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Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities

Vol. 1, No. 4, 2014, 122-129

On-the-Job Training Performance of Students from AB Paralegal

Studies for SY 2013-2014

Anunciacion Bernardo1, Alvin Landicho2, Jake M. Laguador 3

On-the-job training describes the nature of work environment and responsibilities where the student-trainees
would greatly benefit through encountering real-life scenarios and solving industry-based problems. This
study aimed to correlate the academic performance and the on-the-job training performance of the students
from AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Personal Characteristics, Attitude towards the job, job performance,
adherence to company policy and competence. Descriptive-correlation type of research method was utilized
in the study. Results showed that the students obtained excellent performance rating in terms of personal
characteristics, attitude towards the job, job performance and competence. There is a need to enhance the
communication skills of the students through giving them more verbal exercises as teaching and learning
activity as well as giving more case studies to analyze and simulate for better understanding of the subject.
Keywords: Internship, Training Performance, Paralegal Studies, Filipino Students, Public Administration

1. Introduction
On-the-Job Training requires the students to demonstrate specific skills related to their respective field
of specialization that would be essential application to their future work environment. It also provides ideas
and real picture of the corporate world including the atmosphere of the work place, attitude of the work force
and the organizational culture that the new employees might need to adapt and live in. Higher Education
Institutions strengthen their industry partnerships and collaboration through sending students for internship.
These industries become the training ground of the students to develop and enhance more their
communication skills and confidence to face the big challenges and requirements of their respective fields.
On the Job Training (OJT) is one of the mechanics of Higher Education industries in developing the
needed competencies of its graduates. Its goals and objectives served as a guide in developing the needed
competencies for a particular job, and translating the training into a gainful working experience (Ylagan,
The internship is the culminating academic exercise for human service students, as well as students from
a variety of disciplines in two and four-year academic programs. An internship combines the theory that
students learned in school with practical work experience and lasts for about three months to a year (Ebreo et
al, 2014). Allowing the graduating students to apply what they have learned from books in a work
environment through On-the-Job Training would develop their work values and attitude necessary to achieve
the ultimate goal of producing efficient and effective leaders and professionals in cross-cultural and
multidisciplinary undertakings (Laguador, 2013a).
Obedience of the students to their professors helped them built a strong character of complying with the
requirements and demands of their immediate superiors. Unity of their ideas to keep their team working is
another mind-setting which let them prove that they are really qualified in the position while their creativity

Paralegal Studies Department, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Paralegal Studies Department, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Paralegal Studies Department, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines

2014 Research Academy of Social Sciences 122
Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities

and innovativeness brought them up to stand out among the employees who have the necessary skills but
never discovered their talents, ingenuity and resourcefulness (Laguador & Dotong, 2013).
Internship has substantial educational and practical implications for public administration. Another
benefit of quality students participating in internships is that they may otherwise not consider pursuing a
public sector career due to insufficient knowledge about the way that the government works. Internship
programs can be even more useful for countries that adopt civil service exams as a primary recruitment
instrument. Since civil service exams partially measure the true capacity of prospective civil servants,
internship programs can be used as a complementary source of recruitment (Ko & Sidhu, 2012).
A negative internship experience can have an even more negative impact than no internship at all. This
suggests that the government should pay more attention to the needs of interns and institutionalize a
procedure to evaluate students satisfaction with internship programs (Ko & Sidhu, 2012).
The AB Paralegal Studies program enables its graduates to understand the concept of legal studies,
politics and political science, principles, practices and problem of public administration. It equips students
with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to work in law offices or perform duties/ related
to legal procedures and preparations of legal elements.
The paralegal profession traditionally offers stable income and good benefits, as well as job satisfaction
and professional recognition to individuals who are unable or uninterested in investing the time and financial
resources needed to attend law school or pursue other professional careers (Gierke, 2009). The AB Paralegal
Studies program enables its graduates to understand the concept of legal studies, politics and political
science, principles, practices and problem of public administration. It equips students with the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to work in law offices or perform duties/ related to legal procedures
and preparations of legal elements. Executive politics is not just about the executive, it is about the how
policies are executed. This area of interest considers the different ways in which policies seek to steer
society, and how public services are designed and operated (Lodge & Wegrich, 2012). Acquiring the skills
on public administration and understanding the Philippine politics would provide wider perspective for the
students to realize the challenges of their future work environment. Getting involved in various activities and
exercises of law offices and firms would also provide them better opportunities to appreciate the nature of
their duties and responsibilities.
Ensuring a successful internship requires a marriage of student abilities with appropriate supervision.
Finding appropriate host organizations for internships presents unique challenges. Securing organizational
projects or assignments that can be completed within a relatively short time frame and that provide
appropriate experiences for the students level of training is critical. The internship should entail meaningful
projects that will contribute to a true learning experience, not menial tasks (Shoenfelt, Kottke & Stone,
Academic performance is an important component of success of the students during their entire
schooling. It provides data and information to describe the level of ability to understand, comprehend, apply,
analyze, evaluate and synthesize things related or interrelated to their disciplines. Determining its correlation
with the on-the-job performance would make it clear to the curriculum developers and program
implementers as well as teachers on how they should deliver better services to enhance both performances. In
trying to strengthen the quality assurance system in Philippine higher education, institutions of higher
learning were mandated to upgrade higher education curricular offerings to international standards (Valdez,
2012). The curriculum was developed to integrate an in depth academics, laboratories and field internship
programs that will ensure the efficiency and quality to meet worlds class standards (Mejia, Manzano &
Menez, 2014).
This study analyzed the performance of the students enrolled in AB Paralegal Studies to examine the
areas for improvement in the program of study and how the students can still develop and enhance their
knowledge, values and skills to become qualified future professionals in performing critical and analytical
tasks that will require them to accomplish. Internship is an important part of Outcomes-based education that

