TNT 147
TNT 147
TNT 147
BID DOCUMENT : FROM 03.06.2010 TO 06.07.2010
CHENNAI-600 002.
Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders for the following work. Bidding will be
conducted through National Competitive Bidding procedures of CMWSSB, under Two
Cover systems, conforming to the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Act, 1998 and
Rules, 2000.
Section 2: Instructions to Bidders
P. P.
Table of Clauses Table of Clauses
No No
A. General E. Bid Opening and Evaluation
1. Scope of Bid 4 23. Bid Opening 22
2. Source of Funds 4 24. Process to be Confidential 23
3. Eligible Bidders 4 25. Clarification of Bids &
4. Qualification of the Bidder 5 Contacting Employer 23
5. One Bid per Bidder 11 26. Examination of Bids and
6. Cost of Bidding 11 determination of Responsiveness 23
7. Site Visit 11 27. Correction of Errors 23
Currency for Bid evaluation
B. Bidding Documents 28. 24
8. Content of Bidding Documents 12 29. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 24
Preferences for domestic bidders
9. Clarification of Bidding Documents 12 30. 26
10. Amendment of Bidding Documents 13
C. Preparation of Bids F. Award of Contract
11. Language of Bid 13 31. Award Criteria 27
12. Documents Comprising the Bid 13 32. Employer's Right to Accept any
13. Bid Prices 14 Bid and to Reject any / all Bids 27
14. Currencies of Bid and Payment 14 33. Notification of Award &
15. Bid Validity 14 Signing of Agreement 27
16. Bid Security 15 34. Performance Security 28
17. Alternative proposals by Bidders 15 35. Advance Payment and Security 29
18. Format and Signing of Bid 16 36. Adjudicator 29
D. Submission of Bids 37. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 29
19. Sealing and Marking of Bids 17
20. Deadline for Submission of Bids 21
21. Late Bids 21
Modification and Withdrawal of
22. 21
A. General
Scope of Bid
1.1 The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) (referred to
as Employer in these documents) invites bids for Designing, providing, constructing,
erecting and commissioning 36 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant tailored to treat 18
MLD based on Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology or an alternate
proposal on ASP or its modification at Sholinganallur on DBOT basis including O
& M for 5 years . (as defined in these documents and referred to as"the works") detailed
in IFB. The Employer reserves the right to extend the O&M Contract for another 5 years
beyond the initial O&M period of 5 years for which the Employer shall give a written
notice of 180 days prior to expiry of initial period of 5 years.
1.2 The successful bidder will be expected to complete the works by the intended
completion date specified in the Contract data.
1.3 Throughout these Bidding documents, the terms Bid and Tender and their derivatives
( Bidder/Tenderer, Bid/Tender, Bidding/Tendering, etc) are synonymous and day
means calendar day. Singular also means plural.
1.4 This bid documents has been prepared based on Sequential Batch Reactor process.
The bidder shall necessarily quote a BASE PROPOSAL strictly as per the
specifications of this bid document. The bidder has an option to quote for an
guidelines mentioned elsewhere in this document.
1.5 These bid documents describe the technical, commercial and price documentation that
is required for the Base proposal. Bidders offering Alternative proposal in addition to
the Base proposal must furnish similar documentation for their Alternative proposal
also, without which their Alternative proposal will not be taken up for evaluation.
2 Source of Funds
2.1 Eligible payment under this contract work will be made from the amount sanctioned
under JNNURM for the construction of STP at Sholinganallur while sanctioning the
sewerage infrastructure project for IT Corridor, amount sanctioned under JNNURM
for the construction of STP at Sholinganallur under UGSS for Pallikaranai Town
Panchayat and the balance from the Board funds.
2.2 Deleted
3. Eligible Bidders
3.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to all eligible bidders. Payments will be made only in
Indian Rupees.
3.2 All bidders shall provide in Section 3 viz Forms of Bid and Qualification Information,
required under this Contract.
3.3 Deleted
3.4 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent
practices in accordance with sub-clause 37.1.
4.2 Deleted.
4.3 All bidders shall include the following information and documents with their bids in
Forms of Bid and Qualification Information ( Section 3 ).
(a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal statutes,
place of registration and principal place of business, written power of
attorney of the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder.
(b) Total monetary value of contracted works performed during the qualifying
period for each of the last five years.
(c) Experience in works of a similar nature and details of work carried out
during the qualifying period and details of works under way or
contractually committed and clients who may be contacted for further
information on those contracts.
(d) Major items of construction equipment proposed to carry out the Contract;
(f) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder, such as profit and loss
statements and auditor's reports for the past five years;
(g) Evidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract (access to line
(s) of credit and availability of other financial resources);
(k) The proposed methodology and program of construction, including
Environmental Management Plan, backed with equipment, materials and
manpower planning and deployment, duly supported with broad
calculations and quality control procedures proposed to be adopted,
justifying their capability of execution and completion of work within the
stipulated period of completion as per Mile stones.
(l) All the credentials furnished by the bidders towards satisfying the
qualification criteria shall be duly certified by a "Notary Public".
(m) The credentials to meet the Qualification criteria Clause 4.5A for Sl. No:
2 to 5 shall be from the Client / Employer not below the rank of Executive
Engineer. No self -certification will be accepted.
4.4 Bids submitted by a Consortium shall comply with the following requirements:
a) The bid shall include all the information listed in Sub-clause 4.3 above;
b) The bid and, in case of a successful bid, the Agreement, shall be signed so as to be
legally binding on all partners;
c) One of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge, and this authorization
shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized
signatories of all the partners;
d) The partner in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive
instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the Consortium and the
entire execution of the contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with
the partner in charge;
e) All partners of the Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms, and a statement to
this effect shall be included in the authorisation mentioned under (c) above, as
well as in the bid and in the Agreement (in case of a successful bid);
f) The Consortium agreement should indicate precisely the responsibility of all
members in respect of planning, design, construction equipment, key personnel,
work execution, and financing of the project. This should not be varied/modified
subsequently without prior approval of the Employer;
g) The Consortium agreement should be registered in Chennai so as to be legally
valid and binding on partners; and
h) A duly attested copy of the Consortium Agreement entered into by the partners
shall be submitted with the bid. The bidder has to get the same Consortium
agreement registered in due course and furnish the same before signing the
contract agreement.
i) Only a maximum of 3 partners are allowed in a Consortium
4.5A To qualify for award of the Contract, each bidder should have performed/executed
the following during the period from 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2010 as detailed below:-
Sl. Description Minimum
No. required
4b (Bidders who opt for Alternate technology in addition to SBR 9
Technology needs to satisfy this criteria in addition to 4a)
The bidder should also have operated and maintained a similar
plant of capacity not less than (in MLD) for a minimum period
of one year.
5 The contractor or his identified sub-contractor should possess 127
required valid electrical license for executing the electrical works
and should have executed similar electrical works in any one
year totaling for Rs. in Lakh
For Sl No. 2 to 5 above the experience of the bidder as on the date of submission of bid will
be considered for evaluation.
NB: The bidder is required to quote for SBR technology as mandatory requirement and has
the option to quote for alternate proposal based on ASP or modified ASP for the given
extent of land
Since, International bidders are permitted to bid for this tender, subsidiary companies
located in India can also be permitted to participate in this tender who can get their
financial/construction experience of their holding company located outside India.
Chain Pulley Block 5 nos 5 T capacity
Tools and plants for jointing pipes 5 nos
Pipe cutting machinery 3nos
Hydraulic Mobile crane (boom ht. 6 m) min 3 nos 10 t capacity
Welding transformers for structural steel work 5 nos
Mobile DG set 4 nos 63 KVA
Drilling Machine 3 nos upto 16mm drill size
Earth tester 1 no 500 V
Megger 1 no 500 V
Soil resistivity measurement kit 1 no four peg method
Multimeter 1 no 0-500VAC,
0-20A DC,
0-2000 A DC,
Clip on type ammeter 1 no 0-500 A
Set of crimping tool for all sizes of cables (copper 1 set
and aluminium)
Tester 1 no 2 KV HV
Tong tester 1 no 0-500 A
(a) Based on the studies carried out by the Engineer the minimum suggested major
equipment to attain the completion of the works in accordance with the prescribed
construction are shown in the above list. The bidders should, however, undertake their
own studies and furnish with their bid, a detailed construction planning and
methodology supported with layout and necessary drawings and calculations
(detailed) as stated in clause 4.3 (k) above to allow the Employer to review their
proposals. The numbers, types and capacities of each plant/equipment shall be shown
in the proposals along with the cycle time for each operation for the given production
capacity to match the requirements.
(b) availability for this work of a Project Manager with minimum of 10 years experience
in a Project of similar nature to the present work and other key personnel with
adequate experience as indicated in the Contract Data ; and
(c) Liquid assets and/or availability of credit facilities of not less than Rs. 505 Lakhs.
(Credit lines/letter of credit/certificates from Banks for meeting the funds requirement
etc.) The certificate should be as per the sample format given under Section 3viz
Forms of Bid and Qualification information.
4.5 C Deleted.
4.6 Consortium is permitted in the tender. Only a maximum of 3 partners are allowed in
a Consortium. In respect of turnover as per clause 4.5 (A) above, the lead partner
should meet not less than 50 % of the qualifying criteria and other partners should
meet individually not less than 25% of qualifying criteria and all the partners should
collectively meet 100% of qualifying criteria.
In respect of qualification criteria ( 2,3,4 & 5 ) as per clause 4.5A above, the
Bidder on his own or any one of the partners of the Consortium or their identified sub-
contractor as the case may be should have completed successfully the works specified
as stipulated in the Bid document for which necessary documentary evidence should
be produced to the satisfaction of CMWSS Board.
Sub Contractors experience and resources will not be taken into account in the
determination of the Bidders compliance with qualification criteria except to the
extent stated in 4.5 (A) above.
The experience of the Bidder to the extent of work done as a Sub Contractor in past
and duly certified by the owner of the Project will be considered.
4.7 Bidders who meet the minimum qualification criteria will be qualified only if their
available bid capacity is more than the value put to tender. The available bid capacity
will be assessed at the time of evaluation of Technical bids itself. In case of the
bidders who do not satisfy the requirement of the Bid Capacity their bid will be
treated as Non- responsive and their Price bids will not be opened.
A= Maximum value of engineering works executed in any one year during the last
five years (updated to 2010-2011 price level) taking into account the
completed as well as works in progress.
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are
invited ( i.e 2 years )
2) In case of the Bidders / consortium partners who formed part of Joint venture /
consortium in the past including for ongoing works the references A & B would
be determined based on the details for such partners who undertook / propose to
undertake physical execution of works and in proportion to the participation in
such joint ventures / consortiums.
3) The assessed bid capacity of each of the consortium partners should be more than
the required bid capacity. The required bid capacity for consortium partners would
be determined on the basis of their participation in the consortium for the purpose
of this tender.
4) However, to qualify for the bid capacity requirement, the lead partner should meet
not less than 50% of the required bid capacity and other partners should meet
individually not less than 25% of the bid capacity requirement. However, all the
partners should collectively meet 100% of the bid capacity requirement.
4.8 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be
disqualified if they have:
Each bidder shall submit only one bid either by himself, or as a partner of Consortium
. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will cause all the
proposals with the Bidders participation to be disqualified.
6. Cost of Bidding
6.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his
Bid, and the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.
7. Site visit
7.1 The Bidder, at the Bidders own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and
examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may
be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for construction of the
Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder's own expense.
B. Bidding Documents
8.1 The set of bidding documents comprises the documents listed in the table below and
addendum issued in accordance with Clause 10:
8.2 Of the three sets of the bidding documents supplied, two sets should be completed and
returned with the bid.
9.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify
the Employer in writing by Mail / e-mail / Facsimile at the Employer's address
indicated in the Invitation For Bids. The Employer will respond to any request for
clarification, which he receives earlier than 7 days prior to the deadline for submission
of Bids from prospective bidders. Copies of the Employer's response will be
forwarded to all purchasers of the bidding documents, including a description of the
enquiry but without identifying its source.
9.2.1 The bidder or his official representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting which
will take place at 4th floor Bid opening Conference hall, CMWSSB, No.1,
Pumping Station Road, Chintadripet, Chennai 600 002 at 11 am on 14.06.2010.
9.2.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any
matter relating to the Bid that may be raised at that stage.
9.2.3 The bidder is requested to submit any questions in writing or by cable to reach the
Employer not later than two weeks before due date for submission of bids.
9.2.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised (without identifying
the source of enquiry) and the responses given will be transmitted without delay to all
purchasers of the bidding documents. Any modification of the bidding documents
listed in Sub-Clause 8.1, which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid
meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the issue of an
Addendum pursuant to Clause 10 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.
9.2.5 Non-attendance at the pre-bid meeting shall not be a cause for disqualification of the
9.2.6 Deleted.
10.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may modify the bidding
documents by issuing amendment / addendum.
10.2 Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents and shall be
communicated in writing to all the purchasers of the bidding documents. Prospective
bidders shall promptly acknowledge receipt of each addendum in writing to the
C. Preparation of Bids
11. Language of the Bid
12.1 The bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following:
The Bids must be accompanied with the prescribed Bid security amount in a separate
envelope kept in the Technical bid envelope. The first cover with Bid Security cover
and Technical Bid cover shall be written on the cover as "Technical Bid" and "Bid
Security". The second cover with the Financial Bid shall be written on the cover as
"Financial Bid".
12.2 Deleted.
13 Bid Prices
13.1 The contract shall be for the whole works as described in Sub-Clause 1.1, based on
the priced Bill of Quantities submitted by the Bidder.
13.2 The bidder shall fill in rates and prices and line item total (both in figures and words)
for all items of the Works described in Bill of Quantities along with total bid price
(both in figures and words). Items for which no rate or price is entered by the bidder
will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by
the other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities. Corrections, if any, shall be made
by crossing out, initialing, dating and rewriting.
13.3 Unless specifically mentioned otherwise the prices and amounts quoted by the bidder
shall allow for all costs including labour, materials, water, power, Construction plant
and equipment, transport charges, customs duty, octroi, excise duty, sales tax,
turnover tax, service tax, value added tax, any other duties, taxes or charges
whatsoever payable on the components or the completed works and satisfactory
performance of the Contractors obligations under this Contract. All duties, taxes, and
other levies payable by the contractor under the Contract, or for any other cause shall
be included in the rates, prices and total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder. Any
statuary variations in duties/ taxes which take effect from a date subsequent to the due
date for receipt of tender shall be to the CMWSS Boards account.
13.4 The Lump Sum quoted by the bidder shall be subject to adjustment during the
performance of the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Clause 47 of the
Conditions of Contract.
13.5 Deleted
14.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in "Indian
Rupees" (INR)
15.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than One Hundred and Eighty ( 180 )
days after the deadline for submission of Bid. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.
15.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer
may request that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a specified
additional period. The request and the bidders' responses shall be made in writing. A
bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his bid security. A bidder agreeing to
the request will not be required or permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to
extend the validity of his bid security for the period of the extension, and in
compliance with Clause 16 in all respects.
15.3 Deleted.
15.4 Deleted
16 Bid Security
16.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his Bid, a Bid security in the amount as
shown in NIT for this particular work. This bid security is to be furnished in the form
- Bank Draft / Pay order drawn on any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank in favour of
Managing Director, Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage
Board, payable at Chennai;
- The Bank guarantee towards Bid security will not be accepted.
16.2 Deleted
16.3 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not secured as indicated
in Sub-Clauses 16.1 above shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive.
16.4 The Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as promptly as possible
upon award of contract based on written request from the unsuccessful Bidder. The
Bid security of the Bidder who has refused to extend the Bid validity as provided in
clause 15.2 shall be refunded after the initial Bid validity based on written request
from the Bidder. Employer shall pay no interest on the bid security.
16.5 The Bid Security of the successful bidder will be discharged when the bidder has
signed the Agreement and furnished the required Performance Security.
16.6 The Bid Security may be forfeited
(a) If the Bidder withdraws the Bid after opening of Technical bid during
the period of Bid validity;
(b) If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price, pursuant
to Clause 27; or
(c) In the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the
specified time limit to
16.7 Deleted
17.1 Bidders may submit alternate proposals in addition to the Base proposal as specified
in this tender document. Alternate proposals based on Activated Sludge Process and
its modifications alone will be considered. The plant shall have unit processes and
associated building and shall be in civil construction only. Package plants, pre
fabricated modules will not be accepted.
Only such proposals will be considered which meet the pre-qualification criteria as
specified elsewhere in the document. The plants commissioned by the Tenderer with
alternate process as proposed should be satisfactorily operating in Municipal Sewage
treatment Plants in India. The said STPs must have been subject to performance
monitoring and should have been shown to provide consistent compliance with
treated sewage quality as required in this tender document.. CMWSSB along with
Consultants and other experts in the filed shall visit the existing working plant
executed by the Bidder to evaluate its performance.
The alternate proposals shall also satisfy the requirements of technical specifications,
standards to be met etc., as specified in this document. The design shall be such that
the plant shall occupy minimum area and shall use minimum energy, manpower,
chemicals, other consumables etc. All the materials, equipments, membranes,
chemicals, reagents, other consumables, parts of equipments etc., used in the plant
shall be readily available and shall be cost effective. The design requirements and
specifications as outlined in the tender document for civil, mechanical, electrical,
instrumentation and control system, etc., shall be applicable for the alternative offer
also in total.
The alternate proposals shall also include common tanks, buildings and other common
facilities as outlined in main offer. The minimum tank capacities for pump wells,
sludge sumps, chlorine contact tank / treated water storage tank etc., shall be as
specified in main offer only. Also the minimum room sizes and heights for office,
laboratory, chlorination room, tonner room, security cabin, etc., and minimum heights
of other buildings shall be as specified in main offer. All the alternate proposals shall
include detailed design calculations, documents, drawings, technical schedules etc.
18.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original and one copy of the documents comprising the
bid as described in Clause 12 of these Instruction to Bidders, bound with the volume
containing the Forms of Bid and clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and "COPY" as
appropriate. In the event of discrepancy between them the original shall prevail.
18.2 The original and copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder,
pursuant to Sub Clauses 4.3. All pages of the bid where entries or amendments have
been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid.
18.3 The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Employer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the
bidder, in which case the person or persons signing the bid shall initial such
18.4 The Bidder shall furnish information as described in the Form of Bid on commissions
or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this Bid, and to contract
execution if the Bidder is awarded the contract.
D. Submission of Bids
19.1 The bid shall be submitted in two (2) parts viz. PART -A and PART -B. Each part
shall be placed in an independent sealed envelope. Each part shall be labeled as
19.2 The contents of each of the two (2) envelopes shall be as described in the subsequent
clauses. For all further references, these envelopes will be referred to briefly as:
- Technical bid Envelope
- Price bid Envelope
- The envelope containing Part A and the envelope containing Part B
shall be placed inside an outer envelope and shall be labeled as follows:
PART - A : Technical Bid Envelope (Base Bid)
Each envelope shall carry the name and address of the Bidder prominently.
19.4 The Technical Bid Envelope shall contain the following in the sequence indicated
below. The technical Bid shall be submitted as two copies 1 original and 1 copy.
i. Covering letter
iv. Letter of Tender / Contractor's Bid with full signature of the Authorised
signatory and Seal
v. Declaration by the Bidder that his Bid is without any technical and
commercial deviations in the format of the letter enclosed with the Bid.
viii. Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate and Sales Tax Clearance Certificate.
ix. Bid document signed by the authorized signatory.
x. Full technical description of the items and services proposed by the Bidder
xi. Details of Construction Equipment proposed for the execution of the works
and makes.
xii. Details of manpower proposed for the Project Management and Site
Management including qualification and experience of the personnel.
xiv. Bar Chart and PERT charts for the execution of the works
xviii. Detailed process calculations for each unit proposed and any other technical
xxii. A Certificate that Bidder has quoted after actually inspected the proposed
construction of plant site after fully satisfying with the site conditions.
xxiii. a.) General layout drawing of the proposed plant without mentioning the scale
of the drawing
Note: The Bidder shall strictly adhere to the formats given in the Schedule of Prices.
Any deviation or alteration of the formats shall result in the Bidder getting
disqualified and his Price Bid Envelope will not be considered. All the Client's
certificates shall be original or attested by Notary.
19.5 The "Technical Bid Envelope" shall NOT contain the following:
19.6 The envelope labeled, as " Price Bid Envelope" shall contain the following in the
sequence indicated below. This shall be submitted as two copies 1 original and 1
i. Covering letter
ii. The Bid Price for the work with each page signed, dated and stamped with the
seal of the Firm.
iii. Apart from the Schedule of Prices and Annexure duly filled in, Bidder shall
not enclose any other documents or statements that influence the price. In such
an event the Board shall summarily disqualify the Bidder and reject the Bid.
iv General layout diagrams with scale and area of the proposed plant
19.7 The Bidder shall seal the original and copy of the Bid in separate envelopes, duly
marking the envelopes as "ORIGINAL" and "COPY". These envelopes (called as
inner envelopes) shall then be put inside one outer envelope.
19.8 In case the bidder submits an Alternative proposal in addition to the base proposal,
All the envelopes containing the Base proposal shall have (BASE PROPOSAL)
marked in addition to the markings specified above. All the envelopes containing the
Alternative proposal shall have (ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL) marked in addition
the markings specified above.
19.9 The outer envelopes of both the BASE BID and ALTERNATE BID (if offered)
shall be put in a single main envelope.
19.11 In addition to the identification required in Sub-Clause 19.2, the inner envelopes shall
indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened
in case it is declared late, pursuant to Clause 21.
19.12 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as above, the Employer will assume
no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Bid.
20 Deadline for Submission of the Bids
20.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address specified above not later than
15.00 hours on 07.07.2010. In the event of the specified date for the submission of
bids declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be received upto the appointed
time on the next working day.
20.2 The Employer may,at its discretion extend the deadline for submission of bids by
issuing an amendment in accordance with Clause 10, in which case all rights and
obligations of the Employer and the bidders previously subject to the original deadline
will then be subject to the new deadline.
21 Late Bids
21.1 Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in Clause 20 will be
returned unopened to the bidder. Any bid submitted in person after 3 pm on the due
date will not be accepted. Similarly any bid received by post after 3 pm on the due
date, will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the bidder. Hence the
bidders are requested to submit their bid well in advance i.e before 3 pm as per the
office clock on the dead line / extended dead line and time of bid submission. The
bidders can submit the bid on any date during the bid submission period.
22.1 Bidders may modify or withdraw their bids by giving notice in writing before the
deadline prescribed in Clause 20.
22.2 Each Bidder's modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, Marked,
and delivered in accordance with Clause 18 & 19, with the outer and inner envelopes
additionally marked "MODIFICATION" or WITHDRAWAL", as appropriate.
22.3 No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of Bids.
22.4 Withdrawal or modification of a Bid between the deadline for submission of bids and
the expiration of the original period of bid validity specified in Clause 15.1 above or
as extended pursuant to Clause 15.2 may result in the forfeiture of the Bid security
pursuant to Clause 16.6.
22.5 Bidders may only offer discounts to, or otherwise modify the prices of their Bids by
submitting Bid modifications in accordance with this clause, or included in the
original Bid submission.
E. Bid Opening and Evaluation
23.1 The Employer will open all the Bids received (except those received late), including
modifications made pursuant to Clause 22, in the presence of the Bidders or their
representatives who choose to attend at 15.30. hours on the date and the place
specified in Clause 20. In the event of the specified date of Bid opening being
declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be opened at the appointed time
and location on the next working day.
23.2 Envelopes marked "WITHDRAWAL" shall be opened and read out first. Bids for
which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to Clause 22
shall not be opened. Subsequently all envelopes marked Modification shall be
opened and the submissions therein read out in appropriate detail.
23.3 The Bidders' name, Bid modifications and withdrawals, the presence or absence of
Bid security, and such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate, will be
announced by the Employer at the opening. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening
except for the late bids pursuant to Clause 21. Bids [and modifications] sent pursuant
to Clause 22 that are not opened and read out at bid opening will not be considered for
further evaluation regardless of the circumstances. Late and withdrawn bids will be
returned un-opened to bidders. The Price bid envelope will not be opened on the same
day but on another day in the presence of the qualified Bidders or their authorized
representatives. The date and time of opening the Price bid envelope will be advised
to the qualified Bidder in writing.
23.4 The Employer shall prepare minutes of the Bid opening, including the information
disclosed to those present in accordance with Sub-Clause 23.3.
23.5 Two cover bidding procedure will be adopted and will be processed as detailed
Bids (in two covers) must be delivered to the address below at or before 15.00 hrs.
office time on 07.07.2010. . The first cover with Bid Security cover and Technical
Bid cover shall be written on the cover as "Technical Bid" and "Bid Security" without
any reference to the price. The second cover with the Financial Bid shall be written on
the cover, as Financial Bid will consist of Price Bid only.
Late bids and Bids without Bid security will be summarily rejected.
First cover will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to
attend at the address given below at 15.30 hrs. office time on 07.07.2010. After
technical evaluation of the Bids, the employer will satisfactorily open the second
cover (price Bid) of the bidders who meet the minimum acceptable qualification
criteria and who has submitted a technically responsive bid. Only the price bids of
those bidders whose bids are found technically responsive and acceptable will be
opened on the date and time to be intimated later and the price bids will be evaluated.
24 Process to Be Confidential
25 Clarification of Bids
25.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Bids, the Employer may,
at his discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification of his Bid, including breakdowns of
the unit rates. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by
cable, but no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or
permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered
by the Employer in the evaluation of the Bids in accordance with Clause 27.
25.2 Subject to sub-clause 25.1, no Bidder shall contact the Employer on any matter
relating to its bid from the time of the bid opening to the time the contract is awarded.
If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Employer, it
should do so in writing.
25.3 Any effort by the Bidder to influence the Employer in the Employers bid evaluation,
bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Bidders
26.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of Bids, the Employer will determine whether each
Bid (a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in Clause 3; (b) has been properly signed;
(c) is accompanied by the required securities and; (d) is substantially responsive to the
of the Bidding documents.
26.2 A substantially responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all the terms, conditions,
and specifications of the Bidding documents, without material deviation or
reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one (a) which affects in any
substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works; (b) which limits in
any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding documents, the Employers rights
or the Bidders obligations under the Contract; or (c) whose rectification would affect
unfairly the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive
26.3 If a Bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Employer, and may
not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the non-
conforming deviation or reservation.
27 Correction of Errors
27.1 Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for
any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows:
(a) where there is a discrepancy between the rates in figures and in words, the
lower of the two will govern; and
(b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit and the line item total
resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted
will govern.
27.2 The amount stated in the Bid will be adjusted by the Employer in accordance with the
above procedure for the correction of errors and, with the concurrence of the Bidder,
be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected
amount the Bid will be rejected, and the Bid security may be forfeited in accordance
with Sub-Clause 16.6(b).
28 Deleted
29.1 The Employer will evaluate and compare only the Bids determined to be substantially
responsive in accordance with Clause 26 and as per Tamilnadu Transparency in
tender Act 1998 and rules 2000 .
29.2 In evaluating the Bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid the evaluated Bid
Price by adjusting the Bid Price as follows:
29.3 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation offer.
Variations, deviations, and other factors, which are in excess of the requirements of
the Bidding documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits shall not be taken
into account in Bid evaluation.
29.4 The price bid of technically responsive bidders shall be evaluated as follows:
a) Total price quoted for construction = X
b) Price quoted for Operation and maintenance
i. Annual quoted price for Ist year = O1
ii. Annual quoted price for 2nd year = O2
iii. Annual quoted price for 3rd year = O3
iv. Annual quoted price for 4th year = O4
v. Annual quoted price for 5th year = O5
c) The total price for Construction and operation & maintenance (O&M) for 5
years shall be evaluated on NPV method for each bidder. The following
factors shall be considered:
i. Discounting factor applicable r = 8%
ii. Evaluation will be made by NPV method considering 2
years period for construction and 5 years of operation &
iii. Cash out flow for construction cost = X
iv. n = no. of years for determining discounted cash flow for construction
and operation period for NPV calculation
v. Discounted cash flow factors for years 1,2 3, .n are taken as d1, d2,
d3 , dn
where dn = _____ 1______ Eg. d1 = ___ 1__
(1 + r/100) (1 + r/100)1
Where as n = 1 for 1st year
n = 2 for 2nd year
n = 3 for 3rd year
n = n for nth year
Method of evaluation:
i. Ist year cash out flow for construction cost = 0.4 x X (40% of
construction cost ) x d1
ii. 2nd Year cash out flow for construction price = 0.6 x X (60% of
construction cost ) x d2
iii. 3rd year cash out flow (i.e. 1st year for O&M) =O1x d3
iv. 4th year cash out flow (i.e. 2st year for O&M)= O2 x d4
v. 5th year cash out flow (i.e. 3rd year for O&M)= O3 x d5
vi. 6th year cash out flow (i.e. 4th year for O&M)= O4 x d6
vii. 7th year cash out flow (i.e. 5th year for O&M)= O5 x d7
Summation of Sl. No. i vii (7 years) discounted outflow = A
Total evaluated Price = The net present value of the construction cost and the O&M
cost with discounted rate of 8% per year (A) + 10% of the Land Cost (B).
The bidder with lowest price based on the above evaluated price will be considered as
L1 bidder
[ Note: The estimated effect of the price adjustment conditions under clause 47 of
conditions of contract will not be taken into account in Bid evaluation ]
29.5 If the Bid of the successful Bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's
estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Employer may
require the Bidder to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items of the Bill of
Quantities, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the
construction methods and schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analysis,
the Employer may require that the amount of the performance security set forth in
Clause 34 be increased at the expense of the successful Bidder to a level sufficient to
protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of default of the successful
Bidder under the Contract.
29.7 The bidders are requested to furnish a layout plan as per their design locating various
units proposed to be built including roads, spacing between units as per their layout
for STP with SBR Technology and for the alternate proposal if any with ASP or its
modifications without mentioning the scale in the Technical Bids and scale drawings
including furnishing the total land area required in the price Bids..
Bidder shall note that the 10 acres of area indicated is meant for accommodating 3
modules of STP, one 36 Mld tailored to treat 18 Mld in the immediate present, adding
on SBR Basins to meet an additional 18 Mld in the immediate future shall be within
the boundary as indicated in the suggestive layout drawing SH- STP- TD 03 and 2
modules of 45 Mld to be provided around the intermediate and ultimate years viz
2025 and 2040. Necessary interfaces will have to be considered by the bidder in the
space planning.
During the preparation of layout plans the following are to be taken into account.
29.8 The guide line value for STP site for evaluation purposes is Rs 16280 per Sq.m .
29.9 If the excess land used by the bidder over and above area indicated in their bid,
recovery of 2 times the land cost for the area consumed over and above the area
indicated in their bid will be imposed as penalty.
F. Award of Contract
31 Award Criteria
31.1 Subject to Clause 32, the Employer will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid
has been determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding documents and who
has offered the lowest evaluated Bid Price, provided that such Bidder has been
determined to be (a) eligible in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3, and (b)
qualified in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4.[ For comparison, the Bid
price will be calculated as given in clause 29.4 ]
31.2 Deleted
32. Employer's Right to Accept any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids
32.1 Notwithstanding Clause 31, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any
Bid, and to cancel the Bidding process and reject all Bids, at any time prior to the
award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for
the Employer's action.
33.1 The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the
Employer prior to expiration of the Bid validity period by cable, telex or facsimile
33.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject only to
the furnishing of a performance security in accordance with the provisions of Clause
33.3 The Agreement will incorporate all agreements between the Employer and the
successful Bidder. On payment of the performance security [ as per clause 34.1
within 15 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance ] by the successful bidder, the
Employer will issue an unfilled document to the bidder who has to arrange for
affixing the special adhesive stamp for a value not less than Rs.20/-and produce it
back to the Employer. The Employer will then prepare complete set of document in
which the Employer and successful bidder will sign. This exercise of signing the
agreement should be completed within 10 days from the date of receipt of the
performance security from the successful bidder..
33.4 Upon the furnishing by the successful Bidder of the Performance Security, the
Employer will promptly notify the other Bidders that their Bids have been
34 Performance Security
34.1 Within 15 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Bidder shall
deliver to the Employer a Performance Security for the Construction Contract in any
of the forms given below for an amount to be calculated as per Clause 34.5 plus
additional security for unbalanced Bids in accordance with Clause 29.5 and Clause 52
of CC.
i) An irrevocable bank guarantee in the form given in Forms of Securities
ii) In the shape of NSC/NSS/KVP/Post Office Time Deposits valid for the
required Contract period and pledged in favour of Managing Director,
CMWSS Board and shall have the necessary transfer endorsement of the Post
34.2 The performance security of a Consortium shall be in the name of Consortium If the
performance security is provided by the successful Bidder in the form of a Bank
Guarantee, it shall be issued either (a) at the Bidders option, by a Nationalised /
Scheduled Indian bank or (b) by a foreign bank located in India and acceptable to the
34.3 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Sub-Clause
34.1 shall constitute a breach of Contract, cause for annulment of the award, forfeiture
of the Bid security, and any such other remedy the Employer may take under the
Contract, and the Employer at his discretion may resort to awarding the Contract to
the next ranked Bidder.
34.4 The value and method of payment of performance security to be remitted for O&M
Contract shall be as per clause 5.5 of Special Conditions of Contract Part 6.
34.5 The value of performance security to be remitted for construction Contract will be
calculated by adopting the following formula:
a) For contracts within any plus percentage
and upto minus 5% of the contract value for
construction compared to the departmental 2% of Construction contract
estimated value for construction value
35 Advance Payment and Security
35.1 The Employer will provide an Advance Payment on the Construction Contract value
as stipulated in Clause 51 of CC, subject to maximum amount as stated in the
Contract Data
36. Adjudicator
36.1 The Employer proposes that Thiru V.Rajagopal, be appointed as Adjudicator under
the Contract, at a daily fee of Rs.5000/-plus reimbursable expenses at actual. If the
Bidder disagrees with this proposal, the Bidder should so state in the Bid. If in the
Letter of Acceptance, the Employer has not agreed on the appointment of the
Adjudicator, the Adjudicator shall be appointed by The President, Institution of
Engineers (Tamilnadu State Center) Chennai at the request of either party.
37.1 The Employer requires that Bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
evaluation and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer:
(a) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows :
(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended
for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
Contract in question;
(c) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time,
to be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged
in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a contract.
37.2 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in sub-clause 59.2 of the
Conditions of Contract.
Table of Forms: P.No
Contractor's Bid
Having examined all the bidding documents including addendum, We offer to execute
the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract,
specifications etc complete accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price stated in the
Financial Bid.
This Bid and your written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between
us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you receive.
We undertake that in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the
above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force
in India namely, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988).
We hereby confirm that this Bid complies with the Eligibility, Bid Validity and Bid
Security required by the Bidding documents.
We attach herewith our current income tax and sales tax clearance certificates.
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signature:
Name & Title of Signatory : ------------------------------------------------
Name of Bidder : ------------------------------------------------
Address : -----------------------------------------------
Qualification Information
The information to be filled in by the Bidder in the following pages will be used for
purposes of qualification as provided for in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders.
This information will not be incorporated in the Contract.
*Attach a Certificate from Chartered Accountant along with Audited Balance Sheet.
1.2.1 Deleted
1.3.1 Works performed by the Bidder on works of a single Contract during the period
from 01.04.2005 to upto the date of submission of Bid as detailed below:-
Name of Value of Date of Actual date
Description Stipulated reasons for
Project the Contract contract issue of of
of work date of delay, if
Name Employer No. (Rs. work completion
completion any and
* Lakhs) order *
1.3.1 Quantities of work executed by the Bidder during the period from 01.04.2005 to
upto the date of submission of Bid
Remarks (Indicate
Name Name of Quantity of work performed contract Ref.) *
Year of Employer*
work S.T.P. Technology
@ (MLD)
of this bid
@ The item of Work for which data is requested should fully satisfy with that specified
in ITB clause 4.5
1.4 Information on Bid Capacity (works for which Bids have been submitted and
works which are yet to be completed) as on the date of this Bid.
1.4a) Existing commitments and on-going works
Value of
Descripti Name and
Place Contract Value of Stipulated works Anticipate
on Address of
and No. & Contract period of remaining d date of
of work the
State Date (Rs. completio to be completio
Lakhs) n completed * n.
(2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1.5 The following items of Contractor's Equipment are essential for carrying out the
Works. The Bidder should list all the information requested below. Refer also to sub
-clause 4.3 (d) of the Instruction to Bidders.
Availability Proposals Remarks
Owned / Nos. / Age/ and from
Item of equipment Requirement
leased/ Capacit Conditio whom to
to be y n be
procured purchase
d/ or
CIVIL no Capacity
Concrete mixture with 10 7/10Cu.ft.
hopper nos capacity each
Needle vibrators 20 20-50mm
nos needle each
Earth mover (J.C.B.) 2 nos 0.5 Cu. m. each
Trucks/tippers/ 5 nos 6-10Tonnes,
Dumpers each
Dewatering pumps 100 Various
(Total ) HP capacity
Rigs for pile 5 nos
Chain Pulley Block 5 nos 5T capacity
Tools and plants for 5 nos
jointing pipes
Pipe cutting machinery 3 nos
Hydraulic mobile crane 3 no 10 M.T (boom .
ht. 6 m min)
Welding transformers 5 nos
for structural
steel work welding
Mobile DG set 4 nos 63 KVA
Drilling Machine 3 nos upto 16mm drill
Earth tester 1 no 500 V
Megger 1 no 500 V and
Soil resistivity 1 no four peg
measurement kit method
Availability Proposals Remarks
Owned / Nos. / Age/ and from
Item of equipment Requirement
leased/ Capacit Conditio whom to
to be y n be
procured purchase
d/ or
Multimeter 1 no 0-500VAC,
0-100A- AC,
0-20A DC,
0-200 A DC,
Clip on type ammeter 1 no 0-500 A
Set of crimping tool for 1 set
all sizes of
cables(copper and
Tester 1 no 2 KV HV
Tong tester 1 no 0-500 A
1.6 Qualification and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and
execution of the Contract. Attach biographical data. Refer also to sub-clause 4.3 (e)
and 4.5 (B) (b) of Instructions to Bidders and sub clause 9.1 of Conditions of
Years of Years of
Position Name Qualifications experience experience in the
(general) proposed position
Project Manager
Key personnel
Civil Engineer
Electrical &
Process Engineer
1.7 Proposed subcontracts and firms involved. (Refer ITB Clause 4.3(j))
Sections of the Value of Subcontractor Experience in
works subcontract (name and address) similar work
1.8 Financial reports for the last five years; balance sheets, profit and loss statements,
auditors' reports, (in case of companies/corporations) etc. List them below and attach
copies of documents.
1.9 Evidence of access to financial resources to meet the qualification requirements: cash
in hand, lines of credit, etc. List them below and attach copies of support documents.
(Sample format enclosed)
1.10 Name, address and telephone, telex and fax numbers of the Bidders' bankers who may
provide references if contacted by the Employer.
1.13 Proposed work method and schedule. The Bidder should attach descriptions, drawings
and charts as necessary to comply with the requirements of the Bidding documents.
(Refer ITB Clause 4.1 and 4.3(k).
The information listed in 1.1 to 1.12 above shall be provided for each partner of the
For the informations required in 1.13 above, the duties of each partner in the
Consortium shall be provided.
Attach the power of attorney of the signatory (ies) of the bid authorising signature of
the bid on behalf of the Consortium.
Attach the agreement among all partners of the Consortium (and which is legally
binding on all partners), which shows the requirements as indicated in sub-clause 4.4
of the Instructions to Bidders.
Names of the
Key Personnel
Execution of Work
(Give details on
contribution of each)
3.1 Bidders should provide any additional information required to fulfill the requirements
of clause 4 of the Instruction to Bidders, if applicable.
CLAUSE 4.5 (B) (c) OF ITB
financial standing.
above firm, we shall be able to provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of Rs. . .
. . . . .. . to meet their working capital requirements for executing the above contract.
Name of Bank
Senior Bank Manager
Address of the Bank
Issue of Notice to proceed with the work
(Letterhead of the Employer)
Dear Sirs:
Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite security as stipulated in ITB clause 34.1 and
signing of the Contract for the construction of @ a Bid Price of
Rs.______________, you are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the
said works in accordance with the contract documents.
Yours faithfully,
Agreement Form
Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute the work of
Contract No:CNT/SEW/NCB/JNNURM/122/2010-11 (hereinafter called the
Works) and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the Contractor for the execution
and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a Cost
Rs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. In this Agreement, words and expression shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter
referred to, and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part
of this Agreement.
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed
as part of this Agreement, viz.:
i) Instruction to Bidders.
ii) Letter of Acceptance;
iii) Notice to proceed with the works;
iv) Contractors Bid;
v) Contract Data;
vi) Conditions Of Contract (General and Special);
vii) Specifications (General and Special) and Technical details of the offer
and schedule of deviations
viii) Drawings;
ix) Bill of Quantities; and
x) Any other document listed in the Contract Data ,replies to queries,
clarifications issued by the Department and such confirmation
given by the Bidder which are accepted by the Board and all the
Addendum issued as forming part of the contract with the most recent
documents taking precedence.
xi) Safety and preventive measures and digest of Labour laws (CMWSSB)
xii) Consortium agreement
In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the
day and year first before written.
Conditions of Contract
Table of Contents
Page Page
A. General No. C. Quality Control No.
F. Special Conditions of 66
Contract ( Part I to VI )
Conditions of Contract
A. General
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms, which are defined in the Contract Data, and not specifically defined in the
Conditions of Contract but keep their defined meanings. Capital initials are used to
identify defined terms.
The Adjudicator is the person appointed jointly by the Employer and the Contractor
to resolve disputes in the first instance, as provided for in Clauses 24 and 25. The
name of the Adjudicator is defined in the Contract Data.
Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities to be submitted
by the Bidder.
The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as certified by the
Engineer in accordance with Sub Clause 55.1.
The Contract is the contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute,
complete and maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in Clause 2.3
The Contract Data defines the documents and other information, which comprise the
The Contractor is a person or corporate body whose Bid to carry out the Works has
been accepted by the Employer.
The Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as
adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract.
The Defects Liability Period is the period named in the Contract Data and calculated
from the Completion Date of the Construction Contract
The Employer is the party who will employ the Contractor to carry out the Works
and defined in the Contract data.
The Engineer is the person named in the Contract Data (or any other competent
person appointed and notified to the contractor to act in replacement of the Engineer)
who is responsible for supervising the Contractor, administering the Contract,
certifying payments due to the Contractor, issuing and valuing Variations to the
Contract, awarding extensions of time, and valuing the Compensation Events. The
Authorised Representative is the person as defined in the Contract data
Equipment is the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site
to construct the Works.
The Initial Contract Price is the Contract Price listed in the Employer's Letter of
The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor
shall complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date is specified in the Contract
Data. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Engineer by issuing
an extension of time.
Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the contractor for
incorporation in the Works.
Plant is any integral part of the Works, which is to have a mechanical, electrical,
electronic, or chemical or biological function.
Site Investigation Reports are those, which were included in the Bidding documents
and are factual interpretative reports about the surface and sub-surface conditions at
the site. The successful bidder has to do the soil test for all the proposed units and
based on the soil reports, the structural design for each unit to be worked out.
Specification means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Engineer.
The Start Date is given in the Contract Data. It is the date when the Contractor shall
commence execution of the works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the
Site Possession Dates.
Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the
Contractor, which are needed for construction or installation of the Works.
The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install, and
turn over to the Employer, as defined in the Contract Data.
2. Interpretation
2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also
means female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance.
Words have their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless
specifically defined. The Engineer will provide instructions clarifying queries about
the Conditions of Contract.
2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the Contract Data, references in the Conditions
of Contract to the Works, the Completion Date, and the Intended Completion Date
apply to any Section of the Works (other than references to the Completion Date and
Intended Completion date for the whole of the Works).
2.3 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of
(1) Agreement
(7) Drawings
(11) Any other document listed in the Contract Data and replies to queries,
clarifications issued by the Employer, such confirmations given by the
Bidder which are acceptable to the Employer all the Addendum issued
as forming part of the Contract.
3.1 The language of the Contract and the law governing the Contract are stated in the
Contract Data.
4. Engineer's Decisions
4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated the Engineer will decide contractual
matters between the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the
5. Delegation
5.1 The Engineer may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other people
except to the Adjudicator after notifying the Contractor and may cancel any
delegation after notifying the Contractor.
6. Communications
6.1 Communications between parties which are referred to in the conditions are effective
only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of
Indian Contract Act).
7. Subcontracting
7.1 The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the Engineer but shall not assign
the Contract without the approval of the Employer in writing. Subcontracting does not
alter the Contractor's obligations.
8. Other Contractors
8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, public
authorities, utilities, and the Employer between the dates given in the Schedule of
Other Contractors. The Contractor shall as referred to in the Contract Data, also
provide facilities and services for them as described in the Schedule. The Employer
may modify the schedule of other Contractors and shall notify the Contractor of any
such modification.
9. Personnel
9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel named in the Schedule of Key
Personnel as referred to in the Contract Data to carry out the functions stated in the
Schedule or other personnel approved by the Engineer. The Engineer will approve
any proposed replacement of key personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and
relevant experience are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel
listed in the Schedule.
9.2 If the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the
Contractors staff or his work force stating the reasons the Contractor shall ensure that
the person leaves the Site within seven days and has no further connection with the
work in the Contract.
9.3 Non-employment of Project Manager and other Key Personnel shall be liable for a fine
as specified in Contract Data.
10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employers risks, and
the Contractor carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractors risks.
11. Employer's Risks
11.1 The Employer is responsible for the excepted risks which are (a) in so far as they
directly affect the execution of the Works in the Employers country, the risks of war,
hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or
military or usurped power, civil war, riot commotion or disorder (unless restricted to
the Contractors employees), and contamination from any nuclear fuel or nuclear
waste or radioactive toxic explosive, or (b) a cause due solely to the design of the
Works, other than the Contractors design.
11.2 The Contractor shall not be liable for forfeiture of his performance security, pre-
estimated damages, or termination for default, if and to the extent that his delay in
performance or other failure to perform his obligations under the contract is the result
of an event of Force Majeure.
11.3 For purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of
the Contractor and not involving the Contractors fault or negligence and not
foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God either in
sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes.
11.4 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Employer
in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the
Employer in writing, the Contractor shall continue to perform its obligations as for as
is reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance
not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
12.1 All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personal injury and death,
which arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract other than
the excepted risks, are the responsibilities of the Contractor.
13. Insurance
13.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor,
insurance cover from the Start Date of the Construction contract to the start date of
the O&M contract, in the amounts and deductibles stated in the Contract Data for the
following events which are due to the Contractors risks:
i. loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials;
ii. loss of or damage to Equipment;
iii. loss of or damage of property (except the Works, Plant, Materials
and Equipment) in connection with the Contract; and
iv. personal injury or death.
[ Note : For Insurance during the O&M period, clause 12 of SCC Part 6 will
be applicable ]
13.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the
Engineer for the Engineers approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall
provide for compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies
required to rectify the loss or damage incurred.
13.3 If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and certificates required, the
Employer may effect the insurance which the Contractor should have provided and
recover the premiums the Employer has paid from payments otherwise due to the
Contractor or, if no payment is due, the payment of the premiums shall be a debt
13.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the
13.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
14.1 The Contractor, in preparing the Bid, shall rely on any site Investigation Reports
referred to in the Contract Data, supplemented by any information available to the
16.1 The Contractor shall design, construct and install the Works in accordance with the
Specification and Drawings.
16.2 The basic centerlines, reference points and benchmarks will be fixed by Employer,
with the assistance of the Contractor.
16.3 The Contractor shall establish at his cost, at suitable points, additional reference lines,
benchmarks as may be necessary. The Contractor shall remain responsible for the
sufficiency and accuracy of all his benchmarks and reference lines. He shall take
precautions to see that the lines, points and benchmarks fixed by Employer are not
disturbed by his work and shall make good any such damage.
17.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and
shall carry out the Works in accordance with the program submitted by the
Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Engineer, and complete them by the
Intended Completion date.
18. Approval by the Engineer
18.1 The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing the proposed
Temporary Works to the Engineer, who is to approve them if they comply with the
Specifications and Drawings.
18.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of Temporary and permanent Works.
18.3 The Engineer's approval shall not alter the Contractor's responsibility for design of the
Temporary and permanent Works.
18.4 The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design of the Temporary
and permanent Works where required.
18.5 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary and
permanent Works, are subject to prior approval by the Engineer before their use.
19. Safety
19.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.
20. Discoveries
21.1 The Employer will give possession of all parts of the Site to the Contractor.
However, if possession of a part is not given by the date stated in the Contract Data it
cannot be taken as a reason for delay in start of the relevant activities and it will not
be considered as a Compensation Event.
22.1 The Contractor shall allow the Engineer and any person authorized by the Engineer
access to the Site, to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being
carried out or is intended to be carried out and to any place where materials or plant
are being manufactured / fabricated / assembled for the works.
23. Instructions
23.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer, which comply with the
applicable laws where the Site is located.
24. Disputes
24.1 If the Contractor believes that a decision taken by the Engineer was either outside the
authority given to the Engineer by the Contract or that the decision was wrongly
taken, the decision shall be referred to the Adjudicator within 14 days of the
notification of the Engineer's decision.
25.1 The Adjudicator shall give a decision in writing within 28 days of receipt of a
notification of a dispute.
25.2 The Adjudicator shall be paid daily at the rate specified in the Contract Data together
with reimbursable expenses of the types specified in the Contract Data and the cost
shall be divided equally between the Employer and the Contractor, whatever be the
decision reached by the Adjudicator. Either party may refer a decision of the
Adjudicator to an Arbitrator within 28 days of the receipt of the Adjudicator's written
decision. If neither party refers the dispute to arbitration within the above 28 days, the
Adjudicator's decision will be final and binding on both the parties.
25.3 The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedure stated
in the Special Conditions of the Contract
26.1 Should the Adjudicator resign or die, or should the Employer and the Contractor agree
that the Adjudicator is not fulfilling his functions in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract, a new Adjudicator will be jointly appointed by the Employer and the
Contractor. In case of disagreement between the Employer and the Contractor, within
30 days, either party can approach the Appointing Authority designated in the
Contract Data and within 14 days of receipt of such request, a new Adjudicator will
be appointed by the Authority. This will be binding on both the parties..
B. Time Control
27. Program
27.1 Within the time stated in the Contract Data the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for approval a Program showing the general methods, arrangements, order,
and timing for all the activities in the Works along with monthly cash flow forecast.
27.2 An update of the Program shall be a program showing the actual progress achieved on
each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining
work including any changes to the sequence of the activities. The effect of
variations if any should also be taken into account.
27.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, an updated Program at
intervals no longer than the period stated in the Contract Data. If the Contractor does
not submit an updated Program within this period, the Engineer may withhold the
amount stated in the Contract Data from the next payment certificate and continue to
withhold this amount until the overdue Program has been submitted and then only the
with held amount will be released to the Contractor..
27.4 The Engineer's approval of the Program shall not alter the Contractor's obligations.
The Contractor may revise and update the Program and submit it to the Engineer for
approval at any time but not later than the period mentioned in clause 27.3.
28.1 The Engineer shall extend the Intended Completion Date if a Variation is issued
which makes it impossible for Completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion
Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate the remaining work .
28.2 The Engineer shall decide whether and by how much to extend the Intended
Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Engineer for a decision
upon the effect of a Variation and submitting full supporting information. If the
Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in
dealing with a delay, the delay by this failure shall not be considered in assessing the
new Intended Completion Date.
30.1 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity
within the Works.
31.1 Either the Engineer or the Contractor may require the other to attend a management
meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the progress and
the plans for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the
early warning procedure.
31.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and is to provide
copies of his record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. The
responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken is to be decided by the Engineer
either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and stated in
writing to all who attended the meeting.
32.1 The Contractor is to warn the Engineer at the earliest opportunity of specific likely
future events or circumstances that may adversely affect the quality of the work
increase the Contract Price or delay in the execution of works. The Engineer may
require the Contractor to provide an estimate of the expected effect of the future event
or circumstance on the Contract Price and Completion Date. The estimate is to be
provided by the Contractor as soon as reasonably possible.
32.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer in making and considering
proposals for how the effect of such an event or circumstance can be avoided or
reduced by anyone involved in the work and in carrying out any resulting instruction
of the Engineer.
C. Quality Control
33.1 The Engineer shall check the Contractor's work and notify the Contractor of any
Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor's responsibilities.
The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and
test any work that the Engineer considers may have a Defect
34. Tests
34.1 If the Engineer instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the
Specification to check whether any work has a Defect and the test shows that it does,
the Contractor shall pay for the test and any samples.
34.2 All pipes, specials, electrical and mechanical items shall be subjected to Third Party
inspection at the cost of Employer. The Contractor shall provide all necessary details
such as manufacturers/suppliers address and location of the manufacturing site well
in advance to the Employer for such purpose and should cooperate with the Third
party inspection agency for carrying out the required tests.
35.1 The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects noticed in the works
between the start date of the Construction Contract and completion date of the O&M
period of 5 years / Defect liability period ( whichever is later ). The Defects
Liability Period is defined in the Contract Data. The Defects Liability Period shall be
extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected.
35.2 Every time, notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect
within the length of time specified by the Engineers notice.
36.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the Engineers
notice, the Engineer will correct the defect, assess the cost of having the Defect
corrected and the Contractor will pay this amount with Centage as fixed by the
Engineer. The Engineers decision shall be final.
D. Cost Control
37.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain items for the construction, installation, testing,
and commissioning work to be done by the Contractor. The Bill of Quantities is used
to calculate the Contract price. The Contractor is paid for the quantity of work done at
the rate in the Bill of quantities for each item.
38.1 If the final quantity of the work done differs from the quantity in the Bill of Quantities
for the particular item the payment will be made as per actual quantity executed.
39. Variations
39.1 All Variations shall be included in updated Programs produced by the Contractor.
40.1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a quotation (with breakdown of unit
rates ) for carrying out the Variation when requested to do so by the Engineer. The
Engineer shall assess the quotation, which shall be given within seven days of the
request or within any longer period stated by the Engineer and before the Variation is
40.5 The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs, which could have
been avoided by giving early warning.
41.1 When the Program is updated, the contractor is to provide the Engineer with an
updated cash flow forecast.
42.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer monthly statements of the estimated
value of the work completed less the cumulative amount certified previously along
with the details of measurement of the quantity of works executed in a tabular form as
approved by the Engineer.
42.2 Payments will be made to the Contractor under the certificates to be issued at
reasonably frequent intervals by the Engineer. Based on the certificate of the
Engineer, an intermediate payment will be made by the Engineer of a sum equal to 95
percent of the value of work subject to the conditions deducting all dues towards
recovery of advances, interests, fines etc., as per terms of contract and for the cost of
materials, if issued, at the term stipulated in the agreement. The balance of 5 percent
will be withheld as Retention Money and retained as a security for the due fulfillment
of the contract. Under the certificate to be issued by the Engineer on the completion
of the entire works under Construction Contract, the Contractor will receive the final
payment of all the moneys due or payable to him under or by virtue of the Contract
and a sum equal to 2.5% of the total value of the work done provided there is no
recovery or forfeiture. The balance amount of 2.50% of the total value of the works
will be retained foe a period of 2 years reckoned from the date of completion without
interest and this amount will be paid to the Contractor after obtaining an irrevocable
Bank guarantee for the further period upto the completion of Defect liability period or
3 years which ever is later No certificate of the Engineer shall be considered
conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any work or materials or correctness of
measurements to which it relates, nor shall it relieve the Contractor from his liability
to make good defects as provided by the contract. The Contractor when applying for
a certificate shall prepare a sufficiently detailed bill based on the original figures or
quantities and rates in the Bill of Quantities to the satisfaction of the Engineer to
check the claim and issue the certificate. The certificates as such of the claims
mentioned in the application as are allowed by the Engineer shall be issued within
fourteen days of the applications. No application for a certificate shall be made
within fourteen days of a previous application. Retention at the rate of 5% is
applicable for both Construction and O&M Contract. The O&M retention
amount will be released to the Contractor at the end of O&M contract based on
the certificate of the Engineer.
42.4 The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in
the Bill of Quantities completed.
42.5 The value of work executed shall include the valuation of Variation.
42.6 The Engineer may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the
proportion of any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later
42.7 If for any reason, the Contractor or his authorised agent is not available and/or the
work is suspended by Employer, recording of measurements will be done by
Employer without the presence of the Contractor or his authorised representatives and
the Employer shall not entertain any claim from the Contractor for any loss on this
account. If the Contractor or his authorised agent or representative does not remain
present at the time of such measurements, after the Contractor has been given a three
day notice in writing, such measurements may be taken in his absence and shall be
deemed to be accepted by the Contractor.
42.8 Payment for the work done by the Contractor will be based on measurements
recorded at various stages of the Work. The Contractor or his authorised agent, or
representative shall be present at the time of recording of each set of measurements
and sign the measurement book or level/field book in token of their acceptance.
43. Payments
43.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, retention and other
recoveries in terms of the contract and deduction at source of taxes as applicable
under the law. The Employer shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the
Engineer. Retention at the rate of 5% is applicable for both Construction and
O&M Contract.
43.3 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in the contract, will not
be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed to have covered by other rates and
prices in the Contract.
43.4 Payment will be made by the Employer as indicated in the Contract Data
45. TAX
45.1 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the VAT, sales,
services and other taxes and duties that the Contractor will have to pay for the
performance of this Contract. The Employer will deduct such taxes and other
statutory levies at source as per applicable law.
45.2 Any statutory variations in duties / taxes, which takes effect from a date subsequent
to the due date for receipt of tender, shall be to CMWSS Boards Account
46. Currencies
47.1 Contract price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and price of labour,
materials, fuels and lubricants in accordance with the following principles and
procedures and as per formula given in the contract data:
(a) The price adjustment shall apply for the work done from the start date and
upto end of the initial intended completion date or extensions granted by the
Engineer and shall not apply to the work carried out beyond the stipulated
time for reasons attributable to the contractor.
(b) The price adjustment shall be determined during each quarter from the formula
as given in the contract data.
(c) Following expressions and meanings are assigned to the work done during
each quarter:
R= Total value of work done during the quarter based on the Contract
value. It would also include the amount of secured advance for
materials paid for (if any) during the quarter, less the amount of the
secured advance recovered, during the quarter. It will exclude value
for works executed under variations for which price adjustment will
be worked separately based on the terms mutually agreed
(d) Price adjustment will apply only when the fluctuation of rates exceeds by 3%
compared to the estimate rates ( RBI Index price ), should be applied on each
item of materials individually / separately. Price adjustment shall be made for
both increase and decrease in the cost of materials
(f) Price adjustment will be applicable for only those quantities which would be
utilized to achieve the work as per milestone schedule as given in the contract
data. However if a certain quantity of work to be completed in a quarter, is
completed in the succeeding quarter the price adjustment can be claimed on
that quantity at the rates applicable for the intended quarter only. If there is
any decrease in the price index in the prevailing ( subsequent ) quarter, while
the carried forward work is executed and measurements there for are recorded,
the payment for such carried forward works will be regulated as per the
applicable price index during the prevailing / current quarter i.e at the reduced
price and not at the enhanced price index which might have prevailed during
the relevant previous / earlier quarter in which the works should have been
completed as per the prescribed milestone.
47.2 To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the
contractor is not covered by the provisions of this or other clauses in the
contract, the rates and prices included in the contract shall be deemed to
include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or fall in costs.
48. Retention
48.1 The Employer shall retain from each payment due to the Contractor the proportion
stated in the Contract Data until Completion of the whole of the Works under
Construction Contract.
48.2 On Completion of the whole of the Works, half the total amount retained is repaid to
the Contractor and half when the Defects Liability Period has passed and the Engineer
has certified that all Defects notified by the Engineer to the Contractor before the end
of this period have been corrected.
48.3 2.50 % of the total value of the Works executed by the Contractor less deduction if
any will be paid to the Contractor along with the final bill. The balance amount of
2.50 % of the total value of the Works will be retained for a period of 2 years
reckoned from the date of completion without interest and this amount will be paid to
the Contractor after obtaining an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for a further period up
to the completion of Defect liability period.
48.4 Any recovery advised by the Employer shall be recovered from any bill or money
retained from this Contract.
49.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate per day stated
in the Contract Data for each day that the Completion Date is later than the Intended
Completion Date (for the whole of the works or the milestone as stated in the contract
data). The total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed the amount defined in
the Contract Data. The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of
recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any monies due, or to become
due, to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated damages does not affect the Contractor's
49.2. If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have been paid,
the Engineer shall correct any overpayment of liquidated damages by the Contractor
by adjusting the next payment certificate.
51 Advance Payment
51.1 The Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor of the amounts stated in
the Contract Data by the date stated in the Contract Data, against provision by the
Contractor of an Irrevocable Bank Guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable to
the Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment. The guarantee
shall remain effective until the advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of
the guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor.
Interest will be charged on the outstanding advance amount at the rate of simple
interest 13.5% per annum. The Bank Guarantee of a Consortium shall be in the
name of the Consortium. The advance payment shall be governed by Tamil Nadu
Transparency in Tenders Act 1998 and Rules 2000.
51.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for Equipment, Plant and
Mobilization expenses required specifically for execution of the Works
51.3 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate amounts from
payments otherwise due to the Contractor, following the schedule of completed
percentages of the Works on a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the
advance payment or its repayment in assessing valuations of work done, Variations,
price adjustments, Compensation Events, or Liquidated Damages.
52. Securities
52.1 The Performance Security (including additional security for unbalanced bids) shall be
provided to the Employer not later than the date specified and shall be issued in the
amount and form and by a bank or surety acceptable to the Employer, and
denominated in Indian Rupees. The Performance Security for construction activities
shall be valid until Seven calendar months from the date of issue of Certificate of
Completion at the end of Construction Contract and the additional security for
unbalanced bids shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the
certificate of completion at the end of Construction Contract. The Bank Guarantee of
a Consortium shall be in the name of the Consortium.
52.2 The Performance Security for the O & M contract shall be furnished within 14 days
from the date of commencement of O & M at the end of construction Contract. In
case of failure of the Contractor to furnish the required performance security for
O&M Contract within the stipulated time, Employer shall encash the performance
security for construction Contract. The Performance Security for O&M Contract shall
be valid until 28 days from the date of handing over the Works to the Employer on
completion of O&M period. The Bank Guarantee of a Consortium shall be in the
name of the Consortium.
54.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between
the Start Date of the Construction Contract and the completion date of the O&M
Contract of 5 years / Defects liability periods ( whichever is later ) shall be remedied
by the Contractor at the Contractor's cost if the loss or damage arises from the
Contractor's act or omissions. Contractor shall attend to the defect in the work noticed
during the above mentioned period within 3 days from the date of issue of notice to
attend to the defects, failing which the defect will be remedied by engaging other
Contractors at any cost and that cost will be recovered from the Contractor's money
available with the Employer and balance alone will be paid when it is due. ( Refer
clause 36.1 )
E. Finishing the Contract
55. Completion
55.1 The Contractor shall request the Engineer to issue a Certificate of Completion of the
Works and the Engineer will do so upon deciding that the Work is completed.
