Important Questions CPP

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Important Questions


1. Enumerate and explain the advantages of Object Oriented Programming.

2. Briefly explain the identifiers and constants used in C++.
3. What are the derived data types available in C++? Explain with suitable
4. Write short notes on the following with necessary examples.
a. Objects, classes.
b. Data abstraction and encapsulation.
c. Inheritance and polymorphism.
d. Dynamic binding and message passing.
5. Enumerate and explain the applications of object oriented programming.
6. Distinguish between procedure oriented programming and object oriented
7. List at least four different constructs in C++ to define user defined data
types. Identify the mathematical principles behind these constructs
8. Define scope of variables in C++. What is the need for scope resolution
operator in C++?
9. Define the class. Explain its scope
10. Write a C++ program with dynamic initialization of variables
11. Define the structure of C++ program
12. Write a C++ program that illustrates the working of a reference variable
13. Write a program in C++ to concatenate two strings, find the length of a
string, find the substring
14. Discuss the features of Object Oriented Programming
15. Explain the structure of a C++ program
16. Write a short notes on reference variables
17. Discuss an approach to the development of procedure- oriented programs
18. Describe, with examples, the uses of enumeration data types
19. How are data and functions organized in an object-oriented Program?
20. What do you mean by dynamic initialization of a variable? Explain with an
21. What are fundamental characteristics of O O languages? Give examples.
22. Describe enumerated data types in C++. Do they differ from the usage in C?
23. Describe the software evolution in C++.
24. Describe conditional operators in C++. Give examples.
Important Questions


1. What are the advantages of function prototypes in C++?

2. When do we need to use default arguments in a function?
3. What is a class? How does it accomplish data hiding?
4. What is a friend function? What are the merits and demerits of using friend
5. Describe the different styles of writing prototypes.
6. What is the main advantage of passing arguments by reference?
7. How does a C++ structure differ from a C++ class?
8. How is a member function of a class defined?
9. What is an inline function? What is its purpose? Why should in line
functions be used in C++ programs?
10. What are access specifiers? What is their purpose?
11. What is a friend function? Give example
12. Define a class for rational numbers and overload the operators + and * to
add and multiply rational numbers
13. Give a detailed description of Friend function and explain it with an
14. What is the use of this pointer, illustrate with the help of an example
15. Write a program in C++ that explains the dynamic allocation of a two-
dimensional array
16. Compare overloaded function versus overridden function
17. Explain Friend Functions
18. Explain parameter passing mechanisms in C++
19. What is a class? Explain its structure
20. Write a program to read a floating point number and to print its floor,
ceiling and the floating point number rounded to two decimal digits
21. Write a template class for array and write a function for searching for an
object X in the array A
22. What are the advantages of function prototypes in C++?
23. How does a C++ structure differ from a c ++ class?
24. What is the main advantage of passing arguments by reference?
25. Explain overloading unary and binary operator with an example
26. What are reference variables in C++? What is an in line function?
27. Describe the runtime memory management followed in C++.
28. Write a program in C++ to read double numbers until end-of-file and
without storing them in an array-like structure, to find their average and
standard deviation.
Important Questions


1. What is a constructor? Is it mandatory to use constructors in a class?

2. Describe the importance of destructors.
3. Describe the syntax of multiple inheritance. When do we use such an
4. When do we make a class virtual? What is an abstract class?
5. List some of the special properties of constructor functions.
6. Define destructors. Explain what are its uses?
7. Describe the syntax of single inheritance in C++.
8. When do we use the protected visibility specifier to a class member?
9. Explain container class in C++
10. What are abstract classes? Give examples
11. Write rules for operator overloading
12. What is meant by inheritance? How is it useful in C++?
13. Class B is inherited from class A. A uses a dynamic pointer. B inherits that
dynamic pointer and uses another dynamic pointer. Write constructor and
destructor for both A and B
14. What is default constructor? Explain a simple C++ program that explains
default constructor 6
15. Compare default Constructor versus default copy Constructor
16. Specify whether constructors can be used in derived classes or not. If so
explain with an example 6
17. Explain Hierarchical Inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance with an example
18. Explain different types constructors
19. What is constructor? Explain parameterized constructors
20. Write a C++ program to sort a given set of strings in ascending order
21. What is destructor? Explain with example
22. Explain about parameterized constructor with an example
23. Create a class FLOAT that contains one float member. Overload all four
arithmetic operators so that they operate on the objects of FLOAT
24. Explain how dynamic initializations of object achieved with an example
25. Explain the various access specifiers with an example
26. Distinguish between different ways of writing constructor functions in C++.
Give examples.
27. Distinguish between member functions in C++ and functions in C
Important Questions

