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Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

Nanotechnology in Education and General

Framework of Nanomanufacturing
S.Ozel, Y.Ozel

Japan, several research initiatives have been undertaken both

Abstract The emerging field of nanoscience and by government and members of the private sector to intensify
nanotechnology are becoming more and more popular everyday. the research and development in nanotechnology. [1]
Nanotechnology is truly interdisciplinary; it involves manipulating Hundreds of millions of dollars have been committed.
and controlling individual atoms and molecules to design and create
Research and development in nanotechnology is likely to
new materials, nanomachines, and nanodevices for application in all
aspects of our lives. Recent advances and envisioned developments in change the traditional practices of design, analysis, and
enabling nanotechnology provide challenges to academia in manufacturing for a wide range of engineering products. This
educating and training a new generation of skilled engineers and impact creates a challenge for the academic community to
competent scientists. These engineers and scientists should possess educate engineering students with the necessary knowledge,
the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and understanding, and skills to interact and provide leadership in
engineering in order to design, analyze and fabricate nanodevices and
the emerging world of nanotechnology. [2]
nanosystems, which are radically different when compared with
traditional technological systems. Nanotechnology deals with materials, devices, and their
In this paper, the current status of the progress and developments applications, in areas such as engineered materials,
in nanotechnology and nanoeducation is briefly reviewed, from the electronics, computers, sensors, actuators, and machines, at
perspective of its applications. Strategies for teaching the nano length-scale. Atoms and molecules, or extended
nanotechnology are also presented with a few basic samples. Also atomic or molecular structures, are considered to be the basic
this paper represents brief introduction on nanotechnology and units, or building-blocks, of fabricating future generations of
introduces a general framework for nano-manufacturing. Note that,
the development of nano-manufacturing leads to produce new nano
electronic devices, and materials. At the nano-meter length
technological products. Also note that nano-manufacturing describes scales, many diverse enabling disciplines and associated
approaches and methods to product nano scale materials that can be technologies start to merge, because these are derived from the
basically define top-down and bottom-up rather similar properties of the atomic- or molecular- level
building blocks. For example, on the one hand, the DNA
Keywords Nanomanufactureing, Nanotechnology, molecular strands are these days proposed as the self-
Nanoeducation. assembling templates for bio-sensors and detectors, molecular
electronics, and as the building blocks of all biological
I. INTRODUCTION materials. On the other hand, some synthetic inorganic

N ANOTECHNOLOGY and research on this area are

becoming more and more popular everyday. The
emerging field of nanoscience and nanotechnology is leading
materials, such as carbon, boron-nitride or other nanotubes or
nanowires, may also have similar functionalities in some
respects, but could also be exceptionally strong and stiff
to a technological revolution in the new millennium. The materials. The cross-correlation and fertilization among the
application of nanotechnology has enormous potential to many constituent disciplines, as enabling technologies for
greatly influence the world in which we live. From consumer molecular nanotechnology, are thus essential for an
goods, electronics, computers, information and biotechnology, accelerated development.[3]
to aerospace defense, energy, environment, and medicine, all Manufacturing of nanoscale structures, devices and systems
sectors of the economy are to be profoundly impacted by will be performed with a high degree of process control in
nanotechnology. In the United States, Europe, Australia, and sensing, assembling, and positioning matter at the nanoscale in
order to achieve prescribed levels of performance in
production and service. Hierarchical integration will be used
Manuscript received June 17, 2008. Revised version received Sept. 1,
2008. Nanotechnology in Education: Nanoeducation across dimensional scales, from atoms to molecules to the
S. Ozel Author is with Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, human length scale, to incorporate nanostructures into
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Campus of Goztepe, microscale architectures and macroscale products. [4-5] The
Kad koy, Istanbul, 34722 Turkey (corresponding author to provide phone:
+90-216 348-02-92/127; fax: +90-216 348-02-93; e-mail: semih@ development of nanomanufacturing technologies will lead to potential breakthroughs in manufacturing of new industrial
Y. Ozel is with University of Marmara, Technical Educational Faculty, products. Nanoscale products with unique mechanical,
Department of Electrical Education, Campus of Goztepe, Kad koy, Istanbul,
34722 Turkey (corresponding author to provide phone: +90-216 336-57-
electronic, magnetic, optical and or chemical properties, opens
70/255; fax: +90-216-337-89-87; e-mail: the door to an enormous new domain of nanostructures and

