Mock Board Examination in Electronics A PDF

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(April 24, 2009)

1) A four-element solid-state device that combines 9) A series of predefined actions or operations

the characteristics of both diodes and transistors. performed on a collection of facts.
a) Tunnel diode a) DATA PROCESSING
b) Silicon controlled rectifier b) HASHING
c) Varactor c) FLOWCHARTING
d) Zener diode d) ALGORITHM
2) What type of radar target bearing is referenced to 10) The physical machinery of a computer system.
your ship or aircraft? a) Hardware
a) True bearing b) Tupperware
b) Magnetic bearing c) Software
c) Direct bearing d) Coldware
d) Relative bearing 11) Which of the following is not used in hexadecimal
3) Which part of the computer performs digital symbols?
mathematical operation? a) A
a) ALU b) C
b) CPU c) H
c) Flip-flop d) F
d) Assembly language 12) ___ refers to circuit with 10 to 100 integrated
4) The first mass-produced computer built by Eckert circuits.
and Maunchy Computer Company in a) IC
Philadelphia USA in 1950. b) Monolithic
a) IBM 701 c) MSI
b) CRAY-1 d) SSI
c) UNIVAC 13) The decimal 36 020 is equivalent to hexadecimal
d) ENIAC ___.
5) It is a sequence of operation in a digital a) 8CB4
computation. b) 8SBC
a) Flow chart c) 8BC8
b) Truth table d) 884C
c) Algorithm 14) What is the name of an electrode found in a
d) FORTRAN pentode but not in a tetrode?
6) What is the central processor of the computer a) Control grid
which is sometimes referred to as the heart of a b) Screen grid
computer system/ c) Signal grid
a) CPU d) Suppressor grid
b) SOFTWARE 15) How do you call an eight element vacuum tube?
c) HARDWARE a) Pentode
d) ALU b) Hexode
7) What is the process of designing more than 100 c) Octode
gates on a single chip? d) Septode
a) LSI 16) What is a gain of a vacuum tube having the
b) SSI following parameters: amplification factor is 80,
c) MSI external plate-load resistance of 30 000 ohms
d) VLSI and the tubes internal plate resistance is 10 000
8) ___ refers to a function of a decade counter ohms?
digital IC. a) 60
a) Producing one output pulse for every 10 input b) 20
pulses c) 30
b) Adding two decimal numbers d) 40
c) Producing 10 output pulses for every 1 input 17) What is the signal that provides color information
pulse in a colored TV?
d) Decoding a decimal number for display on a) composite
seven-segment b) NTSC color bust
c) Chrominance d) flux
d) PAL SECAM 27) Term used in electronic measuring device when
18) An instrument used to measure one location in a material increases resistance due to heat
terms of coordinates. produced by current flowing through them.
a) Global Positioning System a) Positive resistance coefficient
b) Hydrometer b) Negative resistance coefficient
c) Altimeter c) Positive temperature coefficient
d) Increductometer d) Negative temperature coefficient
19) ___ are individual points in graphic display. 28) Find which type of network provides the greatest
a) Row harmonic suppression.
b) Pixel a) Pi-network
c) Resolution b) Pi-L network
d) Column c) Inverse Pi-network
20) What is the reference cycle time in radar, when d) L-network
the signal is transmitted back to receiver? 29) The maximum voltage that can be applied to a
a) 10.1 microsec capacitor without the capacitor breaking down or
b) 100.0 microsec shorting.
c) 12.4 microsec a) Capacitor voltage
d) 24.8 microsec b) Working voltage
21) What does SI magnetic flux refer? c) Effective voltage
a) Weber d) Maximum voltage
b) Flux 30) Which of the following allows more current if
c) Maxwell applied to the same voltage?
d) Lines a) 0.002 Siemen
22) ___ is the relative permeability of paramagnetic b) 2.5 ohms
substances. c) 25 ohms
a) much lesser than 1 d) 0.004 Siemen
b) a little greater than 1 31) Where does practically all of the RF current flow
c) Equal to 1 in a conductor?
