MBA Syllabus 2017
MBA Syllabus 2017
MBA Syllabus 2017
Department of management
School of commerce & Management
MBA 2017-19
About Programme
MBA Programme
Course Structure Semester I & II
First Semester
Note: Total number of credits is 24; 18 credits for compulsory papers and 03 credits for elective
papers offered by the Department. In order to encourage interdisciplinary approach students
may opt for e lective courses of other Departments in lieu of elective papers offered by the
Department. In addition to that students may opt for audit courses in foreign languages and
courses offered by other Departments.
2. MBA Managerial PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
102 Economics
4. MBA Business PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
104 Mathematics
5. MBA Business PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
105 Statistics
7. MBA Organizational PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
107 Behaviour
8. MBA Entrepreneurship PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
Total 24
** There will be 25 marks viva-voce examination based on the syllabus given in Section A to be
conducted by the representatives of corporate world and academia.
Second Semester
Note: Total number of credits is 24; 18 credits for compulsory papers and 03 credits for elective
papers offered by the Department. In order to encourage interdisciplinary approach students
may opt for elective courses of other Departments in lieu of elective papers offered by the
Department. In addition to that students may opt for audit courses in foreign languages and
courses offered by other Departments.
1. MBA Marketing PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
201 Management
3. MBA Financial PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
203 Management
Practical (P-1)
7. MBA Management of PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
207 New Ventures
8. MBA Operation PC 3 3 - - 3 0 50 50
208 Research
Total 24
* There will be 25 marks practical examination bas ed on the syllabus given in Section A to be
conducted by the external & internal examiners.
Detailed Syllabus
MBA 101 Principles and Practices of Management
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with basic management concepts and
behavioural processes in the organisation.
Unit I:
Management an Overview: Definition, Functions of Management, Managerial Roles and
responsibilities, System and Contingency Approach for understanding organizations,
Management Thought: Classical Perspective, Scientific Management, Administrative Management,
Bureaucratic Management, Behavioural Perspective. Skills and Roles of Manager in an organization,
Social Resrtponsibilities of Business.
Unit II:
Fundamentals of Planning,: Types of plans, Policies & planning premises, planning process, the
nature of objectives & process of MBO, Decision making (nature, process & techniques, models,
groups and its decision making).
Fundamentals of Organizing- Nature and purpose, Elements and process of organizing, Basic
departmentation, Span of Management, line and staff concept, centralization and decentralization,
Delegation of authority, Determinants of organization structure, New approaches in organization
design, downsizing and its implications, organizational climate, organizational creativity and
Unit III
Direction-concept, its significance and main elements, Coordination (importance and techniques),
Leadership - Meaning and Importance, transitions in leadership theories, trait theories, behavioral
theories, contingency theories, leadership styles and skills, Managerial culture and leadership,
Motivation its concept, nature and theories. Communication meaning, concept, process types and
barriers to an effective communication.
Unit IV
Control- concept, nature, its process & importance, controlling techniques, control of overall
performance, span of control, management control systems, behavioural implications of managerial
Unit V
Knowledge management, Total Quantity Management, Business process reengineering, Management
of productivity, Comparative management in selected countries, International management and
MNCs, corporate governance, Management challenges.
Case studies based on above-mentioned curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Koontz & ODonnel, Essentials of Management,
2. Weihrich Heinz and Koontz Harold, A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective, 12th Edition,
Mcgraw Hill
3. Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert Jr, Management Organizational Behaviour, 6th edition, PHI
4. Terry, G.R., Principles of Management
5. Peter F. Drucker, Management Task and Responsibility
MBA 102 Managerial Economics
The objective of the course is to provide insights to the students regarding tools and techniques of
economics to enable them to appreciate its relevance in business decision-making
Unit I:
Meaning and scope of Managerial Economics, Role and responsibilities of Managerial Economist,
Objectives of firm, Fundamental concepts of Economics - Incremental reasoning, contribution, Time
perspective, Risk and uncertainty, Discounting principle, Opportunity cost, Profit maximization
model, Growth maximization model and Behavioral model of firm
Unit II:
Demand and revenue, Elasticity of demand its significance and its applications in business, Demand
function, Determinants of demand, Demand forecasting, Cost concepts relevant to business decisions,
Cost Functions, Production function, Laws of returns and returns to scale, Estimation of production
and Estimation of cost.
Unit III:
Theory of pricing, Perfect competition, Imperfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition,
Monopsony, Duopoly and Oligopoly
Unit IV:
Pricing decisions, General theory of pricing, Peak load pricing, Pricing over life cycle of a product,
Cost plus pricing, Multi-product pricing, Transfer pricing and Cost oriented prices
Unit V:
National Income, its Components, Methods of measurement, Problems in estimating, economic
welfare and industrial growth, The flat world economy, Characteristics of new economy, , Icons of
new economy, Demographic dividend and Rules of the game in new economy .
Suggested Readings:
1. Joel Dean, Managerial Economics
2. Paul A Samuelson, Economics, Mc Graw Hill International , New York
3. D.N. Dwivedi Managerial Economics, Vikas, New Delhi
4. N.D. Mathur,, Managerial Economics, Shivam Book Hous Pvt. Ltd, Jaipur
5. P.L. Mehta, Managerial Economics, Analysis and Cases ,Sultan Chand &Sons, N. Delhi
6. R.L. Varshney & K.L. Maheshwari, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand &Sons, New Delhi
7. U.L. Mote, Samuel Paul and G.S. Gupta, Managerial Economics, Tata Mc Graw Hill,
MBA 103: Accounting for Managers
The objective of the course is to understand the system of utilizing financial, costing, and other
information to assist the management in the performance and evaluation of their functions. The
Course will provide the students with a learning framework that will enable them to study the
principles and procedures used in collection and analysis of accounting information.
Unit I:
Introduction: Financial accounting, its Concept, Importance, Scope, Accounting as an information
system, Accounting concepts, conventions and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Unit II:
Financial statements: Preparation of financial statements-Trading account, Profit & Loss a/c,
Balance sheet and Adjustments in final accounts.
Unit III:
Management Accounting: Concept, Need, Importance and Scope. Nature, Attributes and Usefulness
of financial statements, Distinction between financial accounting, cost accounting and management
accounting, Role and responsibility of management accountant.
Unit IV:
Cost accounting: Meaning : Cost, Cost accounting & cost centre. Elements, methods of costing,
Preparation of cost sheet and inventory control.
Unit V:
Marginal & Standard costing and budget recontrol, Marginal costing, Absorption costing, their
difference, Concept and application of CVP analysis in business decision making, Standard costing,
Variance analysis.
Suggested Readings
Basic reading:
1. Maheshwari, S.N. (2001). Management Accounting and Financial Control. Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.
2. Bhattacharya, S.K. and Dearden, J. (1996). Accounting for Management: Texts and Cases. Vikas
Publishing, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Wheldon : Cost Accounting and Costing Methods.
2. Homgren Charges I: Intorduction to Management Accounting.
3. Keller and Ferrara: Management Accounting for Profit Control.
4. Accounting for Managers: S.K. Bhattacharya & John Dearden.
5. Management and Cost Accounting: Robert S. Kaplan.
6. Advanced Management Accounting: Robert S. Kaplan.
7. Robert Anthony: Management Accounting.
MBA 104 Business Mathematics
The overall aims of this course are to increase your knowledge of finance and to provide you with the
computational skills needed for evaluating financial decisions. Successful completion of this course
will enable you to:
Unit I:
Functions: Basic Concepts and Applications in Business. Break-Even Analysis A Functional
Unit II:
Arithmetic and Geometric :Progressions in Business Vectors, Matrices and Determinants ,
Algebra in Solving Real Life Business Problems.
Applications of differentiation in solving problems related to business and economics.
Unit III:
Applications of integration to accounting, business and economic problems. Applications of
differential equations.
Unit IV:
Mathematics of Finance I: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Nominal and Effective Rates of
Interest. Equation of Value.
Unit V:
Mathematics of Finance II: (Annuities): Types of Annuities. The amount of an ordinary annuity.
Deferred annuity, Leasing, capital expenditure and bonds.
J.K. Sharma, Mathematics for Management and Computer Applications, New Delhi,
Galgotia Publication,
R. K. Ghosh and S. Saha, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Calcutta, New Central
S. Saha, Business Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques, Calcutta, Central Book
J. N. Kapur and H. C. Saxena. Mathematical Statistics, New Delhi, Sultan Chand and
Company Ltd.,
R. Jayprakash Reddy and Y. Mallikarynna Reddy, A Text book of Business
Mathematics, New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House
K. B. Dutta, Matrix and Linear Algebra, New Delhi, PHI Learning
MBA 105 Business Statistics
The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with basic statistical techniques and their
applications in managerial decision making.
Unit I:
Statistical Preliminaries- measures of Central Tendency- Mean, Median, Mode, Measures
of dispersion mean deviation and standard deviation.
Introduction to Statistics: Meaning and Definition of Statistics, Scope and Limitations of
Statistics, Role of Statistics in Management Decisions.
Unit II:
Probability Theory and Probability Distributions: Concepts, additive, multiplicative,
conditionalprobability rules, Bayes Theorem, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions-
theircharacteristics and applications Measures of Variation. Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis.