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

integrated nanodevices. They have a variety, of potential 0.3nm across. People are interested in the nanoscale (which
applications such as nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) we define to be from 100nm down to the size of atoms
and DNA computers etc. Nanomanufacturing requires (approximately 0.2nm) because it is at this scale that the
positioning of nanoparticles in complex 2D or 3D structures. properties of materials can be very different from those at a
The techniques for nanomanufacturing can be classified into larger scale. nanoscience defined as the study of phenomena
bottom-up and top-down methods. Self-assembly in and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and
nanoscale is the main promising bottom-up technique which macromolecular scales, where properties differ significantly
is applied to make regular, symmetric patterns of from those at a larger scale; and nanotechnologies as the
nanoparticles. [12] design, characterisation, production and application of
Recent advances and envisioned developments in enabling structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size
nanotechnology provide challenges to academia in educating at the nanometre scale. In some senses, nanoscience and
and training a new generation of skilled engineers and nanotechnologies are not new. Chemists have been making
competent scientists. These engineers and scientists should polymers, which are large molecules made up of nanoscale
possess the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, subunits, for many decades and nanotechnologies have been
science, and engineering in order to design, analyze and used to create the tiny features on computer chips for the past
fabricate nanodevices and nanosystems, which are radically 20 years. However, advances in the tools that now allow
different when compared with microdevices and atoms and molecules to be examined and probed with great
microsystems. Atomic and molecular comprise nanodevices precision have enabled the expansion and development of
and nanosystems, exhibit distinctive quantum phenomena and nanoscience and nanotechnologies.
unique capabilities that must be utilized. Therefore, advanced The properties of materials can be different at the nanoscale
theories, methods, tools and technologies should be for two main reasons. First, nanomaterials have a relatively
comprehensively covered and effectively delivered [4]. larger surface area when compared to the same mass of
material produced in a larger form. This can make materials
more chemically reactive (in some cases materials that are
II. NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY inert in their larger form are reactive when produced in their
In the simplest terms, the subject of nanoscience technology nanoscale form), and affect their strength or electrical
is defined as the science and technology of the direct or properties. Second, quantum effects can begin to dominate the
indirect manipulation of atoms and molecules into functional behaviour of matter at the nanoscale - particularly at the lower
structures, with applications that were never envisioned end - affecting the optical, electrical and magnetic behaviour
before. The prefix nano corresponds to a basic unit on a of materials. Materials can be produced that are nanoscale in
length scale, meaning 109 meters, which is a hundred to a one dimension (for example, very thin surface coatings), in
thousand times smaller than a typical biological cell or two dimensions (for example, nanowires and nanotubes) or in
bacterium. At the nanometer length scale, the dimensions of all three dimensions (for example, nanoparticles) [13].
the materials and devices begin to reach the limit of 10 to 100s The invention of new devices (STM and AFM) in past two
of atoms, wherein entirely new physical and chemical effects decades has enabled scientists and engineers to extend their
are observed.[3] studies to objects at the atomic level [10-14]. With the latest
Nanotechnology covers all aspects of the production of scanning probe microscopes, it is now possible both to "see"
devices and systems by manipulating matter at the individual atoms and molecules and to move them around,
nanoscale[8]. Nanotechnology is a cross-disciplinary area of there by creating new nanostructures in a controlled manner.
technology that involves physics, chemistry, biology, This has led to a paradigm shift in our research into the
molecular biology, medicine, materials science and other nanocosmos and today we are in principle in a position to
disciplines. In the simplest terms, nanotechnology is defined construct new materials atom by atom and molecule by
as the ability to work at the atomic, molecular and molecule, analogously to building a model out of Lego bricks.
supramolecular levels at a scale of 0.1-100 nm for the purpose However, there are a number of major challenges on the path
of designing, manufacturing, manipulating and applying from being able to perform such operations in the research
materials, components and systems with new physical, laboratory to being able to use them in large-scale industrial
chemical and biological functional properties. These new production. If we can tackle those challenges, the reward is the
properties emerge because of the small scale of the structures, prospect of a large number of very promising possibilities for
and can therefore not be obtained in other ways. Integration the use of nanotechnology to help increase growth and
with other scales of length and areas of application will often welfare, and to meet some of society's major challenges in the
be essential to technological applications. Nanoscience is areas of health, energy and the environment [15]. Fig. 1 below
concerned with obtaining an understanding of fundamental illustrates the diversity of current nano-products and
phenomena, properties and functions at the nano-scale, that prospective second-generation nano-applications.
are not scalable outside the nanometre domain. A nanometre
(nm) is one thousand millionth of a metre. For comparison, a
single human hair is about 80,000 nm wide, a red blood cell is
approximately 7,000 nm wide and a water molecule is almost

