4264552A Petrochem PCal V MKT Broch W

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Recommended petrochemical solutions More recommended petrochemical solutions

Multifunction Temperature Baths and Precision thermom- Deadweight

Calibrators calibrators HART smart instrument calibrators dry-wells eters and probes testers and
pressure controller
Best suited for: Best suited for: Best suited for: Best suited for: Best suited for: calibrators
Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting and Documenting the performance of critical Calibration of dial Contact temperature
calibrating current loop calibrating temperature HART smart instruments thermometers measurement in fluids Best suited for:
applications using the Calibration of pressure
Testing temperature Trimming the Sensor of a HART smart temperature Calibration of RTDs and Contact temperature transmitters, gauges
functionality of a loop sensors and transmitters or pressure transmitter thermocouples measurement in thermo- and switches
calibrator and digital mul-
Measuring and sourc- Trim the mA output of a HART smart device RTD and thermocouple wells and test wells for
timeter built into one tool Maintenance of
ing thermocouples and calibration check in situ comparisons with
Re-range the LRV and URV of a HART smart device almost any pressure
Accurate temperature RTDs, plus volts and controllers, displays,
Temperature controller device using pressure
measurement ohms View configured HART variables and gauges.
loop calibration sourcing and milliamp
Calibration and Set transmitter mA output to a fixed value Use as an external measurements
maintenance of process Petrochemical Log mA measurements over time Temperature transmitter reference thermometer Calibrating P/I instru-
instrumentation and applications: and sensor combined to improve calibration ments with simultaneous
control systems Simultaneously Log mA signals, PV, SV, TC and calibration accuracy
Measure thermocouples, QV over time pressure and current
Sourcing, measuring and ohms, and volts to test Temperature switch test Logging temperatures measurement
documenting virtually any Set tag number and configure temperature sensor
sensors and transmitters Petrochemical
process variable Petrochemical Petrochemical
by sourcing/simulating Petrochemical applications: applications: applications: applications:
Petrochemical thermocouples, RTDs, volts
Tools that are specifically enabled to test troubleshoot and Provides a stable reference Pressure measurements
applications: and ohms; executing re- Provides a more accurate
calibrate HART smart transmitters. Use the model Fluke temperature for comparing using internal sensor;
mote tests with auto step reference temperature for
Measure, source, and simu- 754 to document HART instrument calibration performance temperature measuring measure mA while
and auto ramp; powering checking and calibrating
late dc loop current for upload to a CMS (Calibration Management Software) equipment against a sourcing. Precise manual
transmitters during test temperature measurement
Regulating quality or custody system like Fluke DPCTRACK2 or others software pack- standard of higher accuracy or automatic pressure
using loop power supply equipment. Use to detect
transfer processes ages. With the 709H you can perform all the loop trouble- to detect and correct errors control. Ensuring safety
with simultaneous mA errors in other instruments
Pressure and temperature shooting and testing needed to optimize the performance in the device being tested. of pressure containment
measurement; calibrating to simply to determine tem-
transmitter calibration; of a HART smart device. With the 754 you can do this as vessels.
linear TC transmitter; cali- perature precisely. Intrinsi-
calibration and configuration brating thermal imagers well as source or simulate almost any transmitter input cally safe models such as
of HART devices; document- and infrared thermometers signals to test the entire transmitter. the 1551 Ex may be used
ing field calibrations for in potentially explosive
recall and upload. atmospheres.

Pressure mA Process
calibrators clamp meters For more information
Best suited for: Best suited for: Find useful application notes, Intrinsically Safe Test Tools and Standards
Pressure calibration of Measuring 4 to 20 mA case studies, and posters for
transmitters, gauges and signals without
switches breaking the loop the petrochemical industry at How do you know if the

North American rating

Testing of downhole Sourcing, simulating

Division 1 Division 2 combination of test tool and
European ATEx device under test is safe?

pressure measurement and measuring mA Zone 0 Zone 1

Gas Presence
Zone 2

Sourcing, measuring DC
1000 hours/year >10 hours,< 1000 > 1 hour,
hours/year < 10 hours/year

