Jurnal Dari Aak 4
Jurnal Dari Aak 4
Jurnal Dari Aak 4
Acute respiratory distress
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the safety of extended prone position ventilation
(PPV) and its impact on respiratory function in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
Acute respiratory failure;
Prone position;
Design: This was a prospective interventional study.
Mechanical ventilation
Setting: Patients were recruited from a mixed medical-surgical intensive care unit in a university
Patients: Fifteen consecutive patients with severe ARDS, previously unresponsive to positive end-
expiratory pressure adjustment, were treated with PPV.
Intervention: Prone position ventilation for 48 hours or until the oxygenation index was 10 or less
(extended PPV).
Results: The elapsed time from the initiation of mechanical ventilation to pronation was 35 11 hours.
Prone position ventilation was continuously maintained for 55 7 hours. Two patients developed grade
II pressure ulcers of small extent. None of the patients experienced life-threatening complications or
hemodynamic instability during the procedure. The patients showed a statistically significant
improvement in PaO2/FiO2 (92 12 vs 227 43, P b .0001) and oxygenation index (22 5 vs 8
2, P b .0001), reduction of PaCO2 (54 9 vs 39 4, P b .0001) and plateau pressure (32 2 vs 27
3, P b .0001), and increment of the static compliance (21 3 vs 37 6, P b .0001) with extended
PPV. All the parameters continued to improve significantly while they remained in prone position and
did not change upon returning the patients to the supine position.
Conclusions: The results obtained suggest that extended PPV is safe and effective in patients with
severe ARDS when it is carried out by a trained staff and within an established protocol. Extended
PPV is emerging as an effective therapy in the rescue of patients from severe ARDS.
2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Corresponding author. Departamento de Medicina, Unidad de Pacientes Crticos, Hospital Clnico Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile, Independencia, Santiago Norte, Chile. Fax: +56 2 9788264.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.M. Romero).
which the PEEP level was reduced progressively in steps of 2 above the point at which the reduction in PEEP generated a
cm H2O. With each reduction of PEEP, an inspiratory pause fall in the static compliance.
of 2 seconds was applied and the static compliance was Sedation protocol based on midazolam and fentanyl was
evaluated. The PEEP level was programmed at 2 cm H2O used to achieve a level of 1 to 2 in the Riker sedation-
Fig. 1 Severe ARDS algorithm, Clinical Hospital, University of Chile. PEEP trial indicates set PEEP according to best compliance during
decremental PEEP trials, as it suggested by Hickling [14]; protective ventilation, low tidal volume (6-8 mL/kg) and plateau pressure of less
than 30 to 35 cm H2O; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HFOV, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.
4 C.M. Romero et al.
agitation scale [15]. During PPV, all patients received a the tidal volume by the difference between plateau pressure
continuous infusion of rocuronium to achieve a train of four and PEEP. Data obtained 12 hours before (designed as supine
(TOF) of 1 to 2 [16]. Patients were maintained on PPV at 12) and 12 hours after extended PPV (designed as supine
least for 48 hours or until they reached an OI of 10 or less in 2 +12) were included. We analyzed the former measurements
successive measurements (Fig. 1). and the data taken 2 hours before and after each change of
position (Table 3). The patients were followed throughout
their stay in the hospital.
3. Measurements
3.1. Statistical analysis
The evaluation of cutaneous pressure lesions was carried
out daily by the nursing staff, using the classification of the Univariate analysis of variance for repeated measures
National Pressure Ulcers Advisory Panel (www.npuap.org). was used to test for differences in continuous variables at
According to this score, stage I indicates a reddened of a supine 2, supine 12 (parameters 2 and 12 hours before
localized area with intact skin; stage II, a partial thickness the change to prone position, respectively) and, Proneinitial
loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red and Pronefinal (measurements performed 2 hours after the
pink wound bed, without slough. At stage III, a full-thickness change to prone position and, 2 hours before to return to
tissue loss is seen, subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, supine position). To evaluate any change upon returning
tendon or muscle are not exposed; slough may be present but the patients to the supine position, a new analysis of
does not obscure the depth of tissue loss. Stage IV indicates a variance was carried out for the same variables 2 and 12
full-thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or hours postprone period (supine +2 and supine +12,
muscle; slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the respectively). Post hoc analysis with Bonferroni correction
wound bed. was used. Statistical calculations were performed using
The development of barotrauma and/or monobronchial SPSS 14.0 (Chicago, Ill) for Windows XP SP2. Results are
incursion of the orotracheal tube (OTT) was evaluated daily expressed as mean (SD). A P value of less than .05
by radiography of the thorax. Displacement and accidental indicated significance.
withdrawal of the OTT or the intravascular catheters were
registered by the nursing staff.