A. Bernardo et al

evaluates the products of university instruction, therefore, it always necessary to assess the output of a certain
process for continuous improvement.
Objectives of the Study
This study aimed to determine the on-the-job training performance of the students from AB Paralegal
Studies during SY 2013-2014 in terms of Personal Characteristics, Attitude towards the job, job
performance, adherence to company policy and competence.

2. Methods
The study used descriptive-correlation type of research method. Total population of 14 On-the-Job
Trainees from AB Paralegal Studies is considered as participants of the study. The Student Office Trainee
Performance Appraisal Report was used as the instrument of the study which is consistently being used by
the College of Education, Arts and Sciences (CEAS) to assess the performance of the OJTs. Pertinent data
were gathered through documentary analysis of the submitted appraisal report from CEAS.
The given scale was used to analyze and interpret the result of the data gathered from the appraisal
report: 4.50 5.00: Excellent (E); 3.50 4.49: Very Good (VG); 2.50 3.49: Good (G); 1.50 2.49: Fair
(F); 1.00 1.49: Poor (P).

3. Results and Discussion

Table 1 presents the On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Personal

Table 1: On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Personal

Personal Characteristics WM VI Rank
1. Dresses neatly and appropriately for office work 4.62 E 2
2. Has a pleasing personality, is cheerful and good humored 4.69 E 1
3. Possesses above average oral and written communication skills 4.46 VG 5
4. Projects self-confidence and enthusiasm 4.54 E 3.5
5. demonstrate leadership potential 4.54 E 3.5
Composite Mean 4.57 E

The trainees of the AB Paralegal Studies obtained an excellent performance rating for having pleasing
personality, being cheerful with good humored from their immediate superiors as indicated by the composite
mean score of 4.69 followed by dressing neatly and appropriately for the office work, projecting self-
confidence and enthusiasm as well as demonstrating leadership potential as denoted by the weighted mean
scores of 4.62, 4.54 and 4.54, respectively. However, they obtained a very good performance rating in
possessing above average oral and written communication skills as manifested by the computed weighted
mean score of 4.46 The composite mean score of 4.57 implies that the trainees have excellent on-the-job
training performance in terms of personal characteristics.
Students were given proper orientation before they allowed to undergo their on-the-job training. One of
the reminders provided to them is the proper wearing of corporate or business attire most appropriate to their
respective fields and being required of them to wear in the office as uniform which make them more pleasing
to the clients of certain firm.
Employers are always looking for graduates who are good in both written and oral communications.
Therefore, students must be able to transform their feelings and thoughts to useful ideas and opinions that
Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities

would lead the organization to progress. The graduates must also learn to adopt the culture and
communication climate of certain establishment in order to build worthy interpersonal relationships
(Laguador, 2013 Erint). The role of academic institutions is to hone the competencies of the students in
order for them to achieve the personal and professional growth through continuing education after college
and let them be glaring symbols and icons of integrity, leadership and nationalism with enormous faith and
service for God and country (Dotong, 2014).
Table 2 shows the On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of attitude
towards the job

