Flowchart Bitloading Ofdm

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International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No.

2, April 2013

Analysis of Link Adaptation Algorithms Using Coding

Scheme for OFDM Systems Under Frequency Selective
Fading Environment
Sandeep Singh and Neetu Sood

of fixing the parameters for a worst-case channel [4]. The

AbstractOrthogonal frequency division multiplexing trade off involves minimizing the error probability for
(OFDM) is a robust technique utilized in wireless robustness and enhancing the performance of the system for
communication systems affected by frequency selectivity. In bandwidth efficiency. OFDM can also be combined with
combination with multiple antennas at the transmitter and
receiver as well as adaptive loading algorithms, OFDM proves
multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technique to increase
to be robust against frequency selectivity. This paper presents diversity gain and achieve throughput. MIMO systems,
OFDM with link adaptation algorithms applied to Multi-Input employs multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver for
Multi-output (MIMO) systems. In this paper we apply an data transmission and reception. The technique is termed as
optimization discrete bit loading algorithm and power spatial multiplexing. Combining OFDM, MIMO and
allocation for each subcarrier assuming instantaneous channel adaptive loading algorithms, all three dimension of signal
state information is known at both the transmitter and receiver.
To improve the BER performance of wireless systems, coding
transmission (time, frequency, and space) are efficiently
techniques such as gray code and trellis coded modulation utilized, leading to a robust, dynamic, high performance
(TCM) are employed at the transmitter. system. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
introduce OFDM system model, Section 3 introduces the
Index TermsOFDM, SISO, MIMO, M-PSK, TCM adaptive concept of Adaptive modulation, then we consider bit
loading. loading and power allocation algorithms for MIMO/OFDM
system in section 4. Section 5 shows simulation results and
section 6 has conclusions.
Demands for wireless communications are tremendously
increasing. However, these desirers cannot be accomplished II. OFDM SYSTEM MODEL
due to the limited frequency resources available for wireless The OFDM system model in this paper has the block
communications. However, as the symbol duration reduces structure as shown in Fig. 1. The system converts the input
with the increase of data-rate, the systems using single carrier bits stream into a number of parallel streams and maps them
modulation, afflicted by more severe inter-symbol into complex numbers in modulator block which determines
interference (ISI) caused by the dispersive fading of wireless constellation points of each subcarrier based on the
channels, accordingly needing more complex equalization. instantaneous channel state information. The modulator
OFDM technique divides the entire frequency selective generates data symbols which are passed to IFFT block for
fading channel into a number of narrow band flat fading providing orthogonality among each subcarrier. The inverse
sub-channels in which high-bit-rate data are transmitted in FFT at transmitter and FFT at the receiver perform reversible
parallel and do not experience ISI because of long symbol linear mapping between N complex data symbols and N
duration [1], [2]. In OFDM system, channel fading on complex OFDM symbols.
different sub-channel is different when all OFDM Cyclic extension is inserted to each of resulting symbols.
sub-carriers employ the same fixed modulation scheme. The The number of bits assigned to each subcarrier depends on
error probability is dominated by the sub-carrier with the the instantaneous signal to noise ratio across the frequency
highest attenuation [3]. This problem can be overwhelmed by range. At the receiver the received signals are sent to fast
applying some adaptive loading algorithms. Fourier transform (FFT) block, demodulator and parallel to
The basic concept of adaptive loading algorithms is to serial converter where signals are converted back into their
adapt the wireless link efficiently in the actual channel original form.
conditions by altering a number of communication
Transmission power, symbol rate and constellation size III. ADAPTIVE MODULATIONS
can be dynamically adapted in response to the time-varying
The benefits of OFDM are that each sub-channel is
channel. With selection of these transmission parameters, the
considerably narrowband and is assumed to have flat-fading.
system makes the most out of a time varying channel, instead
However, it is entirely possible that a certain number of
sub-channel experience deep fading, resulting in a large

Manuscript received October 12, 2012; revised November 22, 2012. BER. Thus, it is necessary to take advantage of sub-channels
The authors are with the Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of having relatively superior performance; this is the motivation
Technology (e-mail: sandeep.ece04@gmail.com, soodn@nitj.ac.in)

DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2013.V5.686 160

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013

for adaptive modulation. Adaptive modulation is an Margin-Adaptive Loading Criterion: A margin-adaptive

important method that provides better performance over loading procedure minimizes the energy subject to a fixed
non-adaptive non-coded schemes. An inherent assumption in bits/symbol constraint:
adaptive loading technique is some form of channel
knowledge at both the transmitter and receiver. The variation
in fading statistic among subcarriers in some OFDM min x n (3)
n 1
channels suggests that some good subcarriers with high
instantaneous signal to noise ratio can be made to carry more
Subjected to: b 1 log 2 1 n g n
bits and be allocated with less transmission power and vice (4)
versa for the weak subcarriers. n 1 2

