Amie CV404 Geotech
Amie CV404 Geotech
Amie CV404 Geotech
S'05:4AN:CV404 (30)
Group A
( v) Uniformity coefficient
(Tum Over)
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(b) For a soil, the following are given: G, = 267, ( b ) Compute the quantity of water seeping under a weir
3 per day for which the flow net has been satisfactorily
y soil= 17 6 kN /m and moisture content= 108%.
Determine constructed. The coefficient of permeability is
(i) Dry unit weight 2 x 10-2 mm/s, N,= 5, Nd= 18. The difference in
water level between upstream and downstream is
(ii) Void ratio 3 m. The length of weir is 60 m. 6
(iii) Porosity
(c) Define 'Critical hydraulic gradient' and explain how
(iv) Degree of saturation. 5 piping occurs ? 4
(c) Describe briefly Indian system of soil classification. (d) Define 'Permeability' and how would you determine
When would you use dual symbol for soils ? 5 it in the field? 4
(d) Threepointloads, lOOOOkN, 7500kN and 9000kN, 3. (a ) What are the three standard triaxial shear tests with
acts in a line 5 m apart near the surface of a soil mass.
respect to drainage condition ? Explain with reasons
Calculate the vertical stress at a depth 4 m vertically
the situation for which each test is to be preferred. 6
below the centre (7 500 kN) load. 5
2. (a ) Consider the upward flow of water through a layer (b) The effective stress parameters for a fully saturated
of sand in a tank as shown below. For the sand, the clay are known to be c' = 15kN/m2 and <p' =29. In
following are given: void ratio( e)= 052 and an unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test on a
Gs = 267. Calculate the total stress, pore water specimen of same clay the all round pressure was
pressure and effective stress at points A and B. 6
250kN/m2 and the principal stress difference at
failure was 134kN/m2 What was the value of pore
water water pressure in this specimen at failure? 8
( c) Explain briefly how total foundation settlement can
be estimated by stress path method ? 6
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
layer is 80kN/m2 10 ( ii) safe bearing capacity and allowable soil pressure. 5
(c) Explain how instantaneous time-settlement curve for ( b ) Discuss various types of foundations and their
a foundation can be corrected to allow for the selection with respect to different situations. 5
construction period. 4
( c ) A rectangular footing, with a plan area of
GroupB 1-4mx20m is to be placed 2m below the ground
surface. The footing would be subjected to a load
S. (a ) Discuss briefly the various factors that help to decide inclined at 10 to the vertical. The subsoil is clayey,
the number and depth of bore holes required for sandy silt with saturated unit weight of 18 kN /m 3 , and
sub-soil exploration. 4 c' = 10kN/m2 and cp' = 30. Assuming the rate of
loading is such that drained condition prevailed,
(b) What is N-value of standard penetration test? compute the magnitude of load carrying capacity of
Discuss briefly the various corrections to be applied the footing if. the water table is at the base of the
to the observed N-value. 4 footing. Use IS: 6403-1981 recommendation and
assume factor of safety= 30. 10
(c) The following data was. obtained from a plate load
test carried out on a 60 em square test plate at a depth 7. (a) Explain how point bearing and skin friction can be
of 2m below the ground surface on a sandy soil which estimated from cyclic pile load test. 6
extends up to a large depth. Determine the settlement
of a foundation (3m x 3 m) carrying a load of 1100 kN (b) A 30 em square pile, 15m long is driven in a
and located at 2m below the ground surface. 8 deposit of medium dense sand (cp = 36, NY= 40
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
and N 9 = 42). The unit weight of sand is 9. Answer aU questions of the following: 2x10
18kN/m3 . What is the allowable load assuming a
factor of safety of 3? Assume lateral earth pressure ( i) A 3m thick layer (double drainage) of saturated clay
coefficient is 06. 8 under surcharge loading underwent 90% primary
consolidation in 75 days. Find the coefficient of
( c ) Discuss how bearing capacity of weak soil can be
consolidation of clay for that pressure range. (Given
improved by preloading and vibro-compaction 7
6 T90 =0848)
8. ( a ) What are the design criteria to be satisfied for stability ( ii) In a variable head permeability test, the following data
of a gravity retaining wall? Indicate briefly how it can are given : The length of the specimen (L ) = 30 em,
be ensured. 5 cross-sectional area of specimen = 50 cm2 , cross
( b ) Differentiate critically between Rankine and -sectional area of stand pipe= 1 cm2 , the taken for
Coulomb earth pressure theories. 5 water level in stand pipe to drop from 60 em to 30 em
is 8 min. What is the permeability of soil?
