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Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

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Original Research Article

Simultaneous analysis of allopurinol and oxypurinol using a validated liquid MARK

chromatographytandem mass spectrometry method in human plasma
Dhiraj M. Rathoda,b, Keyur R. Patelb, Hiren N. Mistrib, Arvind G. Jangidb, Pranav

S. Shrivastavc, , Mallika Sanyald
Department of Chemistry, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad 382015, India
Bioanalytical Research Department, Accutest Research Lab, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380059, India
Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad 380009, India
Department of Chemistry, St. Xavier's College, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, India


Keywords: The present study describes a simple, reliable and reproducible liquid chromatographytandem mass spectro-
Allopurinol metry method (LCMS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of allopurinol and its active metabolite,
Oxypurinol oxypurinol in human plasma for a pharmacokinetic/bioequivalence study. After protein precipitation (PPT) of
Liquid chromatographytandem mass 100 L plasma sample with 1.0% formic acid in acetonitrile, the recovery of the analytes and allopurinol-d2 as
an internal standard ranged from 85.36% to 91.20%. The analytes were separated on Hypersil Gold
Bioequivalence study
(150 mm4.6 mm, 5 m) column using 0.1% formic acid-acetonitrile (98:2, v/v) as the mobile phase.
Quantication was done using electrospray ionization in the positive mode. The calibration concentration
range was established from 60.0 to 6000 ng/mL for allopurinol and 80.08000 ng/mL for oxypurinol. Matrix
eect in human plasma, expressed as IS-normalized matrix factors ranged from 1.003 to 1.030 for both the
analytes. The developed method was found suitable for a clinical study with 300 mg allopurinol tablet
formulation in healthy subjects.

1. Introduction the pharmacological eect, the parent drug is still used due to poor
absorption of OP preparations [6]. As new and more ecacious AP
Gout is a common medical illness associated with inammatory formulations are being developed, it is essential to have more selective,
arthritis due to increased levels of uric acid in blood, leading to sensitive and reliable methods to measure the plasma concentration of
monosodium urate monohydrate crystal formation in the joints [1]. AP and OP for improved hypouricaemic response, to reduce risk of
Allopurinol (AP) is one of the most eective and widely used drugs for toxicity and for better patient compliance.
the treatment of hyperuricaemia and gout. Its main function is to A survey of literature reveals several methods for the simultaneous
inhibit xanthine oxidase which catalyzes the formation of xanthine determination of AP and OP in dierent biological samples like human
from hypoxanthine and further to uric acid [2,3]. AP is rapidly plasma [3], human urine [7], human serum [8,9], rat plasma, intestinal
metabolized by xanthine oxidase to its major active metabolite, wash and bile [10]. These methods are mainly based on high-
oxypurinol (OP). After intravenous and oral administration, AP is performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV or electrochemi-
recovered unchanged in the urine up to 12% and about 76% as OP, cal detection, except for one report which utilizes capillary electro-
while OP is eliminated unchanged almost entirely in urine with phoresis with end-column amperometric detection [7]. AP has also
1.0%3.0% as two riboside metabolites [4]. The mean oral bioavail- been estimated by micelle-stabilised room temperature phosphores-
ability of unchanged AP is estimated to be 79.0% 20.0% with an cence in urine samples [11]. However, some of these methods involve
apparent oral clearance of 15.8% 5.2%. OP has a much longer lengthy extraction protocols [10], have chromatographic run time more
elimination half life (~23 h) compared to AP (approximately 1.2 h) than 10 min [8], are less sensitive [8,9] and employ large sample
and the hypouricaemic ecacy of AP is essentially due to this volume for processing [3]. Few methods report use of liquid chroma-
metabolite [2,5]. Despite the fact that OP is mainly responsible for tographytandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) technique for the

Peer review under responsibility of Xian Jiaotong University.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.S. Shrivastav).