d) Much greater than 1 a) Along the surface
23) The time lag of the magnetic flux in a magnetic b) In the center of the conductor
material behind the magnetizing force producing c) In the electromagnetic field in the conductor
it caused by the molecular friction of the center
molecules trying to allow themselves with the d) In the magnetic field around the conductor
magnetic force applied to the material. 32) How are networks able to transform one
a) Hysteresis loop impedance to anther?
b) Magnetic loss a) Resistance in the networks substitute for
c) Hysteresis resistances in the load.
d) Hysteresis loss b) The matching network can cancel the
24) What is the magnetic equivalent of electrical reactive part of an impedance and change
resistance? the value of the resistive part of an
a) Reluctance impedance.
b) Magnetomotive force c) The matching network introduces negative
c) Flux resistance to cancel the resistive part of
d) Magnetic field impedance.
25) An alloy that changes directly from solid to liquid d) The matching network introduces
with no plastic or semi-liquid state. transconductance to cancel the reactive part
a) Amalgam of an impedance.
b) Nickel-bronze 33) Who discovered the most important electrical
c) Mercury effects, which is the magnetic effect?
d) Eutectic alloy a) Hans Christian Oersted
26) The current of an electronic circuit is analogous b) Sir Charles Wheatstone
to ___ parameter of a magnetic circuit. c) Georg Ohm
a) flux density d) James Clerk Maxwell
b) reluctivity 34) Which of the following magnetic materials which
c) mmf can be easily magnetized in both direction?
a) Soft magnetic materials 43) How many turns are needed to produce a
b) Hard magnetic materials magnetomotive across a solenoid of 100 turns
c) High hysteresis loss materials having a resistance of 2 . Calculate the number
d) Low hysteresis loss materials of ampere-turns?
35) Materials that have very high permeabilities a) 100
(hundred and even thousand times that of free b) 50
space). c) 300
a) Paramagnetic d) 600
b) Non-magnetic 44) Series resonance occurs when
c) Ferromagnetic a) XL = XC
d) Diamagnetic b) XL = R
36) The quantity of magnetism retained by a c) Z = R
magnetic material after withdrawal of the d) Both a and c
magnetizing force is called. 45) At what frequency will an inductor of 5 mH have
a) leftover magnetism the same reactance as a capacitor of 0.1 F?
b) hysteresis a) 7.12 kHz
c) residual magnetism b) 4.12 Hz
d) coercivity c) 7.12 MHz
37) The K shell or the first has how many permissible d) 7.12 GHz
numbers of orbiting electrons? 46) In a series RLC circuit
a) 1 a) the current lags VL by 90
b) 2 b) the current leads VL by 90
c) 3 c) XL leads XC by 90
d) 4 d) Z = jXL at resonance
38) Flux density is measured in 47) Which of the following conditions is not true for a
a) tesla series RLC circuit at resonance?
b) weber a) Z = jXL
c) ampere=turn b) XL = XC
d) Maxwell c) The power factor is one
39) One oersted (Oe) is equivalent to ___ Gb/cm. d) The magnitude Z is
a) 1 R2 + (XL XC)2
b) 10 48) If three 9 mH inductors are connected in parallel
c) 100 without mutual inductance, then the total
d) 1000 inductance is
40) A magnetic flux of 2.5 x 10-4 Wb through an area a) 3 mH
of 5 x 10-4 square meters results in b) 9 mH
a) 5 Wb of flux c) 27 mH
b) 0.5 Tesla of flux density d) 18 mH
c) 5 x 10-5 Wb of flux 49) If resonant frequency is 10 kHz and quality factor
d) 5000 Tesla of flux density is 50, then
41) If a 20 V potential is applied across a relay coil a) bandwidth is 200 Hz
with 50 turns having 1 of resistance, the total b) XL = is 50, 000 ohms
magnetomotive producing magnetic flux in the c) R is 50 ohms
circuit is d) XC = is 50, 000 ohms
a) 10 Wb 50) At what frequency will the current in a series RLC
b) 50 T circuit reach its maximum value for an applied
c) 1000 A.t/m voltage of 15 with R = 500 , L = 100 H and C
d) 1000 A.t
= 0.001F?