where (or GAP) is called SNR-gap, is diffined as a ratio

Input Bits of ideal SNR at which system can transmit at C bits/symbol
over a practical SNR at which the system can transmit R
Serial to Parallel Converter bits/symbol. It quantify how well the practical system
compares to an ideal modulation system.
These link adaptation algorithms, computs the number of
Modulator Modulator Modulator
bits and energy required to transmit bits for each subchannel
in a parellel set of subchannels.
IFFT & CP The link adaptation algorithm utilized in this paper is an
efficient approach to achive rate and power optimization
Channel Channel Bit & Power based on the assumption that instantaneous channel state
Estimation Allocation
information is known at both the transmitter and receiver.
Here only six different M-array Phase Sift Keying (M-PSK)
FFT & CP remove signal constellations are used.
There are several algorithms proposed for bit and power
Demodulator Demodulator Demodulator loading based on criterions expressed above, but in this paper
link adaptation was carried out using two algorithms: Chow
Parallel to Serial Converter Algorithm and Campello Algorithm [8], [9]. To initialize the
bit loading each sub channel was allocated energy utilizing
Chows Algorithm and at the same time it was allocated
Output Bits
maximum number of bits allowable per sub channel. There
after bit allocation was done by Campello Algorithm.
Fig. 1. OFDM system block structure
A. The Chows Algorithm
The optimal adaptive transmission methodology, which 1) Compute sub channel signal to noise ratios based on the
achieves the Shannon capacity for a fixed transmits power, is formula [8]:
the water filling distribution of power over the frequency
subcarrier gain 2 (5)
selective channel. However, while the water filling SNR i
distribution will indeed gives the optimal solution, it is noise gap
complex to compute, and it tacitly assumes infinite
granularity in the constellation size, which is not practically 2) Compute the number of bits for the ith Sub-channel based
realizable [5], [6]. on the formula:

b i log 2 1 (6)
There are two types of link adaptation algorithms- those
that try to improve data rate and those that try to enhance 3) Round the value of b i down to b i
performance at a given fixed data rate [7]. 4) Restricts b i to take values 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8
Rate adaptive loading criterion: A rate- adaptive loading (corresponding to available modulation order)
procedure increase the number of bits per symbols subject to 5) Compute the energy for the ith sub channel based on the
fixed energy constraint: number of bits initially assigned to it using the formula:
e i (b i ) (2b i 1) / gap i (7)
max b log 2 1 n n (1)
n 1 2 6) Form a table of energy increments for each sub channel.
For the ith sub channel
Subjected to: N n n (2) e i (b) e i (b) e i (b 1) 2b1 / gap i (8)
n 1

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013

where The sub-channel experiencing very deep fading had few or

SNR i zero bits allocated to them. Also, note that the finite number
gap i (9)
gap of M-PSK constellations available means that the rate
remains fixed over some intervals where the gain does not
gap is a tuning parameter for Eb/N0. Different values of vary too widely.
gap give different Eb/N0 ratio for a desire number of bits to
A. The Compellos Algorithm V. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS
The basic concept of link adaptive compellos algorithm is In this section optimal bit and power loading algorithm is
that each increment of additional bits to be transpose by simulated for frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel.
multi-channel transmission system is placed on the The simulation results (BER v/s Eb/N0 performance analysis)
sub-channel that would require the least energy for its for different coding schemes are presented in this section. In
transport. Compello formalized an iterative algorithm that order to reduce the complexity of the system model, the entire
will translate any bit distribution into an efficient bit system is considered as discrete time system.
distribution. Efficiency means that there is no movement of a energy allocation
bit from one sub-channel to another that will reduce the
symbol energy. This algorithm is based on -tightness
algorithm which is given as follow: 2


energy per subcarrier

btotal bn (10) 1.5

n 1
btotal bt arg et
btotal bt arg et (12)

n arg max1i N {e i (b i )} (13) 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
channel index

btotal btotal (14) (b)

discrete bit Allcation
bn bn (15)
btotal bt arg et (16) 6
nunber of bits per subcarrier

m arg min1i N {e i (b i )}
bn bn (18)

channel frequency response

1.5 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
1 channel index
subchannel gain

Fig. 2. An example of discrete bit and energy allocation

As the instantaneous channel state information is
necessary at the both i.e., the transmitter and the receiver to
implement the adaptive bit and power loading algorithms,
perfect channel knowledge is assumed throughout the
simulation. The configurations considered are for OFDM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 system with 64 subcarriers, 64 OFDM symbol time periods,
channel index
(a) and 16 symbol periods for guard time. The parameters were
An example of implementing these two algorithms is held constant throughout the simulation. M-PSK adaptive
indicated in Fig. 2. This figure indicates the typical channel modulation for each subcarrier is used. The usable
frequency response, the discrete bit allocation to each modulation modes are: 2PSK, 4PSK, 16 PSK, 64 PSK and
subcarrier, and the corresponding energy on each subcarrier. 256 PSK.

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013

In Fig. 3, we provide the simulation result for Link REFERENCES

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[8] P. Chow, J. M. Cioffi, and J. A. C. Bingham, A Practical Discrete
BER V/S Eb/No for SISO system under frequency selective rayleigh fading channel
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Sandeep Singh was born in Haridwar, India on

20/06/1986. He received his B.E degree in electronics

and communication engineering from Kumaon
Engineering College Dwarhat, India in the year 2008.
He did his M.Tech in electronics and communication
engineering from National Institute of Technology
Jalandhar, India in the year 2012. His research interests
include orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
technique and cognitive radio technology.
10 Adaptive MPSK
Adaptive MPSK with Gray Coding
Adaptive M-PSK with TCM
N. Sood received the B.Tech. degree (with Honour) in
1 2 3
Electronics and Communication from Sant Longowal
10 10 10 Institute of Engineering and Technology, India 2000.
In year Jan. 2002, she completed her M.Eng. Degree
Fig. 3. Comparison of Adaptive SISO-OFDM system for different coding
(With Honour) in Electronics and Communication
from Thapar University, Patiala, India. From year
2002 to 2007, she worked with DAV institute of
BER V/S Eb/No for MIMO-OFDM system under frequency selective rayleigh fading channel
10 Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar and Guru
Nanak Dev University (Regional Campus),
Jalandhar.Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor at Dr. B R
Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalanadhar and working
10 towards her PhD degree. Her current research includes the simulation of
wireless systems based on OFDM and simulation of fading channels.




10 Adaptive MPSK
Adaptive MPSK with Gray Coding
Adaptive M-PSK with TCM

0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Fig. 4. Comparison of Adaptive MIMO-OFDM system for different coding


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