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TIA606QuickGuide6_12 6/12/06 2:45 PM Page 1

Quick Reference Guide

Administration Standard
for Telecommunications
TIA606QuickGuide6_12 6/12/06 2:45 PM Page 2

606A Quick Reference Guide

Table of Contents Overview

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 The ANSI/TIA/EIA 606-A Standard specifies administration for
a generic telecommunications cabling system that will support
Classes of Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 a multi-product, multi-vendor environment. It provides a uniform
administration approach that is independent of applications, which
Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 may change several times throughout the life of the telecommunica-
tions infrastructure. It establishes guidelines for owners, end users,
Required Identifiers & Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 manufacturers, consultants, contractors, designers, installers, and
facilities administrators involved in the administration of the
Spatial Information telecommunications infrastructure.
Telecommunications Space (TS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Use of this Standard is intended to increase the value of the system
Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 owners investment in the infrastructure by reducing the labor
Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 expense of maintaining the system, extending the useful economic
life of the system, and providing effective service to users.
Cabling Information
Horizontal Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Intrabuilding Backbone Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Classes of Administration
Intrabuilding Backbone Pair or Optical Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . .4 There are four classes of administration that all
Interbuilding Backbone Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 cabling systems fall within.
Interbuilding Backbone Pair or Optical Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Class 1 is for systems within a single building having only one
Grounding & Firestopping Information Telecommunications Room (TR) that all workstation cabling runs
to. The TR, Horizontal Links (HLs) and Telecommunications Main
Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar (TGMB) . . . .5 Grounding Busbar (TMGB) are required to be labeled and adminis-
Telecommunications Grounding Busbar (TGB) . . . . . . . . . .5 tered. If the system owner wishes to document pathways or firestop-
ping locations, Class 2 administration should be used.
Firestopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Class 2 is for systems within a single building that are served by
Pathway Information (optional) multiple TRs. Class 2 includes administration for backbone cabling,
Intrabuilding Pathway Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 multi-element grounding & bonding, firestopping as well as all the
items within Class 1.
Interbuilding Pathway Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Class 3 is for systems spanning multiple buildings, known as a
Color Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 campus environment. Class 3 includes administration for buildings
and inter-building cabling as well as all elements of Class 2.
Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Administration of Pathways, Spaces and Outside Plant elements
Linkages & Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 is recommended.

Optional Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Class 4 is for systems spanning multiple campuses, known as a
multi-site system. Class 4 included administration for each site as
well as all elements of Class 3. Administration of Pathways, Spaces
This guide is intended to be used as a reference to the application of the
and Wide area network connections is recommended.
ANSI/TIA/EIA 606-A Standard. It in no way reflects all the necessary infor-
mation contained within the ANSI/TIA/EIA 606-A published documents.

Brady Worldwide, Inc. assumes no liability for the trueness and/or correct- Identifiers
ness of the information contained within this document should any claims
arise out of the use of this reference material. A unique identifier is associated with each element of the infrastruc-
ture to be identified and serves as the key to finding the recorded
information within the administration system selected.

Class of Administration
Identifier Description of Identifier 1 2 3 4
fs telecommunications space (TS) R R R R
fs-an horizontal link R R R R
fs-TMGB telecommunications main grounding busbar R1 R1 R1 R1
fs-TGB telecommunications grounding busbar R1 R1 R1 R1
fs1/fs2-n intrabuilding backbone cable R R R
fs1/fs2-n.d intrabuilding backbone pair or optical fiber R R R
f-FSLn(h) firestop location R R R
[b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-n interbuilding backbone cable R R
[b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-n.d interbuilding backbone pair or optical fiber R R
b building R R
c campus or site R
fs-UUU.n.d(q) intrabuilding backbone pathway element O O O
fs1/fs2-UUU.n.d(q) intrabuilding backbone pathway between two TSs or areas O O O
[b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-UUU.n.d(q) interbuilding pathway or element O O
R Required O Optional