42) What is the reluctance of a magnetic path having
a) 503 kHz
a length of 2 x 10-3 m and cross-sectional area of
b) 403 kHz
2.5 x 10-3 m2. The relative permeability is 100.
c) 603 kHz
a) 6366 A.t/Wb
d) 303 kHz
b) 6000 A.t/Wb
51) A series RLC circuit consists of a 10 resistor in
c) 8 x 10-3 A.t/Wb
d) 0.8 A.t/ Wb series with L = 10H, and C = 100 F. Determine
a new value of L for which the resonant
frequency is one-half the original value.
a) 40H d) High current
b) 10 mH 60) Solve the collector current if base current is 200
c) 40 pH mA and the current gain is 20.
d) 40 nH a) 10 A
52) A 0.09 microfarad capacitor is charged to 220 b) 4 A
Volts. How long in milliseconds will it discharged c) 1 A
to a level of 110 V if the discharged resistor has a d) 40 A
resistance of 20, 000 ohms? 61) Solve for the base current if collector current is
a) 1.5 600 mA and the current gain is 20.
b) 2.5 a) 30 mA
c) 1.25 b) 3 mA
d) 0.5 c) 12 mA
53) A trigger circuit consisting of a capacitor of 0.01 d) 1.2 mA
F is connected in series with a resistor. If the 62) A good material conductor should have ___
circuit requires 100 Vdc to operate, determine the valence electrons.
value of the resistor when the constant is 0.009s. a) 21
a) 900 b) 1
b) 900 k c) 3.5
c) 900 M d) 10
d) 900 G 63) A ___ is a junction field-effect transistor with
54) What is the peak factor for alternating current or Schottky barrier instead of a normal
voltage varying sinusoidally? semiconductor junction.
a) 1.4142 a) biFET
b) 0.707 b) MOSFET
c) 0.636 c) MESFET
d) 1.11 d) JUGFET
55) What is the complex impedance of a circuit with 64) In the operation of a dry cells we normally refer to
the supply of current to load resistance where its
an absolute resistance of 300 ?
current neutralize the separated charges at the
a) 0 + j 300
b) 300 + j 90 a) Aligning the cells
c) 0 j 300 b) Charging the cells
d) 300 + j 0 c) Discharging the cells
56) Type of MOSFET that can be independently d) Polarizing the cells
controlled by two separate signals. 65) Find the output of a four (4) lead acid cells.
a) JFET a) 3.2 V
b) Dual-gate MOSFET b) 8.4 V
c) Induced channel MOSFET c) 5.8 V
d) IGFET d) 1.6 V
57) It exhibits a negative temperature coefficient. 66) Find unloaded output of a power supply having a
a) conductor transformer regulation of 11.10% and 900 V load
b) semi-conductor output.
c) super conductor a) 99.99 V
d) ceramic b) 90 V
58) In order to have the best efficiency and stability, c) 999.9 V
where on the loadline should a solid-state power d) 900 V
amplifier be operated? 67) Determine how long a battery will last whose
a) Just below the saturation point rating is 100Ah; 24 volts and will run a 300 watts
b) At 1.414 times the saturation point electronic equipment and a 50 watts light.
c) Just above the saturation point a) 6.85 hours
d) At the saturation point b) 50.05 hours
59) Find from the following statements, description of c) 12.00 hours
a defective diode. d) 26.65 hours
a) Diode resistance is either very low or very 68) Which of the following statements is not true?
high on either direction. a) Edison cell is storage type.
b) Very low current b) The Nicd cell is primary type
c) High voltage
c) Output of solar cell is normally 0.5 V. a) 12 cells
d) Primary cells can be charged. b) 4 cells
69) Type of cell used mostly for emergency c) 8 cells
equipment. It is light, small, and has a large d) 10 cells
capacity of power for its size. 78) Which class of amplifier is distinguished by the
a) Ni-cd cell flow of current in the output essentially in 180
b) Silver-cadmium cell degrees pulses?