28. Give a class specification for time in hours, minutes and seconds and write a
member function that determines the difference between two times. Assume
that all times are in 24 hour format.


1. What does polymorphism mean in C++ language?

2. How is polymorphism achieved at COMPILE TIME and ii) RUN TIME?
3. Explain, with an example, how you could create space for an array of objects
using pointers.
4. What does this pointer point to?
5. Discuss the different ways by which we can access public member functions
of an object.
6. What are the applications of this pointer?
7. What is a virtual function? Why do we need virtual function?
8. When do we make a virtual function pure? What are the implications of
making a function a pure virtual function?
9. What is the purpose of new operator in C++? What does delete operator do
in C++?
10. What are virtual destructors? How are they used in C++?
11. What is virtual function? When is it needed?
12. Distinguish between abstract classes and pure virtual functions
13. What is the difference between compile time polymorphism and Run time
14. Write a C++ program that illustrates compile time polymorphism
15. What is the primary use of a Virtual Destructors?
16. How the abstract classes are used in pure Virtual functions? Explain it with
an example
17. What is Polymorphism? Explain with example
18. Write a short notes on Memory Management in C++
19. Explain the use of THIS pointer in C++. Give examples
20. Explain Pure virtual Functions with examples
21. Explain about the virtual base class with an example
22. Explain about the ambiguity in inheritance with any specific program
23. Develop an object oriented programming in C++ to prepare the mark sheet
of an university examination with the following items read from the
Important Questions

Name of the student

Roll number
Subject name
Subject code
Internal marks
External marks
24. Design a base class consisting of the data members such as name of the
student, roll number and subject name. The derived class consists of the data
members viz., subject code, internal marks and external marks. The program
must be able to build a table, list a table, insert a new entry and deleting a
new entry
25. What are virtual functions? How do they help in designing O O programs?
26. What are function templates? What are class templates? Give examples.
27. Distinguish between single and multiple inheritance and give examples.
28. Write templated class specification for complex numbers with prototype
definitions for member functions add, subtract and multiply.


1. What are generic classes? Describe tools available in C++ to define generic
classes. 6
2. Define throw and catch mechanisms in C++. 6
3. Define exception? How are they handled in C++. 6
4. Write a program to read integers and when a non-integer is encountered
throw exception.
5. What are the advantages of using templates in C++ programming
6. Explain the differences between Templates and Macros
7. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of rethrowing an exception
8. Define a class template for a stack
9. What is exception? Explain exception handling with examples
10. Explain function templates with multiple parameters
11. Explain the use of nested class templates
12. Describe the process of throwing parameterized objects of a nested
exception class
13. Explain Function Templates with an example
14. Define Class Templates with an example
15. Write a C++ program that tests Divide by zero and divide by negative
16. Describe the limitations of exception handling in C++
Important Questions

17. Define a function template that returns the sum of an array of elements. The
function must use two arguments-the type of array (generic) and the size of
array (int)
18. What is generic programming? How is it implemented in C++?
19. Distinguish between overloaded functions and function templates.
20. What are the advantages of using exception handling mechanism in a
21. When should a program throw an exception?
22. A template can be considered as a kind of macro. Explain the difference
between them.
23. Distinguish between the terms class template and template class.
24. What is an exception? How is an exception handled in C++?
25. What is an exception specification? When is it used?

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