Correlation and Regression. Methods of computing simple correlation and regression Line of
Regression, Curve Fitting- Least Square Method), Index Numbers Interpolation and
Unit III:
Theoretical Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions. Sampling and Tests of
Significance: Sampling of Attributes, Sampling of Variables (Large and Small Samples). Parametric
and Non-Parametric Tests. Association of Attributes Chi-Square tests. Analysis of Variance. Design
of Experiments. Statistical Quality Control(including Six Sigma)
Unit IV:
Time Series: Time Series and its Components, Analysis, Models of Time Series, Methods of
Studying Components of Time Series: Measurement of trend (moving average and least
squares method), Measurement of seasonal variations (moving average method)
Measurement of cyclic variations (residual method).
Unit V:
Statistical Decision Theory: Decision making process, Decisions under Uncertainty and
Decisions under Risk.
Text Reading
David Levine, T. Krenbil, P.K.Viswanathan, Business Statistics, Pearson Education, 2008.
S.P. Gupta, "Statistical Methods", New Delhi, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2007
S.C. Gupta, Business Statistics, Himalaya Pub House, 2008
T.N.Srivastava, Statistics for Management, TMH, 2008
J. N. Kapur and H. C. Saxena. Mathematical Statistics, New Delhi, Sultan Chand and
Company Ltd.,
D. C. Sancheti and V. K. Kapoor, Statistics: Theory, Methods and Applications, New
Sultan Chand and Sons.,
D.N. Elhance, VeenaElhance and B. M. Aggrawal, Fundamentals of Statistics,
Allahabad: KitabMahal
MBA 106: Business Communication
The major objective of this course is to develop communication skills in business communication.
The course will acquaint the students with t communication, the basic concepts and techniques of
business communication.
Unit I:
Business Communication: Meaning, its concepts & objectives, Principles of effective
communication (7 Cs), Media for communication (covering written, oral, face-to-face, audio-visual,
computer aided, silence), model of communication process. Types of communication: Formal
(upward, downward, horizontal, diagonal), Informal (grapevine, consensus), Ethics in
communication. Communication in global scenario.
Unit II:
Barriers to communication: Faulty medium, physical barriers, semantic barriers, socio-
psychological barriers, different comprehension of reality. Non-verbal communication: Kinesics,
paralanguage, art factual communication, proxemics, Chronemics, silent communication
Unit III:
Business letters: Need, kinds of business letters, essentials of effective business letter, business letter
styles (full block, semi-block, hanging indentation, special letter form), business enquiries and reply,
purchase orders, complaints, payment collection letters, circular letters, sales letters, correspondence
with banks, memos, office orders, circulars, application letters.
Unit IV:
Report writing: Definition, classification of business reports, essentials of a good report, steps of
preparation of report, organization of report, tables, Visual illustrations (bar chart, pie chart, line chart,
pictogram), reports by individual, committees, agenda and minutes of business meetings, limitations
of report writing. Interviews: Its types & preparation.
Unit V:
Corporate communication: Press releases, speeches, negotiating & bargaining, business
presentations, conferences (corporate, press). Means of communication: Telephone, fax, telex, email,
voice mail, answering machine, teleconferencing, SMS, MMS, posters.
Unit I:
Introduction to OB: Definition, Organization theories, behavioural & contingency approach,
Contemporary challenges and opportunities for OB, Developing an OB model. International
dimensions of OB. Managing across cultures.
Unit II:
Understanding and managing individual behaviour: Individual differences and work behaviour.
Leadership: Meaning, leadership vs. management, theories (Trait, behavioural, contingency), styles,
Personality: Concept, theories, determinants, self growth and inter-personal effectiveness, the Johari
Window model, transactional analysis, ego states, life positions, transactions.
Perception: Definition & process, factors influencing perception, perceptual defects.
Learning: meaning, concept, theories, principles and behavioural implications.
Motivation: Meaning, types, Process and Content theories
Unit III:
Group behaviour: Definition, classification of groups, group development models, reasons of
formation, group decision making, group cohesiveness, group conflict and resolution strategies.
Team building: Team vs. group, types of teams, techniques of building effective teams,
contemporary issues in team management.
Unit IV
The organisation in relation to its environment, Power and politics: meaning and basis of power,
power tactics, political strategies for attaining power in organizations, organization culture, nature,
creating and maintaining a culture.
Politics: Definition, factors contributing to political behaviour, employee responses to organizational
politics, Impression management techniques.
Unit V
Organizational dynamics: Organizational change, types, resistance to change, techniques of
overcoming resistance to change, Lewins model, steps of implementing change process.
Stress management: Meaning, causes, effects of stress, stress coping strategies.
Case studies based on above-mentioned curriculum
Recommended Readings:
Basic reading:
1. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational behavior, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003,
10th ed.
2. Luthans, Fred, Organizational behavior, Irwin McGraw-Hill International edition, 8th ed.
Additional reading:
1. Mehta, Anil and Chouhan, Bhumija, Organizational behaviour, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur,
2010-11, MBA edition.
Reference book:
1. Greenberg, Jerald and Baron, Robert A., Behavior in Organizations, Prentice-Hall of India Private
Ltd., New Delhi, 2003, 8th ed.
MBA 108: Entrepreneurship
The course aims at equipping the students with the basic understanding of the entrepreneurship
function, along with the skill sets and knowledge required to establish and run an enterprise
Unit I:
Entrepreneurship conceptual aspects: Entrepreneurship and economic development, role of
entrepreneurs, theories and concepts, barriers to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, managers and
Unit II:
Entrepreneurial process & entrepreneurship development: Entrepreneurial competencies, traits,
characteristics, motives, attitudes, achievement orientation, self-assessment.
Unit III:
Preparing for an entrepreneurial career: Deciding for entrepreneurial career, identification and
selection of business opportunities, market assessment, technology search, production capacity,
assessment of infrastructure requirements and other resources, business plan and its importance.
Unit IV:
Institutional infrastructure to promote entrepreneurship: Overview, roles, schemes of
promotional, financial, regulatory and other support system institutions.
Unit V:
Emerging trends in Entrepreneurship: Technopreneurship, netpreneurs, agripreneurs, Women
entrepreneurship, Portfolio entrepreneurship, Franchising.
Unit I:
Marketing concepts: Definition, Marketing vs. Selling, Marketing concepts and types, Marketing
management, Marketing mix, STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) concepts, Marketing
planning, organization and control.
Unit II:
Product: Definition, classification, product line-concepts and decisions, differentiation,
standardization vs. adaptation, new product development process, Product Life Cycle, Packaging,
labeling, tags, quality standards.
Product portfolio decisions : Product portfolio matrices (BCG, GE)
Unit III:
Pricing: Meaning, pricing objectives, process, methods, price adaptation (geographical pricing,
discounts & allowances, promotional pricing, discriminatory pricing, product mix pricing)
Unit IV:
Physical distribution: Definition, Channels, functions, levels of distribution channels, channel-
management decisions, Vertical, Horizontal and Multi-channel marketing systems, Legal and ethical
issues in channel relations.
Retailing: Meaning, types, functions of retailers, marketing decisions related to retailers.
Wholesaling: Meaning, types, functions of wholesalers, marketing decisions related to wholesalers.
Unit V :
Promotion : Definition, promotion mix concept ; Advertising: Meaning, advertising objectives, 5-M
model ; Sales promotion: Meaning, tools and techniques ; Public relations: Definition, techniques and
methods of PR ; Direct marketing: Concept, channels (face to face selling, Direct mail), catalogue
marketing, telemarketing, e-marketing, m-commerce ; Personal selling: Meaning, process.
The objective of this course is to sensitize students to various facts of managing people and to create
an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.
Unit I:
Introduction to HRM: Meaning, objectives, need, HRM vs. Personnel management, Roles of HR
manager, Principles of effective HRM, Challenges for HR managers, HRM environment in India,
Current trends and changing environment in India.
Strategic HRM: Definition, Traditional vs. Strategic HRM
Unit II:
Recruitment & selection: Meaning, Job analysis (Job description & Job specification)
Recruitment: Sources, methods and techniques of recruitment and selection, Placement.
Unit III:
Training & Development: Meaning, need & assessment of training needs, advantages, types of
training, principles of effective training, process, training evaluation.
Performance appraisal: Meaning, objectives, principles, process and limitations, 360 degree
performance appraisal.
Unit IV:
Employee compensation: Definition of wage & salary, components of remuneration, methods of
wage payment and compensation, process of determination of compensation, incentive wage plans,
and essentials of sound wage plans.
Industrial relations: Trade Unions, Need & importance of sound Unionmanagement relations,
measure to improve union-management relations, hindering factors in union-management relations.
Industrial conflict: Meaning, causes, machinery for settlement of industrial disputes.
Recommended reading:
a) Basic reading:
1. Gupta, C.B., Human resource management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2005, 6 th ed.
2. Aswathappa, K., Human resource and personnel management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002, 3rd ed.
3. Dessler, Gary, Human resource management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005, 9th ed.
b) Additional reading:
1. DeCenzo, David A. and Robbins, Stephen P., Personnel/Human resource management,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
2. Sudha,G.S., Human Resource Management, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur, 2009, MBA ed.
3. Ivancevich, John M., Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, 10th ed.
c) Reference books:
1. Monappa, Arun and Saiyadain, Mirza S., Personnel management, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1998, 2nd ed.
