Ethnic Politics in Eighteenth-Century Burma by Victor B. Lieberman
Ethnic Politics in Eighteenth-Century Burma by Victor B. Lieberman
Ethnic Politics in Eighteenth-Century Burma by Victor B. Lieberman
Hatfield Polytechnic
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Although they fail to offer a precise definition of the terms 'national'
or 'racial', these historians appear to have made three interrelated
assumptions: a) each 'racial' or 'national' group constituted an exclusive,
stable, empirically-identifiable population; b) 'racial' identity was the
only significant factor in determining political allegiance; c) as a result,
each of the contending forces was essentially of one 'racial' or 'national'
type. This paper examines the validity of these assumptions. In so
doing, it provides a theoretical framework for interpreting ethnically-
oriented conflicts in other areas of pre-colonial Southeast Asia, and it
attempts to offer some new perspectives on ethnic relations in con-
temporary Burma.
Theoretical Considerations
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eighteenth century, as we shall see, some Burmese who fell within
Pegu's orbit chose (or were forced) to cut their topknots in order to
demonstrate loyalty to Pegu. Conversely, under the stabilized Burmese
hegemony over the coast of the Kon-baung period (1757-1852), Mon-
speakers tended to tattoo their thighs and to acquire Burmese speech
because this behavior conferred political and economic advantages.
As S. J. Tambiah has indicated in his description of'galactic polities',
Southeast Asian kingdoms traditionally comprised a 'central planet'
surrounded by an attenuated field of satellite communities whose
number fluctuated according to the military strength of the center.9
At a crude level of generalization, the long-term implications of this
political pattern for the ethnic composition of the Irrawaddy valley
were as follows: the more powerful the northern kingdom of Ava, the
greater the percentage of people within the Irrawaddy basin who
characterized themselves as 'Burmese'; and the greater the sway
of Pegu, the greater the potential number of'Mons'. 10 The wars be-
tween Ava and Pegu, therefore, were not 'racial' or 'national' struggles
per se, but regional and dynastic conflicts in which cultural traits could
be made to serve as a public badge, a visible emblem, of political
loyalty.11 To some extent, 'Mon' was a role filled by people loyal to
Pegu, while 'Burman' was the role accepted by people loyal to Ava.
The possibility of role choices clearly tended to promote ethnic
homogeneity within the Peguan and Avan polities, and in this sense, the
customary identification of Pegu as the Mon kingdom, and of Ava as the
Burmese kingdom, remains valid. Yet we should recognize that this was
merely a tendency towards uniformity, not an implacable law. In
practice, homogeneity was never achieved, because a number of
powerful traditions militated against a direct correspondence between
ethnic type and political loyalty. Some members of minority groups
within a given polity assimilated to the culture of the majority; but
others, perhaps in even greater numbers, retained their original
identity while they supported the host population politically and
militarily. Thus although Mons dominated Pegu and Burmese domin-
S. J. Tambiah, World Conqueror_and World Renouncer (Cambridge, 1976), Ch. 7.
'"See Michael Adas, The Burma Delta (Madison, Wise, 1974), pp. 1 7-ig, 57-
Similarly, Moerman, 'Ethnic Identification in a Complex Civilization', p. 1222,
has stated that within lowland northern Thailand, all changes among minority
Thai communities have been 'toward the language, culture, and identification of
the politically dominant people which, for the last 50 to 100 years, has been the
Siamese.' Note, however, that people can adopt another group's language and culture
without adopting that group's ethnic self-identification; indeed, this is often the case
in Lower Burma. See Lehman, 'Ethnic Categories in Burma', p. 116.
Cf. Moerman, 'Ethnic Identification in a Complex Civilization', p. 1219.
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ated Ava, each kingdom was able to incorporate large and strategically-
important minority groups.
One deeply-ingrained tradition favoring heterogeneity was that of
patron-client relations. Political loyalties focused on powerful indi-
viduals, or patrons, who protected their clients against abuse and/or
provided them with sustenance; in return, their clients rendered per-
sonal service. Because authority derived from the power and charisma
of the patron, and because each of his clients was tied to him by separate
personal bonds, there was no need for a common identity among his
followers. We see this on the local level in villages whose headmen
attracted military followings of diverse backgrounds; but in its most
elaborate form, we see this principle embodied in the structure of the
Avan and Peguan monarchies. According to traditional theory, sover-
eignty resided entirely in the person of the ruler, who owned the land
and water of the realm, and the very lives of his subjects. People swore
allegiance to him as an individual, and in return were patronized with
offices and fiefs. The sacred ideal of royal service was expressed in the
Burmese phrase kyei-zu-thit-sa-daw sating'to remember one's oath
of allegiance and one's debt of gratitude for royal patronage'. One could
betray his oath to the monarch, but there was no articulated concept
of treason to the 'nation' since sovereignty did not reside in the people
at large.