c) Silver-zinc cell a) Class C
d) Mercury cell b) Class B
70) Find the frequency in kilocycle per second in the c) Class A
armature of a 10 pole, 1, 200 rpm generator. d) Class D
a) 100.0 79) Find the ripple factor (Kr) of a sinusoidal signal
b) 1000.0 with peak ripple of 4 volts on an average of 30.
c) 10.00 a) 0.094
d) 0.100 b) 0.013
71) How many silver zinc cells in series are needed c) 0.130
for a 9V battery? d) 0.94
a) 9 80) Silicon diodes are used in a two-diode full-wave
b) 6 rectifier circuits to supply a load of 12 volts Dc.
c) 3 Assuming ideal diodes and the load resistance is
d) 7 12 ohms, compute the efficiency of the rectifier in
72) How much is the secondary voltage of a power percentage.
transformer whose parameters are as follows, a) 5.8
primary voltage is 240 V, 140 turns in the primary b) 75
and 7 turns in the secondary. c) 95.7
a) 12 V d) 81.2
b) 24 V 81) ____ is the characteristic of an oscillator that
c) 6 V enables it to sustain oscillation after removal of
d) 36 V the control stimulus.
73) How many nickel-cadmium cells are needed in a) Momentum
series for a 10 V battery? b) Fly-wheel effect
a) 8 c) Damping
b) 12 d) Forced oscillations
c) 5 82) The gain of a different amplifier is 10, and all
d) 10 inputs are sine waves with a peak-to-peak
74) How long can a battery last with capacity of 50 amplitude of 10 millivolts. If the single input,
ampere-hour running an equipment of 5 differential output, differential amplifier has an
amperes? output signal taken between the two output
a) 250 hrs terminals. What will be the peak to peak
b) 25 hrs amplitude of the combined output?
c) 100 hrs a) 20 millivolts
d) 10 hrs b) 220 millivolts
75) ___ is a type of linear voltage used in c) 200 millivolts
applications where the load on the unregulated d) 2000 millivolts
voltage source must be kept constant. 83) It consists of elements inseparably associated
a) A series regulator and formed on or within a single substrate.
b) A shunt regulator a) Integrated circuit (IC)
c) A constant current source b) Microsoft
d) A shunt current source c) Module
76) What does the term single-phase indicates? d) Micro circuit
a) one input 84) IC production method to prevent unwanted
b) one current (one input) interaction between elements within a chip.
c) one time a) Evaporation
d) one voltage (one input) b) Cathode splittering
77) How many lithium cells in series are needed for a c) Isolation
12 V battery? d) Diffusion
85) All input signals are waves with a peak amplitude a) cause the motor to caution
of 10 millivolts. The gain of the differential b) protect drive circuits from high voltage
amplifier is 10. If it is configured as a single input transient surges
and a single output. What will be the peak-to- c) increase counter-emf
peak amplitude of the output signal? d) all the field winding current to continue
a) 110 millivolts flowing
b) 100 millivolts 94) What is the systematic movement of a radar
c) 10 millivolts beam while searching or tracking a target?
d) 1000 millivolts a) Scanning
86) How do you turn on a diac? b) Locked on
a) Gate current c) Acquisition
b) Breakover voltage d) Electrolysis
c) Gate voltage 95) A new concept in commercial aircraft where
d) Anode voltage computers monitor aircraft systems reporting on
87) Find the two stable operating conditions of an their status only if requested by the pilot or if
SCR? something is wrong and displayed on the screen
a) conducting and non-conducting when necessary.
b) oscillating and quiescent a) Virtual cockpit
c) NPN conduction and PNP conduction b) Real cockpit
d) Forward conducting and reverse conducting c) Glass cockpit
88) The term used to describe the process whereby d) The cockpit
two transistors with positive feedback are used to 96) Pentagon planners computer based advanced
stimulate the action of the thyristor. speech recognition system.
