6 - Metamaterial-Based Thin Planar Lens Antenna For Spatial Beamforming and Multi-Beam Massive MIMO
6 - Metamaterial-Based Thin Planar Lens Antenna For Spatial Beamforming and Multi-Beam Massive MIMO
6 - Metamaterial-Based Thin Planar Lens Antenna For Spatial Beamforming and Multi-Beam Massive MIMO
Beamforming is to steer the direction of the main lobe of the
Abstract A metamaterial-based thin planar lens antenna is radiation by switching the elements of an antenna array or by
proposed for spatial beamforming and multi-beam massive changing the relative phases of radio frequency (RF) signals
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The antenna driving the array elements. Such a technology has been widely
consists of a planar lens and a linear array of receive/transmit
elements. To lower the insertion and reflection loss, the lens is
used to either increase the coverage of cellular base stations
formed by the two-layered ultra-thin metamaterial-based surface with high gain, or suppress the co-channel interferences in
separated with air and fed by substrate integrated waveguide wireless communication and radar systems [3]-[4]. On the other
(SIW)-fed stacked-patch antennas. The effects of the focal-to- hand, directional multi-beam antennas at base stations have
diameter (f/D) on the power distribution of the lens are been proposed to reduce co-channel interference as well as to
investigated to work out a design method. A planar lens antenna increase frequency reuse and system capacity [5]. Massive
fed with seven elements is, for example, designed to operate at
28-GHz bands. The measured results show that the proposed
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology to be the
antenna can achieve a scanning coverage of 27 with a gain key technology in the 5G network will use very large-scale
tolerance of 3.7 dB and a maximum gain of 24.2 dBi with an antenna arrays with active terminals and frequency duplex
aperture efficiency of 24.5% over the operating bandwidth of operation to significantly increase RF channels for the great
26.6-29 GHz. The lens antenna also features the advantages of improvement in throughput and radiation efficiency of the
compact size, low cost, lightweight, simple feeding network, and systems [6]. Therefore, with beamforming and multi-beam
easy integration with other circuits for next generation mobile
communication and radar systems.
technologies, the massive MIMO systems are promising in
their ability to increase capacity, frequency reuse, usage
Index Terms Multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), efficiency of spectrum, and capability of anti-interference but at
28-GHz, spatial beamforming, substrate integrated waveguide the price of complexity and high cost of both hardware and
(SIW), metamaterial (MTM), multi-beam, lens antenna signal processing.
A new system architecture designed by integrating an
electromagnetic (EM) lens with an antenna array has been
I. INTRODUCTION proposed to enable massive MIMO technology [7]-[8]. The EM
W ith the growing demands for high data rate, the use of
millimeter-wave bands for next generation wireless
communication network such as the fifth generation (5G)
lens is used to focus the incoming wave on the sub-regions of
the antenna array to realize spatial beamforming by the virtue
of the natural spatial scanning properties of the lens. By
mobile systems has generated much attention. The unused integrating the EM lens with an antenna array, the throughput
spectrum at 28-GHz bands is proposed for the 5G mobile and data rate of the massive MIMO system are highly improved.
communications due to low reflection loss and atmospheric For instance, a spherical dielectric Luneburg lens with a planar
absorption of wave propagation suitable for outdoor mobile feeding array has been proposed for multi-beam and
communications [1]-[2]. wide-angle scan operation [9]. In order to integrate with other
planar circuits and keep the antenna less insertion loss, more
compact and lightweight, metamaterials-based lens designs
Manuscript received May 10, 2015. This work was supported in part by the
Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai under Grant 16ZR1445700 and have been proposed [10]-[12].
16ZR1445800, in part by NSFC under Grant 61302019 and NSF of Jiangsu There are three key challenges for the thin planar lens design.
province under Grant BK2012323. First, the lens needs to achieve a high gain with high radiation
M. Jiang, and X. B. Xuan are with the Shanghai Key Laboratory of
Electromagnetic Environment Effects for Aerospace Vehicle, Shanghai 200438, and aperture efficiency in order to focus received/transmitted
China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). signal power in the desired directions. The low reflection and
Z. N. Chen is with Department of Electrical Engineering, National transmission losses caused by the lens directly benefit the high
University of Singapore, 117583, Singapore (e-mail: [email protected]).