We recorded arterial and venous blood gas results (Roche 4. Results
OMNI C Blood Gas Analyzer, Indianapolis, Ind), the PaO2/
FiO2, OI, tidal volume and airway pressure (mean and The elapsed time from the initiation of mechanical
plateau), mean arterial pressure, and norepinephrine (NE) ventilation until pronation was 35 11 hours. Patients
requirements every 6 hours. The OI was calculated according underwent PPV for 55 7 straight hours (Table 2).
to the formula: mean airway pressure (Paw) FiO2 100/ Displacements of the arterial line, central venous line, or
PaO2. The lung static compliance was obtained by dividing OTT were not observed while changing position or while in
Extended PPV in severe ARDS 5
the prone position. Two patients developed grade II pressure for PPV, the use of low doses of vasoactive drugs should not
ulcers of small extent: one in the nasal septum and the other be an impediment to its application, whereas tissular
in the cheek. All patients developed marked facial edema that hypoperfusion is ruled out. According to our hemodynamic
decreased progressively with supine position. management protocol [18], we used NE as the drug of
No patient developed hemodynamic instability during the choice. At time of the pronation, 8 patients were receiving
positional changes. Eight patients who were receiving NE NE at an average dose of 0.07 g/kg per minute. They did
(0.07 0.02 g/kg per minute) suspended the infusion not experience any worsening of their hemodynamic
during PPV. parameters or perfusion failure with the change of position;
Before PPV period, patients showed a significant in fact, the NE could be suspended during PPV. Never-
worsening in their variables of oxygenation (PaO2/FiO2 and theless, it is not possible to make a general recommendation,
OI) and respiratory mechanics (compliance and plateau such that the risk-benefit balance of PPV in this group of
pressure) (Table 3). Twelve hours before the PPV, 11 patients patients is a case-sensitive decision.
had OI of more than 15. Nevertheless, they were not turned The benefits of PPV are related to the recruitment of
to prone position because they still had hemodynamic collapsed pulmonary regions in dependent zones, homo-
instability at this time. genization of the distribution of perfusion and pleural
Data analysis showed a statistically significant improve- pressure, and consequently, the use of lower concentrations
ment in PaO2/FiO2 (92 12 vs 227 43, P b .0001) and OI of oxygen [6,10,19,20]. By lowering the pleural pressure
(22 5 vs 8 2, P b .0001), reduction of PaCO2 (54 9 vs gradient, a more homogeneous distribution of the trans-
39 4, P b .0001) and plateau pressure (32 2 vs 27 3, P b pulmonary pressure occurs, which may be associated with
.0001), and increment of the static compliance (21 3 vs a better strain distribution and reduced risk of VILI [21-
37 6, P b .0001) with extended PPV. Some of these 24]. In this sense, the improvement in oxygenation,
variables (PaO2/FiO2, OI, and PaCO2) had already experi- reduction of PaCO2, and the rise in static compliance
enced significant variations immediately after changing to observed in our series probably reflect recruitment of
prone position (Table 3). However, the most important alveolar units and dead space reduction. To maintain the
consideration is that all the parameters continued to improvements obtained with PPV, greater PEEP levels are
improve significantly while they remained in prone frequently needed when the patient returns to supine
position and did not change upon returning the patients position [25]. Nevertheless, according to our results, this
to the supine position (Table 3). Thirteen patients effect could be related to the time of permanence in PPV
decreased their plateau pressure throughout the extended because, in our patients, without change in PEEP levels,
PPV, although we increase their tidal volume (from 0.5 to oxygenation, and respiratory mechanics did not get worse
1.5 mL/kg) if their plateau pressure was lower than 28 cm after prone. The progressive improvement in gas exchange
H2O. Six patients dead, 3 of them required a second seen in our study is consistent with the report of [26]
extended PPV period because they developed a ventilatory McAuley and colleagues who observed better results with
associated pneumonia. PPV for long periods. Although ARDS in most of our
patients was caused by severe community pneumonia,
improvement in gas exchange parameters and respiratory
mechanics cannot be totally explained by the antibiotic
5. Discussion treatment due to the fact that many of these individuals
evolve in an unfavorable manner with slow respiratory
We found that extended PPV could be carried out without function recovery. In fact, patients showed important gas
major incidents. According to these findings, other authors exchange deterioration in the 12 hours before the
have reported that the incidence of displacement of procedure, a situation that was reversed both rapidly and
intravascular catheters or accidental extubation is similar to persistently in time by extended PPV (Table 3).
that of patients maintained in supine [8,12,17]. Extended In patients affected by ARDS, the efficacy of high levels
PPV does not include frequent changes from supine to prone of PEEP depends on the balance between its beneficial and
position, which is the moment when most complications detrimental effects, that is, reduction of intratidal lung
associated to PPV occur. opening-closing vs increase of alveolar stress-strain. Higher
The pressure lesions were the most feared complication levels of PEEP appear to be physiologically advantageous
during this study. However, the incorporation of colloidal only in patients with a more severe disease and higher
patches in pressure zones, air mattress, and frequent changes potential for lung recruitment [27]. However, lung hyperin-
of position probably explain the low incidence of pressure flation of the nondependent lung regions with PEEP is the
sores seen in our work. We must point out that, although the price in one third of the patients [28].
