Diastema Closure PDF
Diastema Closure PDF
Diastema Closure PDF
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When Closing
Here are the six steps to consider when using this approach:
Step 2: Isolation 2.
Rubber dam isolation with ligatures is recommended. The rubber dam keeps the operatory field
dry and free of contaminants. The ligatures help the rubber dam push the gingiva apically, to allow
access to the proximal gingival areas for ideal contouring and polishing of the restorations.
Step 3: Tooth Preparation
Although, tooth preparation is not required when clos-
ing a diastema there may be situations where the teeth
are slightly misaligned (Fig 2) and a minor recontour-
ing may be necessary when the teeth are positioned fa-
cially. On the other hand, no preparation is necessary
when the teeth are lingually positioned. Roughening
of the enamel is recommended only when self-etch
Figure 2: The enamel surface of Figure 3: The enamel surface of teeth
adhesives are to be used. Following tooth preparation,
the teeth is minimally prepared for #8 and #9 is etched.
the enamel surface of both teeth is etched for at least composite placement.
30 seconds (Fig 3), after which the adhesive bonding
agent is placed and cured (Fig 4).
Figure 9: After the matrix is placed, the composite is layered against the
matrix lingually and pulled through toward the facial.
Figure 12: The use of polishing cups contributes to the creation of the
restorations final luster and surface anatomy.
One of the biggest challenges practitioners face in
esthetic dentistry is the presence of black triangles
around the teeth when closing anterior diastemas.1
However, this difficulty can be effectively managed.
While the success of a restorative treatment in anteri-
or teeth depends on the esthetic integration between
soft and hard tissues, direct restorative techniques de-
scribed here can be applied to avoid black triangles
for an optimal result. (Fig 13).2
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