PortServer TS16 90000583 L
PortServer TS16 90000583 L
PortServer TS16 90000583 L
2008 Digi International Inc.
Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, Digi One, Digi Connect, PortServer TS, and RealPort are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
Contents 3
RealPort Port Profile ................................................................................ 30
Console Management Port Profile........................................................... 31
TCP Sockets Port Profile ......................................................................... 32
UDP Sockets Port Profile ........................................................................ 33
Serial Bridging Port Profile ...................................................................... 34
Printer Port Profile ................................................................................... 34
Using the LPD Protocol ........................................................................... 35
Examples ................................................................................................. 35
Terminal Port Profile ................................................................................ 36
Industrial Automation Port Profile ............................................................ 37
Configure Industrial Automation with Modbus ......................................... 38
Chat Mode Port Profile ............................................................................ 39
Modem Port Profiles ................................................................................ 40
Modem Emulation Port Profile ................................................................. 40
Modem Port Profile .................................................................................. 41
Internal Modem Port Profile ..................................................................... 42
Power Management Port Profile.............................................................. 43
Custom Port Profile ................................................................................. 44
User Configuration............................................................................... 45
Common User Features .......................................................................... 45
Add a User............................................................................................... 46
Configure User Access Method ............................................................... 46
Change or Update User Passwords ........................................................ 46
Security Configuration ......................................................................... 47
Enabling and Disabling Access to Network Services .............................. 47
Configure Security Settings ..................................................................... 48
System Configuration .......................................................................... 48
PPP Settings ........................................................................................... 49
Configure SNMP Settings........................................................................ 51
Configure MEI Settings............................................................................ 52
Autoconnection.................................................................................... 53
Configure a Port for Autoconnection ....................................................... 53
Configure a User for Autoconnection ...................................................... 53
4 Contents
When to Use ............................................................................................ 59
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 59
Setup Information .................................................................................... 59
DF1 Profile: Serial-Connected Slave................................................... 60
When to Use ............................................................................................ 60
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 60
Setup Information .................................................................................... 60
DF1 Profile: Serial-Connected Master................................................. 61
When to Use ............................................................................................ 61
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 61
Setup Information .................................................................................... 61
Omron Family Profile: Serial-Connected Slave ................................... 62
When to Use ............................................................................................ 62
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 62
Setup Information .................................................................................... 62
Omron Family Profile: Serial-Connected Master ................................. 63
When to Use ............................................................................................ 63
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 63
Setup Information .................................................................................... 63
Other Serial Port Protocol Profile: Serial-Connected Slave................. 64
When to Use ............................................................................................ 64
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 64
Setup Information .................................................................................... 64
Other Serial Port Protocol Profile: Serial-Connected Master............... 65
When to Use ............................................................................................ 65
Configuration Options .............................................................................. 65
Setup Information .................................................................................... 65
Configure a Serial-Connected Slave: Generic Procedure ................... 66
When to Use ............................................................................................ 66
Procedure ................................................................................................ 66
Configure a Serial-Connected Master: Generic Procedure ................. 66
When to Use ............................................................................................ 66
Procedure ................................................................................................ 66
Configure a Serial-Connected Master: TCP/UDP Sockets.................. 67
When to Use ............................................................................................ 67
Procedure ................................................................................................ 67
Configure a Serial-Connected Slave: Other IA Protocol...................... 67
When to Use ............................................................................................ 67
Procedure ................................................................................................ 67
Configure a Serial-Connected Master: Other IA Protocol.................... 68
When to Use ............................................................................................ 68
Procedure ................................................................................................ 68
Set Up COM Port Redirection ............................................................. 69
When to Use ............................................................................................ 69
Setup Tasks: An Overview ...................................................................... 69
Procedure: Configure the Serial Port for RealPort................................... 70
Update POST Code............................................................................. 70
Prerequisite ............................................................................................. 70
Procedure ................................................................................................ 70
Contents 5
RealPort: Determining whether to Install RealPort .............................. 71
6 Contents
Message Support .................................................................................. 100
Supported Traps .................................................................................... 100
Configuration Procedure: Web Interface ........................................... 100
Contents 7
Antennae (Wireless only) ...................................................................... 121
Maximum Permissible Exposure (Wireless only)................................... 121
Declaration of Conformity ...................................................................... 122
8 Contents
This user guide provides the following:
Configuration and administration procedures
Configuration examples
This guide is intended for the person responsible for configuring and
administering the Digi device. It assumes that this person has experience
configuring network devices and is familiar with networking concepts.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and
administering your Digi devices main features. It focuses on performing
these tasks through the Web user interface. It does not address how to
configure every option, provide complete information on commands, or
discuss hardware installation. These topics are covered in other
documents in the Digi library.