a) Arcing a) TOMCAT
b) Latching b) EAGLE
c) Damping c) ORION
d) Switching d) SPHINX
89) In the concept of induction heating in industrial 97) A TRIAC behaves like two
electronics, the eddy current penetrates to a) diodes in series
greater depths at b) resistors and one diode
a) high frequencies c) four-layer diodes in parallel
b) increasing induction d) inverse parallel connected SCRs with
c) decreasing induction common gate.
d) low frequencies 98) Originally called a double-base diode. It is three-
90) When testing an SCR with an ohmmeter, the terminal, solid-state device that has several
SCR will conduct if what two elements are advantages over conventional transistor and has
shorted together/ only one PN junction.
a) Gate and anode a) UDT
b) Ground and Cathode b) UJT
c) Gate and Ground c) FET
d) Gate and Cathode d) MOSFET
91) Analysis of the spectrum of light or other form of 99) An automatic switch, which is operated by
electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by current in a coil, is called _____.
a substance in order to investigate its structure. a) SCS
a) Flouroscopy b) Relay
b) Calligraphy c) SCR
c) Spectroscopy d) Laser
d) Spectography 100) If the gain of an amplifier without feedback is
92) A triac is a/an ___ equivalent of two SCRs. 10 and with negative feedback is 8, then the
a) series feedback fraction is
b) inverse-parallel a) 0.025
c) parallel-series b) 0.9
d) parallel c) 0.8
93) The purpose of installing thyristors across the d) 0.225
incoming power lines to speed the control system
is to ___.
MOCK BOARD EXAM ANSWERS (Electronics) N = 167 turns
1. B Silicon Controlled Diode 44. D Both XL = XC and Z = R
2. D Relative bearing 45. A 7.12 kHz
3. A ALU Soln: @ fr, XL = XC
4. C UNIVAC fr = 1 / (2 LC)
-3 -6
5. C Algorithm = 1 / (2 (5x10 )(0.1x10 )
6. A CPU fr = 7.12 kHz
7. A LSI 46. A the current lags VL by 90
8. A Producing one output pulse for every 10 input 47. A Z = jXL
pulses 48. A 3 mH
10. A Hardware For identical inductor in parallel, LT = L / n
11. C H = 9 mH / 3 = 3mH
12. C MSI 49. A bandwidth is 200 Hz
13. A 8CB4 Soln; BW = fr / Q = 10 kHz / 50
14. D Suppressor grid BW = 200 Hz
15. C Octode 50. A 503 kHz
16. A 60 Soln: @ fr, I is maximum
Soln: Av = RL / (RP + RL) fr = 1 / 2 LC
= 80 (30 000) / (10 000 + 30 000) = 60 -6
fr = 1 / 2(100x10 ) (0.001x10 )

17. C Chrominance fr = 503 kHz

18. A Global Positioning System 51. A 40 H
19. B Pixel Soln: fr = 1/ 2 LC
20. C 12.4 microsec -6 -6
fr = 2 (10x10 ) (100x10 )
21. A Weber
= 5.03 kHz
22. B A little greater than 1
if fr = 5.03 kHz / 2, L = ?
23. C Hysteresis
fr = 1 / 2 LC
24. A Reluctance 2 2
25. D Eutectic alloy L = 1 / [(2) fr C]
2 3 -6
26. D flux L = 1/(2) (5.03x10 /2) (100x10 )
27. C Positive temperature coefficient L = 40 H
28. B Pi-L network 52. C 1.25
29. B working voltage Soln: vc = Ee
- [t / (20 000) (0.09x10^-6)]
30. B 2.5 ohms 110 V = 220V e
31. A Along the surface 110 / 220 = e
32. B The matching network can cancel the reactive t = [ln (110/220)] / -555.56
pat of an impedance and change the value of t = 1.25 ms
the resistive part of an impedance. 53. B 900 k
33. A Hans Christian Oersted soln: = RC; R = / C
34. A Soft magnetic materials R = 0.009 s / 0.01x10 F
35. C Ferromagnetic R = 900 k
36. C residual magnetism 54. A 1.4142
37. B 2 55. D 300 + j 0
38. A tesla 56. B dual gate MOSFET
39. A 1 57. B Semi-conductor
40. B 0.5 Tesla of flux density 58. A Just below the saturation point
Soln: B = / A 59. A Diode resistance is either very low or very high
-4 -4 2
= (2.5x10 Wb) / (5x10 m ) on either direction.