W. Hong and Y. Zhang are with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter efficiency of lens antenna. As the cells forming a planar lens
Waves, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail: surface significantly affect the gain and overall efficiency of the
[email protected]; [email protected]). lens, several types of cells used in the lens design have been
0018-926X (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
0 -400
Fig. 2. Configuration of a JC meta-cell: (a) a Jerusalem cross (JC) cell on top -10
S Parameter (dB)
layer; (b) perspective and side view of the double-layered JC cell where p=4.6,
h4=0.203, h5=1.52, a=0.2, c1=3.9, c2=2.7, all dimensions are in mm. b=0
and they are separated by air with a spacing of h5, giving an
Fig. 6. Power distributions b=30
at the x-straight line corresponding to the focal
overall thickness 2h4+h5.
length for different incident angles. (a) Lens with f/D=0.1 and focal plane at
The seven identical feeding elements are uniformly and z=10.1mm. (b) Lens-40 with f/D=0.3 and focal plane at z=30.4mm. (c) Lens with
linearly arranged behind the lens at a distance of the focal f/D=0.5 and focal plane
15 at z=50.6mm.
20 (d) Lens 30
25 with f/D=1
35and focal plane at
length f. The antenna elements are backed by a metallic ground z=101.2mm. z=0mm located atFrequency
the bottom layer of double-layered lens. All
the results
Fig. are observed
4. Simulated at 28GHz.
S parameter of the proposed double-layered JC cell with
plane to suppress the unwanted back radiation. The feeding
different incident angle b (c2=2.7mm).
elements are formed by two substrate layers and a bonding
layer as illustrated in Fig. 1. Since the height of copper is Fig. 3 shows the simulated transmission magnitude and
negligible, the thickness of the feeding antenna is h1+h2+h3. phase shift with different cap length c2 under a normal incident
Thus, the overall thickness of the proposed antenna is planar wave excitation. As shown in Fig. 3(a), by cascading two
2h4+h5+f+h1+h2+h3. resonators, the 3-dB transmission bandwidth of the cell is
significantly improved up to approximately 15GHz. The
III. PLANAR DOUBLE-LAYERED LENS DESIGN resonance frequency of the transmission response is determined
A. Jerusalem Cross (JC) Cell by the cap length c2 of the JC cell. The resonance frequency
shift leads to the shift of transmission phase while the length of
Jerusalem cross (JC) is one of the elements which have long
cross arm influences the resonance frequency. In order to keep
been used for frequency selective surface (FSS) applications.
the cell size p consistent, only c2 is tuned to achieve the varying
The JC cell features many merits such as compact size, flexible
phase shift on the lens surface.
frequency operation, broad bandwidth, and stable frequency
Fig. 3(b) shows that the transmission phase response is
characteristics for a wide-angle incidence due to its center
almost linear over the frequency band of 20-35GHz,
connected or N-poles structure [33]. The field mode, reflection
contributing to the wideband performance of the lens. By
and transmission responses of JC cells have been studied in
increasing c2 from 0.35mm to 3.4mm, a maximum phase shift
of 240 can be achieved at 28GHz, with a maximum
Fig. 2 shows the dimensions of the double-layered JC cell. In
transmission loss of 6.6dB.
Fig. 2(a) the JC cell on the top layer consists of a metal cross
Fig. 4 shows the transmission and reflection coefficient with
and a metal cap at the end of each cross arm. The width of each
varying incident angles b. By increasing the incident angle
square element is p, the arm length of the center cross is c1, the
from 0 to 30, the amplitude and resonant poles of the
width of the metal strip is a, and the length of the end cap is c2.
transmission coefficient remain almost unchanged while there
Fig. 2(b) illustrates the double-layered JC element which is
is a slight deterioration on the reflection coefficient at the center
constructed by cascading two identical JC cell resonators. The
frequency of the pass band.
two layers of JC elements are separated by air with a distance of
h5. All the JC elements are simulated by CST Microwave B. Lens Design Principles
Studio. In the simulation, the plane wave excitations with Fresnel zone plate is one of the well-known methods for lens
normal and oblique incidence are used to obtain the design, but its focusing efficiency is inherently smaller than
transmission and reflection responses of the proposed periodic ordinary lenses due to the significant phase errors caused by the
element in an infinite array. The inter-element mutual coupling transformation of an incoming spherical wave into an outgoing
effect is also taken into account in this simulation. In order to planar wave [36]. In order to improve the focusing efficiency,
avoid the grating lobe, the size of the element should be less the phase correction zone or phase shift surface is proposed
than 0.50 (0 is the operating wavelength in free space) so that because it exhibits higher gain and efficiency performances.
the element with a periodicity of 4.6mm or 0.430 is chosen.