Command Reference
This online manual, available on the Software and Documentation CD,
provides complete information on commands.
Chapter 1 9
Digi Contact Information
email http://www.digi.com/support/
10 Chapter 1
Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask
DHCP option 12
If the device is configured to use DHCP, the combined host and domain will
be sent as a hint to the DHCP server when requesting an IP address. As a
convention, some DHCP servers use this hint to assign the IP address
associated with the host name.
To use RARP or DHCP, follow these steps:
1. Set up an entry for an address on a DHCP or RARP server. If you
intend to use RealPort, do the following:
Reserve a permanent IP address.
Record the IP address. You will need it when you configure the
RealPort driver.
2. Power on the device server.
The DHCP or RARP server assigns the device server an IP address.
From the web interface, you make any changes you need for your
configuration. Remember to click Apply to save your changes, and
Reboot when you are ready for the changes to take effect.
Chapter 1 Introduction
PortServer TS Family
The term PortServer TS Family refers to all PortServer TS devices.
Within this family are two major groups of devices with different firmware:
PortServer TS Family (RS-232 only) devices
PortServer TS MEI devices
PortServer TS Family
PortServer TS 1, formerly known as Digi One RealPort
PortServer TS 2
PortServer TS 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 15
Devices in the Digi One and PortServer TS Family
PortServer TS MEI devices
The term PortServer TS MEI devices refers to these device families:
16 Chapter 1 Introduction
Setup Overview
Setup Overview
The following is an overview of the process for setting up your Digi device.
The rest of this guide provides details on each step of the process.
Step 1: Plan
Before beginning setup, consider the following:
How to assign an IP address to the Digi devices Ethernet interface,
which can be accomplished in a number of ways. See "Configure the IP
Address" on page 11.
The various ways in which your Digi device can be configured. See
"About Configuration Methods" on page 18 for more information.
A key consideration is whether to use RealPort. Other considerations
include the type of peripheral that will connect to the port and the
peripherals cabling requirements. See "RealPort: Determining whether
to Install RealPort" on page 71 and the online RealPort driver
documentation and Cable Guide, both of which are on the Software and
Documentation CD.
Chapter 1 Introduction 17
About Configuration Methods
18 Chapter 1 Introduction
Accessing the Configuration from the Web Interface
Digi Devices
Feature/Task Web User Interface Path to Feature
supported in
Autoconnection All Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Port Profile > TCP Sockets
Configuration management:
Embedded Modem PortServer TS M MEI Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Family Port Profile > Internal Modem Profile
Chapter 1 Introduction 19
Quick Reference for Configuring Features
Digi Devices
Feature/Task Web User Interface Path to Feature
supported in
Industrial Automation (IA):
Protocol conversion Digi One IAP Applications > Industrial Automation >
between Modbus, Allen- Digi One IAP Haz launch Industrial Automation Wizard
Bradley, and ASCII device Running the Industrial Automation Wizard is
the recommended method for initial
Allen-Bradley Ethernet-to- Digi One IAP configuration of any IA equipment.
Serial Bridging Digi One IAP Haz See the online help for the Wizard and this
web page: http://www.digi.com/applications/
Omron Hostlink Multi-Master Digi One IAP industrialautomation/index.jsp.
Digi One IAP Haz
Modem emulation Digi One SP Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Digi One IA Port Profile > Modem Emulation
PortServer TS Family See the Digi One and PortServer TS Family
Command Reference for modem emulation
Port logging Digi One IAP Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Digi One IAP Haz Advanced Serial Settings > Enable Port
PortServer TS Family
Port profiles All devices that support Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
the default Web user Port Profile
20 Chapter 1 Introduction
Quick Reference for Configuring Features
Digi Devices
Feature/Task Web User Interface Path to Feature
supported in
Port sharing: allowing more All; console menu feature By choosing the Console Management port
than one client to open a serial available on PortServer profile for a serial port:
port through RealPort, reverse TS Family devices only. Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Telnet, reverse SSH, or Port Profile > Console Management
By the Advanced Serial Settings:
To configure port sharing: Configuration >
Serial Ports > port > Advanced Serial
Settings > Enable multiple systems to
simultaneously connect
Power Features:
Power through Integrated PortServer TS Family To configure Digi RPM: Serial Ports > port >
Remote Power Management Port Profile > Power Management
(Digi RPM) To manage Digi RPM: Management > Power
Power Over Ethernet (POE) Digi One IAP This is a hardware feature. There are no
PortServer TS P MEI configurable software settings for this
Family feature.