From this political conception flowed several logical consequences.
Throughout the Taung-ngu period (c. 15391752)n the composition of
the royal service-people (ahmd-ddns) and of the royal court was surpris-
ingly diverse. The crown, chronically in need of manpower, invited to
the capital area, or forcibly deported, large bodies of non-Burmese who
were settled in separate service communities and allowed to retain their
ethnic identity. (Indeed in some instances it would seem that the
crown actively encouraged these communities to maintain their original
character as a guarantee of group cohesion, and hence of occupational
efficiency.) At the same time, individual Mons, Shans, Siamese, Lao-
tians, Yuans (Yiins), even Europeans who boasted special expertise or
noble blood were welcomed to high ministerial posts at the capital
without being obliged to adopt Burmese customs. The following quota-
tion from a sixteenth-century source expresses the poly-ethnic ideal
of personal service at the court of Bayin-naung (1551-81), but it
is characteristic of later centuries as well:
The period is subdivided into the First Taung-ngu-Dynasty, c. 1539-99, with
the capital at Pegu; and the Restored Taung-ngu Dynasty, c. 1597-1752, when the
capital was usually at Ava.
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Was it not because of his piety, steadfastness, and wisdom that we all, from
ministers and captains. . . down to pages of noble birthall his chosen
men, in fact, whether Shans, Mons, or Burmans . . . would . . . have
declared ourselves willing to lay down our lives?13
Not only the royal court, but the empire as a whole was viewed as a
poly-glot institution. The ruler of any non-Burmese territory could be
admitted to tributary status merely by swearing an oath; and the
expansion of the imperial territories was always motivated by geo-
political, rather than ethnic considerations. Finally and most inter-
estingly, because sovereignty resided in the person of the ruler, there
was no necessity that he be of the same ethnic type as the majority
of his subjects. Kings of Shan ancestry ruled at Ava in the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries but were accepted in the Burmese chronicles as
legitimate; while in the south the principal dynasties between 1287 and
1599 were founded by a Shan (Wa Row) and a Burman (Tabin-shwei-
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the Mons to the Burmese, who in turn transmitted them (directly and
indirectly) to Shans, Palaungs, and other peoples. Although the various
ethnic groups retained their own ecclesiastical organizations and
animist traditions, by the seventeenth century they were all nominally
Buddhist, and as such shared the same terminology and conceptual
framework which allowed them to accept the ideological pretensions of
the kings at Ava and Pegu. Taung-ngu kings sought to advertise their
piety in ecumenical fashion by consulting a mixture of Burmese, Mon,
and Shan monks on ceremonial occasions. Even when state ceremonies
lacked an explicitly inter-ethnic character, their heavy Buddhist
coloring gave them such a character implicitly.15
Finally, we should mention a third tradition which, while failing
to support cultural diversity within a given polity, nonetheless served
to fragment both the Burmese-speaking and Mon-speaking com-
munities and to inhibit the development of a pan-Mon or pan-
Burmese consciousness. We refer to persistent regional loyalties. The
galactic polity, by definition, held within its orbit a large number of
satellite centers whose leaders constantly strove to maximize their auton-
omy. In the south, predominantly Mon-speaking towns such as Bassein,
Martaban, and Yei were subordinate to the paramount Mon center of
Pegu between c. 1369 and 1595, and again between 1740 and 1757.