( c) Details of a cantilever retaining wall are shown below.
Calculate the maximum and minimum pressures (iii) The moisture content of a saturated soil sample is
under the base if the water table rises behind the wall 40%. Assuming G s = 2 71, find the void ratio of the
to a level390m from the top of the wall. The shear soil.
strength parameters for the soil are: c' = 0 and
cp' = 38. The saturated unit weight of the soil is ( iv) A load of 1500 kN acts as a point load on the surface
20kN/m3 and above the water table the unit weight of a soil mass. Find the vertical stress at a point 3 m
is 17kN/m3 ; the unit weight of concrete is below and 4 m away from the line of action of load.
235kN/m3 If 6 = 25 on the base of the wall, what Use Boussinesq's approach.
is the factor of safety against sliding? 10
( v) In an unconfined compression test on a sandy clay
sample fail~d along a failure plane inclined at 53 the
horizon. Estimate the angle of internal friction (cp) of
3.9m the soil.
initial stress is I 00 kPa and the layer is 3 m thick,
estimate the ultimate settlement of the layer if the
stress is increased by 20 kPa. Assume initial void
ratio= 090.
4ANC"V4041JOI ( () l I r'nntinu>d l
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
3. (a ) Define the terms :
values were 17% and 273 respectively. The specific
gravity of the wax was 089. Determine the bull ( i) Consolidation
density, void ratio and degree of saturation of the soil. 7
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
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AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c) The porosity of a sample of sand in the loose state ( mv) for the increment pressures from 1 to 2 kg/ cm 2
is 54% and in the dense state 38%. Find out the critical
and from 2 to 4 kg/cm 2 , respectively. 15
hydraulic gradient in both the states of soil, if the
specific gravity of soil is 2 60. What will be the saturate
Group B
densities of these soils. 5
( Q l What is meant by piping failures of earth dams? State 5. (a) What are the objectives of subsoil
with few examples. 5 explorations'? Enumerate them briefly. 5
.l. (a l An undrained triaxial compression strength was
conducted on clayey silt soils, and the following test (b) Draw a neat sketch of a split spoon sampler (as per
results are obtained. IS 9640: 1987). 5
:Specimen No. I 1 2 I 3 ! (c) Draw a test set up for conducting standard
44 I
56 I
. o 1 (kN/m 2 ) I 17 i
Minor principle stress penetration test (S.P.T) and delineate the test
:a, (kN/m2 ) [!57 204 i 225
Major principle stress procedure as carried out in the field and method of
u (Pore pressure I 12 20 22 ! Pore pressure I recording the data (as per IS 2131: 1 9 81 ). Describe
kN;mzJ the methodology of applying corrections to S.P.T.
values. 10
Determine the shear parameters considering effective
6. (a) A rectangular footing of size 3m x 6m is founded at
stresses. 5
a depth of 2m below G.L. in a dense sandy medium
( b l The following observations are recorded in a
of ~ = 3 5. The water table is at foundation level. The
consolidation test on a fully saturated specimen:
saturated density of sand is determined as 20 kN Jm 3 .
Initial height of specimen =20mm
Diameter of specimen =75mm Compute the bearing capacity of the stratum with
Specific gravity of clay =277 factor of safdy of 2. Apply necessary corrections to
Water content = 39%. shape and depth factors. All loads applied arc
Applied pressure i 0 :0 5 2 4 : X 0 symmetrical (as per IS 6403:1981 ). The values of
bearing capacity factors arc:
Final dial gauge '100 359 499 '632 '768 899 /60
N. =46 12
reading x 1 o- 2
(mm) i
N,, = 3330
i\1. = 48 03.
