Anjana Vidya Kendra High School: Indicators Yes/No

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Indicators Yes/No
1 The school has regular health check-ups as prescribed by the Department of Education (DoE). M
2 Individual Child Health Card/File is maintained and updated periodically. M
3 School maintains medical records of students with special health problems/needs. M
4 Parents communicate their childs health issues to the school authority. R
The special records like blood groups, allergies and important medication that need to be
5 M
administered frequently are updated with parental support.
6 There is a full time in-house doctor or nurse available (where the school strength exceeds ..?) R
7 There is a doctor-on-call for emergency within two kilometres of the school. M
8 The school has tied up with a local hospital within two kilometres of the school. M
9 The medical room is equipped to handle medical emergencies. R
10 There is a first - aid box available in the school. (More boxes depending on the strength) M
11 The First -Aid protocols for common injuries is displayed at prominent places in school. M
Contact numbers of Doctor, Hospital, Ambulance, including private service, for emergency
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medical care are displayed in a prominent location.
Teachers and key staff are trained in first aid and CPR. They have basic training in counselling,
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identification of disabilities, learning difficulties etc.
Health Education to students on health issues including balanced diet, nutritious alternatives
14 M
to junk food, regular eating habits, personal hygiene etc are provided.
15 There is a dietician/meal planner for mid day meals M
There is a separate kitchen with store facility for the mid day meal program. Kitchen is kept
16 clean, hygienic, rodent and pest free. All food products are kept covered and stored M
Gas stoves with ISI mark, are kept in a safe place, maintained and checked regularly. Children
17 M
are not allowed to use the gas stove.
18 The teachers are present when students have their meals and will observe their eating habits M
19 The staff actively supervise the students, both inside and outside the classroom. M
All drains, sumps, bore-wells, overhead tanks within the school or in the vicinity of the school
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are covered properly.
Over head tanks, sumps and other water storage facilities such as Sintex tanks are regularly
21 M
cleaned and maintained.
School has compound wall/fencing and the entire premises be well lit with all time supply of
22 R
electricity .
23 The school premise and class rooms are well ventilated, with sufficient doors and windows. M
Walls, floors, roofs and staircase are in good condition with no broken patches that may
24 M
harm children.
The windows have proper grills and parapet walls, balconies have railings of suitable height.
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There are no rusted or broken pieces that may injure a child.
Class rooms are not used for any other purpose such as storing construction materials, and
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school premises not used for anti-social or anti-school activities.
All electrical wiring is concealed or insulated and switch boxes are properly maintained and
27 M
placed beyond the reach of children. Electrical appliances are regularly checked and mantnd.
28 Benches, desks (be they wood, mould/plastic, metal) have round edges and are not broken M
There is proper facility for safe drinking water with adequate number of water taps. There is
29 M
no water logging in the area. Water is tested periodically for potability and standards mntand
30 All vigilance and monitoring mechanisms in the school infrastructures to be installed . M
The computer room, laboratory, auditorium, assembly hall, gymnasium and other rooms
31 used by children are adequately ventilated and well lit, have safe fixtures and any hazardous M
material is stored and locked out of reach of children.
The laboratories are safe and spacious enough for hazard free Learning. Any hazardous
32 M
material is stored and locked out of reach of children.
Secluded corners, corridors and staircases are kept under watch by staff members during
33 M
break time and at the time of assembly and dispersal.
The Transformer, Generator are placed in safe areas, well maintained and kept under lock.
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Regular maintenance taken up.
Separate toilets for boys and girls maintaining privacy are to be hygienic and, all
35 M
disinfectants and cleaning materials , are kept away from the reach of the children.
The school has a proper sewerage, drainage and garbage disposal arrangement. All areas to
36 be marked as SAFE /UNSAFE with signage for example fire ways /balcony, open M
drains/parapet walls.
School facilities like classrooms, play areas, toilets, are accessible by wheelchair. There are
37 ramps and wheel-chairs for differently abled students/teachers and school environment is M
disable friendly.
38 Teachers and Students educated to be sensitive to fellow students who are differently abled. M
For safety reasons students who are differently abled are accompanied only by a Teacher or
39 M
attendant when using toilets.
The elevators are maintained in good condition with fitness certificate from appropriate
40 M
authorities, and exit ways and main gates are kept in good condition.
All class rooms, laboratories, toilets, library, staff room, kitchen, sports room, auditorium and
41 M
other places are checked daily by school personnel before they are locked for the day.
The PT Teachers are sensitive and involve students in sports according to their physical
42 M
capabilities and health related issues.
43 The Sports Room is well ventilated and well equipped M
44 Children are supervised during sports and specifically during use of sports and play eqpment. M
No Physical Instructor and other coaches on contract are allowed to provide coaching to any
45 girl or boy alone in the Sports room during or after school hours or on holidays without M
permission of the school authority& parents/guardian.
The school playgrounds, swings, rides, sports- equipment etc. are safe and maintained
46 M
regularly. All safety instruction near play equipment to be displayed.
The school bus is maintained in good condition and has passed the safety test. There is a
471 teacher or an attendant, (preferable female attendant when girls are on board) on board M
accompanying the children in school bus.
When private buses/vans are used by students, school asks the parents/guardians to ensure
48 that the driver has a valid license and conforms to safety norms such as condition of the M
vehicle, number of children permitted etc. ON SCHOOL DUTY to displayed on front&back
The school buses are equipped with First Aid boxes, fire extinguisher, emergency exit,
49 Specified quality speed governor and drinking water .The safety instructions to be displayed M
inside the bus .Name of the school and telephone number to written .Reliable locking system
School coordinates with State Transport Authorities and private operators to ensure buses stop
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for picking up and dropping children at the designated bus-stops.
There is a responsible person/security to oversee the movement of vehicles in front of the
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school, including those coming to drop/pick up children, to avoid accidents.
There are speed breakers on the road, on either side of the school at the required distance to
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ensure safety of children, with appropriate traffic signs.
53 The parents are connected with messaging system or mobile phone networking. R
During family emergency or other emergencies such as unexpected bandh, no child is
54 allowed to leave school unless parents/guardian come in person to take the child or letter of M
authorisation is given by the parent or guardian.
The access to school building by outsiders/visitors is controlled and monitored, and visitors
55 M
register maintained very strictly and diligently by the security personnel /admin.
School maintains updated list of contacts of parents/guardians, change of address and
56 emergency contact numbers for every student of the school. Periodic circulars to be sent to M
parents on the same.
School has separate child safety Notice Board displaying updated contact numbers of the CWC,
50 SJPU, DCPO, Childline and the School designated Child Protection Officer and police control M

47 49: The Guidelines issued by the Supreme Court with regard to carriages transporting school children. Please refer annexure 1, and the Notification by
Transportation Department of Karnataka, 23rd August 2013, Annexure 2 and Rules notified on 18/01/2013, Annexure 3, shall also be followed.

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