This galactic configuration constituted the so-called Kingdom of
Ra-manya (Ramanfia), which H. L. Shorto has shown formed the
background to Mon historical literature.16 Yet the unity of Ra-manya
was singularly loose, for each town cherished a tradition of independent
sovereignty, and each continued to function as the sacral, administra-
tive, and economic center for a wide hinterland. Local Mon headmen
and their followers thus felt strong ties of interest to these regional
capitals, and tended to distinguish, for example, between Peguan
Mons and Martaban Mons (in fact, each district may have spoken
a somewhat different dialect). If Pegu seemed vulnerable, satellite
populations were only too willing to ally themselves with Burmese or
Siamese against their fellow Mons at Pegu. Essentially the same
pattern obtained in the Burmese-speaking sector of the Irrawaddy basin,
See, inter alia, V. B. Lieberman, 'The Burmese Dynastic Pattern, c. 1590-1760'
(Univ. of London Ph.D. Thesis, 1976), Ch. 2; M. Aung Thwin, 'The Nature of
State and Society in Pagan' (Univ. of Michigan Ph.D. Thesis, 1976), Chs 2, 4;
Shorto, 'Genealogy', p. 68. See, too, Craig J. Reynolds, 'Buddhist Cosmography
in Thai History, with Special Reference to Nineteenth-Century Culture Change',
Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2 (February 1976), p. 210, for a discussion of
Buddhist literature as an instrument of poly-ethnic political integration in Siam.
Shorto, 'Genealogy', pp. 63-72.
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the crown suffered a cumulative loss of manpower which led to an
upsurge of factionalism at Ava and to an erosion of the capital region's
military strength. At the same time, the decline in royal authority
encouraged provincial officials to abuse their powers of taxation with
little fear of correction by the central government. Not only at Pegu
(then subject to Ava), but also at Chiengmai and Ok-hpo, Ava's
representatives outraged local opinion with their unrestrained exac-
tions, and thus helped to precipitate successful rebellions. In the case
of Pegu, the issue of excessive taxation may have strengthened a more
long-standing resentment felt by southern gentry families over their
loss of patronage opportunities. Following the shift of capitals from
Pegu to Ava in the early seventeenth century, the number of southern
families who obtained appointments at the royal court declined steadily
until by the early eighteenth century few, if any, could be found in
leading positions at Ava. Nor did they retain control over important
positions at the southern provincial courts, which were dominated by
Burmese from the dry zone.
Ironically, the first outbreak at Pegu was organized by Ava's own
governor, a Burman named Tha-aung who imagined that he could
turn Ava's troubles to his own advantage and reign as sovereign over
the Delta. Accordingly, in May of 1740 after a Manipuri raid on Upper
Burma had revealed the north's appalling military weakness, he
declared his independence. But he was soon slain by local leaders who
resented his heavy-handed treatment of dissent, and who, no doubt,
remembered his record of tax abuses. Following Tha-aung's murder,
Ava succeeded in restoring a measure of control over Pegu. In mid-
November, however, a second rebellion erupted which Ava proved
helpless to suppress. The people of Pegu assassinated Ava's latest
gubernatorial appointee, and then acclaimed as their king a leader of
the Gweis (see below for an explanation of this term) who, upon
entering Pegu, took for himself the royal title Smin Dhaw (or Smin
Dhaw Buddhakeithi). Within three or four months, Smin Dhaw's
forces had expelled Ava's supporters from every major position in
Lower Burma and had begun penetrating up the Irrawaddy valley
towards Prome."
' For contemporary and nearly-contemporary accounts of these events, see the
Burmese translation of the Mon history of the monk of Athwa, British Library,
London, Oriental MS no. 3464 [BL OR 3464], pp. 139-41; an abridged version of
the same work on unpaginated palmleaves in the Henry Burney Papers of the Royal
Commonwealth Society, London, Talaing ya-zawin (Talaing History) [RCS-TY];
Thi-ri-u-zana, Law-kd-byu-ha kyan (Treatise on Customary Usages) [LBHK], U
Hpo Lat (ed.) (Rangoon, 1968), p. 4; India Office Library, London, Letters to Fort
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outbreaks of 1740 reflected the fact that many Burmese, particularly
northern migrants concentrated in the coastal towns, were associated
with abuses by officials appointed by Ava. 'Burman' could be used as a
short-hand expression for 'pro-Ava man'. But clearly this term was
not always so restrictive, because Smin Dhaw, a 'Burmese prince'
who had no political connection with the current Ava court, was
accepted by the Mons; and so were a number of lesser figures who also
proclaimed themselves to be Burmese.27
Among Smin Dhaw's early supporters was tj-taya-thari, identified
in a 1766 Mon-language document as 'a Burman from Pegu', whom
Smin Dhaw made governor of Martaban. 28 A noted Peguan infantry
commander Ein-da-bala-kyaw-thu readily acknowledged to his
enemies that he was one of a group of 'Burmese . . . from Han-tha-
wadi.' 29 Smin Dhaw's commander-of-the-right the Let-ya-bo was also
a Burman, apparently from the south; as one of the two or three most
senior military figures at Pegu, he became so influential that when Smin
Dhaw abdicated, the leading commanders begged him to succeed
(he declined).30 In Middle Burma at both Taung-ngu and Prome
provincial capitals which had strong traditions of independence and
which had never been particularly loyal to Avapro-Peguan factions
overawed pro-Avan factions and helped to deliver the towns to Smin
Dhaw. 31 Since both of these towns had a predominantly Burmese
population, in each instance the pro-Peguan faction probably included
many self-proclaimed Burmese. As Pegu's forces pushed further up the
Irrawaddy valley, the number of Burmese who defected to her cause
continued to grow, so that by 1752, three-quarters of the army sent
against Alaung-hpaya was said by a qualified observer to have been
It is probable that a number of bi-lingual 'Burmese' at this time found it desirable
to pass as 'Mons'. Unfortunately, we have no firm evidence of such conversions prior
to 1752.