Table 2: On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms

of Attitude towards the Job
Attitudes towards the job WM VI Rank
1. shows marked interest and in his/her tasks/responsibilities 4.77 E 1.5
2. Has an exceptional sense of duty and can always be depended upon to do
4.77 E 1.5
a good job
3. Cooperates willingly and fits easily to the group 4.54 E 4.5
4. Recognizes the authority and responsibilities of his/her superiors and
previous his/her them the necessary support services and assistance 4.54 E 4.5
required or sought
5. Takes initiative to update one's technical and/or non-technical
4.62 E 3
knowledge and skills
Composite Mean 4.65 E

The trainees of AB Paralegal studies obtained an excellent performance rating from their superiors by
showing marked interest in their tasks and responsibilities and for having an exceptional sense of duty who
can always be depended upon to do a good job as denoted by the weighted mean score of 4.77 on rank
number 1.5. They also obtained excellent remark on taking initiative to update ones technical and/or non
technical knowledge and skills with weighted mean score of 4.62 on rank number 3. Cooperating willingly
and fitting easily to the group and recognizing the authority and responsibilities of their superiors and
previous his/her them the necessary support services and assistance required or sought.
Part of the leadership brand of the university is commitment and collaboration which the students
should possess when they graduate. These are being taught and practiced through conducting institutional
and college based activities and programs wherein they were assigned in certain task and duty in the
committee to accomplish.
Table 3 presents the On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Job

Table 3: On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Job Performance

Job Performance WM VI Rank
1. Delivers promptly assigned tasks/responsibility 4.77 E 2
2. Perform assigned tasks with minimum supervision 4.69 E 3
3. Willingly accepts work assignments and/ or responsibilities 4.85 E 1
4. Deliver assigned tasks within acceptable level of quality 4.62 E 4.5
5. Performs assigned tasks in an organized and orderly manner 4.46 VG 6
6. Exhibits ability to function well under pressure 4.62 E 4.5
Composite Mean 4.67 E

A. Bernardo et al

The trainees obtained an excellent performance rating from their superiors by willingly accepting work
assignments and/ or responsibilities, delivering promptly assigned tasks/ responsibility and performing
assigned tasks with minimum supervision as indicated by the computed weighted mean scores of 4.85, 4.77
and 4.69, respectively.
Delivering assigned tasks within acceptable level of quality and exhibiting ability to function well under
pressure obtained an excellent performance from the immediate superiors as indicated by the weighted mean
score of 4.62 on rank 4.5. However, the trainees obtained a very good performance rating from their
superiors in performing assigned tasks in an organized and orderly manner with 4.46 least computed
weighted mean score on rank number 6. The composite mean score of 4.67 implies that the trainees obtained
an excellent performance rating from their immediate superiors in terms of job performance.
Giving them more responsibilities would make them feel important as part of the team. Realizing the
importance of teamwork would provide them better understanding of cooperation and unity towards the
achievement of common goals. They can also work independently with less supervision because they are
confident that they can finish the task accordingly.
Interest in pursuing certain program in tertiary level is an important factor in considering the success of
the students. It drives the motivation of the person to reach his dreams no matter how hard to travel the road
towards certain direction that would bring not only his thoughts in the reality but also along with his presence
(Laguador, 2014 IJARPED).
Table 4 shows the On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of adherence to
company policies

Table 4: On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Adherence to

Company Policies
Adherence to Company Policies WM VI Rank
1. Present at work most of the time 4.38 VG 3
2. Comes to work on time 4.54 E 1.5
3. Adheres to company policies 4.54 E 1.5
Composite Mean 4.49 VG