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606A Quick Reference Guide

Required Identifiers Building

A building is an entity that can house both Telecommunications
& Records space (s) and work areas. A unique building identifier shall be
assigned to each building and it shall have the format b, where:
The following is a list of the required records for each of the four
classes of administration. An administration system shall provide a b = one or more alpha-numeric characters identifying a
method to find the record associated with any specific identifier. single building
The administration system may be managed using a paper-based There are no labeling requirements for the building identifier.
system, general-purpose spreadsheet software, or special-purpose
cable management software. The building records shall contain the following
Class 1 systems require the identifiers building name (the primary indexing identifier, e.g.,
and records for the following: ADM or ADM1)
TS identifier building location (e.g., street address)
Horizontal Links a list of all TSs and their locations in the building,
Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar (TMGB) within the infrastructure limits of the tenant
Telecommunications Grounding Busbar (TGB) contact information for access

Class 2 systems require the identifiers access hours

and records for the following: Campus
All class 1 elements A campus is a collection of buildings and grounds having legal
contiguous interconnection. A unique campus or site identifier
Intrabuilding Backbone Cable shall be assigned to each campus or site, and it shall have the
Intrabuilding Backbone pair or strand format c, where:
Firestopping c = one or more alpha-numeric characters identifying a
campus or site
Class 3 systems require the identifiers
and records for the following: There are no labeling requirements for the campus or site identifier.
All class 2 elements
The campus or site records shall contain
Interbuilding Backbone Cable the following information:
Interbuilding Backbone pair or strand campus or site name
Building campus or site location (e.g., street address)
Class 4 systems require the identifiers contact information for local administrator
and records for the following: of infrastructure
All class 3 elements list of all buildings at the site or campus
Site or Campus location of main cross-connect, if applicable
access hours

Spatial Information
Telecommunications Space
Cabling Information
A telecommunications space is an area used for housing the instal- Horizontal Link
lation and termination of telecommunications equipment and cable, A horizontal link is defined as the cabling between and including the
e.g., common equipment rooms, equipment rooms, common telecommunications outlet/connector and the horizontal cross-con-
telecommunications rooms, telecommunications rooms, work nect termination hardware. It was often referred to as the worksta-
areas, and maintenance holes/handholes. tion cabling, horizontal cabling or user drop.
The TS identifier, unique within the building, shall be assigned The Horizontal Link Identifier shall be formatted as fs-an,
to the Telecommunications Space, and it shall have the format where:
fs, where:
fs = TS Identifier
f = numeric character(s) identifying the floor of the building occupied
by the TS a = one or two alpha characters uniquely identifying a single patch
panel, a group of patch panels with sequentially numbered ports, an
s = alpha character(s) uniquely identifying the TS on floor f, IDC termination block, or a group of IDC termination blocks, serving
or the building area in which the space is located as part of the horizontal cross-connect
The TS records shall contain the following information: n = two to four numeric characters designating the port on a patch
TS identifier (primary indexing identifier, e.g., 2A) panel, or the section of an IDC termination block on which a four-
pair horizontal cable is terminated in the TS
type of TS (e.g., TR, CTR, ER, CER, or EF)
Identifiers shall be placed in the TR, on the patch panel or wiring
building room number
block. Each end of the cable shall be labeled within 12 inches from
key or access card identification the ends, and in the work area each individual connector shall be
contact person labeled as well.

hours of access The Horizontal Link (HL) record shall contain the
following information:
horizontal link identifier (primary indexing identifier, e.g.: A47)
cable type (e.g.: 4 pr, UTP, category 5e, plenum)

