How do I find out? Again, whenever I need to find out the
internal forces what should I do, I need to section it.
So, there are two ways I can section one is like this, the other is the left side of it, let us
call this as x. So, I have a moment over here the external forces are acting. Now, this will
reveal a shear force and this will also a reveal a moment. Now, equal and opposite forces
I have to down here and what I need to find out are these V and M. To make it very clear,
we will write it as V at x and M at x. Is this a free body? The answer is yes. Is this a free
body? The answer is yes.
This case is very simple, if I need to find out these force resultants, one is like this and
the other is like this. How will I find out the sheer force V x? That is pretty simple, I just
have to take vertical equilibrium. Let us say I have find out the reactions and this is A y
and B y to the fixed support.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:15)
If I take sigma F along the y direction, let say upward is positive equal 0. For static
equilibrium, immediately this will give me for this particular body V of x is equal to
minus B y. How do I find out this moment? Now, I can either take point B or point x, if
we take point x, I can do away with this particular shear force.
So, if I do that sigma M at x, total x is equal to 0, let say this is counter clockwise sense
is positive. If this is equal to 0, this will imply I have a moment which is clockwise sense
which means minus M of x and I have B y which is in the counter clockwise sense,
which means plus B y. This length is, if it is x away from here, this length is L minus x.
So, this is L minus x and therefore, M of x is equal to B y times L minus x, since this is
equal to 0 we get this. Is this clear?
Now, please remember this M of x and this M of x are exactly the same, one on the
same, this V of x and this V of x are one on the same. What are the confusions that will
happen is, which direction should I take? Vertically this way or this way, we will come to
it when we talk about sign conventions for internal forces. Is this clear? Now, please
remember if I had taken x if I had moved x in this direction, this x will change and
therefore, M of x will change. The expression for V of x seems to be independent of x
which means in this lone away from this force, any point that I take the shear forces
equal to minus B y. This particular exercise of finding out V of x M of x I have to do
throughout for x equal to 0 to x equal to M. Now, how do I represent such a variation?
(Refer Slide Time: 15:19)
So, let say this is the problem that I want to solve. Let me just denote the points at which
the forces are acting as B A, B C, remember this is a continuous member unlike the truss.
A force P is acting here, force 2 P is to acting here L by 3, L by 3, L by 3 away from each
other. What is the first task? I need to find out what is A y and what is D y, that is pretty
simple, in order to find out D y I will take moment about this. Let us just mentally find it
out, we have P times L by 3 and 2 P times 2 L by 3.
So, D y times L which is in the anticlockwise direction is equal to these two particular
forces, these two moments which is P times L by 3 due to this and 2 P times to L by 3
plus 2 P times 2 L by 3. I should that will give me the D y is equal to 2 into 2 4, 4 by 3
plus 1 by 3 is 5 by 3, 5 by 3 P is D y. Total is 3 I have a 5 by 3 here, which means this is
4 by 3, so this is 4 by 3 P.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:54)
So, remain just replace it and write it as 4 by 3 P and this is 5 by 3 P, so having found out
the reactions, now we wish to find out the internal forces on the members. What are the
internal forces? The shear and the bending moment at every point on this member or they
say, I may going to have this shear force same all through. Answer is no, I may going to
have moment all through the same no, may turn out to be the same in certain cases. But,
by most cases I need to find out at every x from A to D. So, let us see how we will
I mean just draw this again. We have a 4 P by 3 and 5 P by 3 acting like this, if I cut at
any particular x from this I will reveal transfers shear force and the bending now it. So,
first thing I have to do is to represent x axis, this case only one access is enough I may
just represented y. So, that when I take the moment the vertical equilibrium it make
sense, now one thing that I know is this shear force cut at any particular section need not
be the same.
And therefore, I should probably have the variation of the sheer force represented here. I
am going to call this as shear force diagram that is going to show me from x equal to 0 to
x equal to L, what is the variation of shear force. Let us look at this particular side, let us
focus on this region between this reaction 4 by 3 and P let us draw that. So, at a section x
away from A for the section A B I have a force acting like this which is 4 P by 3 there is
no other force. Since, I have cut like this I will be reveal in the sheer force and a bending
Now, the other side of it will be something like this, this is x away and therefore, this is L
minus x equivalent opposite shear and equivalent opposite moment at x, there will be the
other forces that will appear on this there will be one force here P and another force 2 P
another force 5 P by 3. Now, the confusion arises as to is the vertical force positive for
shear force or vertically upward or vertically downward force positive which moment is
positive, these are the doubts that will appear. Let me just spell that particular doubt now.