Separate Taking Over certificates will be issued at the end of the Construction
contract and O&M contract.
56.1 The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of the Engineer
issuing a certificate of Completion at the end of the O&M Contract..
57.1 The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer a detailed account of the total amount that
the Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects
Liability Period or O&M period of 5 years whichever is later. The Engineer shall
issue a Defect Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to the
Contractor within 56 days of receiving the Contractor's account if it is correct and
complete. If it is not, the Engineer shall issue within 56 days a schedule that states the
scope of the corrections or additions that are necessary. If the Final Account is still
unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted, the Engineer shall decide on the amount
payable to the Contractor and issue a payment certificate, within 56 days of receiving
the Contractors revised account.
58.1 As Built drawings and O&M Manuals are required as per the Contract conditions
and the Contractor shall supply them by the dates stated in the Contract Data.
58.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and manuals by the dates stated in the
Contract Data, or they do not receive the Engineers approval, the Engineer shall
withhold the amount stated in the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor.
59. Termination
59.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract by giving seven days notice.
59.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the following:
(a) the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other
than for a reconstruction or amalgamation;
(b) the Engineer gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is a
fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a
reasonable period of time determined by the Engineer;
(d) the Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number
of days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as
defined in the Contract data; and
(f) The Contractor (in case of Consortium / Joint venture) has modified the
composition of the Consortium / Joint Venture and /other responsibility of
each member of the Consortium / Joint Venture from what is stated in
Consortium / Joint Venture agreement without Prior approval of the
(h) The Contractor has contravened clause 7.1 and clause 9.0 of the Contract
conditions mentioned above.
For the purpose of this paragraph: corrupt practice means the offering,
giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a
public official in the evaluation process or in contract execution. Fraudulent
practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a evaluation
process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer, and
includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission)
designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to
deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open competition.
59.3 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of contract to the Engineer
for a cause other than those listed under Sub Clause 59.2 above, the Engineer shall
decide whether the breach is fundamental or not.
59.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for
59.5 If the Contract is terminated the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the
Site safe and secure and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.
advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate, less other
recoveries due in terms of the contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per
applicable law and less the percentage to apply to the work not completed as indicated
in the Contract Data. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total
amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor the
difference shall be a debt payable to the Employer.
61. Property
61.1 All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works are deemed
to be the property of the Employer, if the Contract is terminated because of a
Contractors default.
62.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely
outside the control of either the Employer or the Contractor the Engineer shall certify
that the Contract has been frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop
work as quickly as possible after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all
work carried out before receiving it and for any work carried out afterwards to which
commitment was made.
F. Special Conditions of Contract
Part I
The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own
arrangements for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their
payment, housing, feeding and transport.
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, deliver to the Engineer a return in
detail, in such form and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe, showing the
staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by
the Contractor on the Site and such other information as the Engineer may require.
During continuance of the contract, the Contractor and his sub contractors shall abide
at all times by all existing labour enactments and rules made there under, regulations,
notifications and bye laws of the State or Central Government or local authority and
any other labour law (including rules), regulations, bye laws that may be passed or
notification that may be issued under any labour law in future either by the State or
the Central Government or the local authority. Salient features of some of the major
labour laws that are applicable to construction industry are given below. The
Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified in case any action is taken against the
Employer by the competent authority on account of contravention of any of the
provisions of any Act or rules made there under, regulations or notifications including
amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as may be
necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provisions stipulated in
the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any, on
the part of the Contractor, the Engineer/Employer shall have the right to deduct any
money due to the Contractor including his amount of performance security. The
Employer/Engineer shall also have right to recover from the Contractor any sum
required or estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by
the Employer.
The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-Contractor in no case shall be treated as
the employees of the Employer at any point of time.
Further, the contractor has to give a declaration for the following provisions :
i) That in the capacity of Contractor, the contractor has to comply with the
provisions of Contract Labour (Regulations & Abolition) Act, 1970 by obtaining
a valid license under the Act and the Rules thereto and similarly under Factories
Act wherever applicable.
ii) The contractor has to pay the wages in accordance with the Minimum Wages Act
to all his / their employees.
iii) That the contractor has to abide to recover the Employees Provident Fund and the
Employees Insurance contributions (both Employees and employers
contribution) from the payment of bills every month.
iv) The contractors Code Nos. for E.S.I. and E.P.F. are ..................................... &
............................................... and both the Employees, Employers contributions
will be remitted by the contractor in his / their code numbers and copy of the
remittance challans will be produced. In case, if the contractor is failing to remit,
he / they will inform wage rates of employees to the Principal employer so that
they can remit Employees State Insurance Contribution & Employees Provident
Fund contribution (both for employer and employee) and authorize them to make
deductions from the payment of bills.
v) That the contractor has to authorize to recover the contributions towards Tamil
Nadu Manual Workers (Regulations of Employment and Conditions of work)
Act, 1982 fund at the percentage prescribed by the Government from time to
vi) That the contractor has to further declare and undertake that in case of any
liability pertaining to his / their employees is to be discharged by the Principal
Employer for his / their lapse, the contractor undertake to reimburse the same or
the Principal Employer is authorised to deduct the same from the contractors
dues as payable.
vii) That the contractor will maintain the Registers and records about the Contract
Labour employed under Section 29 of Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act
wherever applicable.
viii) That the contractor will take insurance policy under Workmen Compensation Act
to meet out any untoward incident until the contract labourers are issued with ESI
ix) (1) That no child labour shall be employed in a house/ work site / establishment /
other places.
(2) As per the section 2 (ii) of child labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986
Child means, a person who has not completed his fourteenth years of age.
a) Workmen Compensation Act 1923: - The Act provides for compensation in case of
injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment. The
Contractor shall also take out the insurance under workmans compensation
Act 1923, covering the total number of workmen employed by him on any
work pertaining to this Contract ( or ) Contractors. He shall also ensure that
similar Insurance under workmens compensation Act 1923 covering the total
number of workmen employed by his sub Contractor, if any, also included
in his policy.
b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: - Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act
on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5
years service or more or on death the rate of 15 days wages for every completed
year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more
c) Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952: TheAct Provides for
monthly contributions by the employer plus workers @ 10% or 8.33%. The
benefits payable under the Act are:
(i) Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.
(ii) Deposit linked insurance on the death in harness of the worker.
(iii) Payment of P.F. accumulation on retirement/death etc.
d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951: - The Act provides for leave and some other benefits
to women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.
e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970:- The Act provides for
certain welfare measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour and
in case the Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided, by
the Principal Employer by Law. The Principal Employer is required to take
Certificate of Registration and the Contractor is required to take license from the
designated Officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of
Principal Employer if they employ 20 or more contract labour.
f) Minimum Wages Act 1948: - The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if
the employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads,
and Runways are scheduled employment.
g) Payment of Wages Act 1936: - It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be
paid, when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the
h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979 :- The Act provides for payment of equal wages
for work of equal nature to Male and Female workers and for not making
discrimination against Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and
promotions etc.
j) Industrial Disputes Act 1947: - The Act lays down the machinery and procedure
for resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out
becomes illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the
employees or closing down the establishment.
k) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946: - It is applicable to all
establishments employing 100 or more workmen (employment size reduced by
some of the States and Central Government to 50). The Act provides for laying
down rules governing the conditions of employment by the Employer on matters
provided in the Act and get the same certified by the designated Authority.
l) Trade Unions Act 1926: - The Act lays down the procedure for registration of
trade unions of workmen and employers. The Trade Unions registered under the
Act have been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986: - The Act prohibits
employment of children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and
processes and provides for regulation of employment of children in all other
occupations and processes. Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in Building
and Construction Industry.
p) Factories Act 1948: - The Act lays down the procedure for approval at plans
before setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions,
working hours, annual earned leave and rendering information regarding accidents
or dangerous occurrences to designated authorities. It is applicable to premises
employing 10 persons or more with aid of power or 20 or more persons without
the aid of power engaged in manufacturing process.
Every Employer other than an Employer operating a motor transport for carrying
passengers or goods by roads, employing manual worker in any scheduled
employment, shall be liable to pay, within such time as may be prescribed, to the
Board established under section 6, for the scheduled employments, other than the
scheduled employment in construction or maintenance of dams, bridges, roads or
in any building operations, every month a sum at such rate not exceeding three
percent of the wages payable by him to such manual worker, as may be fixed by
the Government by notification;
(a) In case of Dispute or difference arising between the Employer and Contractor
relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this agreement, such
disputes or difference shall be settled in accordance with the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of 3 arbitrators one
each to be appointed by the Employer and the Contractor. The third arbitrator
shall be chosen by the two arbitrators so appointed by the parties and shall act
as presiding arbitrator. In case of failure of the two arbitrators appointed by the
parties to reach upon a consensus within a period of 30 days from the
appointment of the arbitrator appointed subsequently, presiding arbitrator shall
be appointed in accordance with the Arbitration and conciliation Act.1996.
(c) If one of the parties fails to appoint its arbitrator in pursuance of sub-clause (a)
above within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the appointment of its
arbitrator by the other party, then the appointment of Arbitrator shall be made
in accordance with Arbitration and conciliation Act.1996.
(d) Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Chennai, (India) and the languages of
the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications
between the parties shall be English.
(e) The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both
parties. The cost and expense of Arbitration proceedings will be paid as
determined by the arbitral tribunal. However, the Expenses incurred by each
party in connection with the preparation, presentation, etc. of its proceedings
as also the fees and expenses paid to the arbitrator appointed by such party or
on its behalf shall be borne by each party itself.
(f) Deleted
(g) Performance under the contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings
and payments due to the Contractor by the Employer shall not be withheld,
unless they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.
F Special Conditions of Contract
Part 2
1. Contractors Responsibility
The information given hereunder and provided elsewhere is given in good faith but
the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site conditions and no
claim whatsoever will be entertained on the plea that information supplied by the
Engineers is erroneous or insufficient.
2. Construction Water
The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for the fresh water required for the
manufacturing of the pipes, construction of civil works and testing of pipeline as well
as for the potable water required for his factory & labour camps.
3. Construction Power
The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for supply electrical energy required
at his sites and the works from the Tamilnadu Electricity Board.
The Contractor is forewarned that there can be interruptions in power supply for
reasons beyond the control of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board and therefore the
Contractor is advised to make his standby arrangement to provide and maintain all
essential power supply for his work area at his expense. The Contractor shall not be
entitled to any compensation for any loss or damage to his machinery or any
equipment or any consequential loss in progress of work and idle labour.
4. Survey
The Contractor shall, at his own expense provide and maintain survey stations which
he may require to carry out the works and shall remove the same on completion of the
works. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out all the necessary surveys,
measurements and setting out of the works and shall for this purpose engage qualified
and competent engineering surveyors whose names and qualifications shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval.
The Contractor shall for the purpose of checking the survey and setting out, provide to
the Engineer all the assistance, which he may require. The surveyor shall be selected
having appropriate experience and as far as possible, the same surveyor shall be
provided throughout the contract period. Before commencing any work at any
locations, the Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than two days notice of his
intention to set out or give levels for any part of the work in order that arrangements
may be made for inspection. The Contractor shall provide for the sole use of the
Engineer and his staff, all necessary survey instruments and other equipment and all
technicians, labour and attendants which the Engineer may require for checking the
setting out and marking of the works. The Contractor shall maintain in good working
order at all time during the period of contract the instruments provided by him, for the
proper setting out of the works. The Contractor shall make available at his own
expense, any poles, staging templates.
5. Temporary Fencing
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, erect and maintain in good condition
temporary fences and gates along the boundaries of the areas assigned, if any, to him
by the Employer for the purpose of the execution of the works.
The Contractor shall, except when authorised by the Engineer, confine his men,
materials and plant within the site of which he is given possession. The Contractor
shall not use any part of the site for purposes not connected with the works unless
prior written consent of the Engineer has been obtained. Access shall be made to such
areas only by way of approved gateways.
The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer by 9 a.m. every working day a return of
the men employed by him and his sub-contractors on the previous working day and all
of the work on which they were engaged specifying also the number employed in each
trade. He shall also supply monthly any other returns which may be required as to the
number of men and constructional plant employed and the nature and type of the work
7. Sanitary Facilities
The Contractor shall provide and maintain in a clean and sanitary condition adequate
W.C.s and wash places which may be required on the various parts of the site for use
of his employees, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all
arrangements for the disposal of sewage or drainage in accordance with the directions
of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall get the prior permission of the Engineer before any person not
directly connected with the works visits the site.
9. Existing Services
Drains, pipes, cables, overhead electric wires and similar services encountered in the
course of the works shall be guarded from injury by the Contractor at his own cost, so
that they may continue in full and uninterrupted use to the satisfaction of the
Employer and the Contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of
the site in a manner likely to hinder the operation of such services. Should any
damage be done by the Contractor on any mains, pipes, cables or lines (whether above
or below ground), whether or not shown on the drawings, the Contractor must make
good or bear the cost of making good the same without delay to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and of the Employer.
10. Local Roads and Haul Roads
The approach roads and other public roads in the state may be used by the Contractor
to haul construction materials and equipment subject to restriction of load carrying
capacity on the roads in particular over bridges and culverts. However, the Contractor
will have to pay customary vehicles license and permit fees for use of public roads.
The Contractor shall plan transportation of construction materials to site in such a way
that road accidents are avoided.
Wherever the Contractor considers that it is necessary to cut through an existing road
or track he shall submit details to the Engineer for approval, a minimum of seven days
before such work commences.
In the event of cutting a road by the Contractor without permission from the Engineer
the Contractor shall pay compensation as claimed by the owner of the road until it is
restored at the cost of the erring Contractor.
Trench Digging:
Digging of trench by the Contractor beyond the length than that is specified by the
Engineer shall invite a fine of Rs.500/- per day till such time the damage is restored.
During the execution of the works the Contractor shall make at his cost all necessary
provision for the temporary diversion of roads, cart-tracks, footpaths, drains, water
courses, channels etc., Should he fail to do so, the same shall be done by the Engineer
and the cost thereof will be recovered from the Contractor.
13. Notice to Telephone, Railways & Electricity Supply Under Takings / Depts., etc.
The employer shall deposit an amount to the respective local bodies / highways
department, for restoration of road surface after completion of the works. The actual
road restoration charges paid will be recovered from the Contractor. The
employer shall obtain general permission to cut the road. Before commencing
operations the Contractor has to obtain permission from local bodies/Highways
Department when he wants to cut any section of the road. The Employer will give
necessary assistance such as sending letters and attending meetings if required.
The Contractor before taking up operations which involve cutting of roads, shifting
utilities etc. during the process of work, shall give notice to the concerned authorities
viz. the Corporation / Panchayats / Municipalities, State Highways Department,
National Highways Department, the Railway department, the Electricity Board,
Telegraphs department, the Traffic department attached to the police and other
departments or companies as may be affected by the work. The notice should identify
the specific details so that the necessary diversion of traffic may be arranged and
permissions obtained. The Contractor shall co-operate with the department concerned
and provide for necessary barricading of roads, protection to existing underground
cables etc. met with during the excavation of trenches. The Contractor shall provide
at his own expenses watching and lighting arrangements during day and night and
erect required notice board such as Caution Road closed for Traffic etc. He should
also provide and maintain at his own cost the necessary supports for underground
cables etc. to afford best protection to them in consultation with the authorities in-
charge of the properties and to their best satisfaction. The Contractor has to make
necessary arrangements to get supply of electricity from TNEB for operating the
machinery and equipments. The Employer will pay the necessary service connection
and S.D. charges. The Contractor should obtain all approvals for the installation and
commissioning of machinery and accessories offered by them from the respective
inspecting authorities such as CEIG or CIFG etc., Fees if any, to be paid to the
inspecting authorities will be reimbursed by the Employer.
14. Barricading
The pit / trench shall be barricaded on all four sides. The Contractor who has dug up
the trench shall be responsible for any mishap, which may occur. Non-barricading of
trenches by the Contractor shall be liable for a fine of Rs.500/- per day.
The Pipe line shall be excavated in such length as may be ordered by the Engineer
depending on the nature of the ground, the depth from the surface and the risk of
damage to the adjoining property. The pipes shall not be covered until they may have
been tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. But in bad ground in close proximity to
buildings or in other places where the Engineer shall consider necessary he may limit
the length of trench so that there shall not be more than three pipes lengths from the
refilled trench to the unbroken ground ahead.
The Contractor shall at his expense provide at the site of work sufficient lighting and
watching and fencing by night and by day and shall in every respect conform to the
police regulations in these matters and he shall free and relieve the Employer, Should
he neglect to do so, the same shall be provided by the Engineer and the cost thereof
will be recovered from the Contractor.
The Contractor immediately upon completion of the Works shall fill up holes and
trenches which may have been made or dug, level the mounds, or heaps or earth that
may have been raised or made, and clear away all rubbish which may have become
superfluous or have been occasioned or made in the execution of the works, and the
Contractor shall bear and pay all costs, charges etc. Failure to carry out the work
within two days will attract a fine of Rs 500/- per day.
18. Power to Vary Work
The description of work required to be executed by the Contractor are set forth in the
specification, schedules and in the drawings, but the Engineer reserves the power to
vary, extend or diminish the quantities of Work, to alter the line, level, or position of
any work to increase, change or decrease the size, quantity, description, character or
kind of any Work, to order the Contractor to execute the Works or any part thereof, by
day or night Work, or to add or to take from the Work included in the contract as he
may think proper without violating the contract and the Contractor shall not have any
claim upon the Employer for any such variation, extension, diminution, alteration,
increase, change or decrease other than for the Work actually done, calculated
according to the prices tendered and accepted in this contract.
The Contractor shall be responsible for successful commissioning and stabilizing the
plant before the commencement of operation and maintenance period of five years.
F Special Conditions of Contract
Part 3
2. Application
These rules shall apply to all building, pipe laying and construction works.
3. Definition
a) Work Place means a place at which on an average fifty or more workers are
employed in connection with construction work.
F Special Conditions of Contract
Part 4
1. General
Before submitting the bids, the bidder should carefully go through all the bid
documents, drawings and also inspect the place of work so as to get full and first hand
knowledge of the site conditions based on which he has to quote his rate.
2. Accidents
It shall be the duty of the Contractor to arrange for the execution of the works in such
a manner as to avoid the possibility of the accidents to persons or damage to the
properties at any stage of the progress of work. Nevertheless he shall be held wholly
responsible for any injury or damage to persons and properties which may occur
irrespective of any precautions he may take during the execution of the works. The
Contractor shall make good all claims and loss arising out of such accidents and
indemnify the Employer from all such claims and expenses on account thereof.
The Contractor may take risk insurance at his cost against losses due to unprecedented
floods and other acts of God. No claim shall be entertained on this account and paid
The Contractor shall pay all fees and provide water and light as required from
Municipal mains or other sources and shall pay all charges, therefor (including storage
tanks, meters etc.) for the use of the works and workmen, unless otherwise arranged
and decided on by writing with Engineer. The water used for the works shall be free
from earthy vegetable or organic matter and from salts or other substances likely to
interfere with the setting of mortar or otherwise prove harmful to the work and
conform to relevant standards.
5. Rates
The Contractor shall particularly note that the accepted rates of the various items shall
be inclusive of all incidental charges such as bailing by manual labour, dewatering,
shoring etc. if found necessary during the execution and no extra shall be due
therefore on any account during the currency of the contract, unless stated other wise.
6. Royalty Charges
The Royalty will be charged for the materials obtained from P.W.Department, or other
Government quarries. Assistance as necessary will be given to the Contractor by the
Engineer. No plot rent shall be charged for materials stacked on Employers lands
during the course of construction provided all such materials are removed within one
month after the work is completed. Royalty or charges due in the case of private
quarries and private bodies shall be paid by the Contractor.
7. Payment to Labourer
The Contractor should note, that in the event of emergency, he shall pay all Labourer
every day and if this is not done, the Employer shall make requisite payment and
recover the cost from the Contractor. The Contractor shall not employ any labourer
below the age of 15 years.
8. Night Works
If night work is required to fulfill the agreed rate of progress and to complete the work
within the period stipulated, prior written approval is necessary and all arrangement
shall be made by the Contractor including lighting without any claim for extra rate.
In the case of errors, omissions, and/or disagreement between the written and the
scaled dimensions on the drawings or between the drawings and the specifications,
the following order of precedence shall apply;
iv) Drawing issued as construction drawings from time to time shall supersede the
corresponding drawings previously issued.
Whenever reference is made in the contract to the respective standards and codes in
accordance with which plant, equipment or materials are to be furnished and work is
to be performed or tested the provisions of the latest current edition or revision of the
relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise expressly set forth
in the contract. Where such standards and codes are national in character, or relate to
a particular country or region, other authoritative standards which ensure equal or
higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be accepted subject to the
prior review and written approval by the Engineer. Difference between the standards
specified and the proposed authoritative standards must be fully described in writing
by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer well in advance for approval. If on
the prior review, the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure
equal or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with the standards set forth in the
contract document.
It will be the Contractor's responsibility to satisfy himself from the inspection of the
site that sufficient quantities of construction materials required for the works exist in
the designated borrow areas and quarry sites.
Failure by the Contractor to have done all the things, which in accordance with this
condition he is deemed to have done shall not relieve him of the responsibility for
satisfactorily completing the work as required.
13. All labourers and other employees of the Contractor should be covered by a suitable
accident insurance policy to cover liabilities under the Workman's Compensation Act.
The unit rates and prices quoted by the Bidder in the Bill of Quantities shall include
the cost of electric energy required for construction at the rates fixed by the Tamil
Nadu Electricity Board.
F Special conditions Of Contract
Part 5
1. Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workers for all that cannot safely be done
from the ground or from solid construction, except such short period work, as can be
done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used, an extra mazdoor shall be engaged
for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well , suitable
footholds and handholds shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given
an inclination no steeper than 1\4 to 1 (1\4 horizontal to 1 vertical ) . Site code for
scaffolding and ladders I.S 3696 -1996 Part -I and Part II and latest revisions to be
2. Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25 meters above the ground or floor swung or
suspended from an overhead support or erection with stationary support, shall have
guard rail properly attached bolted, braced and otherwise secured atleast 1 metre high
above the floor or platform of such scaffolding of staging and extending along the
entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such openings as may be
necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so
fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or the structure.
3. Working platform, gangways and stairways shall be so constructed that they do not
sag unduly or unequally, and if height of a platform or gangways or stairway is more
than 3.25 metres above ground level, it shall be closely boarded, have adequate width
and be suitably fenced, as described in 2 above. Every opening in floor of a building
or in a working platform shall be provided with suitable means to prevent fall of
persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing with a minimum height
of 1 meter. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other
working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall
be over 7 metres in length. Width between side rails in a rung ladder shall in no case
be less than 30 cm, for ladders, this width shall be increased by atleast 6mm for each
additional 30cm length. Uniform steps spacing shall not exceed 30cm.
5. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer shall
be available for use of persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition
suitable for immediate use and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure
proper use of equipment by those concerned.
b) Those engaged in handling any materials, which is injurious to eyes, shall be
provided with protective goggles.
d) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use, the
Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are opened and manholes are
ventilated atleast for an hour before workers are allowed to get into them.
Manholes so opened shall be cordoned-off with suitable railing and warning
signals or boards provided to prevent accident to public.
e) The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 15 and women on the
work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Whenever men
above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting the following
precautions shall be taken:
ii) Suitable face masks shall be supplied for use by workers when paint is
applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubbed
and scraped.
6. When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary
equipment shall be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for
prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provisions made for prompt first
aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work.
7. Use of hoisting machines and tacks including their attachments, anchorage and
supports shall conform to the following:
i) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and
adequate strength and free from patent defects and shall be kept in
good repair and in good working order.
c) In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle,
swivel and pulley block used in hoisting machine or lowering or as means of
suspension, safe working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every
hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with
safe working load. In case of hoisting machine having a variable safe working
load and the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated.
No part of any machine or of any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall
be loaded beyond safe working load except for the purpose of testing.
8. Motors, gearing, transmission, electrical wiring and other dangerous parts or hoisting
appliance shall be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum risk and
accidental descending of load; adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to the
minimum risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When
workers are employed on electrical installations, which are already energised,
insulating mats, wearing apparel such as gloves, sleeves and boots, as may be
necessary shall be provided. Workers shall not wear any rings, watches and carry keys
or other materials, which are good conductors of electricity.
9. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in a safe condition and no scaffold ladder or equipment shall be altered or
removed, while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near
place of work.
10. The safety provision shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by displaying on a
notice board at a prominent place at the work spot, persons responsible for ensuring
compliance with the safety provision shall be named therein by the Contractor.
11. To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety
precautions, arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the
Engineer or his representative and the inspecting Officer.
12. The Contractor shall obtain previous permission of the competent authority such as
Chief of Fire services for the site, manner and method of storing explosives near the
site of work. All handling of explosives including storage, transport shall be carried
out under the rules approved by the Explosive Department of the Government.
13. The Contractor shall at his own cost provide and maintain at the sites of works,
standard first aid box as directed and approved by the Engineer, for the use of his own
as well as the Employers staff on site.
13. Notwithstanding the above provision 1 to 15 Contractor is not exempted from the
operation of any other Act or rules in force relating to safety provisions.
15 Environmental Protection Work
15.1 The Contractor shall have to take following measures during construction and
commissioning of works for protection of environment as under to avoid
environmental impacts on air, water and land.
The site clearance shall be done with minimum damage to existing structures flora
and fauna, electricity and telephone lines and other infrastructure service.
The Contractor shall inform the local authorities / government if any fossils, coins
artifacts of value or antiquity, structures and other remains of geological or
archaeological interests and excavation shall be stopped until identification of cultural
relics by the authorised institution is completed.
The Contractor shall dispose off surplus / waste material at identified sites approved
by the Engineer. The Contractor shall ensure that there is minimum hindrance to
normal activities and business. The Contractor shall avoid damage to permanent
structures and shall avoid loss of standing crops along the road.
15.4 Replantation
The Contractor shall carry out Replantation on areas / on the periphery of construction
sites to minimise visual impact and soil erosion. The Contractor shall pay special
attention to the type of trees to be replanted to prevent fouling of water through falling
leaves and bird droppings. A list showing the type of trees to be replanted will be got
approved before replanting any trees.
The Contractor shall ensure that earth and stone do not silt up existing irrigation
/drainage systems.
The Contractor shall take suitable measures to prevent direct discharge of polluted
waters form construction activity into lakes/rivers/irrigation channels.
The Contractor shall minimise exposure of soil types susceptible to wind and water
The Contractor shall control run-off and erosion through proper drainage channels
and structures.
The Contractor shall restrict traffic movements and use low ground pressure
The Contractor shall preserve topsoil to be replaced after completion of construction
The Contractor shall avoid wet soils.
15.7 Social Disruption
The Contractor shall provide temporary roads and diversions as may be necessary for
smooth flow of traffic.
The Contractor shall preferably use local labour / Skilled persons during construction.
The Contractor shall provide effective dust control through sprinkling / washing of
construction sites and access roads.
The Contractor shall cover / water stockpiles and storage areas to prevent dust
The Contractor shall normally undertake construction work during daytime only
(between 7.30 to 18.00 hrs) and when authorised to work beyond these hours adopt
suitable noise control methods during such works.
The Contractor shall maintain machines and trucks to keep them with low noise.
The Contractor shall install sound barriers and plant tree as appropriate during
The Contractor shall take adequate measures such as provision of septic tank/pit
latrines at construction site / camps.
The Contractor shall provide garbage cans at suitable fixed place and have the
garbage disposed off regularly.
15.11 Aesthetic Improvement
The Contractor shall through proper house keeping enhance aesthetic appearance of
construction sites.
The Contractor shall remove after completion of construction, all temporary structures
and restore the project and surrounding areas nearest possible to the pre construction
The Contractor shall not use farmLand and forest belts as materials borrow sites.
The Contractor shall not select arable land as material borrows site. In case excavation
in arable land is unavoidable, topsoil layer (30 cms. depth) shall be saved and returned
after construction work is completed so as to minimise impacts on ecosystem,
agriculture and animal husbandry.
The Contractor shall educate construction workers to protect natural resources, wild
plants and animals.
The Contractor shall provide efficient lighting equipment and safety signs on
temporary roads during construction and shall adopt and implement adequate traffic
The Contractor shall take effective safety and warning measures to reduce accidents.
The Contractor shall provide suitable temporary crossings to facilitate normal life and
The care of the whole of the permanent work until their completion as defined in the
Contract and for the period prescribed in the Contract and of the whole of the
temporary work until their removal shall remain with the Contractor who shall be
responsible for all accidents or damages from whatever cause arising and chargeable
for anything that may be stolen, removed, destroyed or damaged to whomsoever
belonging and also for making good all defects and damages to the said Works or to
any property adjoining or any cause whatever, whether such damage or defects where
occasioned by the negligence of the Contractor or not or may be or might have been
discovered during the progress of the works or in consequence thereof, or shall appear
to be known after the completion whereof or whether payment may wholly or
partially have been made or the Works approved as supposed to have been properly
done, and no certificate or approval of any works by any officers or members of the
Employer shall effect
15.15 Noise Monitoring
I. Monitoring Frequency:
a) During construction period: 12 times a year each time including day and
During construction period: Near construction sites, factory sites and sensitive
1.1. Adverse Operating Period The period during which conditions in Clause 5.2 are
1.2. Alternative Output Standards Mutually acceptable output standards for the treated
sewage from the Facility that are determined after discussion by the Parties.
1.3. Clearance Any consent, license, approval, permit, ruling, exemption or other
authorisation of whatsoever nature which is required to be granted by any Competent
Authority to undertake, implement, operate and maintain the Facility.
1.5. Facility Shall mean the entire plant and premises to be designed and constructed in
accordance with the provisions of Contract and including any additions,
modifications, alterations, replacement and repairs as may be made thereto from time
to time.
1.6. Fixed Payments The Fixed Payments to the Contractor to be made as per Schedule
C (furnished in BOQ, Vol. IV) which shall include the cost of remedying of any
defects during the Defects Liability Period / O&M contract of 5 years ( whichever is
later ) in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.
1.7. Good Industry Practice In respect of the Contractor, its subcontractors, and all
other such third party agents of the Contractor, practice methods, techniques and
standards, as changed from time to time, that are generally accepted for use in
international sewage treatment facility construction, development, operations and
maintenance taking into account conditions in India.
1.9. Maximum Liquidated Damages The maximum Liquidated Damages payable by the
Contractor in any month shall not be more than 5 % of the Fixed and Variable
Payment receivable by the Contractor for the year calculated on Nominal Flow of 18
The maximum Liquidated Damages payable by the Contractor in a year shall not be
more than 15 % of the Fixed and Variable Payment receivable by the Contractor for
the year calculated on Nominal Flow of 18 MLD.
It is to be noted that the all the units will be designed for 36 Mld except the SBR
Basins and the Centrifuge for which the nominal flow is 18 Mld. However, the
contractor has to quote their O&M charges as per the flow mentioned year wise in
Schedule C and Schedule-H
The period commencing on the date of issue of Taking Over Certificate on the
completion of Construction Contract and ending on the Termination Date.
1.13 Employer
The Employer is: Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Five years from the date of issue of Taking Over Certificate on the completion of
Construction contract (or) as extended as per the provisions of this section (or) the
date on which the contract is terminated according to Clause 9.
The per unit variable fee for the year as per Schedule C (furnished in BOQ, Vol IV)
multiplied by the actual quantity of sewage treated during the month (determined by
the flow measurements as per Technical Specifications) payable to the Contractor each
2.1 Term
The terms and conditions of this section will be in effect during the O&M Period
unless expressly specified otherwise.
On expiry of the Term, the Contractor shall return the Facilities in an operational
condition failing which the Employer shall recover Liquidated Damages from the
Contractor as per Schedule D Liquidated damages (furnished at the end of this
During the pre-operations stage (within the construction period), without limiting the
Contractors obligations during the O&M Period, the Contractor shall
a) Identify and acquire all Clearances required for the operation of the Facility
and for the fulfilment of his obligations under this section.
a) Assist the Employer in identifying the Clearances that are to be acquired
necessarily by the Employer for the fulfilment of the obligations of the
Contractor under this section.
b) Prepare and submit to the Employer for approval, the Operating Plan for the
first year of the O & M Period.
c) obtain and maintain the insurance identified in Clause12
3.2 Operations stage
During the O&M Period the Contractor shall
a) be responsible for adhering to the obligations listed in Volume II - Technical
Specifications Operation and Maintenance
b) procure and maintain insurance as specified in Clause 12 and be responsible
for the security of the Facility
c) plan, manage, co-ordinate and execute the treatment of sewage as per the
instructions given by the Employer.
d) maintain a manpower register, chemicals and consumables register, inventory
list of spares, records of maintenance, repairs and replacement register and
submit monthly records along with invoice for payments
c) Diesel cost for running the DG sets ( when TNEB power are not available )
and for routine running maintenance of DG sets , will be reimbursed at actuals
to the Contractor. For payment necessary vouchers should be produced duly
certified by the Engineer.
3.5 The contractor has to provide in his bid the cost of electricity required as per
his design, spares and other consumables required for O&M of the plant for 5 years
after commissioning in Schedule-C. of BOQ Volume-IV.
a) The contractor will pay for any potable water supplied by the Employer
(subject to availability).
b) The contractor has to make his own arrangement to receive, store and
distribute water within the Facility.
4.2.2 Electricity and Fuel Charges
a) The annual electricity consumption per MLD of treated sewage shall be
provided in Kilowatt Hour in Schedule H (furnished at the end of this
b) Deleted
c) Deleted
d) Deleted
e) At the end of each year,
i) The actual energy consumption shall be compared with the energy
consumption specified in Schedule H.
ii) Deleted.
f) Power cost
i) The present TNEB Power tariff applicable for STP's is given below.
Demand charges - Rs.200 / KVA.
Power charges - Rs. 3.50 / unit
Diesel cost - Rs 38.10 /Litre
Since the cost of power charges, demand charges are to be borne by the bidder, the
bidders are requested to bid based on the above cost and bidder's monthly
consumption as per their design and indicate their annual power and demand
requirements. If there is increase in power tariff and demand charges during
maintenance period than indicated above, the additional expenditure due to increase
over the above mentioned rates for power tariff and demand charges only will be
compensated. Similarly the proportionate cost will be deducted in case the power
tariff and demand charges are reduced. The Employer will not pay difference in cost
for other consumables and spare parts etc due to price escalation
If there is any reduction in TNEB power consumption (No. of units) that is mentioned
by him in the bid , then the Contractor will be paid 50 % of cost achieved by
reduction of units only and the balance 50% will be to the credit of the Employer. If
the Bidder consumes excess power / fuel during O&M than mentioned by him in the
bid, then not only he has to bear the excess cost but also he has to pay an equivalent
amount to the Board as penalty.
4.2.3 Billing and Payment procedure
1) The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer, each month, invoice
for payments receivable by the Contractor with all supporting documents. The
calculations shall be submitted between the first and fifth working day of the
month for the preceding month.
2) The payment calculations shall include
a) Fixed Payments
b) Variable Payments
c) Liquidated Damages recoverable as per Clause 4.3
d) Electricity charges recoverable as per Clause 4.2.2 f
e) Diesel cost payable as per Clause 3.4 c
f) Retention amount recoverable at the rate of 5% of fixed and variable
3) The Employer shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of such
invoice to notify in writing to the Contractor its acceptance thereof or the
grounds for disputing such invoice. The Employer shall pay to the Contractor
the accepted amounts, within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of
1) The Parties acknowledge and agree that, because of the unique nature of the
Facility, it is difficult to ascertain the exact amount of damages that would or
might be incurred by the Employer as a result of the Contractors failure to
achieve the Output Standards. It is understood and agreed by the Parties that:
a) The Employer will be damaged by a failure of the Contractor to meet such
Output Standards
b) It would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages
resulting there from
c) The payments from the Contractor to the Employer are in the nature of
Liquidated Damages and are not a penalty and are fair and reasonable and
do not release the Contractor from performing his other obligations.
d) Such payment represents a reasonable estimate of fair compensation for
the loss of revenues that may be reasonably anticipated from such failure
which are payable without proof of actual damage and
e) The Liquidated Damages are intended to represent a ceiling on damages
payable for a failure to meet such tests.
4.3.5 Silt / Sludge removal
If the contractor fails to remove silt / sludge in the treatment plants from the date of
receipt of letter from the Employer, then the silt / sludge will be removed by the
Employer by engaging other agencies and the cost will be recovered from the
5.1 Variability of throughput
If the quantity of treated sewage from the Facility can be increased in the existing
system without impacting the annual fixed costs to the Contractor, the Contractor
shall comply with such requirements.
If the per unit variable cost as per Schedule C Table B (furnished in BOQ, Vol IV) is
adversely affected by such increase in quantity of treated sewage, the additional costs
to the Contractor, over and above the variable costs indicated in Schedule C,
(furnished in BOQ, Vol IV), will be reimbursed by the Employer.
For a sustained requirement of higher throughput from the Facility, the Contractor
may be required to frame and submit a proposal that shall be implemented if mutually
5.2 Adverse Operating Condition
5.2.1. Deterioration of Raw Sewage Quality
1) In the event the raw sewage quality deteriorates beyond the specifications in
Volume II the following provisions will be applicable
a) If the raw sewage can still be treated to meet the Output Standards, the
Contractor shall comply with such specifications.
b) In the event it is not possible to meet the Output Standards, the Contractor
shall, as soon as practically possible, inform the Employer. The Parties
shall consult in good faith to arrive at mutually acceptable Alternative
Output Standards, which shall be complied with by the Contractor till the
time the raw sewage quality is restored.
c) In the event it is possible to meet the Output Standards, but an increase in
fixed and variable costs is unavoidable, the Contractor shall, as soon as
practically possible, inform the Employer, but shall continue to meet the
Output Standards for a minimum period of 45 days within which period
the Parties shall consult in good faith to arrive at the compensation payable
to the Contractor.
d) The Liquidated Damages during the above Adverse Operating Period, if
any, shall be recalculated using the Alternative Output Standards.
5.2.2 Deleted
5.3 Planned outage
The Contractor shall maintain the Output Standards at all times during the O&M
Period irrespective of any planned maintenance that may be undertaken by him.
5.4 Personnel
1) The Contractor shall appoint, on or before the date of issue of Taking Over
Certificate at the end of Construction contract, a properly qualified, Competent
and experienced person to act as the Contractors Representative, which
appointment shall be Subject to the approval of the Employer and such
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
2) The Contractors Representative shall be authorised and empowered to act for
and on behalf of the Contractor on all matters relating to the rights and
obligations of the Contractor during the O&M Period. In all such matters, the
Contractor shall be bound by the written communications, directions, requests
and decisions given or made by the Contractors Representative. The
Contractors Representative shall not be entitled to amend this Contract on
behalf of the Contractor.
3) The Contractors Representative will direct and manage the Contractors
resources and have full responsibility for the operation, maintenance and
administration of the Facility.
4) The Employer shall appoint, on or before the date of issue of Taking Over
Certificate at the end of Construction contract, an Employers Representative
and notify the Contractor of such appointment.
5) The Employers Representative shall have authority to act on behalf of the
Employer in relation to all matters concerning the scope of work during the
O&M Period, save to the extent of any limitation on such authority of which
the Employer has given the Contractor notice. In no event shall the
Employers Representative have any authority to relieve the Contractor of any
obligation or liability or to amend this Contract.
6) The Contractor shall identify, interview and hire sufficient number of qualified
and trained (and if required, licensed) personnel to perform his obligations
during the O&M Period.
7) All Contractors personnel employed at the plant at any time during the O&M
Period will be provided by him. The Employer is not liable for personnel in
any way and cannot be held responsible in the event of litigation of any sort
between the Contractor and members of plant personnel or their
representatives or non performance of obligations due to any strike or other
industrial action by the Contractors workmen (including those of his
subcontractors, suppliers etc).
8) The Contractor undertakes to comply with applicable legislation and the code
of labour law on matters of health, hygiene and safety, and shall assume
responsibility for works required in the event of any change in applicable
regulations and shall also require his subcontractors to comply with this
9) The Contractor shall mention the minimum personnel required for O & M in
his Bid. The minimum personnel required for O&M are as follows:- Description Qualification Minimum required
Duty Reliever
1 Plant Manager B.E(Civil/Environmental) or 1 -
its equivalent with 3 years
experience in O&M of STP
2 PLC/SCADA B.E( Elec/Instrumentation ) or 3 1
Engineer/STP its equivalent with 3 years
operator experience in relevant field
3 Mechanic / Fitter ITI qualification or its 3 1
equivalent with 1 year
experience in relevant field
4 Lab Chemist B.Sc ( Chemistry ) or its 1 -
equivalent with 3 years
experience in analysis of waste
5 Field workers 1 year experience in relevant 6 2
(helpers/watchman/ field
Deficiency in man power and deficiency in service during O&M will lead to
imposition of penalty as shown below:-
(e.g. not wearing safety belt, helmets,
etc.) and first aid facilities
Non-observance of Preventive Any time on duty Rs.500 per occurrence
Maintenance Schedule
House Keeping Not kept up tidy Rs.500 per day
Maintenance of register and records Not attended up to 1 Rs.500 per occurrence
Delay in getting the equipments To be specified by Rs.1000 per day
repaired within specified period considering type of
5.5 Performance Security
1) Within 14 days from the date of commencement of O&M at the end of
construction contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer, a
Performance Security in the form of irrevocable bank guarantee from a
nationalised /scheduled bank having a place of business in India and
acceptable to the Employer, for an amount equal to 3% of the total contract
value of O&M for 5 years.
2) If the Contractor fails to provide the Performance Security for O&M by the
date required under this clause, the Employer shall be entitled to encash the
Performance Security of the construction contract and retain it as security for
the Contractors obligations under this Contract till the Performance Security
for O&M is provided.
3) The Performance Security for O&M Contract shall be valid until 28 days from
the date of handing over of the Works to the Employer on completion of O&M
4) Subject to the above clauses, based on the request by the Contractor,
Performance Security shall be returned to the Contractor within 5 days
following the expiration of its validity.
5.6 Additions to the Facility
Any additions to the Facility sought by the Employer, over and above those required
to meet the Contractors obligations under this Contract, shall be carried out by the
Contractor at the expense of the Employer. Such expenses will cover the costs of such
additions for the Contractor to be agreed between the Contractor and the Employer.
The Employer shall also bear any incremental expenses required to maintain such
additions during the O&M Period.
5.7 Employers rights
5.7.1 Inspection
1) The Employer shall check the operation of the Facility or designate an
Organisation of his choice to carry out inspections of the Facility to satisfy
itself that the Contractor is performing his obligations with due diligence, at
his own cost.
2) Any assistance required for such inspection of the Facility shall be provided
by the Contractor at his own cost.
3) Before any inspection, the Employer shall give prior written notice of three
days to the Contractor, indicating the name(s) of the person(s) empowered to
carry out such inspection on behalf of the Employer.
5.7.2 Technical Audit
1) The Employer has the right to conduct a technical audit of the Facility and to
perform any analysis or inspection he deems necessary. Before any such
inspection, the Employer shall give a prior written notice of three days to the
Contractor. The Contractor shall at his cost provide all assistance the
Employer requires to complete these inspections. Such audits may cover all or
any of the obligations of the Contractor, including without limitation,
a) Verification of the system capacity save for normal wear and tear during
the O&M Period
b) Verification of the performance standards and useful life of the individual
assets of the Facility, save for normal wear and tear during the O&M
c) Verification of the capacity of the Facility to meet Output Standards
during the residual life of the Facility save for normal deterioration
expected during such residual life
d) Sampling, testing and verification of the Output Standards for treated
sewage, sewage losses
5.7.3. Plant Visits
1) At the end of each twelve-month period, or at the initiative of the Employer, a
visit shall be organised so that both Parties can check the condition of the
installations at the plant.
2) A report shall be drawn up to record the opinions of both Parties. The
Employer reserves the right to call in equipment manufacturers or specialised
technicians for these visits.
3) These visits shall provide an opportunity for examining maintenance programs
and operating procedures and improvements requiring additional investments.
5.8 Other Contracts
1) The Contractor shall not delegate its responsibilities hereunder nor subcontract
any part of the services to be provided by him hereunder without the prior
written consent of the Employer. If the Contractor subcontracts its
responsibilities hereunder or subcontracts any part of the services to be
provided by him hereunder with the consent of the Employer, the Contractor
shall not be relieved from any liability or obligation under this Contract and
the Contractor shall continue to be responsible for the act, defaults or
negligence of any sub-contractor as fully as if it were the acts, defaults or
negligence of the Contractor, its officers, employees or agents.
2) The period of validity of any contractual commitment for provision of services
or material or personnel to the Facility or any subcontract entered into by the
Contractor with any party shall not exceed the O&M Period.
3) All such contractual commitments to be entered into by the Contractor should
be freely assignable to the Employer or to any other contractor during the
O&M Period, at the discretion of the Contractor.
4) The Contractor cannot create a charge on any assets of the Employer or the
assets purchased under the Contract
6.1 Contractor Action
In the event of emergency endangering life or property, the Contractor shall take such
action as may be reasonable and necessary to prevent, avoid or mitigate injury,
damage or loss and shall, as soon as possible, report any such incidents, including the
Contractor's response thereof, to Employer's Representative.
6.2 Personnel and Expenditure
The Contractor shall utilise his personnel to take such action as may be reasonable
and necessary in the event of an emergency. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
herein, the Contractor may incur any expenditure or take any other measure, which
the Contractor deems to be necessary (in accordance with Good Industry Practices) in
the case of emergencies affecting the Facilities or the operation of the Facilities to
counteract the effects where the Contractor considers immediate action is required to
safeguard lives or property (and provided that any communication with the news
media made by the Contractor shall provide only enough information to satisfy
immediate public concern).
6.3 Notification
In the event of an emergency the Contractor shall forthwith notify the Employer's
Representative of the emergency, the expenditures made and the actions taken. The
Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to minimise the cost to the Employer of its
actions, having regard to the circumstances and the need to act promptly. Following
such notification, at the request of the Employer's Representative, the parties shall
discuss without delay the further actions which should be taken as a result of that
emergency and the estimated expenditure associated therewith and the provisions of
this Contract shall apply.
7.1 Definition
1) Force Majeure (FM) shall mean any event or circumstance or combination
of events or circumstances (and their consequences) set forth in Clause 7.1.2
and 7.1.3 occurring on or after the date of issue of Taking Over Certificate at
the end of the Construction Contract that materially adversely affect(s) the
performance of the Employers and/or the Contractor's (Affected Party) rights
or obligations under this Contract provided that such events and/or
a) are beyond the reasonable control, directly or indirectly, of the Affected
Party (it being understood that if a causing event is within reasonable
control of an Affected Party, the direct consequences shall also be deemed
to be within such Partys reasonable control); or
b) Could not have been avoided, overcome or remedied if the Affected Party
had taken reasonable care or had acted in accordance with Good Industry
2) Reasonable care includes any acts or activities that protect the Facility from a
casualty event which are reasonable in the light of the likelihood of such
event, the probable effect of such event should it occur, and the likely efficacy
of the protection measures.
3) The following conditions shall not, however, constitute a Force Majeure Event
i) late delivery of plant, machinery, equipment, materials, spare parts or
consumables for the Facility
ii) a delay in the performance of any of the Contractors subcontractors
4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, insufficiency of funds
shall not constitute a Force Majeure Event.
7.1.1 Change In Law
Any change in law which has no other remedy in this Contract and leading to a
material adverse effect shall also be a Force Majeure Event.
7.1.2 Political Force Majeure
1) Political Force Majeure shall mean any of the events or circumstances or
combination of events and circumstances referred to below, and which result
directly or indirectly in either Partys exercise of its rights and obligations
being prevented, hindered or delayed, provided that such events and/or
circumstances are not a lawful and/or reasonable response to the default,
neglect or other wrongful act of the Affected Party, and provided that the
consequences of such events and/or circumstances are beyond the Affected
Partys reasonable control except to the extent that such events and/or
consequences constitute or are caused by the events or circumstances of
Natural or Other Force Majeure
a) blockade, revolution, riot, bombs, religious strife or civil commotion;
b) political strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action (other than those
involving primarily the Contractors own employees or those of any of the
Contractors contractors, sub-contractors or any other agents of the
Contractor); or
c) act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or
act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, revolution, insurrection, terrorist
or military action, politically motivated sabotage.
7.1.3 Natural/ Other Force Majeure
1) Natural/Other Force Majeure (OFM) means events or circumstances listed
below (except to the extent they constitute or are caused by the events or
circumstances of Political Force Majeure):
a) explosions, accident, breakage of facilities, plant or equipment, structural
collapse, fire chemical or radio active contamination (other than resulting
from an act of war, terrorism or sabotage), caused by a person not being
the Affected Party or one of its contractors or subcontractors, or any other
agencies of the Affected Party or any of their respective employees, and
not being due to inherent defects of the affected Facility or the failure to
properly operate the affected Facility;
b) Lightning, earthquake, tempest, cyclone, hurricane, whirlwind, flood,
landslide or any such acts of God;
c) Epidemic or plague;
d) Water shortage resulting in non availability of raw sewage at the source; or
e) Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the above or an
act of God.
7.2. Procedure for calling Force Majeure
7.2.1 Notice and particulars thereof
1) The Affected Party shall give notice to the other Party of the Force Majeure
Event as soon as is reasonably practicable, but not later than fifteen (15) Days
after the date on which the Affected Party knew or should reasonably have
known of the commencement of the Force Majeure Event.
2) Notice shall, inter-alia, specify the:
a) the nature of such Force Majeure Event;
b) the date and time when the Affected Party was materially and adversely
affected by the Force Majeure Event;
c) the material adverse effect of such Force Majeure Event on the Affected
d) the measures which the Affected Party has taken, or proposes to take, to
alleviate the impact of those Force Majeure Events and/or mitigate the
e) an estimate of the period of time that the Affected Party shall be unable to
perform its obligations and/or continue to be materially adversely affected
by the Force Majeure Event; and
f) any other relevant information as may be necessary.
3) Failure by the Affected Party to give notice to the other Party within the time
period specified above shall not prevent the Affected Party from giving such
notice at a later time, provided however that in such case the Affected Party
shall not be eligible for the remedies as provided in the Contract for any
failure or delay in complying with its obligations under or pursuant to this
Contract until notice has been given in accordance with this Section.
7.2.2 Reporting requirements
1) For so long as the Affected Party continues to claim to be affected by the
Force Majeure Event, it shall provide the other Party with regular (and not less
than monthly) written reports containing:
a) the information called for by Section 7.2.1 hereabove and
b) Such other information as the other Party may reasonably request.
2) The Affected Party shall also provide to the other Party reasonable facilities
including site inspection for obtaining further information about the Force
Majeure Event or circumstance alleged to constitute a Force Majeure Event.
7.3 Force Majeure period
1) In this Section, reference to Force Majeure period shall mean the period from
the date and time specified in the notice given by the Affected Party in respect
of a Force Majeure Event, until such time as the impact of the Force Majeure
on the Affected Party is no longer materially adverse, or would no longer have
been materially adverse, if the affected Party had complied with its obligations
under this Section.
2) On expiry of the Force Majeure period, the Affected Party shall forthwith give
notice to that effect to the other Party.
3) In the event that such notice is not tendered by the Affected Party to the other
Party within a week from the expiry of the Force Majeure period, the other
Party may serve such notice to the Affected Party.
7.4 Obligation to Perform
1) From the date of expiry of the Force Majeure period, the obligations of the
Affected Party under this Contract shall no longer be suspended.
a) Provided that the performance of the Contractors obligations and liabilities
shall, for the Force Majeure Period, be governed by Section11.
2) Nothing in Section 11 shall affect the Contractors obligation to make any
payments in respect of liabilities incurred prior to the occurrence of any Force
Majeure Event.
7.5 Mitigation Responsibility
1) Upon the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event and during the subsistence of
the Force Majeure period, both the Parties shall engage in good faith
consultations and shall use all reasonable endeavours to alleviate the material
adverse effect of such Force Majeure including, without limitation arriving at
Alternative Output Standards.
2) The Affected Party shall use the insurance proceeds to mitigate the impact of
the Force Majeure Event.
7.6. Consequences of Force Majeure
1) Provided that the Affected Party has at all times since the occurrence of the
Force Majeure Event complied with the obligations of Section 3, and during
the Force Majeure period continues to comply with the same, the Affected
Party shall be entitled to following relieves:
a) the obligations of the Affected Party to the extent they are affected by the
Force Majeure Event shall be suspended for Political Force Majeure period
or Natural / Other Force Majeure period, as the case may be;
b) In the event the Contractor is the Affected Party, the Output Standards
shall remain suspended and Alternative Output Standards shall be in effect
during the Force Majeure period;
c) time period for the performance of obligations of the Affected Party to the
extent they are affected by the Force Majeure Event shall be extended on a
day for day basis for the Political Force Majeure period or Natural / Other
Force Majeure period, as the case may be.
2) The occurrence of a Force Majeure event shall not be considered as sufficient
reasons for the extension of the O&M Period.
8.1 Right for Suspension
1) During the O&M Period, the Employer is entitled to suspend, with 15 days
notice in writing, the operations at the Facility.
2) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer is entitled to suspend the operations
at the Facility with immediate effect for reasons attributable to the default of
the Contractor as per Clause 9.1.
8.2 Contractors responsibilities during Suspension
1) During the period of Suspension, the Contractor shall
a) protect and secure the Facilities against any deterioration, loss or damage;
b) place no further subcontracts in relation to the services; and
c) suspend, on the most favourable terms reasonably available to the
Contractor, all subcontracts and agreements for provision of goods and
services to the extent affected by Suspension.
8.3 Compensation for such Suspension
1) During the period of Suspension, the Contractor shall be eligible to receive:
a) his Fixed Payments and the cost of inventory holding (such as
consumables) which have been paid for by the Contractor
b) The costs payable to the subcontractors as a result of such Suspension of
2) Provided such Suspension is not due to reasons attributable to the default of
the Contractor as per Clause 9.1.
3) In the event such Suspension is attributable to the default of the Contractor as
per Clause 9.1, no compensation shall be payable to the Contractor.
8.4 Resumption of operations
1) The Employer may decide to terminate the Suspension by issuing a notice in
2) The Contractor, as soon as is reasonably practicable after the receipt of such
notice, shall resume operations at the Facility and make his best efforts to
achieve the Output Standards.
3) In the event it is not possible to achieve the Output Standards immediately on
resumption (or) if the Facility has deteriorated due to reasons not attributable
to the non performance of the Contractors obligations, the Parties shall
consult in good faith
a) to determine the extent of deterioration, if any, of any or all part of the
Facility and measures to correct such deterioration
b) to determine the lead time that is required for the Contractor to achieve
the Output Standards, the measures required to achieve the Output
Standards, and the Alternative Output Standards achievable till such
4) In the event the operations at the Facility have been suspended due to reasons
attributable to the default of the Contractor as per Clause 9.1, the Contractor
shall bear the expenses for undertaking the remedial measures to correct the
deterioration of the Facility and achieve the Output Standards. For the
unavailability of treated sewage during the period of Suspension, Liquidated
Damages applicable as per Section shall be payable by the Contractor.
5) Liquidated damages under Clause 4.3 shall not be payable during the period of
Suspension, even if the output quantity immediately before Suspension did not
meet the Output Standards provided the Suspension was not caused due to the
default of the Contractor.
6) Save as above, the expenses to be incurred for rectification of the Facility and
achieving the Output Standards on resumption shall be payable by the
Employer to the Contractor.
9.1 Termination due to Contractors default
The Employer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract for the following reasons
attributable to the Contractor; (unless arising as a result of a Force Majeure Event, or
Employers Default)
a) non performance of material obligations or failure to perform material
obligations under this Contract.
b) sustained inability for a continuous period of two weeks to meet Alternative
Output Standards following resumption of suspended operations at the Facility
as per Clause 8.4.
c) sustained inability [for a continuous period of two weeks] to meet the Minimum
Output Standards.
d) if the cumulative Liquidated Damages in a year exceed the Maximum
Liquidated Damages.
e) Repudiation of this Contract by the Contractor or the evidencing of an intention
by the Contractor not to be bound by the terms of this Contract.
f) Appointment of a provisional liquidator in providing for winding up of the
Contractor unless such appointment has been set aside within 45 days.
g) The Contractor is ordered to be wound up by a Court or files a petition for
voluntary winding up except for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction
provided that such amalgamation or reconstruction does not adversely affect the
ability of the amalgamated or reconstructed entity to perform its obligations
under this Contract, the successor has assumed in writing unconditional
responsibility for the performance of the Contractors obligations and the
technical, financial and operating capability of the successor is satisfactory to
the Employer.
h) The Contractor abandons the operation of the Facility for a continuous period of
7 days.
9.2 Termination due to Employers default
1) The Contractor shall be entitled to terminate this Contract due to the following
reasons attributable to the Employer (unless arising as a result of a Force
Majeure Event, or Contractors Default)
a) Commission of a material breach of a material provision of this Contract.
b) Dissolution of the Employer or occurrence of any structural changes
within the present constitution of the Employer which have a material
adverse effect on the rights and obligations of the Contractor under this
Contract, or the transfer of the Employers undertaking and statutory
powers or any material part thereof , unless such dissolution or structural
change or transfer is in connection with privatisation or other restructuring
of all or any substantial part of the Employer, and the Employers
successor is able to perform the Employers obligations under this
Contract, provided that
i) the undertaking and statutory powers of the Employer are transferred
to the Employers successor and such entity has the powers to continue
as Employer; and
ii) the Employers successor has assumed in writing the responsibility for
performance of the Employers obligations here under.
2) Not with standing the provisions above, any event for which specific redressal
has been provided elsewhere in this Contract shall not constitute Employers
9.3 Termination due to FM
1) Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Contract if a Force Majeure
event is continuously in effect for a period of more than six months.
9.4 Termination due to Suspension
1) The Contractor is entitled to terminate this contract if a Suspension of
operations at the Facility is in effect for a continuous period of six months
provided that such Suspension is not due to the default of the Contractor.
9.5 Exercising the right to terminate
1) Any right to terminate this Contract shall be exercised by either Party within
three months from the date on which the right arises.
9.6 Consequences of Termination
1) In the event of a Contractors Default or Employers Default (Event of
Default) the termination procedure as set out in this Section shall apply.
9.6.1 Notice of Intent to Terminate
1) On the occurrence of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting Party may
initiate termination of this Contract by delivering a notice to the defaulting
Party of intention to terminate this Contract (Notice of Intent to Terminate).
2) The Notice of Intent to Terminate shall specify with reasonable detail the
defaults committed by the defaulting Party.
9.6.2 Remedy Period
1) Following the serving of the Notice of Intent to Terminate, the defaulting
Party shall have a period of 30 days (Remedy Period) to cure the Event of
Default pursuant to which the Notice of Intent to Terminate was issued.
2) During the Remedy Period, the defaulting Party may continue to undertake
efforts to cure the default, and the none defaulting Party shall not, by any act
or omission, impede or otherwise interfere with the defaulting Partys
endeavours to remedy the Event of Default.
3) During the Remedy Period, both the Parties shall, save as otherwise provided
herein, continue to perform their respective obligations.
9.6.3 Withdrawal of Notice of Intent to Terminate
1) If, during the Remedy period, the defaulting Party rectifies or remedies the
default to the satisfaction of the non defaulting Party or the non defaulting
Party is satisfied with steps taken or proposed to be taken by the defaulting
Party or the Event of Default giving rise to the Notice of Intent to Terminate
has ceased to exist, the non defaulting Party shall withdraw the Notice of
Intent to Terminate in writing.
9.7 Termination Notice
1) Upon the expiry of the Remedy Period, unless the Parties have otherwise
agreed to, or the Event of Default giving rise to the Notice of Intent to
Terminate has ceased to exist or the default has been rectified or remedied by
the defaulting Party, the non defaulting Party may terminate this Contract by
giving a 30 days written notice (Termination Notice) to the defaulting Party.
2) Upon the expiry of such notice period (Termination Notice) this Contract
shall stand terminated.
2) Such survey shall be submitted sufficiently prior to the Termination Date, and
in any case not later than two months prior to the Termination Date in case of
Normal Termination.
3) In the event of Termination, the Employer may call upon the experts to
provide a quick estimate of the rectifications, if any, and withhold in dispute
such estimates from the payments to be made to the Contractor, if any.
4) On receipt of the survey, the Employer is entitled to call upon the Contractor
to rectify defects caused due to the Contractors non performance of the
obligations under this Contract and to withhold in dispute, the costs of such
rectification as identified by the survey.
reasonable requests thereof, including the execution of documents and other
9.11.3 Passing of Risk
1) Until the Termination Date, the Facility shall remain at the sole risk of the
Contractor, and the Contractor shall be solely responsible for any loss of or
damage caused to or suffered by the Contractor for any reasons whatsoever to
whole or any part of the Leased Premises, unless such loss or damage caused
to or suffered by the Contractor is due to any act of default or omission or
negligence on the part of the Employer.
9.12.2 Rights and obligations of the Employer to procure material and services from the
The Rights and obligations of the Employer to procure material and services
from the Contractor shall be in accordance with the table below.
1) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Contract, the last monthly invoice
raised shall be submitted 30 days after the Termination Date and shall include
the calculations above, and shall become due within 60 calendar days from the
date of submission.
statutory obligations as per Volume II Technical Specifications Operations
and Maintenance, so as to maintain:
a) the system capacity save for normal wear and tear during the O&M Period
b) the performance standards and useful life of the individual assets of the
Facility, save for normal wear and tear during the O&M Period
c) the capacity of the Facility to meet Output Standards during the residual
life of the Facility save for normal deterioration expected during such
residual life
2) In the event, the Employer identifies any material obligation that has not been
fulfilled by the Contractor, he shall intimate the same to the Contractor and
shall cause the same to be rectified and require the Contractor to extend the
period of validity of the Performance Security for a period of six months form
the Termination Date.
3) In the event that such rectifications are not carried out by the Contractor
within one week before the expiry of the Performance Security above, the
Employer is entitled to call the entire (or) part of the amount of the
Performance Security and apply the same towards carrying out such
4) At the end of two months from the Termination Date, or after the Contractor
has carried out the required rectifications whichever is later, the Employer
shall issue an operation and maintenance completion certificate.
5) The delivery of such completion certificate will relieve the Contractor from
his responsibility as regard to the operation and maintenance and confirm that
the Contractor has fulfilled all of his obligations under the contract.
iii) Any wilful misconduct or breach of statutory duty on the part of
the Contractor, its subcontractors or their respective agents and
c) The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Employer and its shareholders and their respective directors, officers,
employees, agents and affiliates against any and all claims of loss,
damage and expense of whatever kind and nature, including all related
costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith in respect of the
death or injury to any person employed by the Contractor or its
subcontractors in connection with the performance of the Contractors
obligations hereunder except to the extent that such death or injury is
caused by the acts or omissions of the Employer, its shareholders , its
contractors (other than the Contractor, its agents, employees or any
subcontractor) or their respective directors, employees or agents.
1) The total liability of the Contractor shall not exceed the yearly Fixed and
Variable Payments calculated on Nominal Flow.