Remote login (rlogin) All Users > user > User Settings > Access
Users > user > Advanced Settings
For ports configured with the TCP Sockets
port profile, the TCP Client settings:
Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Port Profile > TCP Sockets > TCP Client
Revert configuration settings All To revert all device settings, with the option to
keep IP address settings:
Administration > Factory Default Settings
To revert serial port settings for a serial port,
including port-specific security settings:
Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Restore Factory Serial Port Settings
Chapter 1 Introduction 21
Quick Reference for Configuring Features
Digi Devices
Feature/Task Web User Interface Path to Feature
supported in
Security, users, and access control features:
Control user access to All Configuration > Users > New User >
configuration settings determine level of user access
Control user access All Configuration > Users > user > User Settings
methods, including user > Access Method
access to the command line,
automatic user connections
to the device, or use of
custom menus
Control user access to All Configuration > Users > user > User Settings
inbound and outbound ports > Manage Serial Ports
Use RADIUS to authenticate PortServer TS Family Configuration > Security > RADIUS
Issue user passwords All Configuration > Users > user >
Require password to login
Configure SSH Version 2 for Digi One IAP To enable SSH and Reverse SSH:
secure communication Digi One IAP Haz Configuration > Security > Network Security
PortServer TS Family To use a public key: Configuration > Users >
user > Advanced Settings > Enable SSH
Public Key Authentication
To make reverse SSH connections to ports:
ssh base_port+ 500 + port_number
Automatically connect a user All Configuration > Users > user >
Access Method > Automatically connect to a
network service
Delete a user definition All Configuration > Users > user > Remove
Note that the root user cannot be deleted.
Set common user features All Configuration > Users > user > User Settings
(user attributes)
Use a RADIUS server to set PortServer TS Family Configuration > Security > RADIUS
user attributes
22 Chapter 1 Introduction
Quick Reference for Configuring Features
Digi Devices
Feature/Task Web User Interface Path to Feature
supported in
Simple Network Management All Configuration > System > SNMP
Protocol (SNMP)
TCP Socket Communication All Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Port Profile > TCP Sockets
Time-related features, PortServer TS 8/16 Family Configuration > System > Date/Time
including Simple Network Time PortServer TS 8/16 MEI
Protocol (SNTP) client Family
UDP Socket Communication All Configuration > Serial Ports > port >
Port Profile > UDP Sockets
Web interface, including idle All devices that support Configuration > System > Web Interface
timeout for the default Web user
Chapter 1 Introduction 23
Quick Reference for Configuring Features
24 Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 3
Configure Network and Serial Ports
The next step in the device setup process is to configure the network and
serial port settings, using the Web user interface for your Digi product.
To access the web interface, an IP address must be assigned to your Digi
product, as described in Chapter 2, "Configure the IP Address". This
chapter assumes that you have logged onto the web interface using the
username, root, and password, dbps, in order to make any changes or
additional configuration assignments. However, it is important to note that if
you have used the Digi Device Setup Wizard, your configuration is
complete and you do not need to make additional changes.
Network Settings
1. Click Network to view the IP settings or make any changes to the IP
2. In the Name Server box, enter the IP address for the DNS server. The
DNS server maps names (example: MyDeviceName.mycompany.com)
to IP addresses (example:
3. Enter the domain name that this device will live in that is tied to the DNS
server address assigned in step 2. This name can be used by other
network devices to talk to it, instead of using the its IP address. Get this
name from the network administrator, because it must be entered in the
DNS server to work properly.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Reboot for changes to take effect.
3. Click Change Profile and select a profile based on the device you have
connected to your port.
If this is the first profile assigned or if the unit has been restored to
factory defaults, the interface will take you directly to the port profile
page. The following section shows the settings available for each
Port Profiles
Each port profile determines the settings needed. Following are overviews
of the port profiles and screen shots showing their settings. For more
details about the port profile settings, click the Help link.
String Result
ascii_1 Prints to port 1 and translates CR to CR/LF.
ascii_8_f Prints to port 8, translates CR to CR/LF and prints a form feed at the
end of the job.
raw_1_d Prints to port 1 with no translation and appends a Ctrl-d to the end of
the print job.
User Configuration
Although it is not required, the device server is often configured to
accommodate the requirements of particular users. Typical configurable
user attributes include:
Whether the user is required to supply a password.
Autoconnection attributes, such as the system to which the user should
be automatically connected at login.
The interface the device presents the user, such as a menu or
command line.
Whether the user has access to outbound ports.