2. Rao, P. Subba, Essentials of human resource management and industrial relations Text Cases
and Games, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2005.
MBA 203: Financial management
The focus in this paper would be on issues related to financial management in the Indian Corporate
Sector. The objective is to enable and equip the manager with basic tools for applying financial
Unit I:
Introduction: Concept, scope, classification of finance function, objectives of financial management,
profit maximization vs. wealth maximization, financial modeling-Concepts, scope and limitations.
Unit II:
Sources of finance: Short term sources-Public deposits, Cash credit limit/Overdraft, Letter of credit,
Commercial papers, Factoring. Long term sources- Shares, Debentures/Bonds, Leasing, Hire-
purchase, Venture capital, emerging financial instruments. Emerging short-term and long term
financial instruments.
Unit III:
Financing decisions: Cost of capital, Cost of equity, Cost of preference shares, Cost of retained
earnings, weighted average cost of capital. Leverage, Trading on equity, factors affecting trading on
equity, merits and limitations, operating leverage, financial leverage and combined leverage.
Capital structure: Concepts and determinants of capital structure, Approaches to establish
appropriate capital structure-EBIT-EPS, Cost of capital & Valuation, Cash Flow approach.
Unit IV:
Investment decisions: Capital budgeting-Nature, scope, techniques (traditional and discounted cash
Working capital management: Concept of working capital, Factors affecting working capital
requirements, Computation of working capital requirements.
Unit V:
Dividend decision: Dividend and its types, Factors influencing dividend decision, Dividend payment-
retention decision:
a. Dividend theories of relevance: Walters model, Gordons model
b. Dividend theories of irrelevance: MM Hypothesis
Recommended reading:
a) Basic reading:
1. Pandey, I. M., Financial management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Noida, 2005, 9 th ed.
2. Mishra, R.C. and Pandey, R.S., Fundamentals of financial management, Global Vision
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010.
b) Additional reading:
1. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., Financial management Text, Cases and Problems, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
2. Chandra, Prasanna, Financial management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2007
c) Reference book:
1. Kuchhal, S.C., Financial management, Chaitnya Publishing House, Allahabad.
MBA 204: Production & Operations Management
The Course is designed to acquaint the students with decision making in : Planning, scheduling and
control of Production and Operation functions in both manufacturing and services; Productivity
improvement in operations thought layout engineering and quality management etc; Effective and
efficient flow, replenishment and control of materials with reference to both manufacturing and
services organizations.
Unit I:
Production planning and control: Definition, production planning system, functions, Production
control and steps.
Production processes: Manufacturing and Service operations, Differences between manufacturing
and service operations, Classification of manufacturing processes.
Unit II:
Capacity planning: Short, Intermediate, Long range capacity planning, determinants of effective
capacity, capacity planning decisions.
Plant location: Need, effect of location on costs and revenues, location selection procedure, factors
affecting selection of location, Location models, Theories of industrial location.
Unit III:
Plant layout: Meaning, objectives, influencing factors, principles, types of layout
(Process/Functional/Job shop, Product, Fixed position, Cellular manufacturing, Hybrid layouts)
Quality control: Benefits, Statistical Quality Control, Control charts, Acceptance sampling
techniques, Elementary concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM), Business Process
Reengineering (BPR), six sigma, 5 S Kaizen, Quality Circles, Indian Quality certifications (ISO, ISI,
AGMARK, BIS Hallmark)
Unit IV:
Operations management: Definition, manufacturing operations vs. service operations, objectives,
types of models in operations management, Financial and economic analysis in operations, Life of the
Unit V:
Materials management: Function, scope, importance of materials management, inventory, types,
material requirement planning system.
Unit I:
Computer fundamentals: Definition of computer, types of computer systems for individuals
(Desktops, Workstations, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, Handheld PCs, Smart phones) and organizations
(Network servers, Mainframes, Minicomputers, Supercomputers)
Computer components: Hardware (Processing devices, memory (RAM, ROM), Input-Output devices,
External storage devices), Software (System, Application software), Data, Humanware
Unit II:
Working with Windows: Desktop, anatomy of a Window, Menus, Start button, My computers,
adjusting desktop properties, application switching, Windows explorer, opening, creating, renaming,
deleting, finding, copying, moving files and folders, displaying and setting properties, Handling
multimedia files, RUN window, command prompt, Using basic DOS commands (DIR, CD, MD,
Unit III:
Mastering MS-Office:
MS Word: Word window anatomy, opening and closing word document, creating a new document,
entering, selecting, editing, formatting text, inserting date, saving word document, creating and
formatting tables, bullets and numbering. MS Excel: Excel window anatomy, values vs. text concept,
Entering & editing cell entries (text, numbers), inserting, deleting, copying, moving cells, rows,
columns, text alignment, using autofill function, cell referencing, basic formula (SUM, COUNT,
AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, Subtract, divide), creating excel charts. MS PowerPoint: Auto
content wizard, Using blank presentations, Selecting slide layouts, Formatting slides and text, Adding
objects (pictures, sound & video clip, tables from word), graphical bullets, formatting slide header &
footer, adding animations, drawing charts, preparing handouts. MS Access: Getting started with
Access 2007, Using Tables & Queries, Using Forms, Using Reports, Modifying a relational database
structure, creating multiple table queries, enhancing forms, analyzing data with reports, Importing and
Exporting data, analyzing database design, creating advanced queries, creating advanced reports,
managing database objects, creating macros, creating modules and VBA, Managing the database
Unit IV:
Internet: Basic concepts (Internet, World Wide Web, email), connecting to internet, opening a
website, surfing internet, using search engines, making email address, sending, receiving and replying
to emails, uploading and downloading attachments, Outlook express, managing address book, instant
messaging, Video conferencing.
Unit V:
Development of MIS: Definition, role of MIS, need, Organizational pyramid & information
concepts, general model of MIS, developing MIS plan, MIS plan contents, Ascertaining class of
information, Determining information need, Implementation, MIS quality control, Factors
contributing to success and failure of MIS.
The primary objective of this course is to acquaint the students to the emerging trends in business
environment. This will also help them to develop the ability to analyse the competitive business
environment to appraise the environmental pressures on business, and to understand the government
policies and current issues in Indian perspective.
Unit I:
Business Environment: Nature of Business Environment, Environment Scanning, Components of
Business Environment, Significance of business environment, Environmental Analysis and
forecasting ,business and society Social responsibility of business.
Unit II:
Economic and Political Environment: Economic and Political system, Monetary policy, Fiscal
Policy, Economic reforms, Industrial Policy of 1991.
Unit III
Technological Environment: Components of Technology, Technology transfer, Technology and
globalization, Competitive advantage and technology.
Unit IV
Demography and Socio-Cultural Environment: Demographic Environment in Business, Socio-
Cultural Environment in business.
Unit V
Legal, Financial and International Environment: Globalisation and growth of Multinational
Corporations (MNC), Indian Stock Market and SEBI, Competition Bill 2001, Laws relating to
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
Recommended Readings:
The goals of this course are to give the student a broad understanding of the field of enterprise
creation and to provide an introduction to the important tools and skills necessary to create and grow a
successful new venture.
Unit I :
Decision to become an entrepreneur: Business opportunities identification theories & practices;
Generation of Ideas; screening of Ideas and Selection; Identifying new Projects; Preparing Project
Profiles, Developing the Entrepreneurial Plan, Perspectives about Growth and Emerging Enterprises.
Unit- II:
Preparations for a New Venture: Market and Demand Assessment; Market Research for New
Ventures, Financial Preparation for Entrepreneurial Ventures, Developing an Effective Business Plan.
Selection of location, arranging infrastructure facilities, services and other need based resources;
Deciding ownership; Licenses/approvals and registration formalities; Rules/regulations /incentives/
subsidies and other assistance; Support systems/ institutional infrastructure in India & abroad
(NIMSME, NIESBUD, IIE, EDII, NSIC, MSMEDIs, Babson College etc);
Managing Growth, Financing Growth, Developing a Team of Advisors, Attracting and
Retaining Employees.
UnitV: Managing Economic, Social and technological environment; Trends, Business cycles,
Incentives and Subsidies; Enterprise Sickness & failures.
The objective of the course is to equip the student with basic quantitative tools required to perform the
role as a manager. This will enable him to do analytical evaluation and arrive at logical conclusions &
inferences to the decisions.
Unit I:
Decision Theory, Decision making under uncertainty, Criterion of Maximin and minimax, Decision
making under risk Bayesian approach, Criterion of Maximum likelihood, Decision Tree-Applications,
Decision making in a Competitive Situation-Game Theory, Types of Games, Two person zero sum
games, Mixed strategy and Method of solution.
Unit II:
Linear Programming, Problem formulation and graphical methods of solution, Simplex method,
Elementary ideas about duality, Sensitivity Analysis, Integer Programming and Goal Programming.
Unit III:
Transportation Model, North West Corner Rule, Stepping Stone Method, VAM, MODI, Application
of Transportation Model, Assignment Models, Transshipment and Routing Problems
Unit IV:
Waiting line, Characteristics, Arrival process, Structure and service process, Single and multiple
channel models, Optimum number of channels, Cost analysis and business application of waiting lines
Unit V:
PERT & CPM, Network construction and analysis, Critical path, Time-cost trade off, Crash activity
analysis, Planning and scheduling, Project costs, Controlling project costs, Simulation for business,
Monte Carlo method and application of simulation in business situations.