2) This clause shall not limit the liability of the Contractor:
a) under Clauses 4.2.2, 4.3, 10
b) under any other provisions of the Contract which expressly impose a
greater liability,
c) in case of fraud, wilful misconduct or unlawful acts, or
d) In case of acts or omissions of the Contractor which are contrary to the
most elementary rules of diligence which a conscientious contractor would
have followed in similar circumstances.
1) The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employers obligations and
responsibilities insure:
a) The Works, together with materials and Plant for incorporation therein, to
the full replacement cost (term cost in this context shall include profit).
b) The Contractors Equipment and other things brought onto the Site by the
Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site.
2) The insurance detailed above shall be in the joint names of the Contractor and
the Employer at the Contractors cost and shall cover the Employer and the
Contractor against all loss or damage from whatsoever cause arising, other
than the Employers obligations as provided from the start of the operation and
maintenance in respect of the Facility or any Section or part thereof as the case
may be.
3) Any amount not insured or not recovered from the insurers shall be borne by
the Employer or the Contractor in accordance with their responsibilities.
4) The Contractor shall, except if and so far as the Contract provides otherwise,
indemnify the Employer against all losses and claims in respect of:
a) Death of or injury to any person, or,
b) Loss of or damage to any property (other than the Works).
Which may arise out of in consequent of the Operation and Maintenance of the
Facility and the remedying of any defects therein, and against all claims proceedings,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation
thereto, subject to the exceptions below
i) The permanent use or occupation of land by the Works, or any part
ii) The right of the Employer to execute the Works, or any part thereof, on,
over, under, in or through any land.
iii) Damage to property which is the unavoidable result of the execution and
completion of the Works, or the remedying of any defects therein, in
accordance with the contract, and
iv) Death of or injury to persons or loss of or damage to property resulting
from any act or neglect if the Employer, his agents, servants, or other
contractors, not being employed by the Contractor or in respect of any
claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect
thereof or in relation thereof or, where the injury or damage was
contributed to by the Contractor, his servants or agents, such part of the
said injury or damage as may be just and equitable having regard to the
extent of the responsibility of the Employer, his servants or agents or other
contractors for the injury or damage.
5) The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims, proceedings,
damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect of the matters referred to in
the exceptions defined above.
6) The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employers obligations and
responsibilities issue, in the joint names of the Contractor and the Employer,
against liabilities for death of or injury to any person or loss of or damage to
any property (other than the Facility) arising out of the Operation and
Maintenance of the project other than the exceptions defined above.
7) The insurance policy shall include a cross liability clause such that the
insurance shall apply to the Contractor and to the Employer as separate
8) The Employer shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or
compensation payable to any workman or other person in the employment of
the Contractor or any Subcontractor, other than death or injury resulting from
any act or default of the Employer, his agents or servants, The Contractor shall
indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer against all such damages and
compensation, other than those for which the Employer is liable as aforesaid,
and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
9) The Contractor shall insure against such liability and shall continue such
insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him
on the Facility Provided that, in respect of any persons employed by any
Subcontractor, the Contractors obligations to insure as aforesaid under this
Sub-Clause shall be satisfied if the Subcontractor shall have insured against
the liability in respect of such persons in such manner that the Employer is
indemnified under the policy, but the Contractor shall require such
Subcontractor to produce to the Employer, when required, such policy of
insurance and receipt for the payment of the current premium.
10) In the event that the Contractor or the Employer fails to comply with
conditions imposed by the insurance policies effected pursuant to the Contract,
each will indemnify the other against all losses and claims arising from such
failure according to the Contract conditions.
7) The Expert Committee shall give the decision to both Parties within three
weeks of the receipt of written submission from the contracting Parties.
8) The decision of the Expert Committee shall be final and binding on the Parties
unless either of the Parties issues an Arbitration Notice.
9) The costs of the engagement of the Expert Committees shall be shared equally
by the Parties. The Expert committee will be dissolved after making a decision
on a dispute and for any future disputes steps 1 to 8 given above will again be
followed. The fees for the Expert committee will be same as that paid to the
Adjudicator under Construction contract.
10) In the event that the dispute has not been resolved in accordance with the
above provisions, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration and shall be
finally determined in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and
conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof.
11) The venue of arbitration shall be at Chennai and the language of arbitration
shall be English.
13.3 Relaxation of time limits
1) The time frames indicated in this section ( clause 13 ) may be relaxed if
agreeable to both Parties.
1) All Intellectual Property conceived, originated, devised, developed or created
by the Contractor specifically for the Facility or the carrying out of the
obligations under this Contract shall vest in the Employer as sole beneficial
owner and shall be disclosed to the Employer upon its coming into existence.
2) Source code for computer programmes and associated documentation, storage
media shall be made available to the Employer by the Contractor free of cost
3) Any Intellectual Property of the Employer that is required in connection with
the performance of the obligations of the Contractor shall be made available to
the Contractor free of charge for the purposes of this Contract alone
4) Prior to concluding any Contract with any third parties relating to the supply
of materials specifically created by third parties for the purposes of this
Facility, the Contractor shall request such third party to grant licenses to each
of the Contractor and the Employer with rights to sub-license any Successor
Operator in relation to all Intellectual Property which may arise in connection
herewith. If that third party refuses to grant such licenses, the Contractor shall
refer that matter to the Employer and shall act in accordance with the
Employers instructions as to the terms on which such Contract may be
b) To ensure that no Intellectual Property of a third party is otherwise used in
the performance of the Contractors obligations under this Contract
without the approval from the Employer.
15.1 Notices
15.1.1 Address
1) Any notice, demand, offer, or other written instrument required or permitted to
be given pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing signed by the party
giving such notice, and shall to the extent reasonably practicable be sent by
telefax, and if not reasonably practicable to send by telefax, then by hand
delivery, overnight courier, telegram, or registered mail, in each case to the
other Party at the address for such Party as set forth below:
2) The Contractor shall be responsible for any act, breach, omission, neglect or
failure of any subcontractor, its agents or staff as fully as if it was the act,
breach, omission, neglect or failure of the Contractor, its agents or staff.
3) The Contractor shall provide the Employer with copies of all subcontracts of
parts of the Services upon their being completed.
4) All contracts and arrangements between the Contractor and his subcontractors
shall be subject to provisions which the Contractor shall not waive, release or
impair giving the Operator an unrestricted right to assign to the Employer the
relevant subcontract and all benefits, interests, rights and causes of action
arising under it and provisions whereby the Employer may subsequently
assign the subcontract as it requires.
15.2.3 Assignment by the Employer
1) The Employer may assign, charge or otherwise deal with the benefit of this
Contract and any benefit, interest, right or cause of action arising under it.
15.3 General
15.3.1 Counterparts
1) This Contract may be signed in any number of counterparts and each counterpart
shall represent a fully executed original as if signed by each of the Parties.
15.3.2 Contractor as Independent Contractors
1) The Contractor shall be an independent contractor with respect to the Services
and for all other purposes vis--vis the Employer under this Contract, and
neither the Contractor nor any of its subcontractors or employees shall be
deemed to be the employees, representatives or agents of the Employer nor
shall the Employer be the agent of the Contractor or any of the aforementioned
15.3.3 Severability
1) The invalidity of one or more phrases, sentences, Clauses, Sections or Articles
contained in this Contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of the Contract so long as the material purposes of this Contract can
be determined and effectuated.
15.3.4 No Waiver
1) Any failure of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract or
to require compliance with any of its terms at any time during the tendency of
this Contract shall in no way affect the validity of this Contract, or any part
hereof, and shall not be deemed a waiver of the right of such Party thereafter
to enforce any and each of such provisions.
1) To the extent that either Party may be or hereafter becomes entitled, in any
jurisdiction, to claim for itself or its property, assets or revenues, immunity
(for any reason whatsoever) in respect of its obligations under this Contract
from service of process, suit, jurisdiction of any court, judgement, order,
award, attachment (before or after judgement or award), set-off, execution of
any judgement or other legal process, and to the extent that in any such
jurisdiction there may be attributed to such Party or any of its property, assets
or revenues such an immunity (whether or not claimed), each Party hereby
irrevocably agrees not to claim and hereby irrevocably waives such immunity
to the fullest extent permitted by the laws to such jurisdiction.
1) The grit and sludge from the plant is to be transported and should be disposed
safely meeting the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board norms. It will be the
responsibility of the bidder to estimate the exact quantity of grit and sludge
generated and to convey the grit and sludge to the disposal point. The bidder
shall include the cost of collection, transportation and safe disposal of grit and
sludge to a location selected by the Municipality and should be included as a
price in the annual maintenance cost.
Schedule C Summary of Fixed and Variable Payments
(Furnished in Bill of Quantities, Vol.IV)
H- Power required for the Facility
2. The power bills as per actual will be paid by the Employer and recovered from
the Contractor's subsequent running bill for O&M contract. This is to reduce
the burden of locked up money till the actual bill is paid.
3. If the Bidder consumes excess power during O&M than mentioned by him in
the bid, then not only he has to bear the excess cost but also he has to pay an
equivalent amount to the Board as penalty.
4. Diesel cost for running the DG sets ( when TNEB power are not available )
and for routine running maintenance of DG sets will be reimbursed at actuals
to the Contractor based on the energy meter reading and production of
5. A detailed sheet showing all the requirement of electricity for the various
equipments should be attached at the time of Bidding.
The following documents are also part of the Contract: Clause Reference of
Conditions of Contract
iii. Electrical & Instrumentation B.E. (Elec.) with minimum of 5 years experience
(or) Diploma (Elec) with 10 years experience of
which a minimum of 2 years specific experience
should be in installing power drawal, motors, DG
sets, transformers, and instrumentation.
Penalty for not employing Project Manager and other Key Personnel till the date of
employment of the personnel [9.3]
Project Manager Rs.50, 000/month
Other Key Personnel Rs.25, 000/each /month.
Besides, non- compliance of this, CMWSSB will employ such personnel and recover cost
from the contractor.
The Employer is
The Project comprises Distribution Chamber, Receiving Well, Inlet chamber, screen
channels, Detritus tanks, parshall flume for measurement of flow after detritus tank,
distribution chambers, SBR tanks with decanter assembly & air blower room ,
Chlorination system with Chlorine Contact tank, Treated sewage channel to
Buckinngham Canal, sludge sump & pump house, Dewatering polymer pumps and
tanks, Centrifuge platform with sludge dewatering unit and centrate pump house &
centrate pumps, Providing DG set for 100% Plant capacity for running all the working
units ( excluding standby ) erected under this Contract, all necessary connecting channels/
conduits / pipes, sumps, By pass line, Electric sub-station , Administration/ Laboratory
building PCC, MCC Rooms & Control rooms, Transformer room, D.G set room,
Security cabins, roads, culverts, storm water drains, pathways, suitable hard and soft
Landscaping and plantation of trees, supply of all necessary instrumentation suitable for
automated operation of the plant, electrical & mechanical (E & M) equipments , cables,
sluice valves, other special type of values, penstock gates and other essential items, street
lighting , tower lighting, access roads, leveling, dressing of site and raising / levelling the
existing ground level to the suitable formation level, providing piling if required,
providing pipe lines for reuse of treated sewage for landscaping and plants, provision of
water for drinking and other use including pipe line works, Establishment and
maintenance of temporary site facilities during the Construction phase, erection and
commissioning of all equipments and various units of treatment plant, supply of
necessary spares, lubricants, tools etc for Commissioning and stabilizing the plant
with in the Construction contract period , operation and maintenance of the plant for 5
years ( for all the works erected under this Contract ) commencing after stabilization of
the plant, providing training to designated staff during the maintenance period and
subsequently handing over the plant to Sholinganallur Town Panchayat or any agency
specified by the Owner after expiry of the operation and maintenance period.
This work is independent of other works. No other contractor is expected to do any other
work in this site along with the contractor for this work.
1. The start shall be within 15 days from the date of issue of Notice to proceed with the
work . (1.1)
2. The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Construction Works including
commissioning is 24 Months from the start date
SL. Name of Work Milestones
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Month Months
ths ths ths ths ths ths s
3 Supply of mechanical, 40% 70% 100%
Electrical and
4 Erection of mechanical , 20% 50% 90% 100%
Electrical and
5 Testing and 100%
Commissioning and
running maintenance
4. The Contractor shall submit a program for the works for approval within 15 days from the
start date [27]
8. The minimum insurance cover for loss of or damage to the works, plants, materials,
equipments, physical property in connection with Contract, personal injury or death is
Rs.30 lakhs for occurrence with the number of occurrences limited to four. After each
occurrence, contractor will pay additional premium necessary to make insurance valid for
four occurrences always [13.1]
11. The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program shall be
Rs 5 lakhs. [27.3]
13. The law, which applies to the Contract, is the law of Union of India, applicable to
Tamil Nadu and the law of Tamil Nadu. [ 3]
16. Fees and types of reimbursable expenses to be paid to the Adjudicator is Rs.5000/- plus
reimbursable expenses at actual. [25]
(i) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost due to labour shall be paid in
accordance with the following formula:
Lo = the average consumer price index for industrial workers for Chennai centre
for the quarter in which the Bids are opened as published by Labour
Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India.
Li = The average consumer price index for industrial workers for Chennai centre
for the quarter under consideration as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry
of Labour, Government of India.
(ii) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of cement procured by the
contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula.
Co = The all India average wholesale price index for cement for the quarter in
which the Bids are opened as published by the Ministry of Commerce &
Industry, Government of India, New Delhi
Ci = The all India average wholesale price index for cement for the quarter under
consideration as published by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
Government of India, New Delhi.
Pc = Percentage of cement component of the work
(iii) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of steel procured by the
Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula:
Note: For the application of this clause, index of Bars and Rods has been chosen
to represent steel group.
(iv) The price variation will be paid on pass through basis with payment of
actual rates / price at the rates charged by Indian Oil Corporation Depot at
(v) The price variation will be paid on pass through basis with payment of
actual rates / price at the rates charged by Indian Oil Corporation Depot at
(vi) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of plant and machinery spares
procured by the Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following
Po = The all India average wholesale price index for heavy machinery and parts
for the quarter in which the Bids are opened as published by the Ministry
of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, New Delhi
Pi = The all India average wholesale price index for heavy machinery and parts
for the quarter under consideration as published by Ministry of Commerce
& Industry, New Delhi
Note For the application of this clause, index of Heavy Machinery and Parts has
been chosen to represent the Plant and Machinery Spares group.
(vii) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of DI pipes & specials shall
be paid in accordance with the following formula:
Do = The all India average wholesale price index for Pig iron for the quarter in
which the Bids are opened as published by the Ministry of Commerce &
Industry, Government of India, New Delhi
Di = The all India average wholesale price index for Pig iron for the quarter
under consideration as published by Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
New Delhi
Mo = The all India average wholesale price index for all commodities for the
quarter in which the Bids are opened as published by the Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Government of India, New Delhi
Mi = The all India average wholesale price index for all commodities for the
quarter under consideration as published by Ministry of Commerce &
Industry, Government of India, New Delhi.
Pm = Percentage of local material component (other than cement, steel, bitumen
and POL) of the work.
The following percentage will govern the price adjustment for the entire contract
Labour Pl
Cement PC
Steel PS
Other Materials Pm
Bitumen Pb
Plants and Machinery Pp
Pipes and specials PD
Total 100%
The above has to be furnished by the bidder based on his design, work plan and
methodology along with the bid separately for construction of STP.
18. The proportion of payments retained (retention money) shall be 5%. from each bill
subject to a maximum of 5% of contract value and 2.5% of retention amount will be
returned along with the final Bill. The balance amount of 2.50 % of the total value of
the Works will be retained for a period of 2 years reckoned from the date of
completion without interest and this amount will be paid to the Contractor after
obtaining an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for a further period upto the completion of
defect liability period. [48.1 ]
19. The liquidated damage for the whole of the works is Rs 1,26,250/- per day and that
for the milestone are as under: [49]
The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is 10% (ten
percent) of final contract price. [49]
Nature of Amount (Rs.) Conditions to be fulfilled
The mobilization advance shall be repaid with an interest of 13.5% per annum for the
outstanding amount with percentage deductions from the interim payments certified by
the Engineer under the Contract. Deductions shall commence in the next Interim
Payment Certificate following that in which the total of all such payments to the
Contractor has reached not less than 15 percent of the Contract Price or 1 months from
the date of payment of first installment of advance, whichever period concludes earlier,
and shall be made at the rate of 25 percent of the amounts of all Interim Payment
Certificates until such time as the loan has been repaid, always provided that the loan
shall be completely repaid prior to the expiry of the original time for completion
pursuant to Clauses 17 and 28.
22. The Securities shall be for the following minimum amount equivalent as
a percentage of Contract Price. [52]
The amount to be withheld for failing to supply As-built drawings and O&M
Manuals by the date required is Rs.3,00,000. [58.2]
The Contractor has contravened Sub-clause 7.1 and Clause 9.0 of GCC.
The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed representing the
Employers additional cost for completing the Works shall be 20 percent or as per
actuals whichever is higher. [60]
All payments will be subjected to deduction of retention money as stated in Clause
48 of GCC.
Payments will be made for civil works including piping to the extent of 95% of the value
of the finished work done by the Contractor based on the detailed billing break up for
each item in the Bill of Quantities to be submitted by the Contractor at the time of
signing the Agreement. 5% will be released after satisfactory commissioning.
23.3 No separate payment for dewatering shall be made for any kind of dewatering
methods required while executing any of the items of works and contractor shall quote
accordingly. [43.4]
Forms of Securities
Acceptable forms of securities are annexed. Bidders should not complete the
Performance and Advance Payment Security forms at this time. Only the successful
Bidder will be required to provide Performance and Advance Payment Securities in
accordance with one of the forms or in a similar form acceptable to the Employer.
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the
Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum
specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to
you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of ____________________ [amount of
guarantee] 1___________________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the
types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of ____________________ [amount of guarantee] 1 as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor
before presenting us with the demand.
This guarantee shall be valid until 7 Calendar months from the date of issue of
certificate of completion.
In accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, sub clause 51.1
("Advance Payment") of the above-mentioned Contract,
________________________________ [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called
"the Contractor") shall deposit with ________________________ [name of Employer] a
bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the
Contract in an amount of _____________ [amount of guarantee]
_________________________________ [in words].
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance
payment under the Contract until _________________________ [name of Employer]
receives full repayment of the same amount from the Contractor.
Yours truly,
Annex D
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act if any, of the Country of the Issuing Bank)
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the Contractor shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized Bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with the contractors's performance obligations under the contract for
Operation & Maintenance and Repairs of the entire plant including cost of spares after
warranty period for next five years.
THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you on behalf of
the Contractor, up to a total of Rs........................ (Amount of guarantee in words and figures)
being 3.0% of the total cost of O&M cost for 5 years and we undertake to pay you, upon your
first written demand declaring the Contractor to be in default under the contract and without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit of Rs. .. (Amount of guarantee) as
aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or
the sum specified therein.
Date: ............. 20...
SECTION 8. Broad Design Specifications
(Refer volume-II (Part A & B))
SECTION 9.Technical Details of the Offer & Schedule of Deviation
(Refer volume- III)
(Refer volume-II)
Volume II Page - 1 -
VOLUME - II Formatted: Font: Times New
Roman, French (France)
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Times New Roman, French
Volume II Page - 2 -
The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) (referred
to as Employer in these documents) invites bids for Designing, Providing,
Constructing, Erecting and Commissioning 36 Mld Sewage Treatment Plant
Tailored to Treat 18 Mld Based on Sequential Batch Reactor Technology or an
alternative proposal on ASP or its modification at Sholinganallur on DBOT basis
Including O&M for 5 Years (as defined in these documents and referred to as"the
works") detailed in IFB. The Employer reserves the right to extend the O&M Contract
for another 5 years beyond the initial O&M period of 5 years for which the Employer
shall give a written notice of 180 days prior to expiry of initial period of 5 years. The
offers shall be based on the bidder's own design and operating philosophy which is to
be based on the Sequential Batch Reactor Process and should be within the overall
framework and guidelines specified by CMWSSB in the bid document and its
specifications. The bidders design for the entire facility shall be such that the project
Generates treated sewage that will meet the norms specified by the Tamilnadu
Pollution Control Board and of a better quality to meet possibilities of recycling
Requires minimum skilled personnel for operation and maintenance and with
automated control system
Volume II Page - 3 -
The 36 Mld plant to be constructed now is to be tailored to treat 18 Mld by suitably Formatted: Justified
constructing and equipping the selected units as described elsewhere in this document.
Bidders design shall be such that addition of units and augmenting capacity to treat
36 Mld in future as well as interfacing with future modules are easily facilitated.
The scope of the work shall include Design, construction, supplying, erection, testing
and commissioning of STP including allied and anciliary works like Internal roads,
pathways, storm water drainage, sewerage, water supply and wastewater disposal for
the Plant area, boundary walls and gates, receiving well and disposal channel but not
be limited to the following:
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
Carrying out necessary site surveys and soil investigation cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Aligned at: 0.69 cm + Tab
after: 1.32 cm + Indent at:
Required site development including Clearing the site of trees/shrubs, debris etc., 1.32 cm
Carrying out necessary tree cutting, transplantation of trees, new plantation etc. as Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
per guidelines and permission from the respective dept., leveling and grading, cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Aligned at: 0.69 cm + Tab
taking in to consideration that the Finished Ground Level (FGL) be +3.60m and after: 1.32 cm + Indent at:
1.32 cm, Tabs: Not at 1.32 cm
the Highest Flood Level (HFL) is 2.40 m and to improve the aesthetics and to
Formatted: Not Highlight
facilitate the vehicular movement as indicated and as required, piling if found
Cost of shifting of poles, cables, pipe lines etc. if required shall be borne by the Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
contractor. Aligned at: 0.69 cm + Tab
after: 1.32 cm + Indent at:
Preparation and submission of process design and hydraulic calculation, plant 1.32 cm
layout and hydraulic flow diagram, Preparation and submission of Civil and
structural design, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation design and control
system, Preparation and submission of Civil and structural drawings, architectural
drawings, G.A. Drawings for construction of all civil works and electrical and
mechanical equipment drawings including equipment installation drawings.
Construction of civil engineering works for all the units plus all the ancillary
structures as detailed in Civil Specifications and as required in complete for plant
operation including Plinth protection along the periphery of all the units
Supply, erection testing & commissioning of all the mechanical equipment as
detailed in Mechanical Specifications and as required in complete for plant
Supply, erection testing & commissioning of all the Electrical & Instrumentation
equipment as detailed in Electrical Specifications and as required in complete for
plant operation.
Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of all the piping & valves as specified
in Civil Specifications and as required in complete for plant operation.
Volume II Page - 4 -
Providing and applying internal and external plaster to all units as per technical
specifications, Water proof cement painting to all units with oil painting with anti
corrosive treatment to railing and all MS, CI and GI works, Drain with valve and
pipe arrangement (min 200 mm dia.) to all the units.
Construction of internal roads, walkway, storm water drain, compound walls and gates.
Plinth protection along the periphery of all the units shall be provided as per technical
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
Landscaping of the plant area cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Aligned at: 0.69 cm + Tab
Works connected in respect obtaining power supply to proposed STP from TNEB. after: 1.32 cm + Indent at:
(Deposits will be paid by the Employer) 1.32 cm
Volume II Page - 5 -
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Sl. No. Description Civil Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation & Times New Roman
Formatted Table
1 Receiving 126 Mld with
Chamber provision of
control gates to
distribute flow
into 36 and 90
2 Receiving well Civil works for Pumps for 18 MCC panel to PLC to have
36 MLD. MLD include adequate additional
Space to be compartments for I/O and processing
provided to additional motors capability for future
accommodate in the future. also.
additional pumps Space to be SCADA to include
for 18 MLD in provided in the adequate additional
future Cable trays for provision for future
future cabling.
3 Inlet chamber 36 MLD.
4 Screens 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
5 Grit Chamber 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
6 Flow 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
measurement -
Parshall Flume
7 SBR basins 18 MLD. 18 MLD MCC panel to PLC to have
include adequate additional
compartments for I/O and processing
additional motors capability for future
in the future. also.
Space to be SCADA to include
provided in the adequate additional
Cable trays for provision for future
future cabling.
8 Chlorination 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
9 Treated 36 MLD
Disposal Pipe
10 Sludge sump 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
and Blower
11 Sludge 36 MLD Pumps, MCC panel to PLC to have
pumping, Space to be Centrifuges include adequate additional
Centrifuge, provided to and Polymer compartments for I/O and processing
Dewatering accommodate dosing pumps additional motors capability for future
Polymer dosing additional for 18 MLD. in the future. also.
system Space to be Formatted: Font: (Default)
Centrifuges for SCADA to include
provided in the Times New Roman
18 MLD in future adequate additional
Cable trays for provision for future Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
Volume II Page - 6 -
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Sl. No. Description Civil Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation & Times New Roman
Formatted Table
future cabling.
12 Centrate Sump 36 MLD. 36 MLD 36 MLD 36 MLD
and Pumps
13 Centrifuge 36 MLD
building Space to be
provided to
Centrifuges for
18 MLD in future
14 Sludge pump 36 MLD
house Space to be
provided to
additional pumps
for 18 MLD in
15 Blower room 36 MLD.
Foundations to be
provided for
blowers in the
16 Admin 36 MLD
17 MCC room 36 MLD
18 HT room 36 MLD
19 DG room 36 MLD
20 HT system 36 MLD 36 MLD
21 LT system 36 MLD 36 MLD
22 Cabling and Provision to be
cable trays made in Cable trays
to lay additional
cables in the future
23 Diesel Gen set 36 MLD
2 x 50% capacity
24 PLC and 36 MLD.
Control system Provision to be
made for additional
units in the future
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
Volume II Page - 7 -
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Sl. No. Description Civil Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation & Times New Roman
Formatted Table
25 SCADA 36 MLD.
system Provision to be
made for additional
units in the future
Any other items of work which have not been specifically mentioned in specifications
but are necessary for construction of the plant as per engineering practice and safety
norms and operation and guaranteed performance of the entire plant shall be deemed
to be included within scope of work of this specifications and shall be provided by the
contractor without any extra cost to the employer.
The above works shall be completed within 24 months from the commencement date
followed by 3 months trial run and O&M for 5 years.
1.1.2 General
The contractor shall ensure the technical feasibility of the offer submitted after visiting
the site. It must be clearly understood that as the Contract is Turnkey Contract on
DBOT Basis the Contractor shall be required to design and execute every such
item(s) of work(s) which are considered required or necessary for the satisfactory
completion and functioning of the entire work, commissioning including Operation &
Maintenance of the plant, other appurtenances etc. even if such items of work are not
specified in the bid document, but essential to complete the scheme. The contract shall
be a Turnkey Contract and shall include the following:
During construction period, required power and water shall be arranged by the
Contractor at his own expense and at no additional cost to Owner.
All the connections such as electrical, water supply, sewage etc. should be arranged by
the contractor. However Employer will reimburse the entire statutory fee on
production of documentary evidence after getting verified from CMWSSB. However
Volume II Page - 8 -
fee paid to Electric supply agency for permanent electrical connection shall be
deposited by the Employer directly. All other cost related to obtaining such approval is
in the scope of contractor. It will be the total responsibility of contractor to obtain
approval of entire electrical installation from electrical inspectorate. No expenses will
be paid by the Employer on this account.
Facilities for Engineer-In-Charge, Staff and Labour at site, as detailed elsewhere in the
bid document and as applicable in accordance with prevailing norms and standards.
Raw Sewage will be received through sewage pumping main(s) from the respective
Main Pump Stations (i.e from Injambakkam, Karapakkam, Medavakkam/Pallikaranai,
and Sholinganallur) or as completed in other contracts and terminated at the boundary
of the treatment plant site. Bidders scope starts from the boundary of the treatment
plant site.
Contractor shall connect these lines to a Receiving Chamber provided with overflow
weirs and automatic outlet gates. The function of the Receiving Chamber is to split
the incoming flow into 2 parts, one of 36.0 Mld proposed in this tender and 90.0 Mld
proposed in future. Interconnection between Receiving Chamber and Receiving well
shall be provided corresponding to 36 Mld average flow.
As these pumping mains are from Pump Stations which have screening units, coarse
screens are not required in the STP.
Receiving Chamber shall be in RCC M30 designed as a water tight structure and shall
be designed for 126 Mld with a peak factor of 2.25.
Receiving Well
The capacity of the Receiving Well should be kept such that adequate detention time
is available during average and peak flow conditions in accordance with CPHEEO
norms and applicable guidelines and standards. The effective liquid volume shall be
provided below the invert level of the incoming sewer after leaving provision for
freeboard. The capacity of the sump is to be so kept that with any combination of
inflow and pumping the operating cycle for any pump will not be less than 5 minutes.
In addition to the above liquid depth an additional depression shall be provided to
ensure adequate submergence of the pump as per the manufacturers
Volume II Page - 9 -
recommendations. Pumping station should have a room adequate for installing
electrical panels. Suitable arrangement should be provided for lifting of pumps.
The pumping main from the Receiving Well shall be taken to the elevated headworks/ Formatted: Justified
inlet chamber of the plant from where sewage shall flow by gravity to the fine screen
channels. Pipeline for emergency by passing the treatment plant shall be provided
from the receiving Well to the disposal channel.
Volume II Page - 10 -
1.2.5 Flow Measurement
A flow measurement unit in the form of Parshall Flume with Ultrasonic flow
Transmitter shall be provided both before the Receiving Well and the outlet from
Chlorination Tank.
Volume II Page - 11 -
The sludge in form of wet cake from centrifuges will be collected and disposed off as
directed by the Engineer in Charge.
Bypass of the treatment plant shall be provided from the inlet channel to Buckingham Formatted: Justified
Canal by a channel/pipe sized to handle 126 Mld with a peak factor of 2.25. Provision
shall be made with suitable gates for regulation of flow into the treatment plant or
bypassing the treatment plant.
1.2.11 Interconnections
1.2.12 Others
A designated parking area shall be provided at the plant. Alternately stilt parking area
shall be provided below the Administrative Building.
A Main Electrical Panel (MEP) room of adequate size shall be provided near
transformer yard.
The Tenderer is required to fill up/complete the Datasheets presented in Volume - III Formatted: Not Highlight
Technical Schedules as a part of the tender submission. Any bid without filled in
Datasheet shall be considered as non responsive and will be summarily rejected.
Volume II Page - 12 -
6. Mechanical Grit removal facility
7. Distribution Chamber
8. SBR Process Units
9. Chlorine Contact Tank
10. Parshall Flume channel for treated sewage flow
11. Disposal Pipe/Channel
12. Bypass Pipe Connection to Disposal Pipe/Channel
13. Chlorine House
14. Sludge sump and pump house
15. Mechanical Sludge dewatering system
16. Administration building
17. Transformer yard and MEP room
18. Interconnecting Piping
19. Plant Utilities
20. Required site development including leveling and grading, hard and soft
landscaping to improve aesthetics and to facilitate the vehicular movement.
21. Demolishing the existing structures, if any, on the site as directed by Engineer-in
22. Works connected in respect obtaining power supply to proposed STP from
TNEB and approvals from concerned Electrical Inspectors of CEIG etc.,.
TNPCB etc. (Deposits & Inspection fees will be paid by the Employer),
Volume II Page - 13 -
Level Data
The contractor shall carry out the sampling tests of raw sewage by themselves to
ascertain the raw sewage quality for treatment process. The Employer will not be
responsible for the above and no relaxation will be given to the guarantee conditions of
desired treated effluent quality. For design purposes the lower parameters than the
above mentioned parameter will not be allowed.
It is desired to treat the sewage to a level whereby the treated sewage can be utilized for
eventual industrial/ agricultural re-cycle and re-use. The contractor shall design the
sewage treatment plant layout and process in such a way that the treated effluent
quality should be within the allowable limits as detailed below:
Volume II Page - 14 -
S. No. Parameters / Pollutants Values Formatted Table
All other parameters shall be in accordance with allowable limits as per Tamilnadu
Pollution Control Board Standards for Discharge of Sewage and other relevant state
level norms.
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
1.3.4 Receiving Chamber
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Raw Sewage will be received through sewage pumping main(s) from the respective Times New Roman
Main Pump Stations (i.e from Injambakkam, Karapakkam, Medavakkam/Pallikaranai, Deleted:
and Sholinganallur) or as completed in other contracts and terminated at the STP site
Formatted: Font: (Default)
boundary. Bidderss scope starts from the STP site boundary. The pumping mains will Times New Roman
be laid upto a Distribution Chamber provided with overflow weirs and outlet control
gates. The function of the Distribution Chamber is to reduce the incoming velocity
and convey the flow for proposed STP and also for the 2 modules to be constructed in
the future. Suitable isolation gates to cater to the present STP shall be provided.
Distribution Chamber shall be constructed in RCC M30 designed as a water tight
Volume II Page - 15 -
1. That the pump of the minimum duty/ capacity would run for at least 5 minutes
considering no inflow or
2. The capacity of the sump is to be so kept that with any combination of inflow
and pumping the operating cycle for any pump will not be less than 5 minutes
3. The arrangement of the submersible pumps as per pump manufacturers data
i.e. spacing between pumps, minimum space between pump and wall etc.
4. The side water depth (live liquid depth) shall be minimum 2.5 meter. In
addition to the above liquid depth an additional depression shall be provided to
ensure adequate submergence of the pump as per the manufactures
recommendations Pumping station should have a room adequate for installing
electrical panels. Suitable arrangement should be provided for lifting of pumps.
5. The effective liquid volume shall be provided below the invert level of the
screen chamber after leaving provision for a minimum of 0.3m.
IS: 3370 and IS: 4111 (part 4) shall be followed for the design and construction
of wet well. There shall be adequate number of pumps of suitable capacity to
meet 100% standby capacity at average flow and 50% at peak flow condition
for present requirements. The pumps shall be Submersible raw sewage pumps
with centrifugal, non-clog type design. The speed of pump shall be 1000 rpm.
The impeller should be of a non-clog design with smooth passage and solid
handling capability of 100 mm size.
The pumps shall have cutting edges facing the impellor to share the floating
and suspended clogging materials like fibers, plastics, etc. The pumps will
have automatic coupling arrangement at discharge end for removal and a guide
pipe and chain in SS 304 will be provided for removal and lowering of pumps.
Pump shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. Noise level shall be
limited to 85db at 1.86m. Vibration shall be limited as per BS 4675 Part I.
The critical speed of the rotor shall be at least 30% above the operating speed.
Complete rotor shall be balanced dynamically. The moisture sensor of the
Volume II Page - 16 -
tripping unit shall be located inside the oil chamber.
The size of the sump shall be suitable to accommodate the number of pumps required
for operation with future provisions, easy maneuverability.
There shall be an Integral Electrical cum Control Panel room for the pumps and coarse
Screens located near the sump. The room shall be suitably sized to house the Electrical
cum Control Panel, space for spare parts and a maintenance area, etc. and be complete
with the following accessories:
i. Hoist - comprising of I- Girder and a 1 ton or more chain pulley (the chain Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.11 cm,
pulley block capacity to be 1 Ton or 3 times the maximum single unit/ weight Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
that may be required to be removed for maintenance) with horizontal travel on Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
the I-beam. Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.9 cm + Indent at: 1.9
ii. The room shall be so covered from sides to protect it from the elements and be cm, Tabs: Not at 1.9 cm
suitable for protection from the natural elements. Ventilation in the sheds shall
be as per NBC norms specified in the Civil Construction manual.
iii. The shed shall be suitably designed to avail of natural lighting
iv. Adequate number of fire extinguishers is to be provided as per Electricity
Authority norms.
v. Internal Illumination at levels suitable for proper lighting.
Volume II Page - 17 -
Casing : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260
Impeller : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260
Shaft : AISI 410
Cable gland : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260
Motor Body : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260
Seal cover : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260
Automatic Coupling : CI
Duck foot bend : CI
Guide Pipe : SS-304
Lifting chain : SS-304
Fasteners : MS with GI coating
Two mechanical working with one manual standby screens are proposed in the screen
channels. The screen channels shall be designed for peak flow.
Volume II Page - 18 -
The clear opening for mechanical screen shall be 6-mm and shall be 10-mm for
manual screens. The mechanical and manual bar screens shall be of 25mm X 10 mm
thick Stainless Steel (SS-304) flats. Conveyor Belt and chute arrangement shall be
provided to take the screenings to the screenings dropped from chute will be collected
in a (to be supplied by contractor) of approx. 0.5 m3 capacity. This trolley will be
housed in a roofed enclosure with proper access, screen washing arrangement and
drain. Manually operated aluminum gates are provided at the upstream and down
stream ends to regulate the flow.
RCC Platforms shall be provided at the upper level to enable operation of the railings
shall be provided around the entire periphery of the as well as for the platform. The
entire structure is to be M30 concrete and as per IS 3370 including the platform for the
gates. RCC staircase 900 mm wide shall be provided for access from the ground level
to the top of the unit & to the operating platforms.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for completeness of the
contract shall be in contractors scope.
One tapered inlet channel running along one side with deflectors for entry
sewage into the grit chamber. The minimum SWD of the units shall be adopted
on the basis of design requirement of the unit.
One tapered outlet channel for collecting the degritted sewage, which overflow
over a weir into the outlet channel. Outlet channel of adequate size and see to
ensure that no settling takes place.
Volume II Page - 19 -
One sloping grit classifying channel into which the collected grit will
The grit from classifier will be collected in a wheeled trolley (to be supplied
contractor) of approx. 0.5 m3 capacity. This trolley will be housed in a roofed
enclosure with proper access, grit washing arrangement and drain.
A grit scraping mechanism.
Adjustable influent deflector.
Reciprocating rake mechanism to remove the grit.
Two-mechanism support beams with railing & checkered plates over half
diameter of the chamber.
Organic matter return pump
Aluminum gates shall be provided at the entrance and at the outlet of the chamber. To Deleted:
enable easy operation of the gates, RCC platforms with GI railing shall be provided at
the upper level. Also access is provided from this level to the mechanism support
beam of the grit chamber. The entire construction shall be as per IS 3370. RCC
staircase 900 mm wide shall provided for access from the ground level to the top of
the unit & to the operating platforms.
Volume II Page - 20 -
1.3.10 Distribution Chamber
The entire construction of Distribution Chamber shall be as per IS 3370. RCC access
platform minimum 1,000 mm wide with railing as per specifications shall be provided
on one side of the chamber: RCC staircase 900 mm wide shall be provided for access
from ground level to the top of the unit & to the operating platforms.
1.3.11 Sequential Batch Reactor Process with Diffusers and Air Blowers
- The biological treatment section comprising Sequential Batch Reactor process Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
has to be installed and equipped for the average flow. However, suitable space Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned
at: 0.32 cm + Tab after: 0.95
provisions shall be made for the future unit while planning the layout and civil cm + Indent at: 0.95 cm,
works shall be carried out in such a way that the additional unit can be Tabs: Not at 0.95 cm
Volume II Page - 21 -
chemicals are ferric or alum based salts with a mol ratio of 1.0
- The excess sludge produced shall be fully digested. Sludge production
(including percipitants) rate shall be about 0.7 0.8 kg / kg of BOD removed.
- There shall not be any filling during the settling or decanting phases in the
Sequential Batch reactor basins.
Volume II Page - 22 -
- Minimum aeration equipment design capacity installed shall be on the basis of
12 hrs aeration per day per basin.
- Only fixed type fine bubble PU membrane diffusers shall be acceptable with
minimum membrane diffuser to floor coverage area of 5%. Diffusers shall be
submerged fine bubble / fine pore, high transfer efficiency, low maintenance,
non-buoyant type. Diffusers shall be tubular (membrane) type. Material of
construction for (entire under water system including accessories shall be of
non corrosive Complete diffuser as a unit shall be assembled at the
manufacturing factory level. The grid supports shall of adjustable type made of
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
- The air blower arrangement shall be capable of handling Total Water Level cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm, Outline
and Bottom Water Level operation conditions, controlled by process sensors numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: Bullet +
such as DO, temperature and level. Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
- Each set of blower shall have at least one dedicated standby. Minimum One 1.27 cm, Tabs: 1.11 cm, List
tab + Not at 1.27 cm
working air blower in each set shall operate via VFD while others may be
operating at a fixed constant speed on soft starter configuration.
- The blowers for air diffuser system shall be positive displacement (roots) type,
and head for blowers shall be decided on the basis of efficiency of diffusers
and maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses governing point
of delivery (diffusers) and the blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor
and accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve,
air filter etc. as per requirements. Vibration due to operation of blowers shall
be to avoid damage to structures. The blower room shall have sufficient
ventilation, lighting and working space. The room will be equipped with
sufficient capacity EOT (Min 2 T or 1.5 times the weight of blower, whichever
is more) to facilitate removal of blower/ motor etc. for repairs. The room will
also have rolling shutter.
- The blower and air diffuser system shall include PLC based control for diffuser
operation. The operation and speed of blowers shall be automatically adjusted
using parameters like Oxygen Uptake Rate, Dissolved Oxygen and
Temperature, Incoming flow and liquid level in the basin such that the DO is
supplied as per demand and power utilisation for operation of blowers is
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
- The main air header/ring main shall be in MS as per relevant IS painted both cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm, Outline
outside and inside with corrosion resistant paint as per manufacture's numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: Bullet +
recommendations. The header / ring main shall be supported on saddles at Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
suitable intervals or will be protected against external corrosion in case they 1.27 cm, Tabs: 1.11 cm, List
are laid below ground. The header shall have auto valves to facilitate switch tab + Not at 1.27 cm
over aeration cycle from one basin to other by PLC operation. The header shall
supply air to diffuser grids at various locations through air supply pipes. Air
Volume II Page - 23 -
supply pipe above water level shall be in GI and below water level it shall be
in Imported PVC as per relevant standards. All under water lateral pipes shall
be of Imported PVC. Junction between air header and air supply pipe shall be
suitably protected against corrosion due to dissimilar materials.
- All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for completeness
shall form part of contractors scope.
Dedicated Return sludge and excess sludge pumps shall be provided for each basin.
The pump shall be of submersible/ horizontal centrifugal type suitable for handling
biological sludge of 12% solids consistency. Capacity and heads shall be decided
based on Sequential batch Reactor Process requirements. Each Sequential Batch
reactor Process basin shall be provided with suitable lifting arrangements to facilitate
lifting of pump, if required for maintenance.
Volume II Page - 24 -
Quantity : 1 no. per basin
Standby : 1 No. as store standby
b. Excess Sludge Pumps
Pumps Capacity and Head : As per Sequential batch reactor Process
Type : Submersible / Horizontal Centrifugal
Liquid : Bio-sludge of 1 2% solids consistency
Specific gravity : 1.05
Solid size : 100 mm (Maximum)
Temperature : Min. 20 C
Efficiency : more than 60%
Installation : Fixed.
Quantity : 1 no. per basin
Standby : 1 No. as store standby
- PLC based automation system with application software based on Rockwell Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
hardware or equal to control all pumps, valves, blowers, VFD, decanters, limit Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned
switches and probes as per bidders design including I/Os with 20% spares, at: 0.32 cm + Tab after: 0.95
power supplies, UPS. cm + Indent at: 0.95 cm,
Tabs: Not at 0.95 cm
- HMI Panel to comprise up-to-date standard PC with monitor, printer, mouse, Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
internet connection, RS-view, RS-links (gateway version), entire process and Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned
operator software with dynamic flow charts, pictures, screens, alarms, at: 0.32 cm + Tab after: 0.95
historical trends, reports etc. cm + Indent at: 0.95 cm,
Tabs: Not at 0.95 cm
- SCADA based Automation system to monitor continuously in each tank the Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
followings: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned
a. Filling volume at: 0.32 cm + Tab after: 0.95
cm + Indent at: 0.95 cm,
b. Filling quantity Tabs: Not at 0.95 cm
Deleted: A
c. Discharge quantity
d. DO-level
e. Temperature
f. Oxygen Uptake Rate
g. Energy requirements
Volume II Page - 25 -
h. Blower speeds
i. Decanter speed
j. Equipment operation hours
Sludge sump shall be provided to collect the excess sludge from Sequential Batch
Reactor Process Basins. There shall be one common sludge sump for all basins. There
shall be auto gate valves on discharge sludge pipe of each Sequential Batch Reactor
Process basin. Diameter of valve shall be same as that of sludge pipe.
Sludge tank shall be constructed as per IS3370. The sump shall be equipped with
coarse bubble air grid made from HDPE/ PVC pipes and Air Blower Assembly to
facilitate mixing of contents of sludge sump on continuous basis.
There shall be a sludge pump house to pump the sludge from the sump. This shall be
RCC frame brick masonry structure. Minimum height of the pump house shall be 4-m
form the plinth level. It shall be provided with rolling shutter and doors and windows
as per technical specifications. EOT of minimum 2 T capacities shall be provided in
the pump house to lift the pump assembly.
Flooring of the pump house shall be IPS flooring. Pump house shall be plastered from
inside and from out side as per tender specifications. Entire pump from inside and
from outside shall be painted with approved colour and make as directed by engineer-
in-charge. Sludge sump shall be painted inside with bituminous paint.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for complete shall form
part of contractors scope.
Volume II Page - 26 -
Pumps Capacity and Head : As per process requirement
Type : Screw Type
Liquid : Bio-sludge of 1 2% solids consistency
Specific gravity : 1.05
Solid size : 100-mm (Maximum)
Temperature : Min. 20 C
Efficiency : more than 30%
Installation : Fixed.
Quantity : One each per Centrifuge + 1 common standby
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for complete shall form
part of contractors scope.
The blowers shall be positive displacement (roots) type, and head for blowers shall be
decided on the basis of maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses
governing point of delivery and the blowers. The number of standby blower shall be
100% of the number of working blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor and
accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve, air filter etc.
as per requirements. Vibration due to operation of blowers shall be to avoid damage to
structures. Centrifuge
The mechanical dewatering units shall be solid bowl centrifuge designed so as to give
a 100% trouble free operation at all times and the sludge dewatering plant should
Volume II Page - 27 -
operate for designed flow and capacity conditions and be sized as per the following
There shall be one Centrifuge building in framed structure construction, the first floor
will house centrifuges. The configuration shall be such that the wet cake discharge
will be discharged through single central chute to the parked trailer/lorry below.
Suitable drive with V- belt arrangement and turbo-coupling shall be provided along
with overload protection device. Centrifuge shall be with SS304 wetted parts.
Differential speed and bowl speed should be adjusted by changing the pulleys;
differential speed may be adjustable by use of epicyclical-gear. The bowl shall be
protected with flexible connections so that vibrations are not transmitted to other
equipment. The base frame shall be in epoxy painted steel construction and provided
with anti-vibration pads. All steps necessary to prevent transmission of structure borne
noise shall be taken. The drive motor shall be of 1450 rpm. The noise level shall be 85
dB (A) measured at 1m distance under dry run. The vibration level shall be below 50
micron measured at pillow blocks under dry run condition. Adequate sound proof shall
be carried out for the housing the centrifuges to ensure that the noise level at 5 m
distance from the enclosure is less than 75 dB (A).
Volume II Page - 28 -
A suitable electrically operated hoist shall be provided above centrifuge for
maintenance purpose. The hoist shall be such that it shall be possible to erect or
dismantle the centrifuge while one centrifuge is in operation.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for complete shall form
part of contractors scope.
Volume II Page - 29 - Centrate Sump
A Centrate sump shall be provided to collect the centrifuge Centrate and other plant
drains and then pump the same to the inlet chamber. The Centrate sump shall be
painted inside with bituminous paint.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for complete shall form
part of contractors scope.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for complete shall form
part of contractors scope.
Volume II Page - 30 -
Baffle walls shall be provided to achieve proper disinfection. The baffle walls shall be
constructed in concrete and 20 cm thick plaster in CM 1:3 on either side.
The inlet and outlet pipe shall be designed for peak flow.
Design Flow : 36.0 MLD (average)
No. of Units : 1
Detention Time : 30 minutes of average flow (minimum)
Freeboard : 0.5 m
Chlorination system covering chlorine tonners chlorinator, water feed pumps, piping,
booster pumps, ejector, trunions, lifting device with weighing scale, leak detection
and leak absorption system, safety equipments like canisters, gasmasks etc. and other
ancillary shall be provided in the chlorine house. Chlorine house of adequate plinth
area shall be provided. It shall have sufficient ventilation as per the latest norms for
safety purpose with necessary lifting arrangement and EOT of minimum 2 T capacity
etc. complete.
Chlorine health and safety equipments: The contractor shall supply oil free compressor
for filling compressed air breathing apparatus with minimum 15 min air capacity shall
be supplied along with two spare compressed air cylinder.
Safety shower confirming to applicable health & safety standards shall be provided.
All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for completer shall form
part of contractors scope.
Volume II Page - 31 -
1.3.16 Buildings
The proposed office building shall meet the following carpet requirements:
Administration and Control Building shall be a double storey, R.C.C. framed structure
of adequate plinth area on each floor. It shall bear a good architectural look and shall
be prepared by CMWSSB approved architect approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The required architect fee shall be borne by the contractor. The guidelines for the
building are described as below:
Ground Floor: Laboratory Block of plinth area fully airconditioned and
shall consist of
a) two halls with cupboards in each hall with shelves
b) Necessary rooms with cupboards with shelves in each room
c) storage space
d ) lavatory block with sanitary fittings
e) entrance lounge and staircase upto terrace &
f) passage about 2m wide
First Floor shall consist of
a) corridor of about 2m wide
b) staircase in one of the wings
c) air conditioned conference hall with attached toilet
d) Air conditioned office rooms for officers with attached toilet
e) toilet block for staff
f ) entrance lounge reception
The building shall be in RCC framed structure and brick walls shall be in 1:5 (1
cement : 5 C. Sand), the floor shall be 25mm thick with Kota stone slab flooring as per
nomenclature provided in CPWD DSR / TNDSS DSR laid over 40mm C.C. 1:2:4
Volume II Page - 32 -
(20mm nominal size aggregate) over 15 cm cement concrete 1:4:8 (40mm nominal
size aggregate) sub-grade. The walls shall be provided with 150 high skirting in Kota
stone finish as per nomenclature provided in CPWD DSR/ TNDSS DSR or the
flooring shall be of vitrified tiles as approved by Engineer In-charge.
The walls shall be plastered in cement mortar as per specification from inside and
outside, finished with distemper from inside and cement base painting from outside.
The shade, make and brand etc. shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge,
Ceiling shall be plastered with 6mm thick cement plaster of 1:3 cement mortar with
white wash three or more coats.
Provision shall be made for applying a decorative finish on the front and side elevation
of the building with stone of approved make.
All the rooms shall be provided with teak flush paneled doors of the standard sizes and
Anodised Aluminium windows/ ventilators glazed, as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge. The wood and steel work shall be suitably polished/ painted with superior
quality paints/ polish as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The doors/ windows
shall be provided with superior quality aluminium fittings, the handle of steel windows
shall be anodized brass. All the other doors, windows, shall be provided with superior
quality aluminium fittings, the handle of steel windows will be of anodized brass.
The laboratory shall be provided with platform projecting 750mm from the wall, at
about 1500 mm height from floor level along with three walls of room which will be
used for keeping the bottles of chemicals, provision shall also be made for an R.C.C.
platform at sill level of same size as of bottom one, and shall be provided with Zed
black granite stone on top surface. The vertical exposed surface of platform shall also
be provided with Zed black granite stone. The white glazed tiles shall be provided on
the walls all along the RCC platform upto lintel level along the three walls as per
nomenclature provided in CPWD DSR / TNDSS DSR.
There shall be three laboratory sinks installed in the RCC platform, suitably spaced
and one wash basin installed along the opposite wall in cash hall.
Lavatory block of size 3.3m x 4.2m shall be provided at G.F. & F.F. In addition to this
one block of size 2m x 1.5m shall also be provided attached to conference hall as per
following details with following fittings.
(a) One E.W.C. Indian Style with necessary flushing cistern, G.I. Water tubing, Formatted: Outline numbered
+ Level: 2 + Numbering Style:
brass bib cocks, toilet paper and Holder etc. complete. a, b, c, + Aligned at: 1.9 cm
(b) A set of urinal basins with flushing cistern G.I. Water tubing etc. + Tab after: 2.54 cm + Indent
at: 2.54 cm
(c) One wash basin with two pillar cocks, looking mirror, shelf, liquid soap
container, towel rail and G.I. Water tubing, stop cock and lead connection etc.
Volume II Page - 33 -
In Toilet Attached to Conference Hall
(a) One W.C. English Style with necessary flushing cistern, G.I. Water tubing, Formatted: Outline numbered
+ Level: 2 + Numbering Style:
brass bib cocks, toilet paper and Holder etc. complete. a, b, c, + Aligned at: 1.9 cm
(b) One wash basin with two pillar cocks, looking mirror, glass shelf, liquid soap + Tab after: 2.54 cm + Indent
at: 2.54 cm
container, towel rail & G.I. water tubing, stop cock and lead connection etc.
complete. Connection with the flushing cisterns of the lavatories shall be made
using 15mm G.I. pipe. Medium class.
The wash basin of the lavatories including the laboratory sinks shall have direct water
supply connection and not from the service tank necessary filtered water line shall also
be provided by the contractor tapping from water main for water supply to the
The urinal basins of the lavatory blocks shall be provided with marble partitions. The
glazed tiles shall be provided upto lintel height in the lavatory block. The urinal
portion of floor shall be raised by 150 mm from rest of the floor and shall also be
provided with white glazed tiles.
The doors in the lavatories shall be flush doors of suitable size, with aluminium
sheeting upto 0.3m height from bottom and necessary steel glazed ventilators shall
also be provided.
The stair case shall consist of RCC open steps supported on RCC beam with two
landings at suitable levels. Necessary wooden hand railing supported on vertical
16mm squares shall also provided. The front entrance door shall be of tubular
anodized steel sections having a decorative outlook.
The plinth level of the building shall be about 600mm above the formation level. The
position of ground coming under canopy and steps near entrance shall be in Kota
Stone flooring.
The building shall be provided with plinth protection all around as per specifications
given in tender documents.
Internal concealed electric wiring, light and fan fixtures and fittings with light / power
points shall also be provided for the whole building.
Minimum floor to ceiling height of the these areas shall be 3.5 m. Outlets from toilet
facilities shall be collected in a chamber and pumped to the stilling chamber via
submersible sewage pumps provided in duplicate with one working and one stanby
pump. All furniture, office equipment, communication facilities, water cooler,
refrigerator, pantry equipment to be provided by the contractor as a part of the scope
of work. Over Head Tank of 10 Cu.M capacity and under ground water tank of 20
cum capacity shall be provided with all interconnecting piping and pumps for potable
water supply shall also be provided at Administrative building.
Control room .
Volume II Page - 34 -
Blower room of adequate plinth area to accommodate all the blowers for the present
18 Mld as well as the future 18 Mld
- MCC Room of adequate plinth area to house the MCC panels
- A Control Room of minimum 4 m x 5 m to house the PLC panels and the
DG set room 1 No. of adequate area to accommodate 2 X 50% capacity
Before commencing the construction of the office, the contractor shall submit to the
Employers Representative for his approval a drawing of the proposed building with
all the architectural and finishing details fully shown. The location of the office
building shall be finalized after taking approval of the Employer's representative. The
Employer's representative's office should be ready in all respects within 90 days of
handling over the site. The office shall be maintained through out the contract period
with office assistants, power, water and house keeping. Power and water supply shall
be arranged by the contractor either with the available resources or from independent
sources (DG sets, bore well, etc.)
Toilets shall be provided on the each floor. Adequate number of toilets and
washbasins shall be provided separately for men & women. A covered service water
overhead tank of capacity 5 m3 shall be provided along with an underground water
tank of capacity 7.5 cu.m to cater to the water requirements laboratory and office
building. Following furniture shall be provided in the office.
Volume II Page - 35 -
3 sq.m. floor area)
- 6 tube lights 4'-0" long in conference room
- 2 Nos. of 48" ceiling fan in conference room
- All rooms with 4 plug point each
- Passage 4 long tube light at every 20 distance
4 Plant Model 01 no: On Wall Mounted process model: Electronic Plant Display
model, with flow diagram and working. (Minimum size 3 m x 1.5 m)
01 No 3 Dimensional, Scaled Model with flow direction display with
the lighting.
5 Sign board on One number sign board of min size 20 ft x 5 ft shall provided which
top of admin includes name and capacity of treatment plant, name of employer etc
building as directed by engineer-in-charge
6 Vehicle for During execution period of the tender that is from award of contract to
construction the period of commissioning of plant, the contractor shall provide to
stage Owner a brand new A/C vehicle with driver and required fuel (diesel/
petrol) for day to day supervision of the project. The expense towards
the fuel, maintenance, drivers salary taxes, insurance etc. shall be
borne by the contractor and will not be reimbursed by the Employer.
In case, contractor fails to provide the above facility, the Owner shall
hire/arrange a suitable vehicle for the said work and deduct the
expenses from the running bills of the contractor or a minimum sum
of Rs.30,000 (Rupees Thirty Thousand only) per month from the
running bills of contractor. In case of any dispute regarding the above,
decision of the Owner shall be final.
7 Air conditioner Adequate no. of Air conditioners shall be provided for Conference and
Control Room as directed by engineer in charge.
Volume II Page - 36 -
accessories. The tool room shall also be provided with lockers (minimum 12 nos.).
In case of pumping mains thrust blocks shall be provided whenever required. In case
of buried pipes warning tapes shall be provided of the appropriate colours.
The sizes and material for major interconnecting piping shall be as follows:
plants, shrubs and trees of environmental value and suitably modifying the appearance Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
cm, First line: 0 cm, Numbered
of STP site. It shall add scenic value to the STP site to obtain maximum visual impact. + Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
1, 2, 3, + Start at: 1 +
Contractor has to develop proper landscaping in the STP site from professional Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
landscaper approved by the Engineer in charge. Area for future expansion shall also be 0.63 cm + Tab after: 1.27 cm
+ Indent at: 1.27 cm
considered for landscaping. Entire landscaped area should be provided with sufficient
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
rotating sprinklers covering the entire lawn area for watering. cm, First line: 0 cm, Numbered
+ Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
1, 2, 3, + Start at: 1 + Lawns: Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.63 cm + Tab after: 1.27 cm
Lawns should be drained with great care in order to keep it lush with green. The soil + Indent at: 1.27 cm
should be drained effectively and water should not be allowed to be collected in pools.
The ground must be dug upto a depth of 30 - 45 cm to remove stones with weeds and
Volume II Page - 37 -
the soil should be exposed to sunlight for proper sterilization. The grass for the lawn
should be preferably Cynodon dactylon or Berumda grass. The lawn must be prepared
by one of the approved methods seeds, by turfing, by turf - plastering or by dibbling
roots. Lawns once developed should be subjected to regular rolling, moving, watering,
and restoration of patches. In the absence of rain the lawn must be provided with
every day heavily soaking the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm. To keep the lawn in
condition it should be seeded once a month with liquid manure by dissolving 45 gm of
Ammonium sulphate or 20 gm of Urea in 5 litres of water. Bone meal at the rate of
100 kg per 1000 sq.m is recommended in one year. Neem cake should also be applied
once or twice a year at the rate of 200 kg per 100 Sq.M. Raking and scraping for
thatch control must be carried out. Weed measures should also be undertaken during
the twelve months of defect liability period. Flowerbeds:
Flowerbeds add a special charm to any place. They should be simple in either square,
rectangular, circular or oval. The number and size flowerbeds are determined by its
extent with type. The tallest growing should be planted at the back of borders or in
beds on lawns far away from structures. The medium sized plants should be planted in
the central area of the garden and the dwarfish ones should be planted in front. There
should be a harmonious blending of colours to create a pleasing appearance.
Flowerbeds should be dug up to at least 15-20 days before sowing or bedding out
small plants. For most annuals it would be enough as the soil is worked to a 45 cm but
for deep rooting plants such as Sweet Peas, Cannas, etc. should be dug up to 60 cm. A
basket of 10 kg of manure should be app about 2 sq. metres of flowerbed area. The
bed should be levelled in such a way, that it slopes slightly with uniformly from the
centre to the edge. A clear 7 to 15 cm should be left unfilled by plants by the edge of
the bed. Shrubs:
Shrubs are plants, generally with woody stems, rather smaller than tree bigger than
most herbaceous plants. In a typical shrub, there are several stems arising from the
same root. Shrubs are either deciduous or evergreen. A well-designed shrub border
should consist of a suitable admixture of deciduous with evergreen shrubs. The
preferred shrubs are Ixora, Bougainvillae, and Euphorbia leucocephala, Poinsettia,
Mussaenda, etc. should be planted by preparing cubic pits of 60 cm, pits about a metre
away should be fitter with good soil mixed with 2 to 4 baskets each decomposed
manure. The ground should be well prepared in bet digging it about half metre deep
with removing all weeks. They should be at suitable distances so that when they
mature and reach their maximum growth. They should not be allowed to grow straggly
or form clumps by throwing from the base. Manure should be applied to the shrubs at
least once a providing plenty of compost materials.
Volume II Page - 38 - Plantation:
Plantations are to be done all along the boundary wall just to provide a barrier. Big
trees should be planted 3m apart from each other within a 5m wide. Space adjustment
should be done taking the site condition into consideration. Cubical pit of 60cm should
be proposed and should be filled with good soil mixed with 2 go 4 baskets of 5 kg
each of well decomposed manure. The ground should be well prepared in between by
digging it about half metre deep with removing all stones and weeds. The trees should
be planted at suitable distances so that when they mature and reach their maximum
It will be the contractors responsibility to arrange for adequate power from TNEB
based on the maximum demand load of the 36 Mld STP and the associated Receiving
Well and required documentation and liaison for the same shall be done by contractor
in consultation with Engineer-in charge. Employer will pay to contractor the TNEB
charges for obtaining the above connection and for all the hardware required up to the
metering kiosk, including metering kiosk. Contractors scope of supply shall start from
metering kiosk and he will take power from metering kiosk and all electrical and
associated accessories / items required shall be in contractors scope including cable
termination kit and cable termination. The entire plant will be operated on 415 V, 3-
Phase, 50 c/s, 4-wire system. The electrical system proposed for the STP shall include
the following components;
The scope also includes lighting and earthing. Contractor shall work out the details
Volume II Page - 39 -
based on the equipments power consumption. The execution should take care of I.E.
rules, Electricity Board's requirement and other local authorities and site condition.
The sub-panels are to be provided and located near the respective load centres, motors
and. panels for operation of various area to be supplied as part of the equipment, the
same have not been considered as part of scope of work for electrical work. However,
these should meet the requirements as specified under electrical works.
Contractor shall essentially provide the adequate automation required for auto
operation of sewage/sludge pumping machinery, Sequential Batch reactor Process,
Chlorination system and Mechanical Sludge dewatering system and associated dosing
system as per specifications detailed in Volume I and II and applicable IS
specifications and guidelines.
Storm water drains adjacent to the proposed approach road shall be sized for rainfall
intensity as per CPHEEO/CPWD norms and allowing for 100% runoff. Drains for
roads/pathways shall be in RCC NP-3 pipe of min 600 mm dia with necessary
chambers at appropriate locations. These chambers shall be covered with CI gratings.
The storm water drainage system shall be designed and connected to the run-off from
the plot and structures, and discharged to Buckingham Canal flowing nearby the site
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Volume II Page - 40 -
routes inter-linking entire plant areas and road Minimum width of pathways shall be 2
m. Pathways shall be in coloured glossy interlocking blocks. Damage to any existing
roads, on account of their use by the Contractor shall be made good to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.