Plot "e-logp' curvc and find compression index
( C". ). Compute the coefficient compressibility Compute the bearing capacity of the footmg
(a,) and coefficient of volume compressibility foundation. 10
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Size of plate 03mx03m, Width of footing, . (li). In a liquid limit test using 'Casagrande' apparatus 28
Br = l20m, Depth of foundation Dr= 150m. blows were required to close the gap at 0 moisture
No water table is encounted with. l0 content of 43%. Compute the 'liquid limit' value of
7; (a) List out various soil improvement techniques that are the soil using single pt. method. Use the power coeff.
generally used in Civil Eng's. Practice. Describe any as 012 for the empirical equation given in the IS code.
one method in detail. 10
(Iii) List out important field identification tests carried
(b) Draw a neat sketch of Casagrande type piezometer
out at site.
and explain its use in practical applications. 5
( r: l Compute the safe height for an embankment rising ( iv) Compute the critical hydraulic gradient of a soil if
at an angle of 6 8 to the horizontal and to be made G = 267 and void ratio is 10 1.
with a clayey soil having a unit wt. of 20kN/m and
( v) For all the permeability tests conducted, the values
~ = ! 7 and cohesion C = 20 kN 1m with a factor of
have to be reported at T= 2TC as periS code. State
safety of 250.
As per Taylor's stability chart, the stability number the relationship of the same.
N 5 =0!36.
( vi) There is an empirical formula to find out the
permeability of soils, rf effective diameter of the ~uil
8. (a) Describe briet1y the Rankine's and Coulomb's earth particles arc k.nown. State the same.
pressure theories. ]()
( VIi) In shear strength studies of soils, a term by 't1uw
( b l What is meant by earth press at rest'! How it 1s
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c) Following observations were obtained from a liquid 3. ( a ) Compute the total, effective and pore pressure at a
limit test of a soil : depth of 15m below the bottom of a lake 6 m deep.
The bottom of the lake consists of 80ft clay with a
Number of Blows 10 20 30 40 thickness of more than 15m. The average ~ater
Water Content (%) 82 74 68 65 content of the clay is 40% and the specific gravity of
soils may be assumed to be 265. 8
Two tests for plastic limit were done which gave ( b ) A horizontal stratified soil deposit consists of three
values of 282 and 294, respectively. Plot the flow layers each uniform in itself. The permeabilities of
curve and determine the liquid limit, plasticity index three layers are 8 X 10- 4 cm/S; 52 X 10- 4 cm/s and
and flow index of the oil. 8 6 x 1o- 4 cm/s and their thicknesses are 7 m, 3m and
10m, respectively. Find the effective average
2. (a ) Describe briefly the wet analysis of soil using '
permeability of the deposit in horizontal and vertical
hydrometer. 5 directions. 5
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c ) A normally consolidated clay stratum of 3 m thickness (b) Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square
has two permeable layers at its top and bottom. The footing 1 5 m x 1 5 m, located at a depth of 1 m below
liquid limit and initial void ratio of the clay are 36% thegroundlevelina soil of average density 20kN/m 3
and 082, respectively, while the initial overburden ~=20. (Nc=177, Nq=74, N 0 =50). If the
pressure at the middle of clay layer is 200kN/m2 water-table rises to the ground level, compute the
Due to the construction of a new building, this pressure reduction inS. B. C. Take FS = 3. 8
increases by 150 kN/m 2 Compute the probable
( c ) Following results were obtained from a plate load test
consolidation settlement of the building. 7
performed on a square plate of 300 mm x 300 mm
GroupB size at a depth of 12m below the ground level in a
bed of cla>: soil. Determine the safe bearing capacity
5. (a ) Discuss, with neat sketches, any two boring methods of the footing by taking FS = 3. 9
used in soil exploration. 5
Load Intensity (kN/m2 ) 25 so 100 200 300 400 500
(b) The observed. SPT value m a :deposit of fully
submerged. fine silty sand was 45 at a depth of 20m. Settlement (mm) 045 0.85 180 345 560 875 1450
: .'