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

which people should be aiming could be found not only in

physics, but also in nano-sized fields. In the 1980s, the
invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM), a
computer imaging system with a surface probe, enabled the
manipulation of atoms and molecules, by which most
significant change has been brought in this field. Since then,
developments in nanotech continued with significant
discoveries of nanomaterials such as fullerenes and carbon
nanotubes. A pathway of major nanotechnology discoveries is
presented in Fig. 2.
An important revolution in analytical instruments,
preceding discoveries and subsequent technological
advancement [16], stimulated the exploration of nanoscale
structures and the developments of nanoscale technologies. It
has been estimated that nanotechnology is currently at a level
of development similar to early commercial applications of
information technology in the late 1960s or to the emergence
of biotechnology in the 1980s [17], and further impressive
discoveries, transforming the affected technological domains,
are to be expected.

Fig.1. Diversity of current nano-products and prospective

second-generation nano-applications

So far, the relatively small numbers of applications of

nanotechnologies that have made it through to industrial
application represent evolutionary rather than revolutionary
advances. Current applications are mainly in the areas of
determining the properties of materials, the production of
chemicals, precision manufacturing and computing. In mobile
phones for instance, materials involving nanotechnologies are
being developed for use in advanced batteries, electronic
packaging and in displays. The total weight of these materials
will constitute a very small fraction of the whole product but
be responsible for most of the functions that the devices offer.
In the longer term, many more areas may be influenced by
nanotechnologies but there will be significant challenges in
scaling up production from the research laboratory to mass Fig.2 Pathway of major nanotechnology discoveries.Diversity of
manufacturing. In the longer term it is hoped that current nano-products and prospective second-generation nano-
nanotechnologies will enable more efficient approaches to applications
manufacturing which will produce a host of multifunctional
materials in a cost-effective manner, with reduced resource
use and waste. However, it is important that claims of likely B. Nano- manufacturing and Basic Elements
environmental benefits are assessed for the entire lifecycle of a The ability to manufacture and use materials, devices and
material or product, from its manufacture through its use to its systems integrated from the nanoscale is one of the most
eventual disposal [9]. important promises of nanoscale science and engineering.
New paradigms are expected in industry, economy, healthcare,
environment and security. As an example, gears have been
A. A brief history of nanotechnology
studied and used for millennia as a macroscale mechanism to
The history of nanotechnology began in 1959, when transmit mechanical power and information [18]). However,
Richard Feynman (a physicist of the California Institute of carrying the design of a gear transmission to the nanoscale is
Technology), in his famous lecture There is Plenty of Room challenged not only by dominant effects of their high
at the Bottom, proposed the concept of nanotechnology. It surface/volume ratio, and the problems of friction, stiction,
suggested that the frontiers of knowledge and technology at surface tension, electrostatic forces etc. during operation, but