Users select a user profile that most closely describes the users
environment. User profiles include:
Console Management - expected to connect to and manage serial
devices that have a console port. Users can connect directly, use a
custom menu interface, or reverse telnet or SSH into a serial port.
Terminal/Terminal Emulation -using a terminal or terminal emulation
program to connect to the serial port and needs to automatically
connect to a device available on the network.
Custom - using a terminal or terminal emulation program to connect to
the serial port and needs to automatically connect to a device available
on the network.
With a RADIUS server. See the set radius command description in the
Digi One and PortServer TS Family Command Reference.
Feature Description
accesstime Determines the times and days the user can access the device
This feature is not configurable from the web interface.
autoconnect Automatically connects the user to the host specified on the autohost
field using the service (TCP port) defined on the autoport or
autoservice fields.
Autoconnection can also be implemented by port instead of by user.
Default Defines the type of access the user is restricted to. Menu, command
access type line, autoconnect, and outgoing and netservice are the types.
Menu Defines the menu that is to be presented to a user with menu
access access.
Port access Defines the number of outbound ports a user connected over the
LAN can access at one time.
This feature is not configurable from the web interface.
PPP Defines PPP-related parameters for the user. For more information
on configuring PPP users, see "PPP Settings" on page 49.
Routing Defines whether RIP routing updates are forwarded over the link to
updates this user.
3. Select the profile that fits the users environment/needs, and click Next.
Security Configuration
Security settings allow the administrator to set passwords, security levels,
and authentication via RADIUS server.
System Configuration
System settings allow you to tune the performance optimizing throughput
or latency, the date and time, PPP connections, SNMP traps, and Baud
rates for MEI.
1. Click System and enter the following:
System Description: the network name assigned to the Digi
Contact: the SNMP contact person -often the network administrator.
Location: a text description of the physical location of the Digi
Optimization: the bandwidth used on the network. Options here
Latency: Allows fast access to time-sensitive devices. Requires
more network bandwidth.
Throughput: Allows better network performance at higher through-
Click Apply.
2. Click Date/Time. If your Digi device does not have Date/Time available,
Click Reboot.
3. Enter the date and time information and click Apply.
4. Click Reboot for changes to take effect.
PPP Settings
Under System Configuration, users can set the PPP (Point-to-Point
Protocol) options to enable or disable the dynamic IP address pool. The
dynamic IP address pool is a set of reserved IP addresses unique to the
network that are assigned to the incoming connections. Users set the first
IP address to use and the number of sequential addresses (plus one) to be
reserved for assignment.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Reboot for changes to take effect.
The autoconnection feature allows you to configure a user to access the
device server and then be automatically connected to a host on the LAN.
You can implement autoconnection in the following ways:
By port, where all port users are automatically connected to the same
host. The device server is completely transparent to them.
By user, where a user is required to log on and may be required to
supply a password. Once the user is authenticated, an automatic
connection to a host is made.
This chapter discusses using Digi products with Industrial Automation (IA)
applications, including configurations that work for your for IA applications,
and the configuration tasks required to use your Digi product in an IA
Configuration Options
The serial port connections must be configured to meet the requirements of
the attached device, which can be Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, DF1 Full-
Duplex, DF1 Half-Duplex, Omron Hostlink, Omron FINS, and Omron
CompoWay/F. It can also be a serial port protocol that meets Digis
definition of a user defined protocol, that is, one that has fixed header and
trailer strings that bound all message packets and where each protocol
request is followed by a single response.
For the network connection, Digi recommends TCP sockets, which works
regardless of the serial port protocol specified and provides an efficient and
reliable network service. Another option is UDP sockets, which also works
with all the serial port protocols, although it lacks TCP socket reliability. For
Modbus devices, Modbus/TCP is an option, and for DF1 Full-Duplex
devices, Allen Bradley Ethernet and Ethernet/IP are options.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the slave, in this case Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII.
The network connection usually does not require configuration. The only
exception is if the master requires COM port redirection. In this case, the
master is an application that resides on a PC, such as a Microsoft Windows
system, and communicates only with devices on COM ports.
Setup Information
To configure the serial port for Modbus ASCII or Modbus RTU, see
"Configure a Serial-Connected Slave: Generic Procedure" on page 66.
To setup a PC and the device server for COM port redirection using
RealPort, see "Set Up COM Port Redirection" on page 69.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the master, in this case Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII. If the remote slave
supports TCP socket communication, which is the case if the remote slave
is connected to another device server, Digi recommends this option.
Modbus/TCP is the other supported network option. This master can be
configured to control up to 8 slaves.