The average sa.ll.Jrated : unit.
.. ' .... "
of the. so~ is
19.S:kN/m~. "Firid the. Qm-ected, SPI' value for
,, 7. (a ) Proportion a combined footing for two columns
dilatancy and overburden ~feet. s
' . ,.. ' .' l ' "
spaced 6 m centre to centre, carrying loads of
(c) A load of 3000 kN is being taken by square column a llOOkN and 700kN, respectively. The projection
footing of3 m side. The footing rests on silty soil which beyond the centre line of the column should not
has a value of Poisson's ratio 03. To fmd out the exceed 05m. TakeS. B.C. of soil as 150kN/m2 and
modulus of elasticity of the soil, the soil sample was size of column as 500 mm x 500 mm. 12
stressed to 300kN/m2 and 06 %strain was noted. Find
( b ) Describe briefly the steps involved in design of
out the settlement at centre and edge of the footing,
footings. 8
if the influence factors were 112 and 056,
respectively. 7
8. A retaining wall of 6 m high, with its back at an angle of
6. (a ) Differentiate between general shear and local shear 7 5 with the horizontal, retains soil with the following
failures. 3 properties :
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
The backfill surface is sloping at an angle of 10 to the (ix) What are the sources to cause settlement?
hori..zontaL Determine the total active thrust by Culmann's
(x) One sampler has an area ratio of 8% while another
procedure. 20
has 16%. Which of these samplers do you prefer and
GroupC why?
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c) Calculate net ultimate bearing capacity of a square ( i) A sand sample has void ratio 08 and specific gravity
footing 2 m x 2m located in clay deposit at 1 m depth. of 27. Find its dry unit weight.
Cohesion of clay is 50kN/m , average censity is
(ii) Define effective size and coefficient of curvature.
16kN/m . Take Nc = 57. What will be changes in
net ultimate bearing capacity if depth is increased (iii) State Darcy's law.
to 2m. 6
(iv) Time required for 50% consolidation of a clay layer
7. (a ) Proportion a combinf'd footing for two columns with single drainage condition is four month. How
spaced 6 m centre to centre, carrying loads of much time is required for 50% consolidation of same
1100 kN and 700 k..."', respectively. The projection clay layer with double drainage condition.
beyond centre line of column should not exceed
05 m. Take SBC of soil as 150kN/m2 and size of ( v) State two methods of caiculating coefficient of
column as 500 mm x 500 mm . 12 consolidation from test data.
W'()7 4 AN CV 404 ( 1430) ( 4 ) ( Continued) W'07 4 AN: CV 404 11430) ( 5 ) (Tum Over\
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
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W'08: 4AN: CV 404 ( 1430)
Group A
(1 +e)
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
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S'09 : 4AN: CV404 (1430)
Group A
(Turn Over)
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Percentage of passing 75 J.l. sieve = 10
31 m clay W==.3478, G == 274
D 10 , = 023 mm
D 30 = 030 mm ~ROCK~
D 60 = 041 mm Fig. 1
(b) Describe the structure of montmorillonite with a (i) Calculate the average effective stress on clay layer. 5
neat dimensioned sketch. 6
(ii) Determine the compression index, C c . 5
(c) Derive an expression for capillary rise and thereby (iii) If the average effective stress on clay layer is
obtain the expression for maximum capillary rise. 8 increased to 115 kN/m2 , what would be the total
consolidation settlement ? 5
3. (a) A sand deposit contains three distinct horizontal
layers of equal thickness. The coefficient of (iv) Given Cv= 56 mm2/min, how long will it take to
permeability of upper and lower layer is reach 50 % consolidation settlement ? 5
1o- 3 em/sec and that of the middle is 1o- 2 em/sec.