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

also by major hurdles in their manufacturing at the nanoscale quality that can be achieved, have started to converge. A
in a repeatable, economical and high rate for industrial diagram illustrating some of the types of materials and
production. At the same time, nature offers robustly products that these two approaches are used for is shown
producible, effective molecular mechanisms, such as the actin- below in Figure 4.
myosin filament walk-along interactions in our muscle fibers
for linear motion [19] and F1-ATPase biomotor for rotational
motion [20]. Such biomimetic paradigms open up exciting
research opportunities not only in the analysis of biological
archetypes for generating physical movements, but also in the
design and manufacturing of bio-inspired devices and their
large-scale production for efficient and reliable transmissions
at the nanoscale.

Fig. 4. The use of bottom-up and top-down techniques in


C. Bottom-up manufacturing
Bottom-up manufacturing involves the building of
g structures, atom-by-atom or molecule-by-molecule. The wide
variety of approaches towards achieving this goal can be split
Fig. 3. a. Microscale gear (Sandia National Labs. 1990); b. into three categories: chemical synthesis, self-assembly, and
Nanoscale gear (E. Drexler simulation); c. Biological
positional assembly. As discussed below, positional assembly
nanomotor (H. Noji, Science 1998)
(with its many practical drawbacks as a manufacturing tool) is
the only technique in which single atoms or molecules can be
placed deliberately one-by-one. More typically, large numbers
Nanoscale manufacturing encompasses all materials, of atoms, molecules or particles are used or created by
processes and equipment aimed toward building of nanoscale chemical synthesis, and then arranged through naturally
structures, features, devices, and systems in one, two and three occurring processes into a desired structure
dimensions. It melds both bottom-up assembly of
nanostructure building blocks with top-down processes for
D. Top-down manufacturing
economical devices and systems with complex functions.
Manufacturing techniques at the nanoscale have equal Top-down manufacturing involves starting with a larger
relevance as novel components of traditional industries, and as piece of material and etching, milling or machining a
engines for revolutionary technologies enabling new products nanostructure from it by removing material (as, for example,
and services. They promise to increase in quality, productivity in circuits on microchips). This can be done by using
and efficiency of existing technologies, and to establish techniques such as precision engineering and lithography, and
industries and markets that would have not been possible has been developed and refined by the semiconductor industry
otherwise. Advances in manufacturing at the nanoscale are over the past 30 years. Top-down methods offer reliability and
anticipated to accelerate commercialization of products such device complexity, although they are generally higher in
as: nanostructured materials with novel and improved energy usage, and produce more waste than bottom-up
properties; information technology nanodevices including methods. The production of computer chips, for example, is
advanced semiconductors, molecular electronics and not yet possible through bottom-up methods; however,
spintronics; nanobiotechnology and pharmaceutics techniques using bottom-up (or hybrid top-down/bottom-up)
diagnostics, implants, new drugs and their therapeutic methods are under exploration.[9]
delivery; measuring devices and tools for manufacturing; E. General Framework
higher performance safety and security technology including Nanomanufacturing production systems are becoming more
sensors, adsorbents, filters and decontaminants; and nano- and more important instead of traditional manufacturing
electromechanical systems (NEMS) [21]. systems. Since it is a new area of research and technology
There are a wide variety of techniques that are capable of development, there is still need for systematic approaches and
creating nanostructures with various degrees of quality, speed scientific methodologies to handle nano materials and nano
and cost. These manufacturing approaches fall under two processes as well as their impact on human life. There is also
categories bottom-up, and top-down. These approaches can a need for understanding nanoscale leads and support for the
define as basics elements of nanomanufacturing. In recent development of nano technology. In this part a frameworl for
years the limits of each approach, in terms of feature size and

