Scara Durerii
Scara Durerii
Scara Durerii
The Wong Baker Faces Pain Scale combines pictures and numbers to allow pain to be rated by the
user. It can be used in children over the age of 3, and in adults. The faces range from a smiling
face to a sad, crying face. A numerical rating is assigned to each face, of which there are 6 total.
The Numerical Rating Pain Scale allows the healthcare provider to rate pain as mild, moderate or
severe, which can indicate a potential disability level.
By recording the FLACC score periodically, the medical personnel can gain some sense of
whether the patients pain is increasing, decreasing or stable.
cognitively impaired adults
adults whose cognition is temporarily impaired, by medication or illness
the learning disabled
sedated patients in an ICU or operating room setting
Once the person has rated their pain words, the administrator assigns a numerical score, called the
Pain Rating Index.