What are the values of horizontal and vertical Group B
coefficient of permeability of three layers ? 6
5. (a) Describe advantages and limitations of direct shear
(b) Derive an expression for determination ofvertical test. 6
pressure under a uniformly loaded strip footing. 6
(b) Derive expression for the critical height of an
(c) Derive the relation q = k h ( N/Nd) for a given unsupported vertical cut in cohesive soil.
8 6
flow net.
(c) A normally consolidated clay was consolidated
4. The clay is normally consolidated (Fig. 1). A laboratory under a stress of 150 kPa, then sheared under
consolidation test on clay gave the following result : undrained axial compression. The deviatoric stress
at failure was I 00 kPa. The induced pore pressure
S'09: 4AN: CV404 (1430) ( 2 ) ( Continued )
S'09 : 4AN . C'! -t04 ( 1430) ( 3 ) (Turn Over)
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Group A
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Weight of dry soil after overdrying = 51 12 g (b) A clay layer has a thickness of 5 m and is subjected
Specific gravity of soil grains = 270 to a pressure of 60 kN/m 2 . If the layer has a double
Determine {i } dry density, (ii ) void ratio,
drainage and undergoes 50% consolidation in one
(iii} degree of saturation, (iv} water content at full
year, determine roefficient of consolidation, taking
saturation. 8
Tv =o 0 197. Also, if the coefficient of permeability
(c) Define ( i) flow index ( ii) density index, is 0 025 m/year, determine the settlement in one year
(iii) sensitivity, and ( iv) activity. 2 x4 and rate of flow of water per unit area in one year. 10
2. (a) Compute the total, effective and pore pressure at a (c) State the assumptions made in the derivation of basic
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(b) State assumptions made in Terzaghi's theory of (c) A retaining wall, 4 m high, has a smooth vertical back.
bearing capacity. 4 The backfill has a horizontal surface in level with the
top of the wall. There is an uniformly distributed
( c ) A plate load test was conducted on a uniform deposit
surcharge load of 36 kN/m 2 acts over the backfill.
of sand and following data were obtained :
The unit weight of the backfill is 18 kN/m 3 and
= 30. The soil is dry and cohesionless. Determine
Pressure, kN/mz 50 100 200 300 400 500 600
magnitude and point of application of resultant earth
pressure per metre length of the wall. 8
Settlement, mm 15 20 40 75 125 200 400
7. (a) State the assumptions made in Rankine's theory. 4
The size of plate was 7 50 mm x 7 50 mm and that of
{b) Draw contact .pressure distribution diagram for
pit 375mmx 375m.x lSOm.
{i) rigid footing rested over clay, ( ii) rigid footing
rested over sand, {iii) flexible footing rested over
(i) Plot pressure settlement curve and determine
clay, and (iv) flexible footing rested over sand. 6
failure stress ; 5
{c ) List out various ground improvement methods and
(ii) A square footing 2m x 2m is to be founded at describe any two methods in detail. 10
150 rn depth in this soil. Assuming the factor of
safety against shear failure as 3 an~ the maximum 8.. {a) Describe the factors affecting bearing capacity of soil. 5
permissible settlement as 40 mm, determine the
( b ) Discuss the methods to reduce the settlements in
allowable bearing pressure. 5 buildings. 6
6. (a) A circular footing is resting on a stiff saturated clay (c) Write a detailed note on different types of foundation
2 and their uses. 9
with unconfined compressive strength of 250 kN /rn .
( b ) ,Discuss various remedial measures against harmful ( i) If void ratio of a soil is 06 8 , estimate its porosity.
settlements. 4
( ii} What is meant by effective stress ?
S'IO: 4AN: CV 404 (1430) ( 4 ) (Continued) S'IO: 4AN: CV 404 ( 1430) ( 5 ) (Tum Over)
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Group A
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c) A sample of sand above water-table was found to ( c ) A horizontal stratified soil deposit consists of three
have a natural moisture content of 15% and a unit layers, each uniform in itself. The permeabilities of
weight of 1884 kN/m 3 . Laboratory tests on a the layers are 8 x 10-4 cm/sec, 50 x 10-4 cm/sec and
dried sample indicated values of 05 and 085 for 15 x 10-4 cm/sec, and their thicknesses are 6m, 3m,
minimum and maxinlUm values of void ratios, and 12m, respectively. Find the effective average
respectively for densiest and loosest states. Calculate permeability of the deposit in horizontal and vertical
the degree of saturation and relative density. Assume directions. 8
0=265. 8 4 (a ) Defme total, effective and pore water pressure in soil. 4
2. (a) Explain the phenomenon of quick sand condition. 5 (b) A layer of s_aturated clay, 5 m thick., is overlain by
sand 4 m deep. The water is 3 m below the top surface.