Certification Fluke Main

Maintenance of almost voltage

products application

Fluke. The Most Trusted Tools

707Ex Loop Source and All Gases

any pressure device using

Calibrator measure mA signals

in the World.
Petrochemical industry
e 718Ex Calibrate pressure All Gases
n Not

Petrochemical g prea DPC icatio

Pressure transmittters

pressure sourcing and ratin

Calibrator and switches
Calibches wit
725Ex Calibrate Gases

Multifunction almost any

milliamp measurements
(North American gas groups B,C,D)
(ATEx gas groups IIB)
tch Calibrator process device
re swi
pressu ducted
ting a con ed
Calibra can be 87V-Ex True-rms All Gases
a DPC embedd Visit www.fluke.com/ex

calibration solutions
d in a using y or as an ware. It also
are use and Industrial Ex IEC-1010 CAT IV

mA sourcing, simulation
tches manuall g DPC soft ssure acc and order a free intrinsically
Fluke Corporation
ing -
re swi of monitor h as task usin pre re mod
Pressu s certain a pressu Multimeter 600 V rating

Calibrating P/I
variety s, suc - require including p. The step the
s safe training CD
wide application defrost sen s,
controlair provers or application sories, hand pum specific tocess
HVAC r indicat r alerts and ule and below arebut the pro

PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.

sors, filte outlined ies, y any

and measurement;
filte 740 Ser virtuall
raulic ectors. ed
Fluke applied to
oil/hyds break det tch is trigger a

instruments with
proces ssure swi ssure within d can
A pre s in pre sure DPC. re
nge be mea
by cha , which can , or differeuts.
n- pressu
re inp tch Calib
systemssure, vacuum switc cess is

Fluke Europe B.V.


loop calibration,
as pre ween two pressure swion, limit the proA number
tial betry case, the hragm, pist step in te: ly

simultaneous pressure
The firstthe DPC. (No article app re
In eve loy a diap esponsive ssu
set up terms in this e and pre
will emp ssure-ra switch
er pre of the temperatur tion and

PO Box 1186, 5602 BD

or oth coupled to ism. s- bot h bra
sensor g mechan ic form, a pre
to tch cali

maintenance and repair

air flow limit swi nance.) setup scre wing
actuatin most bas itor nte

and current measurement

In its mon control mai test the follo
tch can or ter, The DPC user for
sure swi ting system

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

hea a wat er hea
man y pro mpt the : t at which
in a ssure
in in tion poin take
chdog s. informa nt: Main posed to
gas preas the wat applications- Setpoi is sup
acting s monitoring tion of pre in the switch h
proces urate calibra critical stepthe be hig
Acc is a and action. nt type: Can basic call
tches quality poi This is the ns that
sure swig process equipment.
But Set .

For more information call:

or lowon. Low mea happen
ensurin ration of vy process er- )

to acti on should variable (PV

safe ope most sav fully und be set
the actithe processoint. High
g pro
cali- s can dc,

Petrochemical manufacturing can be a tough and unforgiving environment. Whether youre ensuring
the n: Thi
even may notmethod of en setp uld V

an wh
e w the on sho functio V ac or
technicithe correct s.
the Not is belo that the acti ve the Trip tinuity, is bein
switche for n

blesh In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or

stand pressure tool io ni- means if the PV
is abo for con rs to whatsetpoint is
n s ict at and refe d as the
Trou s in pote osphere
brating tely, the
Ap plbes proces
s tech nt- happen . the swi
tch simulat
Fortunaone many n: a docume setpoint e: State of time the measureed by the

is the exercis s variable.
loop sive atm
job already tor, like Set statreset) at the
mo- e you in a

Fax (425) 446-5116 regulatory compliance, performing preventative maintenance, or testing equipment, you need high-
cians cess calibra (At (set or takes place. wable proces suppos
bra-X nch for mple, the pressure t

Gas flow
ing pro740 Series. Eurces ope s an Fre on allo . For exa
Fluke ume h the g pro losi on, directiv
bles acti
e nce: The setpoint to con
trol You don n-
Doc sphare resmul Exp tifuncti her e thees)
Zon es era n from theMinimum
Tol want set at 12 psi. e to be ope
al atm osp
inat in iatio : dba nd. sel ef valv tly, you
tric (DPCs) losi vet elim iacarr IICyT4) anddev dband min the dea m ves
the reliing constan and
l or elec exp s tha

In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or

n of tors cess tool Eexto inTh eope isio nDea2 of want
therma ignitio t/ 2 Gans
IInici Eur or size Maximudband. clos 12 psi
either to cause l (gas, duspro d for(Ex tech h theusem. 1, -Div thevalue nd max: ing and to open at roximately

quality, cost-effective products that dont sacrifice safety or uptime.