Hard standing areas in coloured and glossy interlocking blocks shall be to permit the
parking of vehicles involved in the delivery of consumables from blocking site
roadways during unloading or loading. The road system shall be designed such that
vehicles involved in the delivery of consumables can move freely through the works
and out again.
The work of approach road and storm water drainage shall be carried out as approved.
All buildings shall be provided with manual fire alarm system connected main control
panel. The alarm system shall be with pillboxes and hoc layout of the fire alarm
system shall be in accordance with the relevant ISI standards.
Fire safety system shall be approved by the competent authority as directed by the
copies of contour drawings with spot levels with 10 m x 10 m grid to the Engineer.
Necessary information such as reference to the location as proposed for the treatment
plant by him with respect to site boundary and reference Bench Mark.
b) Geotechnical Investigation:
The contractor shall carry our Geotechnical Investigation work at the proposed
location of treatment plant. The no. of bore holes to be taken, depth of boring etc. shall
be decided in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor has to provide
the hard and soft copies of the test reports. If the bearing capacity of the soil found
Volume II Page - 41 -
lower than that available with the Owner, the lower of the two values shall be
considered for detailed design purposes.
Treatment Objective:
Considering the raw sewage quality and the required treated effluent quality, the
contractor shall furnish a process train to achieve the following objectives:
e) Structural Design:
Volume II Page - 42 -
The contractor shall have to do the structural design considering the survey details and
geotechnical investigation details like safe bearing capacity, seismic forces/
earthquake in accordance with the seismological data specific to the project area,
resistance, depth of water table and hydraulic flow diagram. The design of plant units
and buildings if any, shall be submitted by the contractor in soft and hard copies,
with General Arrangements and detailed RCC drawings. The design of units shall be
finalized in consultation with the Engineer in Charge. The design of units shall be
as per relevant BIS or other Indian/international standards in absence of BIS or sound
engineering practice. The requirements to be fulfilled by the contractor are described
in detail in the general civil specifications and particular specifications for civil work
for sewage treatment plant. Pressure release valve to release sub soil water pressure
shall be allowed at appropriate locations. One number 100 mm diameter valve for
each 50 sq. m., area may be provided wherever it does not affect the process or the
system, in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge.
f) Construction Works:
The contractor shall construct the civil units of the plant (including intermediate
process pumping stations wherever required) to accommodate the mechanical units to
fulfill the requirement of process design. There shall be adequate working space,
accessibility considerations like RCC stair, walkway with proper width, hand railing,
adequate height for pumping station etc. For buildings, there shall be additional items
like ventilation and lighting requirements, flooring and finishing (hard flooring like
granite for machine bearing floors) etc. The civil units shall be constructed such that
there is proper accessibility for repair or replacement of mechanical equipments. Any
concreting shall be done only after approval of Engineer in charge. All
construction work shall be carried out as per the provision of TNDSS/CPWD
specifications unless otherwise mentioned in the document.
g) Equivalency of Standards and Codes
Wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to be met
by the goods and materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the
provisions of the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes
in effect shall apply, unless otherwise stated in the Contract. Where such standards and
codes are national or related to a particular country or region, other authoritative
standards which ensure an equal or higher quality than the standards and codes
specified will be acceptable subject to the Engineer's prior review and written
approval. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed alternative
standards must be fully described in writing by the contractor and submitted to the
Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the Engineer's
approval. In fee event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not
ensure equal or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with the standards
Volume II Page - 43 -
specified in the Bid Documents.
h) Board
The Contractor at his own cost, shall provide sign boards at approved locations, in
English and Tamil at the site of the Works of approved size and design which provides
(i) the name of the Project, (ii) the name and addresses of the Employer, the
Contractor and the Consultant; (iii) the name and short description of the Project, (iv)
the amount of the Contract Price; and (v) the work start and completion dates.
Contractor shall take adequate precaution to properly maintain the signboard and re-do
it in case of loss, damage, theft etc., as desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.
i) Assurance Programme/Sample Tests
Contractor shall be responsible to develop a quality control program and to all
necessary materials, apparatus, instruments, equipment, facilities and qualified staff
for sampling, testing and quality control of the materials and the under the Contractor.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the actor shall either (i) establish a
testing laboratory at the site of Works which be adequately equipped and staffed to
carry out all sampling and testing in accordance with the requirement set out in the
tender document specifications provide all field equipment and apparatus as necessary
to conduct all in-situ tests and/or any Tests on Completion, or (ii) arrange for routine
sampling, testing and reporting, as required, through a certified independent laboratory
acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge for the quality control programme developed by him and
incorporate any modifications suggested by the Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost.
All costs of such sampling, testing and reporting of test results will be borne the
Contractor, and the Contractor shall include sufficient provisions in his tendered rates
to allow for independent sampling and laboratory testing under the direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of all test reports to
the Engineer-in-Charge within 3 days of completion of the specified tests.
The Contractor shall, within 14 days after the date of the issue of Letter of
Acceptance, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his consent a detailed description of
the arrangements for conducting the quality control programme during execution of
the Work, including details of his testing laboratory, equipment, staff and general
procedures. If following submission, or at any time during the progress of Works, it
appears to the Engineer-in-Charge that the Contractor's quality control programme is
not adequate to ensure the quality of the Works, the Contractor shall produce a revised
programme, as desired by the Engineer-in-Charge, which will be adequate to ensure
satisfactory quality control and in case of the contractor failing to ensure requisite
quality control program, action deemed fit will be taken against the contractor.
Volume II Page - 44 -
CMWSSB shall carry out supervision and quality control and monitoring the progress
of works.
j) Protection of Utilities
The Contractor is required to carefully examine the location of the Works and their
alignments and to make necessary enquiries with all authorities concerning utility lines
such as water supply, sewers, gas pipe, telephone (underground and/or overhead)
lines, electric cable (underground and/or overhead) etc., and determine and verify to
his own satisfaction the character, sizes, position and lengths of such utilities from
authentic records. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the protection and/or
facilitating relocation of such utilities as may be required and shall not make any claim
for extra work or extra time that may be required to protect or facilitate relocating such
utilities. If any major shifting realignment of water supply, sewers, gas pipes, electric
and telephone lines is necessary due to their interference with the proposed Works, the
same may done by the contractor. The cost of such relocations will be borne by the
Accessory Units:
(a) Process unit as per requirement of bid document or as per Contractors design.
(b) Pump House units like pumps with associated motors, pipes and valves with
minimum 50% standby arrangement for machines. However excess sludge
pumps and return sludge pumps shall be provided with one no. of each pump
as store standby.
(c) EOT cranes of adequate capacity at pump houses, chlorination house, blower
(d) Flow measuring instruments.
(e) Reactor mechanism for the sequential batch reaction technology including the
diffused aeration system, the decanter mechanism and all other accessory
piping and mechanical arrangements.
Volume II Page - 45 -
(f) Online measuring equipments for Flow, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
after aerobic removal of bio degradable organics and Residual Free Chlorine
as specified in "Technical specifications for electro-mechanical work".
(g) Centrifuge for sludge dewatering system.
(h) Chlorination system for the treated effluent. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.29 cm,
Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
The design, supply, erection and commissioning for all mechanical equipments shall Start at: 8 + Alignment: Left +
be as per approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Aligned at: 1.27 cm + Tab
after: 2.57 cm + Indent at:
2.57 cm
1.3.26 Electrical and Instrumentation / Automation Systems:
The contractor shall design; shop testing, supply, transport, storing at site, erecting,
testing and commissioning all electrical equipments and instruments required for the
plant as per general specifications, specific specifications for electrical works, typical
power distribution scheme and typical control system architecture.
1.3.27 Inspection
Bidders to note that all Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation & piping items to be
procured/ executed under this contract subject to inspection by a Third Party Agency
at manufacturers premises . The fees for the Third Party Inspection will be borne by
the Employer. If required, the inspection shall also be carried out by the Engineer/ his
authorized representatives at manufacturers premises and the Cost towards the
inspection shall be borne by contractor.
The dried sludge cakes from the centrifuge of the STP shall be disposed off by the
contractor to a landfill site as identified by the Client The responsibility of sludge
withdrawal and disposal in accordance with applicable rules and regulations is vested
with the contractor within the operation and maintenance period.
1.3.29 Deleted:
For the proper functioning of the proposed works of sewage treatment plant,
Volume II Page - 46 -
connection for pumping/ gravity mains, effluent channel, other general utilities
necessary for proper functioning of the proposed works which shall be included under
this Contract but not limited to the following are listed below:
Formatted: Indent: Hanging:
Access to the site from the main road 1.27 cm, Outline numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
Bullet + Aligned at: 1.9 cm +
Site development and general site fill, re-grading etc. Tab after: 0 cm + Indent at:
2.54 cm
Internal road network, horticulture, landscaping, storm drainage, outdoor lighting, Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
plant water supply and sanitation, storm water drainage, waste disposal, chemical cm, Outline numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: Bullet +
drains etc. Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab after:
0 cm + Indent at: 2.54 cm
Electric substations and distribution of power supply to all necessary points
Street and yard lighting and fire hydrant system for all pumping stations and plants
Miscellaneous buildings, garages, maintenance facilities, workshop for testing
meters etc at STP site
Fence, gates, security systems at the site
Utility buildings, tanks for storage of water, stores, parking for cars / scooters /
cycles, sanitary blocks/ changing rooms etc.
Telephone and other modern means of communication for Sewage treatment plant
and within various units of the complex.
1.5 Deleted
1.6 Deleted
1.7 Contract Period
Volume II Page - 47 -
The total contract period under the contract shall be as follows-
2.1.1 General Notes
The Employer requires that all goods and materials to be used in the works are new,
unused, of the most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements
in design and material.
Only the Employer's Requirements and design brief are specified in the following
section. These are not restrictive. The Contractor has to draft the technical
specification and the specification of standards for goods, materials and workmanship
with recognized codes and standards.
2.1.2 Submittals
The submittals include but is not limited to work required to comply in accordance
with general and specified procedures for transmittal of submissions; submission
review and subsequent actions; schedule of submissions; resubmission;
construction schedule; coordination of drawings; submission of drawings;
insert and sleeve location drawings; reproduction of submitted drawings; sample; and
construction photocopies.
2.1.3 Design, Drawings, Documents and Data General Obligations
The Contractor shall carry out, and be responsible for, the design of the Works. Design
shall be prepared by qualified designers/professionals who comply with the criteria
stated in the CMWSSBs Requirements. The Contractor undertakes that the designers
shall be available to attend discussions with the Engineer-in-Charge at all reasonable
times during the Contract Period.
Volume II Page - 48 - Submission of Design Calculations, Drawings and Other Documents By
The Contractor
(a) After signing the Contract, within 28 days from the date intimated by the
CMWSSB to proceed with the work, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer-in-
Charge 6 (six) hard copies (along with workable soft copies in a CD ) each of the
design calculations for the process and sizing of all components of the plant including
mechanical and electrical equipment, supported by flow diagrams, and general
arrangement drawings, reference catalogues /literature of manufacturers, other
reference documents used for the design purpose, for approval of the Engineer-in-
Charge. The Contractor shall incorporate all necessary comments of the Engineer-in-
Charge in the above design and drawings, if any, and shall re-submit further 6 (six)
copies each of the revised design and drawings within 14 (fourteen) days for final
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall thereafter submit 6 (six)
copies each of the approved design and 6 (six) copies each of the approved drawings
together with one copy each of the reproducible tracings and workable soft copies of
all approved designs, calculations and drawings. The entire cost shall be borne by the
Contractor and CMWSSB does not hold responsibility on this account at any cost and
any time. Drawing and tracing papers shall be laminated and bound properly with
civil, mechanical and electrical drawings in separate bindings. The contractor shall
also supply the following:
Volume II Page - 49 -
mechanical and electrical equipment and fixtures.
g) Wiring diagrams, pressure control, pumps and motor control gear
h) Details of foundations, position of openings, etc., for the pumps, motors,
starting cubicles, LT/HT panels, etc.
i) Elementary diagram and manufacturers shop and part drawings for all
j) Services like internal illumination and ventilation, building water supply, sanitation
and plumbing, service roads, landscaping, area lighting, etc.
k) Any other design and drawings to fulfill CMWSSBs requirement
All drawings submitted for approval shall be ISO standard size sheets. Every drawing
shall have a title block in the bottom right corner showing:
Each drawing shall bear the signature of the Project Manager on behalf of the
Contractor to the effect that the drawing whether his own or from any other source has
been checked by the Contractor before submission to the department.
Each revision shall be properly recorded to show the number, date, specific description
of revision(s) carried out, and signature of the Project Manager in the revision block.
The Contractor shall be responsible for incorporating all the comments issued by the
The Contractor shall prepare Construction Documents in sufficient detail to satisfy all
regulatory approvals, to provide suppliers and construction personnel sufficient
instructions to execute the Works, and to describe the operation of the completed
Works. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to review and inspect the
preparation of Construction Documents, wherever they are being prepared.
Volume II Page - 50 -
Six copies of the Construction Documents shall, when considered ready for use, be
submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for pre-construction approval. If the Engineer-in-
Charge notifies the Contractor that such Construction Document fails to comply with
the CMWSSBs Requirements, it shall be rectified and submitted and reviewed at the
Contractors cost. Construction shall not commence prior to the approval of the
Construction Documents by the Engineer-in-Charge.
If the Contractor wishes to modify any design or document, which has been previously
submitted for such pre-construction review, the Contractor shall immediately notify
the Engineer-in-Charge and shall subsequently submit revised documents. If the
Engineer-in-Charge instructs that further Construction Documents are necessary for
carrying out the Works, the Contractor shall upon receiving the Engineer-in-Charges
instructions prepare such Construction Documents. Error, omissions, ambiguities,
inconsistencies inadequacies and other defects shall be rectified by the Contractor at
his cost.
The design, the Construction Documents, the execution and the completed Works
shall comply with the Indian standard specifications, technical standards, building,
construction and environmental regulations, regulations applicable to the product
being produced from the Works and the standards specified in the CMWSSBs
Requirements, applicable to the Contractors Proposal and Schedules or defined by
The Contractor shall provide all design, calculations, drawings and all construction
documents in six hard copies, soft copies and workable CDs along with 6 sets of all
designs and drawings and 3 additional cloth mounted sets of all drawings for the use
of Engineer-in-charge.
The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up-to-date, a complete set of As Built
records of the execution of the Works, showing the exact as built location, sizes and
details of the work as executed, with cross references to relevant specifications and
data sheets. These records shall be kept on the Site and shall be used exclusively for
the purposes of this Sub-clause. Two hard copies shall be submitted to the Engineer-
in-Charge prior to the Tests on Completion.
Prior to the issue of substantial completion Certificate, the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer-in-Charge one soft copy, workable CD, one full-size original copy and
six printed cloth mounted copies of the relevant As Built Drawings, and any further
Construction Documents specified in the CMWSSBs Requirements. The Works shall
not be considered to be completed for issue of substantial completion certificate until
Volume II Page - 51 -
such documents have submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. Failure in submission of
As Built records shall attribute the delay in completion of the work and issue of
substantial completion certificate, on the part of the contractor. Quality
Proof of quality of manufacture and reliability in field application will normally
constitute evidence that the product / equipment has been manufactured by the
manufacturer, or fabricator of the quality assured for a unit or item over a period of
time and has an established field service record. It shall include installation locations,
dates and year of operating service. If there is no experience for an identical unit or
item it may relate to a similar unit or item by the same manufacturer. Samples
Samples are defined as those samples required by the contract and as required by the
Employer's Representative of any element, item, material or product to be used in the
work. Samples shall be furnished without variation to total contract price. They shall
be properly marked and tagged with the name of the project, drawing / detail reference
number, manufacturer's name and accompanied by a letter of transmittal clearly listing
the sample and their intended use and locations in the work s. Prototype of all
items including typical details, shall be made by the Contractor for approval by the
Employer's Representative.
Volume II Page - 52 - Manufacturer's Data
Manufacturer's data shall include catalog cuts, brochures, circular, specifications,
equipment operations and maintenance manuals and other printed information in
sufficient detail and scope to verify compliance to the requirements.
Volume II Page - 53 -
Representative. However, Employer / its representative along with consultant
is free to visit and inspect the equipment and systems at manufacturing unit as
and when required. The cost toward such inspections shall be borne by the
b) Field test reports shall show the results of required field tests and compliance
with approved procedures and shall be certified in writing.
b) Submission shall bear the Contractor's stamp and written certification that they
have been coordinated, checked for compliance with the Contract.
Volume II Page - 54 -
f) Number each new submission item consecutively and a suffice (alphabetical or
numerical but of consistent type throughout the work) to submission number
for each resubmission. Suffixes shall be consecutive.
g) Number of submitted items and a description of the item.
h) The specification section number relevant to the submission, with further
reference to the paragraph number of the section if required for precise
identification. Do not make submission of items from more than one
specification section on the same transmittal form.
i) Drawing number, title and date of each shop drawing transmitted.
j) Parts, areas etc. of the works to which samples pertain and date on which
sample products are scheduled for incorporation in the works.
k) The Contractor's remarks pertinent to the submission including exceptions to,
or deviations from the contract and the reason thereof.
Also provide spaces on the transmittal forms for information to be inserted as
designated following:
a) Date submission received by Employer's Representative.
b) Date submission returned by Employer's Representative to the Contractor.
c) Name of person to whom submission is sent for review and the date on which
it was sent.
d) Name of owner's consultant reviewing submission and date returned to
Employer's Representative.
e) Number of submitted items and a description of the item.
f) Action taken
g) Owner's consultants remarks including major deviations from the contractor or
reasons for action if there are no notes on the submission itself.
Submission which, in the Owner's consultant opinion, are incomplete contain errors or
have not been checked or have been only checked superficially will be returned for
submission without review.
Volume II Page - 55 -
Contractor shall make revisions and resubmit. The Contractor has 14
calendar days from date of receipt of advice of the Engineer-in-Charge
as to compliance with his comments and to resubmit drawings
evidencing such compliance.
ii) Failure of the Contractor to process submissions for review shall not relieve
the Contractor of his responsibilities under the contract.
iii) Do not proceed with work dependent on submissions until the submissions
have been verified by the Contractor and reviewed by the Employer. Making
good work which has proceeded in error because of non-compliance with these
requirements shall be at the Contractor's expense. Review of Resubmissions
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for execution of the works
in accordance with contract document.
iv) The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for deviations from the
contract or errors of any kind in the submissions or from the necessity of
furnishing work required by the contract which may have been omitted from
the submissions reviewed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-
Charges review of individual items in submissions shall not be constructed as
a review of the complete assembly in which it functions.
v) No authorization of an increase in total contracting price or time or completion
shall be implied by comments marked on submissions or submission
transmittals by the Engineer-in-Charge.
vi) Review of submission shall not absolve the Contractor from the responsibility
of correctly locating all items in the works.
vii) Whenever and wherever the Contractor proposes to make substitutions to the
specified construction method or process or proposes the use of non-specified
manufacturer's, products or to deviate from the material specified, the
Contractor must make a full submission as required in the contract. The
Contractor is advised that only the Employer has the final authority to approve
or reject proposed substitutions, alternates and / or deviations from the
i) Work shall include progress photographs for each work of construction taken
from minimum six viewpoints each month made by a professional
photographer. Take one photograph from each viewpoint.
ii) Photographs shall show general extent of the works by both exterior and
interior views. Each viewpoint will be selected and the number of monthly
repetitive photographs taken from exactly the same viewpoint as decided by the
owners authorized representative.
Volume II Page - 56 -
iii) Submit six 200mm x 254mm glossy color prints of each photograph to the
owners authorized representative at the first of each month duly attached /
pasted in the Progress Report.
iv) Title and mount each photograph per the owners authorized representative's
requirements. As a minimum include on title: Project name, direction of view,
and date when taken.
v) Video shooting during major construction stages of plant or at least once every
month must be carried out by the contractor and shall be submitted to the
employer / authorized representative.
Quality assurance shall include, but shall not be restricted to as noted herein.
The Quality Assurance system should ensure the quality and quantity continuously
through monitoring systems as envisaged in Project Management and Construction
(PMC) proformas so as to give daily progress report, labour / manpower deployed,
quantity executed on periodic basis, observations thereof through following PMC
proformas placed at the end of this subsection.
The above shall be conformed through records of precious materials viz. Cement,
steel, anti-termite chemicals, water proofing chemicals etc
a) The Contractor's provision and maintenance of a quality assurance program in
conjunction with his subcontractors as approved by the Employer's
Volume II Page - 57 -
Representative. The program shall provide inspection and testing of products
during fabrication and installation as Employer's Representative may deem
necessary to ensure that work is performed in compliance with the Contract.
Such inspection and testing shall be performed at no additional expense to the
b) Inspection and testing required by the orders, laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations of local authorities.
c) Employment of independent professional inspection and laboratory testing firms
to supervise laboratory testing services as specified in the applicable codes or
specifications and under the review and approval of the Employer's
d) Provision of inspection and testing instruments and devices required to ensure
proper performance of quality assurance at the job site.
e) Verification by affidavits and certification that specified products meet
requirements of reference standards as specified in applicable codes /
f) Testing, balancing and adjusting of equipment as specified in applicable codes.
Continuing Inspection
Perform inspection on a continuing basis as each part of the works commences
and on a regular basis to ensure constant compliance with the requirements :
iv) Upon receipt of items at the job site, the Contractor's quality assurance
representative at the site shall be responsible on receipt of items at the site for
noting damage suffered by them during transit and for directing that they be
v) The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and maintaining items on
the site free from damage during storage, erection, installation and
vi) When it is discovered on inspection that work is proceeding with incorrect
materials or methods, ensure that corrections are immediately made and that
improperly complete work is replaced.
i. The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection and testing required by Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm, Outline
jurisdictional authorities in conformance with the performance requirements. numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
ii. If the Engineer-in-Charge so desires, he may delegate inspection and testing of Start at: 1 + Alignment: Right
+ Aligned at: 1.59 cm + Tab
materials or Plant by an independent body / agency. Any such delegation shall after: 1.59 cm + Indent at:
be effected for this purpose shall be considered as an assistant of the Engineer- 1.84 cm
in-Charge. Notice of such appointment (not being less than 14 days) shall be Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm, Outline
given by the Engineer-in-Charge to the Contractor. numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, + Quality Assurance Reports Start at: 1 + Alignment: Right
+ Aligned at: 1.59 cm + Tab
after: 1.59 cm + Indent at:
1.84 cm
i) Document each test and inspection on a report and submit the report in
triplicate to the Employer's Representative.
Volume II Page - 60 -
ii) Reports shall be in an approved format and shall certify off-site items
produced correctly for on-site work of installed correctly, as applicable.
Similarly the report shall certify items that are defective with a statement of
records on corrective measures taken.
iii) Include on each report the purpose of the inspection or test, a description of
methods used, observations made and personnel involved.
iv) The Contractor shall also maintain in the approved format a log book of all
tests performed which shall include the date of test, type of test and the results
of the test.
v) If inspection and testing procedures are sub-contracted to an approved
inspection and testing firm, only copies of test reports signed by the approved
inspection and testing firm will be acceptable.
Volume II Page - 61 -
Volume II Page - 62 -
Name of the Project
S. Activity Start Finish Quantity Unit Work done till Work done on Cumulative work Overall
No done
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Completion
Volume II Page - 63 -
Name of Project : ..
Client : M/s ..,
Contractor : M/s ..,
Name of Unit: Date: __/__/__
Volume II Page - 64 -
Labour deployed
Volume II Page - 65 -
S. No Category Nos. Category Nos. Item Quantity Remarks
1 Mason Excavator JCB
2 Carpenter Excavator POCLAIN
3 Fitter Dumper
4 Plumber Batching Plant
5 Operator Concrete Mixer
6 Painter Concrete Pump
7 Electrician Vibrator
8 Mechanic Welding Machine
9 Welder/Rigger De-watering Pumps
10 Mate Cube testing Machine
11 Male Mazdoor Compressor
12 Stone Cutter Rock Splitter
13 Helper Cutting & Bending Machine
Volume II Page - 66 -
Name of Project : ..
Client : M/s ..,
Contractor : M/s ..
Name of Unit:
DRG. NO. : Date: __/__/__
Member Bar Dia of No. Per No. of Total Cutting Total Shapes
No. bars member member no. Of length length
Calculated by Checked By
Volume II Page - 67 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor : Inspection Required on :
Name of Building:
Concrete Element & Location : Date :__/__/__ Time:__-__
Approved Drawing No. :
Inspection Request No. :
Y=Yes, N=No and Na= Not Applicable. Date :__/__/__Time :__-__
Name: Name:
Sig. & Date Sig. & Date
Volume II Page - 68 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor : Inspection Required on :
Name of Building:
Concrete Element & Location : Date :__/__/__ Time:__-__
Approved Drawing No. :
Inspection Request No. :
Y=Yes, N=No and Na= Not Applicable. Date :__/__/__Time :__-__
Name: Name:
Sig. & Date Sig. & Date
Volume II Page - 69 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor : Inspection Required on :
Name of Building:
Concrete Element & Location : Date :__/__/__ Time:__-__
Approved Drawing No. :
Inspection Request No. :
Y=Yes, N=No and Na= Not Applicable. Date :__/__/__Time :__-__
Name: Name:
Sig. & Date Sig. & Date
Volume II Page - 70 -
Structure / Building: Date:
Location: Quantity:
S. No. Description of Item Observation Remarks
Contractor's Engineer Engineer-in-Charge
1 Block masonry and concrete surface are found clean, free from duct
loose material, oil, grease, mortar droppings, nails, steel patti,
wooden pieces, wire etc.
2 Joints in blocks masonry are racked to a depth of 10mm
3 Surface to be plastered is made sufficiently damp.
4 Unavoidable projections in masonry and concrete is chiseled
5 Hacking on concrete surface is sufficiently deep and distance
between hacking is not more than 25-40mm
6 Any leakages observed before plastering.
7 If yes, leakages have rectified.
8 Joints between concrete surface and masonry are properly filled with
cement mortar or sealant before applying plaster.
9 Joints, concealing and repaired areas are covered with chicken mesh
of 300mm wide.
10 Mark up are made before plaster at interval not more than the size of
bottom to be used.
11 Grading of sand, silt and dust are within the permissible limit.
Signature of Contractor's Engineer Signature of Engineer-in-Charge
Sr. No. Description of Item Observation
Contractor's Engineer Engineer-in-Charge Remarks
Volume II Page - 71 -
12 Thickness of single coat plaster is not less than 12mm and not
more than 15mm
13 Door frames are free from cracks, knots etc.
14 6 Nos. hold fast fixed properly
15 Frames are fixed in plumb
16 All above points checked and permitted to start plaster
Plaster is in line and level, the difference in plumb is not more
than 2 mm
Neeru finish is of 2mm to 3mm and is applied over the plaster
when it has just hardened
Curing is done on neeru plaster by slightly sprinkling water.
After neeru finish the room dimensions are checked and they are
of size mm x mm x . Mm.
Volume II Page - 72 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor : Inspection Required on :
Name of Building:
Concrete Element & Location : Date :__/__/__ Time:__-__
Approved Drawing No. :
Inspection Request No. :
Y=Yes, N=No and Na= Not Applicable. Date :__/__/__ Time :__-__
Name: Name:
Sig. & Date Sig. & Date
Volume II Page - 73 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor :
Volume II Page - 74 -
Name of Project :
Client :
Contractor : Date of Test:
Name: Name:
Sig.&Date Sig.& Date
Volume II Page - 75 -
This section deals with civil construction of the entire plant, piping etc. complete work
under this contract.
i) All the civil & structural works shall be carried out as per latest CPWD / PWD
specifications Vol. I to III and Vol. IV to VI with up to date corrections slips
issued upto the date of submission of tender unless otherwise specified herein.
In case the CPWD / PWD specifications are not found applicable or
inadequate, then the relevant BIS specifications (latest version) on the date of
submission of tender shall be used. Further, in case, any of above two is not
applicable, to particular/specialized works, then the manufacturers
specifications or their relevant instructions shall be followed. Specifications
mentioned anywhere in the bid document will prevail over CPWD / PWD
Specifications and BIS specifications as the case may be.
ii) All raw materials including Cement and reinforcement/structural steel
wherever to be used by the contractor shall confirm the latest BIS/CPWD /
PWD specifications. All mandatory tests as required by BIS/CPWD / PWD
specifications shall be carried out and test certificates to be submitted to
Engineer in charge. However, the contractor shall be fully responsible for
required performances of civil/ structural work. Costs of such tests are to be
borne by the contractor.
2.2.2 MATERIALS Cement
i) The Contractor shall procure minimum 43 grade, unless otherwise stated
separately confirming to BIS specifications, Ordinary Portland Cement, as
required in the work only, from reputed manufacturers of cement having a
production capacity of one million tones per annum or more, and as approved
by Employer, Ministry of Industry, Government of India and holding license
to use BIS certification mark for their product, whose name shall be got
approved from Engineer-in-Charge. Supply of cement shall be taken either in
silos or in 50 kg. bags bearing manufacturers name and BIS marking.
Samples of cement arranged by the Contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-
in-Charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS codes.
Cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor. In case test results indicate
Volume II Page - 76 -
that the cement arranged by contractor does not conform to be relevant BIS
codes the same stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the
Contractor at his own cost within one week time of written order from the
ii) The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tons
from the manufacturer direct, or as decided and approved by the Engineer-in-
charge, as the case may be.
iii) The cement godown of the sufficient capacity should be constructed by the
contractor and at all time it should have a stock of minimum of 2000 bags. The
contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the
Engineer-in-Charge at any time. Storage of cement shall be as per CPWD /
PWD specification.
iv) Cement brought at site and cement remaining unused after completion of work
shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-
charge. Steel
ii) The steel reinforcement, structural steel shall be stored by the contractor at site
of work in such a way as to prevent distortion and corrosion. Bars of different
sizes and lengths shall be stored separately.
Volume II Page - 77 -
iii) For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, band test, re-band- test etc.
specimen of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random
at frequency not less than that specified below: -
Over 16 mm dia One sample for each 45 One sample for each 50
tons or part thereof tons or part thereof.
iv) Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from
Volume II Page - 78 -
e) Excavation of trenches across and along Rs. 500/- per day.
roads during day time (at 8 AM to 8PM)
without permission.
f) Non removal of excess earth and other Rs. 1000/- per day till
stones etc. which are causing completed.
inconvenience to the road users.
g) Non consolidation of earth while back Rs. 500/- per day till
filling of trenches to the original level. completed.
h) Non submission of prescribed forms for Rs. 500/- per day.
re-instatement of trenches.
i) Road cutting without permission Rs. 1250/- per day.
j) Non stacking of materials pipes etc. in Rs. 1000/- per day.
an orderly manner during execution
causing inconvenience to the road users.
iii) Proper supporting of all underground services such as water mains, sewers,
cables, drains, water and sewer connections shall be provided by the
contractor without any additional cost. If the services/connections are
damaged the contractor will be responsible for the restoration of the same to
original specifications at his own cost.
iv) The contractor shall provide necessary red flickering lights (blinkers) at all
roads and required places at night for diversion/smooth flow of traffic without
any extra cost. He shall also provide necessary sign boards painted and
written with luminous paint for traffic diversion as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge. The warning notice boards should be put at least 100 metres before
the approach to the area on either side where the work is going on. In addition
proper lighting arrangement will be made for all excavations works.
v) Proposed alignment of rising mains are to cross roads, nallahs, cables, water
mains, and other underground services. Contractor shall be required to work
under these constraints. Costs of such items are to be included in the bid of
the contractor. Necessary statutory permission for road cutting will have to be
arranged by the Contractor at his own cost and fee deposited to the concerned
dept. will be reimbursed by the Employer on actual basis.
vi) As a result of excavation of trenches, the underground services (UGS) such as
water mains, electric poles/cables/Telephone cable and sewer line etc. may
become exposed and unsupported. It will be the responsibility of the
contractor to make suitable and necessary arrangement for supporting such
UGS to keep them functional. Such arrangement will be done as per direction
of the Engineer-in-Charge. No separate payment for supporting the services
will be made by the deptt. Any damages caused to the above mentioned
underground services due to negligence of the contractor or otherwise shall be
Volume II Page - 79 -
made good by the contractor at his own cost. After laying the pipe, the
contractor shall have to construct masonry pillars, to support the water
lines/U.G.S. before the temporary supports are removed and filling of trenches
is done.
vii) If necessary, the excavation below sub soil water level shall be classified as
excavation in saturated soil. The trench shall be kept in dry condition during
the laying of pipelines and construction of manholes etc.
viii) Existing drains shall not be blocked by excavated earth or any other materials,
the contractor shall ensure that sullage/storm water flow uninterruptly.
As per CPWD / PWD specification Rebound Hammer Test for concrete is mandatory
and the same shall be carried out as per the provision. Rebound Hammer required for
conducting the test shall be procured by the contractor at his own cost for testing and
the same shall be made available at site as and when required by the Engineer-in-
The Contractor will be required to prepare the bar bending schedule prior to taking up
all the reinforcement cutting and bending works at site. No reinforcement work will
be allowed without the bar bending schedule.
Note : All the data and details as provided are indicative only and bidders are advised
to verify them before submission of their offer. No extra payments shall be made
against any discrepancy found anywhere in the bid document.
Volume II Page - 80 -
2.3.1 General
This part of the specification covers the design loads to be considered and specifications
of material and workmanship for the civil works. Material used and workmanship for the
civil works of Sewage treatment plant, campus development, civil works associated with
pipe laying etc. to be done under the contract will adhere to the provisions laid down in
this chapter.
The bidder shall have to get Soil Analysis carried out for determining the Safe Bearing
Capacity (SBC) of the soil as per relevant code through a reputed firm. The charges for
the same shall be included in the offer. The lesser SBC out of the two i.e. one which is
given in the tender and other one got carried out by the tenderer will be followed for
design of foundation of various structures. Nothing extra shall be paid due to decrease in
The bidder should ascertain about the actual Sub Soil Water Table at site. Price quoted
shall be inclusive of cost of pumping Sub Soil Water / seepage water from any other
source required for execution of work. No extra payment shall be made due to variation in
Sub Soil Water Level if mentioned any where in the tender documents either for
designing or execution, on account of fluctuation due to any reason whatsoever.
Materials for which specifications are not given the requirement of respective Indian
Standards are to be fulfilled. The contractor shall get prior approval of the materials
proposed to be used under the contract from the Engineer-in-Charge.
The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness of design and
drawings, even after the approval of the same by Engineer-in-Charge. Complete detailed
design calculations of foundations and superstructure together with general arrangement
drawings and explanatory sketches shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge.
Separate calculations for foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each
other shall be deemed to be incomplete and will not be accepted by the Engineer-in-
The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic requirements
of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry structures and structural steel works.
However, any particular structure shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of
the functions for which the same is being constructed.
Volume II Page - 81 - Design Loading
Deleted: <#>
(a) General
Formatted: Indent: Left:
1.27 cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the Outline numbered + Level: 5 +
following loads/ stresses under test and working conditions: dead load, live load, wind Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
load, seismic load, stresses due to temperature changes, shrinkage and creep in Aligned at: 5.71 cm + Tab
after: 6.35 cm + Indent at:
materials dynamic load, vehicular load and uplift pressure etc. 6.35 cm, Tabs: Not at 6.35 cm
In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in BIS codes or as given above
for any particular type of floor of structure, assumptions made must receive the
approval of the Department / prior to taking up the design work. Apart from the
specified live loads or any other load due to material stored, any other equipment load
or possible overloading during maintenance or erection shall be considered and shall
be partial or full whichever causes the most critical condition.
Formatted: Indent: Left:
(d) Wind Load 1.27 cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
Outline numbered + Level: 5 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Aligned at: 5.71 cm + Tab
Wind loads shall be as per BIS: 875. after: 6.35 cm + Indent at:
6.35 cm, Tabs: Not at 6.35 cm
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
Volume II Page - 82 -
Formatted: Indent: Left:
(e) Earthquake Load 1.27 cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
Outline numbered + Level: 5 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Aligned at: 5.71 cm + Tab
Earthquake load shall be computed as per B.I.S. 1893 taking into consideration soil after: 6.35 cm + Indent at:
foundation system, importance factor appropriate to the type of structure, basic 6.35 cm, Tabs: Not at 6.35 cm
horizontal seismic coefficient/ seismic zone factor & average acceleration coefficient
as applicable for zone v.
An importance factor of 1.5 shall be considered for design of all the structures. The
soil foundation system coefficient shall be considered as 1.2.
Formatted: Indent: Left:
(f) Dynamic Load 1.27 cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
Outline numbered + Level: 5 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Aligned at: 5.71 cm + Tab
Dynamic Loads due to working of machines/ equipments such as pumps, blowers, after: 6.35 cm + Indent at:
compressors, switch gears, travelling cranes, etc., shall be considered in the design of 6.35 cm, Tabs: Not at 6.35 cm
structures as given by the manufacturers or in BIS code, which ever is more.
Liquid retaining/conveying structures including the members covering the same (such
as roof of a chamber, channel etc.) shall be designed by uncracked method of design
as per BIS:3370 and 6494. Basement RC walls and slabs below ground shall also be
designed by uncracked method of design as liquid retaining structures. Shear shall be
checked by working stress method as per BIS:456. Minimum temperature and
shrinkage reinforcement shall be 0.3% in each direction.
a) liquid depth up to full height of wall including free board : no relief due to soil Formatted: Indent: Hanging:
0.96 cm, Outline numbered +
pressure from outside to be considered; Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a,
b, c, + Start at: 1 +
b) structure empty (i.e. empty of liquid, any material, etc.) : full earth pressure Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
and surcharge pressure wherever applicable, to be considered; 0.96 cm + Tab after: 0 cm +
Indent at: 2.23 cm
c) partition wall between dry sump and wet sump : to be designed for full Formatted: Indent: Left:
liquid depth up to full height of wall; i/c free board 1.34 cm, Outline numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a,
d) partition wall between two compartments : to be designed as one b, c, + Start at: 1 +
compartment empty and other full including free board; Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.96 cm + Tab after: 0 cm +
e) structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the water table Indent at: 2.23 cm
and due care should be taken for seasonal variation on higher side. Factor of
safety against uplift shall be 1.2.
Volume II Page - 83 -
f) walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake forces
from earth pressure mobilization and dynamic water loads;
g) underground or partially underground structures shall also be checked against
stresses developed due to any combination of full and empty compartments
with appropriate ground/uplift pressures below base slab. The design shall be
such that the minimum gravity weight (empty conditions) exceeds the uplift
pressure at least by 20%.
h) For design purpose, sub soil water level is to be considered as one meter Formatted: Indent: Left:
1.35 cm, Outline numbered +
below the average natural ground level. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a,
b, c, + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: Foundations 0.96 cm + Tab after: 0 cm +
Indent at: 2.23 cm
A detailed topography survey and soil investigation report has been enclosed with the
bid documents. All the data and details as provided are indicative only and bidders are
advised to verify them before submission of their offers. No extra payment shall be
made against any discrepancies in the above documents.
Foundation depths and the type of footings shall be appropriately computed from the
parameters given in the soil report or obtained during the soil testing by the contractor
whichever is stringent, and got reviewed and approved by department.
Earth fill above virgin ground level till formation level shall be taken as a surcharge
load and shall be added in the loads coming on foundations appropriately.
In some special cases, where contractor wishes to provide the footing in continuation
of the sloping floor and taking the wall footing to the minimum depths as mentioned
below is not possible, the shortfall in the founding depth shall be made up by PCC fill
of grade M-10.
i. The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipments, buildings Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.9
cm, Numbered + Level: 3 +
and frame foundations and load bearing walls shall be as per the Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
recommendation of BIS provided adequate bearing pressure is available at that Start at: 1 + Alignment: Right
depth. + Aligned at: 3.49 cm + Tab
after: 4.13 cm + Indent at:
ii. Bearing capacity of soil shall be determined as per BIS : 6403. 4.13 cm, Tabs: 2.54 cm, List
tab + Not at 3.81 cm + 4.13
iii. Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure cm
foundations, either existing or not within the scope of this contract. Suitable
adjustments in depth, location and sizes may have to be made depending on
site conditions. No extra claims for such adjustments shall be accepted by
iv. A structure subjected to groundwater pressure shall be designed to resist
floatation. The dead weight of empty structure shall provide a factor of safety
of 1.2 against uplift during construction and service.
v. Where there is level difference between the natural ground level and the
foundations of structure or floor slab, this difference shall be filled up in the
following ways.
(a) In case of non-liquid retaining structures the natural top soil shall be
Volume II Page - 84 -
removed till a firm strata is reached (minimum depth of soil removed
shall be 500 mm) and the level difference shall be made up as per
specifications. However the thickness of each layer shall not exceed
150 mm. The area of backfilling for floor slabs shall be confined to
prevent soil from slipping out during compaction.
(b) In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural top soil shall be
removed as described above and the level difference shall be made up
with Plain Cement Concrete of M-10 grade.
vi. Wherever the plinth level is above the ground level, a curtain wall shall have Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.9
cm, Hanging: 0.95 cm,
to be provided from plinth level upto 300 mm below ground level, but not Numbered + Level: 2 +
less than 1m in total height. Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Right
vii. If pile foundations are used, the contractor shall conduct the initial routine + Aligned at: 3.49 cm + Tab
test as per IS 2911 at his own cost, to determine the safe load bearing after: 4.13 cm + Indent at:
4.13 cm, Tabs: Not at 4.13 cm
capacity of piles.
If pile foundations are considered desirable by the tenderer for some/all the units the
piles shall be bored cast-in-situ piles only. To verify the load carrying capacity of the
piles a minimum of two initial load tests shall be conducted and routine load tests as
required as per the relevant BIS code shall also be conducted. Soil report should
provide capacity of various dia. of pile considering the lowest sub soil condition.
Under reamed piles shall not be allowed.
RCC grade M25 shall be used for pile foundation works.
Use of pressure release valves to reduce uplift pressure due to ground water table shall
not be allowed.
(a) General
The Civil & Structural design shall be carried out in accordance to BIS: 456,
and BIS: 3370 and other relevant Indian Codes. For the seismic forces, the
structure should be designed as per IS: 1893 and all the factors as applicable
for zone V.
Special care should be taken for design of base slab of Tanks having liquid
depth more than 5 meter such base slabs should be designed for a settlement of
40 mm before laying the mud mat concrete. The area for the base slab should
be compacted with Coarse Sand till 90% proctor density is achieved.
The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete
Volume II Page - 85 -
b) Liquid Retaining Structures/Buildings:
All structural reinforced concrete for liquid retaining structures or
buildings shall be as per Section 4.1.
c) The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs of liquid
retaining structures in each of two directions at right angles shall be
0.3% using HYSD bars.
d) All buildings shall be provided with damp proofing for basement and
floors and water proofing for roofs as specified in specific
e) Any structure or pipeline crossing below roads shall be designed for
Class AA of IRC loading or as classified by the respective authority.
NP3 RCC pipe (with encases) shall be used below roads inside the
f) All pipes and conduits laid below the structural units such as PST, FST
etc. shall be embedded in reinforced concrete of grade M20 of
minimum thickness 150 mm.
f) Suitable admixtures may be used with the approval of engineer in
(b) Minimum Thickness
The following Minimum cement content shall be used for different grades of
Volume II Page - 86 -
S. Grade of Concrete Minimum Cement in Concrete Formatted Table
No. (Kg/m3) of finished concrete)
1 M15 240
2 M20 300
3 M25 300
4 M30 320
The term materials shall mean all materials, goods and articles of every kind
whether raw, processed or manufactured and equipment of every kind to be supplied
by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works.
Except as may be otherwise specified for particular parts of the works the provision of
clauses in Materials and Workmanship shall apply to materials and workmanship
for any part of the works.
All materials shall be new and of the kinds and qualities described in the Contract and
shall be at least equal to approved samples.
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant CPWD Specification (with
amendments) current as on the date of submission of the tender.
Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the
Engineer-in-charge, at his request, stating that the materials supplied comply in all
respects with the standard, the Contractor shall obtain the certificates and forward it to
the Engineer-in-charge.
The specifications, standards and codes listed below are considered to be part of this
Bid specification. All standards, specifications, codes of practices referred to herein
shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions
as on the date of submission of the tender.
In case of discrepancy between two standards the provisions more stringent shall be
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
4082 : Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction
materials at site (first revision)
7969 : Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
1498 : Classification and identification of soils for general engineering
purposes (first revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed)
2682 : 1984 : Chlordane emulsifiable concentrates (second revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1994)
3764: 1992 : Excavation work - Code of safety (first revision)
6313(Part2) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings : Part 2 Pre-
constructional chemical treatment measures (Reaffirmed)
875 (Part 1) : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 1 Dead loads -Unit weights of
Volume II Page - 87 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
building material and stored materials
875 (Part 2) : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 2 Imposed loads
875 (Part 3) : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 3 Wind loads
875 (Part 4) : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 4 Snow loads
875 (Part 5) : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 5 Special loads and load
1080 : 1986 : Code of practice for design and construction of shallow
foundations on soils (other than raft, ring and shell)
1904 : Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in
soils: General requirements
2950(Part1) : Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations:
Part 1 Design
2974(Part1) : Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type machines
2974(Part2) : Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machines
(hammer foundations)
2974(Part3) : Design and construction of machine foundations - Code of practice
: Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines (medium and high
2974(Part4) : Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 4 Foundations for rotary type machines of low
2974(Part5) : Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 5 Foundation for impact machines other than
hammers (forging and stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher
and jolter)
6403 : Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow
8009(Part1) : Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations : Part
1 Shallow foundations subject to symmetrical static vertical loads
8009(Part2) : Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations : Part
2 Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical
11089 : Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation
13094 : Guidelines for selection of ground improvement techniques for
foundation in weak soils.
Volume II Page - 88 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
13301 : Guidelines for vibration isolation for machine foundations
SP 36 (Part 2): : Compendium of Indian Standards on soil engineering: Part 2 Field
1988 testing
2720 : Methods of test for soils
(Parts 1 to 41)
6452 : Specification for high alumina cement for structural use
6909 : Specification for supersulphated cement
8041 : Rapid hardening Portland cement
8042 : White Portland cement
8043 : Hydrophobic Portland cement
8112 : 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
13330 : Sulphate resisting Portland Cement
383 : Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete
432 (Part 1& 2) : Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire
for concrete reinforcement
456 : Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
516 : Method of test for strength of concrete
650 : Standard sand for testing of cement
1199 : Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
1343 : Code of practice for Pre stressed concrete
1566 : Hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement
1786 : High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
2386 (Part 1 to : Methods of test for aggregates for concrete
2502 : Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete
2595 : Code of practice for radiographic testing
2645 : Integral cement waterproofing compounds
3025 : Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water
used in industry
3085 : Method of test for permeability of cement mortar & concrete
3370 (Part 1to : Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids
3466 : Masonry cement
3812 : Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
Volume II Page - 89 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
4031 (Part 1) : Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement : Part 1
Determination of fineness by dry sieving
5816 : Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete cylinders
6452 : Specification for high alumina cement for structural use
7861 (Part 1) : Code of practice for extreme weather concreting : Part 1
Recommended practice for hot weather concreting
7861 (Part 2) : Code of practice for extreme weather concreting : Part 2
Recommended practice for cold weather concreting
8142 : Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by
penetration resistance
9012 : Recommended practice for Concreting
9013 : Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength
of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
9077 : Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in
RB and RCC construction
9103 : Admixtures for concrete
9284 : Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
10262 : Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design
13311 (Part 1) : Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test : Part 1
Ultrasonic pulse velocity
13311 (Part 2) : Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test : Part 2
Rebound hammer
SP 20 (S &T) : Handbook on masonry design and construction
SP 21 (S &T) : Summaries of Indian Standards for building materials
SP 23 (S & T) : Handbook on concrete mixes (based on Indian Standards)
SP 24 (S & T) : Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code for plain and
reinforced concrete
SP 34 (S & T) : Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing
3696 (Part 1) : Safety code of scaffolds and ladders : Part 1 Scaffolds
4014 : Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding
Part 1 & 2
2116 : Sand for masonry mortars
2212 : Code of practice for brick work
2250 : Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars
SP 25 (S & T) : Handbook on caused and prevention of cracks in building
1123 : Method of identification of natural building stones
1127 : Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural
Volume II Page - 90 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
building stones for masonry work
1129 : Recommendation for dressing of natural building stones
1597 (Part 1) : Code of practice for construction of stone masonry : Part 1 Rubble
stone masonry
3622 : Specification for sandstone (slab and tiles)
4101 (Part 1) : Code of practice for external facing and veneers : Part 1 Stone
303 : Plywood for general purposes
4990 : Plywood for concrete shuttering work
6313 (Part 1) : Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings : Part 1
Constructional measures
6313 (Part 2) : Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings : Part 2 Pre-
constructional chemical treatment measures(first revision)
(Amendments 3)
737 ; Wrought aluminium and aluminum alloy sheet and strip for
general engineering purposes
883 : Design of structural timber in building - Code of practice
1003 (Part 1) : Timber panelled and glazed shutters : Part 1 Door shutters
1003 (Part 2) : Timber panelled and glazed shutters : Part 2 Window and
ventilator shutters
1038 : Steel doors, windows and ventilators
1081 : Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and
aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators
1361 : Steel windows for industrial buildings, ventilation blinds for
1826 : Venation blinds for windows
1948 : Aluminum doors, windows and ventilators
1977 : Structural steel (ordinary quality)
2062 : Steel for general structural purposes
2191 (Part 1) : Wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type) : Part 1
Plywood face panels
2202 (Part 1) : Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type) : Part 1 Plywood face
2202 (Part 2) : Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type) : Part 2 Particle board
and hard board face panels
3548 : Code of practice for glazing in building
3629 : Specification for structural timber in building (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1991)
Volume II Page - 91 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
4020 (Parts 1- : Door shutters, method of test
4021 : Timber door, window and ventilator frames
4351 : Specification for steel door frames
4913 : Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of
timber doors and windows
4962 : Specification for wooden side sliding doors
5509 : Fire retardant plywood
5539 : Specification for preservative treated plywood
6248 : Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills
7205 : Safety code for erection of structural steel work
7452 : Hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators
12896 : Classification of Indian timbers for door and window shutters and
2074 : Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide-zinc chrome, priming
809 : Rubber flooring materials for general purposes
1195 : Bitumen mastic for flooring
1196 : Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring
1197 : Code of practice for laying of rubber floors
1198 : Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of linoleum
1237 : Cement concrete flooring tiles
1322 : Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing
1443 : Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete
flooring tiles
1580 : Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking purposes
1609 : Code of practice for laying damp-proofing treatment using
bitumen felts
1661 : Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster
2114 : Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish
2571 : Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring
3384 : Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and
damp proofing
3414 : Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings
3461 : Specification for PVC - asbestos floor tiles
Volume II Page - 92 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
3462 : Specification for unbacked flexible PVC flooring
3478 : Specification for high density wood particle boards
3502 : Steel Chequered plates
3629 : Specification for structural timber in building
3670 : Code of practice for construction of timber floors
4443 : Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars
4457 : Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile
4631 : Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings
4860 : Acid resistant bricks
4971 : Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes
5318 : Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring
5389 : Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block
5491 : Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete flooring
9197 : Epoxy resin, hardness and epoxy resin compositions for floor
9472 : Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring
10440 : Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs
459 : Corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets
777 : Glazed earthenware wall tiles
1414 : Code of practice for fixing wall covering
1661 : Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster
1946 : Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and
floors of solid construction
2095 : Gypsum plaster boards
2098 : Asbestos cement building boards
2402 : Code of practice for external rendered finishes
2441 : Code of practice for fixing ceiling covering
3630 : Code of practice for construction of non-load bearing gypsum
block partitions
4671 : Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes
5390 : Code of practice for construction of timber ceiling
5509 : Fire retardant plywood
Volume II Page - 93 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
7316 : Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces
1322 : Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing
1346 : Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts
1580 : Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking purposes
1609 : Code of practice for laying damp-proofing treatment using
bitumen felts
1834 : Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete
2508 : Low density polyethylene films
2527 : Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down pipes for
roof drainage
2645 : Integral cement water proofing compounds
3037 : Bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs
3067 : Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work
for damp-proofing and waterproofing of buildings
3384 : Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and
damp proofing
4365 : Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for water
proofing of roofs
5871 : Bitumen mastic for tanking and damp-proofing
6494 : Code of practice for waterproofing of underground water
reservoirs and swimming pools
7198 : Code of practice for damp-proofing using bitumen mastic
7290 : Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for waterproofing
of roofs
9759 : Guidelines for dewatering during construction
13182 : Waterproofing and damp-proofing of wet areas in building
1172 : Code of basic requirements of water supply, drainage and
1239 (Part 1) : Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings : Part 1
Mild steel tubes
1536 : Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
1537 : Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
1592 : Asbestos cement pressure pipes
3114 : Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes
5822 : Code of practice for welded steel pipes for water supply
Volume II Page - 94 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
1626 (Part 1) : Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter
fittings and roofing fittings : Part 1 (Pipe and pipe fittings)
2064 : Selection, installation an maintenance of sanitary appliances -
Code of practice
2065 : Code of practice for water supply in buildings
3076 : Low density polyethylene pipes of potable water supplies; sewage
and industrial effluents
4984 : Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water
supplies; sewage and industrial effluents
4985 : Specification for un-plasticized PVC pipes for potable water
7634 (Part 2) : Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies :
Part 2 Laying and jointing polyethylene (PE) pipes
7634 (Part 3) : Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies :
Part 3 Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes
1916 : Steel cylinder pipes with lining and coating
4127 : Code of practice for laying of salt glazed stoneware pipes
12709 : Glass fibre reinforced plastic pipes, joints and rings for potable
water supply
3597 : Concrete pipes-methods of test
7319 : Perforated concrete pipes
NBC : National Building Code of India
SP 35 (S & T) : Handbook of water supply and drainage with special emphasis on
277 : Galvanized steel sheet (plain and corrugated)
458 : Pre cast concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement)
651 : Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
782 : Caulking lead
783 : Code of Practice for laying of concrete pipes
1626 (Part 1) : Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter
fittings and roofing fittings : Part 1 (Pipe and pipe fittings)
1726 : Cast iron manhole covers and frames
1742 : Code of Practice for building drainage
3006 : Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware pipes and
4111 : Code of Practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system
(Parts 1 to 5)
Volume II Page - 95 -
Formatted Table
BIS No. Title
4733 : Methods of sampling and test for sewage effluents
12592 (Parts 1 : Pre-cast manhole covers & frames
& 2)
2470 (Parts 1 & : Code of Practice for installation of septic tank
784 : Pre stressed concrete pipes
1893 : Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
4326 : Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings- Code of
13920 : Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces - Code of practice
13935 : Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings - Guidelines
2190 : Selection, installation and maintenance of first-aid fire
extinguishers - Code of practice
3696 (Part 2) : Safety code of scaffolds and ladders : Part 2 Ladders
4912 : Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe
10005 : S.I. units and recommendations for use of their multiples and of
certain other units
6060 : Code of practice for day lighting of factory buildings
3103 : Code of practice for industrial ventilation
3483 : Code of practice for noise reduction in industrial buildings
2440 : Guide for day lighting of buildings
1200 (1 to 28) : Method of measurement of Building and Civil Eng. Works
7973 : Code of practice for architectural and building working drawings
962 : Code of practice for architectural and building drawings
13415 : Code of safety for protective barrier in and around buildings
8969 : Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
The Contractor shall submit samples of such materials as may be required by the
Engineer-in-charge and shall carry out the specified tests directed by the Engineer-in-
charge at the Site, at the suppliers premises or at a laboratory approved by the
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Engineer-in-charge. Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early
to enable further samples to be submitted and tested if required by the Engineer-in-
The cost of such test and material shall be borne by the contractor and nothing shall
be paid on this account.
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2.4.1 General
Excavation may be involved in all types of soils including rock including saturated
soil, sub-soil water or running sand including pumping or bailing out of water.
The Contractor shall furnish all tools, plant instruments, qualified supervisory
personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works, consumables, any and everything
necessary, whether or not such items are specifically stated herein for completion of
the work in accordance with the Departments Requirements.
The Contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines and
establish levels for various works such as grading, basement, foundations, plinth
filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc. Such survey shall be carried out by
taking accurate cross sections of the area perpendicular to established reference/grid
lines at 10 m in case of buildings and 30 m in case of roads and pipe lines works
intervals or nearer, if necessary, based on ground profile and thereafter properly
The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also include,
where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the furnishing,
erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around excavated areas and
warning lamps at night.
Excavated material shall be dumped in regular heaps, bunds, riprap with regular
slopes and levelling the same so as to provide natural drainage. Rock/soil excavated
shall be stacked properly as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. As a rule, all softer
material shall be laid along the centre of heaps, the harder and more weather resisting
materials forming the casing on the sides and the top.
2.4.2 Clearing
The area to be excavated/filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants, logs, stumps,
bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable matter. If any roots or
stumps of trees are encountered during excavation, they shall also be removed. The
material so removed shall be disposed off as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Where earth fill is intended, the area shall be stripped of all loose/ soft patches, top
soil containing objectionable matter / materials before fill commences.
2.4.3 Excavation
Excavation for permanent work shall be taken out to such widths, lengths, depths and
profiles as are shown on the approved drawings or such other lines and grades as may
be agreed with the Engineer-in-charge Rough excavation shall be carried out to a
depth of 150 mm above the final level. The balance shall be excavated with special
care. Soft pockets shall be removed below the final level and extra excavation filled
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up with material as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The final excavation should
be carried out just prior to laying the blinding course.
To facilitate the permanent works the Contractor may excavate, and also backfill later,
outside the lines shown on the approved drawings or as agreed with the Engineer-in-
charge. Should any excavation be taken below the specified elevations, the
Contractor shall fill it up with concrete upto the required elevation at no cost to the
Any undulation in ground level, loose pockets or extra excavation done at wherever
necessary due to soft soil or low lying area shall be made good with M10 cement
concrete and no extra claim shall be entertained on this account.
All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and ease of
working. Prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained by the
Contractor in each individual case, for the method proposed for the excavation,
including dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This approval shall not
in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for any consequent loss or
damage. The excavation must be carried out in the most expeditious and efficient
manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will stand safely for the actual soil conditions
encountered. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent slips. Should slips occur, the
slipped material shall be removed and the slope dressed to a modified stable slope.
All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material which might
move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close to the area to be excavated
as to be liable, in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, to fall or otherwise endanger the
workmen, equipment, or the work shall be stripped off and removed from the area of
the excavation. The method used shall be such as not to render unstable or unsafe the
portion, which was originally sound and safe.
Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the permanent works, but
which, in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, is likely to become loose or unstable
later, shall also be promptly and satisfactorily removed. General
All fill material shall be subject to the Engineer-in-charges approval. If any material
is rejected by Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall remove the same forthwith
from the site. Surplus fill material shall be deposited/ disposed off as directed by
Engineer-in-charge after the fill work is completed.
No earth-fill shall commence until surface water discharges and streams have been
properly intercepted or otherwise dealt with to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Material
To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be used as
backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or other foreign material.
All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed unless otherwise stated. Where
excavated material is mostly rock, the boulders shall be broken into pieces not larger
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than 150 mm size, mixed with properly graded fine material consisting of murram or
earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling. Filling in pits and trenches around foundations of structures, walls, etc.
The spaces around the foundations, structures, pits, trenches, etc., shall be cleared of
all debris, and filled with earth in layers not exceeding 15 cm, each layer being
watered, rammed and properly consolidated to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
Earth shall be rammed with approved mechanical compaction machines. Usually no
manual compaction shall be allowed unless the Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied that in
some cases manual compaction by tampers cannot be avoided. The final backfill
surface shall be trimmed and leveled to a proper profile to the approval of the
The filling shall be done after the concrete or masonry is fully set and done in such a
manner as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure.
Plinth filling shall be carried out with approved material such as soil, sand or murum
as in layers not exceeding 15 cm, watered and compacted with mechanical
compaction machines. When filling reaches the finished level, the surface shall be
flooded with water, unless otherwise directed, for at least 24 hours, allowed to dry and
then the surface again compacted as specified above to avoid settlement at a later
stage. The finished level of the filling shall be trimmed to the level/slope specified.
Compaction of large areas be carried out by means of 12 ton rollers smooth wheeled,
sheep-foot or wobbly wheeled rollers. In case of compaction of granular material
such as sands and gravel, vibratory rollers shall be used. A smaller weight roller may
be used only if permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. As rolling proceeds, water
sprinkling shall be done to assist consolidation. Water shall not be sprinkled in case
of sandy fills.
The thickness of each unconsolidated fill layer can in this be upto a maximum of 300
mm. The Contractor will determine the thickness of the layers in which fill has to be
consolidated depending on the fill material and equipment used and the approval of
the Engineer-in-charge obtained prior to commencing filling.
The process of filling in the plinth, watering and compaction shall be carried out by
the contractor in such a way as not to endanger the foundation columns, plinth walls
Rolling shall commence from the outer edge and progress towards the centre and
continue until compaction is to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, but in no case
less than 10 passes of the roller will be accepted for each layer.
The compacted surface shall be properly shaped, trimmed and consolidated to an even
and uniform gradient. All soft spots shall be excavated, then filled and consolidated.
At some locations/ areas, it may not be possible to use rollers because of space
restrictions, etc. The Contractor shall then be permitted to use pneumatic tampers,
rammers, etc. and he shall ensure proper compaction.
Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall be clean,
medium grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand shall be kept flooded
with water for 24 hours to ensure maximum consolidation. The surface of the
consolidated sand shall be dressed to required level or slope.
If no compaction is required, the fill may be deposited to the full height in one
operation and leveled. If the fill has to be compacted, it shall be placed in layers not
exceeding 200 mm and leveled uniformly and compacted before the next layer is
To ensure that the fill has been compacted as specified, field and laboratory tests shall
be carried out by the Contractor.
Field compaction tests shall be carried out in each layer of filling until the fill to the
entire height has been completed. The fill will be considered as incomplete if the
desired compaction has not been obtained.
The Contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by rain or
damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the Contractor shall remove the
affected material and make good the slip.
Unless otherwise specified the compaction, where so called for, shall comply with
minimum 90% compaction by Standard Proctor at moisture content differing not
more than 4% from the optimum moisture content. The Contractor shall demonstrate
adequately by field and laboratory tests that the specified density has been obtained.
2.5.1 General
All plain or reinforced cement concrete shall comply with the following specifications
unless specified otherwise:
Necessary lapping of the reinforcement shall be done as per BIS codes of practice and
tied with GI binding wire of required gauge as per IS codes of practice. Welding of
reinforcing bars shall not be done. Welding can be permitted by Engineer-in-Charge
in exceptional cases where due care will be exercised as per IS Specifications.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right at all times to inspect all operations
including the sources of materials, procurement, layout and storage of materials, the
concrete batching and mixing equipment and the quality control system. Such an
inspection shall be arranged and the Engineer-in-Charges approval obtained, prior to
starting of concrete work. This shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of any of his
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responsibilities. All materials which do not conform to the Specifications shall be
rejected. Volumetric mix concrete will not be allowed.
Materials should be selected so that they can satisfy the design requirements of
strength, serviceability, safety, durability and finish with due regards to the functional
requirements and the environmental conditions to which the structure will be
subjected. Materials complying with codes/standards shall generally be used. Other
materials may be used after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and after establishing
their performance suitability based on previous data, experience or tests.