Setup Information
To configure the port for Modbus ASCII or Modbus RTU and the
network for TCP socket communication, see "Configure a Serial-
Connected Master: TCP/UDP Sockets" on page 67.
To configure the port for Modbus ASCII or Modbus RTU and the
network for Modbus/TCP, see "Configure a Serial-Connected Master:
Generic Procedure" on page 66.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the slave, in this case DF1 Full-Duplex or DF1 Half-Duplex.
The network connection usually does not require configuration. The only
exception is if the master requires COM port redirection. In this case, the
master is an application that resides on a PC, such as a Microsoft Windows
system, and communicates only with devices on COM ports.
Setup Information
To configure the serial port of the device server for DF1 Full-Duplex or
DF1 Half-Duplex, see "Configure a Serial-Connected Slave: Generic
Procedure" on page 66.
To set up a PC and the device server for COM port redirection using
RealPort, see "Set Up COM Port Redirection" on page 69.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the master, in this case DF1 Full-Duplex or DF1 Half-Duplex. If the remote
slave supports TCP socket communication, which is the case if the remote
slave is connected to another device server, Digi recommends this option.
For DF1 Full-Duplex users, Allen Bradley Ethernet and Ethernet/IP are
other supported network options.
Setup Information
To configure the port for DF1 Full-Duplex or DF1 Half-Duplex and the
network for TCP socket communication, see "Configure a Serial-
Connected Master: TCP/UDP Sockets" on page 67.
To configure the port for DF1 Full-Duplex and the network for Allen
Bradley Ethernet or Ethernet IP, see "Configure a Serial-Connected
Master: Generic Procedure" on page 66.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the slave, Hostlink, FINS, or CompoWay/F.
The network connection usually does not require configuration. The only
exception is if the master requires COM port redirection. In this case, the
master is an application that resides on a PC, such as a Microsoft Windows
system, and communicates only with devices on COM ports.
Setup Information
To configure the serial port of the device server for any of the Omron
protocols, see "Configure a Serial-Connected Slave: Generic
Procedure" on page 66.
To setup a PC and the device server for COM port redirection using
RealPort, see "Set Up COM Port Redirection" on page 69.
Configuration Options
The serial port connection must be configured for the protocol required by
the master, in this case Hostlink, FINS, or CompoWay/F. If the remote
slave supports TCP socket communication, which includes a slave
connected to another device server, Digi recommends this network option.
UDP Sockets is another supported network option.
Setup Information
To configure the port for one of the Omron protocols and the network for
TCP or UDP socket communication, see "Configure a Serial-Connected
Master: TCP/UDP Sockets" on page 67.
Configuration Options
In this configuration, you do not set up the port of the device server for an
IA protocol. If you plan to use RealPort for COM port redirection, you
simply set up the port for RealPort. If you plan to have the master access
the device server using TCP or UDP sockets, you simply configure the
standard serial port parameters required by the attached slave, such as
line speed, number of data bits, and parity scheme. No special network
configuration is required in either case.
Setup Information
To set up the device server for RealPort, see "Set Up COM Port
Redirection" on page 69.
To set up the port for an unsupported IA protocol, see "Configure a
Serial-Connected Slave: Other IA Protocol" on page 67.
Configuration Options
In this configuration, you do not set up the port of the device server for an
IA protocol. You simply configure the standard serial port parameters
required by the attached master, such as line speed, number of data bits,
and parity scheme and then configure the port for autoconnection.
Setup Information
See "Configure a Serial-Connected Master: Other IA Protocol" on page 68.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browsers URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Setup Wizards > Industrial Protocols.
4. Choose the serial port protocol required by the slave that is connected
to the serial port.
5. Choose Slave as the device type.
Any number of network masters can communicate with the slave.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browsers URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Setup Wizards > Industrial Protocols.
4. Choose the serial port protocol required by the master.
5. Choose Master as the Mode.
6. Configure up to 8 network slaves.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browsers URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Setup Wizards > Industrial Protocols.
4. Choose the serial port protocol required by the master.
5. Choose Master as the Mode.
6. Configure up to 8 network slaves.
7. Change the default socket number only if required.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browsers URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.
4. From the Port configuration page, set the Device type to Printer, adjust
other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected slave, and click Submit.
5. Choose Advanced, check Binary Mode, and click Submit.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browsers URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.
4. From the Port configuration page, set the Device type to Modem In,
adjust other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected master, then choose Submit.
The Terminal type field does not matter.
5. If you want to configure the port to launch an automatic connection to
the slave, click Advanced.