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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
0.07 0.16
b=0 0.14
0.12 b=10
Power (VA/m )
Power (VA/m )
0.10 b=20
0.04 b=30
0.08 b=30
0.01 0.02
0.00 0.00
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
dx (mm) dx (mm)
(a) (b)
b=0 0.07
0.12 b=10
0.06 b=20
Power (VA/m )
Power (VA/m )
0.05 b=30
Fig. 5. Geometric structure and phase distribution of the single-focal lens. (a) 0.08 0.04
Conventional double-convex dielectric lens. (b) The proposed zoned 0.06 0.03
0.02 0.01
Fig. 5 shows the mechanism of phase compensation of the 0.00 0.00
single-focal lens. Based on Fermats principle, using a -80 -60 -40 -20
dx (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0
20 40 60 80
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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
70 0.16
Radiation patches SIW cavity
z=60.6 mm z=60.6 mm Feeding SIW
90% Power Beamwidth w (mm)
z=30.6 mm z=30.6 mm
0.08 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 s1
30 y
20 w0
0.04 Radiation
10 slots
0 l0 l1 l2 l3 l4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Incident Angle b (degree) Incident Angle b(degree) x
Fig. 7. Properties of lens (f/D=0.5) for different scanning angles. (a) 90% z
w0 Metal layer
power beamwidth w. (b) peak power distributions. All the results are observed d0
at 28GHz in planes at z= 60.6mm, 50.6mm, 40.6mm and 30.6mm. h3 Sub 3
Metal ground
A. SIW-Fed Stacked-Patch Element (b)
Fig. 8. Configuration of the feed source element. (a) Top view. (b) A-A
The configuration of the SIW-fed stacked-patch antenna cross-sectional view. w0=2.4, w1=2.2, w2=7, w3=3.5, w4=4.5, w5=5, w6=4.3,
element is shown in Fig. 8. The antenna consists of two w7=2.6, w8=0.7, l0=6, l1=6, l2=1.7, l3=4.6, l4=1.8, d0=3.4, d=0.6, r0=0.4. h1=0.813
substrate layers and a bonding layer. There are four identical h2=0.202, h3=0.508, s0=0.2, s1=0.15, t0=0.036. All dimensions are in mm.
stacked square patches on the top layer of Sub 3 which are
excited by an SIW-fed square cavity through a square ring slot
on top of the SIW-fed cavity. The edge substrates of Sub 2 are
cut off to reduce the effect of mutual coupling with other
elements. The top metal layer of Sub 1 is designed to connect
with a 50- coaxial probe. The bottom metal layer of Sub 1 is
totally covered by a metal ground to reduce the back radiation
and minimize the interference with other planar circuits. An
SIW-to-ground co-planar waveguide (GCPW) transition is
Fig.9. Top view of the seven-element feed antenna. d1=9.525, d2=10. All
designed to connect the antenna element with an input port. The dimensions are in mm.
TEM wave excited from the outer coaxial probe transmits along
the GCPW and is transformed to a waveguide mode TE10
connector. The distance is comparable with the 90%
through the GCPW-to-SIW transition. The TE10 mode wave
beamwidth w as shown in Fig 7(a) at the focal plane z=50.6mm.
transmits along the SIW and is coupled to the square SIW
Thus, in this design, one feeding element is used at a time to
cavity through the coupling iris with a width of w3. A resonance
receive the incident power from a certain angle. In order to keep
mode quasi-TE120 is excited in the SIW cavity where the
the feeding element compact and make room to install the
maximum E-field amplitude appears at the x-directional
connectors for measurement, the distance between the adjacent
radiation slots as shown in Fig. 8 (a). The strong E-field at the
feed elements d2 is set to 10mm. The maximum scanning angle
radiation slots well excites the stacked patches on the top layer
of the lens is 27.4 using formula (4).