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

the nanomanufacturing systems are developed which will help a new nano material or nano device which can be use them
to researchers on this area. Framework for nanomanufacturing agin in this process. Also end of all this process will produce a
has represented below. new nano production that can be use customers. Fig 5 below
The techniques for nanomanufacturing can be classified into illustrated a nano manufacturing framework.
bottom-up and top-down methods. Self-assembly in
nanoscale is the main promising bottom-up technique which
is applied to make regular, symmetric patterns of nanoparticles
[22]. However, many potential nanostructures and
nanodevices are asymmetric patterns, which cannot be
manufactured using self-assembly.
A top-down method is desirable to manufacture complex
nanosuuctures. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) [23] has been
proven to be a powerful technique to study sample surfaces
down to the nanometer scale. Not only can it characterize
sample surfaces, it can also change the sample surface through
manipulation [24], [25], which is a promising top-down
nanofabdcation technique. In recent years, many kinds of
nanomanipulation schemes have been developed [26], [27],
[28] to position and manipulate nanoobjects. The main
problem with these manipulation schemes is that they go Fig. 5. Nano manufacturing Framework
through the scan-design-manipulation scan cycle manually
which is time-consuming and makes mass production
impossible. In order to increase the efficiency in
nanomanufacturing, automated manipulation using collision-
free paths is necessary. However, automated tool path III. NANOTECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION
planning for nanomanufacturing does not receive much Many attempts have been pursued to develop
attention. Makaliwe [29] developed a path planning algorithm interdisciplinary engineering and science curricula that will
for nanoparticle assembly. Object assignment, obstacle allow undergraduate and graduate students to successfully
detection and avoidance, path finding and sequencing are enter and master the engineering and science fields [6, 9]. To
addressed. The obstacles discussed in the paper are polygons, meet academic and industrial challenges, different curricular,
which do not occur often in nanoworld. In AFM manipulation, program, tracks and course models have been introduced. It
NmS around obstacles should be avoided since turns may lose becomes increasingly difficult to achieve educational
nanoparticles during maniputation. To generate a path for objectives and goals without a coherent unified theme. Recent
nanomanufacturing, destination, object and obstacle avoidance advances and envisioned developments in enabling
have to be considered. To make Nano manufacturing efficient nanotechnology provide challenges to academia in educating
using nanomanipulation, it is desirable to develop a general and training a new generation of skilled engineers and
framework to manufacture nanostructurs and nanodevices. In competent scientists. These engineers and scientists should
this paper, a general framework for nanomanufacturing is possess the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
developed. Simulations will perform to test the generated science, and engineering in order to design, analyze and
paths for real time nanomanufacturing to manufacture fabricate nanodevices and nanosystems, which are radically
nanostructures. different when compared with microdevices and
In this framework, first step defined as nanomaterials. microsystems. Atomic and molecular comprise nanodevices
Different kind of nano materials can use as an input material and nanosystems, exhibit distinctive quantum phenomena and
which will produce nano device or other nano materials and unique capabilities that must be utilized. Therefore, advanced
process steps follow the nano materials step. Two different theories, methods, tools and technologies should be
process type is defined in the second step. These processes can comprehensively covered and effectively delivered.
be called nano manipulation. First process includes nano The academic community is reacting slowly to prepare the
manufacturing techniques and methods. As it mentioned workforce for emerging opportunities in nanotechnology.
before there are two important technique that can use all in Currently, a small number of universities in the USA, Europe,
nano process which they called top-down and bottom up Australia and Japan offer selective graduate programs in
techniques. Another process step includes nano manufacturing nanoscience and nanotechnology in collaboration with
devices which will direct manipulate to nano materials after research centers. In the United States of America, federal and
positioning and path planning. Some of this manipulation state governments, academic institutions, industry and various
device can make own positioning and planning but generally it for profit and non profit organizations have developed
needs manually image scanning, positioning and path partnerships to establish nanotechnology research centers. The
planning. Some of ASM devices integrated CAD computer primary mission of these centers is to conduct research and
systems to manage all this steps in a device. Last step will give development in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

