Building Materials
Building Materials
Building Materials
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Sector description
Increasing household size in recent years (5.4 in 2007 to 6.0 in 2013) driven
by limited new housing construction
Housing construction not targeted at low to middle income (average unit
prices are higher than housing budget of 50% to 80% of population)
Significant challenges with titling, land registry and fragmented ownership;
only ~35% of West Bank land is registered (at current target registration
rate it will take approximately 80 years to register entire West Bank)
Tight mortgage lending standards (e.g., only 5-15% of Areas A/B available
for mortgages; of $500M AMAL program <1% allocated)
Lengthy permit process for new construction in East Jerusalem (24 to 84
months) and Area C
Represents ~22% of GDP, at $2.3B
Accounts for ~16% of employment, at ~143K jobs
Average construction ~9,000 housing units 2008-2011
Regional benchmarks
Housing cost $550-700 per sq. m. in Palestinian Territories vs. $375-550 per
sq. m. in Turkey and $250 per sq. m. for affordable housing in India
Average mortgage rate 5 to 6.5% vs. 3.2%-4.0% in Israel
Mainly supporting
Activities Status
Effective demand survey Under way
Further analysis ~100K dunums of Under way
Identification of suitable land identified in IPE
suitable land
PLA resource and capacity building Under way - ramping up of
Judges dedicated to land disputes land registration efforts
Land registration
Land registration
Financing: expand existing low-
cost financing initiatives (e.g., National master plan in place
AMAL) and launch additional
Financing options to spur construction Permitting / zoning process
growth and enable low-income
rentals and home purchases Project management
14 14
4 4
2 3
Estimates based on
Sector has proven capacity to build 33K units/year previously published reports
Housing units built in Palestinian Territories1 High growth years
Number of units (000) RAND arc study indicates that
33 32,000 units per year need to be
29 29 built to keep constant housing
20 19
PCBS, UN, and IPCC reports
17 17 17 indicate a total latent demand of
14 15 14 14 ~130K
13 13 13
11 Driven by overcrowding and
9 8
8 structural issues in the
5 6
3 existing housing stock
Would require construction of
25-40K units per year to fill
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
1 Includes illegal units until 2007. 1990-2007 based on actual construction. 2008-2012 based on permits issued, which PCBS considers a good approximation
Source: PCBS Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Opportunistic, targeted land registration can support
implementation of the IPE
1 Agreeing on criteria for land to be approved 2 Creating and empowering task force to drive
for fast-track registration registration
Key criteria for suitable land Task force needs mandate and resources to act
Geographically suitable for housing quickly and decisively
(topography, etc.) Potential membership
Location (proximity to infrastructure, existing Relevant PA ministries
urban centres) Palestinian Land Authority
Low cost of land Judiciary
Land suitable for registration (ideally: high Developers
ownership concentration, low dispute frequency, Investors
etc.) Facilitating agency (OQR/World Bank)
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Housing need could be addressed with several different
housing types tailored to demographic and geographic
Description Examples
Urban infill Dense construction in urban centres to Land in centres of East
take advantage of available land; Jerusalem, Ramallah,
targets mostly mid- to high-income Bethlehem, Hebron,
levels Nablus, Jenin, and other
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Breakdown of housing types
West Bank Gaza
Within urban centres Just outside urban centres Close to urban hubs (but not Gaza Strip
Area directly connected)
Small lots Medium Very large Large
Development size (1-20 dunum) (10-1,000 dunum) (1,000-6,000 dunum) (500-1,000 dunum)
$13K $13-16K $7-11K $0-8K
Land cost/unit1 ($100k 500k/dunum) ($50k 300k/dunum) ($20k-200k/dunum)
Household income Medium to high (>$10k) Medium to high (>$10k) Low to medium (<$10k) Low to medium
graphics 3-5 4-7 4-6 4-7
Household size
Connection to existing Connection to existing infra- All new infrastructure neces- All new basic infrastructure
Infrastructure (road, sewage, infrastructure structure; possible extended sary (incl. energy/water but necessary (incl. energy and
power, water, schools) capacity necessary also commercial infrastructure) water)
Project-by-project base with Medium scale projects with High-scale, high-capital High-scale projects, partially
Scale 10 to 30 units per projects several hundred units per projects for multi-thousand government-funded
(private investment) project (private investment) units per project (possibly
public investment)
1 Calculated using apartment size and land cost/sqm. Dunum cost reflects proximity to urban centre
2 Density is defined as ratio of living area per land area
Reference: Architects and contractor data; expert interviews
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Construction costs vary across housing types
Construction profit margin
Construction costs cost/unit for
USD/sqm USD (range) developer2
A Urban 65
73,000 Note on unit costs
= 120 sqm 110 130
Land and other
costs (esp.