1766 Martaban Land Roll MS in the possession of H. L. Shorto.
KBZ, Vol. I, p. 55; AA-T, p. 199. This is apparently the same individual
identified as Nan-da-bala-kyaw-thu in KBZ, Vol. I, pp. 170, 235; and in Let-we-naw-
yahta, 'Alaung-min-taya-gyl ayei-daw-bon' (Biography of King Alaung-hpaya)
[AA-L], Alaung-hpaya ayei-daw-bon hnasaung-dwi, p. 93.
U Tin, Myan-ma-min ok-chok-pon sa-dan (Record of Administration under the
Burmese Kings), 5 vols (Rangoon, 1931-33), Vol. 2, pp. 242-3; HNY, Vol. 3, pp.
3912. This is probably the same man as Let-ya-bo-chok Min-nge-kyaw, BL OR
3464, p. 141.
Yi Yi, Myan-ma-naing-ngan achei-anei, pp. 76, 81.
"The Testimony of an Inhabitant of the City of Ava', Phra Phraison Salarak
(trans.), Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. 45, Pt 2 (October 1957), p. 32. See, too,
HNY, Vol. 3, p. 405.
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'Karen' Involvement
3 AA-L, p. 17.
" Brailey, 'Re-investigation of the Gwe', pp. 33-47.
is HNY, Vol. 3, p. 383; O Pyin-nya, Kayin ya-zawin (History of the Karens)
(Rangoon, 1929), pp. i45ff.
" HNY, Vol. 3, pp. 382-3; Zam-bu-di-pd ok-hsaimg kydn, pp. 83, 98; XJ Kala,
Maha-ya-zawin-gyi, Vol. 3, Hsaya 0 Hkin S6 (ed.). (Rangoon, 1961), pp. 332-40
passim; R. S. Wilkie (comp.), Burma GazetteerThe Tamethin District, Vol. A (Ran-
goon, 1934), pp. 26-33, 45 passim; G. H. Luce, 'Introduction to the Comparative
Study of Karen Languages', Journal of the Burma Research Society, Vol. 42, Pt 1 (June
959). PP- 1-18.
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Despite his popularity and his early success, Smin Dhaw never reigned
long enough to defeat Ava, for he was overthrown by a coup in 1747,
while hunting elephants east of Sit-taung. He was succeeded by his
principal minister, the Lord of DalaBanya-dalawhose daughter
Smin Dhaw had married and whose support had probably been
instrumental in securing the throne for Smin Dhaw in 1740. A Shan
elephanteer who had originally been appointed by Ava, Banya-dala was
director of the Pegu elephant corps in 1740 and was thus well placed
to expand his influence in subsequent years. Siamese accounts suggest
that he and Smin Dhaw had become estranged as early as 1745 in the
aftermath of Smin Dhaw's marriage alliance with Chiengmai, which
apparently threatened Banya-dala's position at court.43 In all probabil-
ity he solicited the military expedition to Sit-taung which forced Smin
Dhaw's abdication.