What is my direction, this is my x direction, this is y counter clockwise is like this. So, if
I draw a member starting from the left, this is x equal to 0 to x equal to x and if I reveal
the shear and if that shear is a vertically upward I will call that as positive. Similarly, for
this particular section, let me draw it a little better to give you an understanding. Let say
this is the section that I made, the face of the section is directed as a normal x in the
positive x direction, I am going to choose that particular face.
So, face of the section pointing in positive x direction for this vertically upward V is
positive, as you can see this is a positive. Because, the face has it is normal directed
along positive x direction, on this particular member if I have a counter clockwise
moment M, then that is also in the positive since. But, if I have a section in the negative
direction, I just take the opposite of this, this direction is positive and this clockwise
moment is positive. Or in other words, if it is upward it is negative, if it is counter
clockwise it is negative on a face whose direction is negative x direction.
So, if I follow this sign convention there is a no problem, I can easily figure out which is
positive and which is negative, this will we a confusion if I just leave it as it is. In this
particular case, this face as a positive x direction like this which means upward shear,
this is a positive shear, this is the positive bending moment and if I get values which are
negative; that means, take points the other way having done this it is now simple to draw
the variation of shear and the bending moment.
So, let us look at the problem we have like this, if I cut like this and separate this
particular section I know if I take section here or here or here or here or here or here, this
is only one force acting and the sheer force that I will get will be the same all through.
Let us find out what will be that shear force, if we know for this particular section along
the x direction positive, vertically upward is a positive shear I have a 4 P by 3 here which
means this has to be negative 4 P by 3.
And therefore, at this particular point I will just represented for now I am going to take
up top portion as negative and the bottom partition as positive. I will tell in a moment y I
am doing this, if I do it this way starting from this particular point, the value of the shear
is 4 P by 3 till I reach this particular point. Let us examine what will happen here, if I cut
any section here there is a 4 P by 3 acting upward and a P acting downward, the net force
is P by 3 acting upward. The shear has to act the downward sense in order to counter it,
so it is still negative minus P by 3.
And I come to this section I can probably look at the other side of the section. Now, what
is the positive sense of shear here, this is negative x direction and therefore, downward is
a positive motion. So, is this positive the answer is yes, V will be put a 5 P by 3 and
therefore, I will have to take it as this is negative, this is negative and this is 5 P by 3
positive all we through. So, now, I have represented the variation of the sheer force and
this joining, these are points of discontinuity, because forces are acting at those points.
So, it the value of the shear goes from minus 4 P by 3 to minus P by 3 here from minus P
by 3 goes to 5 P by 3. If I go little further away or further away the shear forces equal to
0 the just to make sure their represent 0 here, 0 here I can extend a little bit shear that
way. So, this is A, B, C, D is this clear look at how I have done it this way, it is possible
to take left side also in which case I had should I have taken all these three forces into a
count a simpler way is to take the section to the right, only one forces acting on it, but I
have to take the proper sign convention.
Since, the phase is having a normal which is in the negative x direction, downward now
is positive sense for V and therefore, we get it like this. One might want to check
whether this result is correct. There is a simple check that I can give you that will be very
useful in checking whether this is right or not. The first check is between this point and
this point there is no other force acting, which means it will be horizontal variation from
here to here.
On the other hand, the shear forces constant from A to B similar to B to C similarly from
C to D that is one check, the other check is if you look at this particular point to be left
and right the difference between the shears will be 4 P by 3. And therefore, if you look at
this particular point push it up by 4 P by 3 you will reach this particular point, there is no
force and therefore, it is constant here, there is the downward P, so I will put a downward
P here, I will reach minus P by 3 there is no force in between make in go straight.
At this particular point I have a 2 P acting I already have minus P by 3 I just have to add
6 P by 3. So, that I get 5 P by 3 as it positive I further go down to this there is an upward
force acting which is equal to 5 P by 3, this is downward. Therefore, I reach this
particular point, so this is a nice check where I start from the left to the right to close the
gap completely. This is the nice check that you can make especially for such a problem.
Thank you.
And this is a constant till we reach the force 2 P, 2 P acts at this particular point. So, this
is negative and it acts downward it pulls this curve downward by 2 P. So, that we get 5 P
by 3 over here and this total is 2 P we just 5 P by 3. So, nice direction will give you a
better view of this, this is the 4 P by 3 acting here, P acting here, 2 P acting here and 5 P
by 3 acting here. Whether the simplest way that you can draw is shear force diagram.
The other diagram that will you need to draw gone me a little inclined diagram here. In a
similar way we need to find out the other internal force, the first internal force result in
that we found out was shear force, the other is bending moment. Therefore, we call this
as bending moment diagram. It basically has to convey the variation of the internal force
resultant which is a bending moment over the length of the line. Now, like what we did
here we will now find out the bending moment.