of the element. With the proposed configuration of stacked
patches, both the gain and bandwidth of the feeding element are C. Simulated and Measured Results of the Single Feed
significantly improved. Element
B. Seven-Element Feed Antenna Configuration The single feed element is fabricated on a multilayered board
which consists of top and bottom substrate layers and a bonding
In this design, an identical and uniformly seven-element
mid-layer. The substrate layers are Rogers RO4003C with
antenna array is used as the source of the proposed planar lens,
permittivity of 3.55, loss tangent of 0.0027, and thickness of
which is located at the focal plane to achieve maximum
0.508mm (top) and 0.813mm (bottom). The bonding layer is
focusing power.
Rogers RO4450B with permittivity of 3.54, loss tangent of
Fig. 9 shows the top view of the seven-element antenna array.
0.004, and height of 0.202mm.
Seven elements are arranged in a crossover type along x-axis.
Fig. 10 shows the photograph of the proposed feed element.
Each element consists of four SIWfed stacked patches as the
The simulated and measured reflection coefficients and gain of
radiating elements and an SIW-to-GCPW transition. There are
the feed element are shown in Fig. 11. As illustrated in Fig.
seven GCPW ports from left to right, and they are used to
11(a), the measured impedance bandwidth is 25.8-28.9GHz
connect with RF signals. Since the distance of the screw holes
with |S11| less than -10dB. The measured reflection coefficients
used for fixing with Southwest connector is a little larger than
of the feed element agree well with the simulation except a
the core width of the element, the minimum width of antenna
slight frequency shift at the higher frequencies. The measured
elements is mainly determined by the distance of the screw
maximum gain is 9.3dBi at 29GHz as shown in Fig. 11(b). The
holes, that is, d1=9.525mm by the given dimensions of the
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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Fig. 10. Photograph of the single source element. (a) Top view. (b) Bottom
view. Fig. 13. Photograph of the proposed antennas. (a) The proposed lens loaded
10 seven-element antenna. (b) The photograph of the lens and seven-element
-5 feed array.
5 0 0
-10 |S11| |S11|
Gain (dBi)
|S11| (dB)
S Parameter (dB)
S Parameter (dB)
-20 -20 |S44| |S44|
-5 Measured |S14| |S24|
-25 Measured -30 -30
Simulated |S24| |S64|
-30 -10 -40 |S34| -40 |S31|
23 25 27 29 31 33 23 25 27 29 31 33 |S54| |S51|
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) -50 |S71|
-50 |S64|
-60 -60
Fig. 11. Measured and simulated results of the feed element. (a) |S11|. (b) Gain. 23 25 27 29 31 33 23 25 27 29 31 33
0 0 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
0 0 (a)
-30 30 -30 30 (b)
-20 -60 60 -40 -60 60 -10
|S44| (without lens) -10
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
S Parameter (dB)
-40 |S44| (with lens)
-80 -90 -20 |S24| Measurement
-90 90 90 |S24| (without lens)
-80 |S44| Simulation
-30 |S24| (with lens)
-40 -30 |S24| Simulation
-40 -40
-120 120 -40 -120 120
Co-polarization Simulated -20 Co-polarization Simulated -50 -50
Co-polarization Measured Co-polarization Measured
-150 150 -150 150
0 Cross-polarization Simulated 0 -180 Cross-polarization Simulate -60 -60
Cross-polarization Measured Cross-polarization Measure 23 25 27 29 31 33 23 25 27 29 31 33
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. Radiation patterns of the feed element at 28GHz in (a) H-plane and
(b) E-plane. Fig. 14. Measured and simulated S parameters of the proposed antennas. (a)
Measured S parameter of the seven-element feeding antenna. (b) Measured S
parameter of the overall antenna. (c) Measured |S44| and |S24| with and
without lens. (d) Comparisons of simulation and measurement.