Received 24 March 2016; Received in revised form 12 May 2016; Accepted 23 May 2016
Available online 26 May 2016
2095-1779/ 2017 Xi'an Jiaotong University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/).
D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

determination of OP as a single analyte in human urine [12] and for the (MeOH):1.0% (m/v) NaOH in water (90:10, v/v). Their combined
simultaneous estimation of AP and OP in human plasma [1315] and intermediate solution containing 300.0 g/mL of AP and 400.0 g/mL
urine [14]. The method described by Ayalasomayajula et al. [13] of OP was prepared in MeOH:water (60:40, v/v). Calibration standards
involved a combination of protein precipitation (PPT) and liquid-liquid (CSs) and quality control (QC) samples were made by spiking blank
extraction (LLE) for the extraction of the analytes; however, there was plasma with appropriate volumes of working solutions prepared from
limited information on the method development as the aim was to intermediate stock solutions for both the analytes. The CS concentra-
study the eect of AP on the pharmacokinetics of aliskiren. Though the tions were 60.0, 120.0, 300.0, 600.0, 1200, 2400, 3600, 4800 and
method reported by Liu et al. [14] is sensitive but employs two dierent 6000 ng/mL for AP and 80.0, 160.0, 400.0, 800.0, 1600, 3200, 4800,
mobile phases for eluting AP and OP separately and also dierent 6400 and 8000 ng/mL for OP. The QC samples were prepared at four
electrospray ionization (ESI) modes for mass spectrometric detection. concentration levels, lower limit of quantication quality control
Another LCMS/MS method developed by Kasawara et al. [15] (LLOQ QC): 60.0/80.0 ng/mL, low quality control (LQC): 180.0/
required large plasma volume for processing (500 L) and both the 240.0 ng/mL, medium quality control (MQC): 1920/2560 ng/mL and
analytes were detected in the negative ionization mode. high quality control (HQC): 4620/6160 ng/mL for AP/OP, respec-
To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on the tively. The stock solution of AP-d2 (100.0 g/mL) was prepared by
pharmacokinetics of AP in the Indian subjects. Thus, in the present dissolving accurately weighed amount in methanol: 1.0% (m/v) NaOH
work we report a simple, sensitive and rugged LCMS/MS assay for the in water (90:10, v/v). Its working solution (10.00 g/mL) was prepared
simultaneous estimation of AP and OP from small plasma volume in MeOH: water (60:40, v/v). Standard stock and working solutions
(100 L). Both the analytes were detected in the positive ionization used for spiking were stored at 28 C, while CSs and QC samples in
mode using a single mobile phase to aord baseline separation of the plasma were kept at 20 C until use.
analytes with minimal matrix interference. The method was success-
fully applied for a clinical study involving healthy Indian subjects. 2.4. Sample preparation