All earth surfaces upon which or against which concrete is to be placed, shall be well
compacted and free from standing water, mud or debris. Soft or spongy areas shall be
cleaned out and filled with either soil-cement mixture, lean concrete or clean sand
compacted as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The surfaces of absorptive soils
shall be moistened.
Immediately after the shuttering is removed, all defective areas such as honey-combed
surfaces, rough patches, holes left by form bolts etc, shall be inspected by the
Engineer-in-Charge who may permit patching of the defective areas or reject the
concrete work.
For patching of defective areas all loose materials shall be removed and the surface
shall be prepared as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Bonding between hardened and fresh concrete shall be done either by placing cement
mortar or by applying epoxy. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the
method of repairs to be adopted shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The
surface shall be saturated with water for 24 hours before patching is done with cement
sand mortar. The use of epoxy for bonding fresh concrete shall be carried out as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Concreting during hot weather shall be carried out as per BIS 7861 (Part I).
Adequate provision shall be made to lower concrete temperatures, which shall not
exceed 40 deg C at time of placement of fresh concrete.
Where directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall spray non-wax based
curing compound on unformed concrete surfaces at no extra costs.
Concreting during cold weather shall be carried out as per BIS: 7861(Part II).
The ambient temperature during placement and upto final set shall not fall below 5OC.
Approved anti-freeze/ accelerating additives shall be used where directed.
For major and large scale concreting works the temperature of concrete at times of
mixing and placing, the thermal conductivity of the formwork and its insulation and
stripping period shall be closely monitored.
The Contractor shall take special care for concrete for liquid retaining structures,
underground structures and those others specifically called for to guarantee the finish
and water tightness.
The Contractor shall make all arrangements for hydro-testing of structure as per BIS:
3370 part I, all arrangements for testing such as temporary bulk heads, pressure
gauges, pumps, pipe lines etc.
Any leakage that may occur during the hydro-test or subsequently during the defects
liability period shall be effectively stopped either by cement/epoxy pressure grouting,
guniting or such other methods as may be approved by the engineer-in-charge. All
such rectification shall be done by the contractor to the entire satisfaction of the
engineer-in-charge at no extra cost to the department.
Hydrostatic test for water tightness shall be done at full storage level i/c free board as
may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, as described below:
In the case of structures whose external faces are exposed, the requirements of the test
shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no sign of leakage or
sweating and remain completely dry during the period of observation of seven days
after allowing a seven day period for absorption after filling with water.
In the case of structures whose external faces are buried and are not accessible for
inspection, such as underground tanks, the structures shall be filled with water and
after the expiry of seven days after the filling; the level of the surface of the water
shall be recorded. The level of water shall be recorded again at subsequent intervals of
24 hrs over a period of seven days. The total drop in surface level over a period for
seven days shall be taken as an indication of water tightness of the structure. The
Engineer-in-Charge shall decide on the actual permissible nature of this drop in the
surface level, taking into account whether the structures are open or closed and the
corresponding effect it has on evaporation losses. Unless specified otherwise, a
structure whose top is covered shall be deemed to be water tight if the total drop in the
surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 40 mm.
Each compartment/segment of the structure shall be tested individually and then all
2.5.7 Sand
In all plain and reinforced concrete work coarse sand shall be used.
2.5.8 Shuttering
The centering and shuttering for all RCC and concrete work shall be of steel/plywood
as per CPWD/TNDSS specification and as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of cement slurry from concrete. All
joints and holes in form work shall be caulked with putty, cloth or other approved
material. Care shall be taken to ensure that such filling is kept away from
reinforcement. All formwork shall be leveled, aligned and all rubbish particularly
clippings, wood shavings, sand dust and adhered grout shall be removed from the
interior of the forms before the concrete is placed.
All formwork shall be removed without causing shock vibration to the concrete.
Before the soffit and struts are removed, the concrete surface shall be exposed
wherever necessary in order to ascertain that the concrete has sufficiently hardened.
Contractor shall submit and obtain approval of design calculations for centering and
shuttering for pump house.
No through bolts shall be permitted in the form work for liquid retaining structures.
Wall ties with plastic cones as per CPWD/TNDSS specification shall be used.
The surface on the RCC/ concrete work obtained after removal of shuttering shall be
smooth and without honey combing/pin holes, undulations and shall be such that it
does not require any plastering. If at all any pin hole/undulations are required to be
made good, this shall be done with cement mortar 1:2 using coarse sand and finished
smooth with steel trowel or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
2.6.1 General
All workmanship and finish shall be of the best quality and shall conform to the best
approved method of fabrication. All materials shall be finished straight and shall be
machined/ground smooth true and square where so specified. All holes and edges
shall be free of burrs. Shearing and chipping shall be neatly and accurately done and
all portions of work exposed to view shall be neatly finished. Tolerances for
fabrication of steel structures conform BIS 7215. Tolerances for erection of steel
structures shall conform to BIS 12843.
c) The requirements (a) and (b) above does not apply to light structural work or
sealed box section or to steel work in which special provision against
corrosion has been made and also in case of steel work exposed to highly
corrosive fumes or vapour in which case the thickness shall be as approved by
the Engineer-In-Charge.
d) Corrosion allowance of 2mm shall be taken over and above the minimum
thickness as mentioned above or design thickness.
The contractor shall prepare all fabrication working and erection drawings for the
entire work. The drawings shall preferably be of one standard size and the details
shown there in shall be clear and legible.
All fabrication drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-In-Charge for approval.
The drawings prepared by the contractor and all subsequent revisions etc. shall be at
the cost of the contractor for which no separate payment will be made.
2.6.4 Connections
In case of bolted connections, taper washers or flat washers or spring washers shall be
used with bolts as necessary. In case of high strength friction grip bolts, hardened
washers shall be used under the nuts or the bolt heads whichever are turned to tighten
the bolts. The length of the bolt shall be such that at least one thread of the bolt
projects beyond the nut, except in case of high strength friction grip bolts where this
projection shall be at least three times the pitch of the thread.
In all cases where bearing is critical, the unthreaded portion of bolt shall bear on the
members assembled. A washer of adequate thickness may be provided to exclude the
threads from the bearing thickness, if a longer grip bolt has to be used for this
All connections and splices shall be designed for full strength of members or loads.
Column splices shall be designed for the full tensile strength of the minimum cross
section at the splice.
All members, likely to collect rain water shall have drain holes provided.
2.6.5 Riveting
Rivets shall be heated uniformly throughout their length without burning or excessive
scaling and shall be of sufficient length to provide a head of standard dimensions.
They shall, when driven, completely fill the holes and if counter sunk, the counter
sinking shall be fully filled by the rivet; any protrusion of the countersunk head being
dressed off flush if required.
Riveted members shall have all parts firmly drawn and held together before and
during riveting and special care shall be taken in this respect for all single riveted
connections. For multiple riveted connections, a service bolt shall be provided for
every third or fourth hole.
2.6.6 Inspection General
The Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) in advance of
the works being made ready for inspection. All rejected material shall be promptly
removed from the shop and replaced with new material for the Engineer-in-Charges
inspection. The fact that certain material has been accepted at the Contractors shop
shall not invalidate final rejection at site by the Engineer-in-Charge if it fails to
conform to the requirements of these specifications, to be in proper condition or has
fabrication inaccuracies which prevent proper assembly nor shall it invalidate any
claim which the employer may make because of defective or unsatisfactory materials
and /or workmanship.
The Contractor shall provide all the testing and inspection services and facilities for
shop work except where otherwise specified.
For fabrication work carried out in the field the same standard of supervision and
quality control shall be maintained as in shop fabricated work. Inspection and testing
shall be conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge.
Inspection and tests on structural steel members shall be as set forth below.
If mill test reports are not available for any steel materials the same shall be tested by
the Contractor to the Engineer-In-Charges satisfaction to demonstrate conformity
with the relevant specification.
In the event of failure of any member to satisfy inspection or test requirement, the
Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor must obtain
permission from the Engineer-in-Charge before any repair is undertaken. The quality
control procedures to be followed to ensure satisfactory repair shall be subject to
approval by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Contractor shall maintain records of all inspection and testing which shall be
made available to the Engineer-in-Charge.
For structures like, bunkers, tanks, etc. shop assembly is essential. For other steel
work, such as columns along with the tie beams/bracings may have to be shop
assembled to ensure satisfactory fabrication, obtaining of adequate bearing areas etc.,
if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. All these shop assemblies shall be carried
out by the Contractor.
a) The steel work shall temporarily shop assembled complete or as arranged with
the Authority so that accuracy of fit may be checked before dispatched. The
parts shall be shop assembled with sufficient numbers of parallel drifts to bring
and keep the parts in place.
b) In case of parts drilled or punched, through steel jigs with bushes resulting in
all similar parts being interchangeable the steel work may be shop erected in
such position as arranged with the Authority.
2.6.11 Packing
All projecting plates or bars and all ends of members at joints shall be stiffened, all
straight bars and plates shall be bundled, all screwed ends and machined surfaces shall
be suitably packed; and all rivets, bolts, nuts, washers and small loose parts shall be
packed separately in cases so as to prevent damage or distortion during transit.
a) The EIC shall have free access at all reasonable times to those parts of the
manufacturers works which are concerned with the fabrication of steel work and shall be
afforded all reasonable facilities to satisfy that the fabrication is being undertaken in
accordance with the specifications.
b) Unless specified otherwise, inspection prior to dispatch shall not interfere with
the operation of the work.
c) Setting Out
The positioning and leveling of all steelwork, the plumbing of stanchions and
the placing of every part of the structure with accuracy shall be in accordance
with approved drawings and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
c) The specified protective treatment shall be completed after erection. All rivet
and bolt heads and site welds after de-slugging shall be cleaned. Damaged or
deteriorated paint surfaces shall be cleaned. Damaged or deteriorated paint
surfaces shall be first made good with the same type of paint as the shop coat.
Where specified, surfaces which will be in contact after site assembly shall
receive a coat of paint (in addition to any shop priming) and shall be brought
together while paint is still wet.
d) Where the steel has received a metal coating in the shop, this coating shall be
completed on site so as to be continuous over any welds and site rivets and
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bolts; but subject to the approval of Authority, protection may be completed
by painting on site. Bolts which have been galvanized or similarly treated are
exempted from this requirement.
e) Surfaces which will be inaccessible after site assembly shall receive the full
specified treatment before assembly.
f) Site painting should not be done in frosty or foggy weather, or when humidity
is such as to cause condensation on the surfaces to be painted.
All erection marks shall be on the outer surface of all sections and near one end, but
clear of bolt holes. The marking shall be so stamped that they are easily discernible
when sorting out members. The stamped marking shall be encircled boldly by a
distinguishable paint to facilitate easy location.
Erection marks on like pieces shall be in identical locations. Members having lengths
of 7.0 m or more shall have the erection mark at both ends.
2.6.17 Errors
Any error in shop fabrication which prevents proper assembling and fitting up of parts
in the field by moderate use of drift pins or moderate amount of reaming will be
classified by the Engineer-in-Charge as defective workmanship. Where the Engineer-
in-Charge rejects such material or defective workmanship, the same shall be replaced
by materials and workmanship conforming to the Specifications by the Contractor, at
no additional cost to CMWSSB.
All sanitary appliances including sanitary fittings, fixtures, toilet requisites shall be of
size, and design as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
All porcelain fixtures, such as washbasin, sink drain board, water closet pan, urinal,
P trap etc., shall have hard durable glazed finish. They shall be free from cracks and
other glazing defects. No chipped porcelain fixtures shall be used. The colour and
shades of fixtures must be got approved from CMWSSB.
Joints between iron pipes shall be made perfectly air and watertight by lead caulking.
This shall be the long pan pattern with separate footrests made of glazed earthenware,
glazed vitreous china or of glazed fire clay. The general requirements shall conform
to BIS : 2556 (Parts III and X). Pans shall be provided with 100 mm vitreous china
trap P or S type with a minimum 50 mm water seal and 50 mm dia. Vent horn.
Pan shall be laid at the correct location and level over a bed of cement-sand
admixture. It shall be 1st WC of size 580 mm x 440 mm.
Water closets shall be of glazed vitreous china as specified and shall be of Double
Siphon type conforming to BIS:2556 (Part VIII). The closets shall be of one piece
construction with approved plastic/bakelite seat and cover. Each water closet shall
have 4 fixing holes having a minimum diameter of 6.5 mm for fixing to floor and
shall have an integral flushing rim of suitable type.
2.7.4 Urinals
Urinals shall be of the bowl pattern, either flat back or angle back type lipped in front.
They shall be of glazed vitreous china and of size 610 x 400 x 80 mm conforming to
BIS 2556 (Part VI) with 25 mm dia. GI waste pipe coupling etc. The urinals shall be
of one piece construction. Each urinal shall be provided with not less than two fixings
holes of a minimum dia of 6.5 mm on each side. Each urinal shall have an integral
flushing box rim of suitable type and inlet or supply horn for connecting the flush
pipe. The flushing rim and inlet shall be of the self-draining type. It shall have a
weep-hole at the flushing inlet of the urinal. At the bottom of the urinal, an outlet horn
for connecting to an outlet pipe shall be provided. The exterior of the outlet horn shall
not be glazed and the surface shall be provided with grooves at right angles to the axis
of the outlet to facilitate fixing to the uniform and smooth throughout to ensure
efficient flushing.
The flushing cisterns shall be automatic or manually operated, high level or low level,
as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. For water closets and urinals high level
cistern is intended to operate with minimum height of 125 cm and a low level cistern
a maximum height of 30 cm between the top of the pan and the underside of the
cistern, They shall be of glazed vitreous china or of PVC as per BIS 774. Automatic
flushing cistern for urinals shall conform to BIS 2326.
Type Size
c) All the waste fittings shall be chromium plated, Bottle trap shall conform to
BIS 5434. The chromium plating shall be of service grade No. 2 conforming
to BIS 1068.
2.7.7 Sinks
A bibcock (bibtap) is a draw off tap with a horizontal inlet and free outlet and
stopcock (stoptap) is a valve with a suitable means of connections for insertion in a
pipeline for controlling or stopping the flow. They shall be of specified size and shall
be of the screw down type. The closing device should work by means of a disc
carrying a renewable non-metallic washer, which shuts against water pressure on a
seating at right angles to the axis of the threaded spindle which operates it. The handle
shall be either crutch or butterfly type securely fixed to the spindle. The cocks shall
open in anti-clockwise direction. When the bib cocks and stop cocks are required to
be chromium plated, the chromium plating shall be of service Grade No. 2
conforming to IS 1068 in finish and appearance, the plated articles shall be free from
plating defects such as blisters, pits, roughness and shall not be stained or discoloured.
These fittings shall be of brass heavy class, chromium plated (C.P.) and of approved
manufacture and pattern with screwed of flanged ends as specified. The fittings shall
in all respects comply with the requirements of BIS 781. The standard size of brass
fittings shall be designated by the nominal bore of the pipe to which the fittings are
attached. A sample of each kind of fitting shall be approved by the Engineer in
charge and all supplies made according to the approved samples.
All cast fittings shall be sound and free from laps, blow holes and fittings, both
internal and external surfaces shall be clean, smooth and free from sand etc. Burning,
plugging stopping or patching of the casting shall not be permitted. The bodies,
bonnets, spindles and other parts shall be truly machined and when assembled the
parts shall be axial, parallel and cylindrical with surfaces smoothly finished. The area
of the water way of the fittings shall not be less than the area of the nominal bore.
The fittings shall be fully examined and cleared of all foreign matter before being
fixed. The fittings shall be fitted in the pipeline in a workman like manner. The joints
between fittings and pipes shall be made leak-proof. The joints and fitting shall be
2.7.9 Cast Iron Soil Waste and Vent Pipes and Fittings
All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of uniform thickness with strong and deep
sockets, free from flaws, air holes, cracks, sand holes and other defects and conform
to BIS 1536. The diameter approved shall be internal diameter of pipe. The pipes
and fittings shall be true to shape, smooth and cylindrical and shall ring clearly when
struck over with a light hand hammer. All pipes and fittings shall be properly cleaned
of all foreign material before being fixed.
All plug bends of drainage pipes shall be provided with inspection and cleaning caps,
covers, which shall be fixed with nuts and screws. Pipes shall be fixed to the wall by
W.I. or M.S. holder bat clamps, unless projecting ears with fixing holes are provided
at socket end of pipe. The clamps shall be fixed to the walls by embedding their
hooks in cement concrete blocks (1:2:4) 10 cm x 10 cm making necessary holes in the
walls at proper places. All holes and breakages shall be made good. The clamps shall
be kept 25 mm clear of the finished face of the walls to facilitate cleaning and
painting of pipes.
C.I. pipes and fittings which are exposed shall be first cleaned and then painted with a
coat of red lead primer. Two coats of zinc paint with white base and mixed with
pigment of required colour to get the approved shade shall be given over the base
primer coat.
The thickness of fittings and their socket and spigot dimensions shall conform to the
thickness and dimensions approved for the corresponding sizes of straight pipes.
The connection between the main pipe and branch pipes shall be made by using
branches and bends with access for cleaning. Floor traps shall be provided with 25
mm dia puff pipe where the length of the waste is more than 1800 mm or the floor
trap is connected to a waste stack through bends.
All cast iron pipes and fittings including joints shall be tested by a smoke test to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge and left in working condition after completion.
The smoke test shall be carried out as stated under:
Smoke shall be pumped into the pipe at the lowest end from a smoke machine which
consists of a bellow and a burner. The material usually burnt is greasy cotton waste
which gives out a clear pungent smoke which is easily detectable by sight as well as
by smell if there is a leak at any point of the pipeline.
Water test and air test shall be conducted as stipulated in BIS 5329.
The pipes shall be galvanized mild steel welded pipes and seamless screwed and
sockets types conforming to the requirements of BIS 1239, for medium grade. They
shall be of the diameter (nominal bore) approved. The sockets shall be designated by
the respective nominal bores of the pipes for which they are intended. The pipes and
Volume II Page - 116 -
sockets shall be finished neatly, well galvanized on both inner and outer surfaces, and
shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and other defects. All screws,
threads shall be clean and well cut. The ends shall be cut cleanly and square with the
axis of the tube.
All screwed tubes and sockets shall have pipe threads conforming to the requirements
of BIS 554. Screwed tubes shall have taper threads while the sockets shall have
parallel threads.
The fittings shall be of galvanised or mild steel types complying with all the
appropriate requirements as approved for pipes. The fittings shall be designated by the
respective nominal bores of the pipes for which they are intended. The fittings shall
have screw threads at the ends conforming to the requirements of BIS 554. Female
threads on fittings shall be parallel and male threads (except on running nipples and
collars of unions) shall be tapered.
The pipes shall be cleaned and cleared of all foreign matter before being laid. In
jointing the pipes, the inside of the socket and the screwed end of the pipes shall be
oiled and rubbed over tight white lead and few turns of spun yarn wrapped around the
screwed end of the pipe. The end shall then be screwed in the socket, tee, etc. with the
pipe wrench. Care should be taken that all pipes and fittings are properly jointed so as
to make the joints completely water tight and pipes are kept at all times free from dust
and dirt during fixing. Burrs from the joint shall be removed after screwing. After
laying, the open ends of the pipes shall be temporarily plugged to prevent access of
soil or any other foreign matter.
Any threads exposed after jointing shall be painted or in the case of underground
piping thickly coated with approved anticorrosive paint to prevent corrosion.
For internal work the galvanised iron pipes and fittings shall run the surface of the
walls or ceiling (not in chase) unless otherwise specified. The fixing shall be done by
means of standard pattern holder bat clamps, keeping the pipes about 1.5 cm clear of
the wall. Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical/ horizontal, when it is found
necessary to conceal the pipes, chasing may be adopted or pipes fixed in the ducts of
recesses etc. provided there is sufficient space to work on the pipes with the usual
tools. The pipes shall not ordinarily be buried in walls or solid floors. Where
unavoidable, pipes may be buried for short distances provided adequate protection is
given against damage, but the joints in pipes shall not be buried. M.S. pipe sleeve
shall be fixed at a place where a pipe is passing through a wall or floor for reception
of the pipe and to allow freedom for expansion/contraction and the
movements/maintenance. In case the pipe is embedded in walls or floors it should be
painted with anti-corrosive bitumen mastic paint of approved quality. The pipe should
not come in contact with lime mortar or lime concrete as the pipe is affected by lime.
Under the floors the pipes shall be laid in layer of sand filling or as approved by the
The work of excavation and backfilling shall be done true to line and gradient in
accordance with general requirements for earthworks in trenches for pipes laid
The pipes and fittings after they are laid and jointed shall be subjected to hydrostatic
pressure test as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge and shall satisfactorily pass the
test. Pipe line system shall be tested in sections as the work proceeds, keeping the
joints exposed for inspection. Pipes shall be slowly and carefully charged with water
allowing all air to escape. All draw off taps shall then be closed and water pressure
gradually raised to test pressure. Care shall be taken to ensure that pressure gauge is
accurate and preferably should have been recalibrated before the test. Pump used
having been stopped, the section of the pipeline shall maintain the test pressure for at
least half an hour. Any joints or pipes found leaking shall be removed and replaced by
the Contractor.
The exposed pipes shall be painted with two coats of white paint over a ready mixed
priming coat and all underground pipes should be painted with two coats of anti-
corrosive bitumen mastic paint.
All pipes with spigot and socket ends shall conform to BIS 651/3006 and shall be of
grade A. These shall be sound, free from visible defects such as fine cracks or hair
cracks. The glaze of the pipes shall be free from crazing. The pipes shall give a sharp
clear note when struck with a light hammer.
The following information shall be clearly marked on each pipe and fitting:
a. Internal diameter;
b. Grade;
c. Date of manufacture;
d. Name of manufacturer or his registered trade-mark or both
All pipes and fittings shall have ISI mark. Laying and Jointing of SW pipes and
fittings shall confirm to BIS: 4127 Location
Frame and covers for manholes shall be of required type and dimensions as per the
relevant drawings prepared by the Contractor. The following information shall be
clearly marked on each cover.
i) Year of Manufacture,
ii) Identification mark of the purchaser,
iii) Sewers/ Storm water drainage (SWD),
a) Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) Cover
Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (S.F.R.C.) cover and frame (heavy
duty, HD 20 grade designation) of suitable size confirming to
IS:12592 shall be provided by the contractor. Cover shall be designed
and provided with MS Rims of adequate thickness welded around with
provision of lifting hooks welded at appropriate locations. MS rims
and cover shall be suitably quoted using corrosion resistant paint.
Cover shall be suitably marked on the top surface clearly indicating
CMWSSB/Sewer or SWD/ Grade/Date of Manufacturer/Trade Name
2.7.14 Miscellaneous
If any damage is caused to the other services such as water supply pipeline, sewer,
cable, etc. during the construction of manholes and erection of vent shafts, the
Contractor shall be held responsible for the same and shall replace the damaged
services to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
The interior of manholes shall be cleared of all debris after construction and before
testing the same for water tightness by the Contractor.
2.8.1 Brickwork Materials
Bricks used in the works shall conform to the requirements laid down in BIS: 1077,
BIS: 2180, BIS 2222, BIS 2691, BIS 3952, BIS 6165. The class of the bricks shall be
as specifically indicated in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.
Common burnt clay bricks are classified on the basis of compressive strength as given
Bricks shall be sound, hard, homogeneous in texture, well burnt in kiln without being
vitrified, hand/ machine moulded, deep red, cherry or copper coloured, of regular shape
and size and shall have sharp and square edges with smooth rectangular faces. The bricks
shall be free from pores, cracks, flaws and nodules of free lime. They shall have smooth
rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in colour. Hand moulded bricks
shall be moulded with a frog and those made by extrusion process may not be provided
with a frog. Bricks shall give a clear ringing sound when struck.
All brickwork shall be plumb, square and true to dimensions shown. Vertical joints in
alternate courses shall come directly one over the other and be in line. Horizontal
course shall be leveled. The thickness of brick courses shall be kept uniform. In case
of one brick thick or half brick thick wall, at least one face should be kept smooth and
plane, even if the other is slightly rough due to variation in size of bricks. For walls of
thickness greater than one brick both faces shall be kept smooth and plane. All
interconnected brickwork shall be carried out at nearly one level so that there is
uniform distribution of pressure on the supporting structure and no portion of the
work shall be left more than one course lower than the adjacent work. Where this is
not possible, the work be raked back according to bond (and not saw toothed) at an
angle not exceeding 45 deg. But in no case the level difference between adjoining
walls shall exceed one meter. Brick work shall not be raised more than one meter per
Bricks shall be so laid that all joints are well filled with mortar. The thickness of
joints shall not be less than 6 mm and not more than 10 mm. The face joints shall be
raked to a minimum depth of 10 mm/ 15 mm by raking tools during the progress of
work when the mortar is still green, so as to provide a proper key for the plastering/
pointing respectively to be done later. When plastering or pointing is not required to
be done, the joints shall be uniform in thickness and be struck flush and finished at the
time of laying. The face of brickwork shall be cleaned daily and all mortar droppings
removed. The surface of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt before
another course is laid on top.
During harsh weather conditions, newly built brick masonry works shall be protected
by tarpaulin or other suitable covering to prevent mortar being washed away by rain.
Brickwork shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for at least seven days after
24 hrs of laying. The arrangement for curing shall be got approved from the Engineer-
Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided to facilitate
execution of the masonry works. The scaffolding shall be designed adequately
considering all the dead, live and possible impact loads to ensure safety of the
workmen, in accordance with the requirements stipulated in BIS : 2750 and BIS :
3696 (Part - I). Scaffolding shall be properly maintained during the entire period of
construction. Single scaffolding shall not be used on important works and will be
permitted only in certain cases as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where single
scaffolding is adopted, only minimum number of holes, by omitting a header shall be
left in the masonry for supporting horizontal scaffolding poles. All holes in the
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masonry shall be carefully made good before plastering/ pointing.
In the event of usage of traditional bricks of size 230 mm x 115 mm x 75 mm, the
courses at the top of the plinth and sills as well as at the top of the wall just below the
roof/ floor slabs and at the top of the parapet shall be laid with bricks on edge.
All brickwork shall be built tightly against columns, floor slabs or other structural
To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the brick masonry following
measures shall be adopted.
For resting RCC slabs, the bearing surface of masonry wall shall be finished on top
with 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 and provided with 2 layers of Kraft paper Grade
1 as per BIS: 1397 or 2 layer of 50 micron thick polyethylene sheets.
RCC/ steel beams resting on masonry wall shall be provided with reinforced concrete
bed blocks of 150 mm thickness, projecting 150mm on either sides of the beam, duly
finished on top with 2 layer of Kraft paper Grade 1 as per BIS : 1397 or 2 layers of 50
micron thick polyethylene sheets.
Steel wire fabric shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry and concrete
before taking up plastering work.
Bricks for partition walls shall be stacked adjacent to the structural member to pre
deflect the structural member before the wall is taken up for execution. Further, the
top most course of half or full brick walls abutting against either a de shuttered slab or
beam shall be built only after any proposed masonry wall above the structural
member is executed to cater for the deflection of the structural element.
Reinforced cement concrete transomes and mullions of dimensions as indicated in the
construction Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor are generally required to be
provided in the half brick partition walls.
Where the drawings prepared by the Contractor indicate that structural steel sections
are to be encased in brickwork, the brickwork masonry shall be built closely against
the steel section, ensuring a minimum of 20 mm thick cement-sand mortar 1:4 over all
the steel surfaces. Steel sections partly embedded in brickwork shall be provided with
bituminous protective coating to the surfaces at the point of entry into the brick
Stones for the works shall be of the specified variety which are hard, durable, fine
grained and uniform in colour (for superstructure work) free from defects like cracks,
sand holes, patterns of soft / loose materials veins, other defects. Quality and work
shall conform to the requirements specified in BIS: 1597 (Part-I). The percentage of
water absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in accordance with
BIS: 1124. The Contractor shall supply sample stones to the Engineer-in-Charge for
approval. Stones shall be laid with its grains horizontal so that the load transmitted is
always perpendicular to the natural bed.
Cement-stand mortar for stone masonry works shall be as per BIS: 2250.
Volume II Page - 122 - Scaffolding
Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of brick masonry. Workmanship
For all works below ground level the masonry shall be random rubble uncoursed with
ordinary quarry dressed stones for the hearting and selected quarry dress stones for
the facing.
For all R.R. masonry in superstructure the masonry shall be well bounded, faced with
hammer dressed stones with squared quoins at corners. The bushing on the face shall
not be more that 40 mm on an exposed face and on the face to be plastered it shall not
project by more than 12 mm nor shall it have depression more than 10 mm from the
average wall surface.
Face stones shall extend back sufficiently and bond well with the masonry. The depth
of stone from the face of the wall inwards shall not be less than the height or breadth
at the face. The length of the stone shall not exceed three times the height and the
breadth on base shall not be greater than three-fourths the thickness of wall nor less
than 150 mm. The height of stone may be upto a maximum of 300 mm. Face stones or
hearting stones shall not be less than 150 mm in any direction.
Chips and spalls shall be used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar joints and to
ensure that no hollow spaces are left in the masonry. The use of chips and spalls in the
herating shall not exceed 20 percent of the quantity of stone masonry. Spalls and
chips shall not be used on the face of the wall and below hearting stones to bring them
to the level of face stones.
The maximum thickness of joints shall not exceed 20 mm. All joints shall be
completely filled with mortar. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done,
the joints shall be struck flush and finished as the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints
shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm by a raking tool during the progress of
the work while the mortar is still green.
Through or bond stones shall be provided in wall upto 600 mm thick and in case of
wall above 600mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other
by at least 150mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. Each bond stone or a
set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sq.m of wall surface.
All stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water
from the mortar. All connected walls in a structure shall be normally raised uniformly
and regularly. However if any part of the masonry is required to be left behind, the
wall shall be raked back (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 deg.
Masonry work shall not be raised by more than one metre per day.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. Masonry work shall be
kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of seven days for proper
curing of the joints. Materials
The materials specification for the work shall be as specified in the section of random
rubble masonry above. Scaffolding
Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of brick masonry. Workmanship
All Courses shall be laid truly horizontal and shall be of the same height in any
course. The height of course shall not be less than 150-mm and not more than 300-
mm. The width of stone shall not be less than its height. Face stones shall tail into the
work for not less than their height and at least 1/3rd the number of stones shall tail into
the work for a length not less than twice their height but not more than three-fourths
the thickness of the wall whichever is smaller. These should be laid as headers and
stretchers alternately to break joints by at least 75-mm. The face stones shall be
squared on all joints and bed; the bed joints being hammer or chisel dressed true and
square for at least 80 mm back from the face and the side joints for at least 40 mm.
The face of the stone shall be hammer dressed so that the bushing shall not be more
than 40-mm on an exposed face and 10mm on a face to the plastered. No portion of
the dressed surface shall show a depth of gap more than 6mm from a straight edge
placed on it. The remaining unexposed portion of the stone shall not project beyond
the surface of bed and side joints.
No spalls or pinning shall be allowed on the face. All bed joints shall be horizontal
and side joints shall be vertical and no joints shall be more than 10-mm in thickness.
When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush
and finished as the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum
depth of 20-mm by raking tools, during the progress of the work while the mortar is
still green.
Hearting shall consist of flat bedded stones carefully laid on their proper beds and
solidly bedded in mortar. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of
interstices between the adjacent stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 10
percent of the quantity of the stone masonry. Care shall be taken so that no hollow
spaces are left any where in the masonry.
The requirement regarding through or bond stones shall be as specified in clause with
the further stipulation that these shall be provided at 1.5 m to 1.8 m apart clear in
every course but staggered at alternate courses.
The quoins, which shall be of the same height as the course in which they occur, shall
not be less than 450-mm in any direction. Quoin stones shall be laid as stretchers and
headers alternately. They shall be laid square on their beds, which shall be rough
chisel dressed to a depth of at least 100-mm from the face. These stones shall have a
minimum uniform chisel draft of 25-mm width at four edges, all the edges being in
the same plane.
All the walls in a building shall be provided with damp-proof course covering plinth
to prevent water from rising up the wall. The damp-proof course shall run without a
break throughout the length of the wall, even under the door or other opening. Damp-
proof course shall consist of minimum 50mm thick cement concrete of 1:2:4 nominal
mix with nominal reinforcement and approved water-proofing compound admixture
conforming to BIS: 2645 in proportion as directed by the manufacturer. Concrete
shall be with 10mm down graded course aggregates.
The surface of brick work/stone masonry work shall be leveled and prepared before
laying the cement concrete. Side shuttering shall be properly fixed to ensure that
slurry does not leak through and is also not disturbed during compaction. The upper
and side surface shall be made rough to afford key to the masonry above and to the
plaster. Damp-proof course shall be cured properly for at least seven days after which
it shall be allowed to dry for taking up further work.
All the miscellaneous inserts such as bolts, pipes, plate embedment etc., shall be
accurately installed in the building works at the correct location and levels, all as
detailed in the construction drawings to be prepared by the Contractor. Contractor
shall prepare and use templates for this purpose, if so directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. In the event, of any of the inserts are improperly installed, contractor shall
make necessary arrangement to remove and reinstall at the correct locations/levels all
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Timber to be used shall be first class Teak wood as per BIS: 4021. Timber shall be of
the best quality and well seasoned by the suitable process before being planed to the
required sizes. The maximum permissible moisture content shall be from 10 to 16
percent for timber 50-mm and above in thickness and 8 to 14 percent for timber less
than 50mm in thickness for different regions of the country as stipulated in BIS : 287.
Timber shall be close grained, of uniform colour and free from decay, fungal growth,
boxed heart, pitch pockets of streaks on the exposed edges, borer holes, splits and
cracks. Flush door shutters of the solid core type with plywood face panel shall
conform to BIS: 2202 (Part-1)
Hot rolled steel sections for the fabrication of steel doors, windows and ventilators
shall conform to BIS: 7452 which are suitable for single glazing.
Pressed steel door frames for steel flush doors shall be out of 1.25-mm thick mild
steel sheets of profiles as per BIS: 4351.
Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 2835. Wired and
figured glass shall be as per BIS: 5437.
Builders hardware of fittings and fixtures shall be of the best quality from the
approved manufacturers.
Hot rolled sections shall confirm to BIS 7452 Fire check doors shall conform to BIS:
3614 Part 1 & 2. Steel windows for industrial buildings shall confirm to BIS 1361.
All steel doors, windows and ventilators shall be of the type as specified in the
respective items of work prepared by the Contractor and of sizes as indicated in the
Drawings prepared by the contractor. Steel doors, windows and ventilators shall
conform to the requirements as stipulated in BIS: 1038. Steel windows shall conform
to BIS: 1361 if so specified.
Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 2835. Wired and
figured glass shall be as per BIS: 5437.
All Aluminium doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be of the type and size
as specified. The doors, windows, ventilators shall conform to the requirements of
BIS: 1948. Aluminium windows shall conform to BIS: 1949; if so specified.
All Aluminium units shall be supplied with anodized finish, the minimum anodic film
thickness shall be 0.015mm.
The framework of partitions with mullions and transomes shall be with anodised
aluminium box sections. Anodised aluminium box sections shall be in-filled with
timber of class 3 (silver oak or any other equivalent) as per BIS : 4021. The outer
frame shall be of size 101.6 x 44.45 x 3.11mm rectangular tubular section and the
shutter shall be made out of specially extruded tubular section of size for sill member
shall be 99.2 x 44.45 x 3.18mm including glazing of 2.5 mm thick plain glass
PVC/Neoprene weather stripping screw-less aluminium bidding fixer such as lock,
handle, tower bolt and self closing device of approved make. Panels of double / single
glazing/plywood shall be fixed as per details indicated in the Drawing to be prepared
by the Contractor. Partitions shall be fixed rigidly between the floor and the structural
columns/beams including provision of necessary shims for wedging etc. Finished
work shall be of rigid construction, erected truly plumb to the lines and levels, at
locations as per the construction Drawings to be prepared by the contractor.
Specific provisions as stipulated for steel doors, windows, ventilators under the
relevant clause shall also be applicable for this item work. Glazing beads shall be of
the snap-fit type suitable for the thickness of glazing proposed as indicated in the
items of works prepared by the contractor. a layer of clear transparent lacquer shall be
applied on aluminium sections to protect them from damage during installation. This
lacquer coating shall be removed after the installation is completed.
The type of rolling shutter shall be self coiling type (manual) for clear areas upto 12
sq.m, gear operated type (mechanical) for clear areas upto 35 sq.m and electrically
operated type for areas upto 50 sq.m. mechanical type of rolling shutters shall be
suitable for operation from both inside and outside with the crank handle or chain gear
operating mechanism duly considering the size of wall/column. Electrical type of
rolling shutter shall also be provided with a facility for emergency mechanical
Rolling shutters shall be supplied duly considering the type, specified clear
width/height of the opening and the location of fixing as indicated in the Drawings
prepared by the Contractor.
2.8.10 Flooring Base Concrete
The thickness and grade of concrete and reinforcement shall be as specified in items
of works prepared by the Contractor.
Before placing the blinding concrete, the sub-base of rubble packing shall be properly
wetted and rammed. Concrete for the base shall then be deposited between the forms,
thoroughly tamped and surface finished level with the top edges of the forms. Two or
three hours after the concrete has been laid in position, the surface shall be roughened
using steel wire brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept clean so that the
course aggregates are exposed. The surface of the base concrete shall be left rough to
provide adequate bond for the floor finish to be provided later.
Terrazzo tiles shall generally conform in all respects to standards stipulated in BIS
:1237. Tiles shall be of the best quality manufactured adopting hydraulic pressure of
not less than 14 N/mm2.
The type, quality, size, thickness, colour etc., of the tiles for flooring/dado/skirting
shall be as specified.
The aggregates for terrazzo topping shall consist of marble chips which are hard,
sound and dense. Cement to be used shall be white cement with light colouring
pigments. The bidder mix shall be with 3 parts of cement to 1 part of marble powder
by weight. The proportion of cement shall be inclusive of any pigments. For every
one part of cement -marble powder binder mix, the proportion of aggregates shall be
1.75 parts by volume, if the chips are between 1 mm to 6 mm and 1.50 parts by
volume if the chips are between 6 mm to 25 mm.
The minimum thickness of wearing layer of terrazzo tiles shall be 5 mm for tiles with
chips of size varying from 1 mm upto 6 mm or from 1 mm upto 12 mm. This shall be
6 mm for tiles with chips varying from 1 mm upto 25 mm. The minimum thickness of
wearing layer of cement /coloured cement tiles shall be 5 mm. This shall be 6 mm for
heavy duty tiles. Pigment used in the wearing layer shall not exceed 10 percent of the
weight of cement used in the mix.
The slab shall be of approved selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous
in texture, free from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws. The percentage of water
absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in accordance with BIS:
The slabs shall be hand or machine cut to the required thickness. Tolerance in
thickness for dimensions of tile more than 100mm shall be 5mm. This shall be 2
mm on dimensions less than 100 mm.
Slabs shall be supplied to the specified size with machine cut edges or fine chisel
dressed to the full depth. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true and square,
free from any chipping giving a plane surface. Slabs shall have the top surface
machine polished (first grinding) before being brought to site. The slabs shall be
washed clean before laying.
(b) Workmanship
The type, size, thickness and colour/shade etc. of the slabs for flooring/dado/skirting
shall be as specified in the respective items of works prepared by the Contractor.
The thickness of the slabs for dado/skirting work shall not be more than 25mm. Slabs
shall be so placed that the back surface is at a distance of 12 mm. If necessary, slabs
shall be held in position temporarily by suitable method. After checking for
verticality, the gap shall be filled and packed with cement sand mortar of proportion
1:3. After the mortar has acquired sufficient strength, the temporary arrangement
holding the slab shall be removed.
Glazed earthenware tiles shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 777. Tiles shall be
of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. The tiles shall be flat, true to
shape and free from flaws such as crazing, blisters, pinholes, specks or welts. Edges
and underside of the tiles shall be free from glaze and shall have ribs or indentations
for a better anchorage with the bedding mortar. Dimensional tolerances shall be as
specified in BIS: 777.
The total thickness of glazed tile finish including the bedding mortar shall be 20 mm
in flooring /dado/skirting. The minimum thickness of bedding mortar shall be 12 mm
for flooring and 10 mm for dado/skirting work.
The bedding mortar shall consist of 1 part of cement to 3 parts of sand mixed with just
sufficient water to obtain proper consistency for laying. Sand for the mortar shall
conform to BIS:2116 and shall have minimum fineness modulus of 1.5.
The surface of the sheet/tiles shall be free from any physical defects such as pores,
blisters, cracks etc. which affects the appearance and serviceability. Tiles /sheets shall
meet with the tolerance limits in dimensions specified in the BIS. Contractor shall
submit the test certificates, if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Each tile/sheet shall be legible and indelibly marked with the name of the
manufacturer or his trade mark, BIS certificate mark, and batch number.
The adhesive to be used for laying the PVC flooring shall be rubber based and of the
make as recommended and approved by the manufacturer of PVC sheets/tiles.
PVC Floor covering shall be provided over an underbed of cement concrete floor
finish over the base concrete or structural slab. It is essential that the sub-floor and the
underbed are perfectly dry before laying the PVC flooring. This shall be ensured by
methods of testing as stipulated in Appendix -A of BIS :5318.
The surface of the underbed shall have trowelled finish without any irregularities
which creates poor adhesion. Surface shall be free of oil or grease and thoroughly
cleaned of all dust, dirt and wiped with a dry cloth.
PVC sheets/tiles shall be brought to the temperature of the area in which they are to
be laid by stacking in a suitable manner within or near the laying area for a period of
about 24 hours. Where air-conditioning is installed, the flooring shall not be laid on
the underbed until the A/C units have been in operation for atleast 7 days. During this
period, the temperature range shall be between 20 deg. C and 30 deg. C and this shall
be maintained during the laying operations and also for 48 hours thereafter.
Metallic edge strips shall be used to protect the edges of PVC sheets/tiles which are
exposed as in doorways/stair treads.
Hot sealing of joints between adjacent PVC sheet flooring to prevent creeping of
water through the joints shall be carried out, using special equipment as per
manufacturers instructions.
Floor Hardener topping shall be provided either as integrally finished over the
structural slab/grade slab or laid monolithically with the concrete/granolithic floor
finish on top of hardened concrete base of 40mm thickness.
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Floor hardener of the metallic or non-metallic type suitable for the performance of
normal/medium /heavy duty function of the floor, the quantum of ingredients and the
thickness of topping shall be as specified in the respective items of work prepared by
the contractor.
For monolithic application with the floor finish/slab the thickness of the layer shall be
12mm. The topping shall be laid within 2 to 3 hours after concrete is laid when it is
still plastic but stiffened enough for the workmen to tread over it by placing planks.
The surface for the concrete layer shall be kept rough for providing adequate bond for
the topping. Laitance shall be removed before placing the topping. The topping shall
be screed and thoroughly compacted to the finished level. Trowelling to smooth finish
also to be carried out. After the surface has hardened sufficiently, it shall be kept
continuously moist for atleast 10 days.
The procedure for mixing the floor hardener topping shall be as per manufacturer's
Surface shall be prevented from any damages due to subsequent building operations
by covering with 75 mm thick layer of sand.
The ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles shall conform to the requirements of
BIS: 4457. Acid resistant bricks shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 4860.
The finished tile/brick when fractured shall appear fine grained in texture, dense and
homogeneous. Tile/brick shall be sound, true to shape, flat, free from flaws and any
manufacturing defects affecting their utility. Tolerance in dimensions shall be within
the limits specified in the respective BIS.
The tiles/bricks shall be bedded and jointed using chemical resistant mortar of the
resin type conforming to BIS: 4832 (Part II). Method of usage shall generally be as
per the requirements of BIS: 4443.
The mortar joints shall be cured for a minimum period of 72 hours with 20 to 25%
hydrochloric acid or 30 to 40% sulphuric acid. After acid curing, the joints shall then
be washed with water and allowed to thoroughly dry. The joints shall then be filled
with mortar to make them smooth and plane. Acid curing is not required to be carried
out if epoxy or polyester and furane type of resin is used for the mortar.
Resin mortars are normally self curing. The area tiled shall not be put to use before 48
hours in case epoxy, polyester and furane type of resin is used for the mortar. If
phenolic or cashew nut shell liquid resin is used for the mortar, the area tiled shall not
be put to use for 7 to 28 days respectively, without heat treatment. This period shall be
2 to 6 days respectively, if heat treatment is given with infrared lamp.
The proportions of the cement mortar for plastering shall be 1:4 (one part of cement to
four parts of sand). Cement and sand shall be mixed thoroughly in dry condition and
then just enough water added to obtain a workable consistency. The quality of water
and cement shall be as per relevant BIS standards. The quality and grading of sand for
plastering shall conform to BIS : 1542.
Plastering operations shall not be commenced until installation of all fittings and
fixtures such as door/ window panels, pipes, conduits etc. are completed.
All joints in masonry shall be raked as the work proceeds to a depth of 10 mm / 20mm
for brick/ stone masonry respectively with a tool made for the purpose when the
mortar is still green. The masonry surface to be rendered shall be washed with clean
water to remove all dirt, loose materials, etc., Concrete surfaces to be rendered shall
be roughened suitably by hacking or bush hammering for proper adhesion of plaster
and the surface shall be evenly wetted to provide the correct suction. The masonry
surfaces should not be too wet only damp at the time of plastering. The dampness
shall be uniform to get uniform bond between the plaster and the masonry surface.
This plaster shall be laid in a single coat of 20 mm thickness. The mortar shall
be dashed against the prepared surface with a trowel. The dashing of the coat
shall be done using a strong whipping motion at right angles to the face of the
wall or it may be applied with a plaster machine. The coat shall be trowelled
hard and tight forcing it to surface depressions to obtain a permanent bond and
finished to smooth surface. Interior plaster shall be carried out on jambs, lintel
and sill faces, etc. as shown in the drawing and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Water-proofing admixtures shall conform to the requirements of BIS : 2645 and shall
be of approved manufacture. The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride. The
quantity of the admixture to be used for the works and method of mixing etc. shall be
as per manufacturers instructions and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Deleted: Materials
Oil bound distemper shall conform to BIS : 428. The primer shall be alkali resistant
primer of the same manufacture as that of the distemper.
Lead free acid, alkali and chlorine resisting paint shall conform to BIS: 9862.
Colour wash shall be made by addition of a suitable quantity of mineral pigment, not
affected by lime, to the prepared white wash to obtain the shade/ tint as approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer.
Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of
manufacture and the colour/ shade. All materials shall be brought to the site of works
in sealed containers. Workmanship
The surfaces to be treated shall be prepared by thoroughly brushing them free from
dirt, mortar droppings and any loose foreign materials. Surfaces shall be free from oil,
grease and efflorescence. Efflorescence shall be removed only by dry brushing of the
growth. Cracks shall be filled with Gypsum. Workmanship of painting shall generally
conform to BIS : 2392.
The prepared surfaces shall be wetted and the finish applied by brushing. The
operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brush first given horizontally
from the right and the other from the left and similarly, the subsequent stroke from
bottom upwards and the other form top downwards, before the first coat dries. Each
coat shall be allowed to dry before the next coat is applied. Minimum of 2 coats shall
be applied unless otherwise specified. The dry surface shall present a uniform finish
without any brush marks.
Colour wash shall be applied in the same way as for white wash. A minimum of 2
coats shall be applied unless otherwise specified. The surface shall present a smooth
and uniform finish without any streaks. The finished dry surface shall not show any
signs of peeling/ powdery and come off readily on the hand when rubbed.
The prepared surfaces shall be dry and provided with one coat of alkali resistant
primer by brushing. The surface shall be finished uniformly without leaving any brush
marks and allowed to dry for atleast 48 hours. A minimum of two coats of oil bound
distemper shall be applied, unless otherwise specified. The first coat shall be of a
lighter tint. Atleast 24 hours shall be left after the first coat to become completely dry
before the application of the second coat. Broad, stiff, double bristled distemper
brushed shall be used for the work. The operations for brushing each coat shall be as
detailed above.
A minimum of 2 coats of acid/ alkali resisting paint shall be applied over the prepared
dry surfaces by brushing. Primer coat shall be as per manufacturers instructions.
Acrylic emulsion paint shall be applied in the same way as for plastic emulsion paint.
A minimum of 2 finishing coats over one coat of primer shall be provided unless
otherwise specified. Materials
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer.
Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of
manufacture and the colour/ shade. All materials shall be brought to the site of works
in sealed containers.
The type of finish to be provided for woodwork of either painting or polishing, the
number coats, etc. shall be as specified in the respective items of work to be prepared
by the Contractor.
Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid cracking and
wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the same manufacturer.
All the wood surfaces to be provided with clear finishes shall be thoroughly dry and
free from any foreign matter. Surfaces shall be smoothened with abrasive paper using
it in the direction of the grains and dusted off. Any slight irregularities of the surface
shall be made up by applying an optimum coat of transparent liquid filler and rubbed
down with an abrasive paper for obtaining a smooth surface. All dust and dirt shall be
thoroughly removed. Over this prepared surface, vanish conforming to BIS : 337 shall
be applied by brushing. Varnish should not be retouched once it has begun to set.
Staining if required shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. When
two coats of varnish is specified, the first coat should be a hard-drying undercoat or
flatting varnish which shall be allowed to dry hard before applying the finishing coat.
The number of coats to be applied shall be as specified. For works where clear finish
of French polish is specified the prepared surfaces of wood shall be applied with the
polish using a pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth. The pad shall be
moistened with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a series of overlapping
circles to give an even finish over the entire area. The surface shall be allowed to dry
before applying the next coat. Finishing shall be carried out using a fresh clean cloth
over the pad, slight dampening with methylated spirit and rubbing lightly and quickly
in circular motions. The finished surface shall have a uniform texture and high gloss.
The number of coats to be applied shall be as specified. Materials
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer.
Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of
manufacture and the colour/ shade. All the materials shall be brought to the site in
sealed containers. Workmanship
Painting work shall be carried out only on thoroughly dry surfaces. Painting shall be
applied either by brushing or by spraying. Contractor shall procure the appropriate
quality of paint for this purpose as recommended by the manufacturer. The
workmanship shall generally conform to the requirement of BIS : 1477 (Part 2).
The type of paint, number of costs etc. shall be as specified in the respective items of
Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid cracking and
wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the same manufacturer.
All the surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil, grease, dirt, rust and scale. The
methods to be adopted using solvents, wire brushing, power tool cleaning etc., shall
be as per BIS: 1477 (Part - I) and as indicated in the item of work.
It is essential to ensure that immediately after preparation of the surfaces; the first coat
of red oxide-zinc chrome primer shall be applied by brushing and working it well to
ensure a continuous film without holidays. After the first coat becomes hard dry, a
second coat of primer shall be applied by brushing to obtain a film free from
holidays. After the second coat of primer is hard dry, the entire surface shall be wet
rubbed cutting down to a smooth uniform surface. When the surface becomes dry, the
under cost of synthetic enamel paint of optimum thickness shall be applied by
brushing with minimum of brush marks. The coat shall be allowed to hard-dry. The
under coat shall then be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth finish, taking adequate
care to ensure that at no place the undercoat is completely removed. The surface shall
then be allowed to dry.
The first finishing coat of paint shall be applied by brushing and allowed to hard-dry.
The gloss from the entire surface shall then be gently removed and the surface dusted
off. The second finishing coat shall then be applied by brushing.
Atleast 24 hours shall elapse between the application of successive coats. Each
coat shall vary slightly in shade and this shall be got approved by the Engineer-
1. All building works shall be reinforced concrete framework with concrete floors
and roofs.
2. All internal partition walls except for toilet shall be in 230 mm thick brick
masonry built in cement mortar 1:5 with transomes and mullions as in (2) above.
Toilet partition walls shall be in 115 mm thick brick masonry built in cement
mortar 1:4 and shall have transomes and mullions similar to (2) above and shall
form panels not exceeding 1200 mm x 1200 mm in size.
3. Toilet floor slab shall be filled with brick bat cobs (broken bricks in lime) and
provided with waterproofing as per the specifications of an approved specialist
waterproofing company.
4. The finished floor level in toilet areas shall be 25 mm below general finished
floor level elsewhere in the building.
5. The toilet facilities shall be provided in Administration-cum-Laboratory building
separately for men and women which include at least:
i) 2 Nos. Toilet (1 no. for men and 1 no. for women) with white porcelain
Orissa pan minimum 580 mm long with flushing cistern of 10 litres
ii) 2 Nos. wash basins (1 no. for men and 1 no. for women) of size 510 mm x
400 mm in white porcelain with inlet, outlet and overflow arrangements,
iii) 2 Nos. mirrors (1 no. for men and 1 no. for women) of size 400 mm x 600
mm wall mounted type fitted over wash basins.
iv) 2 Nos. plastic liquid soap bottles (1 no. for men and 1 no. for women)
v) 2 Nos. chromium plated brass towel rails (1 no. for mean and 1 no. for
women) minimum 750 mm long,
vi) All stopcocks, valves and pillar cocks shall be heavy-duty chromium
plated brass.
vii) All fittings such as "P" or "S" traps, floor traps, pipes, downtake pipes etc.
viii) The sewage from toilet blocks shall be led to the nearest CMWSSB
sewerage network sewer line.
6. All staircase shall have 25 mm thick chequered mosaic tiles for treads and 25
mm thick plain mosaic tiles of approved shade for risers set in cement mortar or
lime mortar to give an overall thickness of 50 mm.
7. All floor cut-outs and cable ducts, etc. shall be covered with pre-cast concrete
covers in outdoors areas and mild steel chequered plates of adequate thickness in
indoor areas. All uncovered openings shall be protected with galvanized MS
hand railing.
8. All staircases shall be provided with MS galvanized and MS hand railing for
9. For the entire finished roof surface shall have adequate slope to drain quickly the
rainwater to rainwater down take inlet points.
10. For roofing drainage, CI rainwater down takes with CI bell mouth and MS
grating at top shall be provided. For roof areas up to 40 sq.m. minimum two nos.
100 mm diameter down take pipes shall be provided. For every additional area
of 40 sq.m. or part thereof, at least one no. 100 mm diameter down take pipe
shall be provided.
12. All doors, windows, rolling shutters shall have lintels above. Chaija protection to
lintels on external walls shall be such as to prevent the rainwater splashing into
the building. The minimum width of chajja for doors, windows, and rolling
shutter shall be 750 mm, 600 mm, and 900 mm respectively.
13. All windows and ventilators shall have 25 mm thick Tandoor/Kota stone still
bedded in cement mortar (1:3)
14. All concrete channels and ducts use for conveying liquid shall have inside width ;
be less than 500 mm. All open channels shall be provided with hand railings. Al
all such channels, which are more than 1000 mm above finished plot level, shall
provided with walkways for access.
15. Kerbs to be provided below the hand railing on the catwalks/pathways should be;
per relevant sections of Factor Act.
16. Wherever equipment and machinery are to be moved for inspection, servicir
replacement etc., suitable movable gantry of minimum capacity of 2 tons or
more; required shall be provided with monorail and operating equipment.
17. The design of buildings shall reflect the climatic conditions existing on site. Proce
buildings shall be as far as is possible permit the entry of natural light.
18. The Laboratory, Chlorine House and office building shall be provided with a si
with two drinking water taps of 20 mm size with adequate inlet and out
19. The sidewalls of buildings shall, except those used for storage and handling
Chlorine gas comprise at least 15% ventilation areas. Ventilated brickwork
louvers shall not be used where the ingress of driven rain could affect plant or
stored materials.
20. All walkways, staircase, platforms etc, shall be minimum 1200 mm wide and
will provided with hand railing on one or both sides as required.
21. The floor shall generally be made of 150 mm thick concrete slab on grade with
mm thick rubble soling and polyethylene sheet. The grade slab shall be provided
with TOR 8 mm reinforcement Bars at 200 mm c/c both ways.
22. All hardware fittings and fixtures for doors, windows and louvers (e.g. Hinges,
locks, latches, stay doorstops, door closers, floor springs) shall be heavy
matching to the size and weight of the door window/ventilator shutters. These
operate easily without hindrance secure properly without jamming; require
nominal maintenance durable under prevailing site/weather conditions.
23. Suitable steps and/or ramp with overhead RCC Canopy shall be provided as
requirement, at the entrances of the buildings.
24. 1,000 mm wide Plinth Protection (Apron) shall be provided all around
Ceiling Height
Room Type
Chlorine Ground RCC Framed 500 5000 RCC 230 115 Acid / Teak Acrylic Powder MS 20 12mm 6mm thk. Oil bound Cement White India
House Floor Alkali Coated mm thk. In In CM 1:3 distemper 2m Paint Wash Water
Tiling / thk. In CM 1:4 high dado in Proofing
Kota CM acid alkali tiling on
1:4 Brickbat
Coba or
Administra Ground Foyer 500 4500 RCC 230 115 Vitrified Teak Al. Glazed 20 12mm 6mm thk. Luster Paint Cement Luster India
-tion cum Floor Tiles Powder Coated mm thk. In In CM 1:3 Paint Paint Water
laboratory with vanishing thk. In CM 1:4 Proofing
blinds CM on
1:4 Brickbat
Coba or
Plant in Vitrified Teak Al. Glazed 20 12mm 6mm thk. Luster Paint Cement Luster India
charge Tiles Powder Coated mm thk. In In CM 1:3 Paint Paint Water
room with vanishing thk. In CM 1:4 Proofing
blinds CM on
1:4 Brickbat
Coba or
Staff Vitrified Teak Al. Glazed 20 12mm 6mm thk. Luster Paint Cement Luster India
Room Tiles Powder Coated mm thk. In In CM 1:3 Paint Paint Water
with vanishing thk. In CM 1:4 Proofing
blinds CM on
1:4 Brickbat
Coba or
2.9.1 General
Roads shall be 10m wide out of which 7.0 m wide in metalled portion with
bituminous carpet and 1.5m berm on either side. The roads should be given suitable
camber and longitudinal slopes. The cross section of roads shall be as per attached
drawing no 2962/E/M-01.
The tenderer should include preparation of 500mm thick sub-grade to the required
level and camber, leveling and dressing of the filling and compaction upto 97% of
laboratory dry density as per IS : 2720 (Part 8) by vibro roller. The earth of soaked
CBR value not less than 5% required for making the roads i/c embankment for access
road will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost if required.
Scope: This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on
prepared sub-grade in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. The
material shall be laid in one layer as sub-base to a 150mm thickness as necessary
according to lines, grades and cross sections shown on the drawings or as directed by
the Engineer.
Materials: The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, murram, gravel,
crushed stone or combinations thereof depending upon the grading required. The
gradation is specified below.
1. Table 1: Grading for coarse-graded Granular Sub-base materials
Sieve Designation Percentage passing by weight
Grade II
75 mm -
53 mm 100
26.5 mm 50-80
9.5 mm -
4.75 mm 15-35
2.36 mm -
0.425 mm -
0.075 mm <10
CBR value 25
Physical requirements: The material shall have a 10 percent fines value of 50 KN or
more when tested in compliance with BS: 812 (part 111). The water absorption value
of the course aggregate shall be determined as per IS:2386 (part 3); if this value is
greater than 2 percent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered
to the site as per IS: 383 for grading II materials, the soaked CBR shall be determined
at the density and moisture content likely to be developed in equilibrium conditions
which shall be taken as being the density relating to a uniform air voids content of 5
percent and shall not be less than 30%.
Strength of sub-base: It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to
be used in the sub-base satisfies requirement of soaked CBR and other physical
requirements when compacted and finished.
Scope: This work shall consist of laying and Compacting clean, crushed, graded
aggregate and granular material, pre mixed with water, to a dense mass on a prepared
subbase in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. The material
shall be made in one or more layers as necessary to lines, Grade and cross sections
shown on the approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Vibrating or other
approved types of Compacting equipment shall be used, the compacted depth of
single layer of WMM course shall be 150mm.
Physical requirements: Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone. If crushed gravel
or shingle is used, not less than 90 percent by weight of the gravel or shingle pieces
retained on 4.75mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. The aggregate shall
conform to the physical requirements set forth in table 2.
If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the
soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to site as per IS: 2386
Grading requirements:
The aggregates shall conform to the grading given in Table 3.
Table 3: Grading requirements of aggregates for WMM
Sieve Designation Percent passing by weight passing the IS sieve
53 mm 100
45 mm 95-100
26.5 mm -
22.4 mm 60-80
11.2 mm 40-60
4.75 mm 25-40
2.36 mm 15-30
600 Microns 8-22
75 Microns 0-8
Materials finer than 425 micron shall have plasticity index (PI) not exceeding 6.
Scope: This work shall consist of construction, in a single course of 50 mm thick base
course to the following specifications on a previously prepared WMM course with
prime coat.
The bitumen shall be a paving bitumen of penetration grade S65 or A65 as per Indian
standards specifications for "Paving bitumen" IS: 73. In case of a non-availability of
bitumen of this grade, S90 grade bitumen may be used with the approval of Engineer.
Coarse aggregates: The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed
gravel or shingle or other stones. They shall be clean, strong, durable, of fairly cubical
shaped and free from disintegrated pieces, organic or other deleterious matter and
adherent coating. The aggregates Shall preferably be hydrophobic and of low
porosity. If hydrophilic aggregates are to be used, the bitumen shall be treated with
anti-stripping agents of approved quality in suitable doses. The aggregate should
satisfy the physical requirements set forth in table-4 below.
If crushed gravel or shingle is used, not less than 90 percent by weight of gravel or
shingle pieces retained on IS 4.75 mm sieve shall have a at least two fractured faces.
The plasticity index of the fraction passing through the 425-micron sieve shall not
exceed 4.
Fine aggregates: Fine aggregates shall be the fraction passing 2.36 sieve and retained
on 75 microns sieve, consisting of crusher-run screening, gravel, sand or a mixture of
Filler: Filler consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime
or cement as approved by the Engineer. the filler shall be graded within the following
The filler shall be free from organic impurities and have a plasticity Index not greater
than 4. The plasticity Index requirement shall not apply if the filler is cement or lime.
When the coarse aggregate is gravel, 2 percent by mass of total aggregate of Portland
cement or hydrated lime shall be added and the percentage of fine aggregate reduced
accordingly. Cement or hydrated lime is not required when the gravel is limestone.
Aggregate gradations: The combined course and find aggregates and filler shall
produce a mixture to conform to the grading set for a table-6 below.
Preparation of Surface
This work shall consist of preparing of existing WMM surface. The work shall be
done on such widths as shown in drawings. The existing surface shall be firm, cleaned
with mechanical broom and treated with prime coat (@ 0.9kg /sq.m), 24hrs. in
advance of laying of DBM course. The laying shall be done with paver finishers and
compacted with road roller.
The Dense Bituminous Macadam roads shall be provided with 2cm. Thick premixed
bitumen carpet surfacing with 1.8cum of stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size and
0.90 cum of stone aggregate, 10mm nominal size using 144kg. Of residual petroleum
of penetration 80/100 (S-90) of approved quality per 100 sq.m. And 52 kg of hot
bitumen per cum of 12.5 mm nominal size stone and 56 kg of hot bitumen per cum of
10mm nominal size including a tack coat with residual petroleum bitumen of
Aggregate and bitumen will be mixed in a mechanical mixer of approved type, and
will be heated to required temperature as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Bitumen
boiler of suitable design avoiding local heating and ensuring continuous supply will
be arranged by Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain a thermometer for
measuring the temperature at site of work. The contractor shall also make the
necessary arrangement for weighting the material at site of work.