(b) Determine the value of critical hydraulic gradient for The sat.urated unit weights of clay and sand are
loose deposits of sand having void ratio of 067 and 18kN/m3 arid 20kN/m3, respectively. Above the
specific gravity of 267. 5 water-table, the unit weight of sand is 17kN/m3
Calculate the effective pressure8 on a horizontal plane
(c) Define consolidation and swelling of soil mass. at a depth of 9 m below the surface. What_ will
Mention the importance of consolidation. Enumerate be the increase in t.he effective pressure at 9 m, if the
the factors affecting it. 10 soil gets saturated by capillary up to he~ght of 1 m
above the water and Yw =981 kN/m 3 . 8
3. (a ) What is the significance of pore water pressure in the.
triaxial shear test? 4
( c j A soii stratum is 10 m thick with previous stratum
(b) A cohesive soil specimen was tested under triaxial on top and bottom. Determine the time required
for 50% c.:onsolidation. GIVen that coefficient
compression with a cell pressure ofps. Failure of the
specimen occurred under a total pressure of 35 N1em 2
of permeability = Jo-7 cnl/sec; coefficient of
c.:ompress1on = 00003 cm / gm ; void ratio = 2 ; and
with the same soil, direct shear test was also done.
time factor =019'7. 8
Shearing forces at failure were 450 Nand 325 N under
normal loads of IOOON and SOON, respectively. The GroupB
sectional area of the shear box was 36 cm 2 Find the
5. ( il ) How do you represent the results ot.'tained from site
cell pressure, Ps, at failure. 8
l!xamination. in situ testing and laboratory test of a
sub-soil in ground investigations? 4
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(b) What is N- value of standard penetration te::;t? 8. (a) A counterfort retaining wall of lOrn height retains
Discuss briefly various corrections to be applied w non-cohesive backfill. The void ratio and angle of
the observed N -value. 4 internal friction of the backfill, respectively are 070
and 30 in the loose state and 0-40 and 40'' in the
(c) A square footing is required to carry a nl!t load of dense state. Calculate and compare active and passive
1200kN. Determine the size of the footing, if the earth pressures in both states. Take specific gravity
depth of foundation is 2m and tolerable ~ettlement of soil grain as 27. Give your comments on the
is 40 mm. The soil is sandy with N = 12; water-table result. 10
is very deep. Use Teng's equation. 10
(b) Explain briefly how total foundation settlement can
( d) State the limitations of plate load test. 2 be estimated by stress path method. 6
6. (a) Discuss Terzaghi's equation for bearing capacity of (c) Explain the engineering significance of pre-consoli-
footing. List the factors on which ultimate bearing dation pressure. 4
capacity depends in case of cohesive and
non-cohesive soils. 6+4 Groupe
( b ) Determine the allowable gross load and the net 9. Answer the following in brief : 10x2
allowable load for a square footing of 2m side and
with a depth of foundation of 1m. Use Terzaghi's ( i) What are vertical drains '?
theory and assume local shear failure. Take a factor ( ii) A test plate 30 em x 30 em resting on a sand deposit
of safety of 3. The soil at the site has Y = 18 kN /m 3 , settles by 10 mm under a certain loading intensity.