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606A Quick Reference Guide

location of telecommunications outlet/connector (room, office, type of cable (e.g., 600-pair 24 AWG shielded riser cable)
or grid location)
type of connecting hardware, first TS (e.g., 36 568SC
outlet connector type (e.g.: 8 position modular, T568A, category 5e) duplex adapter panel)
`cable length (e.g.: 51m/154ft) type of connecting hardware, second TS (e.g., 36 568SC
location of TS and or CP (if class 2 through class 4) duplex adapter panel)
cross-connect hardware type (e.g.: 48 port modular patch panel, cross-connect table relating each backbone cable pair or optical
T568A, category 5e) fiber to other backbone cable pairs or optical fibers or to
a horizontal link.
service record of link (e.g.: passed category 5e at installation
1/12/99, re-terminated and re-tested at cross-connect 4/22/99 due Additional items of information desired by the system owner or
to broken wire) operator may be added to each record, such as:
CMS must be able to document multiple media and mixed media cable length
horizontal cabling. This includes copper, fiber optic and coaxial un-terminated pairs or optical fiber strands
cables. Additional items of information desired by the system
owner or operator may be added at the end of the HL record, damaged pairs or optical fiber strands
such as: pathway record
location of test results splice record

location of outlet within room or office grounding record

color of the connector or icon on the connector Intrabuilding Backbone Pair

(e.g.: orange icon; or blue jack) or Optical Fiber
A unique intrabuilding backbone pair or optical fiber identifier shall
other telecommunications outlet/connectors at same location (gener- be used to identify each single copper pair or each single optical
ally, the other outlet connectors in the same fiber in a backbone cable between two TSs in one building, and
faceplate, e.g.: A02, A03, A04; or B01, C01, D01) shall have a format fs1/fs2-n.d, where:
faceplate configuration (e.g.: single gang, fs1/fs2-n = an intrabuilding backbone cable identifier
four port, telco ivory)
d = two to four numeric characters identifying a single copper pair
position of outlet connector on faceplate or MUTOA or a single optical fiber
(eg.: top left)
All backbone pair or optical fiber identifiers in a single infrastructure
pathway to outlet (e.g.: fishable wall or surface raceway) should have the same format where possible. The backbone pair or
presence or absence of MUTOA (is there a MUTOA optical fiber shall be maintained through the Intrabuilding Backbone
in this link, yes or no) Cable record.

length of work area cord if MUTOA is present Interbuilding Backbone Cable

Cables that run from a TS in one building and extend to two or more
presence of absence of CP (is there a CP in this link,
TSs in another building are called interbuilding backbone cables.
yes or no)
A unique interbuilding backbone cable identifier shall be
equipment circuit currently using link
assigned to each backbone cable connecting TSs in different
(e.g.: 100BaseT switch port #16)
buildings, and it shall have th format [b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-n, where:
current user name (e.g.: Bill Smith)
b1-fs1 = building identifier and TS identifier for the TS in which one
Intrabuilding Backbone Cable end of the backbone cable is terminated
Cables that run within one TS or extend between two or more TSs b2-fs2 = building identifier and TS identifier for the TS in which the
within a building are called intrabuilding backbone cables. other end of the backbone cable is terminated
A unique backbone cable identifier shall be assigned to each n = one or two alpha-numeric characters identifying a single cable
backbone cable between two TSs in one building and it shall wit one end terminated in the TS designated b1fs1 and the other
have a format of fs1/fs2-n, where: end terminated in the TS designated b2fs2
fs1 = TS identifier for the space containing the termination of one end In this format, the building with the lesser alpha-numeric identifier
of the backbone cable shall be listed first. All interbuilding backbone cable identifiers in a
single infrastructure should have the same format where possible.
fs2 = TS identifier for the space containing the termination of the other
end of the backbone cable The interbuilding backbone cable identifier shall be marked on each
end of the backbone cable within 300 mm (12 in) of the end of the
n = one or two alpha-numeric characters identifying a single cable with
cable jacket.
one end terminated in the TS designated fs1 and the other end termi-
nated in the TS designated fs2 The interbuilding backbone cable records shall contain
the following information:
In this format, the TS with the lesser alpha-numeric identifier shall be
listed first. All intrabuilding backbone cable identifiers in a single infra- interbuilding backbone cable identifier (the primary
structure should have the same format where possible. The backbone indexing identifier, e.g., [ADM-3A]/[ENG-2A]-4)
cable identifier shall be marked on each end of the backbone cable
within 300 mm (12 in) o the end of the cable jacket. type of cable (e.g., 36 optical fiber, 50/125mm,
gel filled, copper armor)
The backbone cable records shall contain the
following information: type of connecting hardware, first TS (e.g., 36 568SC
duplex adapter panel)
backbone cable identifier (primary indexing identifier,
e.g., 2A/3A-1)