Suggested Readings:
1. Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, An Introduction to Management Science
2. Vohra, N.D. Quantitative Techniques in Management, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Taha, H.A., An introduction to Operation Management
4. Tulsian and Pandey, Quantitative Techniques, Pearson Education
5. Sharma J. K., Operations Research
About Programme
MBA Programme
Course Structure Semester III & IV
Third Semester
Note: Total number of credits is 24; 12 credits for compulsory papers and 12 credits for elective
papers from any one of the elective groups offered by the Department.
Compulsory Papers
1. MBA Strategic PC 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
301 Management
2. MBA International PC 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
302 Business
3. MBA Managerial PC 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
303 Econometrics
Total 12
* 50 marks for Summer Internship Report, assessment by the Department (by constituting a panel
of examiners including internal & external examiners).
6. MBAM Marketing of PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
8. MBAM Integrated PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
307 Communication
Total 12
6. MBAF Management PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
of Financial
305 Services
7. MBAF Security PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Analysis and
306 Portfolio
8. MBAF International PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
307 Management
9. MBAF Financial PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Institutions &
308 Markets
Total 12
Elective Group-3: HRM
6. MBAH Human PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
305 Planning &
7. MBAH Strategic PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
8. MBAH Industrial PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Relations and
307 Labour Law
9. MBAH Compensation PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Total 12
Fourth Semester
Note: Total number of credits is 24; 12 credits for compulsory papers and 12 credits for elective
papers from any one of the elective group opted by the student in third semester.
Compulsory Papers
3. MBA Business PC 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Forecasting &
403 Planning
404 **
Total 12
6. MBAM Retail PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
7. MBAM Consumer PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Total 12
7. MBAF Financial PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
8. MBAF Financial PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
9. MBAF Strategic PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
408 Management
Total 12
Elective Group-3: HRM
6. MBAH Conflict PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
7. MBAH Organisation PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
8. MBAH Psychometrics PE 3 3 0 0 3 0 50 50
Total 12
1. Classroom participation
2. Group discussion
6. Attendance etc.
L: Lecture T: tutorial
The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation, implementation and evaluation of Business
Policy and Strategies.
Unit I:
Business policy: Nature, Objectives and importance of business policy.
Strategic management: Strategic decision making; Approaches & Process of strategic decision
Unit II:
Strategy formulation: Companys vision, mission, objectives & goals; Environmental and
organizational appraisal, Strategic alternatives and choice; Types of strategies; Business ethics and
corporate strategy, Concept of value chain and competitive advantage.
Unit III:
Strategic Analysis: SWOT Analysis, BCG Matrix, GE- Nine Cell, Industry Analysis, Experience
Curve, Impact Matrix.
Strategy implementation: Designing organizational structure and activating strategies; Matching
structure and corporate strategy, Structural, Behavioural and Functional implementation.
Strategy Evaluation: Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control;
Techniques of evaluation and control.
With globalization markets are inching towards a global market rather than domestic market. This
paper aims to expose the students to the international business environment and decision areas
required to operate successfully in international businesses.
Unit I:
Concepts: Definition, importance, difference between International trade and International business,
Major components of International business.
Unit II:
Multinational Corporations:
Concept of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Transnational corporations, functions of MNCs,
Role of MNCs in the process of development of the country.
Unit III:
International Financial management: MNCs financial management, International financial system,
Concept of Risks and rewards.
Unit IV:
International cash management: International cash management components, receivable and non-
receivables, capital budgeting.
Unit V:
Global institutions: Role of financial and economic institutions, IMF, IFC, IDA, IBRD, WTO,
Case studies based on above-mentioned curriculum
Recommended reading:
b) Basic reading:
1. Cherunilam, Francis, International business Text and Cases, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,
2007, 4th ed.
2. Aswathappa, K., International business, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
b) Additional reading:
1. Paul, Justin, International business, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
c) Reference book:
1. P. Subba Rao, International business Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,
2008, 2nd ed.
MBA 303: Managerial Econometrics
The objective of this paper is to understand the different economics and mathematical tool that are
applied to business problems to find their solutions.
Unit I:
Introduction. The Nature of Stochastic Regression Analysis. Two-Variable Regression: Basic Ideas,
Estimation, Hypothesis Testing. Application in Business Modelling and Foreca:sting.
Unit II:
Extensions of the Two: Variable Linear Regression Model: Business Applications. Multiple
Regression Analysis: Estimation, Inference and Application in Business Modelling and
Unit III:
Unit IV:
Unit V:
Time Series Econometrics: Basic Concepts, Unit Root Test and Cointegration. ARIMA
models, Vector Autoregression (VAR), ARCH and GARCH Models: Applications in
Business Modelling and Forecasting.
Non-Linear Regression Models: Applications in Business Modelling and Forecasting.
Books recommended:
1. Koutsoyiannis A. Theory of Econometrics E L B S/Macmillan, Latest Edition
2. Schmidt P. Econometrics, Marcel Dekker, N.Y. Latest Edition
3. Maddala, G.S., Econometrics, McGraw Hill, Latest Edition
4. Rao& Miller, Applied Econometrics, Prentice-Hall, Latest Edition
5. Damodar and Gujrati Basic Econometrics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, latest Edition
MBA 401: Business Law
The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting the operations of a
business enterprise.
Unit I:
The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract; Void Agreements; Performance of
Contracts; Breach of Contract and its Remedies; Indemnity & Guaranty; Bailment & Agency .
Unit II:
The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Sale & Agreement to Sell, Conditions & Warranties; Transfer of
Ownership; Auction sale; Rights of an Unpaid Seller.
Unit III:
The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and Types; Parties of the Negotiable Instruments;
Negotiation and Assignment; Crossing of cheque; Holder-in-Due Course; Dishonour and Discharge of
a Negotiable Instrument; Arbitration.
Unit IV:
The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and types of Companies. Formation, Memorandum and Articles
of Association; Prospectus; Membership; Board of Directors; Board Meetings; Winding up.
Unit V:
Consumer Protection Act : Information Technology Act 2000, Competition Act 2002.
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings :
1. Avtar Singh. Company Law. 11th ed. Lucknow, Eastern, 1996.
2. Khergamwala, JS. The Negotiable Instrument Acts. Bombay, N.M. Tripathi, 1980.
3. Ramaiya, A. Guide to the Companies Act. Nagpur, Wadhwa, 1992.
4. Shah, S M. Lectures on Company Law. Bombay, N.M. Tripathi, 1990.
5. Tuteja, S K Business Law For Managers, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1998
MBA 402: Business Ethics
The course aims at imparting knowledge of Business Ethics, Indian Ethos & Values and role of Ethics
in management Decision Making.
Unit I:
Introduction to business ethics: nature, purpose & principles of ethics; Morals for organizational
interest; ethics and conflict of interest; Ethics, culture and values: Importance of culture in
Unit II:
Indian ethos and value systems: concepts of Dharma; Nishkama karma and Purusharthas; Model of
management in the Indian socio political environment; Gandhian approach in management &
trusteeship; Work ethos; ethics and social implications of business policy and corporate social
Unit III :
Business ethics: Relevance of values in Management; Holistic approach for managers in decision
making; Ethical Management: Role of organizational culture in ethics; structure of ethics
management; Ethics Committee; Ethics Officers; Communicating ethic; Social and Ethical Audit;
Unit IV:
Corporate Governance Transparency; International Ethical bodies; Ethics in work place; Ethical
issues in Marketing, Finance, HRM, Operations, Accounting areas.
Unit V:
Ethical issues in MNCs, Global Ethical Scenario; Ethical issues in Mergers and Acquisitions;
Social Obligations in Global Business
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Chakraborty, S.K., Ethics in Management: Vedantic Perspectives, Oxford University
Press,Delhi 1995.
2. Boatright, John R, Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Education, New Delhi
3. Sathish Modh, Ethical Management: Macmillan.
4. Trevion and Nelson, Managing Business Ethics, John Wiley and Sons,1995.
5. Mehta, Dayal & Sharma, Busienss Ethics & Ethos, RBD Publication.
MBA 403: Business Forecasting and Planning Techniques
Unit I:
The rise and fall of management theories. Biases and limitations of judgments.
Predicting the business future: Myths and Reality.
Unit II :
Identifying Megapatterns: Trends versus Cycles. The Emerging and Long-term
Unit III:
Business Firms and managers in the 21 st Century. Planning for the future Competitive
strategy. Noncompetitive strategies. Creativity. Avoiding or Delaying Failure.
Achieving and Sustaining Success. Towards a New Management.
Unit IV:
Fundamentals of Quantitative Forecasting, Criteria of Evaluation. Introduction to
Qualitative and Technological forecasting.
Unit V:
Quantitative Methods of Business Forecasting (Time-Series Methods): Averaging,
Exponential Smoothing Methods and Box-Jenkins Modelling and Applications in
Marketing Group
MBAM-305 Marketing of Services
The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in the service sector in a
developing economy and tackle issues involved in the marketing of services.
Unit I:
Emergence of Service Economy; Growth of Services in India and abroad; Characteristics of Services
with reference to marketing; Challenges in marketing of services; Services Classification.
