Effect of Earth Current Return Model On
Effect of Earth Current Return Model On
Effect of Earth Current Return Model On
Abstract-Impedance-based fault location algorithms require [Zabel Phase impedance matrix (n)
positive- and zero-sequence line impedance to determine the [Zo d Sequence impedance matrix (n)
distance to fault. When solving for these line constants in a multi ZLine,O Zero-sequence line impedance (n)
grounded transmission system, power system analysis programs Positive-sequence line impedance (n)
use Carson's model, modified Carson's model or Deri model to
ZLine,2 Negative-sequence line impedance (n)
account for earth current return. The study is motivated by the
fact that line constants calculated using each of these different
approaches are not exactly identical. Since transmission lines
traverse long distances, it was suspected that these seemingly Impedance-based fault location algorithms such as the Tak
minor differences can affect accuracy of fault location estimates.
agi method are commonly used to locate faults in a networked
Therefore this paper aims to study the impact of line constants
calculated using different earth return models on impedance transmission system [1], [2]. These algorithms are straightfor
based fault location algorithms. Analysis was conducted on ward to implement and yield reasonable location estimates.
four actual fault events. For a fault located 14.37 miles from Voltage and current measurements captured by a digital relay
substation, variation between location estimates using each of
at one end of the line are used to calculate the apparent
the three earth models was observed to be within 1 %. The paper
impedance to fault. Knowing the positive- and zero-sequence
therefore recommends using any of the three earth models for
fault location without significant variation in accuracy. line impedance in ohms per unit distance, the corresponding
Index Terms-Power system faults, power system reliability, distance to fault can be easily obtained. Determining accurate
transmission lines. values of these line constants is therefore a critical step before
performing any fault location analysis.
Permeability of free space 47f x 10-7 (Him)
Line constants are generally solved using power system
Earth resistivity (n/m) analysis programs like CAPE [3], OpenDSS [4], PSCAD [5]
Earth conductivity (S/m) and others. Information about tower configuration and con
ductor materials must be known. The motivation in this paper
System angular frequency (rad/s)
stems from the fact that line constants, particularly the zero
Constant to convert meter to feet 3.28084
modified Carson's model and Deri model [6]. The full Car
GMRi Geometric mean radius of conductor i (ft)
son's model use a method of images to calculate the self-and
hi Height of conductor i above ground (ft)
mutual-impedance of a transmission line. Modified Carson's
I Faulted phase current (kA)
model is a simplified version of the full Carson's model and is
10 Zero-sequence fault current (kA)
most commonly used for power frequency calculations [7]. An
1sup Superposition current (kA)
alternative approach proposed by Dubanton and implemented
1preflt Pre-fault current (kA)
by Deri replaces the earth with a superconducting earth return
ncond Total number of phase and shield conductors
plane situated at a complex depth below the ground [8]. Since
Ii Radius of conductor i (ft)
transmission lines travel over long distances, seemingly minor
Rei Internal resistance of conductor i (n/mi)
differences in line impedance computed using each of the three
m Distance to fault (pu)
earth models can affect accuracy of fault location.
T Symmetrical component transformation matrix
The study presented in this paper is part of an EPRI
V Faulted line-to-ground voltage (kV)
fault location study and aims to investigate the impact of
Zii Self-impedance of conductor i (n/mi)
line constants calculated using different earth return models
Mutual-impedance between conductors i and k
on impedance-based fault location algorithms. Analysis was
conducted on four actual fault events collected from a partic
This work was supported by Electric Power Research Institute. ipating utility. Line impedance calculated using each of the
models, line impedances calculated using commercial software Ie
programs may be significantly different. Error may be due -
to incorrect data entry. Moreover some commercial software In
programs require additional data, namely conductor GMR,
bundling radius and conductor sag data when calculating line
impedance. Therefore, users should be aware of the earth / './ / / / / / / /,/ '/ /
...... "
model being used and how the software is calculating the .....
line data. It is also recommended to validate line impedance
parameters calculated using different software with standard
equations presented in this paper. The paper also concludes
Fig. 1. Eartb Return in Three-pbase Four-Wire Multi-grounded System [12]
that if data is entered correctly and line impedance calculations
are correct, then any of the three earth modeling techniques k
can be used for fault location calculation. Error in estimation
is within 1 %.