2 for
s wit Classs Cali dea
of the of a pres-


Pressure measurements us-

means, le materia nee and
e 1tool N.I.ces in dba want at app psi = an
multipl umentin
ds 500g; Pro ed me for use
a Dea or size nd again psi).
flammab lates). standar can DocNEC allyup
as Gro
savA-D ,
Guidry insicall(no y e the deadba measured s-
valu close (12 psi - 10 nd of 2
particuinsically safe ent that 744of areliter Gene an intr te: is the pre 10 psi, mate deadba

Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222

has to I was adher- switch the applied
Intr all equipm a range brator step U.Ss,. said itio U.Sn .A. strinct sure
is in is app roxi
to e of on In add
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apply one or mor explosion zilli vron Che loop e,
bra proced
calimay differe en the swito reset)
two, thre tionent ng: sure whd from set
create d potential Che safe braipm

With Process Calibration solutions from Fluke and Fluke Calibration for electrical, multifunction, mA

ing internal sensor; measure

cali udi
I just
define : carrying enc es of e to
test Nowincl
s. ed, s system cha nge
four piecreco
end ratethe s ry
mm tool

In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or
sources al sparks my han , wh
d inco e rpo
sure i- worker
tric plus 744 k out ich
: Mak
T com
and other ially
mun c o m/l
Elec trical arcs take thetion
Loc t HAR n fastent e.
and dow singt ale,potwill be tak- fluk

Best suited for:

Elec es is shu in atha ww.
calibra cap areabil
@ w
Flamsurfaces cation dangerous rary

mA while sourcing. Precise


Fax (905) 890-6866


loop, temperature, pressure and flow applications, you can find the right tools for the challenges you
Hot tic electricity radiationunit. ing place. area: Tape theker s ifromt a l-
Sta tromagnetic ns Tape
l uven
pre k tewor danger
Elec mical reactioact are t ahoffe toF h potentially (cel l
m g wit
Che hanical imption F r o enterin trical devices ers,

From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or


Calibration of mass flow

ous elec, handheldsafe tools).

manual or automatic
Mec hanical fric ition phones rinsically

face every day.

Mec pression ign tems:
non-int vent the sys the sys
Comustic energy ge or ge or vent that may

Fax +1 (425) 446-5116

Acoizing radiation particularly Pur Safely
any gas

controllers and meters

Ion insic safety isnicians ro- to remove envi-

pressure control.
. In an
nt for tech ies like petl, remain det ector: ve gas
gas losi gas
importag in industrrmaceutica Use a t where exp use of a ore

Web access: http://www.fluke.com

workin al and pha ls such as- ron men
pre sent,
t step bef
chemic bulk mat any environ are
es may be r is a prudenbration. Gas wide
aroundmining, or ve gas detecto a loop caliilable for a

Support of remote drilling

grain, where explosi in startingrs are ava tions and fromels.
ment t. safety sniffe of applica carted mod

Calibration of rotameters
s within sen nce of t be iety er, -
n problema difficul -
t pre orta
The impironments
s a ver
y var ld to larg r calibra
g dow be It take to cause handhe form you safe
iron env
these d enough. te: Perintrinsically

2013 Fluke Corporation.

Trackin s loop canbest of env t rgy Cal ibra
a procesge in the area tha stresseamount of a mixture of g an

and exploration operations.

in an on s only tion usin brator. ate: At erse
challen Doing so for explosi to small ition; e.g., uire cali ctiv
ments. potential of difficulty an ign en in air req proper
loop and rea tion, rev
imize Clean up of calibra ate the

Specifications subject to change without notice.

has thethe degree the rog . The
s one where ning hyd uJ of energy s will minin clus ion rea ctiv
take r level proper trai will 2O es and
involved ards.
con cess and
anothe an needs s article lica- practic erent risk haz the pro .

these system
technici ipment. Thi ctical app ed the inh g around

tion of bleshoot pro

and equtrate the tors design in
demonsloop calibra cess loop ts.