C' = 15kN/m and~~ =25 Nc' = 148, N,/ =56
2 What is settlement for a 150 em x 200 em resting on
and Ny' = 32. 10
7. (a) What are the a~sumptions in Coulomb's theory'? (iii) Differentiate between compression, compaction and
Compare Rankine's theory and Coulomb's consolidation.
theory. 4+6 ( iv) A vertical wall, 6 m high above the water, retains a
20" soil slope, the retained soil has a unit weight of
f h) What is the necessity of ground improvement
techniques ? List different methods fc.r ground 18 kN I m'l , the appropriate shear strength parameters
improvement used for cohesionless soil. Explain the are C = 0, ~ = 40. What is coefficient of active earth
functioning of stone columns. 3+2+5 pressure?
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Group A
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
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AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Groupe ( c) Permeability
(d) All of the above.
9. Choose the correct answer for the. following : 10x2
( vi) The seepage pressure is proportional to
( i) Bulking of sands is usually ( a_ ) hydraulic gradient.
(a) less than 10%. ( b ) unit weight of water .
( b ) between 20% and 30% . ( c ) lengt_h of specimen.
(c) between 10% and 20%. (d) All of the above.
(d) greater than 40%.
( vii) If the entire semi-infinite soil mass is loaded with
( ii) The maximum size of particles of t:hy is a load intensity of q at the surface, the vertical stress
(a) 75 1-l at any depth is equal to
(b) 40!-l (a) q
(c) 2._., (b) 05 q
(d) 0-2 .... (c) zero
(d) infinity
(iii) A soil has the liquid limit of 30. The corresponding
plasticity index given by the A-line is
( viii) For an undisturbed sample, the area ratio of samples
(a) 73 should be
(b) 75 (a) 10%orless.
(c) 90 (b) 10%to20%.
(d) 95 ( c ) more than 20% .
. (iv) The critical gradient of a soil increases with (d) None of the above .
{a ) iqcrease in void ratio.
5'11: 4AN: CV 404 (1430) ( 5 ) (Tum Over)
5'11: 4AN: CV 404 (1430) ( 4 ) (Continued)
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AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, IInd FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929 Web:
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W'll:4AN: CV404(1430)
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
(c) The porosity of a soil sample is 35% and the specific
gravity of its particles is 2.7. Calculate its void ratio, 4. (a) Define overconsolidation pressure and write any two
dry unit weight, saturated unit weight and submerged examples. Discuss how the overconsolidation pressure
unit weight. Also, calculate the bulk unit weight of soil, . is estimated using Casagrande's gtaphical method. 6
if its degree of saturation is 50%. 8
(b) An earth dam of 60 m wide is built on an impervious
2. (a) How is the coefficient of consolidation of soil foundation with a hcrizontal filter at the base near the
toe. The permeability of the soil in the horizontal and
estimated ? Explain any one method. Discuss the use
vertical directions is 4 x 10-2 mm/s and 1 x t0- 2 mm/s,
of coefficient of consolidation in soil engineering. 8
respectively. The full reservoir level is 30m above the
(b) A sample in a variable head permeameter is 80 mm in filter. A flow net, constructed for the transformed
diameter and 100 mm high. The permeability of the section of the dam, consists of four flow channels and
sample estimated to be 10 x 1o- 3 mmJs, if it is desired 16 head drops. Estimate the seepage loss for the entire
that the head in the stand pipe should fall from 240 mm length of dam. 8
to 120 mm in 180 sec. Determine the size of the stand (c) Discuss critically the 'stress strain behavior of sands'
pipe which should be used. 6 and 'critical void ratio'. 6
(c) Write a note on 'effective stress' and 'quick sand
Group B
condition'. 6
5. (a) What are the various steps considered in the planning
3. (a) What are the various parameters that affect the of sub-surface exploration programme ? Describe
permeability of soil in the field ? Discuss critically. 8 the Standard Penetration Test and write its use in
foundation design. 8
(b) There is a bed of compressible clay of 4 m thickness
with pervious sand on top and impervious rock at the (b) What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular
bottom. Consolidation test conducted on an undisturbed footing of 1 m diameter resting on the surface of a
specimen of clay of 20 mm thick obtained from the saturated clay of unconfined compression strength of