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606A Quick Reference Guide

type of connecting hardware, second TS (e.g., 36 568SC Telecommunications Grounding Busbar

duplex adapter panel) A Telecommunications busbar is a busbar that typically resides in a TS
that does not have a grounding source and is connected to the TMGB
table relating backbone terminations to other backbone termina-
by a grounding conductor. It is also used to ground all telecommunica-
tions or horizontal links, to which they are cross-connected.
tions equipment and cabling that requires a grounding connection.
Additional items of information desired by the system owner or
The Telecommunications grounding busbar (TGB) identifier is
operator may be added to each record, such as:
used to identify TGBs in the grounding and bonding system and
The interbuilding backbone cable records shall contain shall be formatted as fs-TGB, where:
the following information:
fs = TS identifier for the space containing the TGB.
cable length
TGB = an identifier referring to a telecommunications
un-terminated pairs or optical fiber strands grounding busbar.
available pairs or optical fiber strands
The TGB record shall contain the following information:
damaged pairs or optical fiber strands
telecommunications grounding busbar identifier (primary indexing
pathway record identifier, e.g.: 3A-TGB)
splice record
location of the TGB (TS identifier)
grounding record
size of the TGB
Interbuilding Backbone Pair
location of test results for any tests performed on the TGB,
or Optical Fiber such as resistance to ground
A unique interbuilding backbone pair or optical fiber identifier shall
be assigned to each pair or optical fiber in a backbone cable Additional items of information desired by the system owner or
connecting TSs in different buildings, and it shall have the format operator may be added to each record, such as:
[b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-n.d, where:
conductor ID (connected bonding conductor)
[b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]-n = interbuilding backbone cable identifier
conductor Type (gauge, solid/stranded, insulated/bare)
d = two to four numeric characters identifying a single copper
pair or a single optical fiber conductor Destination (space, device type and ID)

All interbuilding backbone pair or optical fiber identifiers in a single Firestopping

infrastructure should have the same format where possible. The A firestopping location identifier shall identify each installation
backbone pair or optical fiber shall be maintained through the of firestopping material. The format for the firestopping location
Interbuilding Backbone Cable record. identifier shall be f-FSLn(h), where:
f = numeric character(s) identifying the floor of the building occupied
by the TS
Grounding FSL = an identifier referring to a firestopping location

& Firestopping n = two to four numeric characters identifying one firestopping location
h = one numeric character specifying the hour rating of the
Telecommunications Main firestopping system
Grounding Busbar
A Telecommunications main grounding busbar is the busbar that All firestopping location identifiers in a single infrastructure should
is tied directly to the grounding source and is used to ground all have the same format where possible.
telecommunications equipment and cabling that require a grounding
Each firestopping location shall be labeled at each location where
connection. The Telecommunications main grounding busbar in the
firestopping is installed, on each side of the penetrated fire barrier,
TS shall be labeled TMGB.
within 300 mm (12 in) of the firestopping material.
The TMGB record shall contain the following information:
The firestopping records shall contain the following information:
telecommunications main grounding busbar identifier
firestopping location identifier (primary indexing
(primary indexing identifier, e.g.: TMGB)
identifier, e.g., 3-FSL02(3))
location of the TMGB (TS identifier)
location of the firestopping installation
size of the TMGB (e.g.: room number and location within room)
location of attachment of TMGB to electrical type and manufacturer of firestopping installed
system ground or building structural steel
date of firestopping installation
location of test results for any tests performed
name of installer of firestopping material
on the TGB, such as resistance to ground
service record of firestopping location (e.g., 4/22/99 firestopping
Additional items of information desired by the system owner
removed and replaced with same type by ABC Cabling to add
or operator may be added to each record, such as:
cabling runs)
conductor ID (connected bonding conductor)
conductor Type (gauge, solid/stranded, insulated/bare)
conductor Destination (space, device type and ID)