6. Choose Enable Autoconnect.
7. Specify the IP address of the slave.
8. Specify a TCP port to use for this connection. If this is a connection to
another device server, use 2101 as the TCP port number.
9. If you want the autoconnection to launch immediately, choose Force
10. Choose Binary Mode.
11. If you want to enable UDP sockets (instead of TCP sockets), choose
UDP Serial, use the online help for information on completing
configuration task.
12. When you complete configuration, click Submit.
Choose Port from the main menu. Choose Setup Wizards > RealPort.
Set the Device Profile to IA. Use the wizard to complete
Click Apply and enter the protocol
4. Use the Add RealPort wizard and the associated help text to configure
the RealPort driver with the IP address and TCP port number used by
the device server.
5. Follow the prompts to complete configuration of the RealPort driver.
This procedure assumes that:
You have already downloaded the firmware file from the web site.
TFTP is running (if you are using the TFTP option).
1. Open a web browser and enter the device servers IP address in the
URL window.
2. Log in to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Choose Upgrade Firmware from the main menu.
4. From the dropdown menu, select Boot/POST.
5. Click Browse to select the Boot/Post image.
6. Click Update.
Use this chapter for the initial configuration of your Digi Wireless device.
After the initial configuration, the device can be configured using the same
methods as the other Digi TS family products.
Configuration Considerations
The Digi wireless devices work ONLY with the antennae provided. You can
use the wizard available on the Software and Documentation CD to
configure your wireless device. You will need an Ethernet cable and a
network PC to configure the wireless Digi device. After assigning the IP
address, access the device from your browser by entering the IP address
in the URL address bar.
01 RI TXD- (B)
Embedded Modem
The PortServer TS 1 M MEI and PortServer TS 3 M MEI function as both
terminal server and modem. The embedded modem can be used with PPP,
dial-in, dial-out, or auto answer and conforms to the standard AT command
The PortServer TS 1 M MEI and PortServer TS 3 M MEI allow:
Remote monitoring
Data collection
Dial-up, wireless, or Ethernet connectivity
For a complete AT command reference, see the AT Command reference
from the CD under Documentation.
The remaining ports can be configured the same as any Digi TS Family
product, either through the web interface or command line.
Configure RI Power
RI Power In
Ring Indicator (RI) power in accepts power into the Digi device only on port
one. Power in is available using the RI pin. The Digi device requires power
in the range of 9-30 VDC @ 525mA (max). Ports 2, 3, and 4 can still supply
power to a serial device through the RI or DTR pins for each port. When
using power in through the RI, the external power supplies (both powered
Ethernet and the barrel connector power supply) are inoperative. Altpin will
not work for RI power in.
1. Open the device case and move the black jumper to the following
P-6 jumper on pins 1 and 2
RI Power Out
Ring Indicator (RI) power out is available on all ports. The total power
budget for this feature is one (1) watt not to exceed 5 volts @ up to 200mA
on any single port. The following procedure assumes the unit will only be
used for RI power out.
1. Set the port DIP switches to the following places: switch 1 and 3 are up
and 2 and 4 are down (see "Serial Power Table" on page 86 for
2. Enable the RI power through the web interface.
3. Connect power supply with the barrel-connector power supply provided
with the device or use powered Ethernet.
Note: If the unit will be used with RI power in (port 1 only), set the
jumper to the following setting:
P-6 jumper on pins 1and 2
and do not use an external power source. Port 1 cannot be used for
both power in and power out.
If you are having trouble with your unit after using the Power over port
feature, you may have tripped the circuit breaker in the unit. You can
identify this by the RI or DTR signal indicators found in the System
Information under Administration on the main menu in the web interface.
Click the port number using serial power. (Remember serial power out is
unavailable if the MEI settings are not 232.)
Under serial power will be a message if the breaker is tripped. Follow the
instructions to reset.
From the command line, issue the two commands below for additional
display circuitbreaker to display the status of the circuit breaker
set config circuitbreaker=reset to reset the circuit breaker.
set config also displays the status of the circuitbreaker state.
Switch Settings
Digi RPM 8
POWER 1 3 5 7
Su er
e rv
Digi RPM 8
POWER 1 3 5 7
5. In the Profile Settings part of the page, select whether the power
controller settings will be automatically detected or whether you will
configure the settings yourself.
Automatically Detect Power Controller: Configuration settings for
the Digi RPM are automatically detected after clicking Apply. Once
the Digi RPM is detected, the settings are populated on the page.
The Manually Configure Power Controller option is selected,
allowing you to edit the settings as needed. You can correct the
number of ports, if necessary, or edit the port title.