depend greatly on
605 location + proximity
B Urban 65
periphery to infrastructure
West Bank
300 Labour and building
materials cost
= 120-150 91,000 depend on scale,
110 130
sqm size and quality of
+5% Government
provided land will
C Planned 420 help make housing
city 50 affordable
Land costs could be
210 reduced if area C is
= 100 to
150 sqm 70 63,000
90 Building materials
costs can be
reduced through
new design,
400 processes and
D Affordable techniques
housing 50 38,000
= 115 sqm 46,000
70 70
Urban infill
1 73 77 17 2.5K 4K ~240
120 sqm
Urban periphery
2 91 96 25 3.8K 6K
150 sqm
B ~660
3 73 77 16 2.5K 4K
Supply 120 sqm
Planned cities
4 63 66 19 2.8K 4.5K
150 sqm
C ~440
5 42 44 23 3.4K 5.5K
100 sqm
Maximum affordable 36- 48- 60- 72- 84- 96- 108- >
mortgage for housing <36
48 60 72 84 96 108 120 120
$ 000
= 15K
11 4 8 19 12 12 9 5 20
to 24K
Demand in %
1 Does not include roads, which come to an additional annual investment of ~$80M per year in the West Bank
2 Unit sizes are indicative, reflecting existing preferences, and may be reduced
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Affordable housing as a profitable industry
Enabler Description
Carefully priced at the exact price point (between 3 - 5x household
Price income range) given price elasticity of customers
In the outskirts of the city at lower land purchase costs; large plot
Land/ sizes (e.g.,: ~50,000 sqm) to build low density units and land cost
location managed at ~ 15-20% of overall cost/unit
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
TOKI is a private-public partnership (PPP) example of
innovative construction methods enabling affordable housing
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Almost 10% of households do not have access to the public
water network, and ~50% do not have access to the public
sewage network
Substantial amount of housing is not connected to the sewage public network (close to
50%) and close to 10% does not have access to water public network
Access to electricity and basic housing equipment (bathroom, refrigerator, washing
machine) is on the other hand very high
16 Reference: PCBS
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
There is scope to increase mortgage penetration to reach the
IPE ambition
PT needs to increase the mortgage market PT needs to increase the mortgage market growth
growth rate to reach the ambitious IPE target rate to reach the ambitious IPE target
Mortgage debt as percentage of GDP Current and estimated future outstanding mortgages
20111 in the Palestinian Territories 2011-20162
Percentage USD millions
US 77 6.5x
OECD average 63 3,900
South Africa 39 430
Malaysia 32
Jordan 10
% of
residential 29 31 N/A
Brazil 7 debt
India 5
% of bank 6 7 N/A
Palestinian Territories 4 deposits3
1 References: 2011 or latest available, WMM (PT 2011), CESinfo (US 2010), Israel National Bureau of Statistics (2010), CIBC 2009
(others), National Mortgage Corporation (Malaysia 2012), EBRD (Jordan 2012)
17 2 Assuming 120m USD of outstanding loans in 2013 to be paid off by 2016 3 total bank deposits
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Potential for rental schemes in Palestinian Territories
Small share of housing is rented in Palestinian
Territories Potential initiatives
3.7 2.3
Use Gaza-focused
1.1 affordable housing and
Owned Rented Leased Other planned city projects to
enable increased access
to rental housing
whereas comparable economies show a
larger share of rental housing Investigate potential for
government to act as
Share ownership of total Social and informal housing rental agency, especially
Rental housing for low-income groups
Consider changing tenant
14.0 5.0 12.0 protection (rent control
29.0 27.0 and right to lease renewal)
21.0 17.0
which limits rental sector
65.0 68.0 71.0
Lack of ownership data regarding Ensure sharing of data and files regarding all
Palestinian owned land in Area C land in Area C, to facilitate titling and real
estate transactions
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Overview of Palestinian building materials sector
Sector description
The Palestinian Territories building materials sector is largely dependent on
imports, specifically of cement (1.5M tonnes / year), steel (300K tonnes / year)
and sand (255K tonnes / year)
Domestic production is dominated by stone and marble (2.4 M tonnes/year),
and gravel (6.7 M tonnes/year). Stone and marble account for the largest
Palestinian manufacturing activity
The main issues facing domestic production of these key materials are a
Diffuse nature of the industry
Lack of modern machinery
Limited access to new quarry land
Lack of permits to use explosives to produce gravel
Rapid construction growth as a result of the IPE will amplify these challenges