Unit II:
Marketing Mix framework for Service Organizations; Service Management Trinity: Internal, External
and Interactive Marketing.
Unit III:
Service Product Development; Segmentation and service positioning; Advertising; Branding and
Packaging of Services; Consumer Behavior in Services .
Unit IV:
Customer Expectation and Perception of Services; Quality Issues and Quality Models; Managing
Productivity and Differentiation in Service Organizations; Demand-Supply Management; Service
Failure and Service Recovery.
Unit V:
Marketing in banking & insurance, tourism, transport, healthcare, education and other sectors in India.
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. J. Zeithaml, V A and Bitner, M J. Services Marketing; 3rd edition; McGraw Hill, New Delhi;
2. Lovelock, Christopher H. Service Marketing: People, Technology Strategy; 4th edition; Pearson
Education; New Delhi.
3. Hoffman & Bateson; Essentials of Service Marketing; Thomson Learning; Mumbai.
4. Shankar, Ravi, Service Marketing, Excel, 2002.
5. Rampal M.K. & Gupta S.C.; Service Marketing; Galgotia Publishing Company; New Delhi.
6. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A. Marketing Planning for Services. Butterworth, Heinemann,
MBAM-306: Sales & Distribution Management
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts which are helpful in
organizing and managing sales force as well as enabling them understand the importance and
dynamics of a firm's physical distribution functions and logistics.
Unit I:
Nature, Scope and objectives of Sales Management; Theories of selling; Functions of Sales
Manager; Selling Operations; Personal selling;
Determination of size of sales force; Sales organization; Conducting sales training programs;
Designing and Administering Compensation Plan; Motivating and Supervising sales personnel;
Sales Meetings and Contests, Designing Territories and allocating sales efforts; Sales Quota;
Sales evaluation Programme; Sales Budgeting and Control.
Distribution Channels: Role of Marketing Channels, Factors affecting choice of Distribution;
Channel Structure; Channel Conflict and Co-ordination.
Logistics: Nature, Importance and Scope; Transportation and Physical Distribution: Selection of
transportation modes; Routing and scheduling in transportation; Warehousing: Role and modern
concept of warehousing; Types of warehouse; Planning warehousing operations; Site selection,
Warehouse layout, Packaging and material handling.
The aim of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give experience in the
application of concepts for developing effective communication programs.
The Role of IMC in Marketing; Evolution and Reasons for Growing Importance of IMC; The
Communication or Promotional Mix; The Role of IMC in the Marketing Process [Marketing Strategy
and Analysis; The Target Marketing Process; Developing Marketing Planning Programme].
Objectives, Budgeting and developing Communications for the IMC; Analyzing the Communication
Process; DAGMAR Approach in Setting Objectives.
Creative Strategy Planning and Development; Media Planning and Strategy; Developing, Monitoring
and Evaluating the IMC Programme; Measuring the Effectiveness of Promotional Programme.
Future Perspectives of IMC; Direct Marketing; Sales Promotion; The Internet and Interactive Media;
Personal Selling;
Evaluating the Social, Ethical, and Economic Aspects of IMC; IMC Ethics & Government
Regulations- IMCs Responsibility to Society; Current live Projects on IMC Practices
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Belch, George E and Belch, Michael A. Introduction to Advertising and Promotion. 3 rd ed.
Chicago; Irwin, 2002.
2. Arens and Bovee, Contemporary Advertising, Irwin, 1995.
3. Sandage and Fryberger, Advertising, AITBS, Delhi, 2000.
4. Batra, Rajeev, Myers, Johan G. and Aaker, David A. Advertising Management. 4th ed. New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
5. 0' Guinn, Advertising & Integrated Brand Production; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1986.
7. Wells, William, Burnett, John & Moriarty Sandra, PHI, 2002.
8. Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack (2004); Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications; PHI Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Boree, Thill, Dovee and Wood (1995); Advertising Excellence; International Edition; McGraw-
Hill Ltd.
MBAM-308: Marketing Models
Unit I:
Theory and Models in marketing,Consumer behaviour: Fundamentals and nature of Consumer
behaviour models. Stages of Consumer Choice. Stochastic models.Procss-Oriented Models of
Consumer Choice. Consumer behaviour Models for solving management problems.
Unit II:
Organisational Buying Models ; A few selected models,
Price: Concepts, models and setting price in practice.
Product: Concepts and theory of product Stratagy.Models for product Design.
Unit III:
Advertising: Effects of Advertising. Objective Setting and Budgeting,. Message and Copy Decisions.
Media Selection and Scheduling,
Promotion: concepts. Promotional models (selected),
Unit IV:
Sales Force: basics. Sales Force Models (selected) ,and
Distribution: Basic models
New Product Planning: Types of new Product Situations, Aggregate Diffusion model, and repeat
Purchase Model.
Unit V:
Marketing Planning and Strategy Decisions, Decision Support and Implementation.
Lilen,Kotler and Moorthy(1992),Marketing Models,Prentice Hall India
References: See above Text Book
Relevant International Journals on Marketing.
MBAM-405: Retail Management
The course will focus on manufactures, perspective on retailers and understanding of the
retail business.
Retailing: Concept, Definition and Functions; Evolution of Retailing; Unorganized and
organized retailing; Trends in Retailing in India and abroad.
Retailing Mix: Social Forces, Economic Forces, Technological Forces, Competitive Forces;
Retailing Structure and Different Formats: Super Market, Specialty Store, Departmental
Store, Plaza, Mall, Emporium, Bazaar, Stop-Over, Single size Denomination, Kiosk etc.
Retail Store Location, Design and Layout Decision: Traffic Flow and Analysis, Population
and its Mobility, Exteriors and Layout. Customer Traffic Flows and Pattern, Creative
Merchandise Planning: Stock Turns, Credit Management. Retail Pricing Policies and Strategies;
Retail Promotion; Supply Chain Management; Warehousing; Staying Ahead of Competition.
Franchising, Direct Marketing/Direct Selling, Exclusive Shops, Destination Stores, Chain Stores,
Discount Stores and Other Current and Emerging non-store Formats like e- retailing, Television
Home Shopping, Vender Machine Retailing etc. ; Retail Equity; Technology In Retailing; Live
projects in Retailing.
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Berman. Bell & Evans, Joel R.; Retail Management; A Strategic Approach; PHI/Pearson
Education; New Delhi.
2. Levy Michael & Weitz Bartcn W.; Retailing Management; Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.
3. Newman, Andrew J. & Cullen, Peter; Retailing: Environment & Operations: Vikas Publishing
House; New Delhi.
4. Duane; Retailing; Thomson Learning; Mumbai
5. Gilber, David; Retail Marketing Management; Pearson Education; New Delhi.
6. Diamond. Jay and Gerald Pintel Retailing. Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1996.
7. Morgenstein, Melvin and Harriat Strong in Modem Retailing, Prentice-HaIl, NJ. 1992.
MBAM-406: Consumer Behaviour
The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer decision making
process and its applications in marketing function of firms.
Introduction to Consumer Behavior; Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy; Environmental
factors affecting Consumers; Scope & applications of Consumer Research.
Demographics, Psychographics & Lifestyle; Influence of Culture, Subculture and social class;
Reference Group and Family Influence; Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior.
Unit-III :
Consumer Motivation, Buying Motives; Information Processing and Consumer Perception; Consumer
Learning; Brand Loyalty.
Consumer Attitudes & Beliefs: Formation and Change; Influence of Personality and Self; Concept on
Buying Behavior; Brand Personality.
Diffusion of Innovations and Opinion Leadership; Consumer Involvement & Buying Decision
Process; Buying Roles; Models of Consumer Behavior.
The objective of this course is to impart in-depth knowledge to the students regarding the
theory and practice of Product and Brand Management.
Product Management: Product Concepts and Classification; Product Mix and Line
Decisions; Managing Premium Products.
Product & Technology Life Cycle; Product Development Process; New Product Launches;
Pricing Decision & Strategies
Unit-III :
Concept and importance of Branding; Basic branding concepts: brand awareness, brand
personality, brand image, brand identity, brand loyalty, brand equity;
Major Branding Decisions: Selecting a brand name; Brand extension decision; Family versus
individual brand names; multiple branding; Private versus national branding, Handling brand
name changes.
Brand Positioning and Re-launch: Brand building and communication. Branding in
Specific Sectors: Consumer market, Industrial market, Retail, Service, E-branding, Branding
for international marketing
Brand Equity: Sources & Benefits; Designing Marketing Programs to build Brand Equity;
Measurement of Brand Equity.
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Lehman, Donald R. and Winer, Russel S., Product Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd edition,
2. Aaker, David, A. Managing Brand Equity. New York, Free Press, 1991.
3. Cowley, Don. Understanding Brands, London, Kogan Page, 1991.4.
4. Czerniawskd, Richard D. & Michael W. Maloney Creating Brand Loyalty, AMACOM, NY,
5. Kapferer, J N. Strategic Brand Management. New York, Free Press, 1992.
6. Upshaw, Lyhh B. Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for success in a hostile market place. New
York, John, Wiley, 1995.
7. Keller, Kevin Lana. Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall, 1998.
8. Sagar, Mahim et al. Brand Management, 2010.
MBAM-408 Global Marketing
The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with environmental, procedural,
institutional and decisional aspects of global marketing.