same deposit showed that 90% settlement has reached 100 kN/m2 ? What is the safe bearing capacity, if the
in 4 hr. Estimate the time (in year) for the building factor of safety is 3 ? 6
founded over this deposit-to reach 90% of its final
(c) What do you mean by 'floating foundation'? Discuss
settlement. 6 its concept. 6
(c) A cylindrical specimen of a saturated soil fails
6. (a) A retaining wall, 75 m high, retains a cohesion]ess
under an axial stress of 150 kPa in an unconfined
backfill. The top 3 m of the fill has a unit weight of
compression test. The failure plane makes an angle of
18 kN/m 3 and cp = 30D and the rest has unit weight of
52 with the horizontal. Calculate the cohesion and 24 kN/m3 and ell =20. Draw the active earth pressure
angle of internal friction of the soil. 6 distribution diagram. Also, find the total active earth
thrust and its location from the bottom of the wall. 8
I "' I
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
Group A
1. (a) A soil sample is partially saturated. Its natural water
content is found to be 22% and bulk density 2 glee. If
the specific gravity of solids be 265, find the degree
of saturation and void ratio. If the soil is saturated,
what will be its saturated unit weight ? 8
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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee
.(c) A sand deposit 8 m thickoverliesa clay stratum which water content is I 4%. On increase of the consolidation
extends for a large depth. The clay has a void ratio of pressure to 160 kPa, the specimen thickness decreases
06 and specific gravity of solids of27. The water- by 128 mm. Determine the compression index of the
table is at a depth of 4 m from the ground surface. soil. Take specific gravity of solids as 27. State the
The submerged sand has a saturated unit weight of assumption involved in solving this problem. 8
19 kN/m 3 and the moist sand above the water-table (b) Explain Casagrande's method of obtaining the
has a unit weight of 17 kN/m 3 Calculate the total, preconsolidation pressure from the results of
effective and pore water pressure at a depth of 8 m consolidation test. 6
from the surface of the clay layer. 7
(c) State the assumptions made in Terzaghi's one-dimensional
2. (a) A constant head permeability test was carried out on a consolidation theory. 6
sandy soil sample of160 mm in length and 6000 mm2 in
cross-sectional area. The sample had a porosity of 40%. 4. (a) Two identical specimens ofa soil were tested in a triaxial
Under a constant head of 300 mm, the discharge apparatus. First specimen failed at a deviator stress of
was found to be 45 x 103 mm 3 in 18 s. Calculate the 770 kPa when the cell pressure was 200 kPa, while
coefficient of permeability. Also, evaluate the discharge the second specimen failed at a deviator stress of
- velocity and seepage velocity during the test. Estimate 1370 kPa under a cell pressure of 400 kPa. Determine
the coefficient of permeability of another sample of the shear strength parameters. Also, find the deviator
the same soil but with a porosity of 30%. 9 stress at failure when the cell pressure was 600 kPa.
If the same soil is tested in a direct shear apparatus,
(b) In a stratified soil strata of two layers are having
estimate the shear stress at which the sample will fail
permeability k1 and k2 with equal thickness H. If the
ratio of equivalent permeability in horizontal direction under a normal stress of 600 kPa. 8
to that in vertical direction is unity, find the ratio of k/~. 8 (b) An unconfined compression test was conducted on a
(c) It is proposed to found a square footing at a depth saturated clay specimen, 40 mm in diameter and
of 15 m above a weak soil layer. Bearing capacity 80 mm in length. The specimen failed under an axial
analysis indicates that the average stress on the weak load of 400 N when the axial defonnation was 7 mm.
layer must not exceed 50 kPa. What is the size of Find the UCC strength of the soil. When triaxial
footing to be used to support a 500 kN load from a compression test was carried out on a specimen of the
column to meet the above requirement ? Use 2: I same soil at a cell pressure of 100 kPa, the ~pie
dispersion method. 3 failed at a deviator stress of 390 kPa. Determine the
shear strength parameters of the soil. 8
3. (a) The thickness of a saturated specimen of clay under
consolidation pressure ofS 0 kPa is 22 12 mm and its (c) Discuss the limitations of direct shear test. 4
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