Fresh supply of bitumen from Bharat Petroleum / Indian Oil / Hindustan Petroleum as
approved by Engineer-in-Charge will be arranged by the Contractor and brought to
the site of work and stored properly. Receipt for purchase in original as proof of
purchase will be submitted to the department by the contractor.
No variation in bitumen on lower side shall be allowed. In case bitumen used by
contractor is found less than the quantity calculated theoretically, based on the
coefficient for bitumen consumption given in CPWD/TNDSS specification 1997 or as
decided by the Engineer-in-Charge for the items for which coefficient are not
available in CPWD/TNDSS specification 1997. The cost of bitumen not so used shall
be recovered from the contractor.
Wherever, necessary RCC pipe / Box culvert shall be provided for crossing of drain
pipes and effluent channel etc. For pipe culverts NP3 RCC pipes fully encased in
concrete / RCC shall be used. All RCC cover slabs of drains / channels & of culverts
subjected to vehicular traffic shall be designed for I.R.C. class AA loading.
d) Deleterious Content Test [IS: 2720 (Part-27)] : As and when required by the
e) Moisture Content Test [IS: 2720 (Part-2)] : One test for every 250 cubic
metres of soil.
f) CBR Test on materials to be incorporated in the subgrade on soaked/un-
soaked samples [IS: 2720 (Part-16)] : One CBR test for every 3000 cubic
metre at least or closer as and then required by the Engineer.
Compaction control: Control shall be exercised on each in their by taking at least
one measurement of density for each 1000 square metres of compacted area, or closer as
required to yield the minimum number of test results for evaluating a day's work on
statistical basis. The determination of density shall be in accordance with IS :2720
(Part- 28).
Table 7 Control Tests and their minimum frequency for sub-base & base
S. N. Type ofTest Frequency (min.)
1. Granular (i) Gradation One test per 200 m3
2. Wet Mix (i) Aggregate Impact value One test per 200 m3 of aggregate
Table 8 Control Tests and their minimum frequency for bituminous works
S. N. Type ofTest Frequency (min.)
1. Prime Coat / (i) Quality of binder Two samples per lot to be subjected
Tack Coat to all or some tests as directed by the
2. Seal Coat / (i) Quality of binder Two samples per lot Dressing to be
Surface subjected to all or some tests as
Dressing directed by the Engineer
Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria for test shall be subject to the conditions that the mean value
is not less than the specified values plus [1.65 1.65/(No. Of Samples)0.5] times the
standard deviation.
2.10.1 Preamble
On award of the contract, the contractor shall take-up the topography survey work by
using total station equipment.
On completion of the survey work, a detailed layout plan will be prepared by the
contractor showing Sewage Treatment Plant and other works etc. complete.
The contractor will also prepare a separate layout plan including location of site
office, batching plant, godown, steel yard, store, workshop etc., complete. CMWSSB
will approve both the layout prior to commencement of construction work.
The proposals presented in this tender are based on the surveys and available details.
Detailed surveys and soil investigations are required to be carried out by the bidder as
given below for preparation of detailed design. Survey and Soil Investigation for Plant and other works
Contractor will carryout his own survey at Sewage treatment plant site by using Total
station equipment. Guidelines for details of survey to be carried out are as follows:
ii) Collection of details for all features such as utilities, existing roads, electric
and telephone poles and lines, sewer lines and water mains if any, huts,
buildings, or any other structure, fencing and trees ( with girth greater than 0.3
m ) etc, falling within the extent of survey.
The Contractor in co-ordination with the Engineer in Charge has to determine at each
location of a building or a liquid retaining structure; the soil characteristics (safe
bearing capacity, angle of friction, cohesion) in order to calculate the dimensions of
the foundations. It is also important to assess the potential of changes in water table,
erosion and exposure of foundations and the stability of the soil with view to the
lateral resistance to be taken into account.
a) Penetration Tests
Standard penetration test to a depth corresponding to at least 1.5 times the
width of the building/foundation; at least 3 tests per building/storage structure;
distance between the penetration points less than 20 m
At least 3 test pits shall be made for each site of a building/tank/structure, preferably
after having fixed the location of the building. The distance should be less than 20 m.
In addition the following soil data have to be obtained from the test pits:
composition and classification of the soil (sand, clay, silt, organic matter
etc, soft, medium, hard, decomposed rock, rock etc.) with view to:
need to support walls of trenches
permanent or temporary groundwater (water logging)
hard pans below the sand (depth, thickness, type of layer)
clay lenses
The results of the survey, the sampling, the laboratory analyses and the calculations
have to be presented in a report in three copies to the Engineer in Charge. The
execution of the foundations shall be started only after approval of the Engineer in
Charge. The contractor however will be responsible for design of the structures based
on these investigations.
Along with the excavation for the buildings and storage structures the Contractor has
to assess / complete the type of soil, the strata, the level of groundwater and other
parameters important for design. He has to establish soil profiles and submit these to
the Engineer in Charge for approval.
In addition to the General specification for Civil work, contractor shall carryout
various works as per the following details:
a) Layout Plan
As mentioned earlier, the bidder should prepare layout keeping in mind the
utilization of minimum space. The bidders should also consider the following
parameters for the preparation of lay out plan.
The centrifuge area should be isolated from the rest of the plant area by means
of fencing. The Administrative block (of 450 sqm in two floors 225 sqm +
225 sqm) should be located adjacent to the gate and a guard room (of 5 sqm)
at the main gate. Pathways
Pathways shall be provided where required of minimum 1200 mm wide to connect all
the units of the plant to the internal roads of the plant. 22mm thick concrete chequered
tiles on the top surface and kerb stone should be provided as the side surface of the
pathways. The pathways should be suitably illuminated by low height lantern type
post. The pathways shall be as per attached drawing no 2962/E/M-01.
Plinth level (Finished Floor Level) of the building shall be 0.6 m above the
outside formation level.
The grade slab (ground floor in buildings) shall comprise of the following
All brick walls shall be in 230mm (9) thick brick masonry built in 1:6 cement
mortar (1 cement: 6 coarse sand). Half brick (115 mm thick) walls shall be in
1:3 mortar and shall be provided with 2 nos. 6mm dia MS bars at every third
(f) Staircase
RC stair treads shall be provided with PVC nosing in case of building works
and incase of pump houses etc., MS angle 40 x 40 x 3 nosing shall be
The hand railing shall be 1000 mm high. The GI pipes shall be of medium
class of size 40 mm. Post shall be of CI. All railings shall be painted with
approved primer and three or more coats or approved quality synthetic enamel
paint. The hand railing shall be suitably designed considering all the
anticipated forces and anchored adequately in the RCC below.
The building floors shall have finishes as per the following details:
(i) Plastering
Interior and exterior faces of all building structures shall be provided with
plaster in cement mortar (1:4) in single coat of 20 mm thickness.
(j) Painting
The internal surfaces of the walls and ceiling of all building structures shall
have three coats of dry distemper paint. All the structural steel shall have
synthetic enamel paint over primer. All the external faces of the tanks above
ground level shall have three coats of cement paints/cement based paint.
(k) Exterior Finish
All the external phases of the buildings shall have permanent finishing. The
elevations of the buildings should be made in such a way that there is a
harmony and also aesthetically pleasant.
The roof of all the buildings shall be given six courses bitumen felt
waterproofing treatment as per applicable PWD SOR with suitable
arrangement for draining out the rainwater. Roof slope shall be minimum of
1:120. Sloping screed of CC (M15) minimum 40mm thick shall be provided
under the felt treatment.
For roof drainage cast iron rain water downtakes with C.I. bell mouth and C.I.
grating at top shall be provided. For roof plan areas upto 40 sq.m. minimum
two 100 mm diameter down pipes shall be provided. For every additional area
of 40 sq. m., or part thereof, at least one 100mm dia down pipe shall be
provided. All rain water pipes shall be of C.I. with lead joints and encased
with CC (M15) mix properly in the chase of walls.
The rain water should be connected directly with the storm water drainage
system through gully traps.
All the building structure shall be provided with ventilation area at least 15%
of the floor area or 10% of the outer wall area.
All the door/windows/ventilator for plant units shall be of Mild steel as per
All the door/window/ventilator in Administrative block, major pump houses
and control room should be Annodised Aluminium section with tinted glass.
Necessary rubber gasket/bidding should be used to make the above two
buildings dust free.
All types of doors, windows, rolling shutters shall have lintels above lintel
beam shall be continuous. Lintels over openings on external walls shall be
provided with minimum 600mm wide chajjas with facias as required for
pleasing aesthetic appearance.
All chajjas, slabs and sill projections shall be provided with drip moulding or
throating as directed by Engineer -in-Charge in all concreting/plastering
Septic tank and soak pit for 50 users shall be provided for each toilet. All the
toilets shall be connected to the septic tank and necessary traps shall be
Service water connection shall be taken from departments water supply main
at an appropriate place as directed by Engineer-in-charge. G.I pipe shall be
laid from the water main to the individual units such as cooling water
arrangement of compressors and cooling towers, gas storage, toilets and other
utilities directed by Engineer-in-charge.
All floor cutouts, cable ducts, pits, chambers trenches, etc. shall be covered
with precast concrete covers or mild steel chequered plates of adequate
thickness (minimum 8 mm) and stiffening. Lifting hooks shall be provided in
all cover panels. All uncovered openings shall be protected with hand railing.
The concrete at the joint should be bounded with that subsequently placed
against it, without provision for relative movement between the two concrete
should not be allowed to run to a feather edge & vertical joints should be
formed against stop edges.
Key joint will be provided for the base slab of panels not more than 4.5 m X
4.5 m. Construction joint in the wall at interval of 1.5 m height with 230 mm.
wide 8m thick PVC water bar should be provided. Sealing compound will be
applied along with the construction joint to prevent the leakage. 12-mm.
diameter PVC nozzle at the interval of 1.5 m along either side of the
construction joints will be provided for pressure grouting purpose to fill up the
honey combing, if required.
(i) Material
e) Accelerated Extractions
a) Tensile Strength Kg./ 105 min.
b) Ultimate Elongation % 250 min.
PVC waterstops shall be either of the bar type, serrated with centre bulb
and end grips for use within the concrete elements or of the surface
(kicker) type for external use.
(ii) Workmanship
Water stops shall be cleaned before placing them in position. Oil or grease
shall be removed thoroughly using water and suitable detergents.
Sealing compound for filling the joints above the preformed bitumen filler
shall conform to Grade A as per BIS: 1834.
Other organic solvents such as poly sulphate based joint sealants to BIS: 1433
Part 1 or BIS 12118 Part 1 may be used with the approval of Engineer-In-
In any unit used for clarification or fitted with moving parts like scraper, the
floor slab of the unit, sump etc. shall be finished with 50mm thick M-20 grade
screed concrete with neat finish at top surface.
(v) Walkways
Walkway shall be provided of minimum 1200 mm wide around all the tanks.
GI hand railing shall be provided along the walkway for the safety. Over head
walkway shall be provided for inter connection between preliminary units,
reactor tanks, sludge thickener etc. 22mm thick Concreted chequered tiles
should be provided as the top surface of the walkways. Suitable connection
should be provided to provide access to such over head walkways. The
walkways should be suitably illuminated by low height lantern type post.
(vii) Staircase
RCC staircases shall be minimum 1200 mm wide and maximum numbers of
steps between two landings shall be 12. For all process structures size of tread
shall be minimum 250 mm and max. rise shall be 175 mm.
(a) Structural
In case of large tanks, either in base size or in height, special care should be
taken for design of the base slab.
Additional soil investigation to be carried out as per specification provided in
this document. Pressure release valves will be allowed wherever there is no
effect on process design. Before laying the base slab, the entire excavated area
upto the desired level to be compacted upto 90% standard proctor density at an
optimum moisture content of 4%.
The liquid depth has to taken upto the top of wall/tie beam.
Temperature variation inside and outside the covered tank shall also be
considered as specified in General specifications of civil work.
All the open tanks to be tested hydraulically to withstand a pressure of 250
mm water gauge without any leakage.
The walls shall be plastered in cement mortar as per specification from inside
and outside, finished with distemper from inside and cement base painting
from outside. The shade, make and brand etc. shall be as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge, Ceiling shall be plastered with 6mm thick cement plaster
of 1:3 cement mortar with white wash three or more coats.
Provision shall be made for applying a decorative finish on the front and side
elevation of the building with stone of approved make.
All the rooms shall be provided with teak flush paneled doors of the standard
sizes and steel windows/ ventilators glazed, as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge. The wood and steel work shall be suitably polished/ painted with
superior quality paints/ polish as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
doors/ windows shall be provided with superior quality aluminium fittings, the
handle of steel windows shall be anodized brass. All the other doors, windows,
The laboratory shall be provided with platform projecting 750mm from the
wall, at about 150mm height from floor level along with three walls of room
which will be used for keeping the bottles of chemicals, provision shall also be
made for an R.C.C. platform at sill level of same size as of bottom one, and
shall be provided with Zed black granite stone on top surface. The vertical
exposed surface of platform shall also be provided with Zed black granite
stone. The white glazed tiles shall be provided on the walls all along the RCC
platform upto lintel level along the three walls as per nomenclature provided
There shall be three laboratory sinks installed in the RCC platform, suitably
and one wash basin installed along the opposite wall in cash hall.
Lavatory block of size 3.3m x 4.2m shall be provided at G.F. & F.F. In
addition to this one block of size 2m x 1.5m shall also be provided attached to
conference hall as per following details with following fittings.
a) One W.C. Indian Style with necessary flushing cistern, G.I. Water
tubing, brass bib cocks, toilet paper and Holder etc. complete.
b) A set of urinal basins with flushing cistern G.I. Water tubing etc.
c) One wash basin with two pillar cocks, looking mirror, shelf, liquid
soap container, towel rail and G.I. Water tubing, stop cock and lead
connection etc. complete.
In Toilet Attached to Conference Hall
a) One W.C. English Style with necessary flushing cistern, G.I. Water Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.54
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm, Outline
tubing, brass bib cocks, toilet paper and Holder etc. complete. numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
b) One wash basin with two pillar cocks, looking mirror, glass shelf, Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
liquid soap container, towel rail & G.I. water tubing, stop cock and Aligned at: 1.59 cm + Tab
after: 0 cm + Indent at: 2.09
lead connection etc. complete. Connection with the flushing cisterns of cm
the lavatories shall be made using 15mm G.I. pipe. Medium class.
The wash basin of the lavatories including the laboratory sinks shall have
direct water supply connection and not from the service tank necessary filtered
water line shall also be provided by the contractor tapping from water main for
water supply to the building.
The urinal basins of the lavatory blocks shall be provided with marble
partitions. The glazed tiles shall be provided upto lintel height in the lavatory
block. The urinal portion of floor shall be raised by 150 mm from rest of the
floor and shall also be provided with white glazed tiles.
The doors in the lavatories shall be flush doors of suitable size, with
aluminium sheeting upto 0.3m height from bottom and necessary steel glazed
ventilators shall also be provided.
The stair case shall consist of RCC open steps supported on RCC beam with
two landings at suitable levels. Necessary wooden hand railing supported on
vertical 16mm squares shall also provided. The front entrance door shall be of
tubular anodized steel sections having a decorative outlook.
Minimum floor to ceiling height of the these areas shall be 3.5 m. Necessary
toilet facility with septic tank & soak pit for 50 users shall be provided. All
furniture, office equipment, communication facilities, water cooler,
refrigerator, pantry equipment to be provided by the contractor as a part of the
scope of work. Over Head Tank and under ground water tank of 20 cum.
Capacity each for potable water supply shall also be provided at
Administrative building.
The valve chamber shall be provided to house the different valves. A leveling
course of 150 mm thick PCC (M-10) shall be provided at the base. The walls of
chambers shall be constructed in brick or grade specified in IS 456 and 150 mm thick
CC (M-20) shall be provided in the chamber at the bottom.
The roof of valve chamber shall be of RCC two way slab with two clear opening of
size and covered with Ferro Cement cover sheet with cast iron frame and having lock
& key arrangement to facilitate removal of appurtenance by crane/chain pulley blocks
for maintenance through larger opening and valve operation through a smaller
opening. The walls shall be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures. The roof
and slabs shall be designed to withstand load as per IS : 875. Pre-cast removable
Ferro cement covers shall be provided in the center portion of the chamber roof and a
manhole size 900 mm x 900 mm having locking arrangement is to be provided to
provide access within the chamber.
The roof of scour valve chamber shall have manhole of size 900 x 900 mm for entry
and maintenance purpose.
Wherever longitudinal forces can occur due to closing of a isolating valve/scour
valve, these have to be taken into account by anchoring the valve either in an anchor
block or against the walls of the chamber. The same applies for reducers and tees
installed in chambers. The forces have to be calculated with the maximum pressure,
which can occur due to hydraulic, static or transient conditions. The minimum force
has to correspond to a pressure of 2 bar. The calculations for the dimensioning and the
type of such anchoring and the clamps have to be approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The backfill of the chambers has to be compacted to required density.
Air valve chamber of MS pipe barrel of 10 mm thickness, having height 0.75 meters
above ground level covered with MS sheet suitably braced with 35 x 35 x 4 mm and
25 x 25 x 4 mm angles shall be provided directly on the pipe. The chamber shall have
ventilation equal to the 2.5 times the area of the bore of the valve. MS sheet cover of
3 mm is to be provided in such a manner that 1/3rd portion of the cover is fixed with
2.10.5 Crossings
At roads and other crossings the pipeline shall be installed in R.C.C. box culvert of
adequate size The RCC box culvert/pipe of required class shall be designed for class
AA loading for crossing major/minor roads. The box culvert shall cover the entire
length of the carpeted road and its shoulders. The box culvert shall be constructed
using minimum M25 grade or grade specified in IS 456 of concrete.
All the E&M works shall be carried out as per latest CPWD/TNDSS Electrical
Specifications Part I (Internal) 1994, Part II (External)-1995, Part-IV (Sub-
Station) 1982, Part VI (Fire Alarm System) 1988 & Air Conditioning - 1997
with up to date corrections slips issued up to the date of submission of bid. In case the
CPWD/TNDSS specifications are not found applicable and adequate than the relevant
BIS specifications shall be used. Further in case, any of these are not applicable to
particular tools, Equipments and machinery, then the manufacturers specifications or
their relevant instructions shall be followed.
The design, manufacture and performance of equipment shall conform to the latest
amended Indian standard and following design and general criterion is given below:
Nominal System Supply:
1. Incoming Supply : 11KV, 3, 3W, 50Hz
2. LT Distribution : 415V, 3, 4W, 50Hz, AC
3. Lighting & space
heating : 240V, 1, 2W, 50HzAC
4. D.C. Controlling : 30V DC
5. A.C. Control : 240V A.C
6. P T Secondary : 110V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz A.C
7. Variation
Voltage : 6%,
Frequency : 5%
8. System Earthing :
a) 11KV System : Delta, Unearthed
b) 415V System : Neutral solidly earthed
c) 240V Single Phase Neutral solidly earthed
d) 30V DC System Unearthed
i) The CMWSSB reserves the right for pre- dispatch inspection of Equipment at
the manufacturers place in India or abroad by the representatives of the Board
and Consultants along with Contractor or his/their representatives. The total
cost of to & fro by Air or any other better conveyance charges, wherever the
air routes are not available, boarding and lodging etc., shall be borne by the
Contractor. In case the equipments are not found suitable for dispatch or
whatsoever the defects may by, and another inspection is required that visit
also shall be arranged and borne by the contractor. The CMWSSB shall not
entertain any request on this account, even such inspection may be one or
more, as may be required, before the dispatch of the Equipments. The
discrepancies of such equipments as pointed out by the representatives of the
CMWSSB and the Consultants shall be rectified at the cost of the Contractor
or the Manufacturer and the CMWSSB shall not hold any liability on this
account, what so ever may be.
ii) A mutually agreed quality assurance plan will be developed which provides Formatted: Numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: i,
for inspection and certification by CMWSSB at specified times during the ii, iii, + Start at: 2 +
manufacture and fabrication of such items. All costs for independent Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
inspection or testing will be borne by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall 1.24 cm + Tab after: 2.51 cm
+ Indent at: 2.51 cm
be fully responsible to ensure that adequate provisions are made in his
tendered rates to cover independent inspections and testing for the following
equipments and machineries to be incorporated in the Permanent Works:
4. Transformer e)Visual inspection, dimensional check and verification of Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
cm, Hanging: 0.5 cm, Outline
bill of materials. numbered + Level: 1 +
f)Iron losses and Copper losses test at 90% of the rated Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
voltage, 100% rated voltage and 110% of the rated Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.78 cm + Tab
voltage. after: 0 cm + Indent at: 2.54
g)Resistance voltage test at HV side and L.V side. cm
i) The Contractor shall guarantee all plant and machinery and their equipments
supplied under the Contract, including erection and commissioning works, to
be suitable for the application for which it is designed, and against defects due
to manufacture or poor workmanship for a period of 3 months from the date of
satisfactory completion of the stipulated trial run period. The Contractor shall
be responsible to replace, free of cost, the whole equipment or parts thereof
which may be found defective during this period, and to ensure the proper
working of the equipment during the guarantee period. In case the Contractor
fails to repair or replace any defective Equipment & machinery and equipment
or part(s) thereof within 30 days from the date of intimation of any defects by
the Engineer-in-Charge, the same will be done by the CMWSSB/Engineer-in-
Charge at the Contractor's cost.
ii) If it becomes necessary for the Contractor to replace or renew any defective
portion of the plant or equipment under this Sub-Clause, the plant and
equipment, so replaced and the work so renewed shall be guaranteed for a
further period of 6 months from the date of replacement or renewal. Only
genuine spare parts are to be used under the supervision and with approval of
Engineer in-Charge.
The Contractor shall provide such charts and drawings as are appropriate to clearly
illustrate the process, operation and maintenance requirements of the plant and
facilities provided under the Contract. Such charts and drawings shall be mounted on
a panel, protected with a glass cover, and affixed on to the wall(s) of the plant/pump
house/control room, as the case may be, and shall include, as appropriate, the
In case of all Electrical & Mechanical Equipment, plant & Machinery and fittings etc.,
the tendered rate shall include the costs of supplying, installation/erection, fixing in
position, testing and commissioning etc. at the site of work. No extra charges shall be
payable on this account by the CMWSSB.
All materials incorporated in the Work shall be the most suitable for the service
conditions and duty concerned. They shall be new and of reputed make/ approved
quality, free from imperfections and selected for long life and minimum maintenance.
Nondestructive tests, if called for in the Specification, shall be carried out. All
submerged moving parts of the Plant, or shafts and spindles or faces etc. in contact
with them shall be of corrosion resistant materials. All parts in direct contact with
various chemicals, shall be completely resistant to corrosion, or abrasion by these
chemicals, and shall maintain their properties without aging due to the passages of
time, exposure to light or any other cause. All materials shall conform to the material
standards as per BIS or any equivalent standard.
Workmanship and general finish shall be of first class quality and in accordance with
best workshop practice. All welds shall be as per IS, BS, ASME standards. All
tolerances and clearances shall be as per good and sound engineering practices.
Should the Employers representative not consider any material acceptable, it shall be
Design Features
As far as practicable, all designs shall be as per latest concept and practices. The
equipment shall be new, of robust design for a long reliable operating life. These shall
be capable of 24 hours per day continuous operation for prolonged period in the
climatic and working conditions prevailing at the site and with a minimum of
maintenance. Particular attention shall be given to extra temperature and the rating of
electrical and mechanical equipment, cooling systems and the choice of lubricants
shall be for the temperatures as specified.
Paints used shall be the manufacturers standard and shall be suitable for duty as
described. The equipment shall be designed to provide easy access to and replacement
of component parts which are subject to wear without the need to replace whole units.
All parts in contact with water shall have a life from new to replacement for 15 years
minimum and new to repair of not less than five years.
Design features shall include the protection of equipment against damage caused by
vermin, dirt, dust and dampness and to reduce risk of fire. Equipment shall operate
without undue vibration. Noise reduction measures shall be adopted such that levels
of 75 dB (A) at 3 meters are not exceeded. Parts shall be designed to withstand the
maximum stresses under the most severe conditions of normal service. Materials shall
have a high resistance to change in their properties due to the passage of time,
exposure to light, temperature and any other cause which may have a detrimental
effect upon the performance or life of the Plant.
The equipment shall be lubricated by long life lubricants such that working life is not
less than 3,000 operation hours or as recommended by equipment manufacturer.
Lubricants shall be oil and grease. The Contractor shall indicate indigenously
available equivalent lubricants, with complete specification.
Where the lubricant is grease, preference shall be given to a pressure system which
does not require frequent adjustment or recharging. Preferably, life lubricated grease
packed bearings shall be used.
Where more than one special grease is required, a grease gun for each special type
shall be supplied and permanently labeled.
Name Plates
Each equipment of the Plant shall have permanently attached to it a nameplate and
rating plate in a conspicuous position, Upon these shall be engraved or stamped, the
manufacturers name, type and serial number of the equipment, details of the loading
and duty at which the equipment has been designed to operate, and such diagrams as
may be required by the Employers representative. All indicating and operating
devices shall have securely attached to them or marked upon them designations as to
their functions and proper manner of use.
At Manufacturers Works
The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning, preparation for painting, and
priming or otherwise protecting, as specified, all parts of the Plant/ Equipment at the
place of manufacture prior to packing.
Parts may be cleaned but surface defects may not be filled in before testing at the
manufacturers works. Parts subject to hydraulic test shall be tested before any surface
treatment. After testing, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried out, if
necessary by washing with an approved de-watering fluid prior to surface treatment.
Except where the specification provides to the contrary, all painting materials shall be
applied in strict accordance with the paint manufacturers instructions.
Steel and cast iron parts shall be sand blasted to near white cleaning before painting.
Edges, sharp corners etc. shall be ground to a curve before sand blasting. A primer
coat of a zinc rich epoxy resin based coating with at least 75 microns dry film
thickness is to be provided. In addition, the parts for wet duty are to be provided with
At Site
Immediately on arrival at the site, all items of Plant shall be examined for damage to
the paint coat applied at the manufacturers works. Any damaged portions shall be
cleaned down to the bare metal, all rust removed, and the paint coat made good with
similar paint.
After erection, such equipment/ items which are not finish painted shall be done so.
Items that have been finish painted at the manufacturers works shall be touched up
for any damaged paint work. For finish painting, two coats of synthetic enamel
conforming to IS: 2932 shall be applied. Dry film thickness of each coat shall be at
least 25 microns.
The dry paint film thickness shall be measured by Elcometer or other instruments
approved by the Employers representative. In order to obtain the dry film thickness
specified, the Contractor shall ensure that the coverage rate given by the paint
manufacturer will enable this thickness to be obtained. Strength of adhesion shall be
measured with an adhesion tester and this value shall not be less than 10 kg/cm2.
Painted fabricated steel work which is to be stored prior to erection shall be kept clear
of the ground and shall be laid out or stacked in an orderly manner that will ensure
that no water or dirt can accumulate on the surface. Suitable packing shall be laid
between the stacked materials. Where cover is provided, it shall be ventilated.
Wherever galvanizing has been specified the hot dip process shall be used and
electro-galvanized parts, equipment shall not be permitted. The galvanized coating
shall be of uniform thickness. Weight of zinc coatings for various applications shall
not be less than those indicated below:
a) Fabricated steel : 460 gm./sq. m
b) Fasteners : 300 gm./ sq. m
Galvanizing shall be carried out, after all drilling, punching, cutting, bending and
welding operations have been carried out. Burrs shall be removed before galvanizing.
Any site modification of galvanized parts should be covered well by zinc rich primer
and aluminum paint.
All valves to be installed in straight lines shall be installed between the flanges with a
dismantling joint or SS expansion bellow at one side of the valve. The dismantling
joint must allow a minimum clearance of 20 mm. The pressure rating of the
dismantling joint/ expansion below shall be same as that of the valve.
Formatted: Indent: Hanging:
1.27 cm, Numbered + Level: 1
+ Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3,
Mechanical fine Screens + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
+ Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
1. GENERAL : after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
1.27 cm
Material of construction:
Pulley and gear side plates and cover : CI conforming to IS 210 Gr FG 260
Code BS 1571
No Tests Specs
1 Hydrostatic tests Twice the maximum working pressure
2 Performance test As per BS : 1571
3 Strip test Clearances with tolerance limit
4 Mechanical balancing ISO 1940 Gr. 6.3 or better
5 Visual Inspection Before painting
Mixed paint should be used within 3 to 4 hrs. of mixing and fresh mixing shall be
done for every new application. Every successive coat of paint shall be given only
after 48 hrs. of previous coat. Before applying the next coat the surface should be
properly cleaned by duster.
Reverse Rotation
The pump shall be designed to operate safely in the reverse direction of rotation, due
to wastewater returning through the pump.
Pump Construction
Pump Casing
The pump casings shall be of cast iron and conform to IS: 210 Gr FG 260. The
internal surfaces shall be free of rough spots. The casing shall have centre line
The material of impellers shall be as specified and they shall be of the single vane
type. They shall be dynamically balanced. The leading edge of the vanes shall be
rounded and cut back to prevent rags, stringy material etc. from impinging on the
impeller vanes.
Pump Shaft
The pump shaft shall be hard chrome plated alloy steel or stainless steel. The shaft
shall be of one-piece construction.
Pump Bearings
Pump bearings shall be of the antifriction type. The bearings shall be able to take
normal axial thrust loads due to unbalanced hydraulic loads on the impellers plus the
weight of all rotating parts of the pumps. Pump bearings shall be designed with a
minimum life of 40,000 hours. The bearings shall be grease lubricated for life and
shall be maintenance free.
Guide Arrangement
The assembly may have C.I. pedestal, bracket, delivery bend, SS 316, guide rail pipe,
upper guide rail holder, etc complete. The pedestal and bracket may provide
automatic coupling between pump delivery and discharge bend. Alternatively, the
guiding system can be with S.S. wire rope and the pedestal cast integrated with the
discharge bend.
Mechanical Seals:
A double mechanical seal of approved type shall be provided to prevent pumped
liquid entering into the motor winding. The seals shall be running in oil bath. The oil
bath shall have moisture sensors to sense water leakage. The sensors shall be used for
tripping the pump and also for alarm.
Pump Balance:
Lifting chain
Each pump shall be provided with galvanized steel lifting chain of suitable capacity.
One end of the chain shall be attached to the pump and the other end fixed near the
upper bracket for guide rail / wire rope assembly, by means of GI D shackle. The
chain shall have GI rings fixed at an interval of about 1 meter for engaging the hook
of the chain pulley block.
Submersible Cable
Each pump shall be provided with submersible cables of equal length for power and
control so that the pump positions can be interchanged with each other. The cable
shall be terminated in a common weatherproof junction box.
Moisture Sensor
The moisture sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber to detect the failure of the
mechanical seal.
The motor shall be integral part of the pump. The enclosure for motor shall be IP-68.
Each phase of the motors shall be provided with thermistor. The motor winding shall
be suitable for star delta/soft starter. The motor shall be designed for minimum 10
starts/stops per hour, irrespective of whether it is DOL start or otherwise. For other
requirements refer subsection VI. The motor shall operate satisfactorily at all
operating levels in wet well.
Materials of construction:
Pump casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260
Discharge casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260
Impeller : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260
Shaft : SS AISI 431
Mechanical Seal : Silicon Carbide
Fasteners : SS AISI 304.
Protective Coating:
The pumps shall be epoxy painted.
The blowers shall be capable of developing the required total pressure at the rated
capacity for continuous operation. The blowers shall be Twin lobe type.
The speed of the blowers shall be below 1000 rpm. The power rating of motor shall
be at least 10% above the maximum power requirement by the blower. The kW of
single blower shall not exceed 220 kW. The blowers shall be mounted at a level
necessary to avoid back flow or siphoning of sewage into the blower. The accessories
shall be complete with common base plate for blower and motor, suction and
discharge connection, non return valve, safety valve, pulley and V- belt guard, eye
bolts etc.
Material of construction:
Casing : C I conforming to IS: 210 Gr FG 260
Rotor : Alloy steel
Shaft : Carbon steel C40/EN 24/19
Timing gear : Cast alloy steel
Pulley and gear side plates and cover : CI conforming to IS 210 Gr FG 260
Type Twin lobe
Discharge pressure To suit process requirement
Power transmission Direct drive preferred
Cooling Air cooled
Code BS 1571
No Tests Specs
1 Hydrostatic tests Twice the maximum working pressure
2 Performance test As per BS : 1571
3 Strip test Clearances with tolerance limit
4 Mechanical balancing ISO 1940 Gr. 6.3 or better
5 Visual Inspection Before painting
The pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. The velocity of
vibration shall be within 4.5 mm/sec. The noise level shall be limited to 85 dBA at a
distance of 1.86 m.
All rotating parts shall be statically and dynamically balanced as per ISO standards.
A stationary coupling guard shall be provided for the coupling conforming to all
relevant safety codes and regulations. Guards shall be designed for easy installation
and removal. They shall be complete with necessary support accessories and fastener.
The pumping unit shall be provided with a common base plate. The base plate shall be
of sufficient size and rigidity to maintain the pump and motor in proper alignment and
The pump design shall be as per IS 6595 and pump performance shall be as per IS
The power rating of the pump motor shall be the larger of following
Material of Construction
Type Screw
MOC Alloy Steel
Base plate CI / MS Epoxy painted
Fastener SS AISI 304
Parameters of Pump
Capacity As per bidder
Head To pump to Centrifuge
Efficiency Minimum 30 %
Pump speed 960 rpm (maximum)
Ball passing size 25 mm minimum
Applicable code
Design IS 6595
Performance IS 9137
Note: The type, capacity & duties of return and excess sludge pumps shall be as
proposed by the bidder. However, minimum 50% standby capacity shall be
provided and the same set of pumps may be used for the pumping of excess
sludge and return sludge.
The Polyelectrolyte requirement has been estimated at 1.5-3 Kg / T of dry solids. The
Polyelectrolyte solution is expected to be prepared with suitable commercial
Polyelectrolyte. The strength of Polyelectrolyte solution shall be as recommended by
the centrifuge manufacturer. The volume of the Polyelectrolyte solution tank shall be
planned to hold at any time the requirement for 6 hours of feed solution of centrifuges
in operation. The Contractor will provide two HDPE tanks. The agitator equipment
for both the tanks shall be provided along with independent supports. The preparation
of Polyelectrolyte solution tank shall commence one hour prior to exhaustion of
supply of first tank.
The drive motor shall not exceed rpm of 1,500 and directly coupled with the gearbox.
It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall be totally
enclosed, fan cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service factor of
1: 1.5.
The rotary speed of the impeller shall not exceed 100 rpm.
The drive motor output shaft and the impeller rotary shaft shall be connected by a
direct coupling using such couplings as Lovejoy type to avoid cumbersome
erections and de-erections. The drive assembly for each agitator shall consist of a
suitable drive motor, directly coupled to a helical gearbox. The Gear reducer shall be
of heavy duty, high efficiency type with a rugged housing. It shall have a minimum
service factor of 2.0 and suitable for 24 hours continuous service. The gear reducer
shall have oil bath lubrication and dry well construction on the vertical out put shaft to
prevent leakage of the lubricant. The casing of the gear reducer shall be of CI. The
gears shall be hardened and ground for precision.
The impellers of the each agitator will consist of a single, axial flow design. The
inclined SS304 blades shall be bolted to the centre hub. The impeller assembly will be
securely keyed to the shaft. Each impeller shaft shall be solid SS304 shaft of suitable
diameter designed to resist the applied radial and axial thrust loads. Reinforced
flanges at both ends will be used to attach the impeller at the bottom and to the rigid
drive coupling at the top. All fasteners used in the assembly will be of SS304. The
rotating shaft is best designed as a tubular structure for better torque resistance.
All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be of such metallurgy that they are compatible
with the stipulated duty conditions shall be used.
These pumps shall be capable of pumping the upto 0.5% Polyelectrolyte solution.
There shall be three pumps of which two shall be working and the other standby at
any time.
Standby minimum 50%
Capacity of each pump to suit each centrifuge
Material of construction of wetted parts AISI SS 304
Note: Bidder may offer progressive cavity pumps also with mechanical variator, to
suit the requirement of the centrifuges in operation. The specification shall be
as per clause 18 above.
Centrifuge shall be capable of handling sludge consisting of minimum 1% solids by
weight. The dewatered cake shall be based on minimum consistency of 20% by
weight dry solids. The centrifuge shall be solid bowl centrifuge of co-
current/countercurrent design, as decided by the bidder. The centrifuge shall have
sufficient clarifying length and differential RPM so that separation of solids is
effective. The centrifuge shall have central lubrication system. The centrifuge shall
have adjustable weir plate, so that its pond depth can be raised. The centrifuge and its
accessories shall be mounted on a common base frame so that entire assembly can be
installed on an elevated structure.
Suitable drive with V- belt arrangement and turbo-coupling shall be provided along
with overload protection device. The wetted parts of Centrifuge shall be stainless
steel, 304. The tungsten carbide lined conveyor liner across surface, feed chamber and
solid discharge outlet shall be provided. Differential speed and bowl speed should be
adjusted by changing the pulleys; differential speed may be adjustable by use of
epicyclic-gear. The bowl shall be protected with flexible connections so that
vibrations are not transmitted to other equipment. The base frame shall be in epoxy
painted steel construction and provided with anti-vibration pads. All steps necessary
to prevent transmission of structure borne noise shall be taken. The drive motor shall
be of 1450 rpm. Interlocking with centrifuge feed pump, polyelectrolyte dosing pump
shall be provided. The noise level shall be 88 dB (A) measured at 1m distance under
dry run. The vibration level shall be below 50 micron measured at pillow blocks
under dry run condition. Adequate sound proof shall be carried out for the housing the
centrifuges to ensure that the noise level at 5 m distance from the enclosure is less
than 75 dB (A).
A hoist shall be provided above centrifuge for maintenance purpose. The hoist shall
be such that it shall be possible to erect or de-erect the centrifuge while one centrifuge
is in operation
Type : Solid Bowl
Chlorination System:
(a) Chlorine diffusers shall be supplied and installed at the dosing point. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.59
cm, Hanging: 0.95 cm,
(b) Treated sewage shall be dosed with chlorine gas at suitable concentrations so Numbered + Level: 1 +
that effluent from the chlorine contact tank shall not have more than 0.2 mg /l Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
residual chlorine. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
Chlorinators 1.27 cm, Tabs: 2.54 cm, List
tab + Not at 1.27 cm
(a) Vacuum type chlorinators shall be supplied with one duty and one stand by
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
unit. cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
(b) Chlorinators shall be free-standing, floor-mounted, and shall have a turn down Numbered + Level: 1 +
ratio of 10:1 over the full range of works operation. Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
(c) The dosing rate shall be manually set and each chlorinator shall be equipped Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
with a 0 to 10mg/l scale and a manual dose setter over the complete range. after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
1.27 cm, Tabs: 2.54 cm, List
(d) Mal-operation of the duty chlorination system shall be indicated in the tab + Not at 1.27 cm
chlorination room and the central MMI. The change to the standby system
shall be carried out automatically in the event of duty chlorinator failure.
Dosing Pumps
(a) Dosing pumps (1 working + 1 standby) shall be installed. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
(b) The dosing pumps shall draw their supply from treated sewage line. Numbered + Level: 1 +
(c) The pumps shall be placed inside the chlorination room and shall be made Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
from material resistant to corrosion by chlorine. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
Injectors 1.27 cm, Tabs: 2.54 cm, List
tab + Not at 1.27 cm
Two injectors shall be provided, each serving a duty /standby pair of chlorinators. The
injectors shall be located in the chlorination room.
Chlorine shall be supplied as liquid from nominal 1 tonne chlorine toner.
(h) The container lifting beam shall be specifically designed for handling
chlorine containers and equipped with necessary shackles and hooks.
(i) Operation of crane system shall be from the floor level using
independent push button pendent controls operating at a 230 volt 50Hz
AC supply.
(j) Two lifting beams shall be provided (a duty and a spare) and a one
tonner weighed to be suspended from the crane hoist.
(k) When the pressure in the duty chlorine tonner falls to less than 1kg/cm2
the automatic change over device shall operate to isolate the empty
tonner and to bring the full standby tonner on line.
(l) A pit and alkali absorption systems shall be provided to contain and
neutralize chlorine in the event of leak. The system shall comprise a pit
located in the tonner storage room and accessible by the overhead
crane system. The pit shall be surrounded with removable guard
railing. The pit shall be kept full with a neutralizing solution of lime.
The pit shall be capable of holding side by side two chlorine tonners. A
provision shall be made to drain the pit.
(m) Special consideration shall be given to any floor drainage system in the
tonner building; adequate shall be provided to ensure that chlorine gas
cannot escape. All leader tubes carrying cables or pipes out of the
building shall be sealed at either end to prevent any chlorine gas
leaking out.
Chlorination Room
(a) The chlorination room shall be constructed adjacent to the tonner room but Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Numbered + Level: 2 +
with no interconnecting door or other form of access. Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
(b) Gas lines from the tonner room into the chlorination room shall run in ducts to Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
be sealed after installation and prior to commissioning. Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab after:
3.17 cm + Indent at: 3.17 cm,
Tabs: 2.54 cm, List tab + Not
Chlorine Leak Detectors at 3.17 cm
(a) Not less than three chlorine gas leak detectors shall be provided each, with a Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
single detector cell. At least two sensors shall be located in the chlorine tonner Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
storage room and at least one sensor in the chlorination room. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
(b) The chlorine leak detectors in the tonner room shall be mounted at each end of Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab after:
3.17 cm + Indent at: 3.17 cm,
the tonner room. Tabs: Not at 3.17 cm
(c) The chlorine leak detectors shall have two adjustable alarm levels sensitive to
chlorine concentrations above 1mg/m3.The range of adjustment of alarm
levels shall facilitate selection of the following alarms: Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
(i) low level 2mg/m3 Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
(ii) High level 4mg/m3 Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
(d) The low level alarm shall: Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab after:
3.17 cm + Indent at: 3.17 cm,
(i) initiate a local audible and visual alarm; Tabs: Not at 3.17 cm
Ventilation System
a) Each area where chlorine is stored or used as gas or liquid shall be provided Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
with a forced ventilation system. Numbered + Level: 1 +
b) Air intakes shall be sized to allow uniform ventilation and positioned to Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
prevent possible recirculation. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
c) Exhaust air shall be ducted from low level and discharged at high rates. after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
d) An air change rate of four per hour under normal condition and a minimum of 1.27 cm, Tabs: Not at 1.27 cm
twenty changes of air per hour under shall be used in the event that a chlorine
leak is detected.
e) Exhaust fans shall be heavy duty industrial pattern manufactured from
chlorine resistant materials.
f) Ductwork shall be manufactured from U- PVC extruded sheets or circular
g) Duct shall be designed in accordance with relevant Indian standard
h) Fan controls shall be linked to the leak detection system.
i) Hardwired fan controls shall be provided shall be manually controlled. An
override shall be provided to operate the fans in the event of a chlorine leak
j) Fan controls shall be grouped in an enclosure outside the ventilated area and
shall include the following:
(i) Fan off/ on
(ii) Fan running/ failed indication lights;
(iii) Low and high gas leakage indication alarm light.
(d) Two emergency showers shall be provided and shall be installed outside on Formatted: Indent: Hanging:
0.95 cm, Numbered + Level: 1
either side of the tonner room. + Numbering Style: a, b, c,
(e) Each shower shall be operated automatically by a quick acting hand or foot + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
+ Aligned at: 1.27 cm + Tab
valve. after: 2.54 cm + Indent at:
(f) Four eyebaths shall be supplied. Two eyebaths shall be adjacent to each of the 2.54 cm
showers. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
(g) Water for showers, et6c, shall be drawn form the service water supply. cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
(h) A telephone will be provided close by outside the building for emergencies. Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.3 cm + Tab after:
2.57 cm + Indent at: 2.57 cm
Chlorination Power and Control
Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.54
(a) A combined MCC and control panel shall be provided and located in a cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
suitable location protected from the weather and effects of the process. Control Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
panel shall provide facilities for : Aligned at: 1.27 cm + Tab
(i) display status and values associated with the chlorination systems; after: 2.54 cm + Indent at:
(ii) Duty Pump selection 2.54 cm, Tabs: 3.81 cm, List
tab + Not at 2.54 cm
(iii) annunciate alarms associated with the chlorination systems;
Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.54
(iv) Operator adjustment of process set points. cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
(b) The chlorination systems shall operate using a fixed manually set dose rate. Start at: 3 + Alignment: Left +
The quantity of chlorine dosed will therefore be adjusted in direct proportion Aligned at: 1.27 cm + Tab
to process flow at dosing point. after: 3.17 cm + Indent at:
3.17 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
(c) The chlorine residual monitors to be provided shall be used for monitoring & cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
alarm purpose only. Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.3 cm + Tab after:
Chlorination system shall be provided in the chlorine house. The chlorinator and 2.57 cm + Indent at: 2.57 cm
chlorine cylinder shall be arranged in chlorine house with partition. Doorways to the Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
cm, Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, +
room shall be shown as outward opening. Suitable storage for filled/ empty drums Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.3 cm + Tab after:
2.57 cm + Indent at: 2.57 cm
should be provided. It shall have sufficient ventilation as per latest norms for safety
should be having RCC Jali for dust protection as well as for proper ventilation.
Design Basis
Type : Vacuum
Chlorine Dosing : 5 mg/lit max.
The chlorinated effluent shall be conveyed to the adjacent stream or shall be used for
recycling within the plant premises through closed RCC conduit or DI pipes.
Valves shall be as per internationally recognized standards. Flanges shall be machined
on faces and edges to ISO 7005, IS 6392. Valves shall be flanged type. For sluice /
gate calves, back seat arrangement shall be provided. Valves buried or installed in
underground chambers, where access to a hand wheel would be impracticable, shall
be operated by means of an extension spindle and / or keys. Valves shall be suitable
for frequent operation as well as operation after long periods of idleness in either the
open or closed position. The valve stem, thrust washers, screws, nuts and all other
components exposed to the water shall be of a corrosion resistant grade of stainless
steel. All valves parts shall be in general of the material of construction best suited for
the proposed application. The inspection category is detailed in subsection VII.
Sluice Valves
The gate face rings shall be securely pegged over their full circumference. Valves of
450 mm and above shall be provided with a thrust bearing arrangement for ease of
operation. They shall also have renewable channel and shoe linings. The gap between
the shoe and channel shall be limited to 1.5mm. Alternatively, valve of diameter
450mm and above may be provided with a gear arrangement for ease of operation.
The operation gear of all valves shall be such that they can be opened and closed by
one man against an unbalanced head 15% in excess of the maximum specified rating.
Valve and gearing shall be such as to permit manual operation in a reasonable time
and not to exceed a required rim pull of 80 N. All hand wheels shall be arranged to
turn in a clockwise direction for opening and counter clockwise for closing. These
directions shall be indicated on the hand wheels. All valves shall be rated for not less
than PN 1.0.
All valve doors when fully closed, will ensure door faces are riding on body seat ring
by at least 50% of width of seat ring providing sufficient allowance for wear. Valves
of diameter 450 mm and above shall be provided with a drain and air plug.
Material of Construction
Body, Bonnet, Wedge : CI conforming to IS 210 Gr FG 260
Drain and Air Plug : IS 318 Gr LTBZ
Seat Ring, Wedge Ring : SS ASTM A743 CF8
Back seat Bush : Bronze IS: 318 Gr LTB 2
Gland Packing : Graphite Asbestos or approved equal
The valve body should be of Cast Iron Gr. FG 260. The body shall be designed to
withstand 6 bar pressure.
The valve shall be provided with replaceable type flexible sealing seals to offer drop
tight shut off. The seals should be made of EPDM rubber and should be held in place
by an easily removable type seal retainer ring. The seal retainer ring should be
designed in a manner so that the flow of the fluid should be away from the sealing
perimeter and towards the center of the valve.
The valve housing should have integral as cast tapered lugs provided for pushing the
gate towards the flexible rubber seal only at the verge of closure with a view to avoid
seal wear and achieve drop tight shut off. The surface of the gate coming in contact
with the seal should be polished & buffed.
The valve shall be provided with sufficient ply of stuffing seals in the in built stuffing
box to seal the rear opening. The stuffing box should have internal tappers for pushing
the seals on to the gate. The seals should be of non-asbestos PTFE to reduce the
friction and offer higher life. Provision shall be made to enable tighten the stuffing
seals by means of a pusher arrangement to minimize the leakage through the back of
the valve. Replacement of stuffing seals should be done in installed condition of the
The spindle should be double start threaded and non-rising type for compact & safe
operation. The gate movement area should be covered by protection shields. Gate
opening indicating arrangement should be provided to find out the extent of gate
opening /closing.
Body: Cast Iron FG 260 as per IS 210 Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.9
cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Knife gate: AISI:304 Gr. ASTM A240 Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
Retainer ring: SS:304 ASTM A351 Gr. CF:8 after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
1.27 cm, Tabs: 2.54 cm, List
Inlet Seal: EPDM tab + Not at 1.27 cm
Factory Tests:
Body test: The valves shall be hydrostatically pressure tested at specified pressure
without any visible leakage.
Seat test: The valve shall be hydrostatically pressure tested for seat leakage at 2.8 bar
for no visible leakage.
Reflux Valves
Reflux valve shall possess high speed closing characteristics and be designed for
minimum slam conditions while closing. External counterweights are not acceptable.
Dual plate check valves shall conform to API 594 and API 598. They shall have metal
to metal sealing. The spring action shall optimize the equal closing rates of each plate,
especially when the friction coefficients are uneven due to one plate resting upon
another. The plates shall not drag on the seat while opening. The plates shall not
vibrate under full or partial flow condition. The pressure drop in the valve at design
flow shall be limited to 0.4 m WC.
Material of construction
Body CI conforming IS 210 Gr FG 220
Plate SS AISI 316
Spring SS AISI 316
Seal SS AISI 304
Type Dual Plate.
Nominal pressure Twice the pressure in pipeline
Nature of operation Automatic
Closure characteristic Non slamming
Applicable code API 594
Tests Acceptance tests as per API 598
The Piping within the pumping stations shall be CI. All other sewage pipes inside the
plant premises shall be made of DI internally lined with SFRC lining. The treated and
chlorinated sewage should be disposed off to the adjacent stream by closed RCC pipe
or DI pipe.
In general, the colour code for piping shall be blue for potable water, white for air, red
for gas and as received colour from manufacturer for all other sewage pipes. The pipe
works for the plant involves procuring, supply, laying and jointing of suitable size
electrically welded steel, cast iron, ductile iron, u PVC, RCC and PSC pipes along
with matching specials etc. as required. All yard piping inside the plant shall be cast
iron or ductile iron. All pipe work and fittings shall be a class rating in excess of the
maximum pressure attained in service including any surge pressure. The pipe work
Sludge Piping
All the sludge piping shall be designed for frictional losses using a Hazen William
C value of 45 because of the different characteristics of sludge as compared to clear
fluids. The minimum size for gravity lines/pipes shall be 200 mm diameter as well as
for suction of pumps. The minimum delivery piping for pumps shall be 80 mm.
Velocities in the delivery lines shall be 1.5 to 2.0 m/s. All sludge lines should have
provisions for flushing by means of 40 to 60 mm hose connectors positioned in inbuilt
Y junctions in the form of specials. The minimum cover for buried pipelines shall
be 1m.
CI Pipes
The C I pipes and specials their laying and jointing and their dimensions shall
conform to IS 1536, IS 1538 and IS 3114 with their latest revisions. The quality of
cast iron shall meet grade 15 of IS 210 and be free from flaws, air bubbles, cracks,
sand holes and other defects and shall be truly cylindrical and of uniform thickness.
The methods for sampling of C.I. pipes and fittings shall conform to IS 11606.
Pipework outside the buildings shall use Tyton ring joints and inside, double flanged
joints. All underground pipes shall be provided with granular bedding. Thrust blocks
wherever required in the opinion of the Employers representative shall be provided in
accordance with relevant specifications of the BIS
Thermal stability
When determined in accordance with ISO/TR 10837, the induction time for materials
PE 63, PE 80 & PE 100 shall be either at least 20 minutes. When tested at 200 C, or
an equivalent period when tested at 210 C provided the equivalence is supported by a
clear correlation between results obtained at 200 C or 210 C respectively.
In case of dispute, the test temperature shall be 200 C.
The design stress S of a pipe shall be obtained by applying a design coefficient C Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
of not less than 1.25 to the value for the material.
The dimensions of pipes shall be measured in accordance with ISO 3126.
The tolerances on the out side diameters shall be in accordance with ISO 11922-1 as
Grade A for normal tolerance (NT pipes)
Grade B for close tolerance (CT pipes)
Length of pipe.
The length of straight pipes & coils shall be not less than that agreed between supplier
and user.
All internal surfaces of the pipes should be regular and smooth.
The shape of the finished ends should be fixed by the manufacturer to suit the type of
joint used.
The fittings should also be supplied by the manufacturer of the pipes. They should
preferably be manufacturer by the manufacturer of the pipes. In case they are not, it
will be the responsibility of the manufacturer of the pipes to have them manufactured
from a suitable manufacturer under its own supervision and have it tested at
Contractors/Subcontractors premises as per the contract. The pipe manufacturer will
however be responsible for the compatibility and quality of the products.
The latest versions of Indian standards and codes of practice shall be adhered to for
the design, manufacturing, inspection, factory testing, packing, handling, and
transportation, laying, and jointing of the uPVC pipes. The rubber rings shall be
vulcanized from Ethylene Propylene (EPDM) confirming to IS 5382. The uPVC pipes
shall be of minimum 4 kg / sqcm and as per IS 4985 and the pipes for plumbing works
in office building shall be SWR (Type B) as per IS 13592, with electrometric sealing
rubber ring joints. The method of sampling of rubber rings should be in accordance
with IS 5382. The material from which the pipes are made shall consist substantially
of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride conforming to IS 10151, to which only those
additives shall be added that are absolutely needed to facilitate the manufacture of the
polymer and the production of sound, durable pipes of good surface finish,
mechanical strength and opacity. The total quantity of additives like plasticizers,
stabilizers, lubricants and fillers shall not exceed more than 7.0%. The bulk density of
UPVC pipes shall be 1.39 to 1.44 g/cm3. The PVC resin of suspension grade K-66/K-
67 shall be used for extrusion of UPVC pipe. The uPVC fittings shall be fabricated
from Class 4 uPVC as per IS 4985.
Tests on Material:
The acceptance test shall be conducted in accordance with IS 4985 and in presence of
the Engineers representative
(i) Visual and dimensional check
(ii) Reversion test
(iii) Vicat softening test
(iv) Ash Content
All pipes shall be marked as per clause 18 of IS 8329 and shown as below:
(i) Manufacturer name / stamp
(ii) Nominal diameter
(iii) Class reference
(iv) A white ring line showing length of insertion at spigot end.
The pipes should be preferably transported by road from the factory and stored as per
the manufacturers specifications to protect them from damage.
All the DI fittings shall be supplied with rubber rings for each socket. The rubber ring
shall conform to IS 12820 and IS 5382. Flanged fittings shall be supplied with one
rubber gasket per flange and the required number of nuts and bolts.
The construction of sluice gates shall be in accordance with the specification and
generally as per AWWA C 501 or IS 13349. The sluice gates shall be capable of
performing the duties set in the specification without undue wear or deterioration.
They shall be constructed so that maintenance is kept to a minimum. All parts of
sluice gate, including mechanism components shall be designed for the heads
specified with a minimum safety factor of five. All sluice gates shall be of the
raising spindle type.
All sluice gates shall be manually operated. Motorized gates, if provided by the
Contractor, the actuator specs be got approved from the Employers representative.
Constructional features
The frames shall be of ample section and cast in one piece. All surface forming joints
and bearings shall be machined. The frame shall be of the flange back type and shall
be machined on the rear face to bolt directly to the machined face of the wall thimble.
The guide shall be bolted to the frame or cast integrally with it and shall be machined
on all bearing and contact faces. The length of the guide shall be such that it should
support the gate upon the horizontal line of stem nut pocket. Arrangements shall be
such that it should support the gate upon the horizontal line of stem nut pocket.
Arrangements shall be made to prevent lateral movement of bolted on guides. They
shall be capable of taking the entire thrust produced by water pressure and wedging
action. Wedges or wedge facings shall be attached to the guides at point where, in the
closed position, they will make full contact with the wedging surface on the slides.
Seating Faces
The seating faces shall be of full width, solid section. They shall be secured firmly by
means of counter sunk fixings in finished grooves in the frame and slide faces in such
a way as to ensure that they will remain permanently in place as well as free from
distortion and loosening during the life of the sluice gates.
Wedging devices
Sluice gates shall be equipped with adjustable side, top and bottom wedging devices
required providing contact between the slide and frame facing when the gate is closed
position. All faces shall be machined accurately to give maximum contact and
wedging action. Wedges shall be fully adjustable with suitable adjusting screws and
lock nuts and so designed that they will remain in the fixed position after adjustment.
Gate slides
The slide shall be with strengthening ribs where required and reinforced section to
receive the seating faces. The slide shall have tongues on each side extending its full
length and tongues shall be machined accurately on contact surfaces. Surfaces of the
slide that in come in contact with the seat facing and wedges shall be machined
accurately. The maximum allowable clearances between the slide and slide gate shall
be 1.6 mm. An integrally cast stem nut pocket with reinforced ribs shall be provided
above the central line of the slide.
A gate shall be provided with lower fixed stem nuts for connecting the stem to the
slide and revolving lift nut located in the lifting mechanism in the head stock. They
shall be of ample design to endure the thrust developed during gate operating under
maximum gate operating condition loads in opening and closing direction. The stem
nut and slide shall be constructed to prevent turning of the stem nut in the pocket in
The operating stem shall be designed for a tensile strength to withstand 90 kg effort
on the crank and for a critical buckling compressive load assuming a 36 kg effort on
the crank. The threads of the stem be machine cut or rolled and of the square or acme
type. The number of threads per inch shall be such as to work most effectively with
the lift mechanism used. The top of the stem be provided with a stop collar. Stem
shall be provided with polycarbonate cover fixed to the headstock.
Stem coupling
The coupling shall be threaded and keyed or threaded and bolted and shall be of
greater strength than the stem
Stem guide
Stem guides shall be cast, with bushings and mounted on cast brackets. Guides shall
be adjustable in two directions and shall be so constructed that when properly spaced
they shall hold the stem in alignment. The number of stem guides shall be such that
the unsupported length of stem shall not exceed one hundred times its diameter.
Lifting Mechanism
Sluice gates shall be operated through a suitable lifting mechanism, which shall
incorporate gearing if required. The lifting mechanism shall be suitable for operation
by one man under all conditions. The lifting mechanism shall incorporate a strong
locking device suitable for use with a padlock or padlock and chain. The manual
operation shall be of the hand wheel crank operated type and shall have a lift nut
threaded to fit the operating stem. The crank shall be removable. Ball or roller thrust
bearings shall be provided above and below flange on the lift nut to take the load
developed in opening and closing the gate with torque of 14 kg-m on the crank.
Fittings shall be provided to lubricate gears and bearing. The design of the lift
mechanism of the hand operated gates shall be such that the slide can be operated
with torque is not more than 7 kg-m on the operator after the slide is unseated from
wedges based on the operating head. The maximum crank radius shall be 380 mm.
All gears and bearings shall be enclosed in cast iron housing with labyrinth seals.
The lifting mechanism shall be of cast iron pedestal, machined and drilled to receive
the gear housing and suitable for bolting to the operating floor. The gates shall close
with clockwise rotation of the crank. The direction of rotation to close the gates shall
be indicated on the lift mechanism. A suitable means shall be provided for lubricating
the stem threads directly adjacent to the lift nut. An inspection cover shall be provided
to access the lift nut and gearing.
Wall thimbles
The wall thimbles shall be made of cast iron and shall be supplied along with the gate.
The wall thimbles shall provide a rigid mounting and designed to prevent warping of
the gate frame during installation. The cross section of the thimble shall have the
shape of the letter F. The front, or mounting flange, shall be machined and shall be
attached to the thimble with bolts and studs. The depth of the wall thimbles shall not
be less than 300mm. To permit entrapped air to escape as the thimbles are being
encased in the concrete, holes not less than 35 mm diameter at not more than 600 mm
span, shall be cast or drilled in each entrapment zone formed by the reinforcing ribs or
flange and water stop.
Material of Construction
The open channel gates for pumping stations shall be CI sluice gates. All other gates
shall be aluminum gates.
The construction of Aluminum open channel gate shall be in accordance with the
specifications mentioned hereunder. The open channel gate shall be capable of
performing the duties set out in this specification without undue wear or deterioration,
They shall be constructed, so that maintenance is kept to a minimum. The open
channel gate shall be rising spindle type.
The Contractor shall provide 3 Kg CO2 fire extinguishers of suitable capacity and
numbers for the treatment plant at the following locations after consultation with the
Employers representative. These shall be provided as adhoc at the start itself and
replaced fully up to date before handing over of the work. However for providing fire
extinguishers in sub station, PMCC/ MCC and control rooms, please refer to sub-
section VI.
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27
Laboratory -1 cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
Blower room -2 Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned
at: 0.63 cm + Tab after: 1.27
Near Gas holder cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm,
Tabs: 2.54 cm, List tab + Not
(to be installed in future) -1 at 1.27 cm
Near Sludge digesters -5
These shall be installed in a fashion such that their use is facilitated in case of fire
Work shop
PMCC rooms, Control room, substation room and all rooms with starter panel
Portable lamp (1 No.) for use of operator to open the by pass gate in the event
of power failure during night time.
The fans shall be as per IS 2312 and the blades shall of mild steel dynamically
balanced to avoid noise and vibration. The blade and its carriers shall be securely
fastened to avoid loosening in operation and shall have a SS AISI guard as a grill
inside and a 10 sq mm mesh screen to safeguard birds from getting sucked in. The
duty of the fans shall be calculated to ensure 3 to 10 air changes per hour in the
command area depending on requirement. These shall be provided at the following
Rooms located with starter panel
PMCC room
Security room
Materials of Construction
The gears shall be of spur type incorporating high grade hardened carbon steel pinion
and heat treated carbon steel wheels. The width of the gear shall be adequately sized
for long life. The driving pinion shall be integrated with the driving shaft. The load
hook (bottom hook) shall rotate on the ball bearing. The chain shall be electrically
welded, accurately calibrated, pitched and polished. The length of the load chain shall
be sufficient for taking out the blower/pumps from their location. The hand chain
wheel shall be provided with roller type guarding to prevent slipping the chain. The
hand chain wheel shall hang to cleat of the hook. The braking shall be automatic, the
screw and friction disc type and shall offer no resistance. The load shall be sustained
in any position of lift when effort for hoisting or lowering is removed. Each chain
pulley block shall be supplied with one set of 1 tonne sling with galvanized D-
shackles and clamps. The slings shall be about 3 m long. The monorail shall be I
section. The exposed mild steel surfaces shall be enamel painted. The fasteners shall
be GI or Cadmium plated. The chain pulley block shall be tested for 150% overload
through a length of lift which will be ensure that every part of the block mechanism
and every teeth of gears come under load.
All actuators shall be motorized type and local controls shall be protected by a
lockable cover. Each actuator shall be adequately sized to suit the application and be
The valve actuator shall be capable of producing not less than 1 times the required
valve torque considering valve spindle jamming and shall be suitable for at least 5
continuous operation.