Global Marketing: Definition, Nature, Scope and Benefits; Reasons and Motives
Underlying Global Trade and Global Business; Domestic Marketing versus Global Marketing
Process of Global Marketing; Global Marketing Environment; Issues in Global Marketing;
Basic Modes for Entry;
WTO Framework and Global Marketing; Factors Influencing Global Market Selection
and Segmentation Strategies
Global Marketing Mix; Global Product Mix, Branding, Labeling, Packaging; Global Pricing
Policies and Strategies
Global Distribution and Logistics Management; Distribution Channels and Policy.
Global Promotional Strategies
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Vern Terpestra and Ravi Sarathy: International Marketing: Thomson
2. Simon Majaro: International Marketing
3. John,Fayerweather:InternationalMarketing
4. R. L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya: International Marketing: Sultan Chand Publications, N.
5. Sak Onkvisit and John Shaw: International Marketing (analysis and Strategy), PHI, N. Delhi
6. Warren, J. Keegan: Global Marketing Management: Pearson Edu/PHI, New Delhi
7. Phillip R. Cateora: International Marketing: Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Finance Group
MBAF 305 Management of Financial Services
The course aims at making the students understand the role of Financial Services in producing and
maximizing value, understanding basic Financial Services and their need and factors determining
dynamism in the Financial Services industry.
Unit I:
Financial services and Value production, Value added in Financial Services, Role of Financial
Services in Economic Development
Unit II
Merchant Banking : Meaning, Importance & Role in the Indian Financial System, Corporate
Counselling, Project Counselling and Appraisal, Loan Syndication. Procedural aspects of public
issues, bought out deals, Book Building, Pre-Issue Decision; Post Issue Management and related
provisions of Companies Act .
Unit III
Development of Leasing , Hire Purchase and Consumer Credit, Types of Leasing, Legal Framework
for Leasing and Hire Purchase Companies, Leasing Vs. Buying- , Securitization , Concept, Mode,
Mechanism and Beneficiaries of Securitization; Securitization in India.
Unit IV
Venture Capital : Financing, Process, benefits, Exit routes, Venture Capital Financing in India,
Mutual Funds : types, Organization and Management, Regulations of Mutual Funds
Unit V
Factoring Services: Features, Merits and Demerits, Cost Benefit Analysis, Forfeiting : Features,
Merits and Demerits, Credit Rating: Concept of Credit Rating, Types of Credit Rating, Advantages
and Disadvantages of Credit Rating, Credit Rating Agencies and Their Methodology and Process,
Depository: Concept, Depository participants; Functions of depository system.
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Khan M Y, 1999, Indian Financial System, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Chandra, P. 1999, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Dietrich J Kimball, 1996, Financial Services & Financial Institutions, Value Creation in
theory and Practice, 10th Ed., Prentice Hall
4. Pandey, I.M. 1999, Financial Management, 8th Ed., Vikas Publishing House
5. Sriram, K. 1996, Handbook of Leasing, Hire Purchase and Factoring, ICFAI.
6. Bhole L M, 2000, Financial Institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth & Innovations, 3rd
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Regular reading of the Financial & Business Journals, Analyst, Economist is essential.
MBAF 306 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
This course aims at providing a clear understanding of the changing domestic and global investment
scenario with reference to availability of various financial products and operations of stock
exchanges. Important theories, techniques, regulations and certain advancements in theory of
investment will be covered with an aim of helping the participants make sound investment decisions
both in the context of individual security and portfolio investment.
Unit I:
Process of Investment in Financial Assets, Salient Features & Operations of Stock
Exchanges, Changing Scenario of Indian Stock Market, Efficiency of Indian markets.
Unit II:
Risk and Return in the Context of Portfolio, Common Stock Valuation Models, Term Structure of
Interest Rates, Macaulays Duration., Redington s Immunization.
Unit III:
Fundamental Analysis Economic, Industry & Company Analysis, , Technical Analysis., Efficient
Market Theory
Unit IV
Markowitzs Risk-Return Optimization, Generating the Efficient Frontier, Single-Index Model,
Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory.
Unit V
Managed Portfolios and Performance Examination - Sharpes, Treynors, Jensens and Famas
Performance Measures, Portfolio Revision - Portfolio Re-balancing, Mutual Funds and their Portfolio
Management Schemes.
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings :
1. Chandra, P. 2002, Investment Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Bhalla, V.K. 2001. Investment Management: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, S.
Chand and Company, 8th Ed.
3. Fischer, D.E. and Jordan, R.J. 1995, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice
Hall of India
4. Fuller, R. J. and Farrel, J.L. 1987, Modern Investment & Security Analysis, McGraw Hill
5. Sharpe & Alexander, Investments, Prentice Hall of India
6. Francis, J.C. 1987, Investments, McGraw Hill International.
7. Avdhani V.A. 1994, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Himalaya
8. Hull, J.C. 1995, Introduction to Futures & Options Markets, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs,
New Jersey.
MBAF 307 International Financial Management
This course offers an understanding of the conceptual framework within which the key
financial decisions of multinational firm are analysed.
Unit I:
Multinational Financial Management : Growth and importance of international finance;
Types of risk in international finance; Rewards in international finance. Short-term overseas
financing sources; International management of cash, accounts receivables and inventory
Unit II:
Multinational Investment Decisions : Capital Budgeting for multinational corporations. Cost
of capital for foreign investment and designing financial structure.
Unit III:
International Financing : Equity financing, bond financing , bank financing, direct loans.
Government and development bank lending. Measurement of political risk, management of
political risk, political risk analysis in capital budgeting.
Unit IV:
Portfolio Investment : Benefits of international portfolio investment, spreading risk,
international capital asset pricing, international diversification. Corporate taxes, Value Added
Tax (VAT), Withholding Taxes duties and tariffs; Branch verses subsidiary taxes; Tax
Unit V:
International Accounting and Reporting : Foreign currency transitions; Multinational
transfer pricing and performance measurement; Consolidated financial reporting;
International accounting standards.
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Apte, P.G: International Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Buckley, Adrian: Multinational Finance, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3. Eitman, D.K. and A.I Stenehill: Multinational Business Cash Finance, Addison Wesley.
4. Henning, C.N., W Piggot and W.H Scott: International Financial Management, McGraw Hill,
5. Levi, Maurice D: International Finance, McGraw- Hill, International Edition.
6. Rodriqufe, R.M. and E.E Carter: International Financial Management, Prentice Hall,
International Edition.
7. Shaprio, Alan.C: Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
8. Zeneff, D. and J Zwick: International Financial Management, Prentice Hall, International
MBAF 308 Financial Institutions & Markets
The aim of the course to familiarize the students with working and management of the financial
institutions of today & developing an understanding why they are the way they are, and why they are
changing .
Unit I:
Financial institutions and economic development, Types of Money, Process of Capital Formation,
Technology of financial systems- Pooling, Netting, Credit substitution & Delegation.
Unit II:
Regulatory Institutions RBI SEBI & IRDA, Understanding Financial Intermediaries, Nature, types,
performance, salient features of NBFC , challenges and suggestions,
Unit III:
Evolution and growth of banking system , Commercial, Cooperative & Gramin Banks, Principles of
Lending, , Project Appraisal Criteria, Narsimhan Committee Recommendations, Management of
NPA , Banking Innovations, Basle Committee Recommendations, CAR - Risk Weighted Assets,
Asset Liability Management in Commercial Banks, Retail and Wholesale Banking, , Bank assurance,
Universal Banking,
Unit IV:
Role of Insurance companies, Operational policies and practices of insurance companies, Life
Insurance & general Insurance, New developments in insurance as a sector in the Indian financial
system, Mutual Funds & Asset Management Companies.
Unit V:
Role of Financial Markets in Economy, Types of Market, Capital Market- New Issue Market & Stock
Exchanges, Derivative Market product, participants & functions, Commodity Market,
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Chandra, P. 1997, Financial Management: Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
2. Grundy, T., Johnson, G and Scholes, K. 1998, Exploring Strategic Financial Management,
Prentice Hall Europe.
3. Sadtler, D; Campbell, A. and Koch, R. 1997, Break Up: When Large Companies are More worth
Dead than Alive.
4. Stephen H Archer and Charles DAmbrosio, The Theory of Business Finance, Collar McMillan
5. Micheal Firth and Simon M Keane, Issues in Finance, Heritage
6. Eccles, R. G. and Crane, D. B. 1995, Doing Deals: Investment Banks at Work, McGraw - Hill
MBAF 405 Corporate Tax Planning
The course aims at making the students understand various tax provisions enabling them to
make use of legitimate tax shelters, deductions, exceptions, rebates and allowances; with the
ultimate aim of minimizing the corporate tax liability.
Unit I:
Basic Concepts:Introduction to Income Tax Act, 1961, Residential Status, Exempted
Incomes of Companies. An overview of various provisions of Business & profession &
Capital gains applicable to companies, Overview of Direct Tax Code.
Unit II:
Assessment of Companies: Computation of taxable income, MAT, Set off & carry forward of
losses in companies, Deductions from Gross total income applicable to companies.
Unit III :
Other Issues in assessment of companies: Tax planning with reference to new
projects/expansions/rehabilitation plans including mergers, amalgamation or de-mergers of
companies, Concept of avoidance of double taxation.
Unit IV:
Wealth Tax: An overview of wealth tax provisions to the extent applicable to companies.