2. Experimental Prior to analysis, all frozen subject samples, CSs and QC samples
were adequately thawed and allowed to equilibrate at room tempera-
2.1. Chemicals and materials ture. To an aliquot of 100 L of spiked plasma sample/ subject sample,
25 L of AP-d2 (10.00 ng/mL) was added and vortexed for 30 s.
AP (99.76%), OP (99.60%) and allopurinol-d2 (AP-d2, 98.00%; Further, 500 L of 1.0% FA in ACN was added and again vortexed
isotopic purity, 99.2 atom% deuterium, 0.6% Do) were purchased from for 30 s to precipitate the proteins. The sample was centrifuged at
Ipca Laboratories Ltd. (Mumbai, India), Vivan Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. 13,148g for 10 min at 10 C and the supernatant was collected in a pre-
(Mumbai, India) and Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. (Toronto, Canada), labeled radioimmunoassay vial. The supernatant was then evaporated
respectively. HPLC grade methanol (MeOH) and acetonitrile (ACN) were to dryness at 50 C under nitrogen. Thereafter, the sample was
procured from J. T. Baker Inc. (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA). Analytical reagent reconstituted with 500 L of 1.0% FA in water, vortexed for 30 s and
grade formic acid (FA) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were purchased 2 L was used for injection into the chromatographic system.
from Qualigens Fine Chemicals (Mumbai, India) and Merck Specialties
Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai, India), respectively. Water was puried using Milli-Q 2.5. Method validation procedures
water purication system from Millipore (Bangalore, India). Blank human
blood was collected with sodium heparin as anticoagulant from healthy The method was validated for system suitability, selectivity, carry-
and drug free volunteers. Plasma was separated by centrifugation at 2061g over, sensitivity, linearity, accuracy and precision, recovery, matrix
at 10 C and stored at 20 C. eect, stability, ruggedness and dilution reliability as per the current
regulatory requirements [16]. The experimental details of the para-
2.2. Liquid chromatographic and mass spectrometric conditions meters studied were similar to our previous work [17] and are briey
described in Supplementary material.
A Shimadzu HPLC system (Kyoto, Japan) with a Hypersil Gold
(150 mm4.6 mm, 5 m) analytical column from Thermo Scientic 2.6. Bioequivalence study and incurred sample reanalysis
(Cheshire, UK) was used for chromatographic separation of analytes.
The column temperature was maintained at 40 C. The mobile phase The aim of the study was to determine the bioequivalence of a single
consisted of 0.1% (v/v) FA in water-ACN (98:2, v/v). For isocratic dose of 300 mg AP tablet (Generic Company, India) with a reference
elution, the ow rate of the mobile phase was set at 0.5 mL/min. The tablet, ZYLOPRIM (Allopurinol, 300 mg) from Aspen Pharma Pty Ltd.
total eluant from the column was split in 70:30 (v/v) ratio; ow directed (Australia). The design was an open label, balanced, randomized, two-
to the ion spray interface was equivalent to 150 L/min. The auto- treatment, two-period, two-sequence, single dose, crossover study with
sampler temperature was maintained at 5 C, injection volume was kept 44 healthy Indian subjects under fasting. Each subject was checked to be
at 2 L, and the pressure of the system was maintained at 1100 psi. The healthy through medical history, physical examination and routine
LC system was connected to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer MDS laboratory tests. All the subjects were informed about the objectives
SCIEX API-5500 (Toronto, Canada), equipped with electro spray and possible risks of the study and a written consent was obtained. The
ionization and operated in positive ionization mode. The multiple work was subject to review by an Independent Ethics Committee
reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions were monitored at m/z 137.0/ constituted as per Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India,
109.9, 153.1/136.0 and 139.0/111.9 for AP, OP and AP-d2, respectively. which approved the study protocol. The study was conducted as per
The optimized mass parameters for quantitation of analytes and internal International Conference on Harmonization, E6 Good Clinical Practice
standard (IS) are presented in Supplementary Table 1. Analyst classic guidelines [18]. The subjects were orally administered a single dose of
software version 1.5.2 was used to control all parameters of LC and MS. test and reference formulations with 240 mL of water after recom-
mended wash out period of 10 days. Blood samples were collected at
2.3. Preparation of standard stock, calibration standards and quality 0.00 (pre-dose), 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50,
control samples 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 24.00, 36.00,
48.00, 72.00 and 96.00 h after oral administration of test and reference
Stock solutions of AP (1000 g/mL) and OP (1000 g/mL) formulation in labeled sodium heparin-vacuettes. After thorough mixing,
were prepared by dissolving their requisite amounts in methanol the plasma was separated by centrifugation at 1811g and kept frozen at

D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

20 C until analysis. During study, subjects had a standard diet while

water intake was unmonitored. The pharmacokinetic parameters of AP
and OP were estimated using SAS software version 9.2.
The assay reproducibility was checked by reanalysis of 165 incurred
samples near the Cmax and the elimination phase in the pharmacoki-
netic prole of the drug. The results were compared with initial
pharmacokinetic analysis using the same procedure. As per the
acceptance criterion at least two-thirds of the original and repeat
results should be within 20% of each other [19].