B = 0.5 Wb/m or Tesla (T) 60. B 4 A
41. D 1000 A.t Soln: = IC / IB
Soln: mmf = NI IC = IB = (20) (200mA) = 4 A
I = V/R = 20/1 = 20 A 61. A 30 mA
mmf = (20) (50) = 1000 A.t Soln: = IC / IB ; IB = IC /
42. A 6366 A.t/Wb = 600 mA / 20 = 30 mA
Soln: R = l / A 62. B 1
= ro = (100) (4x10 ) 63. C MESFET
R = (2x10 ) / (100) (4x10-7)(2.5x10-3)
64. C Discharging the cells
R = 6366 A.t /Wb 65. B 8.4 V
43. C 167 turns Soln: Output = 4 (2.1V0 = 8.4 V
Soln: mmf = NI 66. C 999.9 V
N = mmf / l = 1000A.t / 6A Soln:
Vol Regln = [(VNL - VFL) / VFL] x 100% Soln: Output V = input V x gain
11.10% = [(VNL 900V) / 900V] x100% = (10 mV) (10) = 100 mV
VNL =999.9 V 86. B Breakover voltage
67. A 6.85 hrs 87. A Conducting non-conducting
Soln: Battery Life = Ah rating 88. B Latching
A drawn 89. A high frequencies
= 100 Ah / 1 = 100 Ah / 14.85 90. A Gate and Anode
= 6.85 hrs 91. C Spectroscopy
Where I = P / V 92. B inverse-parallel
= (300W + 50W) / 24 V 93. B protect drive circuits from high voltage transient
= 14.58 A surges
68. B The Nicd cell is primary type 94. A Scanning
69. C Silver-zinc cell 95. C Glass cockpit
70. D 0.100 96. D SPHINX
Soln: f = PN / 120 97. D inverse parallel connected SCRs with common
f = [(10) (1200)] / 120 ate
f = 100 cycles per second 98. B UJT
= 0.100 kilocycles per sec 99. B relay
71. B 6 100. A 0.025
Soln: Soln: Af = A / (1 + A)
No. of silver-zinc cell = 9 = (1 / Af ) (1/A)
voltage/silver-zinc = 0.025
= 9V / 1.5V = 6
72. A 12 V
Soln: VP / VS = NP / NS
VS = VP (NS / NP)
= (240 V) (7 / 140) = 12 V
73. A 8
No. of nickel cadmium cell = Total V
= 10 V / 1.25 V = 8 cells
74. D 10 hours
Soln: Battery life = Amp-hour rating
Amp drawn
= 50Ah / 5A = 10 hours
75. B A shunt regulator
76. A one input
77. B 4
No. of lithium cells = 12 V / V/cell
= 12V / 2.8 V /cell = 4.2
78. B Class B
79. A 0.094
Ripple factor (kr) = Vrms(ripple) / Vave
= (4 / 2) / 30 = 0.094
80. D 81.2
Soln: % = (Pout / Pin) x 100%
(Vout/Vin)2 x 100%
(12/13.33) x 100% 81%
Where Vin = Vrms = 0.707 Vm
= 0.707 (Vav / 2)
= 0.707 [(12)/ 2] = 13.33V
81. B Fly-wheel effect
82. C 200 millivolts
Soln: Output V = diffl input V (gain)
= [10mV (-10mV)] x 10
= (20 mV) (10) = 200 mV
83. A integrated circuit (IC)
84. C Isolation
85. B 100 mV

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