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606A Quick Reference Guide

Pathway Information (optional) The pathway records shall contain the following information:
interbuilding pathway identifier (primary indexing
Intrabuilding Pathway Element identifier,e.g., ADM-3A/ENG-3B-CT01)
An intrabuilding pathway element is a cabling support vessel that
typically connects one space to another or runs the span of a pathway type (e.g.: Cable Tray)
common routing cable route, but resides in one space. The pathway fill (e.g.: 20%)
format for the intrabuilding pathway element shall be
fs-UUU.n.d(q) or fs1/fs2-UUU.n.d(q), where: pathway loading

fs = Identifier for a space which is derived by combining the level and cable records
the building area in which the space is located. The space can be space record1 (e.g.: ADM-3A)
represented by the space ID (if present) or a user defined identifier
space record2 (e.g.: ENG-3B)
grounding record
fs1 = Identifier for the space containing the termination of one end
of the horizontal pathway, typically the most central or lowest alpha- Additional items of information desired by the system owner
numeric identifier or operator may be added to each record, such as:
fs2 = Identifier for the space containing the termination of the other pathway length (e.g.: 40m (132ft))
end of the horizontal pathway, typically the least central or highest
pathway max fill (e.g.: 40%)
alpha-numeric identifier
pathway max load
UUU = a user defined identifier referring to the type of element
(descriptor) pathway condition
n = two to four numeric characters identifying the pathway number of bends
element (major ID) firestopping records
d = detail information such as port, sub-duct, optical fiber Color Coding
and pair (minor ID) Color coding of termination fields can simplify infrastructure
q = qualifying information administration and maintenance by making the structure of the
cabling more intuitive.
The pathway records shall contain the following information:
Cross-connections generally connect termination fields
intrabuilding pathway identifier (primary indexing identifier, of different colors.
e.g., 3A/3B-CT01)
pathway type (e.g.: Cable Tray)
Termination Type Color Typical Application
pathway fill (e.g.: 20%)
pathway loading Demarcation Point orange central office connection
cable records Network Connection green user side of central office connection
space record1 (e.g.: 3A)
Common Equipment purple connections to PBX, mainframe
space record2 (e.g.: 3B) computer, LAN, multiplexer
grounding record Key System red connections to key telephone systems
Additional items of information desired by the system owner or First Level white terminations of intrabuilding backbone
operator may be added to each record, such as: Backbone cable connecting MC to ICs
pathway length (e.g.: 40m (132ft))
Second Level gray termination of intrabuilding backbone
pathway max fill (e.g.: 40%) Backbone cable connecting ICs to HCs
pathway max load Interbuilding brown termination of backbone cable
pathway condition Backbone between buildings
number of bends Horizontal blue terminations of horizontal cable in TSs
firestopping records Other yellow alarms, security, or energy management
Interbuilding Pathway Element
An interbuilding pathway element is a cabling support vessel that typi-
cally connects one buildings space to another buildings space. The
format for the interbuilding pathway element shall be [b1-fs1]/[b2-fs2]- Labeling Visibility and durability
UUU.n.d(q), where: The size, color, and contrast of all labels should be selected to ensure
that the identifiers are easily read. Labels should be visible during the
b1fs1 = building identifier and TS identifier for the TS in installation of and normal maintenance of the infrastructure. Labels
which one end of the backbone cable is terminated should be resistant to the environmental conditions at the point o
installation (such as moisture, heat, or ultraviolet light), and should
b2fs2 = building identifier and TS identifier for the TS in have design life equal to or greater than that of the labeled component.
which the other end of the backbone cable is terminated
UUU = a user defined identifier referring to the type of
Mechanical generation
To maximize legibility, all labels shall be printed or generated by a
element (descriptor)
mechanical device, and shall not be written by hand.
n = two to four numeric characters identifying the pathway element
(major ID)
d = detail information such as port, sub-duct, optical fiber and pair
q = qualifying information