Htin Aung and Brailey have both portrayed Banya-dala as the cham-
pion of Mon interests against Smin Dhaw, whom Htin Aung sees as
favoring fellow Burmese (Htin Aung accepts at face value Smin Dhaw's
royal genealogy) and whom Brailey sees as representing the 'Karens'. 44
Htin Aung's interpretation seems quite suspect. As we shall show,
Burmese support for Pegu increased, if anything, after 1747. Moreover,
Banya-dala was chosen king at a conference of Peguan leaders only
through the recommendation of the Burmese general, Let-ya-bo, one
of his principal allies.*" There may be more substance to Brailey's
interpretation of the coup, in that some Mons may have seen through
Smin Dhaw's genealogical pretensions and resented his early associa-
tion with animists. Yet we can see that in 1747, as in 1740, factional
alignments cut across simple ethnic divisions, and loyalties revolved
primarily around rival patron-client networks. Thus Smin Dhaw in
his subsequent attempts to recapture the throne of Pegu, enjoyed
the support of individual Mons as well as of his father-in-law, the Tai
Buddhist ruler of Chiengmai. On the other hand, the man who usually
ranked third at Banya-dala's court after Banya-dala's own brothers
> Brailey, 'Re-investigation of the Gwe', pp. 35-6. On Banya-dala and the coup of
1747 (some sources date it to 1746), see, too, Yi Yi, Myan-ma-naing-ngan achei ami,
PP- 89-95. 99; HNY, Vol. 3J pp. 383, 389-93; LBHK, p. 5 ; RCS-TY; AA-T, p.
209; Hall, English Intercourse, p. 305.
" For Htin Aung's views, see his History, pp. 154-5; f r Brailey's, see 'Re-investiga-
tion of the Gwe', pp. 35-6, 44-5.
" Same as note 30.
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was his son-in-law, the general Saw-bya, one of the five men with
'Karen' names who had originally served Smin Dhaw. If ethnic
considerations were paramount, it is also curious that the so-called
'Mon party' should have found it necessary to place their hopes in a
man who was generally recognized as a Shan.
Once he had ascended the throne, Banya-dala was accepted as
'king of the Talaings' like Wa Row, Smin Dhaw, and other non-Mon
kings before him. As we know from his subsequent correspondence with
Alaung-hpaya, he presented himself in traditional fashion as an aspirant
Buddha and a Patron of the Faith in whom all men could take refuge.
He also claimed that his reign fulfilled a prophecy uttered by Gotama
Buddha that in the Buddhist year corresponding to A.D. I 746 or 1747,
a 'master of the white elephant' and a king of great glory would arise
in Han-tha-wadi.4 According to the monk of Athwa, after his corona-
tion he formally addressed his court, recalling the grandeur of former
Peguan kings. He claimed that various Tai rulers had already recog-
nized his sovereignty, and vowed to reduce Ava to a similar state of
Banya-dala succeeded in this boast within five years of his accession.
Because of factional in-fighting and the strain of endless campaigns,
Ava's loss of manpower became so acute that the administration virtu-
ally collapsed of its own weight. Revolts broke out within forty miles
of Ava, whereupon the southern forces arrived to deliver the coup de
grace and to seize the ancient capital of Upper Burma in March of
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south a very substantial number of Burmese courtiers and soldiers,
possibly as many as fifteen thousand altogether, who also took an oath
to the southern king. Their leaders were honored with titles and offices
at the Peguan court, serving along with Mons, 'Karens', and southern
Burmese. At least one former Ava minister, Thi-ri-ii-zana, who was
offered a post as senior minister in the Peguan Hlut-daw, declined to
accept the appointment; but he acted out of a personal commitment to
the deposed Ava king, rather than from a sense of Burmese ethnic
loyalty.50 We find a clear tendency towards ethnic polarization in the
fact that shortly after Ava fell, Pegu's garrison commander at Ava was
criticized for taking into his service Burmese who had failed to cut
their hair in Talaing fashion; it was intended that those who cut their
topknots should receive preferential treatment.51 Curiously enough,
however, this rule was not enforced among pro-Peguan gentry leaders
in the north; nor, until 1754, did it apply to the numerous Avan
deportees at Pegu, who continued to wear topknots and to regard
themselves as Burmese.
