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K241 Awebnotes

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SHUNT CHARGE CONTROLLER section of this IC is used. Pin 2 is the light since there is no potential
FOR WIND GENERATORS AND input pin for the battery sensor difference across the series
SOLAR PANEL ARRAYS. section of the IC. When the voltage at combination of L1 and R3.
NOTE: this pin falls to 1.24V the open For the following explanation assume
Make sure you read and understand collector output pin 7 is pulled that the battery voltage is high, for
the instructions fully before starting internally to ground. When the example when fully charged. When
construction. voltage at pin 7 rises to 1.34V the the battery voltage is high, the
internal transistor at the output (pin7) transistor in IC1 whose open collector
This unit combines all the necessary is turned off. With the 12V link in output is connected to pin 7 is
functions for controlling the charging place and the potentiometer set to switched off, so the output at pin7 is
of 12/24V batteries from 12/24V wind the minimum anticlockwise position at logic "1", the output from the
generators. Although it was primarily the switch on voltage will be 13.2V or inverter gate IC1:C is at "0".
designed for wind generators there is 15.2V when in the maximum Capacitor C1 is discharged by R4,
no reason why it can not be used with clockwise position. The transistor will the input to IC2:D is at "0", the output
solar panels. It includes a 3-phase turn on when the voltage drops to of IC2:D and the input of IC2:B are at
rectifier, 12/24V charge regulator, and around 0.5V less than these figures. "1", the output of IC2:B and the inputs
a back EMF braking system for the For the following explanation assume of IC2:A are at "0", and the output of
wind generator when the batteries that the main battery voltage has IC2:A is at "1". The gates of the two
are fully charged. There is also been low for a few hours. When the paralleled MOSFETs are at "1" and
provision for disabling the back EMF battery voltage is low, the transistor in therefore they are turned on.
braking but in this case an external IC1 whose open collector output is Since the output from IC2:B is at "0"
alternative load would need to be connected to pin 7 is switched on, so transistor Q1 is turned off and LED
provided. the output at pin7 is at logic "0", the L1 would light since there is a
output from the inverter gate IC1:C is potential difference across the series
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION: at "1". Capacitor C1 is quickly combination of L1 and R3.
The group of 6 dual 20A diodes to the charged via the forward biased diode When the fully charged transition first
left of the circuit (D1 - D6) form a 3- D8, the input to IC2:D is at "1", the occurs, capacitor C1 is fully charged
phase rectifier and the 2 dual 20A output of IC2:D and the input of IC2:B and isolated by the reverse biassed
diode at the top centre of the circuit are at "0", the output of IC2:B and the diode D15. This capacitor begins to
(D7) isolate the rectified output of the inputs of IC2:A are at "1", and the be slowly discharged by R4 and it
generator and the battery. For the output of IC2:A is at "0". The gates of would continue to discharge unless
following explanation assume that the the two paralleled MOSFETs are at the battery voltage goes low again in
12V link is in place (See pictures in "0" and therefore they are turned off. which case the C1 would once again
these notes), for use in a 12V Since the output from IC2:B is at "1", quickly charge. The addition of this
system. At the heart of the circuit is resistor R2 feeds current to the base C1/R4 time constant (around 10
IC1 (L4949) which is described as of transistor Q1, thus turning it on and seconds) prevents rapid oscillations
being a monolithic integrated 5.0V LED L2 is supplied current via current between charged and discharged
voltage regulator with a very low limiting resistor R1. If there is a states which may occur when a flat
dropout voltage and additional rectified DC output voltage present battery first becomes fully charged, or
functions such as power-on reset and before the isolation diodes, L2 would when the charger is connected to a
input voltage sense. In this circuit light to indicate that the battery is battery that has a higher than normal
only the voltage sensing comparator being charged. LED L1 would not output impedance.
Q2, R8 and ZD1 form a simple 11.4V to be soldered in to the PCB in the a resistive load such as a heating
series regulator. This regulator is correct order. The screws must point element can be connected across the
included in order to not apply in the correct direction so that two pads to lessen the braking effect.
excessive voltage to IC1, which may enough room is left for screwdriver The point marked with "A" on the
be possible when the regulator is access so they can be tightened. PCB near IC2 can be connected to
used in a 24V system. Lastly solder the two surface mount directly or via a switch to GND to
MOSFETs to the underside of the disable the back EMF braking or
CONSTRUCTION AND PCB as shown in the pictures connected to "Bat+" to stop the
APPLICATION NOTES. accompanying these notes. The generator. The screws and washers
Firstly assemble and solder the low metal heatsinks are electrically supplied in the kit can be used to
laying components. These include connected to the centre connection connect wires with "crimp
the resistors, wire links, zener diode, of each of the SR2060 diodes that connectors". PH1, PH2 and PH3 all
and the IC sockets. Next assemble are mounted on them. Do not short connect to the wind generator,
and solder the transistors, capacitors out the heatsinks to surrounding polarity does not matter as the output
and the LEDs. Watch out for the components or each other. from the generator is AC. The "+"
correct orientation of the transistors If you wish to use the back EMF and "-" outputs connect to the battery
and the polarity of the electrolytic braking feature of the K241 you will and polarity here is crucial. The shunt
capacitors, these are printed on the need to make a connection to the two connections can be shorted out using
PCB overlay. When installing the long pads on the underside of the solder as shown in the picture or
SR2060 diodes, fit two of the diodes PCB near the two MOSFETs. For could be connected to a load such as
back to back with a heatsink in maximum braking effect just short a bank of electric jug elements.
between. Do not tighten the screw these two pads together with solder. The 12/24V link is simply made with
until the heatsink and diodes are And when the batteries are charged a blob of solder on the rear of the
fitted to the PCB. Note that some of the M1 and M2 switch on to slow or PCB as shown in the picture.
the diode-heatsink assemblies need stop the wind generator. Alternatively

} PH1


1 PCB coded OE-K241
8 Heatsinks
13 3mm Screws
13 3mm Nuts
10 3mm Washers
1 8pin IC Socket
1 14pin IC Socket
1 2Kohm horizontal trimpot
1 L4949 Comparator IC
1 4001 quad NAND gate IC
1 C8050 NPN Transistor

1 2N5551 NPN Transistor
1 12V 400mW Zener Diode
2 1N4148 Signal Diode

1 5mm Red LED
1 5mm Green LED
2 SDB85N03L N channel MOSFET's

10 SR2060 Schottky Diodes
1 22n polyester

3 100uF 35V electrolytic
Resistors (0.25W 5%)
2 1Kohm

2 6K8ohm
2 12Kohm

1 15Kohm
1 22Kohm
1 68Kohm
3 120Kohm
1 M ohm


Next assemble and solder the two
MOSFETs, noting that the thicker line
of the MOSFET symbol on the PCB
overlay represents the metal face of
the MOSFET. Finally assemble and
solder the relay to the PCB.
Note that the generator is always
loaded either by the battery or the
shunt MOSFETs or the external load.
The generator voltage will never be
excessive as it is always loaded. For
this reason the kit should be connected
to a battery before it is connected to
the generator. The MOSFETs used in
this kit have a maximum voltage rating
of 30V.

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