Some research centers also support an associated graduate

program within the patron university. In addition, faculty TABLE 1. NANOSCIENCE OR NANOTECHNOLOGY COURSES IN THE WORLD
members in various institutions conduct and manage research
Country University Programs
programs in the areas of nanotechnology and nanoscience
supported by funding organizations such as the NSF, DoD, BS. MS. PhD
United States University of North Carolina at X
NIH, DARPA, etc. In the United States, the following Charlotte
universities offer either graduate or undergraduate courses in Louisiana Tech University X X X
nanoscience or nanotechnology [1]. Rice University X
In the world, the following universities offer either graduate The State University of New X X
or undergraduate courses in nanoscience or nanotechnology Dakota County Technical Associates degree
[5]. College
Chippewa Valley Technical Associates degree
Richland College Associate degree
WORLD [15] North Dakota State College of Associate degree
Country University Programs Science
BS. MS. PhD Australia/Ne Flinders University X
w Zealand University of Wollongong X
Brazil Universidade Federal do ABC X X RMIT University X
Centro Universitrio X University of New South X
Franciscano, UNIFRA Wales
Mexico Instituto Nacional de X X Curtin University X
Astrofisica, Opticay University of Technology, X
Electronica Sydney
Universidad de las Amricas X University of Western Sydney X
Czech Technical University of X X University of Queensland X
Republic Ostrava La Trobe University, X
Denmark University of Aalborg X X X Melbourne Doubl
University of Aarhus X X X e
Copenhagen University X X X Degre
Technical University of Denmark X X X e
France Master Nanotech X The University of Melbourne X
Germany Munich University of Applied X Massey University, New X
Sciences Zealand
University of Ulm X Massey University, New X
Israel Technion X X Zealand
Italy University of Venice X Canada University of Alberta X
Netherlands Leiden University X University of Toronto X
Delft University of Technology X X University of Waterloo X
Norway Norwegian University of Science X McMaster University X
and Technology India Andhra X
University of Bergen X University,Visakhapatnam
Spain Master en Nanociencia y X Nano Indian: India's M.Tech,NanoScience
Nanotecnologia Molecular nanotechnology education and & NanoTechnology
Sweden Lund University X research portal
Chalmers University of
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Technology University of Madras M.Sc., M.Tech Dual
Switzerland Eidgenosslsche Technische X X Degree in Nanoscience
Hochschule and Nanotechnology
United University of Sussex X Indian Institute of Science - X
Kingdom University of Leeds X X Masters
University of Manchester X Jadavpur University at Kolkata X X
University of Cambridge X X - Masters, PhD
Cranfield University X X
Imperial College London X Amity University, Noida X X
University College London X Integrated
University of Oxford Post Graduate Certificate Vellore Institute of X
Turkey Bilkent University X Technology, Vellore,
University of Rajasthan at X
Singapore National University of X
Thailand Chulalongkorn University X
Mahidol University - Center of X
Nanoscience and