The actuator starters shall be integrally housed with the actuator in robustly
constructed and totally enclosed weatherproof housing. The motor starter shall be
capable of starting the motor under the most severe conditions. The entire electrical
system shall be tropicalised.
The starter housing shall be fitted with contacts and terminals for power supply,
remote control and remote positional indication, and shall also be fitted with internal
heaters so as to provide protection against damage due to condensation. Heaters shall
be suitable for single phase operation. The heaters shall be switched ON when the
starters are OFF and shall be switched OFF when the starters are ON.
Each actuator shall be equipped as follows:
(a) AC electric motor with engage/disengage clutch mechanism of the dry type.
(b) Reduction gear unit (with thrust bearing if required)
(c) Torque switch mechanism
(d) Limit switch mechanism
(e) Geared hand wheel for manual operation of valve.
(f) Valve position indicator open/closed
(g) Auto-Manual lever with suitable locking arrangement
(h) Valve position transmitter
(i) Reversing contactor starter complete with overload relays of suitable range
and adequately rated control fuses
(j) Actuator with integral starter shall have selection between local/remote
(k) Local control switch/push buttons
(l) 415 V/110 V AC control transformer
(m) A white lamp for supervision of main supply to be provided locally.
(n) A potential free contact shall be provided to annunciate over-load trip/main
supply failure on remote panel
Special Features
(a) Two (2) nos. interposing relays for matching the control voltage of remote
(b) The motor shall be specially designed for valve operation, combining low
inertia with a high torque and with linear characteristics.
(c) All motor actuators shall be provided with visible local valve position
indicators mounted on the actuator assembly itself.
(d) The torque switch shall function to stop the motor on closing or opening of the
valve, on actuation by the torque when the valve disc is restricted in its
attempt to open or close. A minimum of two (2) torque switches, one for
closing direction and one for opening direction shall be provided.
(e) The non-adjustable limit switches shall stop the motor and give indication
when the disc has attained the fully open or close position. Provision shall be
made for indication of stuck or jammed valve.
(f) All wiring connections from the various switches shall be brought out on to
separate terminal box mounted on the valve, having liberal space for wiring
and making connection.
(g) The terminal box shall be suitable for outdoor use and shall be weather-proof
and dust tight.
In addition to these, contractor shall also provide necessary chemicals, glassware and
reagents required for testing in the laboratory.
a) Transformers rated, which are designed to receive power at high voltage shall
be of oil immersed type and shall not employ forced cooling of oil. Radiator
banks shall be of the detachable type. Transformer shall be suitable for
outdoor duty and shall be installed inside closed room.
d) Transformers in clause (b) above shall have a separate bushing brought out on
the transformer tank for earthing of neutral. Transformers designed for HV
cable connections shall incorporate disconnecting chambers.
e) Transformers in clause (a) above shall have off load tap changing gears with
auto / manual operating features. The tap changer range shall be 10% to +
5% in steps of 2.5%. The voltage profile of the transformer shall confirm to
the voltage profile of power distribution agency. Transformers in clause (b)
above shall have off load tap changers.
= (T.E + A) (1 + r) n - 1
(T.E.LLF + A) (1 + r) n - 1
a. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to reject the transformer under the
following condition:
i. Voltage ratio at no load not within the limits of tolerance over the
guaranteed value.
ii. Impedance voltage at principal tapping not within the limits of
tolerance over the guaranteed value.
iii. No load and load losses exceeding the guaranteed loss value by more
than 15%.
2.1 Painting:
a) Rust in the sheet steel, structural steel used for fabrication shall be removed by
pickling with dilute acid followed by washing with running water, rinsing with
slightly hot water and drying. A lightweight zinc coating to class C as per
relevant IS shall be applied. After phosphating thorough rinsing shall be
carried out with clean water, followed by final rinsing with dilute dichromate
solution and drying.
After pre treatment, powder coats of thickness not less than 50 microns shall
be applied.
b) Paint shade for all electrical equipment shall be 692 (smoke grey shade) and
631 (admiralty grey) for indoor and outdoor equipment respectively. Unless
specifically instructed interior portions of all housings shall be painted with
while colour. Paint shade references are as per relevant IS.
Sheet steel used for fabrication of these or similar items shall be cold rolled sheet of 2
mm or hot rolled sheet of 2.5 mm.
All cubicles, panels, cabinets, kiosks and boards shall comprise rigid welded
structural frames made of pressed and formed sheet steel thickness of not less than 2
mm cold rolled or 2.5 mm hot rolled. The frames shall be enclosed by steel sheets
thickness of at least 2 mm cold rolled or 2.5 mm hot rolled, smoothly finished and
free from flaws. Stiffeners shall be provided wherever necessary.
All doors, panels, removable covers, gland plates, etc. shall be gasketed all round the
perimeter. Locking arrangement for doors / removable covers/ panels shall be hand
operated type requiring no tools for locking or unlocking. Padlocking facilities where
required shall be provided in addition to above along with padlocks and duplicate
All doors shall be removable and supported by strong hinges of the disappearing or
internal type and braced in such a manner as to ensure freedom from sagging, bending
and general discretion of panel of hinged parts. The hinges should be in such a fashion
that door once hooked in upper hinge automatically slides in the bottom hinge.
Suitable compartment shall be made for mounting switch gear and compartment shall
be fully isolated from other compartment.
2.3.1. LV Switchgears:
415 V switch gear shall comprise separate, segregated modules for each circuit in
compartmentalized fashion. More than one module may not be arranged in the same
compartmentalized section. Medium voltage switchgear circuits controlled by circuit
breakers shall be of drawout type. It shall not be possible to obtain access to an
Bus bars and cableways in 415V switch gear shall run in separate segregated
compartments and again these should be isolated from equipment chamber making
minimum form 3B construction.
Instruments, relays and control devices shall be mounted flush on hinged door of the
metering compartment located in the front portion of the cubicles.
a. General:
The circuit breaker shall be air break type with draw out design confirming to the
relevant Indian standards. All the circuit breakers of the panel will be mounted in
separate cubicles and will be of same make to maintain the uniformity.
The breakers will be draw-out type and will be mounted on a rigid steel frame
moving on horizontal ball, telescopic slides offering minimum of friction. The system
will have horizontal, self aligning, isolating pairs of moving and stationary power and
control contacts. The unit will have three horizontal positions corresponding to:
b. Plugged In Position:
Here both the Power and control contacts are in make position and the breaker gets
mechanically locked in this position. The breaker can go in ON position only after
being locked in this position.
Test Position:
Here the power contacts get isolated where as the control contacts can be kept in
make status. The breaker can be mechanically locked in this position and make ON
and OFF for testing purposes.
d. Withdrawn Position:
In this position the power and control connections are in isolated status and the
moving portion of the breaker can be dismantled from the panel. An isolating shutter
or set of shutters is to be provided for the automatic coverage of live power and
control fixed isolating contacts in the withdrawn position.
All the breakers with remote closing arrangement will have a spring charging motor
of single phase 230 V and a closing coil. In case of power failure the spring charging
can be done manually with the help of button or lever. The circuit breaker should
switch on only when the spring is charged fully which should be able to store energy
for one closing and one tripping operation. The spring will also get fully charged
when the breaker is in closed position. In this case the spring should store enough
energy to make first tripping, one re-closing and the second tripping.
The breaker will have following indications distinctly not able from out side.
All breakers will have switching ON and OFF time of less than 4 cycles and will have
the following interlocks for the safe operation of the equipment:
The breakers will be provided with 6 Nos each of type NO and NC auxiliary contacts
rated for 10 Amps AC at 415 V and 6 Amps DC at 48 V. These contacts are in
addition to the ones already in use for the operation of the breaker and will be
required for subsequent interlocks incorporated in near future.
These items shall conform to the latest IS13947 and following specifications:
a. The isolators and switch fuse units (SFU) will be three pole or four pole air
break double isolating type capable of making and breaking the current as
detailed below with out any abnormal deterioration in the life of equipment
and without endangering the safety of the operators. Wherever isolable neutral
is specified, neutral is terminated / isolated separately. Wherever switched
neutral is specified, four pole switches will be used. All switches will be fully
shrouded and a proper barrier plate will be used between phases.
d. In case of the load being capacitors this capacity of the isolator/SFU is equal
to 225% of the capacitor current.
f. The operating mechanism of the isolator/SFU will be quick make, quick break
type and it's speed of operations will be independent of the speed of the
operating handle.
h. The SFU will have three fuses one in each phase to provide safety against high
currents. The fuses will be only High rupturing capacity (HRC) type. The
fuses should be capable of clearing the fault current on short circuited with out
damaging the isolator/ switch and without endangering the safety of the
operator and the adjacent equipment.
i. All the control fuses and the power fuses will be HRC type with current
rupturing capacity of more than 41 KA at 440 V AC. No wire fuses or any
other kind of fuses shall be used in the supply of electrical equipments for this
j. Shall have very high mechanical life e.g. 10000 operations for 800A.
Motor starter / contactor shall be of the electromagnetic type rated for uninterrupted
duty. Contactors of DOL and star / delta starters shall be suitable for class AC 3
utilisation category and contactor for reversing starters shall be of AC 4 category.
Contactors used for star / delta and forward / reverse shall be electrically interlocked.
Main contacts of the contactors shall be silver faced. Operating coils shall be suitable
for operation on 230V, 1 Phase, 50 Hz supply. Each contactor shall have minimum 2
No. + 2 NC auxiliary contacts for interlocking and control circuits. Contactors shall
have very high electrical & mechanical life and size shall confirm to only type II
coordination. At least one spare 1 NO + 1 NC shall be provided for future use after
using all control contacts for interlocking, control circuit in PLC/ DDC logics,
indication and controls.
All the power load relays used for the protection of three phase induction /
synchronous motors will be three elements, ambient temperature compensated,
positive acting, manual reset, as well as auto reset from panel front, heavy duty,
separately mounted, bimetallic thermal type relays with one change over contact rated
for 6 amps at 415 V AC. The resetting of the relay will be done by a push button
For the equipment having higher inertia special arrangements will be made to short
circuit the relay with or without resistance, with the help of a contactor and a timer.
The shorting contactor will open after laps of a preset time (Set on the timer) after the
The adjustment range of the over load relay shall cover 70% and 110% of the full load
currents of the motor it is protecting.
All motors of 100 H.P. and above shall have additional protection of earth leakage
through core balance current transformers and winding temperatures shall be
displayed. For these motors of 100 H.P. and above, the numeric type micro-processor
based relays shall be used in place of conventional thermostatic overload relays.
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers shall comply with IS-13947 and have a category of
duty P2. They shall be of the low energy let through type incorporating positive ion
quenching in order to ensure rapid arc quenching i.e. shall be of extra current limiting
feature. It shall have provision of adding either one shunt trip or under voltage along
with two changeover contacts at any stage.
The operating face plate shall have three positive positions ON, OFF and
TRIPPED and this shall be used with front extended rotary handle. All contacts shall
have phase barrier and extended links for aluminum suitability.
Residual current circuit breaker shall be current operated and comply with IS 12640
or BS 4293. The tripping current shall be selected dependent on location within the
The residual current circuit breaker shall be capable of withstanding the likely fault
current at the point of installation.
Switchgears shall be provided with three phase or three phase and neutral bus bars.
Bus bars shall be of aluminum and shall be insulated with close fitting fiber reinforced
plastic sleeve. PVC sleeve shall be acceptable for LV switchgear. Insulating sleeves
shall have R, Y, B, colour bands at suitable intervals for identification of phases and
shall withstand 90 o C temperature. Bus bar used shall be Al 91E with minimum 55%
conductivity. Bus bar will be designed for 500V with neutral bus bar size shall be half
of phase. Bus bar sizes will be uniform through out horizontal run and again uniform
on the vertical run. No reduction of bus bar size is permissible either in horizontal or
vertical run and uniform life of busbar shall be adopted.
All bus bar joints and bus tap joints shall be plated. Bus bar joints shall be of the
bolted type and shall be insulated with moulded caps. To provide a tight seal between
adjacent cubicles, bus bars shall be taken through seal off bushings or insulating
Interlocks for LV circuit breakers shall comply with the following requirements:
A separate test position of the breaker shall be provided in the cubicle / module. It
shall be possible to test the breaker in this position with all interlocks in the circuit.
All individual components of control equipment associated with any item of pumping
station shall be contained in a single control cubicle or panel.
All instruments, relays, switches, lamps, push buttons and the like shall be arranged
on the cubical in a neat, functional and logical manner. The arrangement shall be
subject to CMWSSB approval.
Similar items shall be of the same type, style pattern or appearance throughout.
Control and changeover selection switches for various functions shall be of the same
type but with a handle of different shape for each specific function.
Instruments, control devices and relays mounted on different panel sections but
having similar functions shall be located in a physically similar position. Such
equipment shall be mounted at a operating height not exceeding 1800 mm and not less
than 300 mm operating height above floor level.
All indicating meters shall be digital type complete with inter-facing devices.
Indicator lights shall be not less than 20mm diameter and shall be panel mounted
types with metal bodies adequately fastened so that the lamps shall be capable of
replacement from the apparatus without disturbance to the lamp holder or panel
wiring. Lamp holders shall be keyed into panels to prevent rotation. Lens colours
shall comply with BS EN 60037 as follows:
Power on White*
Running Green
Note: *white may be used where doubt as to which other colour to use.
The Lights shall be under-run to give long life either by use of a resistor to limit
voltage to 90% normal value or by using higher voltage lamps.
2.8.3. Pushbuttons:
Colours of push buttons shall generally comply with IS 6875, BSEN 60947, 60037 or
IEC 60073 and in particular shall be as follows:
Unless otherwise specified all control circuit supplies for contractor starters shall be
obtained from a 230V, 50 Hz integral control transformer contained in the breaker or
starter cubicle. In the case of motor control centers and composite boards comprising
circuit breakers and starters one or more master control circuit transformers shall be
provided for each section of busbars in the switchgear to feed a group of outgoing
starters and / or outgoing breakers via bus wires in the board. Each control
transformer shall be busbar connected and be provided with isolation facilities, and
primary and secondary HRC fuses. Transformers shall be of the double wound pattern
and be provided with earth screen between primary and secondary windings. One end
of the secondary winding shall be earthed through a link. Each control transformer
The current transformers to be used in the L.T. Electrical panels shall be low tension,
ring/ rectangular type resin cast current transformer with the requisite currents ratio
having secondary of the current transformers. For guidance the protective current
transformers shall have an accuracy class 5P and an accuracy limit factor greater than
10. Low reactance current transformer shall be used for protection. Selection will be
based on the following information:
The current transformers to be selected for this panel will have at least 20% extra VA
capacity available over the normal conventional meter capacity based on the
following details:
The VA rating shall be calculated keeping 30% spare capacity and under no
circumstances the VA rating of the CT's will be less than 15 VA. In case of low
currents a primary wound CT will be chosen or a higher size ring type CT with 2 or 3
or 4 or 5 turns of primary conductor may be used to get the VA rating at required
current ratio.
Terminal boards or block shall be of barrier pattern, stud type having covers of
transparent insulating material.
All terminal shall bear a permanent identification number of letter. Terminal blocks
shall be of 650 V grade, 10A rated.
Dropping type shorting links shall be provided on terminal block for CT secondary
shorting. Terminals used in conjunction with current transformer shall have facilities
for shorting out of the output to enable removal of instrumentation.
The terminals used shall be suitable for the type of wire to be terminated and current
carrying capacity.
Each terminal rail and each individual terminal shall be indelibly marked with a
unique number corresponding to the schematic numbering system.
No more than two cables shall be terminated per clamp. Cross connections shall be
used to link adjacent terminals where multiple wire connections are required.
Earth terminals shall be coloured green/yellow and shall clamp to the fixing rail in
order to provide earth continuity.
Terminals of different sizes and for different voltage terminations shall be partitioned.
Where unisolated external voltages may be present, terminals shall be screened and a
warning label fitted.
Terminals used in conjunction with current transformers shall have facilities for
shorting out of the output to enable removal of instrumentation.
In any terminal arrangement adequate space shall be provided for the neat and logical
termination of the incoming wiring. Terminal rails shall have provision for the
installation of at least 10% additional terminals.
Terminals within cubicles and enclosures shall not be obscured and shall be easily
accessed for installation and testing purposes, without removal of equipment.
Each vertical section of MV switchgear shall incorporate wiring for supplies to anti
condensation heaters. The wires will be energised from a single phase supply obtained
from a separate distribution board. The heater circuit shall be controlled by a rotary
type ON/ OFF switch, HRC fuse or MCB mounted inside the panel and adjustable
type thermostat. Multitier cubicles shall have cubicle heater and thermostat for reach
vertical panel section.
The heaters shall be located in cable alleys where such alleys are available or shall be
located in the bottom portion.
Panels / panel sections shall be provided with fluorescent lamp lighting fixtures of
20W rating protected by HRC fuse and a switch or a MCB located inside the panel.
All terminals, connections, relays and other components which may be Live when
front access doors are open shall be adequately screened / shrouded.
Wiring for three phase circuits shall be colour coded red, yellow and blue for
identification of relevant phases. For single phase AC circuits white coloured wires
shall be used for phase conductor and black coloured for neutral conductor. Grey
coloured wires shall be used for DC circuits and green coloured wires for earth
Circuits in which the operating voltage exceeds 110V shall be physically segregated
from all other wiring. All wiring shall be neatly and securely fixed by insulated cleats
or run in insulated wiring troughs. Wiring shall be so arranged that access to any
apparatus or connection point is not impeded.
Each wire shall be identified at both ends by yellow colour PVC ferrules marked with
black letters/ numbers. The letters/ numbers used for marking on ferrules shall
correspond with the appropriate wiring diagram. Trip circuit wires shall be
distinguished by an additional red colour. Ferrules of other colours, if used, shall be
subject to CMWSSB approval.
Wiring termination shall be made with solder less crimping type tinned copper lugs.
Insulated sleeves shall be provided at all termination.
Bus bars shall be of uniform cross section throughout the length and made of high
conductivity hard drawn conforming to IS 613.
2.9.1. Safety
Access to any enclosure shall be possible only when the circuit isolator is open and
unless connections within the enclosure are isolated or fully shrouded against
accidental contact.
Where a test facility exists for use with the enclosure door open all live contacts shall
be shrouded to prevent accidental contact.
The short circuit rating of the assemblies shall be suitable for the point of installation
in the system. Where possible short circuit protective devices shall be coordinated to
ensure that a fault in any outgoing branch does not operate the assembly incoming
protection device.
2.9.3. Earthing
The temperature rise of the busbar and connections under fault conditions shall not
cause damage to the connections of any equipment to which they may be connected.
The earth fault calculations shall be submitted along with detailed engineering.
An earth bond of minimum size 4 shall be made to all enclosure doors.
2.9.4. Labels
The assembly as a whole and each compartment shall be clearly and unambiguously
The labels shall be engraved letters and numbers filled black on a white background.
Internal labels shall be used to identify all components and terminal strips. They shall
be of plastic in constructions and shall be affixed adjacent to the component to which
they appertain.
Where specified auxiliary contacts shall be fitted to each MCB to indicate a trip.
The power supply for the 240V AC distribution board shall be derived from a UPS
and voltage stabilizer providing immunity from mains voltage disturbances.
The 24V DC power shall be derived from a stabilized reliable voltage power supply.
Internal components shall be laid out in a logical manner in order to provide freedom
of access to terminations and to allow removal of any component without interference
to adjacent components.
Particular attention shall be paid to the location of heat dissipating equipment such as
power supplies etc. in order that they do not have a detrimental effect on adjacent
cabling or components.
Cable entering and leaving an assembly shall do so via suitably positioned terminals.
Terminals shall be arranged in function groups as follows:
Terminals for circuits at voltages greater than 24V that are not de-energised when the
assembly door is open shall be screened and labelled accordingly. Wiring for
different voltage like A.C. And D.C. shall be carried out by different colour and in
case any components/voltage is live even if incomer of the panel is off then it should
be labeled along with warning sign and orange colour wire should be used for this
type of wiring.
Incoming and outgoing cables to intrinsically safe barriers shall connect to the barriers
via knife terminals.
2.10.4 Lighting:
Unless otherwise specified assemblies shall contain dedicated sections for motor
drive, starters, common control, instrumentation, lamp test.
All starter modules shall be self-contained. The drives shall have manual and
automatic control features selectable by manually positioning a starter mounted
automatic/ off/ manual selector switch.
Facilities may also be provided for manual control to be carried out locally or
remotely. If this facility is provided a remote/ local selector switch shall be provided
on the starter. In this instance a remote start/ stop station is located adjacent to the
drive. This station is only active when the starter is selected manual and remote.
Control in automatic mode shall comprise safety controls and process controls.
(b) Process controls typically interact with the drive via a PLC/ DDC or hard
wired logic. Typically these shall comprise controls for duty rotation, auto
standby, level and flow control, sequencing, start up/ shut down procedures,
scheduling etc.
Section of manual control shall enable local drive start/ stop controls at the starter
itself or remote manual controls if fitted. In this mode the starter shall operate
independent of process controls. All safety controls shall be operative.
Selection of automatic control shall deactivate local and remote manual controls. In
this mode the starter shall respond to the dictates of process and safety controls.
For starters module of motors rated for 100 H.P. and above, they shall have (besides
above protection) numeric type microprocessor relay along with temperature scanner
for windings. There should be minimum two thermocouples /PT 100 devices for each
winding. These should be wired from motor to starter.
Safety controls which are related to drive groups rather than specific drives. Typically
these shall comprise run dry protection (when used in a common sump), group
emergency stop control, etc.
Lightning protection barriers, if fitted, shall be installed at the base of the section
adequately segregated from all other unrelated devices.
The common controls section may also provide facilities for the marshalling of starter
module status, alarm and remote control signals in order to facilitate the use of multi
core cable connections to remote locations.
The interior of the common control section shall be accessible without isolation of
any drive or circuit. Therefore all voltages in excess of 24V shall be screened to
prevent access.
Each circuit shall be individually protected by an MCB such that maintenance work
can be carried out with the minimum of interference to running pumping station.
Alarm annunciation facilities shall show drive group faults, non-drive related faults
and drive common fault alarms, Specific drive related faults shall be indicated at the
drive module itself i.e. the common controls fault annunciator may indicate a fault on
drive A but starter module A shall indicate precisely what the fault is.
This section shall house equipment associated with field and panel mounted
instrumentation. Lighting protection barriers, if fitted, shall be installed at the base of
the section adequately, segregated from all other unrelated devices.
Each circuit shall be protected by an MCB such that maintenance work can be carried
out with the minimum of interference to running pumping station.
Facilities shall be provided to test all lamps on an assembly. This shall comprise a
common lamp test section. Operation of the lamp test circuit shall energise a relay in
each section of the assembly in order to light each lamp and annunciator. The lamp
test circuit shall pass through auxiliary contacts on section isolators if fitted. A short
time delay shall ensure that the lamp test supply is retained to allow visual checking
of all lamps.
On small assemblies, less than ten starters, individual lamp test buttons on each
section shall be acceptable unless otherwise specified.
Each drive or group of drives shall provide with an emergency stop facility which
shall comprise a red coloured, mushroom headed, stay-put-twist to release push
The emergency stop device shall be located adjacent to the drive or drive group to
which it relates and shall be clearly labeled.
Individual drive emergency stop devices shall be wired directly into the drive starter
contactor circuit.
These shall be of heavy duty construction and with the smaller sizes designed for
mounting on or near the pumping station to be controlled.
The bottom face shall be arranged to accept with adequate space for the use of
spanners, gland terminations for the number of cables required. Cables shall enter
from the top generally.
Terminals provided for interconnections shall be easily accessible and marked with
identification numbers/ letters corresponding with the associated diagrams.
Pushbuttons and selector switches shall be of heavy duty, oil tight type of matching
design. Legend plates shall be provided to identify equipment to be controlled and the
purpose of each operating or indicating device.
Pendant type control for cranes, hoists, etc. shall be of moulded neoprene or
equivalent heavy flexible, high impact strength materials, with a long moulded-in
cable strengthening sleeve, to minimize the possibility of cable fracture at the bending
point. The enclosure shall be coloured in safety yellow.
Circuit breakers shall be ring main unit type. In case where SF 6 circuit breakers are
used, shall be buffer type or self extinguishing type with rotating arc of dead tank and
single pressure design. SF 6 pressure/ destiny monitoring switch/ contacts shall be
The short circuit fault level of HT Panel shall be obtained from nearest power
distribution agency grid station and shall be taken as minimum 350 MVA.
Vacuum breakers shall have completely sealed interrupting units for interruption of
arc inside the vacuum. All breakers shall be provided with contact wear guage and we
should be able to measure snatch gap below the interruptible vacuum bottle. It shall
be possible to isolate easily the vacuum interrupted unit from the breaker operating
mechanism for testing of the interrupter.
Circuit breakers shall be complete with surge arrestors ( if the breaker design
necessities the same ) to provide protection to the equipment controlled by the
breaker, against switching surges. However for motor starting application surge
suppressors shall be provided.
Circuit breakers shall be fully rated for the specified ambient conditions.
The circuit breakers shall be operated by a motor operator spring charging type
mechanism. The motor operated spring charges mechanism shall be completed with
motor, opening spring, closing spring and all accessories to make the mechanism a
complete operating unit. Closing of the circuit breaker shall automatically initiate
recharging of the spring to enable the mechanism to be ready for the next closing
stroke. It shall be possible to manually charge the springs in an emergency. Transfer
from motor to manual charging shall automatically disconnect the charging motor.
The charging mechanism shall be provided with mechanical indicators to show
charged and discharged conditions of the spring. Failure of any spring, vibration
or mechanical shock shall not cause tripping or closing of the circuit breaker. The
Only one closing operation of the circuit breaker mechanism shall result from each
closing impulse ( manual / electrical), even though the breaker trips while the control
device ( manual / electrical ) is being held in the close position.
The circuit breaker mechanism shall make one complete closing operation, once the
control switch has been operated and the first device in the control circuit has
responded, even though the control switch is released before the closing operation is
complete, subject to the condition that there is no counter- impulse for tripping.
Spring of motor operated spring charged mechanisms should not discharge until they
are fully charged, and the charging means are disconnected. All switch gear
compartment like circuit breaker compartment busbar chamber, CT& cable box
compartment should be provided with pressure relief flap. Metallic safety shutters
should be provided for busbar spouts and circuit spouts be interlinked with movement
of circuit breakers.
Unless otherwise specified isolators and earth switches shall be off-load and fixed
type. For vertical isolation type switch gear integral earthing facility for busbar side
(for incomer breaker) or circuit side (for outgoing breaker) shall be provided by
breaker transfer position principle. For horizontal isolation type switch gear earthing
should be provided by integral earthing switch or earthing truck for busbar and circuit
Mechanical and electrical interlocks shall be provided where applicable to ensure that
the isolators cannot be operated unless the associated breakers are open.
It shall be possible to connect each circuit of the switchgear to earth, either through
earthing switches or though trunk mounted earthing devices.
2.18.5. Relays:
All relays shall be numeric type microprocessor type. Relays shall be equipped with
operation indicator LEDs for visual indication. On three phase relays with separate
phase elements, each phase element shall have separate indicator with phase
All relays shall be suitable for flush mounting, with only the dust tight covers
projecting from the front of the panel. All relays shall be accessible for setting and
resetting from the front. Access to setting devices shall be possible only after the front
covers of the relays are removed. Resetting facilities shall however be accessible
external to the relay case.
All protective relays except auxiliary relays shall be of the drawout type. Where it is
not possible to provide protective relays of the drawout pattern due to non
manufacturing range, fixed type relays with facilities for plugging in a portable test
plug shall be provided. Necessary test plugs shall be furnished along with the relays.
All relays shall be provided with positive action flag indicators visible from the front.
No control relay except under voltage relays, which would trip a circuit breaker when
deenergised, shall be used.
Auxiliary relays shall be rated to operate satisfactorily between 80% and 110% of the
rated voltage. Tripping relays shall be rated to operate satisfactorily between 50% and
110% of the rated voltage. The successful bidder shall prepare coordination chart of
all relays with the help of graphic chart and shall submit it for approval.
All current transformers shall have a short time current rating of not less than that of
the switchgear in which they are incorporated. CTs shall be resin cast type and shall
have class 1.0. Rating of CTs shall be worked out in such a way that 30% spare VA
capacity is available.
Duplicate rating labels shall be fitted on the exterior of the mounting chambers
suitably located to enable reading without the removal of cover or metal sheeting
forming part of the structure of the switchboards.
Voltage transformers shall be supplied wherever required. They shall have a winding
ratio to give voltage between lines of 110V on the secondary. They shall have a rated
burden, at the stated accuracy, in accordance with the requirements of all connected
instruments, meters and relays and of any instruments or meter to which they may be
connected via test blocks.
The primary circuit shall be protected by HRC fuses having a short circuit rating of
not less than that of the Switchgear. The connection between the fuses and the
switchgear primary conductors shall be capable of withstanding the short time current
of the switchgear.
The secondary circuit shall be protected by HRC fuses mounted as closely as possible
to the secondary terminals. The fuses shall have safe access for replacement without
the necessity for complete isolation of the switchgear.
VT shall shave continuous over voltage factor of 1.2 and short time over voltage
factor 1.5 for 30 seconds for effectively earthed system and in case of resistively
earthed system or non- effectively earthed system, the short time over voltage factor
shall be 1.9 for 30 secs.
2.19.1 General
Switch tripping unit shall comprise battery, charger and DC distribution board housed
in a common sheet steel enclosure. The enclosure shall be of cold rolled cold annealed
(CRCA) and thickness shall not be less than 2mm. Enclosure shall be of indoor, floor
standing, totally enclosed, dust, damp and vermin proof of adequate strength and
rigidity. Degree of protection shall be IP-42.
The equipment shall be so housed in the cabinet as to facilitate easy inspection and
maintenance. To prevent accident all live parts inside the cabinet shall as far as
possible be adequately insulated to avoid contact during maintenance.
All external fasteners shall be cadmium plated/ zinc passivated to withstand the
atmosphere conditions. The cabinet shall be complete with all necessary wiring, cable
glands and sockets for incoming and outgoing circuits and suitable circuit
label/inscriptions made of non-rusting metal, 3 ply lamicoid or engraved PVC. Two
earthing terminals shall be provided to earth the cabinet.
All the steel works of the cabinet shall be painted after suitable pretreatment with anti-
rust paint and special finishing paint. The internal surface shall be painted in white
and the external surface in dark admiralty gray colour.
2.19.2 Battery
Batteries shall be of high performance 30V DC lead acid SMF conforming to relevant
IS. The battery calculations shall be attached with the bid.
Batteries shall have cells housed in translucent, high impact plastic containers. The
containers shall be fitted with vented filler pumps. High and low electrolyte levels
shall be permanently marked on the container.
Cell terminals shall be of bolted type. The terminal polarity shall be permanently
Batteries shall be supplied complete with all necessary connections. The connections
between tiers and cells and disconnection links and fuses shall be of the multi-
stranded plastic insulated type.
The battery rack shall be made of high class wood painted with alkali resistant paints.
The batteries shall rest on treated wooden planks inside battery racks.
Battery Charger shall conform to relevant and IS code. The charger shall be a float
cum boost charger suitable for rating lead acid cells upto 1.85V per cell and also
capable of quick charging the battery upto 2.2V / cell. The charger should be able to
supply continuous DC load during boost charging with 10% margin.
The Battery and Battery Charger shall have terminals suitable for connecting PVC
insulated, armoured aluminum cables. Approved type of terminal lugs and screwed
type glands for the entry of cables in the panels shall be provided.
2.19.5 Accessories
Each battery shall be complete with all accessories and devices including but not
limited to the following:
One number each of the following accessories shall be supplied with each battery
i. I-centre zero cell testing voltmeter to IS: 1248 scaled 3-0-3 volts/ Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.54
cm, Hanging: 1.27 cm,
ii. Plastic filling bottle Numbered + Level: 1 +
iii. Insulated box spanner Numbering Style: i, ii, iii, +
iv. Insulated tommy bar Start at: 1 + Alignment: Right
+ Aligned at: 2.54 cm + Tab
v. End lugs after: 3.17 cm + Indent at:
vi. Bellavee washers 3.17 cm, Tabs: Not at 3.17 cm
- Required number of outgoing feeders each comprising 1 No. double pole on/
off rotary switch and 2 Nos. HRC fuses of suitable rating
The Power supplies will operate from 240V AC, and produce a 24V and 48V DC
output voltage at full load current as required.
The power supply shall incorporate an over voltage protection circuit, the components
of which shall be independent of the voltage regulating circuit.
The protection circuit shall operate within 50ms of an over voltage occurring and
shall cause rupturing of the mains input or output fuses.
The bidder shall strictly adhere to following condition while selection of motor:
i. Motors of 3000 rpm are not acceptable. In turn the bidder shall not consider
pumps/ drives of 3000 rpm/ 2900 rpm. 2 pole motor shall not be considered
any where in the project. Main Pump motor shall have speed less than1000
ii. Bidder shall take in general 15% additional safety factor while selecting the
motor's KW. Bidder while selecting motor size shall take 25% safety margin
for motors upto 5 KW and 15% safety margin for motors rated above 5 KW.
Safety margin is defined as safety on top of EKW required by pump plus
efficiency of motor.
iii. All the motor shall be provided with class F insulation and with temperature
rise limit of B class above ambient temperature when operating at full load.
iv. All the motors shall have overloading capacity as per latest revision of IS.
v. The noise level during the operation of the pump sets/ drive shall not exceed
85 dBA at a distance of 1.86 m from the pump/drive.
vii. All motor shall be on LT system. Motors above 75 KW shall be of slip ring
ix Flameproof motors shall be considered in all gas handling areas. If any other
area is considered hazardous by process requirement, then bidder shall provide
flameproof motors for the same also. All switchgears of these motors placed in
hazardous area shall also be flameproof type. Degree of protection of motors
shall be as per BIS codes subjected to minimum as detailed below:
2.21.1 Luminaires
d. All luminaries shall be supplied complete with lamps suitable for operation on
a supply voltage and the variation in supply voltage and frequency indicated in
the Employers Requirement.
e. Fluorescent type, metal halide and sodium vapour type luminaries shall be
complete with accessories like lamps, ballasts, power factor improvement
capacitors, starters, re-wireable fuse and fuse base. These shall be mounted as
for as possible in the luminaire housing only. If these cannot be
accommodated integral with the Luminaires then a separate metal enclosed
control gear box shall be included to accommodate the control accessories
together with a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out connections.
Outdoor type fixtures shall be provided with outdoor type weather-proof box.
No mercury vapour lamps shall be used indoor & outdoor. Mainly sodium
vapour lamps shall be used outdoor.
f. Fluorescent type Luminaires with single or double lamp shall be provided with
electronic ballasts and these luminaire shall be used upto maximum height of
five meters..
g. Each luminaire shall have a terminal block suitable for loop-in loop-out and T-
off connection by 250/ 400V, 1 core, PVC insulated copper/ aluminum
conductor wires up to 4 in size. In outdoor areas the termination at the
luminaire shall be suitable for 1100V, PVC insulated, copper/ aluminum
conductor, armoured cables of sizes upto 6 alum. conductor or suitably
sizes cable as per design. Terminals shall be of stud of clamp type. The
internal wiring shall be by means of insulated copper wire of minimum 1.5 size and terminated on the terminal block. Terminal blocks shall be
mounted with minimum two fixing screws.
h. Mounted facility and conduit knock-outs for the luminaries shall be provided.
i. Earthing
Each Luminaire and control gear box shall be provided with an earthing
j. Painting/ Finish
k. Flame proof luminaries shall be considered in all gas handling and other
hazardous areas along with its control gear.
a. These luminaries shall be generally indoor type provided with cold rolled cold
annealed (CRCA) sheet steel channel/ rail cum reflector housing complete
with all electrical control accessories mounted on it. The finish shall be stove
d. Decorative luminaries with mirror optic reflectors shall be of the wide angle
dispersion type. Where these luminaries are mounted in control rooms and
computer rooms, clip-on type adjustable reflectors which can be attached onto
the tube shall be provided to direct the light output in the desired direction.
This is mainly to reduce reflection of the light source form TV/ monitor
a. The luminaire shall be provided with CRCA sheet steel mounting rail with
reflector of minimum 22 SWG thickness and complete with all control
accessories mounted on it. The finish shall be vitreous enameled.
c. The distribution of light shall be such that at least 80% of the total luminous
flux from the luminaire shall be in the lower hemisphere.
d. The luminous output of the luminaire withreflector shall hot be less than 75%
irrespective of type of reflector used.
e. Luminaires for use in areas where chlorine is stored or dosed shall be fully
enclosed to IP-65 and have a luminaire body constructed of GRP or some
other non-metallic material resistant to attack by chlorine.
The Luminare shall be robust construction, with cast aluminum/ vitreous enamelled
housing, heat and shock resistant prismatic or clear glass cover fixed with neoprene
gaskets for sealing. For mechanical protection to the glass cover, round steel wire
guard with vitreous enameled finish shall be provided.
The Luminare shall be suitable for incandescent lamp up to 150 watts, for direct
mounting to ceiling/ walls/ column and used for general purpose indoor lighting.
High medium bay luminaries shall be with cast aluminum housing, anodized
aluminum mirror polished reflector canopy with eye bolt for suspension, cooling fins
and glass cover.
The luminaire shall be suitable for metal halide up to 1000W and sodium vapour
lamps up to 400 watts. The control gear accessories shall be mounted integral with the
High bay luminaries shall be used when the mounting height is above 8 meters while
medium bay luminaries shall be used when the mounting height is around 5 to 8
Flood Light luminaries shall be of weather proof construction with cast aluminum
housing, anodized aluminum mirror polished reflector, heat resistant, toughened glass
cover and necessary neoprene gaskets to prevent ingress of dust.
The housing shall be supported on a cast iron base and capable of being swiveled in
both horizontal and vertical directions and locked in any desired position.
The Luminaires shall be suitable for single and dual metal halide or sodium vapour
lamps up to 400 watts. When metal halide or sodium vapour lamp specified, the same
shall be mounted in a separate sheet metal enclosed/ cast aluminum weather proof
control gear box.
The luminaire shall be provided with cable gland on the canopy in down ward
direction for cable connection.
It shall be possible to adjust the lamp position to achieve wide beam, medium beam or
marrow beam.
It shall be possible to replace the lamp from the canopy without opening the front
Post top lantern Luminaires shall be generally outdoor weather proof type of
illumination of walkways, gate posts, gardens or in front of office area only.
The luminare shall have cast aluminum spigot of 50/60 diameter finished with
corrosion proof paint for mounting, opal acrylic or high density polyethylene (HDP)
diffuser bowl, complete with integral mounted control gear, neoprene gaskets,
earthing terminal etc.
a. Fluorescent Luminaires :
Street lighting fluorescent luminaire shall be outdoor weather proof type for
illumination of secondary roads, walkways, peripheral lighting of buildings etc.
The luminaire shall be of semi-cut off or non-cut off type, CRCA sheet steel housing,
vitreous enamelled, plain or corrugated clear acrylic cover, complete with integral
mounted control gear, neoprene gaskets, side pipe entry or top suspension type.
Street light sodium vapour luminaries shall be outdoor weather proof type for
illumination of main roads, traffic islands etc.
The Luminaire shall be of semi-cut off with cast aluminum housing, acrylic or
prismatic cover, polished aluminum reflectors, complete with integral mounted
control gear, neoprene gaskets and with near pipe entry.
Emergency light of installite luminaire shall be indoor type for providing emergency
light during failure of normal AC supply.
The luminaire shall be with CRCA sheet steel enclosure, complete with metallised
mirror reflector, leak proof re-chargeable battery rated for two hour discharge, battery
charger, charger-on lamp, push button switches, automatic changeover switch/ relay,
two meter length cord with plug, mounting pads and other accessories required for
satisfactory operation of the luminaire.
The luminaire shall be suitable for connection to 240V, 50 Hz single phase supply. On
failure of normal A.C supply the luminaire shall pick-up automatically and on
restoration of A.C supply the luminaire shall switch off automatically. The luminaire
shall be suitable for incandescent lamp up to 40W or flurescent lamp up to 20 watts.
a. Reflector
Lamp holders shall have low contact resistance, shall be resistant to wear and
shall be suitable for operation at the specified temperature without
deterioration in insulation value. They shall hold the lamps in position under
normal condition of shock and vibration met wit under normal installation and
Lamp holders for the fluorescent lamps shall be of the spring loaded bi-pin
rotor type. Live parts of the lamps holder shall not be exposed during insertion
or removal of lamp or after the lamp has been taken out. The lamp holder
contacts shall provide adequate pressure on the lamp cap pins when the lamp
is in working position.
c. Ballasts (Electronic)
The ballasts shall be designed to have a long service life, low power loss &
high power factor.
Ballasts shall be mounted using self locking, anti-vibration fixings and shall be
easy to remove without demounting the fittings. They shall be in dust tight,
non combustible enclosures.
Separate electronic ballast for each lamp shall be provided in case of multi
lamp luminaries, except in the case of 2 x 20W luminaries.
Electronic ballast shall have very high power factor (more than 0.95) and
harmonic distortion shall be less than 10%.
Voltage variation of ballast shall be between 140-320V.
d Lamps
Incandescent lamp
General Lighting Service (GLS shall be tungsten filament incandescent type.
The filament shall be coiled coil type rated for 230/250V, single phase A.C.
Fluorescent Lamps
Fluorescent lamps shall be low pressure metal halide type with low wattage
consumption and high efficiency and longer burning life (above 2500 hours).
Lamps shall be of white light type suitable for operation on 240V, single phase A.C in
standard lengths of 2, 4 and 5 feet and ratings upto 65 watts.
Lamps shall be provided with features to avoid blackening of lamp ends.
These lamps include high pressure metal halide lamps and high pressure sodium
vapour lamps.
High pressure metal halide lamp shall be with quartz discharge tube, internal coated
shall, quick restrike time (of within 8 minutes) and with burning life (above 10000
hours) in standard ratings up to 400 watts.
High pressure sodium vapour lamp shall be with polycrystalline translucent, coated
discharge tube, coated shell, quick restrike time (of within 5 minutes) and with
burning life (above 10,000 hours) in standard rating up to 400 watts.
Construction Features
Boards and panels shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall be fully dust and vermin
proof, providing a degree of protection of IP-52. Outdoor panels shall in addition be
completely weather-proof with a sloping canopy for protection against rain and
providing a degree of protection of IP-55. The sheet steel used for frame shall be cold
rolled of 2.0mm thick or 2.5 mm hot rolled and all frame enclosures, doors, covers
along with partitions will be of same thickness.
All boards and panels shall be provided with hinged doors for access to equipment.
Doors shall be gasketted all round with neoprene gaskets. For the main floor mounted
distribution boards with the switch fuse units arranged in tier formation, the hinged
door of each unit shall be interlocked so as to prevent opening of the door when the
switch is ON and to prevent closing of the switch with door not fully closed.
However, a device for by-passing the door interlock shall be provided to enable the
operation of the switch with the door open, when necessary, for examination/
maintenance. For wall mounting 1- phase ways lighting panels wherever provided
with MCBs, arranged latched front door shall be provided with key-locking facility
and slotted bakelite sheet shall be provided inside. Only the MCBs operating knobs or
the fuse cap covers shall project out of the bakelite sheet slots for safe operation and
neat appearance. Incomer to lighting panels shall be provided with TPN MCB with
RCCB. Lighting panels shall be manufactured with 1.6 mm cold rolled sheet.
All accessible live connections/ metals shall be shrouded and it shall be possible to
change individual fuses, switches, MCBs from the front of the board panels without
danger contact with live metal.
For floor mounting type distribution boards, adequately sized mounting channel shall
be supplied and for wall/ column/ structure mounting type panels suitable mounting
straps shall be provided.
Adequate interior cabling space and suitable removable cable entry plates shall be
provided for top/ bottom entry of cables through glands and or conduits as required.
Necessary number of glands to suit the specified cable sizes shall be provided. Cable
glands shall be screwed on type and made of brass.
All sheet steel parts shall be undergo rust-proofing process which should include
degrading de-scaling and a recognized phosphating process. The steel works shall be
then painted with two coats of Zinc-chromate primer and two coats of final stove-
enameled finish paint of specified colours.
Switch socket outlets shall be suitable for operation on 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz supply
system. The switches and sockets shall conform to relevant standards. These units
shall be housed in epoxy painted sheet steel boxes and shall be suitable for outdoor
Ceiling fans shall be provided in areas such as offices, stores etc. Adequate ventilation
arrangements shall be made for enclosed areas where ceilings fans are not proposed to
be installed or cannot be provided.
Power supply for the ceiling fans shall be derived from lighting circuits. Ceiling fans
shall be complete with all accessories. Regulators shall be electronic type. Heavy duty
exhaust fans shall be installed in plant rooms as to achieve a 20 air changes per hour.
2.23 Samples:
Contractor shall be required to obtain CMWSSB approval for samples of items such
as lighting fixtures of each type, ceiling fans, switch socket outlets of each type and
rating, light/fan control switch of each type and rating, push buttons, conduits of
various sizes, junction boxes, cable trays, wires and earthing conductor to be used for
lighting system etc. before commencement of installation work.
b) All measuring/ test instruments used for such tests shall be calibrated and
certified by an approved independent testing authority. Supporting calibration
certificates shall be provided. The CMWSSB representative reserves the right
to impound any instrument immediately after test for independent testing. A
certificate shall be provided by the contractor prior to carrying out every test
showing the readings obtained, calculations and full of the calibration
certificates referred to. On the day of testing, calibration validity shall not have
d). If during or after testing any item of equipment/systems fails to achieve its
intended duty or otherwise prove defective it shall be modified or altered as
necessary, retested and reinspected as required by the CMWSSB.
Equipment shall be installed in a neat, workman like manner so that it is level, plumb,
square and properly aligned and oriented. Tolerance shall be as established in the
manufactures drawing or as stipulated by CMWSSB. No equipment shall be
permanently bolted down to foundation of structure until the alignment has been
checked and found acceptable by CMWSSB.
Flow measuring system shall consist of flow sensor/ transducers, flow computer and
flow transmitter.
The flow transmitter shall be suitable for field or panel mounting and shall accept an
input from the flow sensor. It shall process the input signal and provide 4-20 mA dc
output proportional to flow rate. The flow range shall be adjustable.
A zero span adjustment facility shall be provided for flow transmitter and indicator.
Full bore electromagnetic flow meter shall consist of flow sensors (i.e. flow tube),
transmitter and remote flow indicator cum integrator.
The flow meter shall have flanged connection and shall be inserted in the sludge line.
The flow computer/ transmitter shall be microprocessor based and shall have
diagnosis facility.
Remote flow indicator cum integrator shall be provided on the control panel.
To ensure full electromagnetic compatibility the flow tube flanges and transmitter
housing shall be connected earth.
Open channel flow measuring system shall consist of level transducer, flow computer
and flow transmitter. The level of the fluid in the flume shall be measured by the
ultrasonic level transducer. The level measured shall be used along with the physical
characteristics of the flume to compute the flow rate.
The level transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required and
shall be environmentally protected as per IP65. it shall have ambient temperature
compensation and adjustable datum setting facilities.
The design and application of ultrasonic level meter shall take into account the
channel construction, the material size, shape, environment, process fluid or material,
the presence of foam granules, size etc.
The structure required for supporting the level sensor, platform, railings etc. shall be
in the Contractors scope.
Ultrasonic level measuring devices applied for liquid level measurement shall
comprise a transducer, control unit and remote indicator.
The transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required and shall
be environmentally protected to IP 65.
The design and application of ultrasonic level meters shall take into account the vessel
or channel construction, the material, size, shape, environment, process fluid or
material, the presence of foam granules, size etc.
The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from spurious reflections,
absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area, temperature fluctuations,
specific gravity changes and condensation. For applications where spurious
reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with facilities for
spurious reflection rejection.
The electrodes used for conductivity level switches shall be stainless steel. Single
electrode systems (one electrode per holder) shall be used (except where their use is
impractical) with insulated electrodes such that only the tip of each electrode is
exposed to the liquid at the operating level.
Relay or control units operating with level electrodes shall have adjustable sensitivity.
Electrodes for use in fluids of low or variable conductivity shall be fitted with
conductivity discs.
Where relay or control units are not mounted in control panel, they shall be provided
with surface mounting enclosures with a degree of protection to IP-54 for indoor
locations or IP 65 for outdoor location.
The ultrasonic transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required
and shall be environmentally protected as per IP-65. It shall have ambient temperature
compensation and adjustable datum setting facilities.
Pressure gauges shall comply with BS 1780. Snubber shall be provided where the
gauge is subjected to pressure pulsations and / or vibrations. The internal parts of
pressure guage shall be of stainless steel material. In chlorine applications the
diaphragm shall be silver or tantalum for other fluids an appropriate diaphragm
material shall be used. The pressure gauges shall be provided with diaphragm seal
The minimum diameter for round pressure gauges shall be 150mm unless specified
otherwise or where the gauge forms part of a standard item of equipment.
The accuracy of pressure gauges shall be 1% over the operating range.
The zero and span of pressure gauges shall not change by more than 0.1% of the
span per __OC changes in ambient temperature.
Surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be suitable for with standing the surge arising
out of high energy static discharge / lighting strikes and protect the instrument to
which it is connected against damage. SPDs shall provide protection through the use
of quick acting semi conductors like Tranzorb, zener diodes, varistors and an
automatic disconnect and reset circuit. SPDs shall be passive and shall require
negligible power for operation. During the occurrence of a surge it shall clamp on the
allowable voltage and pass the excess voltage to the ground. The SPD shall be self
resetting to minimize the down time of the measurement loop.
SPDs shall be provided to protect devices transmitting and receiving analogue and
digital signals derived from field devices located outdoors.
The surge protection device shall be rated for surge rating of 10kA.
Wall mounted cabinets shall be provided for enclosing transducer unit and associated
accessories which are mounted outside the main control panel. The cabinet shall be of
die-cast aluminum, field provided not less than IP-55 protection and shall be lockable.
The cabinet shall have facilities for earthing. A steel plate shall be provided inside the
cabinet for mounting instrument and accessories.
Alarms shall be initiated by the opening or closing of volt-free contacts which shall
remain unchanged throughout the periods in which the alarm conditions exit. Alarm
Circuits shall be cable of conversion from open-healthy to open-alarm or vice versa
by a simple modification after installation requiring no additional parts or special
Each alarm shall initiate the operation of both visual and audible devices.
Audible devices in the same room or area shall have distinguishable sounds and
adjustable sound levels.
The alarm annunciator shall be microprocessor based, modular, split type unit with
alarm windows mounted on the front door and electronic modules inside the panel.
The weather protection class for alarm annunciator shall be IP-54 of IS 13947, Part-I.
Each alarm shall initiate a visible and audible indication of the specified condition.
Unless otherwise specified, alarm indicators shall be grouped together in annunciator
units each having at least 20% spare ways. Alarm indicator lamps (Cluster LED type)
and shall have transparent screens engraved with legends approved by the employers
Representative. The legend area of each indication shall not exceed 40mm high and
75mm wide.
The operation or acceptance of one alarm shall not inhibit the operation of the audible
device or the flashing of the appropriate alarm indicator if a further alarm condition
occurs. At unmanned locations alarms operated on two or more annunciators shall
require acceptance at each annuciator.
Alarms shall be accepted automatically and the appropriate audible device silenced
after an adjustable period of 1 to 5 minutes.
Alarm circuitry shall be arranged so that spurious or transient alarm states persisting
for less than 0.5 seconds do not initiate any action.
Alarm annunciator / indicator legends or labels shall be arranged with three lines of
text as follows:
e.g. reservoir 1
level high & level low
The DDCs should be application specific and should be located as near as possible to
the controlled equipment reducing cabling runs. The DDCs should be able to control
the equipment connected to it on a standalone mode so that in case of failure of the
first tier network the DDCs will be able to perform the minimum control functions
assigned to it. The DDCs should have a inbuilt display on its facia with keypad to
access all the information being monitored by the DDC.
6.8.2 Programming:
All the DDCs should be equipped with electrically erasable PROMs and the control
software for the DDC can be downloaded through the central operator workstation. It
should additionally provide a serial port for downloading and reconfiguring of
software through a laptop locally. The control logic for the DDCs should be
programmed through a user-friendly graphic programming language with control
algorithms like PID loops, ladder logic, sequencers etc inbuilt into the software.
Each DDC panel shall support the following types of point inputs and outputs:
4-20 mA Sensors
0-10 VDC Sensors
1000ohm RTDs
Binary inputs shall monitor dry contact closures. Input shall provide filtering to
eliminate false signals resulting from input bouncing.
Counter inputs shall monitor dry contact pulses with an input resolution of one HZ
Binary outputs shall provide SPDT output contacts rated for 2 amps at 24 VAC and
they shall not activate main contactors of starter thus avoiding burdening of relays.
The UPS shall be floor mounted, self contained and metal clad and shall be suitable
for operating on a non linear load.
The ON LINE UPS shall be incorporating a six-pulse rectifier and pulse width
modulation inverter technology with 100% microprocessor control with built in static
and manual bypass switch.
The UPS shall incorporate a DC under voltage trip circuit to electrically trip the UPS
in order to protect the battery.
The noise level of the unit shall not exceed 60dB (A) at 1m from the UPS cabinet.
The output of the inverter shall be a sine wave having less than 5% THD for linear
loads and less than 4% to 50% non linear load. It shall be suitable for load power
factor 0.8 lag.
The unit shall have dynamic response such that a 100% step load causes an output
voltage transient of less than 4% with a recovery time of less than 4 ms.
For three phase output units the output voltage shall not very by more than 1% for an
unbalance for 10%.
The load crest factor shall not be less than 3:1.
The efficiency at full load and 0.8 power factor shall be greater than 88%.
Indicators to indicate
UPS status
UPS alarm conditions
The UPS shall have an overload capacity of 150% for 30 seconds and shall be
protected in the event of a short circuit of the output.
The batteries shall be housed, either within the UPS enclosure or within a separate
matching battery cubicle suitable for location adjacent to the UPS.
The batteries shall be maintenance free lead acid type sealed for life.
Warning notices shall be provided for wall mounting to warn of the presence of
charge gases.
The battery supply of the UPS shall be via a fused load break switch dis-connecter
circuit breaker.
The battery recharge time to 90% of full charge shall be approximately ten times the
discharge time at full load.
The UPS battery shall have a back up of 30 minutes at full load and supported with
inverter of suitable capacity.
The bidder shall design and provide AC / Air cooling / Ventilation and exhaust
system as per the norms, regulations, statutory and process design requirement. The
control room shall be provided with air conditioning of required capacity. All plant
rooms shall be provided with push pull ventilation with air intake through a fan filter
unit and exhaust with propeller fans. The design of supply air capacity should be
based on 20 air changes per hour or heat load with inside temperature limited to a
maximum of 5o C above ambient temperature. The equipment shall comprise of air
intake louver, panel type filter, centrifugal air supply fan, GI ducting, Grills, propeller
fans and their gravity louvers.
The system shall be shown to operate correctly whatever the selection of duty and
standby equipment may be.
Correct operation of controllers shall be verified by observing that the final control
element moves in the proper direction to correct the process variable as compared to
the set point. All logic sequences shall be verified to operate in accordance with the
All defects and malfunctions disclosed by test shall be corrected immediately. New
parts and materials shall be used as required and approved and tests shall be repeated.
Upon completion of instrument calibration and system validation, all systems shall be
tested under process conditions.
The testing shall include, but not limited to all specified operational modes, taking
process variables to their limits (simulated or process) to verify all alarms, failures,
interlocks and operational interlocks between systems and/ or mechanical equipment.
After completion of installation works the contractor shall arrange to carry out
following checks/tests in the presence of CMWSSB representative / Engineer in
b) Commissioning Tests:
i). Check control wiring for correctness of connections, continuity and IR
ii). Manual operation of breaker.
iii). Power closing / operating manually and electrically.
iv). Breaker tripping and closing time.
v). Trip free and anti pumping operation.
vi). IR values, resistance and minimum pick up voltage.
vii). Contact resistance.
viii). Simultaneous closing and mechanical interlocks provided.
ix). Check electrical and mechanical interlocks provided.
x). Checks on spring charging motor, correct operation of limit switch and
time of charging.
xi). Checks on CTs.
xii). All functional tests.
Mechanical completion checks and commissioning tests on items not covered above,
shall be carried out by the contractor as per the instructions of CMWSSB
representative./ Engineer - in charge.
The bidder's/ contractor's scope covers the design, shop testing, supply, transport,
storing at site, erection, testing and commissioning of all electrical and instruments
required for the plant, as per enclosed General Specification, Specific Requirement,
typical power distribution scheme and typical control system architecture.
2.1 The Bidder/ Contractor shall strictly follow the typical power distribution single line diagram Formatted: Font: (Default)
which is to be proposed by him and approved and accepted by CMWSSB. Times New Roman
The bidder shall visit the site to satisfy himself about availability of voltage level, its
condition, its probable route, etc. before quoting. The CMWSSB will provide 11 KV,
50 c/s, 3 phase electrical power up to electrical meter within the premises through two
incomers through two different sources. From this metering point onwards the
successful bidder shall extend 11KV supply up to main substation and further 433
V(step down) supply up to MCC room (Motor Control Centre) .
2.3 LT panels shall also have two MDO, ACB (Air Circuit Breakers) incomers and one
no. MDO, ACB bus coupler. All the main pumps/drives and standby pumps shall be
distributed between two LT bus section equally so that in case of failure of one bus
section, other standby motors should get power supply from other bus section.
2.4 Bidders shall follow the BIS guideline for voltage rating of motors while designing
and selection of electrical motors. All motors of 100 HP (75 KW) and above shall be
of slip ring type and below 75 KW shall be of squirrel cage type.
2.5 All motors shall be provided with class-F insulation and their temperature rise shall be
limited upto Class-B. All motors above 100HP/75KV shall be provided with RTD's
(at least two RTD's per winding)earth leakage protection, comprehensive micro
process based protection having locked current /over load, negative phase sequence
relay, under load, over current, earth fault, start nos., transit currents etc.
2.6 All HT & LT cables shall be designed and selected after considering a minimum de-
rating factor of 0.65. Exact de-rating shall be calculated taking into consideration
designed ambient temperature, grouping and minimum size as per fault level
calculations of synchronised DG with grid). Bidder shall carryout detailed fault level
calculation of main generating station and upto all distribution points.
2.7 Bidder shall carry out the earth resistivity test on his own and based on this result they
should design the total earthing system to maintain a overall resistance value less than
one ohm.
2.8 The electrical and instrumentation in gas handling area like compressors etc. shall be
flame proof type and strictly adhere to CPCB/DPCC norms.
2.9 Sub station design shall incorporate all safety aspects and shall be provided with
power distribution agency metering room, switchgear room, separate fence, gates,
internal access roads, lighting, earthing, power factor correction, lightning protection,
cable trenches, equipment foundations, transformer oil soak/drain pits, galvanized
steel latticed structures/gantries, gravel etc. Two supplies from power distribution
agency shall be made available and normally any one source shall supply power to the
entire system.
2.10 Noise level (db levels & insertion level) inside and outside blower room shall be
strictly as per latest amended pollution control board norms applicable at installation
time. Whatever extra equipments required like scrubber, acoustic shall be provided to
meet statutory guide lines as well as building should be able to accommodate all
2.11 The Control system and instrumentation for the total plant shall be provided as per
typical control system architecture provided with this tender.
2.17. All the protection relay of 11kV/ 6.6 kV/ 3.3 kV HT panel shall be of microprocessor Formatted: Outline numbered
+ Level: 2 + Numbering Style:
based except master tripping relay and check supervision relay. 1, 2, 3, + Start at: 15 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0
3.0 BIDDERS OBLIGATION cm + Tab after: 0 cm + Indent
at: 1.27 cm
Bidder shall provide preliminary details for the items given below. However, if
CMWSSB requires any further details during technical bid evaluation stage, the
bidder shall provide the same.
3.1 Load list (as per enclosed typical format)
3.2 Maximum demand in KVA with duration (period) of the plant.
3.3 Minimum demand in KVA with duration (period) of the plant
For the benefit of bidders, a few Indian Standards and Codes of practices and other
international standards are listed below. Unless otherwise noted,
equipment/devices/accessories/installations/testing etc. shall comply with relevant
standards/codes mentioned herein. Where Indian Standards are not available
equipment/ devices etc. complying with relevant British or IEC standard or ISO
standards shall be proposed. While referring to any standard, the latest
revision/edition shall govern. Bidders are advised to include in their bid a list of
equipment/devices and corresponding standards to which they conform. Translation
in English of standards, which are available in other languages, shall be furnished
along with the bid, in such cases the English translation shall govern.
14. IS 2086 - Carrier and bases used in rewire able type electric fuses
for voltages upped 650V.
22. IS 2667 - Fitting for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring.
41. IS 828 - Circuit breakers for over current protection for house
hold and similar installations.
44. IS 13032 - MCB boards for voltage upped and including 1000V
50. IS IEC 309 - Plugs, socket outlets and couplers for industrial
For all other process equipments and instruments contractor shall follow IS / ISO
specifications and submit a copy of the same.
7.1 The contractor shall ensure workmanship of good quality and shall assign qualified
supervisor/ engineers and competent labour who are skilled, careful and experienced
in carrying out similar works. CMWSSB shall reserve the right to reject non-
8.1 An indoor substation shall be planned to house switchgears for incoming and
outgoing power supply circuits, metering equipments, communication equipment,
control panels, auxiliary power supply distribution boards, DC system equipment etc.
The following voltage of load factor and diversity factor shall be considered for
calculating the maximum running load. The sizing of transformer shall be included
along with the bid.
Main Pump Motor : 0.9
Aux. Loads : 0.9
Lighting loads : 1.0
Socket outlet, receptacle Diversity Factor : 0.50
Main pump motor for working loads : 1.0
Lighting Loads : 1.2
Socket outlet, receptacle : 1.2
8.2 Main incomer switchgear in various plant/process areas shall be fed by duplicate
(two), 100% capacity feeders and outgoing feeders shall be so designed that at least
20% spare subjected to minimum of one feeder of every type shall be available. All
control voltage inside switchgear panel shall be at 230V AC for Contactors and
control supply. Single line diagram of all panels shall be attached with bid giving
cable sizes in single line diagram.
8.3 DC system equipment (comprising batteries, chargers & DC distribution board) with
adequate capacity shall be proposed for protection / control circuits and other vital
devices of each substation. Further, in plant areas / substation a few lighting fixtures,
suitable for operation on battery voltage shall be proposed in strategic areas. DC
system, calculation of DC Battery size, DC battery charger, Voltage should be
attached with the bid.
i) Incomer feeder shall have electrostatic / microprocessor based control releases for
over current, short circuit, earth fault with time delay and these releases shall
directly work on tripping mechanism of drawout air circuit breaker. Outgoing
feeder up to 630 Amps shall be switch fuse unit / MCCB and beyond 630 Amps
shall be air circuit breaker. All Outgoing Air Circuits Breakers will be manual
drawout type.
ii) Each motor upto 5 KW shall have DOL starter with O/C, short ckt protection,
over load relay with single phasing protection along with ammeter, provision for
remote start/stop. Overload relay shall be reset type from front of panel. All
starters component shall follow type-II coordination chart of established
manufactures with components of same make. Each starter shall have On/Off/Trip
indication. All necessary selector switches like auto manual switch and local
remote switches shall be installed.
iii) Motors above 5 KW and upto 30 KW shall have Star / Delta starter with O/C,
short ckt protection, over load relay with single phasing protection along with
ammeter, provision for remote start / stop O/C relay shall be reset from front of
panel. All starter components shall follow type-II coordination chart of established
manufactures with components of same make. Each starter shall have on/off/trip
indication. All necessary selector switches like auto, manual switch and local,
remote switches shall be installed.
iv) Motor from 37 KW & above shall have auto transformer start and auto
transformer shall have taps at 40%, 60% and 80%. Over load relay shall be reset
from front of panel. All starter components shall follow type-II coordination chart
of established manufactures with components of same make. Each starter shall
have on/off/trip indication. All necessary selector switches like auto, manual
switch and local, remote switches shall be installed.