Unit V :
Indirect Taxation GST, Service tax, VAT-their computation and filing of returns, impact of
annual union budget on tax structure , procedure of filing of companys tax returns.
The objective of the course is to enable the students to think in terms of innovative solutions to
financial problems with particular emphasis on understanding new risks, which the changing scenario
of finance is creating for individuals and firms and equip them with innovative tools of financial
engineering called derivatives and skills to use them in forming effective strategies to cope with the
changing environment and hedge against the financial risks.
Unit I
Changing Environment and Increasing Price Risks, Financial Engineering as a response to Increased
Risks, Types of Risks and Risk Management, Tools of Risk Management, Conceptual and Physical
Tools of Financial Engineering, Effect of Speculation and Arbitrage on Market Efficiency, Derivative
Market in India
Unit II
The Futures Markets, Buying and Selling Futures, Devising a Hedging Strategy Using Futures, Stock
& Index Futures, Interest Rate Futures, Foreign Currency Futures and Commodity Futures, Value at
Unit III:
Options Markets; Properties of Stock Option Prices; Option Pricing Models Binomial Model,
Black-Scholes; Model, Single Period Options Calls and Puts, Payoff Diagrams of Simple and
Complex Option Strategies, Cash Settled Options, Multi-Period Options Caps, Floors, Collars,
Captions, Swaptions, Cross-currency Futures and Options.
Unit IV:
Structure of a Swap, Interest Rate Swaps, Currency of Swaps, Commodity Swaps, Other
Swaps, Credit Risk, Role of a Swap Dealer.
Unit V
Debt Market Innovations, Exotic Options, Synthetic Instruments, Direct and Cross Hedges,
Future Trends and Issues in Financial Engineering.
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Marshall, J. F. and Bansal, V. K. 2006. Financial Engineering: A Complete Guide to
Financial Innovation, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Edwards, F. R. and Ma, C. W. 1992, Futures and Options, McGraw-Hill International.
3. Rebonato, R. 1996, Interest Rate Option Models: Understanding, Analyzing and Using
Models for Exotic Interest Rate Options, John Wiley and Sons.
4. Kolb, R. W. 1997, Understanding Futures Markets, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Hull, J. C. 1999, Introduction to Futures and Options Markets, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Articles from selected journals and magazines.
MBAF 407 Financial Econometrics
Objectives :
The objective of the course is to econometrics application & analysis to various business &
financial theories and models.
Unit I:
Concepts & applications of Econometrics related to Risk and returns, Portfolio risk -
measurement and analysis, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Market Equilibrium, , Single-index
model, Arbitrage Pricing theory, Market Efficiency.
Unit II:
Concepts & applications of Econometrics related to Bond valuation, duration, bond
immunization, active bond management and passive bond management.
Unit III:
Concepts & applications of Econometrics related to Discounted Cash-flow techniques:
Balance sheet valuation, Dividend discount models, Intrinsic value and market price, earnings
multiplier approach, P/E ratio, Price/Book value, Price/sales ratio, Economic value added
Unit IV:
Concepts & applications of Econometrics related to derivatives, Forwards, Futures, futures,
Options, Swaps.
Unit V:
Concepts & applications of Econometrics related to capital Market, Primary and Secondary
market, Stock exchange, Capital Market Reforms and SEBI, Mutual Funds.
MBAF 408 Strategic Financial Management
The course aims at helping overcome traditional distinction between Strategy and Financial
Management as two diverse disciplines of management. It is intended to develop an in-depth
understanding, among the participants, of how to manage for value by enabling financial management
to play a more proactive role in Strategic Management.
Unit I:
Role of Finance and Strategy in Management Process, Management Behaviour and Convergence
between Strategic and Financial Analysis
Unit II:
Value Analysis A Strategic Perspective, Advances in Working Capital Management, Arriving at an
Optimal Capital Structure, Impact of Inflation on Financial Decisions, Dividends Decisions A
Strategic Perspective
Unit III:
Rationale for Shareholders Wealth Maximization, New performance Metrics like Economic Value
Added (EVA) and Market value Added (MVA), Various Approaches to Corporate Valuation,
Alignment of Interest of Various Stakeholders of a Firm.
Unit IV:
Restructuring- Merger, Acquisition & Divestment, The Search Process, Valuation and Deal
Structuring, Accounting and Tax Implications, Strategies for Acquisitions, Resisting takeovers, Post
Merger Integration and Learning
Unit V:
Leveraged Buy-outs (LBOs) Restructuring of Sick Enterprises, Due Diligence and certification.
Case Studies based on above mentioned Curriculum
Suggested Readings:
1. Chandra, P. 1997, Financial Management: Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
2. Jakhotiya, G. P. 2000, Strategic Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
3. Grundy, T., Johnson, G and Scholes, K. 1998, Exploring Strategic Financial Management,
Prentice Hall Europe.
4. Shank, J. K. & Govindarajan, V. 1995, Strategic Cost Management: The New Tool for
Competitive Advantage, the Free Press.
5. Pritchett, P; Robinson, D. and Clarkson, R. 1997, After The Merger: The Authoritative Guide
for Integration Success, McGraw Hill
6. Sadtler, D; Campbell, A. and Koch, R. 1997, Break Up: When Large Companies are More
Worth Dead Than Alive.
7. Geneen, H. and Bowers, B. 1997, The Synergy Myth and other ailments of Business Today,
St. Martin Press New York..
8. Weston, Chung & Hoag, 1996, Mergers, Restructuring and Corporate Control, Prentice Hall
of India.
9. Stephen H Archer and Charles DAmbrosio, The Theory of Business Finance, Collar
10. Micheal Firth and Simon M Keane, Issues in Finance, Heritage
MBAH-305 Human Resource Planning & Development
The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual as well as a practical understanding of Human
Resource Planning, in the organizations. It also aims to facilitate an understanding of the concepts,
methods and strategies for HRD.
Unit I:
Concepts and process of human resource planning ; macro level planning; Stock Taking ; Work Force
Flow Mapping ; Age and Grade Distribution Mapping.
Unit II:
Models and techniques of forecasting of manpower demand and supply; Behavioral Factors in Human
Resource Planning Wastage Analysis ; Employee Retention , Redeployment and Exit Strategies
Unit III:
Human Resource Information System, Career Planning and Development; Performance Management
and Performance Appraisal,; Human Resource Accounting and Human Resource Audit
Unit IV:
HRD - Concepts. Goals. Challenges; Quality of Work-Life, HRD Climate and Practices in India,
Organizing HRD Function; Developing HRD Strategies.
Unit V:
HRD Dimensions, TQM and HRD strategies, HRD in Strategic Organization,; HRD for Workers;
HRD intervention; HRD Approaches for Coping with Organizational Changes.
Suggested Readings :
1 Arthur, M. Career Theory Handbook. Englewood Cliff, Prentice Hall Inc., 1991.
2 Belkaoui, A Rand Belkaoui, J M. Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies and
Techniques. Greenwood. Quorum Books, 1995.
3 Bhattacharya, D.K. Human Resource Planning, Excel Books, 2006
4 Dale, B. Total quality and Human Resources: An Executive Guide. Oxford, Blackwell.
5 Greenhaus, J H. Career Management. New York, Dryden, 1987.
6 Dayal, Ishwar. Successful Applications of HRD. New Concepts, New Delhi, 1996.
7 Dayal, lshwar, Designing HRD Systems, Concept, New Delhi, 1993.
8 Kohli, Uddesh & Sinha, Dharni P. HRD - Global Challenges & Strategies in 2000 A.D. ISTD,
New Delhi, 1995.
9 Maheshwari, B L. & Sinha, Dharni P. Management of Change Through HRD. Tata McGraw
Hill. New Delhi, 1991.
10 Pareek, U. etc. Managing Transitions: The HRD Response. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
MBAH- 306 Strategic HRM
Unit I:
Strategy Definition, Key Concepts of Strategy, Formulations of Strategy, Strategic
Management, Process of Strategic Management, Investment Perspective of SHRM, Barriers
to strategic HRM
Unit II:
Strategic HRM, Aims of SHRM, Traditional HR Vs Strategic HR, Challenges in SHRM,
Approaches and models to SHRM , Strategic role of HR, Barriers to Strategic HR.
Unit III:
HR Strategy definition, purpose, types of HR strategies, Content of HR strategies,
Formulating HR strategy, Criteria for an Effective HR strategy, Integration of Business with
HR Strategies.
Unit IV:
Human Resource Evaluation- An Overview, Rationale for HR Evaluation, Measures of HRM
Performance, Approaches to HR Evaluations.
Unit V:
Career Management, Mentoring Relationship, Work-life Balance
Suggested Readings :
1 Mello Jeffrey A., 2001, Strategic Human Resource Management, Thompson Press Publishing.
2 Tanuja Agarawala (2007) Strategic Human Resource Management, Thompson Press Publishing.
3 Michael Armstrong, Strategic Human Resource Management: Strategy and Action, Kogan Page
4 Mahey C and Salman G., 1996, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford Blackwell.
5 Srinivas R. Kandula, 2002, Strategic Human Resource Development, Prentice Hall of India.
6 Beardwell and Holden, 1996, Human Resource Management, London Pitman.
7 Gary Dessler, 1997Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India.
MBAH-307 Industrial Relations And Labour Law
Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial
relations. This course inculcates to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of
industrial relations at the micro and macro levels. Understanding of the legal framework is
important for the efficient decision making relating to human resource management and industrial
relations. The course aims to provide an understanding, application and interpretation of the various
labour laws and their implications for industrial relations.