3. Results and discussion

3.1. LCMS/MS method development

Few methods have reported use of liquid chromatography with

mass spectrometric detection for the determination of AP and/or OP in
human plasma [1315] and urine [12,14]. In these methods OP has
been detected in the negative ESI mode while AP was monitored either
in the positive [14] or negative [12,13] ionization mode. While another
method reported measurement in the negative mode for both the
analytes [15]. As AP and OP are weakly acidic in nature with an
ionization constant of 9.4 and 7.7, respectively [2], ionization was rst
tried in the negative mode; however, the response was too less for the
deprotonated precursor ions of AP (m/z 135.1, 1.5e5 cps) as compared
to OP (m/z 150.9, 4.2e7 cps). Thus, positive ionization mode was
tested wherein the response for protonated precursor ions of AP (m/z
137.0, 1.9e7 cps) was high, while it was comparable for OP (m/z 153.1, Fig. 1. Product ion mass spectra of (A) allopurinol (m/z 137.0 109.9, scan range 50
4.0e7 cps) in both the modes under the optimized mass conditions. 150 Da), (B) oxypurinol (m/z 153.1 136.0, scan range 100200 Da) and (C)
Thus positive ESI mode was selected for both the analytes in the allopurinol-d2, IS (m/z 139.0 111.9, scan range 100200 Da) in the positive
ionization mode.
present work. This helped in curtailing time required for stabilization
of high voltages during polarity switch. Moreover, the positive ESI
mode provided better selectivity without signicantly compromising similar on all the three columns studied. Nevertheless, the best balance
the sensitivity, especially for OP. The most stable and consistent with regards to peak shape, retention, run time and sensitivity was
product ions in the Q3 mass spectra were found at m/z 109.9, 136.0 possible using 0.1% (v/v) FA in water-ACN (98:2, v/v) on Hypersil
and 111.9 for AP, OP and AP-d2, respectively as shown in Fig. 1. These Gold column under isocratic conditions. By maintaining a ow rate of
fragments were obtained after elimination of neutral species, HCN and 0.5 mL/min the retention time and capacity factors for AP and OP were
NH3 from AP/AP-d2 and OP precursor ions, respectively. Further, one 7.20 min and 2.3 and 6.44 min and 2.1, respectively. Both the analytes
qualifying transition was also monitored for the identity of the analytes were baseline separated within 9.0 min with a resolution factor of 1.7.
at m/z 137.0 94.0 for AP and m/z 153.0 107.1 for OP. A dwell The reinjection reproducibility expressed as coecient of variation
time of 200 ms was adequate to have 25 data points across the peaks (CV) in determining the retention time for the analytes was 0.78% for
for quantitative analysis. Cross-selectivity test was also performed to more than 100 injections on the same column. The deuterated IS used
check for any possible conversion of AP to OP and vice versa during in the study successfully monitored both the analytes with acceptable
successive steps of analysis. No interfering peaks were found at the accuracy and precision for the method.
retention time of the analytes in their respective MRM windows. Generic PPT has been the technique of choice for quantitative
After optimization of detection settings, the chromatographic recovery of AP and OP from biological samples as documented in
conditions were suitably optimized through trials conducted on dier- several reports [3,9,20]. Two other methods report combined use of
ent reversed phase columns with dierent mobile phases to obtain PPT and LLE [8,13]; however, the details of extraction procedure were
adequate retention, response, peak shape and optimum elution time. not presented in one of the methods [13]. Further, Liu et al. [14] have
The nature and composition of the mobile phase (organic and aqueous recommended use of acidic conditions prior to LLE with ethyl acetate.
buer ratio) had signicant eect on analyte retention, signal and peak The recoveries obtained for AP and OP were precise but not quanti-
shapes with dierent reversed-phase columns tested, namely tative for PA (~55%), which may be due to large dierence in the
Symmetry Shield RP C18, Hypersil Gold and Kromasil C18 columns partition coecient of AP (Log P, 0.28) and OP (Log P, 14) [2]. Thus, to
with identical dimensions (150 mm4.6 mm, 5.0 m). Acidic buer have a simple and rapid method for sample preparation from plasma
(formic acid-ammonium formate) in the pH range of 2.54.5 together matrix, PPT was tested with common precipitants like acetonitrile,
with MeOH/ACN was tried as the mobile phase as reported previously methanol and also with dierent acids like trichloroacetic acid (TCA),
[14]. It was observed that with higher proportion of organic diluent ( > perchloric acid and FA. There have been some issues in published
70%) in the mobile phase there was inadequate retention of the reports related to reduction in column eciency due to direct injection
analytes, especially OP which eluted within 1.50 min (capacity factor of acidic supernatants, especially when using TCA as the precipitant
k, 0.30.5), with no signicant change in the elution pattern by varying and therefore it is recommended to neutralize the acid with ammonium
the ow rate from 0.8 to 1.0 mL/min on all the three columns. sulfate [20]. Although the recovery was reduced to some extent due to
Consequently, the aqueous part was increased (up to 80%), which neutralization, a similar approach was adopted after PPT with 20%
aorded better retention (above 2.0 min for both the analytes) but with TCA. Furthermore, two previous methods [8,9] have suggested use of
partial separation (resolution factor, Rs 0.40.6). Use of 0.1% FA in buered mobile phase with sodium acetate or potassium phosphate
place of the buer solution helped in getting better response, while (pH 4.04.5) to prevent column deterioration when using perchloric
ACN provided better peak shape compared to MeOH and hence both of acid or TCA for HPLCUV based methods. In our initial trials with
them were used for further optimization. These observations were these two precipitants and FA, quantitative recovery was obtained in

D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

Table 1.
Summary of chromatographic methods developed for the analysis of allopurinol and oxypurinol in biological matrices.