measured and simulated 3-dB gain bandwidths are 26-30GHz
and 24-31GHz respectively. The measured gain shows a antenna for |S44|<-10dB are 26.1-28.8GHz and 26.1-29GHz,
frequency shift of approximately 1GHz (3.5%) towards the respectively. Due to the symmetric structure of the feeding
lower frequency band comparing with the simulated result. The antenna, the reflection coefficients for Ports 1, 2 and 3 are also
radiation patterns in E and H-planes are shown in Fig. 12. The given in Fig. 14(a) and (b). The results feature the same
measured 3-dB beamwidths are 63.8 and 55.8 at 28GHz in E tendency with Port 4 which testifies the consistency of the
and H-planes respectively. The cross-polarization levels in the fabrication. In order to investigate the mutual coupling effect of
boresight direction are -62.8dB and -37.6dB in E and H-planes the feeding elements, transmission coefficients from Port 4 to
respectively. the other six ports are measured in Fig. 14(a). The mutual
coupling are below -23dB, -30dB, and -34dB for two elements
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS with the spacing of 10mm, 20mm, and 30mm respectively. The
The proposed lens and feeding array are all fabricated using reflection coefficient of the overall antenna keeps almost
the standard PCB process. The lens prototype consists of two unchanged after loading the lens as shown in Fig. 14(c).
pieces of metamaterial surfaces that are separated by air with a However, the mutual coupling between Elements 2 and 4 has
thickness of 1.52mm and fixed with screws on the edges of the become increased at the higher frequencies after loading the
substrate. The metamaterial surface is fabricated on a piece of lens. Fig. 14(d) compares the measured reflection coefficients
Rogers RO4003C with permittivity of 3.55, loss tangent of with the simulated ones. The measured |S44| agrees well with
0.0027, and thickness of 0.203mm. The aperture size of the lens the simulated results except a little deterioration at the higher
is 101.2mm101.2mm and the focal length is 50.6mm. The frequencies.
feeding array is fabricated on three-layered boards. Fig. 13 Fig. 15 gives the measured radiation patterns of the lens
shows the photographs of the lens and seven-element feeding antenna at 28GHz to show the beam scanning property. The
antenna. An antenna frame made of acrylic plastic is used to radiation beams are pointed to the directions of 27, 18, 9, 0
maintain the distance between the lens and feeding array. and their relative amplitudes are -3.7, -1.5, -0.3 and 0dB for the
The measured and simulated S-parameters of the proposed input Ports 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Due to the symmetrical
antennas are shown in Fig. 14. The measured impedance structure of the lens and feed antenna, the measured results of
bandwidths of the seven-element feeding array and the lens Ports 7, 5, and 6 show the same patterns as Ports 1, 2, and 3,
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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Maximum gain 24.2 [email protected] Scan loss 3.7dB
3-dB Gain bandwidth 26.6-30GHz Side lobe level -18.4dB
10-dB Impedance
26.1-29GHz Cross polarization -20.3dB
Aperture efficiency 24.5 % Total height 54mm
Scanning range -27 - 27 Lens aperture 101.2101.2mm2
0 0 0
Port1 Co-polarization Co-polarization
Port2 Cross-polarization
-10 Port3
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
Port4 -20 -20
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
-50 -20 -20
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
Angle (degree) -30 -30
Fig. 15. Measured scanned beams of the lens loaded seven-element antenna at
28GHz. -40
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
0 0
Simulated Angle (degree) Angle (degree)
Measured (c) (d)
-10 -10 Fig.17. Measured co-polarization and cross-polarization for port 4 in the
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
H-plane at: (a) 26GHz, (b) 27GHz, (c) 28GHz, (d) 29GHz.
-20 -20
25 1.0
-30 -30
20 0.8
-40 -40
Aperture Efficiency
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
Angle (degree) 15 0.6
Angle (degree)
Gain (dBi)
(a) (b)
0 0
10 Gain Simulated 0.4
Simulated Simulated Gain Measured
Measured Measured Aperture Efficiency Measured
-10 -10
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
-20 -20
0 0.0
23 25 27 29 31 33
-30 -30
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 18. Simulated and measured gain for port 4.