Manually Configure Power Controller: Configuration settings for
the Digi RPM power controller are manually entered. Enter the
following, then click Apply:
Manufacturer: Select the manufacturer of the power controller.
Outlets: Enter the number of outlets on the Digi RPM power
Configure Outlets
Next, configure the PortServer TS to link serial ports to outlets on the Digi
RPM. From each outlet on the Digi RPM, you can set a name for it, tie its
use to a serial port, and control user access to the outlet for power
1. On the Port Profile page, click Controller Outlets. A list of other Digi
RPM power controllers outlets is displayed, along with a summary of
each outlets current configuration. The number of outlets displayed is
the same as the value entered for Outlets on the Controller Settings
In the Device Name field, enter a name for the device plugged into
this power outlet. If you give the same device name to multiple
devices, such as router, they can be managed as a single entity.
For example, multiple servers that have been assigned the same
Device Name can be shut down or rebooted.
If the powered device is a serial device, in the Serial Port field,
specify the serial port to which the powered device is connected.
In the Power Management Access section, configure user access
permissions to the outlet.
Users can be assigned permission to manage the outlet. A user with
access permissions to the outlet will have the option to power a
connected device on or off or reboot the device.
Individual users must already be configured before they can be
assigned to manage power outlets. To add users, go to
Configuration > Users.
Users that currently have permission to control the outlet are listed
in the Username/Action table.
To allow a user access permissions to the outlet: In the bottom
row, select a Username and click Add.
To restrict a user from accessing the outlet: Click Remove.
Apply these users to all outlets with the same device name:
Apply these users to all outlets with the same serial port:
These options allow you to easily assign the same users to manage
each outlet with the same device name or serial port.
4. Click Apply and repeat steps 2-3 for each outlet you want to configure.
To change the power-cycle action, click Power and choose the available
action. This change affects the power-cycle action for all outlets assigned
the same device name.
Depending on what you want the outlets to do, click Turn On, Turn Off,
Reboot, or cancel the operation.
MIB Support
The SNMP management agent supports the following MIBs:
Read-write for MIB II (RFC 1213), which is an Internet-standard MIB,
consisting of managed objects from the systems, interfaces, IP, ICMP,
TCP, UDP, transmission, and SNMP group.
Read-write for the character-stream devices using SMIv2 MIB (RFC
Read-write for the RS-232-like hardware devices MIB (RFC 1659).
Read-write for the device server IP Network Control Protocol of the
Point-to-Point Protocol MIB (RFC 1473).
Message Support
The SNMP agent supports the Set, Get, GetNext, and Trap messages as
defined in RFC 1157. These messages are used as follows:
Set, which means set the value of a specific object from one of the
supported MIBs.
Get, which means retrieve the value of a specific object form one of the
supported MIBs.
GetNext, which means retrieve the value of the next object in the MIB.
Trap, which means send traps to the manager when a particular type of
significant event occurs.
Supported Traps
The agent can send traps when any of the following occur:
Cold starts (device server initializes)
Authentication failures
Login attempts
Upgrade Firmware
Firmware upgrades can be performed from the web interface, using TFTP.
Chapter 12 L a t e n c y Tu n i n g
What is Latency?
Latency is the amount of time it takes a packet to travel from source to
destination. Together, latency and bandwidth define the speed and
capacity of a network.
Several factors influence latency, including the traffic pattern and traffic
generated by an application, the physical wiring for the network, the use of
various TCP/IP timers, and the amount of additional traffic on the network
besides that generated by the application.
Best-case scenario
The best-case scenario for achieving deterministic Ethernet networking
behavior with DIGI COTS firmware and hardware is a unidirectional
master-slave application running over an isolated Ethernet network that is
built around Ethernet switches instead of Ethernet hubs. In other words,
the best-case scenario is a network that eliminates unnecessary traffic and
minimizes Ethernet collisions.
set config optimize={latency|throughput} Configures how the Digi device handles network
This option is also available in the latency.
Web user interface at: If your Digi device handles delay-sensitive data,
Configuration > System > choose optimize=latency. If overall network
Optimization setting. throughput is more important than latency, choose
optimize=throughput. For the Digi One IAP, the
default is latency. For all other models, the default is
Note: For all PortServer TS and PortServer TS MEI product families, if LED activity
is solid, it means the boot completed successfully.
Off Ready.