The trainees excellently adheres to company policies and comes to work on time as manifested by the
computed weighted mean score of 4.54 on rank 1.5 followed by a very good performance rating by being
present at work most of the time as denoted by the weighted mean score of 4.38 on rank number 3.
Punctuality is being valued in the university especially in coming to school on time. Teachers are the
role model on their attendance that will serve as good training for the students to value the time they need to
wake up early and catch up the first lesson in the morning without being late. That habit will later become
their routine until they join the workforce of professionals (Laguador, 2013b). Teaching the students the
value of time management is an important aspect of success that they should possess. Planning ahead would
provide many opportunities to think about alternatives and getting earlier at work is a sign of good time
Table 5 presents the On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Competence.
Table 5: On-the-Job Training Performance of AB Paralegal Studies in terms of Competence
Competence WM VI Rank
1. Shows mastery of generally accepted management/ marketing/ banking
4.46 VG 3
principles as applied to different situations
2. shows adequate knowledge in performing assigned tasks and work
4.69 E 2
3. Shows ability to perform routine office procedures 4.77 E 1
Composite Mean 4.64 E
Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities

The trainees excellently show their ability to perform routine office procedures and show adequate
knowledge in performing assigned tasks and work assignment as denoted by the computed weighted mean
scores of 4.77 and 4.69 on rank numbers 1 and 2, respectively. Meanwhile, they obtained very good
performance in showing mastery of generally accepted management/ marketing/ banking principles as
applied to different situations as indicated by the computed weighted mean score of 4.46 on rank number 3.
The composite mean score of 4.64 implies that the trainees obtained excellent performance rating from their
superiors in terms of competence.
It is important that organizational hosts understand the nature of the internship, such as whether the
internship will be full time during the summer or part time during the school year. Contacts and supervisors
within host organizations also need to understand student abilities and competencies. Whereas students likely
have some valuable capabilities, they typically lack experience, which is the primary reason they are
completing an internship. The host organization must recognize what the students are capable of
accomplishing and what may be beyond their capabilities (Shoenfelt, Kottke & Stone, 2012). New skills
take time to refine, but each time use the communication skills, students must open to opportunities and
future partnerships (Ylagan, Apritado, Mendoza & Tamayo, 2013). Skills can be measured in varying
degrees and it is very important to keep these updated to learn new things from different perspectives.
Communication skills are brought about by experiences through exchanging of thoughts and ideas from
different people living in various social economic statuses (Laguador, 2013c)

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

Students of AB Paralegal Studies obtained an excellent performance rating in terms of personal
characteristics, attitude towards work, competence and job performance. The immediate superiors noticed the
pleasing personality and being cheerful and good humored of the students as well as showing marked interest
in their assigned tasks and responsibilities and willingness to accept work assignments.
There is a need to enhance the communication skills of the Paralegal studies through giving them more
verbal exercises as teaching and learning activity. Students must improve their communication skills to
express themselves and be easily understood when leading a team or a group (Laguador, Velasquez &
Florendo, 2013).
Teachers may provide them more writing exercises and case analysis to enhance their writing skills.
Student organizations may be strengthened its function to encourage students participation in taking the
lead of planning, organizing, directing and implementing the programs of the department. Students may
always be encouraged to join curricular and extra-curricular activities specifically in academic contests to
make them more competitive and confident of their skills. Giving learning opportunities to students helps
them to expand their knowledge, cultivate their abilities and discover new skills and talents (Britiller et al.,
In response to the academic challenges of national and international significance, higher education
system needs to focus on systemic reform to strengthen and make more competitive their output and services
(Buted, Felicen & Manzano, 2014). The university may continue to implement the outcomes-based education
to further strengthen the capability of the students to compete with the graduates of ASEAN member
countries. Most universities in the country are already undertaking some of the educational practices
involved in OBE. What they really need now is proper documentation of evidences of assessments and
evaluation on the effectiveness of the program educational objectives which will prove that the graduates are
really equipped with essential knowledge, values (behaviour) and skills that can contribute to the
development of the community (Laguador & Dotong, 2014).
The curriculum may continue to revisit periodically to align the skills needed by the industry. The
curriculum should be designed to prepare the graduates and demonstrate the core competencies expected of
them in the workplace (Valdez, 2010). A growing number of employees and newly graduates must be fully

A. Bernardo et al

equipped with knowledge and skills to be competitive in their respective field. At this point, the educational
attainment of the individual is given great emphasis (Dimalibot et al., 2014).
Strengthen the company linkages of Paralegal Studies to obtain more support the professional
organizations that might be a good source of training for students and faculty members. Insights from
industry-partners are essential input to the development of program curriculum in order to determine the
concerns of the employers regarding the required qualifications of the graduates (Laguador & Ramos, 2014).

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