Intrin ation
y saf e loop
Lo op calibr
Ex Loo lace the
The 707ity to rep loop so youtter
power Printed in U.S.A. 5/2013 42645552A_EN
to trou cally safe calibr t loop calibra
Pub-ID 12021-eng
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iron- tor the abilin a curr read a tran y-

intrinsi ally duc ve env source er and without carrM).
trinsic To con ially explosia loop calibra
time eter (DM
is in potent you need intrinsicall -
y can pow same
What at the digital multim
tection ments, ified as loop cali
safe? ty is a pro potentially that is cert cally safe e 707Ex, ing a
c safe d in insi Fluk e
Intrinsi d employeheres. Devices safe. Intr , such
as the accordanc

Pilot plant process


Modification of this document is not permitted

standarve atmosp ically safe brators certified a r y
explosi as intrins unable to must
be libr
certifiedigned to beenergy, by e.c
are des sufficient ww.
@ w
without written permission from Fluke Corporation.
development and support
m the
Safety officer Quality manager
Focus: testing, maintenance and Focus: maintaining and documenting product quality
repair of equipment and systems
What issues do you face?
What issues do you face? Complying with quality regulations
Downtime prevention
Maintaining documentation of processes
Safety systems testing
Troubleshooting process interruption with Fluke solutions:
immediate response and repair Temperature calibrators
Multifunction calibration tools

Fluke solutions:
Pressure calibrators Baths and dry-wells

Multifunction Tools
Flow calibrators

Pressure calibrators Engineer

Flow calibrators
Focus: process design and improvement
Temperature calibrators
What issues do you face?
Specifying equipment to meet regulations and requirements
Instrument Technician Preventing downtime

Focus: Testing, maintenance and Fluke solutions:

repair of equipment and systems Temperature calibrators
Multifunction calibration tools

What issues do you face?

Pressure calibrators Baths and dry-wells

Downtime prevention
Flow calibrators

Safety systems testing

Troubleshooting process interruption with
Industrial calibration technician
immediate response and repair
Focus: calibrating measurement devices
Fluke solutions: What issues do you face?

Multifunction Tools Making accurate measurements

HART smart instrument calibrators Documenting procedures
Increasing throughput

Pressure calibrators
Fluke solutions:

Flow calibrators Control

Transmitter Pressure
guage Temperature calibrators
Multifunction calibration tools
Temperature calibrators
Pressure calibrators Baths and dry-wells
Baths and dry-wells
Flow calibrators

Diagram is not intended to be an exact representation. Diagram components are

not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.

Multi-function and loop tools Temperature calibration tools Pressure calibration tools Software

Fluke mA loop calibrators Multifunction calibrators Baths and dry-wells

Infrared thermometer
Precision thermometers and
Handheld pressure
Pressure gauges and
comparison test pumps
Deadweight testers
Bench pressure

Learn how Fluke solutions can
save you time and money while
increasing your productivity at
www.fluke.com/petrochem. 709H 715 707 726 754 789 7526A 7102 914X 418X 1523/1524 1551A Ex 700P 719 700G P5515 P3100 E-DWT-H PPC4E Pressure 8845A/8846A 750 SW
Precision Volt/mA Loop Precision Documenting ProcessMeter Precision Micro-Bath Field Precision Infrared Handheld and 1552A Differential Portable Precision Comparison Hydraulic Electronic Controller/ 6.5 Digit DPC/TRACK2
Based on you. Built by Fluke. HART Loop Calibrator Calibrator multifunction Process with 250 Ohm Process Thermometer Metrology Wells Calibrators (temp) Thermometer Ex Stik Pressure Mod- Electric Pressure Gauge Test Pumps Deadweight Deadweight Calibrator Precision Software
Calibrator calibrator Calibrator- HART resistor Calibrator Calibrators (temp and Readout Thermometer ules Pressure Calibrator Testers Tester Multimeters
HART mA Loop) (temp) Readout Calibrator

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