Pex 03 01
Pex 03 01
Pex 03 01
Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 1: The Resting Membrane Potential Lab Report
09/19/17 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: Predict what will happen to the resting membrane potential if the extracellular K+ concentration is
Your answer : b. The resting membrane potential will become less negative.
What does it mean that the voltage just inside the membrane is negative?
You correctly answered: b. There are more negative charges than positive charges just inside the membrane.
What effect does increasing extracellular K+ have on the net diffusion of K+ out of the cell?
You correctly answered: b. It decreases the net diffusion of K+ .
Which way would Na+ move across the membrane if there were open Na+ channels?
You correctly answered: a. Na+ would diffuse into the cell.
The membrane has open K+ channels, and changing extracellular K+ concentration results in a change in membrane
potential. Changing the extracellular Na+ concentration does not significantly change the membrane potential. What do
your results suggest about the number or state (open or closed) of Na+ channels in the resting membrane of a neuron?
You correctly answered: b. Na+ channels are mostly closed.
Experiment Data:
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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.
1. A negative membrane potential was recorded when the tip of the microelectrode was
You correctly answered: d. both inside the cell body and inside the axon.
2. Which of the following caused a change in membrane potential from -70 to -40 in the cell body?
You correctly answered: a. an increase in extracellular K+
09/19/17 page 7
Review Sheet Results
1. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron through the K+ leak
Your answer:
Porque la difusion neta de K+, est principalmente dada por difusin simple.
2. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value. How well
did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Porque el potencial de referencia est definido por el potencial del LEC, entonces, al volverlo ms electronegativo, la
diferencia de potencial entre el interior y el exterior se vuelve ms corta.
Cabe notar, que el potencial al interior de la clula, practicamente no se ve afectado, puesto que principalmete est
definido por la bomba de K+/Na+, y sta no se ve afectada por el gradiente.
3. Explain why a change in extracellular Na+ did not significantly alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron?
Your answer:
Porque la bomba de Na+/K+ mantiene un muy bajo nivel de Na+ dentro de la clula, y al incrementar el Na+ en el LEC, el
nivel de Na+ intracelular no se ve afectado, as, al cambiar el nivel de Na+ extracelular, solo estamos cambiando el
potencial de referencia.
4. Discuss the relative permeability of the membrane to Na+ and K+ in a resting neuron.
Your answer:
Pues la membrana no es permeable per-se, de no ser por los canales y bombas especializados, no podra haber
intercambio inico.
5. Discuss how a change in Na+ or K+ conductance would affect the resting membrane potential.
Your answer:
Afectaria al movimiento de iones, alentando o acelerando la conductividad nerviosa, afectando canales efectores y
afectores, tanto en su fiuncionamiento, como en su respuesta.
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