-40 -40
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
Angle (degree)
Angle (degree)
(d) cross-polarization levels in the H-planes are less than -12.5/
Fig. 16. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the lens loaded seven- -12.9, -17.5 / -20.8, -18.4 / -20.3, -17 / -20.6 (all in dB) at 26, 27,
element antenna in H-plane at 28GHz for (a) Port 1; (b) Port 2; (c) Port 3; and (d) 28, and 29GHz, respectively. Due to the symmetrical structure
Port 4.
of the lens surface, the lens equally affects the polarization
respectively. along x and y axis, and the cross-polarization levels of the
Fig. 16 compared the simulated and measured radiation overall antenna are mainly determined by the cross-polarization
patterns of the lens antenna at 28 GHz. The simulated results performances of the feed source antenna.
agree well with the measured results for Ports 1, 2, 3 and 4. Fig. 18 shows the simulated and measured gain of the lens
Fig. 17 shows the measured co- and cross-polarized radiation antenna. The maximum measured gain is 24.2dBi at 27.5GHz
patterns for Port 4 in the H-planes at different frequencies. Due with an aperture efficiency of 24.5%. The main factor that
to the symmetrical feed source and lens configuration, the main causes the reduction of aperture efficiency may be the small
beams are steering at the boresight direction without any beam transmission phase range of 240 with high transmission losses
squinting over the bandwidth. The measured 3-dB beamwidths that reaches 6.6 dB of the double-layered JC element as shown
in the H-plane are 8, 6.6, 6.8 and 7.8 at 26, 27, 28, and in Fig.3. The measured 3-dB gain bandwidth is 26.6-30GHz.
29GHz, respectively. The measured sidelobe/ The measured gain bandwidth is a little narrower than the
0018-926X (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2631589, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
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0018-926X (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article hasDownloaded
been accepted from
for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2631589, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
[34] R. J. Langley and A.J. Drinkwater, Improved empirical model for the (Wiley 2006), Antennas for Portable Devices (Wiley 2007), Antennas for Base
Jerusalem cross IEE Proceedings Microwaves, Optics and Antennas, vol. Stations in Wireless Communications (McGraw-Hill 2009), and Handbook of
129, issue 1, 1982. Antenna Technologies with 76 chapters (Springer References 2016) as an
[35] N. Alexopoulos and R. Iname. Mutual impedance computation between Editor-in-Chief. He has also contributed the chapters to the books entitled UWB
printed dipoles, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propaga., vol. 29, no. 1, Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar, and Imaging (Wiley
pp.106110, Jan. 1981. 2006), Antenna Engineering Handbook (McGraw-Hill 2007) as well as
[36] H.D. Hristov, Fresnel Zones in Wireless Links, Zone Plate Lenses and Microstrip and Printed Antennas (Wiley 2010). He is holding 28 granted and
Antennas, Artech House, 2000. filed patents with 35 licensed deals with industry. He is the recipient of
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Best Paper Award
Mei Jiang (S09) was born in Henan 2010, the CST University Publication Award 2008, IEEE AP-S Honorable
province, China, 1987. She received the B. Eng. Mention Student Paper Contest 2008, Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES)
degree in electronic information engineering Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2006, 2013 and 2014, I2R
from Henan University of Science and Quarterly Best Paper Award 2004, IEEE iWAT 2005 Best Poster Award, and
Technology, Luoyang, China, in 2009, and several technology achievement awards from China during 1990-1997.
received the Ph.D degree in electromagnetic and Dr. Chen is a Fellow of the IEEE for the contribution to small and
microwave engineering from Southeast broadband antennas for wireless applications. He is serving IEEE Trans
University, Nanjing, China, in 2015. Antennas and Propagation as an Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas and
During March 2014 to November 2014, she Propagation Society as a Distinguished Lecturer (since 2009), as well as Vice
President and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Council on RFID (since 2015).
was with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, National University of
Yan Zhang (S09M12) received the B. Eng.
Singapore. Since August 2015, she has been
degree in information engineering and the Ph.D.
with the Shanghai Key Laboratory of
degree in electromagnetic and microwave
Electromagnetic Environment Effects for Aerospace Vehicle, Shanghai 200438,
engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing,
China. Her current research interests include phased array antennas,
China, in 2006 and 2011, respectively.
reflectarray and lens antennas, terahertz antennas, planar transmission-line
During January 2009 to July 2009, he was with
techniques, and filters.
Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Agency for
Dr. Jiang is the recipient of the Best Paper Award of the 2013 International
Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR),
Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2013).
Singapore, as a Research Engineer. From
November 2009 to December 2010, he was with the
Zhi Ning Chen (M99SM05F07) received his
BEng, MEng, and PhD degrees all in Electrical Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory of the
Engineering from the Institute of Communications Pennsylvania State University as a Visiting Scholar.