In the five years between Ava's fall in 1752 and Pegu's collapse in
1757, the we/they distinction between Burmese and Mons became
somewhat more pronounced, in part through the efforts of Alaung-
hpaya, the Upper Burma headman who founded the Kon-baung
Alaiing-hpaya obviously did not introduce the dichotomy between
'Burmese' and 'Mons' as political categories, for as we have seen, this
was a basic, if at times subdued, theme since the opening days of the
Pegu revolt. Maha-dama-ya-za-di-pati's uncle, Taung-ngu-ya-za,
once observed that 'Burmese kings' ruling at Ava and 'Talaing kings'
ruling at Pegu had frequently been locked in prolonged wars such as
the current conflict.52 Following the collapse of Ava, however, the
population of Upper Burma was no longer attached to a single political
center as in Taung-ngu-ya-za's day; so in seeking to re-unify the region
and to crush those local leaders who cooperated with Pegu, Alaung-
hpaya found it necessary to appeal with unprecedented vigor to that
LBHK, p. 6. As we shall see, these same sentiments of personal loyalty prevented
some Ava officials from swearing allegiance to Alaiing-hpaya.
" AA-L, p. 28.
Letter quoted in Yi Yi, Myan-ma-naing-ngan achei-anei, p. 179.
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their hair in Mon fashion as a token of loyalty. 57 Like their counter-
parts at Ava in 1752, those who cut their hair were probably considered
on some level at least to have 'become Mons'.
This Peguan policy was disastrous in the extreme. On the one hand,
ethnic homogeneity was never achieved, because the order on haircuts
was not enforced systematically and Burmese continued to be identified
among Peguan defenders until 1757. On the other hand, the reprisals
were sufficiently severe to force many people, especially Avan deportees,
who considered themselves to be Burmese but who had hitherto co-
operated with the Peguan court, to throw their support behind Alaung-
hpaya. Indeed, with Maha-dama-ya-za-di-pati dead, those opposed
to Banya-dala had no one else to whom they could turn. After the
executions started, a former Ava official who had not taken part in
the original conspiracy organized a successful revolt of Burmese leaders
which opened the way for Alaung-hpaya's entry into the Upper Delta.
Over the next two years, from his descent to Prome until his final
seizure of Pegu in May of 1757, Alaung-hpaya sought to undermine
remaining Burmese support for Pegu, in the knowledge that Mons
and 'Karens' alone could never resist his advance.58
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Alaung-hpaya's descent downriver, while others defected along with
Burmese troops in the south, albeit less frequently. One southern
Mon defector, Daw-zwe-ya-set, received a major military command
and was later made governor (my6-zadng) of Martaban in preference
to Burmese aspirants for the post. (Thus whereas the so-called Mon
national champion Smin Dhaw appointed a Burman to head Martaban,
the Burmese hero Alaung-hpaya chose a Mon.) 63 Nor were Mon
adherents culled entirely from the ranks of latecomers and opportunists.
At least one of Alaung-hpaya's myin-yei-tet followers was a Mon,
Nga-htaw-aing, who apparently came from Madaya in Upper Burma.
The myin-yei-tet were a highly exclusive fraternity of senior relatives and
trusted warriors organized by Alaung-hpaya in 1752 at the very outset
of his resistance. During the first and most perilous engagement of
Alaung-hpaya's career, Nga-htaw-aing singlehandedly burned a
collection of straw-filled carts with which the enemy had planned to
fire the Mok-hso-bo stockade. Shortly thereafter he and another Mon
saved Alaung-hpaya's life from Peguan attackers who had shot Alaung-
hpaya's horse from under him.*4 It is important to note that these
followers retained their Mon hairstyle and dress, and were recognized
as 'Mons' by friend and foe alike. If anti-Mon sentiment per se had been
the principal basis of Alaung-hpaya's authority, it would have been
impossible to obtain their allegiance.
The assertion that Alaung-hpaya and his sons sought to destroy the
Mon 'nationality' also finds little support. Certainly he razed the city
of Pegu, massacred its defenders, and ruthlessly persecuted those monas-
tic and lay leaders who continued to foment resistance. Many bi-
lingual southerners who had hitherto identified themselves as 'Mons'
may suddenly have found it politic to become 'Burmese'. Yet we find
no evidence in any of Alaung-hpaya's extent edicts nor in any of the
voluminous chronicles of his reign that he encouraged such changes in
ethnic identification, much less passed a binding edict on the subject.