The paper is organized as follows: Section III discusses
impedance-based fault location and illustrates the importance
of line constants for fault location estimation. Section IV h;
describes the equations governing full Carson's, modified D;k
Carson's and Deri model. Utility test case is described in
Section V while analysis and conclusion are presented in
Sections V I and V II respectively.
( )
l k2 2 - ---=j== .
P- (12)
- ,j WJ1.oo-
P kcos8+ cos28 0.6728 + In
= -
( )
2 384 384 k the shield wires. Sequence impedance matrix [Zo d can be
(5) then computed as [7],
Constants k and 8 in (4) and (5) can be calculated as, [Zo d = [Tr1 [Zabel [Tl rljmi (13)
Diagonal terms of Z012 refer to ZLine,O, ZLine,l and ZL ine,2
k 1.713 X 1O-3hi
respectively. Off-diagonal terms are ignored.
To demonstrate the effect of different earth current return
k = 0.8565 X 10-3 Dik
Vp models on fault location estimates, analysis was conducted on
( )
for mutual-impedance. (7) actual fault event data collected from a participating utility.
_l hi+ hk Circuit model was available in CAPE [3] and is shown in
8 cos
Fig. 3. On 10th January, 2012, a B-phase to ground fault
occurred 14.37 miles from 161 kV substation (Sub 378),
B. Modified Carson's Model
as indicated by "F" in Fig. 3. Root cause of the fault is
The modified Carson's model is commonly used for all not known. A SEL-351-R relay present at the substation
power frequency calculations. It approximates the full Car for line protection samples the three-phase line currents and
son's model by retaining only the first term of variable P line-to-neutral voltages at 16 samples per cycle. The fault is
and two terms of variable Q. These few terms are sufficient momentary in nature and cleared by the first operation of the
to maintain accuracy and the calculation of self- and mutual recloser. The same fault then re-appears in the circuit after 15
impedance terms simplify down to [6], [7],
( 2:r)
minutes, as shown by the event log in Fig. 4. Recloser operates
once to allow the temporary fault to clear from the circuit.
( 17 )
(8) # Event Descri p t ion
Compressed Event Report Do.te: 1/10/2012 Time: 12:59:41.999
1 Event: BG TLocation 14.65 Shot: 1 Freq: 60.01
Targets: 51
Zik 0.001591 + jO.0046571 10glO rljmi . 1_ Currents A8CNGO: 84 2336 "0 , 2330 2114
dt k
Compressed Event Report Date:' 110/2012 Time: 12:59:41.532
2 Event: BG TLocation: 14.43 Shot: 0 Freq: 60.01
Targets: INST50
(9) Currents ABCNGQ: 74 2270 145 1 2335 2215
Compressed Event Report Dale: 1/10/2012 Time: 12:44:38.897
Zii =
Rei+ jw-In
2hi+ 2P
( ) rljml
Length of the faulted transmission line is 23.6 miles. The
line geometry is shown in Fig. 5. Spacing between the con
ductors is given in feet. Shield wires Sl and S2 are grounded
at the top of the tower and protect phase conductors A, B and
(11) C from direct lightning strikes. Characteristics of the materials
used to build phase and shield wires are given in Table 1. Next,
8lb31 0----;;;;-
I-------j:- +
: :Q:
46.0kV F
I---- ,j
8lb 2617
2.5kV 161 0k f
+ +
8lb .1 1 8lb457 1 1
I o " I
Slb887- -
1 1.0klf"
-,-1 12.5kV
.s k.1
146.0kvI "wr
Fig. 3. Utility Circuit Model in CAPE
8.56' 8.56' CONDUCTOR DATA
81 82 Material
Resistance Diameter GMR
(Wmile) (inch) (feet)
Phase 397,500 2617 ACSR 0.2537 0.7836 0.0265
A B C Shield 3/8 A HSS 5.6500 0.3600 0.0120
Fig. 5. Overhead Line Spacing in Feet are used. Using actual fault data is advantageous since no
assumptions about the earth need to be made. Results are
therefore not biased. Analysis of first event report is explained
to compute the positive- and zero-sequence impedance of the in details followed by a summary of the remaining events.