9.4 Luminaires shall be installed to permit ease of maintenance i.e. it shall not be
necessary to shut down plant in order to carryout maintenance or to access luminaries
located over areas of water etc. The contractor shall provide all equipment necessary
to carryout maintenance on the lighting installation and demonstrate its operation to
the satisfaction of CMWSSB.
9.5 Indoor lighting circuit will be arranged in such a way that 50% lighting can be put off
in each room through switches. All lighting circuits will be wired with
stranded copper wire or through 2.5 armoured cable laid in cable trays. Sub
circuit from switch to fixture could be wired with 1.5 stranded copper wire in
MS conduits or armoured copper cable of similar size provided total voltage drop in
any lighting distribution board to last lighting point shall not exceed 2%. All lighting
circuits will have separate neutral, separate earth from Lighting Distribution Board.
9.6 For illumination of roads, outdoors areas where operation of equipment or units
required and sub station area, lighting fixtures of appropriate type ( such as street
lighting type, flood lighting type, post top lanterns etc.) incorporating high pressure
sodium vapour lamps shall be proposed. Street light poles shall not have less than
7500 mm height above the finished road level and the arm shall not project more than
1200 mm along the road width. Poles of bigger heights may also be used if some
outdoor areas are to be illuminated. Poles of 4 / 4.5 Mtrs using post top lantern may
be used in gate office, walk way or in front of office area. Complete area, streets,
lanes, boundary shall be covered with street lighting.
a. Decorative and industrial type units of above shall be proposed in all plant
areas, offices, stores, workshop, plant room and they shall be located at least
two numbers in each room. Distance between two receptacles shall not be
more than 8 10 mtr. All small 5 amps 5 pin lighting & small power sockets
10.1 Bidders are advised to carry out soil resistivity measurement for designing the
earthing system. Further, bidders are also required to study the guidelines in respect of
lightning protection covered in relevant Indian Standards and accordingly include
proposals for the same. The bidder shall make sure that earthing resistance value for
both neutral conductor & body earthing shall be less than one ohm. All earthing
station shall conform to latest amended IS 3043.
10.2 The Contractor shall provide an earthing installation at each site. Protective
conductors shall be provided for all electrical installations and associated mechanical
plant, exposed steel work and buildings. Protective conductors shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements of IS-3043 or equivalent. The earthing system shall
be designed for the earth fault current occurring at the point of supply. The neutral
point of the 11/0.433 KV transformer secondary windings shall be solidly earthed.
The calculation of earthing system and earthing valves must be submitted at detailed
engineering stage.
10.3 The electrical installation shall be connected to the general mass of the earth by an
earthing electrode. The earth electrode system shall be established adjacent to the
transformer compound. GI plate earth electrodes shall be proposed in earthing system.
MS conductors with allowance for corrosion shall be used for conductors to be buried
in ground and they shall with stand fault for three seconds. GI conductors for earthing
shall be used for above ground installations. Touch and step potentials shall be kept
within permissible limits as per IS and this should be supported with earthing
10.4 The complete plant shall have lighting protection in the form of lighting finials,
horizontal earth continuity conductors, verticals risers, inspection links, earthing pits
as per IS 3043. Detailed lightning calculations shall be submitted at the detailed
engineering stage.
11.1 Bidders are required to provide communication facilities at site. The site shall also
have facility to communicate with outside agencies through local telephone network.
Bids shall take into account the above requirement. Bidders are free to propose means
of communication within site; however communication with outside agencies shall be
through local telephone network only.
CMWSSB wants to have latest technology with compatible automation system ON
LINE to run the plant from a single location. A typical control system architecture is
enclosed with bid which is to be strictly followed by bidder/ contractor while
designing the control system and instrumentation.
AIM -To provide latest technology for ON LINE monitoring and control of
various parameters CMWSSB hopes to achieve following aim:
-Improvement in effluent quality
-Control methane emission to reduce water pollution
-Proper monitoring and correction
-Low manpower
The system shall be modular in nature, and shall permit expansion of both capacity
and functionality through the addition of sensors, DDCs, Network Controllers and
operator devices, while re-using existing controls equipment.
Network Controllers shall be able to access any data from, or send control commands
and alarm reports directly to any other Network Controller or combination of panels
on the network without dependence upon a central processing device, such as a
central file server. Network Controllers shall also be able to send alarm reports to
multiple operator workstations, terminals, and printers without dependence upon a
central processing device or File Server.
The first tier network shall be based on a PC industry standard of Ethernet TCP/IP or
ARCNET. PC Workstation LAN controller cards shall be standard off the shelf
products available through normal PC vendor channels.
The FMS shall network multiple operator workstations, network controllers, system
controllers, and application-specific controllers. The first tier network shall provide
communications between operator workstations and first tier DDC (Direct Digital
Control) controllers.
The first tier network shall operate at a minimum communication speed of 10M baud,
with full peer-to-peer network communication and shall in corporate minimum 32 bit
Network Controller:
First Tier Network : The Network Controller (NC) shall reside on the first tier
network. Each NC shall support a sub-network of a minimum of 100 controllers on
the second tier network. This shall have redundant supervisory control in full "HOT
BACK UP" configuration.
Memory : Each controller shall have sufficient memory to support its own operating
system, databases, and control programs, and to provide supervisory control for all
second tier controllers.
Hardware Real Time Clock : The controller shall have an integrated, hardware-
based, real-time clock.
Communications Ports : The NC shall provide at least two RS-232 serial data
communication ports for operation of operator I/O devices, such as industry-standard
printers, operator terminals, modems, and portable operators terminals. Controllers
shall allow temporary use of portable devices without interrupting the normal
operation of permanently connected modems, printers, or terminals.
Power Failure : In the event of the loss of normal power, there shall be an orderly
shutdown of all controllers to prevent the loss of database or operating system
software. Nonvolatile memory shall be incorporated for all critical controller
configuration data, and battery backup shall be provided to support the real-time clock
and all volatile memory for a minimum of 72 hours.
During a loss of normal power, the control sequences shall go to the normal system
shutdown conditions.
Upon restoration of normal power and after a minimum off-time delay, the controller
shall automatically resume full operation without manual intervention through a
normal soft-start sequence.
Should a controller memory be lost for any reason, the operator workstation shall
automatically reload the program without any intervention by the system operators.
DDC System Controllers shall reside on the second tier. Standalone DDC panels shall
be microprocessor-based, multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control
processors. Each standalone DDC panel shall consist of modular hardware with plug-
in enclosed processors, communication controllers, power supplies, and input/output
modules. Input and output card module shall be replaceable under POWER ON
The DDCs should be application specific and should be located as near as possible to
the controlled equipment reducing cabling runs. The DDCs should be able to control
the equipment connected to it on a standalone mode so that in case of failure of the
first tier network the DDCs will be able to perform the minimum control functions
Point types : Each DDC panel shall support the following types of point inputs and
Binary inputs shall monitor dry contact closures. Input shall provide filtering to
eliminate false signals resulting from input bouncing.
Counter inputs shall monitor dry contact pulses with an input resolution of one HZ
0-10 VDC
Binary outputs shall provide SPDT output contacts rated for 2 amps at 24 VAC.
The automation system Contractor shall provide and install a personal computer
workstation for command entry, information management, network alarm
management, and database management functions. All real-time control functions,
including scheduling, history collection and alarming, shall be resident in the network
controllers to facilitate greater fault tolerance and reliability.
Workstation System Architecture The architecture of the workstation shall be
implemented to conform to industry standard APIs (application programming
interfaces), so that it can accommodate applications provided by the automation
system Contractor and by other third party applications suppliers, including but not
limited to Microsoft Office Applications. Specifically it must be implemented to
conform to the following interface standards.
All historical information contained in Time Series Databases and all configuration
data contained in relational databases must be accessed via ODBC (utilizing ANSI
SQL database query specifications).
All real-time event data (including alarms, change of state events, warning events,
etc.) shall be accessible by all applications via OPC (OLE for Process Control).
The Automation system Contractor shall provide all necessary OPC servers for
communicating to the DDC controllers that are provided as part of this contract. In
addition, the system shall accommodate installation and registration of OPC servers
provided in the future by other equipment suppliers.
Peripheral Hardware
Alarm printers:
Printer Make : Approved Manufacturer as per DGS&D
Printing Method : Laserjet or approved equivalent as directed by the
Print Speed : As directed by the Owner
Operator Interface
All Inputs, Outputs, Set points and all other parameters as defined or required as part
of the system software, shall be displayed for operator viewing and modification from
the operator interface software.
The operator workstation software shall provide context-sensitive help menus and
instructions for each operation and/or application currently being performed.
All controller software operating parameters shall be displayed for the operator to
view/modify from the operator workstation. These include set points, alarm limits,
time delays, PID tuning constants, run-times, point statistics, schedules, and so forth.
The operation of the control system shall be independent of the operator workstation,
which shall be used for operator communications only. Systems that rely on the
operator workstation to provide supervisory control over controller execution of the
sequences of operations or system communications shall not be acceptable.
Alarms :
Each workstation shall receive and process alarms sent to it by the control system.
The alarm management portion of the operator workstation software shall, at the
minimum, provide the following functions:
Allow the operators to view/manage the alarm data archived to hard disk. Selection of
a single menu item or tool bar button shall allow the user to acknowledge, disable,
delete, or print the selected alarm.
Alarms shall be generated by the operator workstation for any controller that is off-
line and is not communicating.
Changes made to alarm set points from the Operator Workstation shall directly
modify the controller alarm management database.
Selection of a single menu item or tool bar button shall print any displayed alarm
report on the system printer for use as a building management and diagnostics tool.
Selection of a single menu item, tool bar item, or tool bar button shall print any Formatted: Bulleted + Level:
1 + Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab
displayed report on the system printer for use as a building management and after: 2.54 cm + Indent at:
diagnostics tool. 2.54 cm
Formatted: Bulleted + Level:
1 + Aligned at: 1.9 cm + Tab
after: 2.54 cm + Indent at:
2.54 cm
Each user shall have the following: a user name; a password, and an access level
(from 1 - 5).
The system shall allow each user to change his or her password at will.
When entering or editing passwords, the system shall not echo the actual characters
for display on the monitor.
The graphics shall be able to display and provide animation based on real-time data
that is acquired, calculated, or entered.
Multiple graphic applications shall be able to execute at any one time on a single
The Operator shall be able to configure the speed at which data will be updated on the
specific graphic.
Basic graphical objects : All graphics shall be able to be constructed from the
following basic graphical objects:
Polygons : User may fill with any color or no fill, and may configure the thickness of
the outline. Arcs.
Circles and Ellipses : User may fill with any color or no fill, and may configure the
thickness of the outline.
Text boxes : User may configure text boxes with any W98 TrueType font, any
foreground color, any background color, and with 8 or more thickness levels.
Animation : Any Basic object, any group of basic objects, or any symbol or group of
symbols, shall be capable of being animated in the following manner:
Size : Any objects size shall be able to be animated based on the value of an analog
Movement : Any object can be animated to move either in a straight line, or can
follow a configured path of any number of line segments.
Operation from graphics : It shall be possible to change values (setpoints) and states
in system controlled equipment by any of the following methods of operator
By selecting the object with either the left, middle, or right mouse button:
Load a specific graphic. Formatted: Outline numbered
+ Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
Drag/Drop to load a graphic in a selected window. Bullet + Aligned at: 1.27 cm +
Link forward or backward to another graphic. Tab after: 0 cm + Indent at:
1.9 cm
Change or toggle the value of an object.
Launch an executable application.
Slider action : Any object can be defined to be a slider and configured to change a
setpoint or other variables as the user slides an object over a configured geometry.
Dial action : Any object can be configured so that it can change a configured analog
value over a range as the object is rotated. This is most often used to represent dials.
Data Entry : A variable is displayed on a graphic. By selecting the variable, the data
entry function for the value is enabled and the operator is able to enter a new value for
the variable.
Graphic editing tool : A graphic-editing tool shall be provided that allows for the
creation and editing of graphic files. The graphic editor shall be capable of performing
all drawing functions, defining all calculations to be executed as part of the graphic,
The graphic-editing tool shall in general provide for the creation and positioning of
objects by dragging from tool bars and positioning where required. It shall provide the
ability to create, at a minimum, all of the object types, all of the animation algorithms,
and all of the action types referenced in this section.
In addition, the graphic editing tool shall be able to add additional content to any
graphic by importing any Windows metafile (.wmf) or any bitmap file (.bmp).
Each Network Controller shall store trend and point history data for all analog and
digital inputs and outputs, as follows:
Each network controller shall have a dedicated RAM-based buffer for trend data, and
shall store 96 samples for each physical point and software variable, including an
individual sample time/date stamp. Points may be assigned to multiple history trends
with different collection parameters.
Trend and change of value data shall be stored within the controller and then uploaded
to the trend database(s). Uploads shall occur based upon one of the following: user-
defined interval, manual command, or when the trend buffers are full.
The system shall provide a configurable data storage subsystem for the collection of
historical data. Data can be stored in either Microsoft Access or SQL database format.
To enable users to easily access stored data, the system shall provide the capability to
store historical data in more than one file system (i.e., removable media, separate hard
drives, or a remote network file system).
Provide a trend viewing utility that shall have access to all database points.
Formatted: Font: (Default)
Provide database access through an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface Times New Roman
The display range shall consist of magnitude and units fields. The units are seconds,
minutes, hours, days, and months.
j) All instruments shall suitable for continuous operation. Formatted: Indent: Hanging:
1.27 cm, Outline numbered +
k) All transmitting instruments shall have a 4-20 mA/0-10VDC linear output. Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a,
l) All digital outputs shall be volt free. b, c, + Start at: 1 +
m) Instruments shall be designed for the ambient conditions of temperature and Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
1.78 cm + Tab after: 0 cm +
humidity. Indent at: 2.54 cm
n) All wetted parts of instrument sensors shall be non-corrosive and suitable for
use with sewage.
o) All instrumentation system for use out of doors shall be protected to IP 65.
p) All analogue displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts
utilizing back lit liquid crystal diode LCD/ LED technology.
q) Instrumentation shall utilize solid state electronic technology and avoid the use
where practical of any moving parts.
r) Minimum maintenance requirements.
s) Instrumentation shall resume operation automatically on the application of
power following a power failure.
The Contractor shall provide plant to measure any other parameter required for the
efficient and safe operation of the treatment plant.
Instrumentation sensors shall be suitable for the environment in which they are
expected to work. Sensor located in hazardous (flammable) or potentially hazardous
atmospheres shall be certified for use in these areas.
Flow metering as specified will be either open channel type or full bore
electromagnetic type as applicable.
The Online flow meter should employ a ultrasonic principle to measure flow. It
should provide isolated 4-20mA/0-10VDC output based on flow rate. It should have
inbuilt LCD display and housed in a IP65 enclosure. Maximum error in measurement
should be within +/-0.2% m at head change of 3m at 22degC and 40-70%RH. The
probe unit should be in-corrosive and unaffected by H2S laden atmosphere.
Ultrasonic level type measurement devices shall be used to monitor all tanks. They
should be housed in a IP68 enclosure with a integrated display unit. It should have a
4-20mA/0-10VDC output based on level and a resolution of atleast 1mm. Measuring
range should be atleast 0.3 to 8m. The unit should be CE /UL certified
The DO measuring device should have a 4-20mA/0-10VDC output and integral LCD
display for connectivity to automation system and display DO data. It should be
housed in IP54 enclosure. It should have measurement range of 0 to 5 mg/liter DO.
The unit should be CE/UL certified.
All DC or AC voltage required for instrumentation system shall be derived within the
control panels by providing a regulated DC power supply units or transformers.
Generators of small capacity sufficient to feed UPS, shall be supplied and installed
along with control gear, changeover scheme, exhaust and earthing.
The typical input/ output (I/O) requirements of various drives to be controlled and
monitored through DDCs are shown in Table 1.1.
An intercom system with 3x24 EAPBX shall be provided at all suitable locations
especially between the following points within the treatment plant:
Notes :
i. The I/O schedule detailed is indicative. The Contractor shall provide all the I/Os
necessary in order to achieve the complete control and monitoring of the plant.
ii. 25% spare for each type of digital and analogue I/Os shall be provided in each DDC.
All equipments prior to dispatch for the site shall be tested at works as per relevant IS
codes. International codes shall be used wherever Indian standards are not available.
The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer as to the accuracy of all the instruments used Formatted: Font: (Default)
Times New Roman
for tests and if required shall produce recent calibration tests, or otherwise have them
calibrated at his own expense by and independent authority.
The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer and to other parties as may be
directed, certificates of test of all items, certifying that they have been satisfactorily
tested and describing and giving full particulars of such tests.
The Engineer shall be provided with the facility for inspection of all equipment and
material and shall be given at least 10 days notice when such equipment and material
is ready for inspection at manufacturer or vendors workshops.
Full witness testing to the relevant standards and to prove guarantees given will be
required for the following items:
i). All pumps for performance testing.
ii). Electric motors for type on routine one motor of each size.
iii). All control panels.
iv). Chlorinator for relevant performance test.
v). All transformers for routine and type test on.
vi) EOT Crane as per relevant standards.
Unless otherwise stated by the Engineer, evidence of type of tests carried out
on identical transformers to those being provided under the contract will be
accepted in lieu of actual tests.
i). Routine tests including pressure test, milli-volt drop ( Ductor ) tests.
ii). To ensure operation of the closing coil and satisfactory closing of the circuit
breaker with the voltage on the coil down to 80% of its rated voltage, and that
mal-operation does not occur with a voltage on the coil of 120% of its rated
iii). To ensure the satisfactory trip operation of the circuit breaker at no load
conditions with the trip coil energized at 50% of its rated voltage.
iv). Test figures for heat run tests performed on identical panel types shall be
made available.
v). All interlocking, circuit breaker draw in & draw out operation.
Base on the completeness of the circuits in the final manufactured form within the
manufacturers works, the following tests shall be carried out:
i). Primary injection tests to ensure correct operation of the current operated
protection relays and direct acting coils over their full range of settings.
ii). Balanced earth fault stability tests by primary current injection. Care must be
taken to reproduce accurately the burdens of interconnecting cables. A further
test to ensure correct polarity must be made after assembly.
With different pilot wire schemes it may not be possible to apply primary
injection testing. In this case the circuits shall be proved by secondary
injection. Current transformer characteristics and calculations associated with
the above tests shall be available for inspection by the Engineer.
PVCSWAPVC 1,100 volt grade mains cable.
Between cores 3,000 V Between any core and armour 3,000V.
Witnessed high voltage pressure tests shall not be carried out on PVCSWAPVC
control cables, but it shall remain the responsibility of the Contractor to test the
insulation of these cables both between cores and between cores and earth during
installation with a Megger 5000 volt hand generator.
The Contractor shall test all cables after installation to ensure correct phasing out of
cores, continuity of cores sheath and armour over the whole length of the cable.
The cost of all labour, energy and consumables other than water required for Pre-
commissioning, Initial Operation shall be borne by the Contractor. Water required for
running the plant will be supplied free by the Employer.
The plant shall then be commissioned and put on Trial Operation at full load when
Performance Guarantee Tests shall be conducted.
ii). Supply the labour and materials including consumable required for the
operation and maintenance of the works and bear the cost of electrical energy.
iii). Instruct the Employers operators in the operation and maintenance of the
work; a programme shall be submitted by the Contractor for the training of
operators, both supervisory and subordinate levels. This program shall be
submitted to the Engineer three months before the scheduled start of
commissioning. The training of the employers staff shall be carried out with
reference to the operation and maintenance manual furnished by the
The Contractor shall provide for the expenditure on all the consumables any
energy required during the trial operation. All labour and cost of any other
materials shall also be met fully by the Contractor. Water for operating the
Plant will be supplied free by the Employer.
The Trail Operation shall be considered successful, provided that each item of
the equipment can operate continuously at the specified characteristics, for the
period of Trial Operation and the Performance Guarantees are successfully
a). The Works will be certified as virtually completed by the CMWSSB only
after it has successfully completed trial operation for a continuous period of three
b). A Virtual Completion Certificate for plant shall not be issued unless the
following documentation are dully compiled and submitted in final formats in duly
bound volumes.
i). A Completion of all shop inspection results/ reports of the
plant/machinery with due attestation that the plants have been manufactured to
specified standards (6 copies )
b)Chain Pulley Block Reva Engg / Hercules Hoists Ltd. / W.H. Brady & Co. Ltd.
415 V Switch-gear Larsen & Toubro Ltd. / Siemens India Limited / Voltas Ltd. /
8. Control gear English Electric Ltd.
Components/ Bus Duct
Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd. / VOLTAMP /
9. Power Transformer Crompton Greaves
Asian Brown Boveri / Kirloskar Electric Ltd. / Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. /
10. 11KV/3.3KV Switchgear VOLTAS Ltd.
16. PCC / MCC
Krone marshall / ABB / Endress Hauser
17. Flow Meters
Marsh / L&T / Rotork
18. Actuator
21 Air Blowers Kay International Ltd. / Everest Transmission / Swam Pneumatics Pvt. Ltd.,
25 Chlorinator Metito Pollution Control India Pvt. Ltd / Chloro Controls Equipment Co
1.1 General
Prior to the commencement of Tests on Completion the Contractor shall submit the following:
Site Acceptance Test Documents
As built drawings Formatted: Bulleted + Level:
1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
Operation & Maintenance Manuals after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
Test on completion shall not be commenced until the aforementioned documents are 1.27 cm
The initial charges necessary for Tests on Completion shall be provided by the contractor. Electricity
required for Tests on Completion will be provided by CMWSSB free of charge for a period not
exceeding 30 days. In case the test on completion period exceeds 30 days, the cost of power till start
of performance run shall be borne by the contractor.
The cost of any consumables and chemicals required for the tests on shall be borne by the contractor.
Potable water shall be used for hydraulic wet tests. The purposes of the 1 to prove as far as is practical
the hydraulic performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this Contractor shall ensure that each
part of the Works is hydraulically loaded to its maximum rated load throughout for a period of at least
seven days at twenty-four hours intervals. In order to ensure a sufficient supply of potable water to
carry out these the Contractor shall provide facilities for the disposal off site in an approved manner.
In order to remove doubt the following tests inter-alia shall be carried out.
Pressure testing of all piped systems laid direct in ground in accordance to the relevant Formatted: Bulleted + Level:
standards; 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
Fill all structures and check for leaks as per IS: 3370; 1.27 cm
Running of all pumped systems in order to check for
- Correct functionality
- Absence of leaks
- Correct running temperatures
- Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress
- Check drive running currents
Carry out calibration of instruments where appropriate Formatted: Bulleted + Level:
1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
Carry out valving, diversion etc. to fully hydraulically load each element (or where there is a after: 1.27 cm + Indent at:
requirement to withstand an over overload each process element; 1.27 cm
Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems.
The Contractor shall simulate where practical the conditions that will when operating as a process in
order to demonstrate the correct functions process control loop etc.
During these tests a check on the performance of Plant shall be made, as far as site facilities will
allow, to compare its site performance with the factory test data and to identify and constraints on
performance due to site conditions.
Raw water shall be used as the primary feed stock for process wet tests. These tests shall be carried
out to demonstrate the process performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this, the Contractor
shall ensure that each part of the Works is located to its rated throughput (including a period of
overload if required in order to demonstrate compliance with the Employer's Requirements) for
continuous stable operating period of not less than 48 hours.
The Contractor shall provide facilities for the disposal off site in an approved manner.
On completion of process wet test on the various parts of the works the Contractor shall run the plant
as a whole in order to demonstrate the full functionality and performance of the Works at various
throughput rates for a continuous period of not less than 7 days. This shall be considered as
completion of Test on Completion' and shall be certified by CMWSSB.
The Contractor is to carryout Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of the whole plant including civil
works for 3 (three) months under performance run. CMWSSB shall monitor the operation and
maintenance by the Contractor.
During performance run period, the Contractor shall provide following as minimum for round the
clock operation.
(1) Staff
Plant In-charge : One
Chemist : One
Operators : One for each shift
Maintenance Units : One fitter, one electrician
Helpers : One for each shift
Watchman : One for each shift
(3) Spares: As required for replacement during performance run period. The spares used from the
spare supplied under the contract shall be rep the Contractor.
CMWSSB shall supply power and water during Performance Run period free of cost. All other
material such as chemicals, consumables, lubricants, tools & plant spares etc. shall be provided by the
contractor. The contractor, if required shall provide activated sludge or any other material for the
stabilization of the plant.
The Contractor shall provide operators for various units/plants for three shifts and other
staff/supporting personnel in general shift.
The Contractor shall submit a weekly report to the Employer, about the operation and maintenance
indicating the manpower, electric power, chemicals consumables consumed and also problems faced
and rectified.
During this period, the Contractor shall ensure that the design treated quality standards are met in
accordance with the specification within the rate of power and chemical consumption as committed
by the Contractor. The treated sewage analysis pH, SS, BOD and oil & grease shall be carried out on
daily basis from the day of commissioning at a reputed laboratory as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge. 90% of the treated sewage samples should fall within prescribed limits of the treated sewage.
The analysis of sewage for the above parameters at different locations outlet of Sequential Batch
Reactor Process / SBR Process basin shall also be carried out on weekly basis Contractor shall take
immediate steps to correct the operation of the meet the guaranteed performance. The charges for
analysis at the laboratory to be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor's responsibility includes the safety and security works/plants during the
course of performance run of three month.
The Contractor shall provide the key personnel for performance run minimum qualification and
experience as given below.
CMWSSB shall issue a Completion Certificate for "Performance Run of Plant" after successful
completion of Performance Run of plant for 90 consecutive days by contractor to the satisfaction of
The contractor shall operate and maintain the Sewage Treatment Plant, and all other allied
works under this contract, for a period of 5 years, extendable by another 5 years, however the
scope of work will remain unchanged. For this period, the scope of work includes operation
and maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant, Raw Sewage Pumping station and other related
associated/allied appurtenant works of STP. Salient features of works are:
1) To Operate and maintain the sewage treatment plant, all instruments and mechanical,
electrical equipments in accordance with the aim and purpose of treatment. The plant &
equipments covered under the above contract will be totally attended to, by the
contractor including any Troubleshooting to ensure smooth and trouble free
2) The contractor will monitor the performance of the sewage treatment plant; conduct the
analysis of the inlet sewage and water quality after treatment. Contractor shall initiate
and take adequate actions to ensure smooth and satisfactory performance / running of
the plants on a 24 hours / round the clock basis.
3) The contractor shall prepare and implement an effective plant maintenance programme
in consultation with the Engineer. Expect during major overhauling, if required in a
year. The Employer will not provide any skilled or unskilled work force. It is an
absolutely contractors responsibility to look after all sorts of maintenance whether
preventive, Minor, Major, or break-down
4) The contractor will determine operating parameters, select settling (Chemical doses
etc.) and generally optimize the process, and working of the treatment plant. Excessive
chemical dozing i.e. dose more than normal should be avoided otherwise penalty shall
be levied and recovered from the contractor.
5) The contractor should plan & procure all spares, Polyelectrolyte and all consumables
including chemicals, grease, lubricating oil, cleaning agents, laboratory reagents etc.
Further the contractor will plan about the requirement well in advance (At least 4
months) and procure the material from the market.
The contractor shall maintain and update logbook, in which details of operational
parameters are recorded in every shift and at regular interval say hourly or as decided
7) The contractor will prepare and submit a daily report of plant performance and will
assist the Engineer in preparing the necessary documents for their purpose and records.
8) The contractor will be responsible to carry out day to day periodic maintenance,
necessary to ensure to smooth and efficient performance / running of all equipments /
20) The contractor should employ all the staff within two days of successful
21) The contractor will provide the necessary tools and tackles required for day-to-day
32) No equipment shall remain ideal or un-attended or damaged for the period of 3 days. If
any equipment is not repaired, rectified and or replaced within 3 days, the contractor
will be penalized with no limit at the rate of Rs. 2000/- per day delay per each
individual equipment of the plant.
33) If a man on the duty remains absent the contractor will be penalized at the rate of Rs.
500/- per man per day up to no limit.
34) The payment of O & M charges will be made as per the tender conditions.
35) All Retention money/BG shall be released on successful completion of O & M period.
36) The other terms and condition described in these complete tender documents, wherever
applicable shall remain unchanged. In case of any discrepancy the decision of Engineer-
In-Charge will remain final & binding on the contractor.
37) During Operation & Maintenance period, contractor has to supply all the spares, at his
cost during preventive, major-minor breakdown, replacement and maintenance work.
No extra payment will be made for such maintenance on any ground. The payment for
the same will be made strictly as per tender document irrespective of the number of
break down / minor, major repairs replacements. During the O & M contractor will
38) Contractor will have to maintain required Power Factor as per TNEB rules and
regulations. Incase penalty is levied by TNEB for not maintaining the Power Factor the
same will be recovered from the contractor.
39) Maintenance of Garden, Lawns, Plants, Bushes, Plantation of new Plants, Lawns etc.
and feeding, gardening, cleaning etc. is in the scope of the contractor. No separate
payment will be made for the same.
40) The Contractor during his O&M period will have to follow all the guidelines set by
TNPCB for Operation & Maintenance of ETP.
41) Operation and maintenance of all General facilities and utility services including all
other components of work done under this contract.
42) Operation and maintenance PLC based automation system and all instruments installed
in the STP. All repairs, replacements towards the entire instrumentation works during
the O & M period shall be in the scope of contractor.
43) Any other services required for smooth running of the scheme.
44) The contractor shall also dispose off the sludge, screenings, grit and any other material,
as per specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. It is to be noted
that all costs during the O&M period, excluding the cost of power and chlorine are to be
borne by the contractor. Within his quoted cost, the contractor is to ensure that the
following guarantees are maintained during the operation & maintenance period:
for quality of treated effluent
for consumption of chemicals
for automation
45) The contractor shall provide on job training to the CMWSSB staff as per specifications.
46) At the end of every 2(1/2) year of operation & maintenance period, an assessment of
the condition of the plant has to be done by the contractor through third party inspection
at his own cost and based on that assessment the contractor shall, at no extra cost to the
Employer, repair and re-condition all the mechanical equipments in the concluding year
of the O&M contract to a condition so that they are in running condition with regular
preventive and recommended maintenance as per manufacturer's recommendations or
as per CPHEEO manual. The contractor's scope shall include supply of all necessary
spares, lubricants and other consumables that may be required to operate for another 5
years. The list of critical spares shall be drawn up depending upon the maintenance
record of equipments in the penultimate year of the contract and the spares shall be
supplied in the concluding year of the contract. Based on the performance of the plant
for 5 years, the O&M contract can be extended by the Employer for another 5 years.
Inlet chamber at sewage treatment plant for flow, BOD, pH, SS, temp., COD and oil & grease, TDS.
Outlet of the sedimentation units for BOD, suspended solids. PH, COD and oil & grease, TDS.
Inlet of the reactor unit for MLSS, Dissolved Oxygen & pH.
Outlet of the reactor unit for Dissolved Oxygen, Sludge volume Index & pH.
Outlet of the secondary treatment units for BOD, Suspended solids, pH, COD and oil & grease
Outlet of the chlorination units for BOD, Suspended solids, pH
Excess sludge for Volatile suspended solids, total solids, specific gravity
Various parameters to be tested by online monitoring system at these locations as per specific
requirements of Instrumentation.
Residual Free Chlorine after Chlorination.
Laboratory Chemicals & Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board Testing Charges:
Contractor should run the laboratory (both chemical &Biological) by expertise hand to evaluate the
results &different parameters stated above and for that he should supply required chemicals, reagents
filters& glass wares etc complete.
He should analyze the treated & untreated sewage samples for Fecal Coliform Count once in a week
for that also contractor should support & supply necessary chemicals.
Contractor shall also procure the other chemicals required to carry out the different tests as per
CMWSSB requirements, TNPCB & Other governing authorities. The TNPCB guidelines for
Operation &maintenance of ETP should also be followed for performing different laboratory tests,
record keeping, as well for Operation & Maintenance of the entire plant.
The work shall be carried out on a 24 hr basis, without intermission and the staff deployed by the
contractor shall be in accordance with this contract. The contractor shall give or provide all necessary
superintendence during the O&M and as long thereafter as the Engineer-in-charge may consider
necessary. Such superintendence shall be given by a competent person having adequate knowledge of
the operation and Maintenance to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required), the
hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accident) as may be required for the
satisfactory working of the entire plant.
List of staff is to be given by the agency to the Engineer-in-charge and advance intimation to be given
before deputing/removing any staff from site during the period of contract. Not more than one of the
contractor's key staff shall be absent from the project site at any given time. In case it is necessary for
more than one of the key personnel to be absent at a given time, the contractor shall provide
replacement of equivalent or better qualifications. The CVs of such replacements shall be got
approved from CMWSSB in advance.
The contractor shall take all safety precautions under various Acts/Rules under central/State Govt.
from time to time and he shall be responsible for safety of its staff and the consequences thereof. The
contractor shall deploy round the clock security personnel at entrance of plants premises and in the
compound for the safety of the plant and premises during the 5 yr O&M period. The contractor shall
be completely responsible for the safety of the plant, equipment and personnel during this period.
Responsibility for damages
The care of the whole of the permanent works shall remain with the contractor who shall be
responsible for all accidents or damages from whatever cause arising and chargeable for any thing that
may be stolen, removed destroyed or damaged to whomsoever belonging and also for making good all
defects and damages to the said works or to any property adjoining or any cause whatever, whether
such damage or defects were occasioned by the negligence of the contractor or not or may be or might
have been discovered during the progress to be known after the completion whereof or whether
payment may wholly or partially have been made or the works approved as supposed to have been
properly done and no certificate of approval of any works by any officers or members of the Board
shall affect or prejudice the right of the Board against the contractor or be considered or held as at all
conclusive as to the sufficiency of any work materials.
Adequate safety precautions against fire, flooding, lightening, electrical shocks, accident due to
moving/non-moving heavy/light equipments shall be strictly observed by the contractor at his own
cost. Suitable safety measures like gumboots, gloves, safety belts, ladders, safety lamps, gas masks,
Oxygen apparatus, insulated tools, alarms etc. shall be provided by the contractor except those
provided by the Department. Necessary medical first aid kit shall be made available all the time. In
absence of observance of above safety precautions, the contractor shall be responsible for any
unforeseen loss of the equipments or persons dealing with it. Special care shall be taken by the
contractor while carrying out the work in sewage gas zone. Any incidence of human life or accident
will be totally contractor's responsibility.
The contractor shall ensure that the staff employed takes all necessary precautions while carrying out
the work either in shift duties or any general shift as per Indian Electricity Rules/Factory
Act/CPHEEO Manual, or manufacturer's special instruction for safety / gas handling. The staff should
use Gas masks, Oxygen apparatus, Gum Boots, Safety Belts and Safety Lamps, etc. while carrying
out the work in Bar Screens, sumps etc.
The contractor will make arrangement for all necessary safety equipments for persons
working at STP as per Factory Act/Safety Rules. In the event of any accident on or off site, in which
the contractor or his personnel are involved, in which an injury occurs to any person whether directly
concerned with the project or a third party, the contractor shall inform CMWSSB within 24 hrs. of the
occurrence of the event. The plant will be open to local/state/central agencies for verification of
safety/emission/acts compliance.
During night hours, the main gate should be locked. However, shift duty staff should be alert
and open the gate during surprise checking of CMWSSB staff or any other Government Authorities or
his nominee without any wait. Only bona-fide persons be allowed in the plant premises being a
prohibited area. Smoking and drinking are prohibited in the plant.
The staff engaged shall wear common uniform with name plate indicating name and
designation during duty hours.
Site order Book shall be kept by the Engineer in-charge at the plant site. Orders entered in
this Book by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative shall be held to have been
formally communicated to the contractor. The Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative
shall sign each order as it is entered and will hand over the duplicate to the contractor or his agent,
who shall sign the original in acknowledgment of having received the order.
Record Keeping
Running Records are required to be kept for various operating machines such as Mechanical Screens,
Mechanical Grit Removers, Pumps, Motors, Scrapers, Air Blowers, Chemical consumption, Chlorine
consumption etc. as maintained by the operators and kept at Control Room or duty room of the
operators that is closer to the location of the machines.
The records of effluent quality and other laboratory tests are kept in the laboratory as per daily sample
collection and testing schedules.
The record with respect to flow shall be maintained by operators as per Table below. The operator
passes the daily log sheet to the plant Manager on the subsequent day duly signed in the first shift. All
operators shall be responsible to fill up their part of observations and calculations. The plant Manager
shall verify the daily record as well as the calculations and shall be responsible to generate further
data using these.
It is pertinent to mention that there shall be a requirement of drawing site-specific procedures and
formats / forms for keeping records. This shall be the responsibility of the plant manager.
In case, the motor or any other equipment is burnt or damage due to negligence of the contractor or
due to faulty operation it shall be sole responsibility of the Contractor to rewind/replace/repair it as
per standards of the equipment free of cost. In case of any fault in operation and performance of the
plant, contractor or his staff at duty will immediately report to the Engineer-in-charge about it.
The Contractor shall run the plant unit after ensuring proper voltage. He shall also record all the
power failures and voltage in daily log sheet. He will bring into the notice of power supply agency as
well as control room and Departmental Engineer about the break down/power failure. He will also get
the electricity restored simultaneously.
Any dispute with the workmen shall be contractor s responsibility as per Labour Laws/Govt. Rules
and Regulations. In no way the department shall be responsible for the disputes between them.
The contractor shall follow the rules and regulations as per Factory Act as it is applicable.
The contractor shall arrange all necessary required tools, tackles and instruments in advance for
proper operation and maintenance of the entire plant.
The contractor shall operate and maintain all (E&M) equipment as per the recommendations of the
respective equipment manufacturer. He shall further maintain and operate the plant, as per CPHEEO
manual to obtain the treated effluent results as per approved norms specified in this document
elsewhere along with the Technical Bid. The contractor shall be free to follow manufactures manual
in this regard. However in case of any doubt, the deptt. shall refer to best of the above standards and
the contractor shall be bound to carry out the works accordingly.
The floating material/scum should be collected in bins and dispose the same in open pits away from
the plant, machinery which should be dried and disposed off regularly at a location outside the plant
and approved by statutory authority. During rainy season, this should be buried after using lime.
The treated effluent after the chlorination unit, should be disposed off to the adjacent stream or to be
recycled for using for any purpose within the plant . The conveyance of treated and chlorinated
sewage should be by means of closed conduit made by RCC or any RCC box channel.
The screened material, grit and the dried sludge cake from the centrifuge should be collected in
trailers, trucks or tractor and the same should be disposed off at appropriate place away from the plant
on his own. Suitable site for this purpose shall be identified by the contractor himself. Regarding cost
of sludge manure if saled, the contractor has to follow CMWSSB practice and rules.
No structure of any kind will be allowed to be constructed/altered within the plant premises, without
the permission of the Engineer. Nothing is to be paid by the Engineer for any addition if allowed. In
case of damages to the building/machines and shortcoming to the machines, the same has to be made
good as per original shape/good running condition by the contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-
charge in this regard shall be final and binding.
Every part of the works and all the materials to be used therein shall be subjected to such tests from
time to time during the execution of the work as the Engineer-in-charge may direct and the whole of
such tests shall in all cases be made at the contractors sole expense.
The work shall be carried on and completed under the exclusive control direction and
supervision and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge shall likewise
have full power to reject or condemn any work or material that he may deem unsuitable. In case of
any work or material being rejected by the Engineer in-charge, the contractor shall immediately
remove and replace the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge or the Engineer- in-charge
shall have full powers to get the same removed and replaced and deduct the expenditure incurred in
the process from any amount due or that may become due to the contractor.
The contractor shall use only the original and genuine spares of the original equipment as per
recommendations given in the maintenance booklet of the manufactures/as per directions of the
Engineer- -in-charge. Adequate stock of such spares is to be maintained by the contractor. Test
certificate of manufacturer is required for bearings along with supplies. Test certificate of all major
equipment will be submitted from the manufacturer.
If any material brought upon the site of works or to the places where any Operations have
been or are being carried out in connection with or for the purpose of the works, be in the judgment of
the Engineer, of an inferior or improper description or improper be used in the works, the said
materials or workmanship shall where required by the said officer be removed or amended by the
contractor forthwith or within such period for every breach by the contractor in this clause, the
Engineer is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed the materials and workmanship so
objected to or any part thereof and replace the same with such other materials and workmanship as
shall be satisfactory to him and there upon the contractor shall on demand repay to the Employer the
expenses incurred there by or to which the board may be put or be liable in connection therewith, the
amount thereof to be certified by the Engineer whose certificate shall be final.
He shall be responsible for civil maintenance of buildings and roads changing of broken
glasses, white washing and painting every two years and watering of lawns/plants within the plant
The contractor shall also be responsible to maintain cleanliness in around the plant including
machineries, disposal of floatings removed from the Bar Screens/reactors, etc. Grit and other
unwanted material.
All the steel structures and machines installed in open areas should be painted after every monsoon
period after cleaning the surface as per CPWD manual.
Entire plant including all civil structures, mechanical equipments, HT panel and Transformers etc.
shall be repainted after every 2(1/2) years as per original painting specifications.
All safety valves should be checked daily and ensure that they are working properly. In case
of any fault the same should be attended immediately without any wait. The maintenance of the plant
shall be as per maintenance manuals of the manufacturer for all equipments. Contractor shall keep all
the safety devices in working order.
The contractor should make sure that no unwanted material should float/grow in and around
different units. In case it is found the same shall be removed /cleaned immediately. He shall also be
responsible for cleaning/sweeping the plant buildings inside and outside, roads, foot path etc.
Launders/Weirs etc. of reactors etc to be maintained clean round the clock. During
preventive/ breakdown maintenance, the contractor has to visit the unit/units as and when
needed. The pumping units or other machineries required if any shall have to be arranged by
the contractor at his own costs for completing the work. In case of battery operated auto
system panels and also system alarm etc., batteries are required to be maintained and replaced
as and when needed by the contractor.
The contractor has to make sure that proper fire extinguishers are used to cover any kind of
fire during any miss-happening within the total boundary area including plant machineries. The expiry
period of refills of various fire extinguishers should be watched and maintained during the period of
The contractor has to maintain all the toilets for proper use of the staff etc. In no case, in-
sanitation conditions are developed. The contractor has to maintain minor repair in Civil structures,
including replacement of sanitary items, glass pans etc. as and when needed.
The Contractor shall provide all consumable items in the office provided for the Engineer for
the 5 year O&M period.
The Contractor shall maintain the PLC system in working condition for the 5 year O&M
The contractor shall not remove/shift any equipments/machinery even temporarily without
written permission of the Engineer-in-charge or authorized representative.
Though the contractor has to operate and maintain all the equipments/machineries, lighting
(plant area, boundary walls, gate lightening etc.) but the machine of the equipment under warranty
should not be dismantled without prior permission of the Engineer-in-charge. The list of such
equipments (Under warranty), if any, will be given by the contractor.
POL (petrol/Diesel Oil & Lubricants) has to be arranged by the contractor as and when
needed as per manufactures recommendations for periodical maintenance of entire plant. The
Department will not provide such items.
The contractor shall have to carry out periodical testing of the installations/equipments as per
CPWD specifications, CPHEEO manual and I.E. Rules as amended up to date and shall have to
maintain complete record in the maintenance register. The contractor has to provide necessary
protection systems wherever necessary including alarms and fire extinguishers.
CMWSSB will be at liberty to post its staff for surveillance/ inspection at the plant along with
access to all units, control room and records, log books, MIS (Management Information system), data
etc. round the clock as required. The logbooks and other records shall be properly maintained and any
cutting should be attested by the staff from authorized representatives and this record shall be open for
In case of major repair due to normal wear and tear/break down, the contractor should bring
the same to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge immediately and necessary measures for its repair
should be taken simultaneously. Breakdown, all repairs of any kind are to be attended by the
contractor. Any unit/equipment being irreparable in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge will be
replaced by the contractor at no cost to the Employer. During 5 years O & M period, the
machinery/media to be replaced from time to time as per manufacturer's recommendations/CPHEEO
All relays and HT equipments shall be calibrated and tested atleast once a year and the report
shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge.
The department reserves the right to carry out any work including capital works in the STP &
RSPS for improvement of the parameters including Coliform reduction. The contractor shall not
obstruct/ create hindrance object to any such work/works by the Employer or its authorized agencies.
The contractor shall give his telephone no., contact addresses, etc. to the Engineer/Employer
as well as shift duty shift to contact him during emergency/odd hours etc.
The contractor will be responsible to carry day to day as well as periodic maintenance,
necessary to ensure smooth and efficient performance/running of all equipments instruments installed
at the Sewage Treatment Plant.
He shall be responsible for maintenance/replacement of street light poles and light etc. also.
All the plant, building land, Sewage treated/untreated/sludge, etc. shall remain the property of
the Employer.
Oil & Grease Schedule
Routine & preventive maintenance of electrical /Mechanical/ hydraulic/ machines & equipments is to
be carried out as per the operation & maintenance manual. Minimum oil & grease requirement for one
year Operation & maintenance of the Plant to be procured by the Contractor well in advance.
Routine, Preventive, Minor & Major maintenance of all Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, hydraulic
machines &equipments of the plant.
The contractor should prepare schedule of daily maintenance & preventive maintenance of all the
equipments & machineries operated & run by him in the premises of the plant. The schedule should
be as per the guidelines mentioned in the tender &as per the O& M manual.
The scope covers Routine, Preventive, Minor & Major maintenance of all major minor equipments,
and machines in the Plant like Submersible pumps, Coarse &Fine screens Grit Removal Mechanism,
Channel gates, Decanters, Sludge pumps, Centrifuge feed pumps, Centrifuges, All dosing systems
including Chlorine Dosing equipment, etc.
The scope also covers Routine, Preventive, Minor & Major maintenance of all the instrumentation
system installed like PLC, Actuators, Flow meters level indicators etc.
The Contractor should also carry out Routine, Preventive, Minor & Major maintenance of all major
minor electrical equipments like Electrical Panels, Switch Gears, Power Cables, Control cables,
11Kv/22kv Switchyard, Changeover switches DG set etc so as to ensure uninterrupted round the clock
operation of the Plant.
The Contractor should maintain all civil structures including Administrative building, Store room,
Storm Drains, Retaining walls Compound Walls etc in Sturdy manner. He should maintain all civil
structures of the plant sturdy to complete the natural/designed lifetime.
This item includes all types of Routine, Preventive, Minor & Major maintenance of all Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical, hydraulic machines &equipments of the plant covering supply erection test
&trial run of the part/machine to be repaired/replaced with material &labour expenses, necessary
hardwares, sundry materials, lubricant oils, power oils, grease other materials plus machining charges
The contractor should procure all the spares required for all types of maintenances in advance. The
part/equipment/machine to be repaired /replaced should be as per the approved list & as per the O& M
manual or as per the existing manufacturers brand.
The contractor shall process and obtain the clearance of all such agencies as required for the
purpose, including all clearances during 5 years O&M period. He shall be fully responsible to comply
with all requirements of Laws including hazardous substances, emission standards for air, discharge
standards for effluent oil, sub-soil pollution.
The contracting agency shall not release any hazardous/toxic materials inside the premises.
(a) Verification of the system / capacity for normal wear and tear during the O&M
(b) Verification of the performance standards and useful life of the individual assets of
the facility, for normal wear and tear during O&M period.
(c ) Verification of the capacity of the facility to meet Output standards.
(i) At any time or at the end of each twelve month period, or at the initiative of the board, a visit
shall be organized so that both parties can check the condition of the installations at the facility.
(ii) A report shall be drawn up to record the opinions of the both parties. The Board
reserves the right to call the equipment manufacturers or specialized technicians for
these visits. All expenses are to be borne by the contractor for the purpose.
b) The O&M Manual shall include in elaborate detail, all operating and maintenance procedures
and policies which are required, advisable and / or necessary for the Facility to achieve full
compliance with the operational guarantees and to achieve maintenance and repair standard for the
Facility which will ensure compliance with the maintenance specifications.
c) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing the O&M Manual shall include
descriptions, procedures and shall comply with the requirements, set forth in the provisions
of the Bid Documents.
d) The draft of the O&M Manual shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineer,
which shall have the right to make any changes and revisions to the O&M Manual as it may deem
appropriate. The Contractor shall revise such draft O&M Manual prior to the commencement of the
O&M period.
e) During the construction period, the contractor shall revise the draft O&M Manual to reflect
any updates, changes or revisions it deems appropriate, inter-alia based on its experience and as
necessary to reflect any modifications or adjustments to the plant. Without limiting the above, the
contractor shall annually fully review, revise, update and modify the draft O&M Manual as may be
necessary or appropriate. Any revision to the draft O&M Manual shall be subject to the review and
approval of the Engineer. The Engineer shall have the right to require revisions to the draft O&M
Manual as it may deem appropriate. The contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer, for its
review and approval, 30 days prior to the proposed date of Taking Over, a revised draft O&M
Manual which reflects all changes, revisions and modifications. The contractor shall prepare the
O&M Manual, as approved by the Employer, prior to the date of Taking Over.
f) During the term of this Agreement, the contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer of any
revisions, additions or modifications which he, in his professional opinion, believes should be made to
the O&M Manual, whether as a result of additional experience in operating and maintaining the
Facility, changes in influent quality or volume, changes or modifications to any equipment, part,
component or structure incorporated in the Facility. Such notification shall set forth the reason for the
proposed revision. Any proposed revision shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. In addition,
during the term of this Agreement, the Engineer shall have the right to require relevant changes,
revisions, or additions to the O&M Manual as it, shall deem appropriate to ensure full compliance
with the O&M Standards.
g) The contractor shall submit 5 copies of the final O & M manual along with a soft copy in
Microsoft Word Format.
The EIA and EMP is to be adhered during construction and Operation and maintenance period by the
Environmental Assessment
The EA shall be carried out in line with the Government of India (GoI)s regulations (EIA
Notification), the World Banks EA guidelines and TNUDFs ESF.
2. Scope of Work
The following are the tasks to be performed by the contractor while conducting
Environmental Assessment for the STP including nature, scale and magnitude of impacts that the
project is likely to cause on environment.
The contractor shall review various earlier studies such as feasibility and detailed project
reports, etc., of the project and understand the project and various aspects associated with the same.
This shall provide a base to formulate the environmental surveys necessary for the project and
assessing impacts of the same.
An environmental profile of the project influence area shall be prepared, based on appropriate
primary & secondary surveys and field investigations. The objective of this profile is to establish
existing environmental conditions of the project area, in terms of air, water (surface & ground), noise,
soil and other environmental parameters, which should form the basis for prediction of impacts due to
proposed project activities. As part of this, the environmentally sensitive land uses (protected natural
areas, areas of ecological value, sensitive receptors like schools, hospitals etc.) would also be
identified and plotted on a map to scale.
The extent and duration of surveys shall be judiciously decided by the contractor as per
requirements of the environmental regulations applicable in India and guidelines of international
funding agencies. The profile prepared shall be adequate enough to predict impacts of the project and
shall cater to the requirements of obtaining necessary environmental clearances from the authorities.
The profile shall essentially include all physical, ecological and socio-economic components
of the project environment and bring out the salient and sensitive features of the same. Important
aspects such as reserve forests, national parks, major water bodies, structures of archaeological /
historic importance, and other environmental resources (if any) shall be identified and salient features
of the same shall be presented.
In case of low or insignificant level of environmental impacts, where an EMP will suffice, the
contractor shall review the recent versions of generic EMPs available with TNUDF and carry out
necessary changes to suit the project requirements.
As part of screening, if medium to high impacts, requiring a detailed EA and stand alone EMP is
required, the contractor shall carry out detailed impact analysis. The contractor shall predict
environmental impacts of the project components, activities and sub-activities on various
environmental attributes (bio, geo and physical) through appropriate analytical tools and techniques
such as modelling techniques, over lays, etc. Significant or insignificant, permanent or temporary,
reversible or irreversible, negative or positive impacts shall be categorised separately and presented
for each phase of project development.
All identified impacts shall be summarised in an easily understandable format and the
magnitude and significance of each impact shall be explained in detail.
An analysis of various project alternatives, including the Project and No Project scenario
shall be analysed and impacts shall be analysed for each scenario. Based on the above analysis the
best alternative that causes minimum or no impact shall be recommended for implementation.
Magnitude of social impacts due to loss of land, structures, income, livelihood etc shall be
assessed.Significant findings of census and social economic survey of PAPs along with a brief
The contractor shall carry out consultations with Experts, NGOs, forest department officials
(if applicable) and other selected Government Agencies and other stakeholders to (a) collect baseline
information, (b) obtain a better understanding of the potential impacts and (c) appreciate the
perspectives/concerns of the stakeholders, and (d) secure their active involvement during subsequent
stages of the project as appropriate .
The contractor using outputs of the above tasks shall prepare an implementable
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the project. Preparation of Environmental Management
Plan is detailed under Section 4 below.
The EMP should suggest ways / options for mitigating negative impacts of the project, the
preventive measures necessary. Where required, EMP shall include community consensus for the
mitigation measures proposed. The EMP shall identify the means / agency responsible for
implementation of the same and recommend suitable monitoring mechanism for the EMP. The EMP
shall be implemented fully by the Contractor.
The above referred activity shall be applicable for Generic EMPs as well as specific EMPs developed
as an outcome of detailed EAs
The contractor shall prepare a detailed EMP covering the measures to mitigate and/or minimize the
negative impacts, including the implementation arrangement and a monitoring plan for the same with
site specific requirements. EMP shall cover the following details:
Mitigatory measures: For each of the significant negative impact the contractor should recommend
measures to eliminate or mitigate the impact. In case any impact is non-mitigable, the cost of damage
shall be estimated. The cost (capital and recurring) of all the mitigation measures and the responsible
parties for implementation should be clearly identified. The mitigatory measures should necessarily
contain conceptual designs wherever necessary. The contractor should also specify neighbourhood
committees to supervise effective implementation of the proposed mitigatory measures.
Landscape plan: Wherever necessary (especially STP sites), the Landscaping plan should be prepared
considering the project area as a whole and shall meet project specific requirements. Considering the
nature of the project area, the EA should provide a conceptual landscape plan for all the project
components while considering the special environmental and social needs.
Monitoring Plan: The contractor should specify the types of monitoring needed for potential
environmental impacts during construction and operation. As in the case of the mitigation plan,
requirements should be specific as to what is to be monitored, how and by
Institutional Arrangement to Manage Environment Impacts Effectively: The contractor shall identify
institutional/organizational needs to implement the recommendations of the project EA and to propose
steps to strengthen or expand, if required. This may extend to new agency functions, inter-sectoral
arrangements, management procedures and training, staffing, operation and maintenance, training and
The review committee comprising of representatives from TWAD/CMWSSB, TNPCB, CMA and
TNUIFSL will review and clear the EIA report. Payment will be made after approval of the EIA by
the review committee.
Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant
3.1 Compensatory Compensatory plantation of atleast Pre- Prospective
plantation of twice the number of trees felled construction contractor /
trees should be done in line with competent and ULB/CMWSSB
authority guidelines. Construction
3.2 Protection of top The top soil to be protected and During Prospective
soil & compacted after completion of work. construction contractor /
Environmental Top soil from the STP area should be CMWSSB
enhancing stored in stock piles and that can be
used for gardening purposes at WTP
site which will be an environmental
enhancing measure.
3.3 Disposal of A suitable site should be identified for During Prospective
construction safe disposal, in relatively low lying construction contractor /
debris and areas, away from the water bodies, CMWSSB
excavated residential and agricultural fields etc.,
materials. and got approved by the Engineer.
Care should be taken that dumped
material does not affect natural
drainage system.
3.4 Pollution from i) The contractor shall ensure that all Construction Prospective
Fuel and construction vehicle parking location, and operation. contractor /
Lubricants fuel/lubricants storage sites, vehicle, CMWSSB
machinery and equipment
maintenance and refueling sites will
be located at least 500 m from rivers
and irrigation canal/ponds.
ii) All location and lay-out plans of
such sites shall be submitted by the
Contractor prior to their establishment
and will be approved by the Engineer.
iii) Contractor shall ensure that all
vehicle/machinery and equipment
operation, maintenance and refueling
will be carried out in such a fashion
that spillage of fuels and lubricants
does not contaminate the ground.
iv) Contractor will arrange for
collection, storing and disposal of oily
wastes to the pre-identified disposal
sites (list to be submitted to Engineer)
and approved by the Engineer. All
spills and collected petroleum
3.9 Risk from The Contractor shall take all required During Prospective
Electrical precautions to prevent danger from construction contractor
Equipment(s) electrical equipment and ensure that
i) No material shall be stacked or
placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or the
ii) All necessary fencing and lights
will be provided to protect the public
in construction zones.
All machines to be used in the
3.12 Labour camp & Setting up of labour camps needs to During Pre- Perspective
facilities be done as per the procedures. construction contractor /
Adequate potable water facilities, and CMWSSB
sanitation and drainage etc., in construction
conformity with the Indian labour
laws shall be ensured.
The contractor shall also guarantee
the following:
Implementing Location
4.0 Environmental enhancement and special issues
4.1 Flora and The contractor will take reasonable Project area Prospective
Chance found precaution to prevent his workmen or any contractor
Fauna other persons from removing and damaging
any flora (plant/vegetation) and fauna
(animal) including fishing in any water body
and hunting of any animal.
If any wild animal is found near the
construction site at any point of time, the
contractor will immediately upon discovery
thereof acquaint the Engineer and carry out
the Engineer's instructions for dealing with
the same.
The Engineer will report to the near by forest
office (range office or divisional office) and
will take appropriate steps/ measures, if
required in consultation with the forest
4.2 Chance Found All fossils, coins, articles of value of Project area Prospective
Archae- antiquity, structures and other remains or contractor
ological things
Property of geological or archaeological interest
discovered on the site shall be the property of
the Government and shall be dealt with as per
provisions of the relevant legislation.
The contractor will take reasonable
precautions to prevent his workmen or any
other persons from removing and damaging
any such article or thing. He will,
immediately upon discovery thereof and
before removal acquaint the Engineer of such
discovery and carry out the SC's instructions
for dealing with the same, waiting which all
work shall be stopped.
The Engineer will seek direction from the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) before
instructing the Contractor to recommence the
work in the site.
4.3 Monito-ring of The contractor shall undertake seasonal Project area Prospective
environ-ment monitoring of air, water, noise and soil contractor
parameters quality through an approved monitoring
agency. The parameter to be monitored,
frequency and duration of monitoring plan
To monitor the extent of environmental impact of the proposed project, the contractor has to periodically
monitor the ambient environmental quality along the proposed project area. The monitoring requirement
for the different environmental components is presented in table below
The site clearance shall be done with minimum damage to existing structures flora and fauna,
electricity and telephone lines and other infrastructure service.
The Contractor shall inform the local authorities / government if any fossils, coins artifacts of
value or antiquity, structures and other remains of geological or archaeological interests and excavation
shall be stopped until identification of cultural relics by the authorised institution is completed.
The Contractor shall dispose off surplus / waste material at identified sites approved by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall ensure that there is minimum hindrance to normal activities and business.
The Contractor shall avoid damage to permanent structures and shall avoid loss of standing crops along
the road.
10.4 Replantation
The Contractor shall carry out Replantation on areas / on the periphery of construction sites to
minimize visual impact and soil erosion. The Contractor shall pay special attention to the type of trees to
be replanted to prevent fouling of water through falling leaves and bird droppings. A list showing the type
of trees to be replanted will be got approved before replanting any trees.
The Contractor shall ensure that earth and stone do not silt up existing irrigation /drainage
The Contractor shall take suitable measures to prevent direct discharge of polluted waters form
construction activity into lakes/rivers/irrigation channels.
The Contractor shall minimize exposure of soil types susceptible to wind and water erosion.
The Contractor shall control run-off and erosion through proper drainage channels and structures.
The Contractor shall restrict traffic movements and use low ground pressure machines.
The Contractor shall preserve topsoil to be replaced after completion of construction activity.
The Contractor shall minimize interruptions to utility services through proper planning and
scheduling of activities.
The Contractor shall preferably use local labour / Skilled persons during construction.
The Contractor shall provide effective dust control through sprinkling / washing of construction
sites and access roads.
The Contractor shall cover / water stockpiles and storage areas to prevent dust pollution.
The Contractor shall cover trucks transporting construction materials to minimize spills.
The Contractor shall have a preventive maintenance program for construction equipment and
vehicles to meet emission standards.
The Contractor shall normally undertake construction work during daytime only (between 7.30 to
18.00 hrs) and when authorized to work beyond these hours adopt suitable noise control methods during
such works.
The Contractor shall maintain machines and trucks to keep them with low noise.
The Contractor shall install sound barriers and plant tree as appropriate during construction.
The Contractor shall take adequate measures such as provision of septic tank/pit latrines at
construction site / camps.
The Contractor shall provide garbage cans at suitable fixed place and have the garbage disposed
off regularly.
The Contractor shall repair pavements immediately following construction pipeline and
appurtenant structures.
The Contractor shall remove after completion of construction, all temporary structures and restore
the project and surrounding areas nearest possible to the pre construction condition.
The Contractor shall not select arable land as material borrows site. In case excavation in arable
land is unavoidable, topsoil layer (30 cms. depth) shall be saved and returned after construction work is
completed so as to minimize impacts on ecosystem, agriculture and animal husbandry.
The Contractor shall educate construction workers to protect natural resources, wild plants and
The Contractor shall provide efficient lighting equipment and safety signs on temporary roads
during construction and shall adopt and implement adequate traffic regulation.
The Contractor shall take effective safety and warning measures to reduce accidents.
The Contractor shall provide suitable temporary crossings to facilitate normal life and business.
The care of the whole of the permanent work until their completion and the whole of the
temporary work until their removal shall remain with the Contractor who shall be responsible for all
accidents or damages from whatever cause arising and chargeable for anything that may be stolen,
removed, destroyed or damaged to whomsoever belonging and also for making good all defects and
damages to the said Works or to any property adjoining or any cause whatever, whether such damage or
defects where occasioned by the negligence of the Contractor or not or may be or might have been
discovered during the progress of the works or in consequence thereof, or shall appear to be known after
the completion whereof or whether payment may wholly or partially have been made or the Works
approved as supposed to have been properly done, and no certificate or approval of any works by any
officers or members of the Employer shall effect
a. Monitoring Frequency:
a) During construction period: 12 times a year each time including day and
c.) During construction period: Near construction sites, factory sites and
sensitive areas.