Alaung-hpaya sponsored resettlement projects within the Delta of
people who were explicitly identified as Mons, and revenue records
KBZ, Vol. I, pp. 187-9, 19I> 2 57- Daw-zwe-ya-set's successor at Martaban
was also a Mon. Moreover, Michael Symes, An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom
o/Ava (London, 1800; repr., Westmead, England, 1969), pp. 38-9, says that Alaung-
hpaya gave a 'distinguished station' to the Martaban Mon leader, Talaban. An
edict (AAm, pp. 9-10) which Alaung-hpaya issued at the start of his southern
campaign, although addressed to 'my Burmese subjects . . .', specifically invited
Talaings to do homage on equal terms.
> This follows BL OR 3464, p. 144. AA-L, pp. 25-6 and KBZ, Vol. I, p. 38
also refer to the incident of the carts, but identify the Mon hero as Nga-thaik-sat.
KBZ, Vol. I, p. 29 lists Nga-htaw-aing as myin-yei-tet No. 14.
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show that Mon headmen families enjoyed virtually complete continuity
of office throughout his reign and those of his sons." The literary activity
of the Mon monk of Athwa in the 1760s and 1770s, which received
official encouragement from Burmese monks near the capital, seems
to gainsay any sustained effort to suppress Mon culture.6* Similarly,
Alaung-hpaya and his sons respected the customs of captive Tavoyans,
Europeans, Indians, Manipuris, Chins, Shans, Lus, etc. whom they
required to appear in 'national' costume on ceremonial occasions.
Indeed, Alaung-hpaya seems to have gloried in their diversity as a
validation of his universal political pretensions. In practical terms,
non-Burmese were of considerable importance, as they usually con-
stituted at least a quarter of Alaung-hpaya's infantry, and a much
larger proportion of specialized units like artillery.
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When he sees that the foe resists too strongly, he is in the habit of deserting
mindless of his oath. While Ava yet flourished, he did service under Taung-
ngu-ya-za and enjoyed office as a general because of his abilities. When he
saw that the Talaings' strength was waxing, he went over to them. In turn
when he saw my glory and might shine forth, he abandoned the Talaings and
came over to me. He is a man who would act like this again in the future
[and thus doesn't deserve to live].<"
At least four categories of Burmese steadfastly refused to accom-
modate themselves to Alaung-hpaya even in the manner of Ye-gaung-
(a) Motivated by local pride or by jealousy, a number of northern
gentry leaders fled to the wilds or joined Pegu rather than acknowledge
Alaung-hpaya. They included the headmen of Kyauk-ka, Y6n-ga,
and Tha-zi; and the aforementioned Let-ya-pyan-chi, whose village of
Hkin-u had long vied with Mok-hso-bo for regional leadership. Let-ya-
pyan-chi, rather than the Mon commander at Ava, proved to be
Alaung-hpaya's most determined and resourceful opponent in the
north. In rejecting Alaung-hpaya's demand for surrender, he con-
cluded: 'I don't want to do homage to a fellow Burman, only to a
Talaing will I bow.'s
(b) Even after Maha-dama-ya-za-di-pati's execution, some Burmese
continued to look to remnants of the old Ava court for leadership. One
of Maha-dama-ya-za-di-pati's sons (the Shwei-daung prince) doggedly
resisted Alaung-hpaya, and on the latter's death retained sufficient
popularity that one of Alaung-hpaya's generals reportedly asked him to
become king. Moreover, the poet later known as Sein-da-kyaw-thu
declined to serve at Alaung-hpaya's court until 1756 or 1757.69 He was
still loyal to the memory of his original patron, Taung-ngu-ya-za,
Maha-dama-ya-za-di-pati's uncle who until his death had fought to
restore the Ava house and had opposed Alaung-hpaya's royal pre-
(c) The inhabitants of Tavoy in the peninsula, who spoke a dialect
of Burmese, never showed any particular enthusiasm for Alaung-
hpaya, and used the occasion of a fresh uprising at Pegu in 1758-59
to declare their independence. Whether one chooses to classify Tavoy-
ans as 'Burmese' is a matter of convention. A letter from Alaung-
hpaya's commanders shows, however, that not only 'Tavoyans'
' AA-T, pp. 194-5. There is no evidence to suggest that Ye-gaung-san-kyaw
changed his hairstyle to mark these changes in political allegiance.
AA-L, p. 29. Cf. AA-T, p. 162.
Ba-thaimg, Sa-hso-daw-mya at-htok-pat-ti (Biographies of Royal Authors) (Ran-
goon, 1971), pp. 241-52.