PPV protocol was recently implemented in our unit, staffs Our patients had a severe disease and they used high
were already well familiarized with the procedure. levels of PEEP, so their estimated risk of VILI was
Although hemodynamic instability (perfusion failure or significant. Nevertheless, the decrease in plateau pressure,
high requirement of vasoactive drugs) is a contraindication without a change in PEEP level and higher tidal volume,
6 C.M. Romero et al.
suggest that extended PPV predominantly induced alveolar We are aware that our study has some limitations. It
recruitment, instead of significant tidal hyperinflation. represents the experience of a small number of patients in only
Perhaps by maintaining tidal volume constant, a greater one center, there is no control group, and only 20% of the
reduction of the VILI risk could be ensured. individuals were older than 60 years, thus restricting the
Setting an individualized best PEEP according to generalization of results in a younger population. Nonetheless,
Hickling's [14] modified strategy seems a rational and it represents the first systematic evaluation study for PPV
physiologic bedside approach. PEEP and PPV may have safety for an ongoing period of more than 24 hours and its
synergic effect on oxygenation in some patients [19]. impact on respiratory function in patients with severe ARDS.
Therefore, we think that the PEEP level must be programmed Although these results are encouraging, they should be
in supine and prone, independently. considered preliminary. Further studies examining extended
We still do not know for sure how to choose the best tidal PPV are warranted to clarify its real impact on outcome.
volume for each patient. Apparently, to select a VT of In this small series of selected patients, we found that
6 mL/kg with restriction of the plateau pressure (b30 cm extended PPV is safe and easy to implement when it is
H2O) is not safe in a subgroup of the patients with severe performed by a trained staff and within an established protocol.
ARDS [29]. While waiting for a better definition of those The improvements in respiratory mechanics and specially the
parameters, we believe that the determination of best decrease in plateau pressure observed in our series suggest that
compliance during decremental PEEP trial, limiting plateau extended PPV should be considered part of a protective
pressure b 30 cm H2O, could be a useful bedside therapeutic ventilatory strategy. Extended PPV is emerging as an effective
intervention in patients with ARDS. therapy in the rescue of patients from severe ARDS.
The absence of better results with PPV in larger samples
[8,12,30] could be explained by lack of uniformity in the
management protocols, varied outcomes, inadequate selec- Acknowledgments
tion of the study population or intervention timing,
insufficient sample size, and, likely a very brief time in We thank the nursing and respiratory therapist staff for
the prone position. Nonetheless, post hoc analysis of one of
their support and cooperation.
these studies revealed that the most severely ill patients
(Simplified Acute Physiology Score II [SAPS II] N49,
PaO2/FiO2 b89) and those that showed a PaCO2 reduction
with pronation had better survival rates compared to those Appendix A. Procedure for prone position (PP)
ventilated in supine position [8,31]. Probably, the compli-
cations associated with the necessity for deep sedation and Preparing the patient
the use of neuromuscular blockade outweighs the benefits
of PPV in patients with less severe forms of ARDS. Our 1. Obtain chest radiograph and verify that the endotra-
inclusion criteria were designed to select a group of cheal tube is appropriately positioned in the trachea.
severely ill patients (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health 2. Ensure security of endotracheal tube, pulse oximeter
Evaluation II [APACHE II] 21 2 and PaO2/FiO2 92 12 probe, and all indwelling catheters.
after recruitment maneuvers and PEEP adjustment) with the 3. Move electrocardiographic electrodes to the lateral
clear objective of maximizing extended PPV benefits. It is aspects of the upper arms and hips.
possible that organic dysfunctions (Sequential Organ 4. Consider capping nonessential vascular catheters and
Failure Assessment [SOFA] 10 1) associated with nasogastric tube.
respiratory failure explain the prolonged period on 5. Suction the oropharynx.
mechanical ventilation. 6. Apply spongy dressing to pressure point areas.
We believe that the use of OI is preferable for stratification 7. Assign responsibilities to each member of the PP team.
and monitoring patients with ARDS, given that it represents
the intensity of pressurized support for a determined Preparing the patient in PP
oxygenation target, thus better characterizing the process Eight members of the staff participated in this maneuver
severity [32]. Our patients entered the study with an OI of (2 nurses, 3 nursing assistants, 1 respiratory therapist, and
22 5, were pronated promptly (b48 hours of ARDS), 2 physicians). All of the movements and steps during the
remained an average of 55 straight hours on PPV, and were procedure were directed by only one member of the team
returned to supine position with an OI of 8 2. Recently, each time.
Mancebo and colleagues [12] found that patients rando-
mized to supine position and those with late recruitment in 1. Turn the head and body in unison halfway toward the
the study had nearly 3 times greater possibility of dying. ventilator, and then turn prone. The head should be
We think that if extended PPV is applied early and for a laterally rotated to face the ventilator.
sufficient length of time, it could generate a permanent 2. Immediately reassess the security and patency of the
impact on pulmonary function. endotracheal tube and other indwelling catheters.
Extended PPV in severe ARDS 7
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