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606A Quick Reference Guide

Linkages & Reports Pathway

Required Linkages BR Branch Splice
Linkages support the retrieval of information about the telecommunica- BS Bridge Splice
tions infrastructure from administration records. Each required record
type defines a primary indexing identifier to facilitate linkage between CB Cabinet
infrastructure identifiers and records. Optional or user-defined record CN Conduit
types should also define a primary indexing identifier. CT Cable Tray
When administration is performed with special-purpose cable manage- FR Frame
ment software, linkages shall be provided between each appearance GB Ground Bar
of an infrastructure identifier in a record and any record for which that NT Node
identifier is the primary indexing identifier. Linkages to additional
PB Pull Box
records in which the identifier appears are also desirable.
PN Penetration
When administration is performed using spreadsheets or paper-based RK Rack
systems, records should be designed and organized to facilitate infor-
RR Ring Rung
mation retrieval based on primary indexing identifiers. This provides
functionality similar to software linkages. Indexes relating record loca- SL Sleeve
tions to primary identifiers may also prove beneficial. SS Straight Splice
ST Slot
Required Reports
Reports are the means by which information about a telecommunica- TR Tray
tions infrastructure is communicated. A report may consist of an indi-
vidual record, a group of records, or selected portions of one or
more records. Space
Administration systems using special purpose cable management
software shall make available to the telecommunications infrastructure AP Access Point
operator reports listing all records containing a selected identifier and APS Access Provider Space
all information in those records, any desired subset of those records CER Common Equipment Room
and the recorded information, or any desired union of such informa-
tion. Paper-based or spreadsheet-based administration systems may CTR Common Telecommunications Room
require additional record-keeping beyond that described to provide CO Central Office
adequate reporting capabilities. For example, a drawing or graphical DM Demarcation (NI)
representation of the infrastructure would allow the operator to easily
ER Equipment Room
locate all telecommunications outlets in a given work area, even
if they are connected to links originating from multiple NOC Network Operations Center
telecommunications spaces. RO Repeater Office
Optional Descriptors SPS Service Provider Space
In many cases a descriptor will need to be defined for an element of a SR Switch Room
pathway, a space or device. The following tables give examples of STAR Logical Center of the data network
these descriptors that can be used in creating identifiers.
SZ Serving Zone
TER Telecommunications Entrance Room
Outdoor Space TR Telecommunications Room
TS Tenant Space
MH Maintenance Hole
WTRS Wireless Transmission & Reception Space
HH Handhole
WS Workstation Location
BR Bridge
TN Tunnel
TP Telephone Pole
DB Direct Buried locale
SM Submerged locale AMP Amplifier PAY Payphone
EN Entrance ANL Analog PC1 PC
VL Vault CMR Camera RDR Reader
PE Pedestal CS Chassis RS Remote Shelf
RT Roof Top CI Carrier ID SF Shelf
DIG Digital SNS Sensor
DLR Dialer SPK Speaker
FAX Fax STK Strike
GBR Glass Break STR Strobe
HNS Handset TEL Telephone
MDM Modem TTY Tele Type
MIC Microphone TV1 Television
MNT Monitor WLP Wall Phone

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Brady Worldwide, Inc.

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Milwaukee, WI 53223

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Markham, ON L3R 9X7

2006 Brady Worldwide, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 06-06-MI-5K

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