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(dd-we kyun-daw-myb), but 'Burmese' proper (myan-ma kyun-daw-myb)
joined local Mons fleeing to Siam following the collapse of the 1758-
59 Tavoyan revolt. Furthermore, according to one report, the revolt
itself was organized by a Burmese commander who allied himself with
Mon refugees from Pegu in an attempt to revive Tavoy's independent
sovereignty. 7i
(d) Most important of all, the tradition of Peguan regionalism con-
tinued to captivate many Burmese despite the trend towards ethnic
polarization after October of 1754. Burmese sources identify individual
Burmese commanders and sizeable contingents of Burmese soldiers
who, alongside Mon contingents, helped defend the southern kingdom
until its final collapse. One such Burmese force was said to have
numbered between five and six thousand men." Avan deportees
may have served Pegu after 1754 under some degree of compulsion,
but local Burmese fought enthusiastically. One suspects that in October
and November of 1754, the Burmese leadership in the south split
between, on the one hand, men with long-standing attachments to
the old northern court, and on the other hand, southern Burmese who
had thrown in their lot with Pegu well before 1752. The key organizers
of the uprisings in the Upper Delta in late 1754 (Kyaw-din-thet-daw-
shei, Thado-kyaw-thu, A-ka-shwei-daung, etc.) were all former
Ava servicemen and ministers; while the most prominent Burmese
partisans of Pegu after 1754 (such commanders as Let-ya-bo and Ein-
da-bala-kyaw-thu) had never enjoyed Ava's patronage, so far as we
know, and had all fought for Pegu while Ava yet stood. Ein-da-bala-
kyaw-thu reportedly declined an invitation from Alaiing-hpaya in
1752 in these words, which show that in his view, personal loyalty was
a more noble ideal than ethnic solidarity:
It is true that we [i.e. my men and I] are Burmese [myan-ma lu-myd] but we
are servicemen who have come from Han-tha-wadi. We have already
sworn allegiance to the Talaing king, and although we are indeed Burmese,
we cannot now do domage to Alaung-min-taya-gyi.73
No doubt he was among those Burmese lords still loyal to Banya-
dala whom Alaung-hpaya seized shortly before Pegu fell.74
AAm, p. 149.
" Symes, An Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, pp. 49-50.
They garrisoned Hson-gun fortsee AA-L, p. 112. For additional references to
Burmese defenders, see AA-L, p. 116; AA-T, p. 202; KBZ, Vol. I, pp. 128, 141,
159, 184; Dal, Vol. I, p. 166; and supra, note 32. The total Peguan army by 1757
probably did not exceed twenty-five thousand, so Burmese represented a significant
element indeed.
" KBZ, Vol. I, p. 55. Phayre, History of Burma, p. 165.
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Patron of the Faith and defender of the Sahgha, would help make known
the path to salvation among all creatures under his rule. This soterio-
logical goal was the ultimate rationale of eighteenth-century kingship.
Buddhist political doctrines were often combined with magical elements
which, although not necessarily sanctioned by the Scriptures, also had
a potentially universal appeal. By contrast, contemporary nationalist
movements have their intellectual roots in post-Enlightenment
European political theories which are entirely secular in inspiration.
They place sovereignty in the population at large, and exalt secular and
popular culture as the source of national creativity. In seeking to
identify and preserve 'national' units, contemporary movements have
necessarily stressed the particular at the expense of the universal.
European notions about peoples and nations were accepted by most
Western-educated leaders, Burmese as well as non-Burmese, and
deeply influenced the federalist structure of the 1947 Constitution of the
Union of Burma.76
Historians may wish to determine whether these same pre-colonial/
post-colonial dichotomies which we have outlined in the Irrawaddy
valley were also found in Burmo-Siamese, Siamese-Cambodian, and
perhaps Cambodian-Vietnamese relations. At first glance, it would
seem that the pre-nineteenth century wars between Burma and Siam,
for example, were not national conflicts in the modern sense, but re-
gional and dynastic wars in which ethnic identity was but one of several
factors determining political loyalty. Only in this way can we explain
(particularly during the sixteenth- and early-seventeenth-century wars)
the lack of guilt with which individuals swore allegiance to kings of
different ethnic type than themselves; the ease with which regional
centers detached themselves from the capital in the face of external
assault; and the prevalence of universal religious themes in the diplo-
matic intercourse between rival monarchies.
Lehman, 'Ethnic Categories in Burma', p. 103.
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