Switch Settings
1 2 3 4
EIA-232 Up Down Down Down
RJ-45 Pinouts
Optional 8 pin
Standard 10-
EIA-422 Signal
Pin EIA-232 Pin EIA-422 EIA-485 Signal
Number Signal Signal (2-Wire Mode)
PortServer TS
(4/8 Wire)
8/16 MEI only
01 RI TXD- (B)
Safety Statements
PortServer TS 8/16
WARNING: To prevent electric shock, do not remove the cover of this
module while unit is powered up. There are no user-serviceable parts
inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
WARNING: Product sold outside the USA or Canada will need to provide
appropriate foreign power cord set.
Power Cord Requirements:
Listed, detachable, maximum 4.5m (14.7 ft) long.
Rated minimum 125v or 250v, 10A Type SJT or Type SUT flexible cord
Terminated with IEC320 type appliance plug
Installation of inside wire may bring you close to electrical wire, conduit,
terminals and other electrical facilities. Extreme caution must be used to
avoid electrical shock from such facilities. You must avoid contact with
all such facilities.
Telephone wiring must be at least 6 feet from bare power wiring or
lightning rods and associated wires, and at least 6 inches from other
wire (antenna wires, doorbell wires, wires from transformers to neon
signs), steam or hot water pipes, and heating ducts.
Before working with existing inside wiring, check all electrical outlets for
a square telephone dial light transformer and unplug it from the
electrical outlet. Failure to unplug all telephone transformers can cause
electrical shock.
Do not place a jack where it would allow a person to use the telephone
while in a bathtub, shower, swimming pool, or similar hazardous
Protectors and grounding wire placed by the service provider must not
be connected to, removed, or modified by the customer.
External Wiring
Any external communications wiring you may install needs to
be constructed to all relevant electrical codes. In the United
States this is the National Electrical Code Article 800.
Contact a licensed electrician for details.
Power Requirements
PortServer TS 16 DC 10W (200mA @ 48Vdc) 20W (.4A @ 48Vdc) 25W (.45A @ 48Vdc)
PortServer TS 8 MEI 10W (85mA @ 120Vdc) 20W (.17 A 96W (120V * 8A)
PortServer TS 16 @12Vdc)
PortServer TS 16 MEI
Digi One SP Device is intended to be powered by a listed LPS or Class II power supply
Digi One IA rated.
Digi One IAP 9-30 VDC (barrel connector), 0.37 A minimum or its equivalent.
Digi One IAP Haz
PortServer TS 1 H MEI Device is intended to be powered by a listed /CN ITE power supply rated 12
PortServer TS 2 H MEI VDC (barrel connector), 1.0 A minimum.
PortServer TS 4 H MEI
PortServer TS 1 Hcc MEI
PortServer TS 2 Hcc MEI
PortServer TS 4 Hcc MEI
PortServer TS 1 Haz MEI
PortServer TS 2 Haz MEI
PortServer TS 4 Haz MEI
(H - High Temperature Models)
Physical Requirements
PortServer TS 16 Rack DC
PortServer TS 8/16 MEI
PortServer TS H MEI
PortServer TS P MEI
PortServer TS MEI
PortServer TS 16
PortServer TS 8
Digi One SP IA
PortServer TS
Digi One SP
Attributes Digi One IA
Regulatory Notices
ICES-003, Class B
ICES-003, Class A
EN 55022 Class B
EN 55022 Class A
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3
EN 61000-6-2
EN 301 489-3
AS/NZS 3548
IEC 60950-1/
UL 60950-1/
EN 60950-1
IEC 60950/
UL 60950/
EN 55024
EN 60950
Class B
Class A
PortServer TS 1 x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 2 x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 4 x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 1 MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 2 MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 4 MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 1 M MEI x - x - x - x x - - - - - x - - - -
PortServer TS 3 M MEI x - x - x - x x - - - - - x - - - -
PortServer TS 1 W MEI x - x - x - x x x x - x x - x - x -
PortServer TS 2 W MEI x - x - x - x x x x - x x - x - x -
PortServer TS 4 W MEI x - x - x - x x x x - x x - x - x -
PortServer TS 1 P MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 2 P MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 4 P MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
PortServer TS 1 H cc
MEI x - x - x - x x x x - - x - x - x -
FCC Part 15 Class A
Applicable to these products:
Digi One IA
Digi One IAP
Digi One IAP Haz
Digi One SP
PortServer TS 8
PortServer TS 8 MEI
PortServer TS 16 MEI
These devices comply with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) These devices may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) These devices must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause harmful operation.
Digi International 11001 Bren Road East 10000 West 76th Street
Minnetonka MN 55343 Eden Prairie MN 55344
PortServer TS 1 50000836-13
PortServer TS 2 50000836-14
PortServer TS 4 50000836-15
PortServer TS 16 50001207-01