Along with construction,
Represents ~22% of GDP, at $2.3B
Accounts for ~16% of employment, at ~143K jobs
Regional benchmarks
Stone average international export (excluding Israel) price $~56 vs. Turkey
$60, driven by Turkeys higher local value added
Cement average price $115-123 vs. Turkey $75
Gravel production value for integrated crushers is 5x lower for Palestinian
versus Israeli run operations ($21 M versus $105 M)
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Investment case
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Total availability of building materials could be increased from
12.5 M tonnes to up to 27M tonnes in three years
7.3 100
0.3 0.3 0.3
2013 Local Controlled Increased Truck staging areas 2016
cement mill use of mechani- and conveyers at
explosives sation commercial
Reference: Steel company, PCSC, USM, PCBS, PIF, PCBS
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Investable opportunity
Supporting initiative
Potential projects in building materials sector
To counter risk of
Tulkarm Conduct geological
survey to prioritize
Stone/marble as a key The four areas of areas for guiding
industry which faces Qalqilya Nablus Bethlehem, excavation and to
risk of depletion Nablus, Ramallah estimate the volume
Salfit and Jenin, each and type of the stone;
300+ quarries, 1,000 have 10%-20% of focus on Hebron and
factories and workshops the total, Bethlehem with
producing stone of estimated reserves of
Annual production of
Ramallah and Al-Bireh Jericho different colors
more than 2.38 M 1,500 cubic meters
and for different (estimated cost: $0.5 M
tonnes (of which 20%
uses for a 3,000-dunum
consumed domestically)
Annual sales of around
$400 M (of which $70 M
1,200 dunum in
Jerusalem Hebron (200 A/B;
exports outside of
1,000 C) and
Gaza Strip 1,500 in
Experts estimate stone Bethlehem Bethlehem (300
quarries in Area A/B to North Gaza A/B; 1,200 C)
be 70-80% depleted1
Gaza City Possible next step:
Factories have high Establish a transparent,
Deir Al-Balah concentrations in
Hebron affordable and efficient
Khan Yunis Bethlehem and Hebron, permitting process
which each have about for new quarries
25% of the total
There are no quarries in Gaza because The Hebron Governate has the largest
its geology differs from the West quarrying area 40%-50% of the total -
Bank, and there are only a very small spread across Injasah, Sair, Beni Naim,
number of stone factories Sheyoukh, Tarfur and Tarqumiya
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
2 Pilot controlled and regulated use of explosives
Possible approach
with higher Investment
Current approach productivity need Potential impact
Additional costs: Running the quarry requires a fixed cost of ~$200 for electricity used
to run crushing machines. A crushing machine can crush any amount between 500 - 1500 tonnes.
Therefore production in small quantities also increases the running costs for the crushing machines
Khan Yunis
Total 2.4 6.0
Mineral extraction
Dispatch to
Crusher customer
Can extract via fuel intensive digging turns the raw material into Trucks will then carry product to site of need
machines various types of gravel RMX plant, construction site, road works
Or via explosives $200/day to run (use depends on quality of gravel)
Capacity: 500-1500 tonnes/day
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
3 Two alternative approaches to build a local
production facility
Process steps
Packing plant
Preheater Bulk
Limestone (calcaire) Silo (if not
quarry Weigh-
Cement mills Bulk truck <__>
Raw mills
Cement mills
Clinker cooler
Clinker silos
Cement silos
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
3 Both options could help improve cement
supply security
Option chosen for impact estimate
1 Fully integrated cement plant 2 Clinker grinding station / cement mill
Description Fully integrated cement plant; from raw material Grinding of imported clinker (cement mill; clinker storage;
extraction to finished products cement storage; bagging + bulk dispatch)
Capacity impact 1.7 M tonnes of cement/year (output: 5000/tonnes kiln 1 2. M tonnes of cement/year (input .9 1.8 M tonnes
per day); typical plant 3x clinker/annum)
Capex $150 to 200 per ton produced/year $260-340 M $ 70 to 120 M ($70 120 per ton produced/year)
(-20% Chinese plants)
Cash Cost 141 (would be higher production cost than selling 92
$/Ton excl. price; hence only possible with imports of coal or pet
depreciation coke via Israeli or Gaza ports to decrease energy costs)
(Delivered bulk
West Bank
Stone Situation today and
Jenin estimated impact on
import/export costs Potential options
Tulkarm 7 main commercial Various options to
Cement crossings to import/ improve efficiency of
Sand Qalqilya Nablus export building material transports:
Impact on costs and Conveyors and
Salfit availability: truck staging areas
Transportation costs at commercial
+10 to 15% crossings
Ramallah and Al-BirehJericho Time to transport Opening hours
Sand +1.5 hours (mainly 24x7
border), even if Enable door-to-door
source and transportation
Jerusalem Stone destination just few Investment:
km apart Truck staging area: $
Stone Reduced certainty 1.3 million for space
Gaza Strip Cement Bethlehem regarding availability for 78 trucks (13
North Gaza of materials heavy trucks 18m+,
Gaza City Stone Increased imports of 18 medium size, 47
Deir Al-Balah cement, steel and sand small trucks)
Hebron demand for short-term Costs could be decreased
Khan Yunis
solutions by up to 30% with
Stone Sand marginal investment
(Tunnels, steel, steel, cement
cement, aggregates)
Export funnel
1 2011, Umcomtrade; 2 e.g., USAIDs COMPETE program pairs ~20 SMEs with ~3 larger stone factories who purchase unfinished
stone and process for onward sale to international markets
31 Source: USM, PIF
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Facilitating the consolidation of the stone and marble
5 industry will enable further investment and moving up the
value chain
Industrial Zones for stone
Current situation Consolidation of industry
and marble industry
Highly fragmented industry with Provide financing for larger Provide access for both large
over 1000 stone and marble (and medium) stone and and medium sized producers
factories and 300 quarries marble producers to absorb to industrial zones to increase
smaller operations in order ability to export higher value
60% of all stone and marble
to consolidate the industry products internationally
production is exported to Israel for
through the following
further processing which is then Incentivize small and
often re-exported internationally medium size producers to
Only around 75 factories are
partner or form consortiums Ability for producers to
aggregate product to meet
capable of exporting high-value This will help ensure
large contracts
processed stone products such as stability in supply of raw
slab and tile capable of meeting material to larger Access to cheaper
international standards producers electricity and water costs
International market demand for Will lead to increased Increased stability in
Jerusalem stone is high and access to financing for export capability
growing. Due to fears that the purchases of necessary
local industry is not able to reliably machinery which will
Increased access to
international market
supply contracts, international enable increased
buyers often choose to deal with international exports
Israeli middle men instead
1 Estimate based on current market: 50 slab producers with output of ~$40M and 25 tile producers with output of ~$20M
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative
Enablers for the building materials sector
Enablers Current situation Description
Use of explosives permitted at only 4 Issue permits to additional Palestinian
Permits and Palestinian gravel quarries; alternative quarry operators for controlled use of
licenses quarrying approaches lead to ~60% explosives, or allow current permit-
lower productivity holders to use explosives on additional
Stone and gravel quarries in Area A/B quarries
are facing a risk of depletion within the Expand zoning area and Improve
coming years permitting process for new quarries and
Limited information and rough estimates retroactive permitting for those currently
available on stone reserves across the in operation without the required
PT permits (e.g. Beit Fajjar quarries)
Increase use of more productive
equipment, e.g., integrated crushers
Conduct geological survey (3,000
dunams of land in Hebron and
Bethlehem) to locate reserves of stone
for new quarries
Key building materials (e.g., cement, Ensure import policy and process
Movement of steel, stone) are imported by facilitate diversified imports and take
goods and people consolidating supply base (~$500 M advantage of global capacity (e.g.,
currently) cement from Turkey, Southern Europe)
Temporary supply shortages have Extend opening hours at crossings (e.g.,
resulted in complete stand-still of until 8pm, 7 days per week)
Palestinian construction industry (e.g., Allow door-to-door transportation of key
for up to 1 week) items (vs. current back-to-back system)
Restrictions at commercial crossings Permit and financing for development of
(e.g., back-to-back transportation) infrastructure at commercial crossings
increase transportation time and costs (e.g., conveyor, truck staging area)
(~90 mins per crossing and 10-15%
cost impact) and decrease reliability of
material supply
Proprietary: Office of the Quartet Representative