Let us take this own A, B it is take it distance x away from the left most side, because
this is the reference point we have a force acting on this equal to 4 P by 3. Since, we are
cutting in between only internal forces will be revealed, one are the shear forces as you
already know as you are already calculated, the other is the bending moment. Look at
how I drawn this is the positive sense of shear force and the positive sense of bending
moment at x.
Now, can I calculate M of x without having to calculate V of x the answer is yes, I just
need to find out the bending moment about this point. Let us call that as x, since it is an
static equilibrium is equal to 0, this implies I take this particular point, this moment is
always in the positive sense, the other force 4 P by 3 gives a anticlockwise sense. So, we
have M x minus 4 P by 3 times the distance is x here is equal to 0 which means M of x is
equal to 4 P by 3 x is it a positive bending moment, the answer is yes because P is
positive, x is positive 4 P by 3 x is positive.
So, I have a positive over here, the value here is 4 P L by 9 I know it is a straight line or
linear distribution and therefore, this is the variation till L by 3. Now, if I have to take
then me just erase this and go on to the other portion which is B C.
And I can do a similar think I can cut here take the free body and draw. Since, there is no
force here, one think that we found out is the variation of bending moment is linear.
Because, only this force is active on it a wise of thing to do in this particular problem is,
you take the right hand side portion which is C D. Let us do that and you will see for
yourself that drawing this bending moment diagram becomes easy.
So, let us take a section like this, which is the best section to take this side or that side the
answer is of course, this side. So, let us take that if I take from the right hand side this
total length is L and therefore, this with reference to this is L minus x. So, this distance is
L minus x, why do I need this, because I need to find out the bending moment. Now, let
us draw the positive sense of the bending moment, this is the direction of the face that I
For example, if I have something like this which is the being the face as the negative
direction minus x as the normal to that face, which means which is positive according to
the sign convention, it is the clockwise direction that is positive. And therefore, I will let
me impose a positive M in this particular case at L minus x apart from the shear force.
And therefore, I will get M taking bending moment about this particular total moment
about this particular point let us call this as x again.
Anticlockwise being positive is equal to 0 for this particular free body diagram, this
implies a take this particular point this is negative. So, minus M of x is equal to
remember this is x, so I can write this as M of x, so this may be a confusion. So, let me
not write it like this, let me write it as M of x. So, minus M of x the other one is a anti
clockwise direction moment, so it is plus 5 P by 3 times the length here is L minus x. In
this directly gives me M at x in the portion C D is equal to 5 P by 3 L minus x simple.
What should be the bending moment at this particular point? This particular point and
this particular point are hints to supports, naturally I should get the bending moment to
be 0 give a substituted x equals L this is equal 0. How do I find out the bending moment
at this particular point, this particular points C is 2 L by 3 away from left hand side or in
other words I just have to substitute x equals 2 L by 3. So, M at C is equal to 5 P by 3
times L minus 2 L by 3 and that is equal to L by 3 which is 5 P L by 9 is it positive sense
or negative sense, simple it is actually positive sense.
And therefore, this value is 5 P L by 9 this is a linear equation, the answer is yes it is
linear an x and that is what you find here, we have essentially moved from this point to
this point. Now, how about the zone in between is just also going to have a linear
variation of moment, let see supposing I cut a section over here I should take moment of
this and moment of this, moment of this is this force times x which is linear in x, moment
of this is P times x minus L by 3 again it is linear an x.
And therefore, the moment in between will also we linear in x or if I ask you the question
if I found out within the zone B C the bending moment, what will be the bending
moment here, it will naturally be exactly the same as what we found out for the portion A
B at B. Similarly, for portion C D at C whatever the evaluate that we found out to the
right of C will be the same as left of C and that automatically gives an idea that I just
have to join these two lines.
And therefore, if you notice I did not have to directly find out with in this particular
zone. And yet could to draw the bending moment, what is the use of these bending
moment diagram, it tells me what this particular being is undergoing under the particular
low, just to give you an idea. This is I am just using the ruler here, it is simply supported
at the ends there is a one force at the L by 3 and another forces 2 L by 3 2 P and P are
acting here.
So, naturally it will start to shade like this, now this sagging is to due to the moment that
appears on the being. If I keep increasing this force P value of this force P, this value if I
keep on increasing this will take more and more and more moment, there will be a
particular point at which it will break. Supposing I know what will be the bending
moment for which this particular ruler will break, I can assess from this where that
would occur.
For example, in this particular problem I know I have to be careful about this particular
point, if I strength and this and it may probably take more roller. So, from design
perspective all these are useful.