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

3. Procuring adequate infrastructure and advanced facilities
IV. NANOEDUCATION CURRICULUMS to comprehensibly support learning and scholarship;
The focus on microscopic consideration and 4. Developing an interdisciplinary research opportunities
nanotechnology reflects curriculum changes in response to the and educational collaborations;
engineering enterprise and entreaties of evolutionary industrial 5. Disseminating best practices;
demands. Nanotechnology has been introduced to attack, 6. Developing the student and faculty exchange programs
integrate and coherently solve a great variety of emerging [7, 31].
problems in engineering, science and technology. A diverse
education community has apparently different visions for what
to target, emphasize, cover and deliver in nanotechnology V. TEACHING STRATEGIES
courses. Different approaches have been pursued by various Nanotechnology should be taught by creating both
engineering, liberal art, science, technology and other schools knowledge-centered and learning-centered environments [10]
and departments [6, 4, 30]. The topics and material covered in inside and outside the classroom. Because the technology is
the undergraduate and graduate courses are quite diverse. advancing so fast, activities that encourage creative thinking,
Some nanotechnology-named courses embed and cover critical thinking and life-long learning should be given the
traditional quantum physics, organic chemistry, microscopy, highest priority.
metrology, electronics and other conventional science and Nanotechnology is truly interdisciplinary. An
engineering topics using nano as a magnification prefix. A interdisciplinary curriculum that encompasses a broad
consensus has yet to be reached within the research and understanding of basic sciences intertwined with engineering
education communities for a definition of nanotechnology. sciences and information sciences pertinent to nanotechnology
Engineering and science curricula integrate general is essential. Introductory nanotechnology courses should be
education, science, engineering and technology courses. taught more from the perspectives of concept development
Students typically have some deficiencies in various aspects of and qualitative analysis rather than mathematical derivations.
quantum physics, engineering mathematics, chemistry and Every effort should be made to convey the big picture and
biology. Multidisciplinary courses and curricula represent a how different learning exercises fit together to achieve course
major departure from the conventional curricula. The attempt objectives. Each course should be taught at the appropriate
to substitute basic courses can create significant challenges. level with required prerequisites.
An interdisciplinary education encompasses and requires a Teachers should begin introducing the concept of
broader coverage of cornerstone science in addition to the nanotechnology during freshman and sophomore engineering
specialized in-depth topics, engineering design and courses and continue throughout the subsequent engineering
fabrication. It is difficult, if not impossible, to substitute the science curriculum. Junior and senior design courses,
cornerstone basic science and engineering courses by specifically the capstone design courses, should integrate
multidisciplinary courses which do not duplicate the basic modeling, simulation, control and optimization of nanodevices
courses. The need for traditional courses, such as Biology, and nanosystems into the course objectives. In reality,
Calculus, Chemistry and Quantum Physics is not eased, but is nanotechnology is a branch of engineering and because design
rather strengthened [6, 4, and 8]. This factor should be counted is the essence of engineering, every effort should be made to
in the nanotechnology curriculum developments. Introductory integrate concepts related to nanotechnology into all design
nanotechnology topics can be introduced and emphasized courses.
through the required chemistry, biology, physics and freshman Interactive learning should be the hallmark of
engineering courses. This provides a meaningful starting point nanotechnology education. Technology can play a powerful
for students. An interdisciplinary curriculum encompasses a role in facilitating interactive learning both inside and outside
broad understanding of basic and engineering sciences the classroom. Students can participate in nanotechnology
pertinent to nanotechnology. The nanotechnology-centered research development projects and laboratory experiments all
research and education initiatives require close collaboration over the world via the Internet. Students should be given
between departments and colleges in order to provide viable opportunities to work directly with established
educational and training opportunities. The unified studies of nanotechnology research centers (local, regional, national,
engineering and science potentially can be advanced and international) to gain hands-on experience. University faculty
enhanced through nanotechnology curricula. In order to members must collaborate with industry in order to educate
prepare students to solve nanotechnological challenges, the and train students in the field of nanotechnology. Utilizing a
nanotechnology education should be coherently incorporated team of faculty members specializing in appropriate
into the mainstream undergraduate engineering and science disciplines to teach nanotechnology courses is highly
curriculum by: desirable. The inclusion of guest speakers from industry and
1. Coherently integrating nanotechnology within traditional research centers enhances the quality of available courses.
and modern science and engineering courses; It is important to educate engineering faculty rooted in the
2. Developing new multidisciplinary courses traditional disciplines regarding the advances in
complementing not substituting and duplicating) traditional nanotechnology and the ways in which all engineering

Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008

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