Sr. no. Detection Linear range Sample volume; Retention time Application Ref.
technique (ng/mL) extraction (min) (AP/OP); run
technique time (min)

1 HPLCUV 5005000 40020,000 100 L human serum; PPT with 4.58/3.99; 12.0 Pharmacokinetic study with 300 mg AP [9]
(260 nm) 10% TCA and ltration tablets in 2 healthy subjects
2 HPLCUV 50010,000 100040,000 100 L human serum; PPT with 12.3/9.9; 22.0 Measurement of AP and OP in 66 [8]
(254 nm) 10% perchloric acid followed by serum samples from patients
LLE with DCM undergoing AP therapy with 300 mg
3a LCMS/MS 505000 in 505000 in plasma 500 L human plasma/ urine; 5.85/2.57; 7.0 for Pharmacokinetic study with 100, 200 [14]
Positive polarity plasma and and 100050,000 Acidification of sample with 0.2 AP and 4.0 for OP and 300 mg injectable AP formulations
for AP and 50030,000 in in urine M HCl followed by LLE with EA in 36 healthy Chinese subjects
negative for OP urine
4 LCMS/MS 10010,000 10010,000 500 L human plasma; PPT with 4.02/3.78; 6.0 [15]
Negative polarity ACN
for AP and OP
5 LCMS/MS 60.06000 80.08000 100 L human plasma; PPT with 7.20/6.44; 9.0 Bioequivalence study with 300 mg of PM
Positive polarity 1.0% FA in ACN AP tablet in 44 healthy Indian subjects
for AP and OP and ISR study

Separate elution of AP and OP with dierent mobile phases and mass ionization modes; LLOQ: lower limit of quantication; AP: allopurinol; OP: oxypurinol; ACN: acetonitrile;
MeOH: methanol; TCA: trichloroacetic acid; DCM: dichloromethane; EA: ethyl acetate; FA: formic acid; PPT: protein precipitation; LLE: liquid-liquid extraction; ISR: incurred sample
reanalysis; PM: present method

Fig. 2. MRM ion-chromatograms of (A) double blank plasma, without allopurinol-d2, IS, (B) blank plasma spiked with IS, (C) allopurinol, allopurinol-d2 and oxypurinol at lower limit
of quantication and (D) a real subject sample at Cmax after oral administration of 300 mg allopurinol tablet formulation.

D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

Table 2.
Extraction recovery for allopurinol and oxypurinol (n=6).

Analyte and QC Area response Extraction recovery (A/

level B) (%)
Pre-extraction Post-extraction
spiking (A) spiking (B)