Engineering (ICE), Nanjing, China and his second PhD Since December 2011, he has been with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter
degree from University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Waves, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. He has authored and
respectively. co-authored over a dozens of peer-viewed papers, and is holding 14 granted and
During 19881995, he worked at ICE as a Lecturer filed patents. His research interests include millimeter-wave and terahertz
and later an Associate Professor, as well as at Southeast antennas, planar transmission-line techniques, and filters, RF and antenna
University, China as a Postdoctoral Fellow and later as design for satellite communication.
an Associate Professor. During 19951997, Dr. Chen joined the City Dr. Zhang is the recipient of the Best Student Paper Award of the
University of Hong Kong as a Research Assistant and later a Research Fellow. International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology
In 1997, he was awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2008). He serves as a reviewer for several journals, including IEEE
Fellowship to conduct his research at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. In 2001 Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless.
and 2004, he visited the University of Tsukuba under a JSPS Fellowship
Program (senior level). In 2004, he worked at IBM T. J. Watson Research Wei Hong (M92-SM07-F12) received the
Center, USA as an Academic Visitor. During May-June 2013, he visited B.S. degree from the University of Information
Laboratoire des SignauxetSystmes, UMR8506 CNRS-Supelec-University Engineering, Zhengzhou, China, in 1982, and the
Paris Sud in Gif-sur-Yvette, France as a Senior DIGITEO Guest Scientist. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Southeast
During 19992016, he worked with the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) University, Nanjing, China, in 1985 and 1988,
(formerly known as Centre for Wireless Communications and Institute for respectively, all in radio engineering.
Communications Research) as Member of Technical Staff (MTS), Senior MTS, Since 1988, he has been with the State Key
Principal MTS, Senior Scientist, Lead Scientist, Principal Scientist, and Head Laboratory of Millimeter Waves where he serves
for RF & Optical Department and Technical Advisor. Since 2012, he joined the as the Director of the lab since 2003, and is
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of currently a professor and Vice-Dean of the School
Singapore as a Full Professor. Concurrently, he is also holding the of Information Science and Engineering,
professorships at Southeast University (Changjiang Guest Chair Professor), Southeast University. In 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997
Nanjing University (Guest Professor), Shanghai Jiaotong University (Guest and 1998, he was a short-term Visiting Scholar with the University of
Professor), Tsinghua University (Visiting Professor), Tongji University (Guest
California at Berkeley and at Santa Cruz, respectively. He has been engaged in
Professor), University of Science and Technology of China (Guest Professor),
numerical methods for electromagnetic problems, millimeter wave theory and
Fudan University (Outstanding Visiting Professor), Dalian Maritime
University (Guest Professor), Chiba University (Visiting Professor), National technology, antennas, RF technology for wireless communications, etc. He has
Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Visiting Professor), Shanghai authored and co-authored over 300 technical publications, and authored two
University (Ziqiang Professor), Beijing University of Posts and books. He was thrice awarded the first-class Science and Technology Progress
Telecommunications (Visiting Professor), Tohoku University (Visiting Prizes issued by the Ministry of Education of China and Jiangsu Province
Professor) as well as City University of Hong Kong (Adjunct Professor). Government, etc. Besides, he also received the Foundations for China
Dr. Chen has been the founding General Chairs of International Workshop Distinguished Young Investigators and for the Innovation Group issued by
on Antenna Technology (iWAT), International Symposium on InfoComm & NSF of China.
Media Technology in Bio-Medical & Healthcare Applications (IS 3T-in-3A), Dr. Hong is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of CIE, Vice-Presidents of Microwave
International Microwave Forum (IMWF) as well as Asia-Pacific Conference on Society and Antenna Society of CIE, Chairperson of IEEE
Antennas and Propagation (APCAP). MTT-S/AP-S/EMC-S Joint Nanjing Chapter, and served as the Associate
Dr. Chens current research interest includes electromagnetic engineering, Editor of IEEE Trans. on MTT during 2007-2010, and the editor board
antennas for communication, radar, imaging and sensing systems. He has members for IJAP, China Communications, and Chinese Science Bulletin, etc.
published 535 technical papers and authored/edited the books entitled
Broadband Planar Antennas (Wiley 2005), UWB Wireless Communication
0018-926X (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.