ESL Curriculum Map - Beginner - k-2

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Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
September Students will copy their L Demonstrate Color recognition Social Studies/ELA:
name comprehension of words test Students will learn about
Students will draw a that express personal needs Shape recognition family.
picture of their family Identify and follow test Students will describe
Students will identify 8 classroom expectations and Sort recognition different family groups.
primary colors by conventions test Students will count the
pointing Identify whom to consult Teacher number of people in a
Students will verbally for assistance observation family.
express basic S Make and respond to oral
wants/needs in one word requests Science:
utterances R Listen to stories read aloud Students will describe
Students will identify 4 W Write words that have different family groups
basic shapes by pointing personal meaning
Students will sort and Math:
categorize various Students will count the
objects and pictures- number of people in a
toys, foods, clothes family
Students will identify
whom to consult for Targeted Vocabulary:
Social Studies/ELA:
Mother, father, brother,
Students will identify
and follow class
Math: square, triangle,
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
October Students will count to 10 L Demonstrate Counting test Social Studies/ELA:
Students will identify, comprehension of oral Quantities Students will study about
name and match directions that include matching test Johnny Appleseed.
quantities up to 5 visuals Measurement test
Students will identify S Express basic personal Shape naming test Science:
and name penny needs and information and Color naming test Students will discover how
Students will school-related information, AB patterning test apples are grown.
demonstrate an using spoken words and Students will learn the
awareness of letters phrases seasons of the year.
directions test
(names, sounds, make R Use text as well as Students will make
up words) illustrations to gain applesauce and describe the
Students will trace meaning of text changes in properties.
letters Demonstrate how to handle The students will grow
Students will follow oral a book and turn the pages pumpkin seeds.
directions with visual Identify the covers and title The students will describe
cues page of a book how pumpkins are grown.
Students will gain
meaning of a text by Math:
Students will count the
using text and
number of seeds.
Students will graph their
Students will show how
favorite kinds of apples.
to handle a book, turn
The students will sort colors
the pages and identify
of apples.
the covers and title page
The students will arrange
Students will measure pumpkins smallest to
objects using non-linear
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
items W Draw pictures and/or use The students will weigh and
Students will name 8 letters to spell words that measure pumpkins.
basic colors give others information
Students will name 4 Targeted Vocabulary:
basic shapes Social Studies/ELA:
Students will continue Johnny Appleseed
an AB pattern Science: pumpkin, apple,
Students will be exposed orchard
to the season of fall Math:
Students will be exposed one, two, AB pattern, penny
to Johnny Appleseed
Students will be aware
that leaves change
colors and fall to the
Students will be aware
of how and where apples
are planted
Students will learn that
there are different colors
of apples
Students will be aware
of how and where
pumpkins are planted
Students will be aware
of how pumpkins are
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
November Students will be exposed L Demonstrate understanding Name 7 days of Social Studies/ELA:
to the months of the year when simple information is the week Students will study about
Students will name 7 given Preposition test Thanksgiving, pilgrims,
days of the week S Express confusion Write first name Plymouth Rock and the
Students will be able to Matching rhyming Mayflower.
match rhyming picture pictures
pairs assessment Science:
Students will be exposed Make weather Students will learn about
to different kinds of prediction weather and wind
weather Story prediction pinwheels.
Students will be exposed test
to Thanksgiving Counting test to 25 Math:
Students will be exposed Students will track the
Weather tracking
to Veterans Day weather.
Students will observation
demonstrate an Targeted Vocabulary:
Social Studies/ELA:
understanding of basic
Plymouth Rock, pilgrims
prepositions by
Science: wind, snow, rain
manipulating objects
Math: track
Students will write their
first name without a
Students will tell a
teacher when they dont
understand something
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
Students will make R Recognize rhyming words
predictions about main in English
ideas before reading a Make predictions about
story main ideas before reading a
Students will count to 25 story, using prior
Students will track the knowledge and visual cues
weather for a given W Draw or sequence pictures
period of time to tell or retell a story