line using full Carson's and modified Carson's model, (2) - A. Event 1
(9) are implemented in MATLAB. Deri model is solved using
Voltage and current waveforms of event 1 recorded by the
OpenDSS software. Typical earth resistivity value of 100 Sl
relay is shown in Fig. 6. This is a short-duration event. Fault
m and system frequency of 60 Hz is used. Results in ohms
persists in the circuit only for 4 cycles before the first operation
are tabulated in Table II. As seen from this table, positive
of the recloser. Also note that the DC offset has not completely
sequence impedance from all the three models match relatively
decayed down. To extract the fault voltage and current phasors,
well. This is because positive-sequence currents don't flow
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is performed on the third cycle
through the earth and are hence not affected by earth model.
after the initiation of fault, as shown in Fig. 6 and are given
The zero-sequence impedance, particularly the zero-sequence
reactance show some minor differences. Since transmission
lines travel over wide geographical distances, analysis in the V 46.74L158.1 kV
next Section investigates if minor differences in these line 1 2.29L90.1 kA .
impedance values affects accuracy of fault location estimates.
Takagi method also requires pre-fault current and zero
sequence fault current when estimating the distance to fault.
V I. ANALYSIS They are calculated to be,
To evaluate the effect of earth return model on fault location 1prejlt 116.38L - 177.57 A
algorithms, event reports recorded by the SEL-351-R relay 10 783.59L88.26 A .
S2 Fault Location (mil
!E Event Earth Return Model
-1000 Estimated Actual
-2000 Event 1 Full Carson's Model 14.20
100 111012012 Modified Carson's Model 14.24
is 50 Deri Model 14.15
Event 2 Full Carson's Model 14.07
> 111012012 Modified Carson's Model 14.12
> -100
Deri Model 14.03 14.37
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 Event 3 Full Carson's Model 14.46
1/10/2012 Modified Carson's Model 14.50
Deri Model 14.41
Fig. 6. Event 1 Voltage and Current Recorded by SEL-351-R Relay
Event 4 Full Carson's Model 14.63
111012012 Modified Carson's Model 14.68
Deri Model 14.59
The approach consists of using line constants calculated using
each of the three earth return models as an input to an
impedance-based fault location algorithm. In this paper, the
software with standard equations presented in this paper. This
Takagi method has been used. Estimated location is then
will avoid any error due to incorrect data entry. The paper also
compared with known location of the fault. When data are
concludes that if data is entered correctly and line impedance
correctly entered to a line constant programs or computed
calculations are correct, then any of the three earth modeling
correctly, all the three earth modeling techniques yield almost
techniques can be used for fault location calculation. Analysis
identical results. Takagi method estimates the distance to fault
on four actual fault events indicate that error in estimation is
(m) to be 0.6017 pu or 14.20 miles using full Carson's
less than 1 %.
model. Similarly, using modified Carson's model and Deri
model, distance to fault estimates are 14.24 and 14.15 miles REFERENCES
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[6] R. Horton, W. Sunderman, R. Arritt, and R. Dugan, "Effect of line
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bundling radius and conductor sag to calculate line impedance.
Error can occur due to incorrect data entry. Therefore, users
should be aware of the earth model being used and how the
software is calculating the line data. It is also recommended to
validate line impedance parameters calculated using different