LQC 187,006 219,067 85.36
MQC 2,043,446 2,336,715 87.45
HQC 5,347,462 6,013,475 88.92

LQC 187,079 211,748 88.35
MQC 2,020,810 2,258,645 89.47
HQC 4,723,337 5,417,914 87.18

LQC 1,891,768 2,105,005 89.87
MQC 1,951,733 2,140,058 91.20
HQC 1,890,315 2,083,451 90.73

LQC: low quality control; MQC: medium quality control; HQC: high quality control

the range of 78%96%, while the extraction eciency in ACN/MeOH

was very less (46%63%) for both the analytes. Nevertheless, to avoid
any potential damage to the column and perform for large numbers of
injections and at the same time to ensure quantitative and precise
recovery, we used FA together with ACN/MeOH. Highly consistent and
quantitative recoveries were obtained for AP, OP and AP-d2, ranging
from 85.36% to 91.20% using 1.0% FA in ACN as the protein
precipitant. No deterioration was found in the response even after
1000 injections on the same column.
The newly developed and validated method is better compared to
several reported methodologies in terms of clinically relevant concentra-
tion range, sample processing volume, simple and straight forward
extraction procedure and total analysis time. The method described by
Liu et al. [14] is slightly more sensitive compared to the present method
but utilizes vefold higher sample volume for analysis and requires two
dierent mobile phases for separate elution of AP and OP with run times
of 7.0 and 4.0 min, respectively. Another LCMS/MS method developed
for simultaneous analysis of AP and OP has a shorter run time (6.0 min)
but is less sensitive (100 ng/mL for both the analytes) and requires much
higher sample volume for processing [15]. The other HPLCUV based
methods [8,9] involve higher chromatographic run times (12.0 min) and
are less sensitive (500 ng/mL for AP and 400 or 1000 ng/mL for OP). A Fig. 3. Post-column analyte infusion chromatograms of (A) allopurinol, (B) oxypurinol and
comparative summary of chromatographic methods published in the last (C) allopurinol-d2 at upper limit of quantication while injecting extracted blank plasma.
two decades for AP and OP is presented in Table 1.
prove the selectivity of the method (Fig. 2). The experiment to evaluate
3.2. Method validation autosampler and column carryover showed negligible carryover (less
than 0.78%) in the extracted blank plasma after injection of the highest
3.2.1. Selectivity and carryover concentration of AP (6000 ng/mL) and OP (8000 ng/mL).
No signicant interference from endogenous plasma components
was observed at the retention time of the analytes. Typical chromato- 3.2.2. Linearity and LLOQ
grams of double blank plasma, blank plasma spiked with IS, spiked Calibration curves were obtained using nine dierent concentra-
plasma sample at LLOQ concentration and clinical sample at Cmax tions of the analytes by linear regression with 1/x2 weighting in the

Table 3.
Matrix effect for allopurinol and oxypurinol in human plasma (n=6).

Analytes Mean area response Matrix factor IS-normalized matrix factor

Post-extraction spiking Neat samples in mobile phase


Allopurinol 219,067 6,013,475 212,889 6,040,681 1.029 0.995 1.030 1.014

Oxypurinol 211,748 5,417,914 211,254 5,476,098 1.002 0.989 1.003 1.008
Allopurinol-d2 2,105,005 2,083,451 2,107,027 2,124,326 0.999 0.981

LQC: low quality control; HQC: high quality control.

D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

Table 4.
Stability results for allopurinol and oxypurinol under different conditions (n=6).

Storage condition QC level Accuracy (%) Precision (% CV)

Allopurinol Oxypurinol Allopurinol Oxypurinol

Bench top stability LQC 92.53 102.71 3.26 4.94

(28 h, 25 C) HQC 93.67 98.57 3.06 4.55
Freeze-thaw stability LQC 91.63 99.38 5.96 5.32
(5 cycles,20 C) HQC 95.30 95.62 1.40 3.04
Autosampler stability LQC 92.80 96.84 5.48 2.39
(83 h, 5 C) HQC 93.83 91.47 1.98 6.67
Processed sample stability LQC 94.29 89.67 2.15 2.53
(6 h, 25 C) HQC 97.94 95.52 0.60 1.95
Dry extract stability LQC 90.31 100.89 2.18 4.15
(46 h, 5 C) HQC 90.94 99.54 1.12 4.36
Long-term stability in plasma LQC 90.11 92.61 1.27 1.72
(112 days,20 C) HQC 90.75 88.68 2.24 2.44

LQC: low quality control; HQC: high quality control; CV: coefficient of variation.

sensitivity of the developed method was superior to all existing

methods for AP and OP except one report [14].

3.2.3. Intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision

As summarized in Supplementary Table 2, the intra-day and inter-
day precision ranged from 0.43% to 2.43% and from 1.23% to 6.42%,
respectively across QC levels for both the analytes. Similarly, the intra-
day and inter-day accuracy for the analytes varied from 94.74% to
97.03% and from 94.10% to 98.88%, respectively. All the values of
precision and accuracy were within the acceptable range of 15% [16].

3.2.4. Recovery and matrix eects

The mean extraction recovery of the analytes from plasma samples
ranged from 85.36% to 88.92% for AP and from 87.18% to 89.47% for
OP, which indicates highly consistent recovery at dierent QC levels
(Table 2). The mean recovery of AP-d2 was 90.60% with CV less than
2.0%. The matrix eect which results in ion suppression or enhance-
ment of analyte signal due to co-eluting matrix components was
assessed at two QC levels. The analytes and IS have almost identical
matrix factors as shown in Table 3. The IS-normalized matrix factor for
the analytes varied from 1.003 to 1.030. The precision (CV) in the
measurement of analyte concentration for relative matrix eect in
dierent plasma sources (six Na-heparinized, two haemolysed and two
lipemic) was in the range of 1.63%3.15% as shown in Supplementary
Table 3. Fig. 3 shows the proles obtained by injection of extracted
blank plasma after post-column infusion of AP, OP and AP-d2
solutions at upper limit of quantitation (ULOQ) concentration. The
results showed no ion suppression/enhancement in the response at the
retention time of the analytes and IS.