December Students will be exposed L Demonstrate Opposites test Social studies/ELA:

to Christmas, Hanukkah comprehension of a simple Community Students will study about
and Kwanzaa story or poem that is heard helpers matching holidays and community
Students will name basic using prior knowledge or test helpers.
opposites visual cues Coin naming test
Students will be exposed S Employ vocabulary Rhyme Math:
to basic community essential for grade-level discrimination test Students will engage in
helpers (police officer, content learning Story counting ornaments,
firefighter, postman, comprehension test creating paper chains, and
doctor, teachers) Letter and sound patterning items.
Students will dictate a identification test
short account of Targeted Vocabulary:
personal experiences Social Studies/ELA:
with a community Christmas, police officer,
helper firefighter
Students will name Math:
nickel, dime and in, out
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
quarter R Identify synonyms and
Students will antonyms for frequently
discriminate between used words
two words to indicate if Recognize letter-sound
they rhyme or not matches by identifying and
Students will naming each letter of the
demonstrate alphabet
comprehension of W Dictate short accounts of
simple stories personal experiences
Students will name each
letter and the sound it
January Students will be exposed L Demonstrate Clothing test- Social studies/ELA:
to Chinese New Year comprehension of match and sort Students will learn about
Students will be exposed vocabulary essential for Winter activity test the Chinese New Year and
to various winter grade-level content Reading high Martin Luther King Jr.
activities learning, using pictures, frequency words
Students will be exposed actions, and/or objects Beginning, middle Science:
to winter clothes S Identify the beginning, and end of story Students will learn about
Students will be exposed middle and end of a story identification test hibernation and will
to hibernation that is heard Initial sound conduct experiments with
Students will understand identification test snow.
different properties of Counting test to 50
snow Quantity matching Math:
Students will read 5 high Students will engage in
frequency words snowman counting
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
Students will write their R Red familiar high- observation with buttons.
whole name with a frequency, irregularly
model spelled words by sight Targeted Vocabulary:
Students will produce Produce rhyming words in Social Studies/ELA:
rhyming words English using activities Chinese New Year,
Students will identify such as word games sledding,
the initial sounds in Identify the final sounds of
familiar words familiar words Science: hibernation, ice,
Students will identify sleet
the beginning, middle W Print upper and lower-case
and end of a story letters Math: beginning, numbers
Students will count to 50
Matches quantity to at
least 10
February Students will be exposed L Demonstrate Feeling test Social studies/ELA:
to George Washington comprehension of Identification of Students will study the
Students will be exposed everyday expressions used characters and Presidents, Washington and
to Abraham Lincoln in interpersonal setting of a story Lincoln.
Students will be exposed interactions test
to presidents S Identify the characters and Medial sound Science:
Students will be exposed setting of a story that is identification test Students will make
to Valentines Day heard Counting test by groundhog predictions.
Students will be exposed R Recite memorized parts of 10s
to Groundhog Day chants, pattern books and Teacher Math:
Students will identify familiar books observation Students will sort candies,
basic feelings Identify the final sounds of make patterns, and graph
familiar words colors.
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
Students will form a W W.2.3c Write or dictate a
complete sentence given sentence that synthesizes a
visuals to describe given get of facts or ideas Targeted Vocabulary:
pictures from a literary or an Social Studies/ELA:
Students will identify informational text presidents
the characters and Science: groundhog,
setting of a story that is prediction
Students will identify
the final sounds in
familiar words
Students will recite
repetitive chants or parts
of books
Students will count to at
least 50 by 10s
March Students will write a L Demonstrate Written sentence Social studies/ELA: Dr.
simple sentence using comprehension of test Students will learn about
high-frequency words vocabulary essential for Writing their Dr. Seuss and St. Patricks
Students will be exposed grade-level content whole name
to Dr. Seuss learning, using pictures, Capitalization and Science:
Students will be exposed actions, and/or objects punctuation Students will learn about
to St. Patricks Day S Respond briefly to identification test the wind and kites.
Students will questions on academic Final sound
content Math:
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
demonstrate an R Spell previously learned identification test Students will count the
understanding that wind words and phrases Counting to 50 by number of gold coins in a
moves objects Identify the medial sounds 5s test pot.
Students will write their of familiar words Teacher
whole name without a Recognize capitalization in observation Targeted Vocabulary:
model sentences Social Studies/ELA: Dr.
Students will identify Recognize punctuation in Seuss, leprechaun
the medial sounds in sentences
familiar words W Use general and specific
Students will understand words and phrases to write
that sentences begin about familiar objects and
with a capital letter and events
end with a period
Count to 50 by 5s
April Students will be exposed L Demonstrate Spring picture Social studies/ELA:
to Easter comprehension of simple sequencing test Students will learn about
Students will be exposed oral requests Story description Earth Day and Arbor Day.
to Earth Day S Employs, words, phrases test
Students will be exposed and sentences in social Counting to 100 by Science:
to Arbor Day interactions related to 10s test Students will learn about
Students will be exposed everyday topics Quantity to 20 test rain, birds and spring.
to Spring R Identify the beginning, Teacher
Students will provide a middle, and end of a story observation Math:
simple sentence to Students will measure rain.
describe the beginning,
middle and end of a Targeted Vocabulary:
Social Studies/ELA:
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
story that was read to W List details that describe Easter, recycling
them story events Science: robin, spring
Count to 100 by 10s
Match quantity up to at Math: measure
least 20 and beyond
May Students will be exposed L Identify important Animal Social studies/ELA:
to Memorial Day information about classification test Students will learn about
Students will be exposed academic content, using Sequencing how a Memorial Day and
to Mothers Day prior knowledge and/or seed grows Mothers Day.
Students will learn about visual cues as needed Written sentence
zoo animals S Describe people, places, about an animal Science:
Students will learn about and things, using some Animal covering Students will learn about
farm animals detail test planting seeds.
Students will learn about Living/non-living Students will learn about
pets test the
Students will learn about Counting by 1s characteristics of seeds.
jungle animals test Students will learn about
Students will learn about the parts of flowers.
Counting to 100 by
ocean animals 5s
Students will learn about Math:
Students will count seeds.
birds observation
Students will measure how
Students will learn about
deep to plant seeds.
Students will graph the
Students will identify growthof the plant.
the various types of
animal coverings
Targeted Vocabulary:
Students will sort Social Studies/ELA:
animals based on how veterans, soldiers
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
many legs they have R Recognize that written
Students will learn about words are separated by Science: plants, animals,
planting seeds spaces non-living objects
Students will learn about
the characteristics of Math: skip couting
Students will learn the
parts of a flower
Students will write a
complete sentence about
an animal
Students will understand
the concepts of living W Identify previously learned
versus non-living words and phrases that are
Count to 100 by 5s related to the topic of a
Count to 110 by 1s writing task
June Students will be exposed L Demonstrate Summer activity Social studies/ELA:
to Fathers Day comprehension of simple drawing Students will study Fathers
Students will be exposed sentences, including Written sentence Day and Flag Day.
to Flag Day statements, questions and about a summer
Students will learn about commands, when spoken vacation Science:
summer slowly, and with Read the Students will learn about
Students will learn about repetitions as needed temperature on a summer weather.
vacations S Recount prior experiences thermometer
Students will draw and events of interest, Teacher Math:
using familiar sentences Students will use
Content-Based ESL Curriculum Map

Grade Span: ____K-2________ Proficiency Level: ___Beginner___________________

Student Profiles/Learning Student Learning Outcomes Planned Assessments/

Goals Content-Area and
Month Student Work Products
L = Listening R = Reading Targeted Vocabulary
S = Speaking W = Writing)
pictures of an activity R Recognize that printed observation thermometers.
that they could do in the sentences are made up of
summer separate words Targeted Vocabulary:
Students will write a Social Studies/ELA:
complete sentence about W Employ left-to-right and vacation
what they would like to top-to-bottom orientation
do or what they are for writing Science: temperature
going to do for a
vacation Math: thermometer,
Students will read the Fahrenheit, Celsius
temperature on a

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