Unit I:
Industrial Relations concept; socio- economic scenario and industrial relation; the role of State. Trade
Unions their roles and Importance, Registration, Recognition, Functions, Problems & Future of Trade
Unit II:
Managing trade unions; Trade union and the employee; Discipline and Grievance Management;
Collective Bargaining; Bargaining and Negotiating Skills, Employee Engagement: Industrial
Democracy and Harmonization of Industrial Relation-; Collective Bargaining. Relations Employee
Empowerment and Quality Management; Industrial Relations and Technological Change; Role of
Unit III:
Factories Act 1948, Workmens Compensation Act 1923, E.S.I.C. Act, 1948.
Unit IV:
Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Trade Unions Act, 1926. Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages
Act 1936, Payment of Bonus Act 1965. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972: Provident Fund Act 1952
Case Studies based on above curriculum
Suggested Readings :
1 Niland, J R. etc., The Future of Industrial Relations, Sage, New Delhi. 1994.
2 Papola, T S & Rodgers. G. Labour Institutions and Economic Development in India, ILO,
Geneva, 1992.
3 Ramaswamy, E A. The Strategic Management of industrial Relations, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 1994.
4 Virmani. B R. Participative Management vs. Collective Bargaining. New Delhi. Vision Books,
1988. Webb, Sidney & Webb, Beatrice. Industrial Democracy. Longman. Melbourne, 1987.
5 Pylee, M.V. and George Simon; Industrial Relations and Personnel Management; Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi; 2003.
6 Davar; R.S; Personnel Management and Industrial Relations; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi; 2003.
7 Manappa Arun; Industrial Relations; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Deelhi.
8 Drivedi; R.S.. Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations. Galgotia Publishing
Company; New Delhi. 2005
9 Srivastava; SC; Industrial Relations and Labor Laws; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New
Delhi; 2003.
10 Venkata Ratnam; C.S; Industrial Relations; Oxford university Press; New Delhi; 2006
11 Ghaiye, B R. Law and Procedure of Department Enquiry in Private and Public Sector, Eastern
Law Company, Lucknow, 1994.
12 Malhotra, O P. The Law of Industrial Disputes, Vol. 1 and 2. N M Tripathi, Bombay,
MBAH 308: Compensation Management
The course is designed to promote understanding of issues related to the compensation or rewarding
human resources in the corporate sector, public services and other forms of organizations and to
impart skill in designing, analyzing and restructuring reward management systems, policies and
Conceptual and Theoretical Understanding of Economic Theory Related to Reward Management;
Competitive Imperatives: Productivity, Quality, Service, Speed, Learning; Planning for Improve
Diagnosis and Bench Marking, Obtaining Commitment; Determination of Inter and Intra-Industry
Compensation Differentials; Internal and External Equity in Compensation System
Tools Used in Designing Improving and Implementing Compensation Packages; Compensation
Design for Specific Types of Human Resources like Compensation of Chief Executives, Senior
Managers, R&D Staff, etc
Different Components of Compensation Packages like Fringe Benefits, Incentives and Retirement
Plans; Compensation Practices of Multinational Corporations and Strategic Compensation Systems
Statutory Provisions Governing Different Components of Reward Systems; Working of Different
Institutions Related to Reward System Like Wage Boards, Pay Commissions.
Suggested Readings
Unit I:
Conflict in Organizations: nature of conflict, levels of conflict. Definition. Traditional
vis--vis Modern view of conflict Types of conflict Intrapersonal, Interpersonal,
Organizational. Constructive and Destructive conflict.Conflict Studies, Models and types of
conflict situations.
Unit II:
Management of Conflict : Preventing Interpersonal Conflict and inter group Conflict.
Achieving Group - Team work development.Conflict management styles.Approaches &
Methods,Skills of Identifying and Analyzing themes of Conflict & Development.
Unit III:
Understanding Conflict & Violence: Structural & Cultural Violence, Major Indian & Non-
Indian Approaches, Gandhi and his heritage, Conflict Resolution & Peace Research: Recent
Paradigms & Theories.Conflict Management & Conflict Resolution, Analytical Problem
Solving Approach, Conflict Transformation, Communication; Inter-personal Mediation,
Transforming Inter-group Relationship: Interfaith/Intercultural Dialogue & Ethnic Conflict
Unit IV:
Introduction:class organization, discussion of content; the nature of conflict. Who are we in
conflict? Perspectives on Conflict, The Nature of Conflict, Goals: Saving Face and Getting
What You Want, Power Styles and Tactics, Conflict Assessment, Communication, perception
and cognitive biases, Third Party Interventions. Distributive and cooperative negotiations,
cooperation and optimization.
Unit V:
The Nature of Negotiations, Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining, Strategy &
Tactics of Integrative Bargaining, Pre-negotiation Essentials, Dealing with Negotiation
Breakdowns, Communication in Negotiation, Social Context of Negotiation, Negotiation in
Groups, Power in Negotiation, The Social Context of Negotiatio ns, Ethics in negotiation
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice: by Morton Deutsch (Editor), Peter T.
Coleman (Editor)
The objective of this paper is to make the students learn about the organizational change and prepare
them as change facilitators using the knowledge and techniques of behavioral science.
Unit I:
Organization Change- Need, Types, process , Approaches to problem diagnosis; Factors affecting
change- Environmental, Technological, Legal, Political, Social, &, Cultural factors :; Models &
techniques involved in Planned changes; Guidelines for Facilitating change.
Unit II:
Nature, basic assumptions, Characteristics & process of Organizational Development, OD
Interventions ,The Lab training, The survey research and feedback , The Action Research ,Role of
change agent.
Unit III:
Steps in OD, General OD competencies, OD skills, Designing interventions- Interpersonal, Team,
Intergroup and System.
Unit IV:
Determinants of Organizational Design, Components of Organization Design, Organization - The
Environment Interface, Organizational Decision Making.
Unit VI :
Evaluation of OD, Ethics of OD Professionals, Future of OD
Suggested Readings:
1. Abad, Ahmad. Etc; Developing Effective Organization; Sri Ram Center for Industrial
Relations; New Delhi; 1980.
2. De Nitish; Alternative Designs of Human Organizations; Sage; London; 1988.
3. French, W. H. and Bell; CH. Organisation Development; Prentice Hall of India;New Delhi;
4. French, W. L. etc; Organization Development Theory; Practice and Research; 3rd ed. Unive
Book Stall; New Delhi; 1990.
5. Harvey, D. F. and Brown, D. R.; An Experiential Approach to Organization Development;
Prentice Hall Inc.; Jersey; 1990.
6. Huse, F. E. and Cummings, T. G.; Organization Development and Change; 3rd ed; New
York; West, 1985.
7. Sinha, Dharani P. etc.; Consultants and Consulting Styles; Vision; New Delhi; 1982.
Unit I:
Introduction to Psychometrics, psychometric principles,The Big Picture of Psychometric
Theory , Psychometrics and the Importance of Psychological Measurement Scaling, Practices
relative to conducting high quality quantitative research and evaluation projects,
Psychological Attributes.
Unit II:
Individual Differences and Correlations, Test Dimensionality and Factor Analysis, Reliability,
Empirical Estimates of Reliability, The importance of Reliability, Validity, Validity: Estimating and
Evaluating Convergent and Discriminant Validity Evidence.
Unit III:
Correlational and Experimental psychology, Models of measurement, Variance and
Covariance, Correlation and regression, Multiple Correlation and regression, Latent variable
models, Classical Test Theory, Item Response Theory, Structural Equation Modeling,
Validity + Reliability = SEM
Unit IV:
Test Design and Construction , Test Administration and Scoring, Item Analysis & Norms,
Reliability & Validity, Interests, Attitudes and Values, Personality I, Personality II,
Psychological Assessment in Applied Settings, Special Abilities, Criticism and Issues ,
Group Assessment Reports, Response Biases &Test Construction, Judgmental vs. Statistical
Prediction, Testing vs. Assessment, Treatment Utility of Assessment, Issues with Computer
and Internet Tests, Validity of Self-reports, Peer Reports, and Diagnostic Interviews, Test
Bias and Intelligence,
Unit V: Personality Traits: Myth or Reality, Test Bias, Generalizability Theory, Item
Response Theory and Rasch Models
Objective :
The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual undertaking of the cultural and
related behavioural variables in the Human Resource Management of global organizations.
Unit I:
Human and Cultural variables in Global organizations; Cross Cultural differences and managerial
implications; Major Economies and their HRM Practices.
Unit II:
Cross Cultural Management; Structural Evolution of Global organizations; TE Hall Studies of
National Culture, Managing Workforce diversity, adjusting to the New Culture.
Unit III:
Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision making; Cross cultural communication and negotiation,
Competencies for Global Organization Structure and HRM.
Unit IV:
Human Resource Management in Global Organizations; Selection Source, Selection Criteria
for International assignment ; Issues in supply of International Human Resources.
Unit V:
Compensation and appraisal in Global Perspective, MNC and Compensation System;
Component and Structure of International Compensation package, Approaches to
International Compensation Management.