Fig. 4. Mean plasma concentration-time prole of (A) allopurinol and (B) oxypurinol
3.2.5. Stability of the analytes and IS
after oral administration of 300 mg allopurinol tablet formulation (test) and reference The stability results obtained were within the United States Food
formulation to 44 healthy Indian subjects. The plasma-time prole of allopurinol is and Drug Administration (US FDA) acceptance criteria required to
presented up to 24 h as the concentration was below the limit of quantitation beyond this establish the stability of analytes in plasma and stock/working solu-
time. None of the subjects had a measurable concentration after this time point. tions during storage, extraction and chromatographic analysis. The
stock and working solutions kept for assessing short-term and long-
range of 60.06000 ng/mL for AP and 80.08000 ng/mL for OP term stability were stable for a minimum period of 31 h and 24 days,
with correlation coecient (r2)0.9952. The corresponding mean respectively. The bench top stability of the analytes in plasma was
linear equations were y=(0.00063 0.00007) x-(0.00137 0.00308) established up to 28 h. Processed sample stability was determined up
andy=(0.00079 0.00010) x+(0.00274 0.000522) respectively. The to 6 h at 25 C. Samples kept in an autosampler maintained at 5 C
accuracy and precision (CV) values for the calibration curve standards were found stable for a period of 83 h, while the samples kept for
ranged from 97.7% to 102.3% and from 1.30% to 3.77% for both the ascertaining dry extract stability showed no appreciable change up to
analytes. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was 28 for the established 46 h. Spiked plasma samples stored at 20 C for assessing long-term
LLOQ of 60.0 ng/mL (accuracy, 98.29% and precision, 0.99 CV) for AP stability of the analytes remained unaected for a minimum period of
and 80.0 ng/mL for OP (accuracy, 98.63% and precision, 1.39 CV). The 112 days. The detailed stability results are summarized in Table 4.

D.M. Rathod et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 (2017) 5662

Table 5.
Mean pharmacokinetic parameters ( SD) after oral administration of allopurinol tablet formulation to 44 healthy Indian subjects under fasting.

Parameter Allopurinol Oxypurinol

Test Reference Test Reference

Cmax (ng/mL) 1904.54 834.83 2012.07 896.16 5878.05 1714.36 6039.43 1591.32
Tmax (h) 2.32 1.06 2.10 0.96 6.32 2.66 6.12 2.45
t1/2 (h) 1.24 0.27 1.25 0.25 25.76 8.45 25.24 7.15
AUC096 h (h ng/mL) 9285.77 5881.23 9392.12 5231.11 221064.1 67329.9 225876.9 59360.5
AUC0-inf (h ng/mL) 9565.22 5998.04 9676.56 5310.63 245456.8 78245.9 247859.1 70277.3
Kel (1/h) 0.579 0.103 0.572 0.093 0.029 0.008 0.029 0.008

Cmax: Maximum plasma concentration; Tmax: Time point of maximum plasma concentration; t1/2: Half life of drug elimination during the terminal phase; AUC096 h: Area under the
plasma concentration vs time curve from zero hour to 96 h; AUC0-inf: Area under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero hour to innity; Kel: Elimination rate constant; SD:
Standard deviation

3.2.6. Ruggedness and dilution integrity Acknowledgments

The precision (CV) and accuracy values to establish method
ruggedness with dierent columns and analysts ranged from 0.99% The authors acknowledge the support and necessary facilities
to 1.19% and from 91.72% to 96.79%, respectively for AP and OP provided by Accutest Research Lab, Ahmedabad, for this work.
across QC levels. Similarly, to ascertain the dilution integrity for 1/2
and 1/4th dilution, the accuracy and precision ranged from 94.3% to Appendix A. Supplementary material
97.2% and from 3.53% to 6.37%, respectively for both the analytes.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
3.3. Comparative bioavailability study online version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpha.2016.05.005.

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